diff --git a/swh/storage/sql/40-swh-func.sql b/swh/storage/sql/40-swh-func.sql index eb496912..2d189c9e 100644 --- a/swh/storage/sql/40-swh-func.sql +++ b/swh/storage/sql/40-swh-func.sql @@ -1,1119 +1,1119 @@ create or replace function hash_sha1(text) returns text as $$ select encode(digest($1, 'sha1'), 'hex') $$ language sql strict immutable; comment on function hash_sha1(text) is 'Compute SHA1 hash as text'; -- create a temporary table called tmp_TBLNAME, mimicking existing table -- TBLNAME -- -- Args: -- tblname: name of the table to mimick create or replace function swh_mktemp(tblname regclass) returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin execute format(' create temporary table tmp_%1$I (like %1$I including defaults) on commit drop; alter table tmp_%1$I drop column if exists object_id; ', tblname); return; end $$; -- create a temporary table for directory entries called tmp_TBLNAME, -- mimicking existing table TBLNAME with an extra dir_id (sha1_git) -- column, and dropping the id column. -- -- This is used to create the tmp_directory_entry_ tables. -- -- Args: -- tblname: name of the table to mimick create or replace function swh_mktemp_dir_entry(tblname regclass) returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin execute format(' create temporary table tmp_%1$I (like %1$I including defaults, dir_id sha1_git) on commit drop; alter table tmp_%1$I drop column id; ', tblname); return; end $$; -- create a temporary table for revisions called tmp_revisions, -- mimicking existing table revision, replacing the foreign keys to -- people with an email and name field -- create or replace function swh_mktemp_revision() returns void language sql as $$ create temporary table tmp_revision ( like revision including defaults, author_fullname bytea, author_name bytea, author_email bytea, committer_fullname bytea, committer_name bytea, committer_email bytea ) on commit drop; alter table tmp_revision drop column author; alter table tmp_revision drop column committer; alter table tmp_revision drop column object_id; $$; -- create a temporary table for releases called tmp_release, -- mimicking existing table release, replacing the foreign keys to -- people with an email and name field -- create or replace function swh_mktemp_release() returns void language sql as $$ create temporary table tmp_release ( like release including defaults, author_fullname bytea, author_name bytea, author_email bytea ) on commit drop; alter table tmp_release drop column author; alter table tmp_release drop column object_id; $$; -- create a temporary table for the branches of a snapshot create or replace function swh_mktemp_snapshot_branch() returns void language sql as $$ create temporary table tmp_snapshot_branch ( name bytea not null, target bytea, target_type snapshot_target ) on commit drop; $$; create or replace function swh_mktemp_tool() returns void language sql as $$ create temporary table tmp_tool ( like tool including defaults ) on commit drop; alter table tmp_tool drop column id; $$; -- a content signature is a set of cryptographic checksums that we use to -- uniquely identify content, for the purpose of verifying if we already have -- some content or not during content injection create type content_signature as ( sha1 sha1, sha1_git sha1_git, sha256 sha256, blake2s256 blake2s256 ); -- check which entries of tmp_skipped_content are missing from skipped_content -- -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(skipped_content), 1. COPY to tmp_skipped_content, -- 2. call this function create or replace function swh_skipped_content_missing() returns setof content_signature language plpgsql as $$ begin return query select sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256 from tmp_skipped_content t where not exists (select 1 from skipped_content s where s.sha1 is not distinct from t.sha1 and s.sha1_git is not distinct from t.sha1_git and s.sha256 is not distinct from t.sha256); return; end $$; -- Look up content based on one or several different checksums. Return all -- content information if the content is found; a NULL row otherwise. -- -- At least one checksum should be not NULL. If several are not NULL, they will -- be AND-ed together in the lookup query. -- -- Note: this function is meant to be used to look up individual contents -- (e.g., for the web app), for batch lookup of missing content (e.g., to be -- added) see swh_content_missing create or replace function swh_content_find( sha1 sha1 default NULL, sha1_git sha1_git default NULL, sha256 sha256 default NULL, blake2s256 blake2s256 default NULL ) returns content language plpgsql as $$ declare con content; filters text[] := array[] :: text[]; -- AND-clauses used to filter content q text; begin if sha1 is not null then filters := filters || format('sha1 = %L', sha1); end if; if sha1_git is not null then filters := filters || format('sha1_git = %L', sha1_git); end if; if sha256 is not null then filters := filters || format('sha256 = %L', sha256); end if; if blake2s256 is not null then filters := filters || format('blake2s256 = %L', blake2s256); end if; if cardinality(filters) = 0 then return null; else q = format('select * from content where %s', array_to_string(filters, ' and ')); execute q into con; return con; end if; end $$; -- add tmp_content entries to content, skipping duplicates -- -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content), 1. COPY to tmp_content, -- 2. call this function create or replace function swh_content_add() returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin insert into content (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status, ctime) select distinct sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status, ctime from tmp_content; return; end $$; -- add tmp_skipped_content entries to skipped_content, skipping duplicates -- -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(skipped_content), 1. COPY to tmp_skipped_content, -- 2. call this function create or replace function swh_skipped_content_add() returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin insert into skipped_content (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status, reason, origin) select distinct sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status, reason, origin from tmp_skipped_content where (coalesce(sha1, ''), coalesce(sha1_git, ''), coalesce(sha256, '')) in ( select coalesce(sha1, ''), coalesce(sha1_git, ''), coalesce(sha256, '') from swh_skipped_content_missing() ); -- TODO XXX use postgres 9.5 "UPSERT" support here, when available. -- Specifically, using "INSERT .. ON CONFLICT IGNORE" we can avoid -- the extra swh_content_missing() query here. return; end $$; -- Update content entries from temporary table. -- (columns are potential new columns added to the schema, this cannot be empty) -- create or replace function swh_content_update(columns_update text[]) returns void language plpgsql as $$ declare query text; tmp_array text[]; begin if array_length(columns_update, 1) = 0 then raise exception 'Please, provide the list of column names to update.'; end if; tmp_array := array(select format('%1$s=t.%1$s', unnest) from unnest(columns_update)); query = format('update content set %s from tmp_content t where t.sha1 = content.sha1', array_to_string(tmp_array, ', ')); execute query; return; end $$; comment on function swh_content_update(text[]) IS 'Update existing content''s columns'; -- check which entries of tmp_directory are missing from directory -- -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(directory), 1. COPY to tmp_directory, -- 2. call this function create or replace function swh_directory_missing() returns setof sha1_git language plpgsql as $$ begin return query select id from tmp_directory t where not exists ( select 1 from directory d where d.id = t.id); return; end $$; create type directory_entry_type as enum('file', 'dir', 'rev'); -- Add tmp_directory_entry_* entries to directory_entry_* and directory, -- skipping duplicates in directory_entry_*. This is a generic function that -- works on all kind of directory entries. -- -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp_dir_entry('directory_entry_*'), 1 COPY to -- tmp_directory_entry_*, 2. call this function -- -- Assumption: this function is used in the same transaction that inserts the -- context directory in table "directory". create or replace function swh_directory_entry_add(typ directory_entry_type) returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin execute format(' insert into directory_entry_%1$s (target, name, perms) select distinct t.target, t.name, t.perms from tmp_directory_entry_%1$s t where not exists ( select 1 from directory_entry_%1$s i where t.target = i.target and t.name = i.name and t.perms = i.perms) ', typ); execute format(' with new_entries as ( select t.dir_id, array_agg(i.id) as entries from tmp_directory_entry_%1$s t inner join directory_entry_%1$s i using (target, name, perms) group by t.dir_id ) update tmp_directory as d set %1$s_entries = new_entries.entries from new_entries where d.id = new_entries.dir_id ', typ); return; end $$; -- Insert the data from tmp_directory, tmp_directory_entry_file, -- tmp_directory_entry_dir, tmp_directory_entry_rev into their final -- tables. -- -- Prerequisites: -- directory ids in tmp_directory -- entries in tmp_directory_entry_{file,dir,rev} -- create or replace function swh_directory_add() returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin perform swh_directory_entry_add('file'); perform swh_directory_entry_add('dir'); perform swh_directory_entry_add('rev'); insert into directory select * from tmp_directory t where not exists ( select 1 from directory d where d.id = t.id); return; end $$; -- a directory listing entry with all the metadata -- -- can be used to list a directory, and retrieve all the data in one go. create type directory_entry as ( dir_id sha1_git, -- id of the parent directory type directory_entry_type, -- type of entry target sha1_git, -- id of target name unix_path, -- path name, relative to containing dir perms file_perms, -- unix-like permissions status content_status, -- visible or absent sha1 sha1, -- content if sha1 if type is not dir sha1_git sha1_git, -- content's sha1 git if type is not dir sha256 sha256, -- content's sha256 if type is not dir length bigint -- content length if type is not dir ); -- List a single level of directory walked_dir_id -- FIXME: order by name is not correct. For git, we need to order by -- lexicographic order but as if a trailing / is present in directory -- name create or replace function swh_directory_walk_one(walked_dir_id sha1_git) returns setof directory_entry language sql stable as $$ with dir as ( select id as dir_id, dir_entries, file_entries, rev_entries from directory where id = walked_dir_id), ls_d as (select dir_id, unnest(dir_entries) as entry_id from dir), ls_f as (select dir_id, unnest(file_entries) as entry_id from dir), ls_r as (select dir_id, unnest(rev_entries) as entry_id from dir) (select dir_id, 'dir'::directory_entry_type as type, e.target, e.name, e.perms, NULL::content_status, NULL::sha1, NULL::sha1_git, NULL::sha256, NULL::bigint from ls_d left join directory_entry_dir e on ls_d.entry_id = e.id) union (select dir_id, 'file'::directory_entry_type as type, e.target, e.name, e.perms, c.status, c.sha1, c.sha1_git, c.sha256, c.length from ls_f left join directory_entry_file e on ls_f.entry_id = e.id left join content c on e.target = c.sha1_git) union (select dir_id, 'rev'::directory_entry_type as type, e.target, e.name, e.perms, NULL::content_status, NULL::sha1, NULL::sha1_git, NULL::sha256, NULL::bigint from ls_r left join directory_entry_rev e on ls_r.entry_id = e.id) order by name; $$; -- List recursively the revision directory arborescence create or replace function swh_directory_walk(walked_dir_id sha1_git) returns setof directory_entry language sql stable as $$ with recursive entries as ( select dir_id, type, target, name, perms, status, sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length from swh_directory_walk_one(walked_dir_id) union all select dir_id, type, target, (dirname || '/' || name)::unix_path as name, perms, status, sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length from (select (swh_directory_walk_one(dirs.target)).*, dirs.name as dirname from (select target, name from entries where type = 'dir') as dirs) as with_parent ) select dir_id, type, target, name, perms, status, sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length from entries $$; create or replace function swh_revision_walk(revision_id sha1_git) returns setof directory_entry language sql stable as $$ select dir_id, type, target, name, perms, status, sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length from swh_directory_walk((select directory from revision where id=revision_id)) $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION swh_revision_walk(sha1_git) IS 'Recursively list the revision targeted directory arborescence'; -- Find a directory entry by its path create or replace function swh_find_directory_entry_by_path( walked_dir_id sha1_git, dir_or_content_path bytea[]) returns directory_entry language plpgsql as $$ declare end_index integer; paths bytea default ''; path bytea; res bytea[]; r record; begin end_index := array_upper(dir_or_content_path, 1); res[1] := walked_dir_id; for i in 1..end_index loop path := dir_or_content_path[i]; -- concatenate path for patching the name in the result record (if we found it) if i = 1 then paths = path; else paths := paths || '/' || path; -- concatenate paths end if; if i <> end_index then select * from swh_directory_walk_one(res[i] :: sha1_git) where name=path and type = 'dir' limit 1 into r; else select * from swh_directory_walk_one(res[i] :: sha1_git) where name=path limit 1 into r; end if; -- find the path if r is null then return null; else -- store the next dir to lookup the next local path from res[i+1] := r.target; end if; end loop; -- at this moment, r is the result. Patch its 'name' with the full path before returning it. r.name := paths; return r; end $$; -- List all revision IDs starting from a given revision, going back in time -- -- TODO ordering: should be breadth-first right now (what do we want?) -- TODO ordering: ORDER BY parent_rank somewhere? create or replace function swh_revision_list(root_revisions bytea[], num_revs bigint default NULL) returns table (id sha1_git, parents bytea[]) language sql stable as $$ with recursive full_rev_list(id) as ( (select id from revision where id = ANY(root_revisions)) union (select h.parent_id from revision_history as h join full_rev_list on h.id = full_rev_list.id) ), rev_list as (select id from full_rev_list limit num_revs) select rev_list.id as id, array(select rh.parent_id::bytea from revision_history rh where rh.id = rev_list.id order by rh.parent_rank ) as parent from rev_list; $$; -- List all the children of a given revision create or replace function swh_revision_list_children(root_revisions bytea[], num_revs bigint default NULL) returns table (id sha1_git, parents bytea[]) language sql stable as $$ with recursive full_rev_list(id) as ( (select id from revision where id = ANY(root_revisions)) union (select h.id from revision_history as h join full_rev_list on h.parent_id = full_rev_list.id) ), rev_list as (select id from full_rev_list limit num_revs) select rev_list.id as id, array(select rh.parent_id::bytea from revision_history rh where rh.id = rev_list.id order by rh.parent_rank ) as parent from rev_list; $$; -- Detailed entry for a revision create type revision_entry as ( id sha1_git, date timestamptz, date_offset smallint, date_neg_utc_offset boolean, committer_date timestamptz, committer_date_offset smallint, committer_date_neg_utc_offset boolean, type revision_type, directory sha1_git, message bytea, author_id bigint, author_fullname bytea, author_name bytea, author_email bytea, committer_id bigint, committer_fullname bytea, committer_name bytea, committer_email bytea, metadata jsonb, synthetic boolean, parents bytea[], object_id bigint ); -- "git style" revision log. Similar to swh_revision_list(), but returning all -- information associated to each revision, and expanding authors/committers create or replace function swh_revision_log(root_revisions bytea[], num_revs bigint default NULL) returns setof revision_entry language sql stable as $$ select t.id, r.date, r.date_offset, r.date_neg_utc_offset, r.committer_date, r.committer_date_offset, r.committer_date_neg_utc_offset, r.type, r.directory, r.message, a.id, a.fullname, a.name, a.email, c.id, c.fullname, c.name, c.email, r.metadata, r.synthetic, t.parents, r.object_id from swh_revision_list(root_revisions, num_revs) as t left join revision r on t.id = r.id left join person a on a.id = r.author left join person c on c.id = r.committer; $$; -- Detailed entry for a release create type release_entry as ( id sha1_git, target sha1_git, target_type object_type, date timestamptz, date_offset smallint, date_neg_utc_offset boolean, name bytea, comment bytea, synthetic boolean, author_id bigint, author_fullname bytea, author_name bytea, author_email bytea, object_id bigint ); -- Create entries in person from tmp_revision create or replace function swh_person_add_from_revision() returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin with t as ( select author_fullname as fullname, author_name as name, author_email as email from tmp_revision union select committer_fullname as fullname, committer_name as name, committer_email as email from tmp_revision ) insert into person (fullname, name, email) - select distinct fullname, name, email from t + select distinct on (fullname) fullname, name, email from t where not exists ( select 1 from person p where t.fullname = p.fullname ); return; end $$; -- Create entries in revision from tmp_revision create or replace function swh_revision_add() returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin perform swh_person_add_from_revision(); insert into revision (id, date, date_offset, date_neg_utc_offset, committer_date, committer_date_offset, committer_date_neg_utc_offset, type, directory, message, author, committer, metadata, synthetic) select t.id, t.date, t.date_offset, t.date_neg_utc_offset, t.committer_date, t.committer_date_offset, t.committer_date_neg_utc_offset, t.type, t.directory, t.message, a.id, c.id, t.metadata, t.synthetic from tmp_revision t left join person a on a.fullname = t.author_fullname left join person c on c.fullname = t.committer_fullname; return; end $$; -- Create entries in person from tmp_release create or replace function swh_person_add_from_release() returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin with t as ( select distinct author_fullname as fullname, author_name as name, author_email as email from tmp_release where author_fullname is not null ) insert into person (fullname, name, email) - select fullname, name, email from t + select distinct on (fullname) fullname, name, email from t where not exists ( select 1 from person p where t.fullname = p.fullname ); return; end $$; -- Create entries in release from tmp_release create or replace function swh_release_add() returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin perform swh_person_add_from_release(); insert into release (id, target, target_type, date, date_offset, date_neg_utc_offset, name, comment, author, synthetic) select t.id, t.target, t.target_type, t.date, t.date_offset, t.date_neg_utc_offset, t.name, t.comment, a.id, t.synthetic from tmp_release t left join person a on a.fullname = t.author_fullname; return; end $$; -- add a new origin_visit for origin origin_id at date. -- -- Returns the new visit id. create or replace function swh_origin_visit_add(origin_id bigint, date timestamptz) returns bigint language sql as $$ with last_known_visit as ( select coalesce(max(visit), 0) as visit from origin_visit where origin = origin_id ) insert into origin_visit (origin, date, visit, status) values (origin_id, date, (select visit from last_known_visit) + 1, 'ongoing') returning visit; $$; create or replace function swh_snapshot_add(snapshot_id snapshot.id%type) returns void language plpgsql as $$ declare snapshot_object_id snapshot.object_id%type; begin select object_id from snapshot where id = snapshot_id into snapshot_object_id; if snapshot_object_id is null then insert into snapshot (id) values (snapshot_id) returning object_id into snapshot_object_id; insert into snapshot_branch (name, target_type, target) select name, target_type, target from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp where not exists ( select 1 from snapshot_branch sb where sb.name = tmp.name and sb.target = tmp.target and sb.target_type = tmp.target_type ) on conflict do nothing; insert into snapshot_branches (snapshot_id, branch_id) select snapshot_object_id, sb.object_id as branch_id from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp join snapshot_branch sb using (name, target, target_type) where tmp.target is not null and tmp.target_type is not null union select snapshot_object_id, sb.object_id as branch_id from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp join snapshot_branch sb using (name) where tmp.target is null and tmp.target_type is null and sb.target is null and sb.target_type is null; end if; truncate table tmp_snapshot_branch; end; $$; create type snapshot_result as ( snapshot_id sha1_git, name bytea, target bytea, target_type snapshot_target ); create or replace function swh_snapshot_get_by_id(id snapshot.id%type, branches_from bytea default '', branches_count bigint default null, target_types snapshot_target[] default NULL) returns setof snapshot_result language sql stable as $$ select swh_snapshot_get_by_id.id as snapshot_id, name, target, target_type from snapshot_branches inner join snapshot_branch on snapshot_branches.branch_id = snapshot_branch.object_id where snapshot_id = (select object_id from snapshot where snapshot.id = swh_snapshot_get_by_id.id) and (target_types is null or target_type = any(target_types)) and name >= branches_from order by name limit branches_count $$; create type snapshot_size as ( target_type snapshot_target, count bigint ); create or replace function swh_snapshot_count_branches(id snapshot.id%type) returns setof snapshot_size language sql stable as $$ SELECT target_type, count(name) from swh_snapshot_get_by_id(swh_snapshot_count_branches.id) group by target_type; $$; -- Absolute path: directory reference + complete path relative to it create type content_dir as ( directory sha1_git, path unix_path ); -- Find the containing directory of a given content, specified by sha1 -- (note: *not* sha1_git). -- -- Return a pair (dir_it, path) where path is a UNIX path that, from the -- directory root, reach down to a file with the desired content. Return NULL -- if no match is found. -- -- In case of multiple paths (i.e., pretty much always), an arbitrary one is -- chosen. create or replace function swh_content_find_directory(content_id sha1) returns content_dir language sql stable as $$ with recursive path as ( -- Recursively build a path from the requested content to a root -- directory. Each iteration returns a pair (dir_id, filename) where -- filename is relative to dir_id. Stops when no parent directory can -- be found. (select dir.id as dir_id, dir_entry_f.name as name, 0 as depth from directory_entry_file as dir_entry_f join content on content.sha1_git = dir_entry_f.target join directory as dir on dir.file_entries @> array[dir_entry_f.id] where content.sha1 = content_id limit 1) union all (select dir.id as dir_id, (dir_entry_d.name || '/' || path.name)::unix_path as name, path.depth + 1 from path join directory_entry_dir as dir_entry_d on dir_entry_d.target = path.dir_id join directory as dir on dir.dir_entries @> array[dir_entry_d.id] limit 1) ) select dir_id, name from path order by depth desc limit 1; $$; -- Find the visit of origin id closest to date visit_date create or replace function swh_visit_find_by_date(origin bigint, visit_date timestamptz default NOW()) returns origin_visit language sql stable as $$ with closest_two_visits as (( select ov, (date - visit_date) as interval from origin_visit ov where ov.origin = origin and ov.date >= visit_date order by ov.date asc limit 1 ) union ( select ov, (visit_date - date) as interval from origin_visit ov where ov.origin = origin and ov.date < visit_date order by ov.date desc limit 1 )) select (ov).* from closest_two_visits order by interval limit 1 $$; -- Find the visit of origin id closest to date visit_date create or replace function swh_visit_get(origin bigint) returns origin_visit language sql stable as $$ select * from origin_visit where origin=origin order by date desc $$; -- Object listing by object_id create or replace function swh_content_list_by_object_id( min_excl bigint, max_incl bigint ) returns setof content language sql stable as $$ select * from content where object_id > min_excl and object_id <= max_incl order by object_id; $$; create or replace function swh_revision_list_by_object_id( min_excl bigint, max_incl bigint ) returns setof revision_entry language sql stable as $$ with revs as ( select * from revision where object_id > min_excl and object_id <= max_incl ) select r.id, r.date, r.date_offset, r.date_neg_utc_offset, r.committer_date, r.committer_date_offset, r.committer_date_neg_utc_offset, r.type, r.directory, r.message, a.id, a.fullname, a.name, a.email, c.id, c.fullname, c.name, c.email, r.metadata, r.synthetic, array(select rh.parent_id::bytea from revision_history rh where rh.id = r.id order by rh.parent_rank) as parents, r.object_id from revs r left join person a on a.id = r.author left join person c on c.id = r.committer order by r.object_id; $$; create or replace function swh_release_list_by_object_id( min_excl bigint, max_incl bigint ) returns setof release_entry language sql stable as $$ with rels as ( select * from release where object_id > min_excl and object_id <= max_incl ) select r.id, r.target, r.target_type, r.date, r.date_offset, r.date_neg_utc_offset, r.name, r.comment, r.synthetic, p.id as author_id, p.fullname as author_fullname, p.name as author_name, p.email as author_email, r.object_id from rels r left join person p on p.id = r.author order by r.object_id; $$; -- end revision_metadata functions -- origin_metadata functions create type origin_metadata_signature as ( id bigint, origin_id bigint, discovery_date timestamptz, tool_id bigint, metadata jsonb, provider_id integer, provider_name text, provider_type text, provider_url text ); create or replace function swh_origin_metadata_get_by_origin( origin integer) returns setof origin_metadata_signature language sql stable as $$ select om.id as id, origin_id, discovery_date, tool_id, om.metadata, mp.id as provider_id, provider_name, provider_type, provider_url from origin_metadata as om inner join metadata_provider mp on om.provider_id = mp.id where om.origin_id = origin order by discovery_date desc; $$; create or replace function swh_origin_metadata_get_by_provider_type( origin integer, type text) returns setof origin_metadata_signature language sql stable as $$ select om.id as id, origin_id, discovery_date, tool_id, om.metadata, mp.id as provider_id, provider_name, provider_type, provider_url from origin_metadata as om inner join metadata_provider mp on om.provider_id = mp.id where om.origin_id = origin and mp.provider_type = type order by discovery_date desc; $$; -- end origin_metadata functions -- add tmp_tool entries to tool, -- skipping duplicates if any. -- -- operates in bulk: 0. create temporary tmp_tool, 1. COPY to -- it, 2. call this function to insert and filtering out duplicates create or replace function swh_tool_add() returns setof tool language plpgsql as $$ begin insert into tool(name, version, configuration) select name, version, configuration from tmp_tool tmp on conflict(name, version, configuration) do nothing; return query select id, name, version, configuration from tmp_tool join tool using(name, version, configuration); return; end $$; -- simple counter mapping a textual label to an integer value create type counter as ( label text, value bigint ); -- return statistics about the number of tuples in various SWH tables -- -- Note: the returned values are based on postgres internal statistics -- (pg_class table), which are only updated daily (by autovacuum) or so create or replace function swh_stat_counters() returns setof counter language sql stable as $$ select object_type as label, value as value from object_counts where object_type in ( 'content', 'directory', 'directory_entry_dir', 'directory_entry_file', 'directory_entry_rev', 'origin', 'origin_visit', 'person', 'release', 'revision', 'revision_history', 'skipped_content', 'snapshot' ); $$; create or replace function swh_update_counter(object_type text) returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin execute format(' insert into object_counts (value, last_update, object_type) values ((select count(*) from %1$I), NOW(), %1$L) on conflict (object_type) do update set value = excluded.value, last_update = excluded.last_update', object_type); return; end; $$; create or replace function swh_update_counter_bucketed() returns void language plpgsql as $$ declare query text; line_to_update int; new_value bigint; begin select object_counts_bucketed.line, format( 'select count(%I) from %I where %s', coalesce(identifier, '*'), object_type, coalesce( concat_ws( ' and ', case when bucket_start is not null then format('%I >= %L', identifier, bucket_start) -- lower bound condition, inclusive end, case when bucket_end is not null then format('%I < %L', identifier, bucket_end) -- upper bound condition, exclusive end ), 'true' ) ) from object_counts_bucketed order by coalesce(last_update, now() - '1 month'::interval) asc limit 1 into line_to_update, query; execute query into new_value; update object_counts_bucketed set value = new_value, last_update = now() where object_counts_bucketed.line = line_to_update; END $$; create or replace function swh_update_counters_from_buckets() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ begin with to_update as ( select object_type, sum(value) as value, max(last_update) as last_update from object_counts_bucketed ob1 where not exists ( select 1 from object_counts_bucketed ob2 where ob1.object_type = ob2.object_type and value is null ) group by object_type ) update object_counts set value = to_update.value, last_update = to_update.last_update from to_update where object_counts.object_type = to_update.object_type and object_counts.value != to_update.value; return null; end $$; create trigger update_counts_from_bucketed after insert or update on object_counts_bucketed for each row when (NEW.line % 256 = 0) execute procedure swh_update_counters_from_buckets(); diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py b/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py index 4e7e5653..e40846aa 100644 --- a/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py +++ b/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py @@ -1,3163 +1,3195 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import copy import datetime import itertools import random import unittest from collections import defaultdict from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest from hypothesis import given, strategies from swh.model import from_disk, identifiers from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes from swh.model.hypothesis_strategies import origins from swh.storage.tests.storage_testing import StorageTestFixture from swh.storage import HashCollision from .generate_data_test import gen_contents @pytest.mark.db class StorageTestDbFixture(StorageTestFixture): def setUp(self): super().setUp() db = self.test_db[self.TEST_DB_NAME] self.conn = db.conn self.cursor = db.cursor self.maxDiff = None def tearDown(self): self.reset_storage_tables() super().tearDown() class TestStorageData: def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.cont = { 'data': b'42\n', 'length': 3, 'sha1': hash_to_bytes( '34973274ccef6ab4dfaaf86599792fa9c3fe4689'), 'sha1_git': hash_to_bytes( 'd81cc0710eb6cf9efd5b920a8453e1e07157b6cd'), 'sha256': hash_to_bytes( '673650f936cb3b0a2f93ce09d81be107' '48b1b203c19e8176b4eefc1964a0cf3a'), 'blake2s256': hash_to_bytes('d5fe1939576527e42cfd76a9455a2' '432fe7f56669564577dd93c4280e76d661d'), 'status': 'visible', } self.cont2 = { 'data': b'4242\n', 'length': 5, 'sha1': hash_to_bytes( '61c2b3a30496d329e21af70dd2d7e097046d07b7'), 'sha1_git': hash_to_bytes( '36fade77193cb6d2bd826161a0979d64c28ab4fa'), 'sha256': hash_to_bytes( '859f0b154fdb2d630f45e1ecae4a8629' '15435e663248bb8461d914696fc047cd'), 'blake2s256': hash_to_bytes('849c20fad132b7c2d62c15de310adfe87be' '94a379941bed295e8141c6219810d'), 'status': 'visible', } self.cont3 = { 'data': b'424242\n', 'length': 7, 'sha1': hash_to_bytes( '3e21cc4942a4234c9e5edd8a9cacd1670fe59f13'), 'sha1_git': hash_to_bytes( 'c932c7649c6dfa4b82327d121215116909eb3bea'), 'sha256': hash_to_bytes( '92fb72daf8c6818288a35137b72155f5' '07e5de8d892712ab96277aaed8cf8a36'), 'blake2s256': hash_to_bytes('76d0346f44e5a27f6bafdd9c2befd304af' 'f83780f93121d801ab6a1d4769db11'), 'status': 'visible', } self.missing_cont = { 'data': b'missing\n', 'length': 8, 'sha1': hash_to_bytes( 'f9c24e2abb82063a3ba2c44efd2d3c797f28ac90'), 'sha1_git': hash_to_bytes( '33e45d56f88993aae6a0198013efa80716fd8919'), 'sha256': hash_to_bytes( '6bbd052ab054ef222c1c87be60cd191a' 'ddedd24cc882d1f5f7f7be61dc61bb3a'), 'blake2s256': hash_to_bytes('306856b8fd879edb7b6f1aeaaf8db9bbecc9' '93cd7f776c333ac3a782fa5c6eba'), 'status': 'absent', } self.skipped_cont = { 'length': 1024 * 1024 * 200, 'sha1_git': hash_to_bytes( '33e45d56f88993aae6a0198013efa80716fd8920'), 'sha1': hash_to_bytes( '43e45d56f88993aae6a0198013efa80716fd8920'), 'sha256': hash_to_bytes( '7bbd052ab054ef222c1c87be60cd191a' 'ddedd24cc882d1f5f7f7be61dc61bb3a'), 'blake2s256': hash_to_bytes( 'ade18b1adecb33f891ca36664da676e1' '2c772cc193778aac9a137b8dc5834b9b'), 'reason': 'Content too long', 'status': 'absent', } self.skipped_cont2 = { 'length': 1024 * 1024 * 300, 'sha1_git': hash_to_bytes( '44e45d56f88993aae6a0198013efa80716fd8921'), 'sha1': hash_to_bytes( '54e45d56f88993aae6a0198013efa80716fd8920'), 'sha256': hash_to_bytes( '8cbd052ab054ef222c1c87be60cd191a' 'ddedd24cc882d1f5f7f7be61dc61bb3a'), 'blake2s256': hash_to_bytes( '9ce18b1adecb33f891ca36664da676e1' '2c772cc193778aac9a137b8dc5834b9b'), 'reason': 'Content too long', 'status': 'absent', } self.dir = { 'id': b'4\x013\x422\x531\x000\xf51\xe62\xa73\xff7\xc3\xa90', 'entries': [ { 'name': b'foo', 'type': 'file', 'target': self.cont['sha1_git'], 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.content, }, { 'name': b'bar\xc3', 'type': 'dir', 'target': b'12345678901234567890', 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.directory, }, ], } self.dir2 = { 'id': b'4\x013\x422\x531\x000\xf51\xe62\xa73\xff7\xc3\xa95', 'entries': [ { 'name': b'oof', 'type': 'file', 'target': self.cont2['sha1_git'], 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.content, } ], } self.dir3 = { 'id': hash_to_bytes('33e45d56f88993aae6a0198013efa80716fd8921'), 'entries': [ { 'name': b'foo', 'type': 'file', 'target': self.cont['sha1_git'], 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.content, }, { 'name': b'subdir', 'type': 'dir', 'target': self.dir['id'], 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.directory, }, { 'name': b'hello', 'type': 'file', 'target': b'12345678901234567890', 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.content, }, ], } self.minus_offset = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(minutes=-120)) self.plus_offset = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(minutes=120)) self.revision = { 'id': b'56789012345678901234', 'message': b'hello', 'author': { 'name': b'Nicolas Dandrimont', 'email': b'nicolas@example.com', 'fullname': b'Nicolas Dandrimont ', }, 'date': { 'timestamp': 1234567890, 'offset': 120, 'negative_utc': None, }, 'committer': { 'name': b'St\xc3fano Zacchiroli', 'email': b'stefano@example.com', 'fullname': b'St\xc3fano Zacchiroli ' }, 'committer_date': { 'timestamp': 1123456789, 'offset': 0, 'negative_utc': True, }, 'parents': [b'01234567890123456789', b'23434512345123456789'], 'type': 'git', 'directory': self.dir['id'], 'metadata': { 'checksums': { 'sha1': 'tarball-sha1', 'sha256': 'tarball-sha256', }, 'signed-off-by': 'some-dude', 'extra_headers': [ ['gpgsig', b'test123'], ['mergetags', [b'foo\\bar', b'\x22\xaf\x89\x80\x01\x00']], ], }, 'synthetic': True } self.revision2 = { 'id': b'87659012345678904321', 'message': b'hello again', 'author': { 'name': b'Roberto Dicosmo', 'email': b'roberto@example.com', 'fullname': b'Roberto Dicosmo ', }, 'date': { 'timestamp': { 'seconds': 1234567843, 'microseconds': 220000, }, 'offset': -720, 'negative_utc': None, }, 'committer': { 'name': b'tony', 'email': b'ar@dumont.fr', 'fullname': b'tony ', }, 'committer_date': { 'timestamp': 1123456789, 'offset': 0, 'negative_utc': False, }, 'parents': [b'01234567890123456789'], 'type': 'git', 'directory': self.dir2['id'], 'metadata': None, 'synthetic': False } self.revision3 = { 'id': hash_to_bytes('7026b7c1a2af56521e951c01ed20f255fa054238'), 'message': b'a simple revision with no parents this time', 'author': { 'name': b'Roberto Dicosmo', 'email': b'roberto@example.com', 'fullname': b'Roberto Dicosmo ', }, 'date': { 'timestamp': { 'seconds': 1234567843, 'microseconds': 220000, }, 'offset': -720, 'negative_utc': None, }, 'committer': { 'name': b'tony', 'email': b'ar@dumont.fr', 'fullname': b'tony ', }, 'committer_date': { 'timestamp': 1127351742, 'offset': 0, 'negative_utc': False, }, 'parents': [], 'type': 'git', 'directory': self.dir2['id'], 'metadata': None, 'synthetic': True } self.revision4 = { 'id': hash_to_bytes('368a48fe15b7db2383775f97c6b247011b3f14f4'), 'message': b'parent of self.revision2', 'author': { 'name': b'me', 'email': b'me@soft.heri', 'fullname': b'me ', }, 'date': { 'timestamp': { 'seconds': 1244567843, 'microseconds': 220000, }, 'offset': -720, 'negative_utc': None, }, 'committer': { 'name': b'committer-dude', 'email': b'committer@dude.com', 'fullname': b'committer-dude ', }, 'committer_date': { 'timestamp': { 'seconds': 1244567843, 'microseconds': 220000, }, 'offset': -720, 'negative_utc': None, }, 'parents': [self.revision3['id']], 'type': 'git', 'directory': self.dir['id'], 'metadata': None, 'synthetic': False } self.origin = { 'url': 'file:///dev/null', 'type': 'git', } self.origin2 = { 'url': 'file:///dev/zero', 'type': 'git', } self.provider = { 'name': 'hal', 'type': 'deposit-client', 'url': 'http:///hal/inria', 'metadata': { 'location': 'France' } } self.metadata_tool = { 'name': 'swh-deposit', 'version': '0.0.1', 'configuration': { 'sword_version': '2' } } self.origin_metadata = { 'origin': self.origin, 'discovery_date': datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'provider': self.provider, 'tool': 'swh-deposit', 'metadata': { 'name': 'test_origin_metadata', 'version': '0.0.1' } } self.origin_metadata2 = { 'origin': self.origin, 'discovery_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'provider': self.provider, 'tool': 'swh-deposit', 'metadata': { 'name': 'test_origin_metadata', 'version': '0.0.1' } } self.date_visit1 = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.date_visit2 = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.date_visit3 = datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.release = { 'id': b'87659012345678901234', 'name': b'v0.0.1', 'author': { 'name': b'olasd', 'email': b'nic@olasd.fr', 'fullname': b'olasd ', }, 'date': { 'timestamp': 1234567890, 'offset': 42, 'negative_utc': None, }, 'target': b'43210987654321098765', 'target_type': 'revision', 'message': b'synthetic release', 'synthetic': True, } self.release2 = { 'id': b'56789012348765901234', 'name': b'v0.0.2', 'author': { 'name': b'tony', 'email': b'ar@dumont.fr', 'fullname': b'tony ', }, 'date': { 'timestamp': 1634366813, 'offset': -120, 'negative_utc': None, }, 'target': b'432109\xa9765432\xc309\x00765', 'target_type': 'revision', 'message': b'v0.0.2\nMisc performance improvements + bug fixes', 'synthetic': False } self.release3 = { 'id': b'87659012345678904321', 'name': b'v0.0.2', 'author': { 'name': b'tony', 'email': b'tony@ardumont.fr', 'fullname': b'tony ', }, 'date': { 'timestamp': 1634336813, 'offset': 0, 'negative_utc': False, }, 'target': self.revision2['id'], 'target_type': 'revision', 'message': b'yet another synthetic release', 'synthetic': True, } self.fetch_history_date = datetime.datetime( 2015, 1, 2, 21, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.fetch_history_end = datetime.datetime( 2015, 1, 2, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.fetch_history_duration = (self.fetch_history_end - self.fetch_history_date) self.fetch_history_data = { 'status': True, 'result': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'stdout': 'blabla', 'stderr': 'blablabla', } self.snapshot = { 'id': hash_to_bytes('2498dbf535f882bc7f9a18fb16c9ad27fda7bab7'), 'branches': { b'master': { 'target': self.revision['id'], 'target_type': 'revision', }, }, 'next_branch': None } self.empty_snapshot = { 'id': hash_to_bytes('1a8893e6a86f444e8be8e7bda6cb34fb1735a00e'), 'branches': {}, 'next_branch': None } self.complete_snapshot = { 'id': hash_to_bytes('6e65b86363953b780d92b0a928f3e8fcdd10db36'), 'branches': { b'directory': { 'target': hash_to_bytes( '1bd0e65f7d2ff14ae994de17a1e7fe65111dcad8'), 'target_type': 'directory', }, b'content': { 'target': hash_to_bytes( 'fe95a46679d128ff167b7c55df5d02356c5a1ae1'), 'target_type': 'content', }, b'alias': { 'target': b'revision', 'target_type': 'alias', }, b'revision': { 'target': hash_to_bytes( 'aafb16d69fd30ff58afdd69036a26047f3aebdc6'), 'target_type': 'revision', }, b'release': { 'target': hash_to_bytes( '7045404f3d1c54e6473c71bbb716529fbad4be24'), 'target_type': 'release', }, b'snapshot': { 'target': hash_to_bytes( '1a8893e6a86f444e8be8e7bda6cb34fb1735a00e'), 'target_type': 'snapshot', }, b'dangling': None, }, 'next_branch': None } class CommonTestStorage(TestStorageData): """Base class for Storage testing. This class is used as-is to test local storage (see TestLocalStorage below) and remote storage (see TestRemoteStorage in test_remote_storage.py. We need to have the two classes inherit from this base class separately to avoid nosetests running the tests from the base class twice. """ maxDiff = None @staticmethod def normalize_entity(entity): entity = copy.deepcopy(entity) for key in ('date', 'committer_date'): if key in entity: entity[key] = identifiers.normalize_timestamp(entity[key]) return entity def test_check_config(self): self.assertTrue(self.storage.check_config(check_write=True)) self.assertTrue(self.storage.check_config(check_write=False)) def test_content_add(self): cont = self.cont actual_result = self.storage.content_add([cont]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 1, 'content:bytes:add': cont['length'], 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) self.assertEqual(list(self.storage.content_get([cont['sha1']])), [{'sha1': cont['sha1'], 'data': cont['data']}]) expected_cont = cont.copy() del expected_cont['data'] journal_objects = list(self.journal_writer.objects) for (obj_type, obj) in journal_objects: if 'ctime' in obj: del obj['ctime'] self.assertEqual(journal_objects, [('content', expected_cont)]) def test_content_add_same_input(self): cont = self.cont actual_result = self.storage.content_add([cont, cont]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 1, 'content:bytes:add': cont['length'], 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) def test_content_add_different_input(self): cont = self.cont cont2 = self.cont2 actual_result = self.storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 2, 'content:bytes:add': cont['length'] + cont2['length'], 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) def test_content_add_db(self): cont = self.cont actual_result = self.storage.content_add([cont]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 1, 'content:bytes:add': cont['length'], 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) if hasattr(self.storage, 'objstorage'): self.assertIn(cont['sha1'], self.storage.objstorage) self.cursor.execute('SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status' ' FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s', (cont['sha1'],)) datum = self.cursor.fetchone() self.assertEqual( (datum[0].tobytes(), datum[1].tobytes(), datum[2].tobytes(), datum[3], datum[4]), (cont['sha1'], cont['sha1_git'], cont['sha256'], cont['length'], 'visible')) expected_cont = cont.copy() del expected_cont['data'] journal_objects = list(self.journal_writer.objects) for (obj_type, obj) in journal_objects: if 'ctime' in obj: del obj['ctime'] self.assertEqual(journal_objects, [('content', expected_cont)]) def test_content_add_collision(self): cont1 = self.cont # create (corrupted) content with same sha1{,_git} but != sha256 cont1b = cont1.copy() sha256_array = bytearray(cont1b['sha256']) sha256_array[0] += 1 cont1b['sha256'] = bytes(sha256_array) with self.assertRaises(HashCollision) as cm: self.storage.content_add([cont1, cont1b]) self.assertIn(cm.exception.args[0], ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256']) def test_content_add_metadata(self): cont = self.cont.copy() del cont['data'] cont['ctime'] = datetime.datetime.now() actual_result = self.storage.content_add_metadata([cont]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 1, 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) expected_cont = cont.copy() del expected_cont['ctime'] self.assertEqual( list(self.storage.content_get_metadata([cont['sha1']])), [expected_cont]) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('content', cont)]) def test_content_add_metadata_same_input(self): cont = self.cont.copy() del cont['data'] cont['ctime'] = datetime.datetime.now() actual_result = self.storage.content_add_metadata([cont, cont]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 1, 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) def test_content_add_metadata_different_input(self): cont = self.cont.copy() del cont['data'] cont['ctime'] = datetime.datetime.now() cont2 = self.cont2.copy() del cont2['data'] cont2['ctime'] = datetime.datetime.now() actual_result = self.storage.content_add_metadata([cont, cont2]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 2, 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) def test_content_add_metadata_db(self): cont = self.cont.copy() del cont['data'] cont['ctime'] = datetime.datetime.now() actual_result = self.storage.content_add_metadata([cont]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 1, 'skipped_content:add': 0 }) if hasattr(self.storage, 'objstorage'): self.assertNotIn(cont['sha1'], self.storage.objstorage) self.cursor.execute('SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status' ' FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s', (cont['sha1'],)) datum = self.cursor.fetchone() self.assertEqual( (datum[0].tobytes(), datum[1].tobytes(), datum[2].tobytes(), datum[3], datum[4]), (cont['sha1'], cont['sha1_git'], cont['sha256'], cont['length'], 'visible')) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('content', cont)]) def test_content_add_metadata_collision(self): cont1 = self.cont.copy() del cont1['data'] cont1['ctime'] = datetime.datetime.now() # create (corrupted) content with same sha1{,_git} but != sha256 cont1b = cont1.copy() sha256_array = bytearray(cont1b['sha256']) sha256_array[0] += 1 cont1b['sha256'] = bytes(sha256_array) with self.assertRaises(HashCollision) as cm: self.storage.content_add_metadata([cont1, cont1b]) self.assertIn(cm.exception.args[0], ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256']) def test_skipped_content_add_db(self): cont = self.skipped_cont.copy() cont2 = self.skipped_cont2.copy() cont2['blake2s256'] = None actual_result = self.storage.content_add([cont, cont, cont2]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 0, 'content:bytes:add': 0, 'skipped_content:add': 2, }) self.cursor.execute('SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, ' 'length, status, reason ' 'FROM skipped_content ORDER BY sha1_git') datums = self.cursor.fetchall() self.assertEqual(2, len(datums)) datum = datums[0] self.assertEqual( (datum[0].tobytes(), datum[1].tobytes(), datum[2].tobytes(), datum[3].tobytes(), datum[4], datum[5], datum[6]), (cont['sha1'], cont['sha1_git'], cont['sha256'], cont['blake2s256'], cont['length'], 'absent', 'Content too long') ) datum2 = datums[1] self.assertEqual( (datum2[0].tobytes(), datum2[1].tobytes(), datum2[2].tobytes(), datum2[3], datum2[4], datum2[5], datum2[6]), (cont2['sha1'], cont2['sha1_git'], cont2['sha256'], cont2['blake2s256'], cont2['length'], 'absent', 'Content too long') ) def test_skipped_content_add(self): cont = self.skipped_cont.copy() cont2 = self.skipped_cont2.copy() cont2['blake2s256'] = None missing = list(self.storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) self.assertEqual(len(missing), 2, missing) actual_result = self.storage.content_add([cont, cont, cont2]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, { 'content:add': 0, 'content:bytes:add': 0, 'skipped_content:add': 2, }) missing = list(self.storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) self.assertEqual(missing, []) @pytest.mark.property_based @given(strategies.sets( elements=strategies.sampled_from( ['sha256', 'sha1_git', 'blake2s256']), min_size=0)) def test_content_missing(self, algos): algos |= {'sha1'} cont2 = self.cont2 missing_cont = self.missing_cont self.storage.content_add([cont2]) test_contents = [cont2] missing_per_hash = defaultdict(list) for i in range(256): test_content = missing_cont.copy() for hash in algos: test_content[hash] = bytes([i]) + test_content[hash][1:] missing_per_hash[hash].append(test_content[hash]) test_contents.append(test_content) self.assertCountEqual( self.storage.content_missing(test_contents), missing_per_hash['sha1'] ) for hash in algos: self.assertCountEqual( self.storage.content_missing(test_contents, key_hash=hash), missing_per_hash[hash] ) def test_content_missing_per_sha1(self): # given cont2 = self.cont2 missing_cont = self.missing_cont self.storage.content_add([cont2]) # when gen = self.storage.content_missing_per_sha1([cont2['sha1'], missing_cont['sha1']]) # then self.assertEqual(list(gen), [missing_cont['sha1']]) def test_content_get_metadata(self): cont1 = self.cont.copy() cont2 = self.cont2.copy() self.storage.content_add([cont1, cont2]) gen = self.storage.content_get_metadata([cont1['sha1'], cont2['sha1']]) # we only retrieve the metadata cont1.pop('data') cont2.pop('data') self.assertCountEqual(list(gen), [cont1, cont2]) def test_content_get_metadata_missing_sha1(self): cont1 = self.cont.copy() cont2 = self.cont2.copy() missing_cont = self.missing_cont.copy() self.storage.content_add([cont1, cont2]) gen = self.storage.content_get_metadata([missing_cont['sha1']]) # All the metadata keys are None missing_cont.pop('data') for key in list(missing_cont): if key != 'sha1': missing_cont[key] = None self.assertEqual(list(gen), [missing_cont]) @staticmethod def _transform_entries(dir_, *, prefix=b''): for ent in dir_['entries']: yield { 'dir_id': dir_['id'], 'type': ent['type'], 'target': ent['target'], 'name': prefix + ent['name'], 'perms': ent['perms'], 'status': None, 'sha1': None, 'sha1_git': None, 'sha256': None, 'length': None, } def test_directory_add(self): init_missing = list(self.storage.directory_missing([self.dir['id']])) self.assertEqual([self.dir['id']], init_missing) actual_result = self.storage.directory_add([self.dir]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'directory:add': 1}) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('directory', self.dir)]) actual_data = list(self.storage.directory_ls(self.dir['id'])) expected_data = list(self._transform_entries(self.dir)) self.assertCountEqual(expected_data, actual_data) after_missing = list(self.storage.directory_missing([self.dir['id']])) self.assertEqual([], after_missing) def test_directory_get_recursive(self): init_missing = list(self.storage.directory_missing([self.dir['id']])) self.assertEqual([self.dir['id']], init_missing) actual_result = self.storage.directory_add( [self.dir, self.dir2, self.dir3]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'directory:add': 3}) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('directory', self.dir), ('directory', self.dir2), ('directory', self.dir3)]) actual_data = list(self.storage.directory_ls( self.dir['id'], recursive=True)) expected_data = list(self._transform_entries(self.dir)) self.assertCountEqual(expected_data, actual_data) actual_data = list(self.storage.directory_ls( self.dir2['id'], recursive=True)) expected_data = list(self._transform_entries(self.dir2)) self.assertCountEqual(expected_data, actual_data) actual_data = list(self.storage.directory_ls( self.dir3['id'], recursive=True)) expected_data = list(itertools.chain( self._transform_entries(self.dir3), self._transform_entries(self.dir, prefix=b'subdir/'))) self.assertCountEqual(expected_data, actual_data) def test_directory_entry_get_by_path(self): # given init_missing = list(self.storage.directory_missing([self.dir3['id']])) self.assertEqual([self.dir3['id']], init_missing) actual_result = self.storage.directory_add([self.dir3]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'directory:add': 1}) expected_entries = [ { 'dir_id': self.dir3['id'], 'name': b'foo', 'type': 'file', 'target': self.cont['sha1_git'], 'sha1': None, 'sha1_git': None, 'sha256': None, 'status': None, 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.content, 'length': None, }, { 'dir_id': self.dir3['id'], 'name': b'subdir', 'type': 'dir', 'target': self.dir['id'], 'sha1': None, 'sha1_git': None, 'sha256': None, 'status': None, 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.directory, 'length': None, }, { 'dir_id': self.dir3['id'], 'name': b'hello', 'type': 'file', 'target': b'12345678901234567890', 'sha1': None, 'sha1_git': None, 'sha256': None, 'status': None, 'perms': from_disk.DentryPerms.content, 'length': None, }, ] # when (all must be found here) for entry, expected_entry in zip(self.dir3['entries'], expected_entries): actual_entry = self.storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( self.dir3['id'], [entry['name']]) self.assertEqual(actual_entry, expected_entry) # when (nothing should be found here since self.dir is not persisted.) for entry in self.dir['entries']: actual_entry = self.storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( self.dir['id'], [entry['name']]) self.assertIsNone(actual_entry) def test_revision_add(self): init_missing = self.storage.revision_missing([self.revision['id']]) self.assertEqual([self.revision['id']], list(init_missing)) actual_result = self.storage.revision_add([self.revision]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'revision:add': 1}) end_missing = self.storage.revision_missing([self.revision['id']]) self.assertEqual([], list(end_missing)) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('revision', self.revision)]) # already there so nothing added actual_result = self.storage.revision_add([self.revision]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'revision:add': 0}) + def test_revision_add_name_clash(self): + revision1 = self.revision.copy() + revision2 = self.revision2.copy() + revision1['author'] = { + 'fullname': b'John Doe ', + 'name': b'John Doe', + 'email': b'john.doe@example.com' + } + revision2['author'] = { + 'fullname': b'John Doe ', + 'name': b'John Doe ', + 'email': b'john.doe@example.com ' + } + actual_result = self.storage.revision_add([revision1, revision2]) + self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'revision:add': 2}) + def test_revision_log(self): # given # self.revision4 -is-child-of-> self.revision3 self.storage.revision_add([self.revision3, self.revision4]) # when actual_results = list(self.storage.revision_log( [self.revision4['id']])) # hack: ids generated for actual_result in actual_results: if 'id' in actual_result['author']: del actual_result['author']['id'] if 'id' in actual_result['committer']: del actual_result['committer']['id'] self.assertEqual(len(actual_results), 2) # rev4 -child-> rev3 self.assertEqual(actual_results[0], self.normalize_entity(self.revision4)) self.assertEqual(actual_results[1], self.normalize_entity(self.revision3)) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('revision', self.revision3), ('revision', self.revision4)]) def test_revision_log_with_limit(self): # given # self.revision4 -is-child-of-> self.revision3 self.storage.revision_add([self.revision3, self.revision4]) actual_results = list(self.storage.revision_log( [self.revision4['id']], 1)) # hack: ids generated for actual_result in actual_results: if 'id' in actual_result['author']: del actual_result['author']['id'] if 'id' in actual_result['committer']: del actual_result['committer']['id'] self.assertEqual(len(actual_results), 1) self.assertEqual(actual_results[0], self.revision4) def test_revision_log_unknown_revision(self): rev_log = list(self.storage.revision_log([self.revision['id']])) self.assertEqual(rev_log, []) @staticmethod def _short_revision(revision): return [revision['id'], revision['parents']] def test_revision_shortlog(self): # given # self.revision4 -is-child-of-> self.revision3 self.storage.revision_add([self.revision3, self.revision4]) # when actual_results = list(self.storage.revision_shortlog( [self.revision4['id']])) self.assertEqual(len(actual_results), 2) # rev4 -child-> rev3 self.assertEqual(list(actual_results[0]), self._short_revision(self.revision4)) self.assertEqual(list(actual_results[1]), self._short_revision(self.revision3)) def test_revision_shortlog_with_limit(self): # given # self.revision4 -is-child-of-> self.revision3 self.storage.revision_add([self.revision3, self.revision4]) actual_results = list(self.storage.revision_shortlog( [self.revision4['id']], 1)) self.assertEqual(len(actual_results), 1) self.assertEqual(list(actual_results[0]), self._short_revision(self.revision4)) def test_revision_get(self): self.storage.revision_add([self.revision]) actual_revisions = list(self.storage.revision_get( [self.revision['id'], self.revision2['id']])) # when if 'id' in actual_revisions[0]['author']: del actual_revisions[0]['author']['id'] # hack: ids are generated if 'id' in actual_revisions[0]['committer']: del actual_revisions[0]['committer']['id'] self.assertEqual(len(actual_revisions), 2) self.assertEqual(actual_revisions[0], self.normalize_entity(self.revision)) self.assertIsNone(actual_revisions[1]) def test_revision_get_no_parents(self): self.storage.revision_add([self.revision3]) get = list(self.storage.revision_get([self.revision3['id']])) self.assertEqual(len(get), 1) self.assertEqual(get[0]['parents'], []) # no parents on this one def test_release_add(self): init_missing = self.storage.release_missing([self.release['id'], self.release2['id']]) self.assertEqual([self.release['id'], self.release2['id']], list(init_missing)) actual_result = self.storage.release_add([self.release, self.release2]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'release:add': 2}) end_missing = self.storage.release_missing([self.release['id'], self.release2['id']]) self.assertEqual([], list(end_missing)) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('release', self.release), ('release', self.release2)]) # already present so nothing added actual_result = self.storage.release_add([self.release, self.release2]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'release:add': 0}) def test_release_add_no_author_date(self): release = self.release.copy() release['author'] = None release['date'] = None actual_result = self.storage.release_add([release]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'release:add': 1}) end_missing = self.storage.release_missing([self.release['id']]) self.assertEqual([], list(end_missing)) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('release', release)]) + def test_release_add_name_clash(self): + release1 = self.release.copy() + release2 = self.release2.copy() + release1['author'] = { + 'fullname': b'John Doe ', + 'name': b'John Doe', + 'email': b'john.doe@example.com' + } + release2['author'] = { + 'fullname': b'John Doe ', + 'name': b'John Doe ', + 'email': b'john.doe@example.com ' + } + actual_result = self.storage.release_add([release1, release2]) + self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'release:add': 2}) + def test_release_get(self): # given self.storage.release_add([self.release, self.release2]) # when actual_releases = list(self.storage.release_get([self.release['id'], self.release2['id']])) # then for actual_release in actual_releases: if 'id' in actual_release['author']: del actual_release['author']['id'] # hack: ids are generated self.assertEqual([self.normalize_entity(self.release), self.normalize_entity(self.release2)], [actual_releases[0], actual_releases[1]]) unknown_releases = \ list(self.storage.release_get([self.release3['id']])) self.assertIsNone(unknown_releases[0]) def test_origin_add_one(self): origin0 = self.storage.origin_get(self.origin) self.assertIsNone(origin0) id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) actual_origin = self.storage.origin_get({'url': self.origin['url'], 'type': self.origin['type']}) self.assertEqual(actual_origin['id'], id) id2 = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) self.assertEqual(id, id2) def test_origin_add(self): origin0 = self.storage.origin_get([self.origin])[0] self.assertIsNone(origin0) origin1, origin2 = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin, self.origin2]) actual_origin = self.storage.origin_get([{ 'url': self.origin['url'], 'type': self.origin['type'], }])[0] self.assertEqual(actual_origin['id'], origin1['id']) actual_origin2 = self.storage.origin_get([{ 'url': self.origin2['url'], 'type': self.origin2['type'], }])[0] self.assertEqual(actual_origin2['id'], origin2['id']) del actual_origin['id'] del actual_origin2['id'] self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', actual_origin), ('origin', actual_origin2)]) def test_origin_add_twice(self): add1 = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin, self.origin2]) add2 = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin, self.origin2]) self.assertEqual(add1, add2) def test_origin_get_legacy(self): self.assertIsNone(self.storage.origin_get(self.origin)) id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) # lookup per type and url (returns id) actual_origin0 = self.storage.origin_get( {'url': self.origin['url'], 'type': self.origin['type']}) self.assertEqual(actual_origin0['id'], id) # lookup per id (returns dict) actual_origin1 = self.storage.origin_get({'id': id}) self.assertEqual(actual_origin1, {'id': id, 'type': self.origin['type'], 'url': self.origin['url']}) def test_origin_get(self): self.assertIsNone(self.storage.origin_get(self.origin)) origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) # lookup per type and url (returns id) actual_origin0 = self.storage.origin_get( [{'url': self.origin['url'], 'type': self.origin['type']}]) self.assertEqual(len(actual_origin0), 1, actual_origin0) self.assertEqual(actual_origin0[0]['id'], origin_id) # lookup per id (returns dict) actual_origin1 = self.storage.origin_get([{'id': origin_id}]) self.assertEqual(len(actual_origin1), 1, actual_origin1) self.assertEqual(actual_origin1[0], {'id': origin_id, 'type': self.origin['type'], 'url': self.origin['url']}) def test_origin_get_consistency(self): self.assertIsNone(self.storage.origin_get(self.origin)) id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.storage.origin_get([ {'url': self.origin['url'], 'type': self.origin['type']}, {'id': id}]) def test_origin_search(self): found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search(self.origin['url'])) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 0) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search(self.origin['url'], regexp=True)) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 0) id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_data = {'id': id, 'type': self.origin['type'], 'url': self.origin['url']} found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search(self.origin['url'])) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin_data) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search( '.' + self.origin['url'][1:-1] + '.', regexp=True)) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin_data) id2 = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) origin2_data = {'id': id2, 'type': self.origin2['type'], 'url': self.origin2['url']} found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search(self.origin2['url'])) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin2_data) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search( '.' + self.origin2['url'][1:-1] + '.', regexp=True)) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin2_data) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search('/')) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 2) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search('.*/.*', regexp=True)) self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 2) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search('/', offset=0, limit=1)) # noqa self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin_data) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search('.*/.*', offset=0, limit=1, regexp=True)) # noqa self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin_data) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search('/', offset=1, limit=1)) # noqa self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin2_data) found_origins = list(self.storage.origin_search('.*/.*', offset=1, limit=1, regexp=True)) # noqa self.assertEqual(len(found_origins), 1) self.assertEqual(found_origins[0], origin2_data) def test_origin_visit_add(self): # given self.assertIsNone(self.storage.origin_get([self.origin2])[0]) origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) self.assertIsNotNone(origin_id) # when origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id, date=self.date_visit2) # then self.assertEqual(origin_visit1['origin'], origin_id) self.assertIsNotNone(origin_visit1['visit']) actual_origin_visits = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get(origin_id)) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits, [{ 'origin': origin_id, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) expected_origin = self.origin2.copy() data = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin_visit', data)]) def test_origin_visit_update(self): # given origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) origin_id2 = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id, date=self.date_visit2) origin_visit2 = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id, date=self.date_visit3) origin_visit3 = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id2, date=self.date_visit3) # when visit1_metadata = { 'contents': 42, 'directories': 22, } self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, origin_visit1['visit'], status='full', metadata=visit1_metadata) self.storage.origin_visit_update(origin_id2, origin_visit3['visit'], status='partial') # then actual_origin_visits = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get(origin_id)) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits, [{ 'origin': origin_visit2['origin'], 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'full', 'metadata': visit1_metadata, 'snapshot': None, }, { 'origin': origin_visit2['origin'], 'date': self.date_visit3, 'visit': origin_visit2['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) actual_origin_visits_bis = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get( origin_id, limit=1)) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits_bis, [{ 'origin': origin_visit2['origin'], 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'full', 'metadata': visit1_metadata, 'snapshot': None, }]) actual_origin_visits_ter = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get( origin_id, last_visit=origin_visit1['visit'])) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits_ter, [{ 'origin': origin_visit2['origin'], 'date': self.date_visit3, 'visit': origin_visit2['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) actual_origin_visits2 = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get(origin_id2)) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits2, [{ 'origin': origin_visit3['origin'], 'date': self.date_visit3, 'visit': origin_visit3['visit'], 'status': 'partial', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) expected_origin = self.origin2.copy() expected_origin2 = self.origin.copy() data1 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data2 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit3, 'visit': origin_visit2['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data3 = { 'origin': expected_origin2, 'date': self.date_visit3, 'visit': origin_visit3['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data4 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'metadata': visit1_metadata, 'status': 'full', 'snapshot': None, } data5 = { 'origin': expected_origin2, 'date': self.date_visit3, 'visit': origin_visit3['visit'], 'status': 'partial', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin', expected_origin2), ('origin_visit', data1), ('origin_visit', data2), ('origin_visit', data3), ('origin_visit', data4), ('origin_visit', data5)]) def test_origin_visit_update_missing_snapshot(self): # given origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id, date=self.date_visit1) # when self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, origin_visit['visit'], snapshot=self.snapshot['id']) # then actual_origin_visit = self.storage.origin_visit_get_by( origin_visit['origin'], origin_visit['visit']) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visit['snapshot'], self.snapshot['id']) # when self.storage.snapshot_add([self.snapshot]) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visit['snapshot'], self.snapshot['id']) def test_origin_visit_get_by(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) origin_id2 = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id, date=self.date_visit2) self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, origin_visit1['visit'], self.snapshot) # Add some other {origin, visit} entries self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, date=self.date_visit3) self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id2, date=self.date_visit3) # when visit1_metadata = { 'contents': 42, 'directories': 22, } self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, origin_visit1['visit'], status='full', metadata=visit1_metadata) expected_origin_visit = origin_visit1.copy() expected_origin_visit.update({ 'origin': origin_id, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'date': self.date_visit2, 'metadata': visit1_metadata, 'status': 'full', 'snapshot': self.snapshot['id'], }) # when actual_origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_get_by( origin_visit1['origin'], origin_visit1['visit']) # then self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visit1, expected_origin_visit) def test_origin_visit_upsert_new(self): # given self.assertIsNone(self.storage.origin_get([self.origin2])[0]) origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) self.assertIsNotNone(origin_id) # when self.storage.origin_visit_upsert([{ 'origin': origin_id, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': 123, 'status': 'full', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) # then actual_origin_visits = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get(origin_id)) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits, [{ 'origin': origin_id, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': 123, 'status': 'full', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) expected_origin = self.origin2.copy() data = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': 123, 'status': 'full', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin_visit', data)]) def test_origin_visit_upsert_existing(self): # given self.assertIsNone(self.storage.origin_get([self.origin2])[0]) origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) self.assertIsNotNone(origin_id) # when origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id, date=self.date_visit2) self.storage.origin_visit_upsert([{ 'origin': origin_id, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'full', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) # then self.assertEqual(origin_visit1['origin'], origin_id) self.assertIsNotNone(origin_visit1['visit']) actual_origin_visits = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get(origin_id)) self.assertEqual(actual_origin_visits, [{ 'origin': origin_id, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'full', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, }]) expected_origin = self.origin2.copy() data1 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data2 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'full', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin_visit', data1), ('origin_visit', data2)]) def test_origin_visit_get_by_no_result(self): # No result actual_origin_visit = self.storage.origin_visit_get_by( 10, 999) self.assertIsNone(actual_origin_visit) def test_person_get(self): # given (person injection through revision for example) self.storage.revision_add([self.revision]) rev = list(self.storage.revision_get([self.revision['id']]))[0] id0 = rev['committer']['id'] person0 = self.revision['committer'] id1 = rev['author']['id'] person1 = self.revision['author'] # when actual_persons = self.storage.person_get([id0, id1]) # then expected_persons = [ { 'id': id0, 'fullname': person0['fullname'], 'name': person0['name'], 'email': person0['email'], }, { 'id': id1, 'fullname': person1['fullname'], 'name': person1['name'], 'email': person1['email'], } ] self.assertEqual(list(actual_persons), expected_persons) # when actual_persons = self.storage.person_get([id1, id0]) # then expected_persons.reverse() self.assertEqual(list(actual_persons), expected_persons) def test_person_get_fullname_unicity(self): # given (person injection through revisions for example) revision = self.revision # create a revision with same committer fullname but wo name and email revision2 = copy.deepcopy(self.revision2) revision2['committer'] = dict(revision['committer']) revision2['committer']['email'] = None revision2['committer']['name'] = None self.storage.revision_add([revision]) self.storage.revision_add([revision2]) # when getting added revisions revisions = list( self.storage.revision_get([revision['id'], revision2['id']])) # then # check committers are the same self.assertEqual(revisions[0]['committer'], revisions[1]['committer']) # check person_get return same result person0 = list( self.storage.person_get([revisions[0]['committer']['id']]))[0] person1 = list( self.storage.person_get([revisions[1]['committer']['id']]))[0] self.assertEqual(person0, person1) def test_snapshot_add_get_empty(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit_id = origin_visit1['visit'] actual_result = self.storage.snapshot_add([self.empty_snapshot]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'snapshot:add': 1}) self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit_id, snapshot=self.empty_snapshot['id']) by_id = self.storage.snapshot_get(self.empty_snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(by_id, self.empty_snapshot) by_ov = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov, self.empty_snapshot) expected_origin = self.origin.copy() data1 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data2 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': self.empty_snapshot['id'], } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin_visit', data1), ('snapshot', self.empty_snapshot), ('origin_visit', data2)]) def test_snapshot_add_get_empty__legacy_add(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit_id = origin_visit1['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit_id, self.empty_snapshot) by_id = self.storage.snapshot_get(self.empty_snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(by_id, self.empty_snapshot) by_ov = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov, self.empty_snapshot) expected_origin = self.origin.copy() data1 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data2 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': self.empty_snapshot['id'], } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin_visit', data1), ('snapshot', self.empty_snapshot), ('origin_visit', data2)]) def test_snapshot_add_get_complete(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit_id = origin_visit1['visit'] actual_result = self.storage.snapshot_add( origin_id, visit_id, self.complete_snapshot) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'snapshot:add': 1}) by_id = self.storage.snapshot_get(self.complete_snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(by_id, self.complete_snapshot) by_ov = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov, self.complete_snapshot) def test_snapshot_add_many(self): actual_result = self.storage.snapshot_add( [self.snapshot, self.complete_snapshot]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'snapshot:add': 2}) self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get(self.complete_snapshot['id'])) self.assertEqual( self.snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get(self.snapshot['id'])) def test_snapshot_add_many_incremental(self): actual_result = self.storage.snapshot_add([self.complete_snapshot]) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'snapshot:add': 1}) actual_result2 = self.storage.snapshot_add( [self.snapshot, self.complete_snapshot]) self.assertEqual(actual_result2, {'snapshot:add': 1}) self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get(self.complete_snapshot['id'])) self.assertEqual( self.snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get(self.snapshot['id'])) def test_snapshot_add_count_branches(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit_id = origin_visit1['visit'] actual_result = self.storage.snapshot_add( origin_id, visit_id, self.complete_snapshot) self.assertEqual(actual_result, {'snapshot:add': 1}) snp_id = self.complete_snapshot['id'] snp_size = self.storage.snapshot_count_branches(snp_id) expected_snp_size = { 'alias': 1, 'content': 1, 'directory': 1, 'release': 1, 'revision': 1, 'snapshot': 1, None: 1 } self.assertEqual(snp_size, expected_snp_size) def test_snapshot_add_get_paginated(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit_id = origin_visit1['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit_id, self.complete_snapshot) snp_id = self.complete_snapshot['id'] branches = self.complete_snapshot['branches'] branch_names = list(sorted(branches)) snapshot = self.storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, branches_from=b'release') rel_idx = branch_names.index(b'release') expected_snapshot = { 'id': snp_id, 'branches': { name: branches[name] for name in branch_names[rel_idx:] }, 'next_branch': None, } self.assertEqual(snapshot, expected_snapshot) snapshot = self.storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, branches_count=1) expected_snapshot = { 'id': snp_id, 'branches': { branch_names[0]: branches[branch_names[0]], }, 'next_branch': b'content', } self.assertEqual(snapshot, expected_snapshot) snapshot = self.storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, branches_from=b'directory', branches_count=3) dir_idx = branch_names.index(b'directory') expected_snapshot = { 'id': snp_id, 'branches': { name: branches[name] for name in branch_names[dir_idx:dir_idx + 3] }, 'next_branch': branch_names[dir_idx + 3], } self.assertEqual(snapshot, expected_snapshot) def test_snapshot_add_get_filtered(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit_id = origin_visit1['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit_id, self.complete_snapshot) snp_id = self.complete_snapshot['id'] branches = self.complete_snapshot['branches'] snapshot = self.storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=['release', 'revision']) expected_snapshot = { 'id': snp_id, 'branches': { name: tgt for name, tgt in branches.items() if tgt and tgt['target_type'] in ['release', 'revision'] }, 'next_branch': None, } self.assertEqual(snapshot, expected_snapshot) snapshot = self.storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, target_types=['alias']) expected_snapshot = { 'id': snp_id, 'branches': { name: tgt for name, tgt in branches.items() if tgt and tgt['target_type'] == 'alias' }, 'next_branch': None, } self.assertEqual(snapshot, expected_snapshot) def test_snapshot_add_get(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit_id = origin_visit1['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit_id, self.snapshot) by_id = self.storage.snapshot_get(self.snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(by_id, self.snapshot) by_ov = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov, self.snapshot) origin_visit_info = self.storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_id, visit_id) self.assertEqual(origin_visit_info['snapshot'], self.snapshot['id']) def test_snapshot_add_nonexistent_visit(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) visit_id = 54164461156 self.journal_writer.objects[:] = [] self.storage.snapshot_add([self.snapshot]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit_id, snapshot=self.snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [ ('snapshot', self.snapshot)]) def test_snapshot_add_nonexistent_visit__legacy_add(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) visit_id = 54164461156 self.journal_writer.objects[:] = [] with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit_id, self.snapshot) # Note: the actual legacy behavior was to abort before adding # the snapshot; but delaying non-existence checks makes the # compatibility code simpler self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [ ('snapshot', self.snapshot)]) def test_snapshot_add_twice(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit1_id = origin_visit1['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add([self.snapshot]) self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit1_id, snapshot=self.snapshot['id']) by_ov1 = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit1_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov1, self.snapshot) origin_visit2 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit2) visit2_id = origin_visit2['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add([self.snapshot]) self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit2_id, snapshot=self.snapshot['id']) by_ov2 = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit2_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov2, self.snapshot) expected_origin = self.origin.copy() data1 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data2 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': self.snapshot['id'], } data3 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit2['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data4 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit2['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': self.snapshot['id'], } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin_visit', data1), ('snapshot', self.snapshot), ('origin_visit', data2), ('origin_visit', data3), ('origin_visit', data4)]) def test_snapshot_add_twice__legacy_add(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit1_id = origin_visit1['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit1_id, self.snapshot) by_ov1 = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit1_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov1, self.snapshot) origin_visit2 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit2) visit2_id = origin_visit2['visit'] self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit2_id, self.snapshot) by_ov2 = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id, visit2_id) self.assertEqual(by_ov2, self.snapshot) expected_origin = self.origin.copy() data1 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data2 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit1, 'visit': origin_visit1['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': self.snapshot['id'], } data3 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit2['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': None, } data4 = { 'origin': expected_origin, 'date': self.date_visit2, 'visit': origin_visit2['visit'], 'status': 'ongoing', 'metadata': None, 'snapshot': self.snapshot['id'], } self.assertEqual(list(self.journal_writer.objects), [('origin', expected_origin), ('origin_visit', data1), ('snapshot', self.snapshot), ('origin_visit', data2), ('origin_visit', data3), ('origin_visit', data4)]) def test_snapshot_get_nonexistent(self): bogus_snapshot_id = b'bogus snapshot id 00' bogus_origin_id = 1 bogus_visit_id = 1 by_id = self.storage.snapshot_get(bogus_snapshot_id) self.assertIsNone(by_id) by_ov = self.storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(bogus_origin_id, bogus_visit_id) self.assertIsNone(by_ov) def test_snapshot_get_latest(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit1_id = origin_visit1['visit'] origin_visit2 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit2) visit2_id = origin_visit2['visit'] # Add a visit with the same date as the previous one origin_visit3 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit2) visit3_id = origin_visit3['visit'] # Two visits, both with no snapshot: latest snapshot is None self.assertIsNone(self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Add snapshot to visit1, latest snapshot = visit 1 snapshot self.storage.snapshot_add([self.complete_snapshot]) self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit1_id, snapshot=self.complete_snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Status filter: both visits are status=ongoing, so no snapshot # returned self.assertIsNone( self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']) ) # Mark the first visit as completed and check status filter again self.storage.origin_visit_update(origin_id, visit1_id, status='full') self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']), ) # Add snapshot to visit2 and check that the new snapshot is returned self.storage.snapshot_add([self.empty_snapshot]) self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit2_id, snapshot=self.empty_snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(self.empty_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Check that the status filter is still working self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']), ) # Add snapshot to visit3 (same date as visit2) and check that # the new snapshot is returned self.storage.snapshot_add([self.complete_snapshot]) self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit3_id, snapshot=self.complete_snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual(self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) def test_snapshot_get_latest__missing_snapshot(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit1_id = origin_visit1['visit'] origin_visit2 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit2) visit2_id = origin_visit2['visit'] # Two visits, both with no snapshot: latest snapshot is None self.assertIsNone(self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Add unknown snapshot to visit1, latest snapshot = None self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit1_id, snapshot=self.complete_snapshot['id']) self.assertIsNone(self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Status filter: both visits are status=ongoing, so no snapshot # returned self.assertIsNone( self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']) ) # Mark the first visit as completed and check status filter again self.storage.origin_visit_update(origin_id, visit1_id, status='full') self.assertIsNone( self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']), ) # Actually add the snapshot and check status filter again self.storage.snapshot_add([self.complete_snapshot]) self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id) ) # Add unknown snapshot to visit2 and check that the old snapshot # is still returned self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin_id, visit2_id, snapshot=self.empty_snapshot['id']) self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Actually add that snapshot and check that the new one is returned self.storage.snapshot_add([self.empty_snapshot]) self.assertEqual( self.empty_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id) ) def test_snapshot_get_latest__legacy_add(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit1) visit1_id = origin_visit1['visit'] origin_visit2 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit2) visit2_id = origin_visit2['visit'] # Add a visit with the same date as the previous one origin_visit3 = self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin_id, self.date_visit2) visit3_id = origin_visit3['visit'] # Two visits, both with no snapshot: latest snapshot is None self.assertIsNone(self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Add snapshot to visit1, latest snapshot = visit 1 snapshot self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit1_id, self.complete_snapshot) self.assertEqual(self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Status filter: both visits are status=ongoing, so no snapshot # returned self.assertIsNone( self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']) ) # Mark the first visit as completed and check status filter again self.storage.origin_visit_update(origin_id, visit1_id, status='full') self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']), ) # Add snapshot to visit2 and check that the new snapshot is returned self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit2_id, self.empty_snapshot) self.assertEqual(self.empty_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) # Check that the status filter is still working self.assertEqual( self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id, allowed_statuses=['full']), ) # Add snapshot to visit3 (same date as visit2) and check that # the new snapshot is returned self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, visit3_id, self.complete_snapshot) self.assertEqual(self.complete_snapshot, self.storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_id)) def test_stat_counters(self): expected_keys = ['content', 'directory', 'origin', 'person', 'revision'] # Initially, all counters are 0 self.storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = self.storage.stat_counters() self.assertTrue(set(expected_keys) <= set(counters)) for key in expected_keys: self.assertEqual(counters[key], 0) # Add a content. Only the content counter should increase. self.storage.content_add([self.cont]) self.storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = self.storage.stat_counters() self.assertTrue(set(expected_keys) <= set(counters)) for key in expected_keys: if key != 'content': self.assertEqual(counters[key], 0) self.assertEqual(counters['content'], 1) # Add other objects. Check their counter increased as well. origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) origin_visit1 = self.storage.origin_visit_add( origin_id, date=self.date_visit2) self.storage.snapshot_add(origin_id, origin_visit1['visit'], self.snapshot) self.storage.directory_add([self.dir]) self.storage.revision_add([self.revision]) self.storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = self.storage.stat_counters() self.assertEqual(counters['content'], 1) self.assertEqual(counters['directory'], 1) self.assertEqual(counters['snapshot'], 1) self.assertEqual(counters['origin'], 1) self.assertEqual(counters['revision'], 1) self.assertEqual(counters['person'], 2) def test_content_find_ctime(self): cont = self.cont.copy() del cont['data'] now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) cont['ctime'] = now self.storage.content_add_metadata([cont]) actually_present = self.storage.content_find({'sha1': cont['sha1']}) self.assertEqual(actually_present, { 'ctime': now, 'sha1': cont['sha1'], 'sha256': cont['sha256'], 'sha1_git': cont['sha1_git'], 'blake2s256': cont['blake2s256'], 'length': cont['length'], 'status': 'visible' }) def test_content_find_with_present_content(self): # 1. with something to find cont = self.cont self.storage.content_add([cont]) actually_present = self.storage.content_find({'sha1': cont['sha1']}) actually_present.pop('ctime') self.assertEqual(actually_present, { 'sha1': cont['sha1'], 'sha256': cont['sha256'], 'sha1_git': cont['sha1_git'], 'blake2s256': cont['blake2s256'], 'length': cont['length'], 'status': 'visible' }) # 2. with something to find actually_present = self.storage.content_find( {'sha1_git': cont['sha1_git']}) actually_present.pop('ctime') self.assertEqual(actually_present, { 'sha1': cont['sha1'], 'sha256': cont['sha256'], 'sha1_git': cont['sha1_git'], 'blake2s256': cont['blake2s256'], 'length': cont['length'], 'status': 'visible' }) # 3. with something to find actually_present = self.storage.content_find( {'sha256': cont['sha256']}) actually_present.pop('ctime') self.assertEqual(actually_present, { 'sha1': cont['sha1'], 'sha256': cont['sha256'], 'sha1_git': cont['sha1_git'], 'blake2s256': cont['blake2s256'], 'length': cont['length'], 'status': 'visible' }) # 4. with something to find actually_present = self.storage.content_find({ 'sha1': cont['sha1'], 'sha1_git': cont['sha1_git'], 'sha256': cont['sha256'], 'blake2s256': cont['blake2s256'], }) actually_present.pop('ctime') self.assertEqual(actually_present, { 'sha1': cont['sha1'], 'sha256': cont['sha256'], 'sha1_git': cont['sha1_git'], 'blake2s256': cont['blake2s256'], 'length': cont['length'], 'status': 'visible' }) def test_content_find_with_non_present_content(self): # 1. with something that does not exist missing_cont = self.missing_cont actually_present = self.storage.content_find( {'sha1': missing_cont['sha1']}) self.assertIsNone(actually_present) # 2. with something that does not exist actually_present = self.storage.content_find( {'sha1_git': missing_cont['sha1_git']}) self.assertIsNone(actually_present) # 3. with something that does not exist actually_present = self.storage.content_find( {'sha256': missing_cont['sha256']}) self.assertIsNone(actually_present) def test_content_find_bad_input(self): # 1. with bad input with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.storage.content_find({}) # empty is bad # 2. with bad input with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.storage.content_find( {'unknown-sha1': 'something'}) # not the right key def test_object_find_by_sha1_git(self): sha1_gits = [b'00000000000000000000'] expected = { b'00000000000000000000': [], } self.storage.content_add([self.cont]) sha1_gits.append(self.cont['sha1_git']) expected[self.cont['sha1_git']] = [{ 'sha1_git': self.cont['sha1_git'], 'type': 'content', 'id': self.cont['sha1'], }] self.storage.directory_add([self.dir]) sha1_gits.append(self.dir['id']) expected[self.dir['id']] = [{ 'sha1_git': self.dir['id'], 'type': 'directory', 'id': self.dir['id'], }] self.storage.revision_add([self.revision]) sha1_gits.append(self.revision['id']) expected[self.revision['id']] = [{ 'sha1_git': self.revision['id'], 'type': 'revision', 'id': self.revision['id'], }] self.storage.release_add([self.release]) sha1_gits.append(self.release['id']) expected[self.release['id']] = [{ 'sha1_git': self.release['id'], 'type': 'release', 'id': self.release['id'], }] ret = self.storage.object_find_by_sha1_git(sha1_gits) for val in ret.values(): for obj in val: del obj['object_id'] self.assertEqual(expected, ret) def test_tool_add(self): tool = { 'name': 'some-unknown-tool', 'version': 'some-version', 'configuration': {"debian-package": "some-package"}, } actual_tool = self.storage.tool_get(tool) self.assertIsNone(actual_tool) # does not exist # add it actual_tools = self.storage.tool_add([tool]) self.assertEqual(len(actual_tools), 1) actual_tool = actual_tools[0] self.assertIsNotNone(actual_tool) # now it exists new_id = actual_tool.pop('id') self.assertEqual(actual_tool, tool) actual_tools2 = self.storage.tool_add([tool]) actual_tool2 = actual_tools2[0] self.assertIsNotNone(actual_tool2) # now it exists new_id2 = actual_tool2.pop('id') self.assertEqual(new_id, new_id2) self.assertEqual(actual_tool, actual_tool2) def test_tool_add_multiple(self): tool = { 'name': 'some-unknown-tool', 'version': 'some-version', 'configuration': {"debian-package": "some-package"}, } actual_tools = list(self.storage.tool_add([tool])) self.assertEqual(len(actual_tools), 1) new_tools = [tool, { 'name': 'yet-another-tool', 'version': 'version', 'configuration': {}, }] actual_tools = self.storage.tool_add(new_tools) self.assertEqual(len(actual_tools), 2) # order not guaranteed, so we iterate over results to check for tool in actual_tools: _id = tool.pop('id') self.assertIsNotNone(_id) self.assertIn(tool, new_tools) def test_tool_get_missing(self): tool = { 'name': 'unknown-tool', 'version': '3.1.0rc2-31-ga2cbb8c', 'configuration': {"command_line": "nomossa "}, } actual_tool = self.storage.tool_get(tool) self.assertIsNone(actual_tool) def test_tool_metadata_get_missing_context(self): tool = { 'name': 'swh-metadata-translator', 'version': '0.0.1', 'configuration': {"context": "unknown-context"}, } actual_tool = self.storage.tool_get(tool) self.assertIsNone(actual_tool) def test_tool_metadata_get(self): tool = { 'name': 'swh-metadata-translator', 'version': '0.0.1', 'configuration': {"type": "local", "context": "npm"}, } tools = self.storage.tool_add([tool]) expected_tool = tools[0] # when actual_tool = self.storage.tool_get(tool) # then self.assertEqual(expected_tool, actual_tool) def test_metadata_provider_get(self): # given no_provider = self.storage.metadata_provider_get(6459456445615) self.assertIsNone(no_provider) # when provider_id = self.storage.metadata_provider_add( self.provider['name'], self.provider['type'], self.provider['url'], self.provider['metadata']) actual_provider = self.storage.metadata_provider_get(provider_id) expected_provider = { 'provider_name': self.provider['name'], 'provider_url': self.provider['url'] } # then del actual_provider['id'] self.assertTrue(actual_provider, expected_provider) def test_metadata_provider_get_by(self): # given no_provider = self.storage.metadata_provider_get_by({ 'provider_name': self.provider['name'], 'provider_url': self.provider['url'] }) self.assertIsNone(no_provider) # when provider_id = self.storage.metadata_provider_add( self.provider['name'], self.provider['type'], self.provider['url'], self.provider['metadata']) actual_provider = self.storage.metadata_provider_get_by({ 'provider_name': self.provider['name'], 'provider_url': self.provider['url'] }) # then self.assertTrue(provider_id, actual_provider['id']) def test_origin_metadata_add(self): # given origin_id = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin])[0]['id'] origin_metadata0 = list(self.storage.origin_metadata_get_by(origin_id)) self.assertTrue(len(origin_metadata0) == 0) tools = self.storage.tool_add([self.metadata_tool]) tool = tools[0] self.storage.metadata_provider_add( self.provider['name'], self.provider['type'], self.provider['url'], self.provider['metadata']) provider = self.storage.metadata_provider_get_by({ 'provider_name': self.provider['name'], 'provider_url': self.provider['url'] }) # when adding for the same origin 2 metadatas self.storage.origin_metadata_add( origin_id, self.origin_metadata['discovery_date'], provider['id'], tool['id'], self.origin_metadata['metadata']) actual_om1 = list(self.storage.origin_metadata_get_by(origin_id)) # then self.assertEqual(len(actual_om1), 1) self.assertEqual(actual_om1[0]['origin_id'], origin_id) def test_origin_metadata_get(self): # given origin_id = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin])[0]['id'] origin_id2 = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin2])[0]['id'] self.storage.metadata_provider_add(self.provider['name'], self.provider['type'], self.provider['url'], self.provider['metadata']) provider = self.storage.metadata_provider_get_by({ 'provider_name': self.provider['name'], 'provider_url': self.provider['url'] }) tool = self.storage.tool_add([self.metadata_tool])[0] # when adding for the same origin 2 metadatas self.storage.origin_metadata_add( origin_id, self.origin_metadata['discovery_date'], provider['id'], tool['id'], self.origin_metadata['metadata']) self.storage.origin_metadata_add( origin_id2, self.origin_metadata2['discovery_date'], provider['id'], tool['id'], self.origin_metadata2['metadata']) self.storage.origin_metadata_add( origin_id, self.origin_metadata2['discovery_date'], provider['id'], tool['id'], self.origin_metadata2['metadata']) all_metadatas = list(self.storage.origin_metadata_get_by(origin_id)) metadatas_for_origin2 = list(self.storage.origin_metadata_get_by( origin_id2)) expected_results = [{ 'origin_id': origin_id, 'discovery_date': datetime.datetime( 2017, 1, 1, 23, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'metadata': { 'name': 'test_origin_metadata', 'version': '0.0.1' }, 'provider_id': provider['id'], 'provider_name': 'hal', 'provider_type': 'deposit-client', 'provider_url': 'http:///hal/inria', 'tool_id': tool['id'] }, { 'origin_id': origin_id, 'discovery_date': datetime.datetime( 2015, 1, 1, 23, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'metadata': { 'name': 'test_origin_metadata', 'version': '0.0.1' }, 'provider_id': provider['id'], 'provider_name': 'hal', 'provider_type': 'deposit-client', 'provider_url': 'http:///hal/inria', 'tool_id': tool['id'] }] # then self.assertEqual(len(all_metadatas), 2) self.assertEqual(len(metadatas_for_origin2), 1) self.assertCountEqual(all_metadatas, expected_results) def test_origin_metadata_get_by_provider_type(self): # given origin_id = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin])[0]['id'] origin_id2 = self.storage.origin_add([self.origin2])[0]['id'] provider1_id = self.storage.metadata_provider_add( self.provider['name'], self.provider['type'], self.provider['url'], self.provider['metadata']) provider1 = self.storage.metadata_provider_get_by({ 'provider_name': self.provider['name'], 'provider_url': self.provider['url'] }) self.assertEqual(provider1, self.storage.metadata_provider_get(provider1_id)) provider2_id = self.storage.metadata_provider_add( 'swMATH', 'registry', 'http://www.swmath.org/', {'email': 'contact@swmath.org', 'license': 'All rights reserved'}) provider2 = self.storage.metadata_provider_get_by({ 'provider_name': 'swMATH', 'provider_url': 'http://www.swmath.org/' }) self.assertEqual(provider2, self.storage.metadata_provider_get(provider2_id)) # using the only tool now inserted in the data.sql, but for this # provider should be a crawler tool (not yet implemented) tool = self.storage.tool_add([self.metadata_tool])[0] # when adding for the same origin 2 metadatas self.storage.origin_metadata_add( origin_id, self.origin_metadata['discovery_date'], provider1['id'], tool['id'], self.origin_metadata['metadata']) self.storage.origin_metadata_add( origin_id2, self.origin_metadata2['discovery_date'], provider2['id'], tool['id'], self.origin_metadata2['metadata']) provider_type = 'registry' m_by_provider = list(self.storage. origin_metadata_get_by( origin_id2, provider_type)) for item in m_by_provider: if 'id' in item: del item['id'] expected_results = [{ 'origin_id': origin_id2, 'discovery_date': datetime.datetime( 2017, 1, 1, 23, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'metadata': { 'name': 'test_origin_metadata', 'version': '0.0.1' }, 'provider_id': provider2['id'], 'provider_name': 'swMATH', 'provider_type': provider_type, 'provider_url': 'http://www.swmath.org/', 'tool_id': tool['id'] }] # then self.assertEqual(len(m_by_provider), 1) self.assertEqual(m_by_provider, expected_results) class CommonPropTestStorage: def assert_contents_ok(self, expected_contents, actual_contents, keys_to_check={'sha1', 'data'}): """Assert that a given list of contents matches on a given set of keys. """ for k in keys_to_check: expected_list = sorted([c[k] for c in expected_contents]) actual_list = sorted([c[k] for c in actual_contents]) self.assertEqual(actual_list, expected_list) @given(gen_contents(min_size=1, max_size=4)) def test_generate_content_get(self, contents): self.reset_storage_tables() # add contents to storage self.storage.content_add(contents) # input the list of sha1s we want from storage get_sha1s = [c['sha1'] for c in contents] # retrieve contents actual_contents = list(self.storage.content_get(get_sha1s)) self.assert_contents_ok(contents, actual_contents) @given(gen_contents(min_size=1, max_size=4)) def test_generate_content_get_metadata(self, contents): self.reset_storage_tables() # add contents to storage self.storage.content_add(contents) # input the list of sha1s we want from storage get_sha1s = [c['sha1'] for c in contents] # retrieve contents actual_contents = list(self.storage.content_get_metadata(get_sha1s)) self.assertEqual(len(actual_contents), len(contents)) # will check that all contents are retrieved correctly one_content = contents[0] # content_get_metadata does not return data keys_to_check = set(one_content.keys()) - {'data'} self.assert_contents_ok(contents, actual_contents, keys_to_check=keys_to_check) def test_generate_content_get_range_limit_none(self): """content_get_range call with wrong limit input should fail""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: self.storage.content_get_range(start=None, end=None, limit=None) self.assertEqual(e.exception.args, ( 'Development error: limit should not be None',)) @given(gen_contents(min_size=1, max_size=4)) def test_generate_content_get_range_no_limit(self, contents): """content_get_range returns contents within range provided""" self.reset_storage_tables() # add contents to storage self.storage.content_add(contents) # input the list of sha1s we want from storage get_sha1s = sorted([c['sha1'] for c in contents]) start = get_sha1s[0] end = get_sha1s[-1] # retrieve contents actual_result = self.storage.content_get_range(start, end) actual_contents = actual_result['contents'] actual_next = actual_result['next'] self.assertEqual(len(contents), len(actual_contents)) self.assertIsNone(actual_next) one_content = contents[0] keys_to_check = set(one_content.keys()) - {'data'} self.assert_contents_ok(contents, actual_contents, keys_to_check) @given(gen_contents(min_size=4, max_size=4)) def test_generate_content_get_range_limit(self, contents): """content_get_range paginates results if limit exceeded""" self.reset_storage_tables() contents_map = {c['sha1']: c for c in contents} # add contents to storage self.storage.content_add(contents) # input the list of sha1s we want from storage get_sha1s = sorted([c['sha1'] for c in contents]) start = get_sha1s[0] end = get_sha1s[-1] # retrieve contents limited to 3 results limited_results = len(contents) - 1 actual_result = self.storage.content_get_range(start, end, limit=limited_results) actual_contents = actual_result['contents'] actual_next = actual_result['next'] self.assertEqual(limited_results, len(actual_contents)) self.assertIsNotNone(actual_next) self.assertEqual(actual_next, get_sha1s[-1]) expected_contents = [contents_map[sha1] for sha1 in get_sha1s[:-1]] keys_to_check = set(contents[0].keys()) - {'data'} self.assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, keys_to_check) # retrieve next part actual_results2 = self.storage.content_get_range(start=end, end=end) actual_contents2 = actual_results2['contents'] actual_next2 = actual_results2['next'] self.assertEqual(1, len(actual_contents2)) self.assertIsNone(actual_next2) self.assert_contents_ok([contents_map[actual_next]], actual_contents2, keys_to_check) def test_origin_get_invalid_id_legacy(self): invalid_origin_id = 1 origin_info = self.storage.origin_get({'id': invalid_origin_id}) self.assertIsNone(origin_info) origin_visits = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get( invalid_origin_id)) self.assertEqual(origin_visits, []) def test_origin_get_invalid_id(self): origin_info = self.storage.origin_get([{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]) self.assertEqual(origin_info, [None, None]) origin_visits = list(self.storage.origin_visit_get(1)) self.assertEqual(origin_visits, []) @given(strategies.sets(origins().map(lambda x: tuple(x.to_dict().items())), min_size=6, max_size=15)) def test_origin_get_range(self, new_origins): self.reset_storage_tables() new_origins = list(map(dict, new_origins)) nb_origins = len(new_origins) self.storage.origin_add(new_origins) origin_from = random.randint(1, nb_origins-1) origin_count = random.randint(1, nb_origins - origin_from) actual_origins = list( self.storage.origin_get_range(origin_from=origin_from, origin_count=origin_count)) for origin in actual_origins: del origin['id'] for origin in actual_origins: self.assertIn(origin, new_origins) origin_from = -1 origin_count = 5 origins = list( self.storage.origin_get_range(origin_from=origin_from, origin_count=origin_count)) self.assertEqual(len(origins), origin_count) origin_from = 10000 origins = list( self.storage.origin_get_range(origin_from=origin_from, origin_count=origin_count)) self.assertEqual(len(origins), 0) def test_origin_count(self): new_origins = [ { 'type': 'git', 'url': 'https://github.com/user1/repo1' }, { 'type': 'git', 'url': 'https://github.com/user2/repo1' }, { 'type': 'git', 'url': 'https://github.com/user3/repo1' }, { 'type': 'git', 'url': 'https://gitlab.com/user1/repo1' }, { 'type': 'git', 'url': 'https://gitlab.com/user2/repo1' } ] self.storage.origin_add(new_origins) self.assertEqual(self.storage.origin_count('github'), 3) self.assertEqual(self.storage.origin_count('gitlab'), 2) self.assertEqual( self.storage.origin_count('.*user.*', regexp=True), 5) self.assertEqual( self.storage.origin_count('.*user.*', regexp=False), 0) self.assertEqual( self.storage.origin_count('.*user1.*', regexp=True), 2) self.assertEqual( self.storage.origin_count('.*user1.*', regexp=False), 0) @pytest.mark.db class TestLocalStorage(CommonTestStorage, StorageTestDbFixture, unittest.TestCase): """Test the local storage""" # Can only be tested with local storage as you can't mock # datetimes for the remote server def test_fetch_history(self): origin = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) with patch('datetime.datetime'): datetime.datetime.now.return_value = self.fetch_history_date fetch_history_id = self.storage.fetch_history_start(origin) datetime.datetime.now.assert_called_with(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) with patch('datetime.datetime'): datetime.datetime.now.return_value = self.fetch_history_end self.storage.fetch_history_end(fetch_history_id, self.fetch_history_data) fetch_history = self.storage.fetch_history_get(fetch_history_id) expected_fetch_history = self.fetch_history_data.copy() expected_fetch_history['id'] = fetch_history_id expected_fetch_history['origin'] = origin expected_fetch_history['date'] = self.fetch_history_date expected_fetch_history['duration'] = self.fetch_history_duration self.assertEqual(expected_fetch_history, fetch_history) # This test is only relevant on the local storage, with an actual # objstorage raising an exception def test_content_add_objstorage_exception(self): self.storage.objstorage.add = Mock( side_effect=Exception('mocked broken objstorage') ) with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: self.storage.content_add([self.cont]) self.assertEqual(e.exception.args, ('mocked broken objstorage',)) missing = list(self.storage.content_missing([self.cont])) self.assertEqual(missing, [self.cont['sha1']]) @pytest.mark.db @pytest.mark.property_based class PropTestLocalStorage(CommonPropTestStorage, StorageTestDbFixture, unittest.TestCase): pass class AlteringSchemaTest(TestStorageData, StorageTestDbFixture, unittest.TestCase): """This class is dedicated for the rare case where the schema needs to be altered dynamically. Otherwise, the tests could be blocking when ran altogether. """ def test_content_update(self): self.storage.journal_writer = None # TODO, not supported cont = copy.deepcopy(self.cont) self.storage.content_add([cont]) # alter the sha1_git for example cont['sha1_git'] = hash_to_bytes( '3a60a5275d0333bf13468e8b3dcab90f4046e654') self.storage.content_update([cont], keys=['sha1_git']) with self.storage.get_db().transaction() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status' ' FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s', (cont['sha1'],)) datum = cur.fetchone() self.assertEqual( (datum[0], datum[1], datum[2], datum[3], datum[4]), (cont['sha1'], cont['sha1_git'], cont['sha256'], cont['length'], 'visible')) def test_content_update_with_new_cols(self): self.storage.journal_writer = None # TODO, not supported with self.storage.get_db().transaction() as cur: cur.execute("""alter table content add column test text default null, add column test2 text default null""") cont = copy.deepcopy(self.cont2) self.storage.content_add([cont]) cont['test'] = 'value-1' cont['test2'] = 'value-2' self.storage.content_update([cont], keys=['test', 'test2']) with self.storage.get_db().transaction() as cur: cur.execute( 'SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status, test, test2' ' FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s', (cont['sha1'],)) datum = cur.fetchone() self.assertEqual( (datum[0], datum[1], datum[2], datum[3], datum[4], datum[5], datum[6]), (cont['sha1'], cont['sha1_git'], cont['sha256'], cont['length'], 'visible', cont['test'], cont['test2'])) with self.storage.get_db().transaction() as cur: cur.execute("""alter table content drop column test, drop column test2""")