diff --git a/swh/storage/archiver/director.py b/swh/storage/archiver/director.py index c3f68f74..d4e3c24a 100644 --- a/swh/storage/archiver/director.py +++ b/swh/storage/archiver/director.py @@ -1,296 +1,296 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import logging import click from datetime import datetime from swh.core import hashutil, config from swh.objstorage import PathSlicingObjStorage from swh.objstorage.api.client import RemoteObjStorage from swh.scheduler.celery_backend.config import app from . import tasks # NOQA from .storage import ArchiverStorage DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'objstorage_type': ('str', 'local_storage'), 'objstorage_path': ('str', '/tmp/swh-storage/objects'), 'objstorage_slicing': ('str', '0:2/2:4/4:6'), 'objstorage_url': ('str', 'http://localhost:5003/'), 'batch_max_size': ('int', 50), 'archival_max_age': ('int', 3600), 'retention_policy': ('int', 2), 'asynchronous': ('bool', True), 'dbconn': ('str', 'dbname=softwareheritage-archiver-dev user=guest') } task_name = 'swh.storage.archiver.tasks.SWHArchiverTask' logger = logging.getLogger() class ArchiverDirector(): """Process the files in order to know which one is needed as backup. The archiver director processes the files in the local storage in order to know which one needs archival and it delegates this task to archiver workers. Attributes: master_objstorage: the local storage of the master server. master_objstorage_args (dict): arguments of the master objstorage initialization. archiver_storage: a wrapper for archiver db operations. db_conn_archiver: Either a libpq connection string, or a psycopg2 connection for the archiver db. slave_objstorages: Iterable of remote obj storages to the slaves servers used for backup. config: Archiver_configuration. A dictionary that must contain the following keys: objstorage_type (str): type of objstorage used (local_storage or remote_storage). If the storage is local, the arguments keys must be present objstorage_path (str): master's objstorage path objstorage_slicing (str): masters's objstorage slicing Otherwise, if it's a remote objstorage, the keys must be: objstorage_url (str): url of the remote objstorage batch_max_size (int): The number of content items that can be given to the same archiver worker. archival_max_age (int): Delay given to the worker to copy all the files in a given batch. retention_policy (int): Required number of copies for the content to be considered safe. asynchronous (boolean): Indicate whenever the archival should run in asynchronous mode or not. """ def __init__(self, db_conn_archiver, config): """ Constructor of the archiver director. Args: db_conn_archiver: Either a libpq connection string, or a psycopg2 connection for the archiver db. config: Archiver_configuration. A dictionary that must contain the following keys: objstorage_type (str): type of objstorage used (local_objstorage or remote_objstorage). If the storage is local, the arguments keys must be present objstorage_path (str): master's objstorage path objstorage_slicing (str): masters's objstorage slicing Otherwise, if it's a remote objstorage, the keys must be: objstorage_url (str): url of the remote objstorage batch_max_size (int): The number of content items that can be given to the same archiver worker. archival_max_age (int): Delay given to the worker to copy all the files in a given batch. retention_policy (int): Required number of copies for the content to be considered safe. asynchronous (boolean): Indicate whenever the archival should run in asynchronous mode or not. """ # Get the slave storages self.db_conn_archiver = db_conn_archiver self.archiver_storage = ArchiverStorage(db_conn_archiver) self.slave_objstorages = { id: url for id, url in self.archiver_storage.archive_ls() } # Check that there is enough backup servers for the retention policy if config['retention_policy'] > len(self.slave_objstorages) + 1: raise ValueError( "Can't have a retention policy of %d with %d backup servers" % (config['retention_policy'], len(self.slave_objstorages)) ) # Get the master storage that contains content to be archived if config['objstorage_type'] == 'local_objstorage': master_objstorage_args = { 'root': config['objstorage_path'], 'slicing': config['objstorage_slicing'] } master_objstorage = PathSlicingObjStorage( **master_objstorage_args ) elif config['objstorage_type'] == 'remote_objstorage': master_objstorage_args = {'base_url': config['objstorage_url']} master_objstorage = RemoteObjStorage(**master_objstorage_args) else: raise ValueError( 'Unknow objstorage class `%s`' % config['objstorage_type'] ) self.master_objstorage = master_objstorage self.master_objstorage_args = master_objstorage_args # Keep the full configuration self.config = config def run(self): """ Run the archiver director. The archiver director will check all the contents of the archiver database and do the required backup jobs. """ if self.config['asynchronous']: run_fn = self.run_async_worker else: run_fn = self.run_sync_worker for batch in self.get_unarchived_content(): run_fn(batch) def run_async_worker(self, batch): """ Produce a worker that will be added to the task queue. """ task = app.tasks[task_name] task.delay(batch, archiver_args=self.db_conn_archiver, master_objstorage_args=self.master_objstorage_args, slave_objstorages=self.slave_objstorages, config=self.config) def run_sync_worker(self, batch): """ Run synchronously a worker on the given batch. """ task = app.tasks[task_name] task(batch, archiver_args=self.db_conn_archiver, master_objstorage_args=self.master_objstorage_args, slave_objstorages=self.slave_objstorages, config=self.config) def get_unarchived_content(self): """ Get contents that need to be archived. Yields: A batch of contents. Batches are dictionaries which associates a content id to the data about servers that contains it or not. {'id1': {'present': [('slave1', 'slave1_url')], 'missing': [('slave2', 'slave2_url'), ('slave3', 'slave3_url')] }, 'id2': {'present': [], 'missing': [ ('slave1', 'slave1_url'), ('slave2', 'slave2_url'), ('slave3', 'slave3_url') ]} } Where keys (idX) are sha1 of the content and (slaveX, slaveX_url) are ids and urls of the storage slaves. At least all the content that don't have enough copies on the backups servers are distributed into these batches. """ # Get the data about each content referenced into the archiver. missing_copy = {} for content_id in self.archiver_storage.content_archive_ls(): db_content_id = '\\x' + hashutil.hash_to_hex(content_id[0]) # Fetch the datas about archival status of the content backups = self.archiver_storage.content_archive_get( content=db_content_id ) for _content_id, server_id, status, mtime in backups: virtual_status = self.get_virtual_status(status, mtime) server_data = (server_id, self.slave_objstorages[server_id]) missing_copy.setdefault( db_content_id, {'present': [], 'missing': []} ).setdefault(virtual_status, []).append(server_data) # Check the content before archival. try: self.master_objstorage.check(content_id[0]) except Exception as e: # Exception can be Error or ObjNotFoundError. logger.error(e) # TODO Do something to restore the content? if len(missing_copy) >= self.config['batch_max_size']: yield missing_copy missing_copy = {} if len(missing_copy) > 0: yield missing_copy def get_virtual_status(self, status, mtime): """ Compute the virtual presence of a content. If the status is ongoing but the time is not elasped, the archiver consider it will be present in the futur, and so consider it as present. However, if the time is elasped, the copy may have failed, so consider the content as missing. Arguments: status (string): One of ('present', 'missing', 'ongoing'). The status of the content. mtime (datetime): Time at which the content have been updated for the last time. Returns: The virtual status of the studied content, which is 'present' or 'missing'. Raises: ValueError: if the status is not one 'present', 'missing' or 'ongoing' """ if status in ('present', 'missing'): return status # If the status is 'ongoing' but there is still time, another worker # may still be on the task. if status == 'ongoing': mtime = mtime.replace(tzinfo=None) elapsed = (datetime.now() - mtime).total_seconds() if elapsed <= self.config['archival_max_age']: return 'present' else: return 'missing' else: raise ValueError("status must be either 'present', 'missing' " "or 'ongoing'") @click.command() @click.argument('config-path', required=1) @click.option('--dbconn', default=DEFAULT_CONFIG['dbconn'][1], help="Connection string for the archiver database") @click.option('--async/--sync', default=DEFAULT_CONFIG['asynchronous'][1], help="Indicates if the archiver should run asynchronously") -def launch(config_path, dbconn, dbconn_storage, async): +def launch(config_path, dbconn, async): # The configuration have following priority : # command line > file config > default config cl_config = { 'dbconn': dbconn, 'asynchronous': async } conf = config.read(config_path, DEFAULT_CONFIG) conf.update(cl_config) # Create connection data and run the archiver. archiver = ArchiverDirector(conf['dbconn'], conf) logger.info("Starting an archival at", datetime.now()) archiver.run() if __name__ == '__main__': launch()