diff --git a/sql/swh-func.sql b/sql/swh-func.sql
index 7c6fc61..6cee20e 100644
--- a/sql/swh-func.sql
+++ b/sql/swh-func.sql
@@ -1,1419 +1,1392 @@
 create or replace function hash_sha1(text)
        returns text
 as $$
    select encode(digest($1, 'sha1'), 'hex')
 $$ language sql strict immutable;
 comment on function hash_sha1(text) is 'Compute SHA1 hash as text';
 -- create a temporary table called tmp_TBLNAME, mimicking existing table
 -- Args:
 --     tblname: name of the table to mimick
 create or replace function swh_mktemp(tblname regclass)
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     execute format('
 	create temporary table tmp_%1$I
 	    (like %1$I including defaults)
 	    on commit drop;
       alter table tmp_%1$I drop column if exists object_id;
 	', tblname);
 -- create a temporary table for directory entries called tmp_TBLNAME,
 -- mimicking existing table TBLNAME with an extra dir_id (sha1_git)
 -- column, and dropping the id column.
 -- This is used to create the tmp_directory_entry_<foo> tables.
 -- Args:
 --     tblname: name of the table to mimick
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_dir_entry(tblname regclass)
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     execute format('
 	create temporary table tmp_%1$I
 	    (like %1$I including defaults, dir_id sha1_git)
 	    on commit drop;
         alter table tmp_%1$I drop column id;
 	', tblname);
 -- create a temporary table for revisions called tmp_revisions,
 -- mimicking existing table revision, replacing the foreign keys to
 -- people with an email and name field
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_revision()
     returns void
     language sql
 as $$
     create temporary table tmp_revision (
         like revision including defaults,
         author_fullname bytea,
         author_name bytea,
         author_email bytea,
         committer_fullname bytea,
         committer_name bytea,
         committer_email bytea
     ) on commit drop;
     alter table tmp_revision drop column author;
     alter table tmp_revision drop column committer;
     alter table tmp_revision drop column object_id;
 -- create a temporary table for releases called tmp_release,
 -- mimicking existing table release, replacing the foreign keys to
 -- people with an email and name field
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_release()
     returns void
     language sql
 as $$
     create temporary table tmp_release (
         like release including defaults,
         author_fullname bytea,
         author_name bytea,
         author_email bytea
     ) on commit drop;
     alter table tmp_release drop column author;
     alter table tmp_release drop column object_id;
 -- create a temporary table for occurrence_history
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_occurrence_history()
     returns void
     language sql
 as $$
     create temporary table tmp_occurrence_history(
         like occurrence_history including defaults,
         visit bigint not null
     ) on commit drop;
     alter table tmp_occurrence_history
       drop column visits,
       drop column object_id;
 -- create a temporary table for entity_history, sans id
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_entity_history()
     returns void
     language sql
 as $$
     create temporary table tmp_entity_history (
         like entity_history including defaults) on commit drop;
     alter table tmp_entity_history drop column id;
 -- create a temporary table for entities called tmp_entity_lister,
 -- with only the columns necessary for retrieving the uuid of a listed
 -- entity.
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_entity_lister()
     returns void
     language sql
 as $$
   create temporary table tmp_entity_lister (
     id              bigint,
     lister_metadata jsonb
   ) on commit drop;
 -- create a temporary table for the branches of a snapshot
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_snapshot_branch()
     returns void
     language sql
 as $$
   create temporary table tmp_snapshot_branch (
       name bytea not null,
       target bytea,
       target_type snapshot_target
   ) on commit drop;
 create or replace function swh_mktemp_tool()
     returns void
     language sql
 as $$
     create temporary table tmp_tool (
       like tool including defaults
     ) on commit drop;
     alter table tmp_tool drop column id;
 -- a content signature is a set of cryptographic checksums that we use to
 -- uniquely identify content, for the purpose of verifying if we already have
 -- some content or not during content injection
 create type content_signature as (
     sha1       sha1,
     sha1_git   sha1_git,
     sha256     sha256,
     blake2s256 blake2s256
 -- check which entries of tmp_skipped_content are missing from skipped_content
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(skipped_content), 1. COPY to tmp_skipped_content,
 -- 2. call this function
 create or replace function swh_skipped_content_missing()
     returns setof content_signature
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     return query
 	select sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256 from tmp_skipped_content t
 	where not exists
 	(select 1 from skipped_content s where
 	    s.sha1 is not distinct from t.sha1 and
 	    s.sha1_git is not distinct from t.sha1_git and
 	    s.sha256 is not distinct from t.sha256);
 -- Look up content based on one or several different checksums. Return all
 -- content information if the content is found; a NULL row otherwise.
 -- At least one checksum should be not NULL. If several are not NULL, they will
 -- be AND-ed together in the lookup query.
 -- Note: this function is meant to be used to look up individual contents
 -- (e.g., for the web app), for batch lookup of missing content (e.g., to be
 -- added) see swh_content_missing
 create or replace function swh_content_find(
     sha1       sha1       default NULL,
     sha1_git   sha1_git   default NULL,
     sha256     sha256     default NULL,
     blake2s256 blake2s256 default NULL
     returns content
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     con content;
     filters text[] := array[] :: text[];  -- AND-clauses used to filter content
     q text;
     if sha1 is not null then
         filters := filters || format('sha1 = %L', sha1);
     end if;
     if sha1_git is not null then
         filters := filters || format('sha1_git = %L', sha1_git);
     end if;
     if sha256 is not null then
         filters := filters || format('sha256 = %L', sha256);
     end if;
     if blake2s256 is not null then
         filters := filters || format('blake2s256 = %L', blake2s256);
     end if;
     if cardinality(filters) = 0 then
         return null;
         q = format('select * from content where %s',
                    array_to_string(filters, ' and '));
         execute q into con;
 	return con;
     end if;
 -- add tmp_content entries to content, skipping duplicates
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(content), 1. COPY to tmp_content,
 -- 2. call this function
 create or replace function swh_content_add()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     insert into content (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status)
         select distinct sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status from tmp_content;
 -- add tmp_skipped_content entries to skipped_content, skipping duplicates
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(skipped_content), 1. COPY to tmp_skipped_content,
 -- 2. call this function
 create or replace function swh_skipped_content_add()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     insert into skipped_content (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status, reason, origin)
         select distinct sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, length, status, reason, origin
 	from tmp_skipped_content
 	where (coalesce(sha1, ''), coalesce(sha1_git, ''), coalesce(sha256, '')) in (
             select coalesce(sha1, ''), coalesce(sha1_git, ''), coalesce(sha256, '')
             from swh_skipped_content_missing()
         -- TODO XXX use postgres 9.5 "UPSERT" support here, when available.
         -- Specifically, using "INSERT .. ON CONFLICT IGNORE" we can avoid
         -- the extra swh_content_missing() query here.
 -- Update content entries from temporary table.
 -- (columns are potential new columns added to the schema, this cannot be empty)
 create or replace function swh_content_update(columns_update text[])
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
    query text;
    tmp_array text[];
     if array_length(columns_update, 1) = 0 then
         raise exception 'Please, provide the list of column names to update.';
     end if;
     tmp_array := array(select format('%1$s=t.%1$s', unnest) from unnest(columns_update));
     query = format('update content set %s
                     from tmp_content t where t.sha1 = content.sha1',
                     array_to_string(tmp_array, ', '));
     execute query;
 comment on function swh_content_update(text[]) IS 'Update existing content''s columns';
 -- check which entries of tmp_directory are missing from directory
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(directory), 1. COPY to tmp_directory,
 -- 2. call this function
 create or replace function swh_directory_missing()
     returns setof sha1_git
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     return query
 	select id from tmp_directory t
 	where not exists (
 	    select 1 from directory d
 	    where d.id = t.id);
 create type directory_entry_type as enum('file', 'dir', 'rev');
 -- Add tmp_directory_entry_* entries to directory_entry_* and directory,
 -- skipping duplicates in directory_entry_*.  This is a generic function that
 -- works on all kind of directory entries.
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp_dir_entry('directory_entry_*'), 1 COPY to
 -- tmp_directory_entry_*, 2. call this function
 -- Assumption: this function is used in the same transaction that inserts the
 -- context directory in table "directory".
 create or replace function swh_directory_entry_add(typ directory_entry_type)
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     execute format('
     insert into directory_entry_%1$s (target, name, perms)
     select distinct t.target, t.name, t.perms
     from tmp_directory_entry_%1$s t
     where not exists (
     select 1
     from directory_entry_%1$s i
     where t.target = i.target and t.name = i.name and t.perms = i.perms)
    ', typ);
     execute format('
     with new_entries as (
 	select t.dir_id, array_agg(i.id) as entries
 	from tmp_directory_entry_%1$s t
 	inner join directory_entry_%1$s i
 	using (target, name, perms)
 	group by t.dir_id
     update tmp_directory as d
     set %1$s_entries = new_entries.entries
     from new_entries
     where d.id = new_entries.dir_id
     ', typ);
 -- Insert the data from tmp_directory, tmp_directory_entry_file,
 -- tmp_directory_entry_dir, tmp_directory_entry_rev into their final
 -- tables.
 -- Prerequisites:
 --  directory ids in tmp_directory
 --  entries in tmp_directory_entry_{file,dir,rev}
 create or replace function swh_directory_add()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     perform swh_directory_entry_add('file');
     perform swh_directory_entry_add('dir');
     perform swh_directory_entry_add('rev');
     insert into directory
     select * from tmp_directory t
     where not exists (
         select 1 from directory d
 	where d.id = t.id);
 -- a directory listing entry with all the metadata
 -- can be used to list a directory, and retrieve all the data in one go.
 create type directory_entry as
   dir_id   sha1_git,     -- id of the parent directory
   type     directory_entry_type,  -- type of entry
   target   sha1_git,     -- id of target
   name     unix_path,    -- path name, relative to containing dir
   perms    file_perms,   -- unix-like permissions
   status   content_status,  -- visible or absent
   sha1     sha1,            -- content if sha1 if type is not dir
   sha1_git sha1_git,        -- content's sha1 git if type is not dir
   sha256   sha256,          -- content's sha256 if type is not dir
   length   bigint           -- content length if type is not dir
 -- List a single level of directory walked_dir_id
 -- FIXME: order by name is not correct. For git, we need to order by
 -- lexicographic order but as if a trailing / is present in directory
 -- name
 create or replace function swh_directory_walk_one(walked_dir_id sha1_git)
     returns setof directory_entry
     language sql
 as $$
     with dir as (
 	select id as dir_id, dir_entries, file_entries, rev_entries
 	from directory
 	where id = walked_dir_id),
     ls_d as (select dir_id, unnest(dir_entries) as entry_id from dir),
     ls_f as (select dir_id, unnest(file_entries) as entry_id from dir),
     ls_r as (select dir_id, unnest(rev_entries) as entry_id from dir)
     (select dir_id, 'dir'::directory_entry_type as type,
             e.target, e.name, e.perms, NULL::content_status,
             NULL::sha1, NULL::sha1_git, NULL::sha256, NULL::bigint
      from ls_d
      left join directory_entry_dir e on ls_d.entry_id = e.id)
     (select dir_id, 'file'::directory_entry_type as type,
             e.target, e.name, e.perms, c.status,
             c.sha1, c.sha1_git, c.sha256, c.length
      from ls_f
      left join directory_entry_file e on ls_f.entry_id = e.id
      left join content c on e.target = c.sha1_git)
     (select dir_id, 'rev'::directory_entry_type as type,
             e.target, e.name, e.perms, NULL::content_status,
             NULL::sha1, NULL::sha1_git, NULL::sha256, NULL::bigint
      from ls_r
      left join directory_entry_rev e on ls_r.entry_id = e.id)
     order by name;
 -- List recursively the revision directory arborescence
 create or replace function swh_directory_walk(walked_dir_id sha1_git)
     returns setof directory_entry
     language sql
 as $$
     with recursive entries as (
         select dir_id, type, target, name, perms, status, sha1, sha1_git,
                sha256, length
         from swh_directory_walk_one(walked_dir_id)
         union all
         select dir_id, type, target, (dirname || '/' || name)::unix_path as name,
                perms, status, sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length
         from (select (swh_directory_walk_one(dirs.target)).*, dirs.name as dirname
               from (select target, name from entries where type = 'dir') as dirs) as with_parent
     select dir_id, type, target, name, perms, status, sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length
     from entries
 create or replace function swh_revision_walk(revision_id sha1_git)
   returns setof directory_entry
   language sql
 as $$
   select dir_id, type, target, name, perms, status, sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length
   from swh_directory_walk((select directory from revision where id=revision_id))
 COMMENT ON FUNCTION swh_revision_walk(sha1_git) IS 'Recursively list the revision targeted directory arborescence';
 -- Find a directory entry by its path
 create or replace function swh_find_directory_entry_by_path(
     walked_dir_id sha1_git,
     dir_or_content_path bytea[])
     returns directory_entry
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     end_index integer;
     paths bytea default '';
     path bytea;
     res bytea[];
     r record;
     end_index := array_upper(dir_or_content_path, 1);
     res[1] := walked_dir_id;
     for i in 1..end_index
         path := dir_or_content_path[i];
         -- concatenate path for patching the name in the result record (if we found it)
         if i = 1 then
             paths = path;
             paths := paths || '/' || path;  -- concatenate paths
         end if;
         if i <> end_index then
             select *
             from swh_directory_walk_one(res[i] :: sha1_git)
             where name=path
             and type = 'dir'
             limit 1 into r;
             select *
             from swh_directory_walk_one(res[i] :: sha1_git)
             where name=path
             limit 1 into r;
         end if;
         -- find the path
         if r is null then
            return null;
             -- store the next dir to lookup the next local path from
             res[i+1] := r.target;
         end if;
     end loop;
     -- at this moment, r is the result. Patch its 'name' with the full path before returning it.
     r.name := paths;
     return r;
 -- List all revision IDs starting from a given revision, going back in time
 -- TODO ordering: should be breadth-first right now (what do we want?)
 -- TODO ordering: ORDER BY parent_rank somewhere?
 create or replace function swh_revision_list(root_revisions bytea[], num_revs bigint default NULL)
     returns table (id sha1_git, parents bytea[])
     language sql
 as $$
     with recursive full_rev_list(id) as (
         (select id from revision where id = ANY(root_revisions))
         (select h.parent_id
          from revision_history as h
          join full_rev_list on h.id = full_rev_list.id)
     rev_list as (select id from full_rev_list limit num_revs)
     select rev_list.id as id,
            array(select rh.parent_id::bytea
                  from revision_history rh
                  where rh.id = rev_list.id
                  order by rh.parent_rank
                 ) as parent
     from rev_list;
 -- List all the children of a given revision
 create or replace function swh_revision_list_children(root_revisions bytea[], num_revs bigint default NULL)
     returns table (id sha1_git, parents bytea[])
     language sql
 as $$
     with recursive full_rev_list(id) as (
         (select id from revision where id = ANY(root_revisions))
         (select h.id
          from revision_history as h
          join full_rev_list on h.parent_id = full_rev_list.id)
     rev_list as (select id from full_rev_list limit num_revs)
     select rev_list.id as id,
            array(select rh.parent_id::bytea
                  from revision_history rh
                  where rh.id = rev_list.id
                  order by rh.parent_rank
                 ) as parent
     from rev_list;
 -- Detailed entry for a revision
 create type revision_entry as
   id                             sha1_git,
   date                           timestamptz,
   date_offset                    smallint,
   date_neg_utc_offset            boolean,
   committer_date                 timestamptz,
   committer_date_offset          smallint,
   committer_date_neg_utc_offset  boolean,
   type                           revision_type,
   directory                      sha1_git,
   message                        bytea,
   author_id                      bigint,
   author_fullname                bytea,
   author_name                    bytea,
   author_email                   bytea,
   committer_id                   bigint,
   committer_fullname             bytea,
   committer_name                 bytea,
   committer_email                bytea,
   metadata                       jsonb,
   synthetic                      boolean,
   parents                        bytea[],
   object_id                      bigint
 -- "git style" revision log. Similar to swh_revision_list(), but returning all
 -- information associated to each revision, and expanding authors/committers
 create or replace function swh_revision_log(root_revisions bytea[], num_revs bigint default NULL)
     returns setof revision_entry
     language sql
 as $$
     select t.id, r.date, r.date_offset, r.date_neg_utc_offset,
            r.committer_date, r.committer_date_offset, r.committer_date_neg_utc_offset,
            r.type, r.directory, r.message,
            a.id, a.fullname, a.name, a.email,
            c.id, c.fullname, c.name, c.email,
            r.metadata, r.synthetic, t.parents, r.object_id
     from swh_revision_list(root_revisions, num_revs) as t
     left join revision r on t.id = r.id
     left join person a on a.id = r.author
     left join person c on c.id = r.committer;
 -- Detailed entry for a release
 create type release_entry as
   id                   sha1_git,
   target               sha1_git,
   target_type          object_type,
   date                 timestamptz,
   date_offset          smallint,
   date_neg_utc_offset  boolean,
   name                 bytea,
   comment              bytea,
   synthetic            boolean,
   author_id            bigint,
   author_fullname      bytea,
   author_name          bytea,
   author_email         bytea,
   object_id            bigint
 -- Create entries in person from tmp_revision
 create or replace function swh_person_add_from_revision()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     with t as (
         select author_fullname as fullname, author_name as name, author_email as email from tmp_revision
         select committer_fullname as fullname, committer_name as name, committer_email as email from tmp_revision
     ) insert into person (fullname, name, email)
     select distinct fullname, name, email from t
     where not exists (
         select 1
         from person p
         where t.fullname = p.fullname
 -- Create entries in revision from tmp_revision
 create or replace function swh_revision_add()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     perform swh_person_add_from_revision();
     insert into revision (id, date, date_offset, date_neg_utc_offset, committer_date, committer_date_offset, committer_date_neg_utc_offset, type, directory, message, author, committer, metadata, synthetic)
     select t.id, t.date, t.date_offset, t.date_neg_utc_offset, t.committer_date, t.committer_date_offset, t.committer_date_neg_utc_offset, t.type, t.directory, t.message, a.id, c.id, t.metadata, t.synthetic
     from tmp_revision t
     left join person a on a.fullname = t.author_fullname
     left join person c on c.fullname = t.committer_fullname;
 -- Create entries in person from tmp_release
 create or replace function swh_person_add_from_release()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     with t as (
         select distinct author_fullname as fullname, author_name as name, author_email as email from tmp_release
     ) insert into person (fullname, name, email)
     select fullname, name, email from t
     where not exists (
         select 1
         from person p
         where t.fullname = p.fullname
 -- Create entries in release from tmp_release
 create or replace function swh_release_add()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     perform swh_person_add_from_release();
     insert into release (id, target, target_type, date, date_offset, date_neg_utc_offset, name, comment, author, synthetic)
     select t.id, t.target, t.target_type, t.date, t.date_offset, t.date_neg_utc_offset, t.name, t.comment, a.id, t.synthetic
     from tmp_release t
     left join person a on a.fullname = t.author_fullname;
 create or replace function swh_occurrence_update_for_origin(origin_id bigint)
   returns void
   language sql
 as $$
   delete from occurrence where origin = origin_id;
   insert into occurrence (origin, branch, target, target_type)
     select origin, branch, target, target_type
     from occurrence_history
     where origin = origin_id and
           (select visit from origin_visit
            where origin = origin_id
            order by date desc
            limit 1) = any(visits);
 create or replace function swh_occurrence_update_all()
   returns void
   language plpgsql
 as $$
   origin_id origin.id%type;
   for origin_id in
     select distinct id from origin
     perform swh_occurrence_update_for_origin(origin_id);
   end loop;
 -- add a new origin_visit for origin origin_id at date.
 -- Returns the new visit id.
 create or replace function swh_origin_visit_add(origin_id bigint, date timestamptz)
     returns bigint
     language sql
 as $$
   with last_known_visit as (
     select coalesce(max(visit), 0) as visit
     from origin_visit
     where origin = origin_id
   insert into origin_visit (origin, date, visit, status)
   values (origin_id, date, (select visit from last_known_visit) + 1, 'ongoing')
   returning visit;
 -- add tmp_occurrence_history entries to occurrence_history
 -- operates in bulk: 0. swh_mktemp(occurrence_history), 1. COPY to tmp_occurrence_history,
 -- 2. call this function
 create or replace function swh_occurrence_history_add()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   origin_id origin.id%type;
   -- Create or update occurrence_history
   with occurrence_history_id_visit as (
     select tmp_occurrence_history.*, object_id, visits from tmp_occurrence_history
     left join occurrence_history using(origin, branch, target, target_type)
   occurrences_to_update as (
     select object_id, visit from occurrence_history_id_visit where object_id is not null
   update_occurrences as (
     update occurrence_history
     set visits = array(select unnest(occurrence_history.visits) as e
                        select occurrences_to_update.visit as e
                        order by e)
     from occurrences_to_update
     where occurrence_history.object_id = occurrences_to_update.object_id
   insert into occurrence_history (origin, branch, target, target_type, visits)
     select origin, branch, target, target_type, ARRAY[visit]
       from occurrence_history_id_visit
       where object_id is null;
   -- update occurrence
   for origin_id in
     select distinct origin from tmp_occurrence_history
     perform swh_occurrence_update_for_origin(origin_id);
   end loop;
 create or replace function swh_snapshot_add(origin bigint, visit bigint, snapshot_id snapshot.id%type)
   returns void
   language plpgsql
 as $$
   snapshot_object_id snapshot.object_id%type;
   select object_id from snapshot where id = snapshot_id into snapshot_object_id;
   if snapshot_object_id is null then
      insert into snapshot (id) values (snapshot_id) returning object_id into snapshot_object_id;
      insert into snapshot_branch (name, target_type, target)
        select name, target_type, target from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp
        where not exists (
          select 1
          from snapshot_branch sb
          where sb.name = tmp.name
            and sb.target = tmp.target
            and sb.target_type = tmp.target_type
        on conflict do nothing;
      insert into snapshot_branches (snapshot_id, branch_id)
      select snapshot_object_id, sb.object_id as branch_id
        from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp
        join snapshot_branch sb
        using (name, target, target_type)
        where tmp.target is not null and tmp.target_type is not null
      select snapshot_object_id, sb.object_id as branch_id
        from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp
        join snapshot_branch sb
        using (name)
        where tmp.target is null and tmp.target_type is null
          and sb.target is null and sb.target_type is null;
   end if;
   update origin_visit ov
     set snapshot_id = snapshot_object_id
     where ov.origin=swh_snapshot_add.origin and ov.visit=swh_snapshot_add.visit;
 create type snapshot_result as (
   snapshot_id  sha1_git,
   name         bytea,
   target       bytea,
   target_type  snapshot_target
 create or replace function swh_snapshot_get_by_id(id snapshot.id%type)
   returns setof snapshot_result
   language sql
 as $$
     swh_snapshot_get_by_id.id as snapshot_id, name, target, target_type
   from snapshot_branches
   inner join snapshot_branch on snapshot_branches.branch_id = snapshot_branch.object_id
   where snapshot_id = (select object_id from snapshot where snapshot.id = swh_snapshot_get_by_id.id)
 create or replace function swh_snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_id bigint, visit_id bigint)
   returns snapshot.id%type
   language sql
 as $$
   select snapshot.id
   from origin_visit
   left join snapshot
   on snapshot.object_id = origin_visit.snapshot_id
   where origin_visit.origin=origin_id and origin_visit.visit=visit_id;
 -- Absolute path: directory reference + complete path relative to it
 create type content_dir as (
     directory  sha1_git,
     path       unix_path
 -- Find the containing directory of a given content, specified by sha1
 -- (note: *not* sha1_git).
 -- Return a pair (dir_it, path) where path is a UNIX path that, from the
 -- directory root, reach down to a file with the desired content. Return NULL
 -- if no match is found.
 -- In case of multiple paths (i.e., pretty much always), an arbitrary one is
 -- chosen.
 create or replace function swh_content_find_directory(content_id sha1)
     returns content_dir
     language sql
 as $$
     with recursive path as (
 	-- Recursively build a path from the requested content to a root
 	-- directory. Each iteration returns a pair (dir_id, filename) where
 	-- filename is relative to dir_id. Stops when no parent directory can
 	-- be found.
 	(select dir.id as dir_id, dir_entry_f.name as name, 0 as depth
 	 from directory_entry_file as dir_entry_f
 	 join content on content.sha1_git = dir_entry_f.target
 	 join directory as dir on dir.file_entries @> array[dir_entry_f.id]
 	 where content.sha1 = content_id
 	 limit 1)
 	union all
 	(select dir.id as dir_id,
 		(dir_entry_d.name || '/' || path.name)::unix_path as name,
 		path.depth + 1
 	 from path
 	 join directory_entry_dir as dir_entry_d on dir_entry_d.target = path.dir_id
 	 join directory as dir on dir.dir_entries @> array[dir_entry_d.id]
 	 limit 1)
     select dir_id, name from path order by depth desc limit 1;
--- Walk the revision history starting from a given revision, until a matching
--- occurrence is found. Return all occurrence information if one is found, NULL
--- otherwise.
-create or replace function swh_revision_find_occurrence(revision_id sha1_git)
-    returns occurrence
-    language sql
-    stable
-as $$
-	select origin, branch, target, target_type
-  from swh_revision_list_children(ARRAY[revision_id] :: bytea[]) as rev_list
-	left join occurrence_history occ_hist
-  on rev_list.id = occ_hist.target
-	where occ_hist.origin is not null and
-        occ_hist.target_type = 'revision'
-	limit 1;
 -- Find the visit of origin id closest to date visit_date
 create or replace function swh_visit_find_by_date(origin bigint, visit_date timestamptz default NOW())
     returns origin_visit
     language sql
 as $$
   with closest_two_visits as ((
     select ov, (date - visit_date) as interval
     from origin_visit ov
     where ov.origin = origin
           and ov.date >= visit_date
     order by ov.date asc
     limit 1
   ) union (
     select ov, (visit_date - date) as interval
     from origin_visit ov
     where ov.origin = origin
           and ov.date < visit_date
     order by ov.date desc
     limit 1
   )) select (ov).* from closest_two_visits order by interval limit 1
 -- Find the visit of origin id closest to date visit_date
 create or replace function swh_visit_get(origin bigint)
     returns origin_visit
     language sql
 as $$
     select *
     from origin_visit
     where origin=origin
     order by date desc
 -- Retrieve occurrence by filtering on origin_id and optionally on
 -- branch_name and/or validity range
 create or replace function swh_occurrence_get_by(
        origin_id bigint,
        branch_name bytea default NULL,
        date timestamptz default NULL)
     returns setof occurrence_history
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     filters text[] := array[] :: text[];  -- AND-clauses used to filter content
     visit_id bigint;
     q text;
     if origin_id is null then
         raise exception 'Needs an origin_id to get an occurrence.';
     end if;
     filters := filters || format('origin = %L', origin_id);
     if branch_name is not null then
         filters := filters || format('branch = %L', branch_name);
     end if;
     if date is not null then
         select visit from swh_visit_find_by_date(origin_id, date) into visit_id;
         select visit from origin_visit where origin = origin_id order by origin_visit.date desc limit 1 into visit_id;
     end if;
     if visit_id is null then
     end if;
     filters := filters || format('%L = any(visits)', visit_id);
     q = format('select * from occurrence_history where %s',
                array_to_string(filters, ' and '));
     return query execute q;
 -- Retrieve revisions by occurrence criterion filtering
 create or replace function swh_revision_get_by(
        origin_id bigint,
        branch_name bytea default NULL,
        date timestamptz default NULL)
     returns setof revision_entry
     language sql
 as $$
     select r.id, r.date, r.date_offset, r.date_neg_utc_offset,
         r.committer_date, r.committer_date_offset, r.committer_date_neg_utc_offset,
         r.type, r.directory, r.message,
         a.id, a.fullname, a.name, a.email, c.id, c.fullname, c.name, c.email, r.metadata, r.synthetic,
         array(select rh.parent_id::bytea
             from revision_history rh
             where rh.id = r.id
             order by rh.parent_rank
         ) as parents, r.object_id
     from swh_occurrence_get_by(origin_id, branch_name, date) as occ
     inner join revision r on occ.target = r.id
     left join person a on a.id = r.author
     left join person c on c.id = r.committer;
 -- Create entries in entity_history from tmp_entity_history
 -- TODO: do something smarter to compress the entries if the data
 -- didn't change.
 create or replace function swh_entity_history_add()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     insert into entity_history (
         uuid, parent, name, type, description, homepage, active, generated, lister_metadata, metadata, validity
     ) select * from tmp_entity_history;
 create or replace function swh_update_entity_from_entity_history()
     returns trigger
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     insert into entity (uuid, parent, name, type, description, homepage, active, generated,
       lister_metadata, metadata, last_seen, last_id)
       select uuid, parent, name, type, description, homepage, active, generated,
              lister_metadata, metadata, unnest(validity), id
       from entity_history
       where uuid = NEW.uuid
       order by unnest(validity) desc limit 1
     on conflict (uuid) do update set
       parent = EXCLUDED.parent,
       name = EXCLUDED.name,
       type = EXCLUDED.type,
       description = EXCLUDED.description,
       homepage = EXCLUDED.homepage,
       active = EXCLUDED.active,
       generated = EXCLUDED.generated,
       lister_metadata = EXCLUDED.lister_metadata,
       metadata = EXCLUDED.metadata,
       last_seen = EXCLUDED.last_seen,
       last_id = EXCLUDED.last_id;
     return null;
 create trigger update_entity
   after insert or update
   on entity_history
   for each row
   execute procedure swh_update_entity_from_entity_history();
 -- map an id of tmp_entity_lister to a full entity
 create type entity_id as (
     id               bigint,
     uuid             uuid,
     parent           uuid,
     name             text,
     type             entity_type,
     description      text,
     homepage         text,
     active           boolean,
     generated        boolean,
     lister_metadata  jsonb,
     metadata         jsonb,
     last_seen        timestamptz,
     last_id          bigint
 -- find out the uuid of the entries of entity with the metadata
 -- contained in tmp_entity_lister
 create or replace function swh_entity_from_tmp_entity_lister()
     returns setof entity_id
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   return query
     select t.id, e.*
     from tmp_entity_lister t
     left join entity e
     on e.lister_metadata @> t.lister_metadata;
 create or replace function swh_entity_get(entity_uuid uuid)
     returns setof entity
     language sql
 as $$
   with recursive entity_hierarchy as (
   select e.*
     from entity e where uuid = entity_uuid
     select p.*
     from entity_hierarchy e
     join entity p on e.parent = p.uuid
   select *
   from entity_hierarchy;
 -- Object listing by object_id
 create or replace function swh_content_list_by_object_id(
     min_excl bigint,
     max_incl bigint
     returns setof content
     language sql
 as $$
     select * from content
     where object_id > min_excl and object_id <= max_incl
     order by object_id;
 create or replace function swh_revision_list_by_object_id(
     min_excl bigint,
     max_incl bigint
     returns setof revision_entry
     language sql
 as $$
     with revs as (
         select * from revision
         where object_id > min_excl and object_id <= max_incl
     select r.id, r.date, r.date_offset, r.date_neg_utc_offset,
            r.committer_date, r.committer_date_offset, r.committer_date_neg_utc_offset,
            r.type, r.directory, r.message,
            a.id, a.fullname, a.name, a.email, c.id, c.fullname, c.name, c.email, r.metadata, r.synthetic,
            array(select rh.parent_id::bytea from revision_history rh where rh.id = r.id order by rh.parent_rank)
                as parents, r.object_id
     from revs r
     left join person a on a.id = r.author
     left join person c on c.id = r.committer
     order by r.object_id;
 create or replace function swh_release_list_by_object_id(
     min_excl bigint,
     max_incl bigint
     returns setof release_entry
     language sql
 as $$
     with rels as (
         select * from release
         where object_id > min_excl and object_id <= max_incl
     select r.id, r.target, r.target_type, r.date, r.date_offset, r.date_neg_utc_offset, r.name, r.comment,
            r.synthetic, p.id as author_id, p.fullname as author_fullname, p.name as author_name, p.email as author_email, r.object_id
     from rels r
     left join person p on p.id = r.author
     order by r.object_id;
-create or replace function swh_occurrence_by_origin_visit(origin_id bigint, visit_id bigint)
-    returns setof occurrence
-    language sql
-    stable
-as $$
-  select origin, branch, target, target_type from occurrence_history
-  where origin = origin_id and visit_id = ANY(visits);
 -- end revision_metadata functions
 -- origin_metadata functions
 create type origin_metadata_signature as (
     id bigint,
     origin_id bigint,
     discovery_date timestamptz,
     tool_id bigint,
     metadata jsonb,
     provider_id integer,
     provider_name text,
     provider_type text,
     provider_url  text
 create or replace function swh_origin_metadata_get_by_origin(
        origin integer)
     returns setof origin_metadata_signature
     language sql
 as $$
     select om.id as id, origin_id, discovery_date, tool_id, om.metadata,
            mp.id as provider_id, provider_name, provider_type, provider_url
     from origin_metadata as om
     inner join metadata_provider mp on om.provider_id = mp.id
     where om.origin_id = origin
     order by discovery_date desc;
 create or replace function swh_origin_metadata_get_by_provider_type(
        origin integer,
        type text)
     returns setof origin_metadata_signature
     language sql
 as $$
     select om.id as id, origin_id, discovery_date, tool_id, om.metadata,
            mp.id as provider_id, provider_name, provider_type, provider_url
     from origin_metadata as om
     inner join metadata_provider mp on om.provider_id = mp.id
     where om.origin_id = origin
     and mp.provider_type = type
     order by discovery_date desc;
 -- end origin_metadata functions
 -- add tmp_tool entries to tool,
 -- skipping duplicates if any.
 -- operates in bulk: 0. create temporary tmp_tool, 1. COPY to
 -- it, 2. call this function to insert and filtering out duplicates
 create or replace function swh_tool_add()
     returns setof tool
     language plpgsql
 as $$
       insert into tool(name, version, configuration)
       select name, version, configuration from tmp_tool tmp
       on conflict(name, version, configuration) do nothing;
       return query
           select id, name, version, configuration
           from tmp_tool join tool
               using(name, version, configuration);
 -- simple counter mapping a textual label to an integer value
 create type counter as (
     label  text,
     value  bigint
 -- return statistics about the number of tuples in various SWH tables
 -- Note: the returned values are based on postgres internal statistics
 -- (pg_class table), which are only updated daily (by autovacuum) or so
 create or replace function swh_stat_counters()
     returns setof counter
     language sql
 as $$
     select object_type as label, value as value
     from object_counts
     where object_type in (
 create or replace function swh_update_counter(object_type text)
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
     execute format('
 	insert into object_counts
     (value, last_update, object_type)
     ((select count(*) from %1$I), NOW(), %1$L)
   on conflict (object_type) do update set
     value = excluded.value,
     last_update = excluded.last_update',
 create or replace function swh_update_counter_bucketed()
     returns void
     language plpgsql
 as $$
   query text;
   line_to_update int;
   new_value bigint;
       'select count(%I) from %I where %s',
       coalesce(identifier, '*'),
           ' and ',
           case when bucket_start is not null then
             format('%I >= %L', identifier, bucket_start) -- lower bound condition, inclusive
           case when bucket_end is not null then
             format('%I < %L', identifier, bucket_end) -- upper bound condition, exclusive
     from object_counts_bucketed
     order by coalesce(last_update, now() - '1 month'::interval) asc
     limit 1
     into line_to_update, query;
   execute query into new_value;
   update object_counts_bucketed
     set value = new_value,
         last_update = now()
     where object_counts_bucketed.line = line_to_update;
 create or replace function swh_update_counters_from_buckets()
   returns trigger
   language plpgsql
 as $$
 with to_update as (
   select object_type, sum(value) as value, max(last_update) as last_update
   from object_counts_bucketed ob1
   where not exists (
     select 1 from object_counts_bucketed ob2
     where ob1.object_type = ob2.object_type
     and value is null
   group by object_type
 ) update object_counts
     value = to_update.value,
     last_update = to_update.last_update
   from to_update
     object_counts.object_type = to_update.object_type
     and object_counts.value != to_update.value;
 return null;
 create trigger update_counts_from_bucketed
   after insert or update
   on object_counts_bucketed
   for each row
   when (NEW.line % 256 = 0)
   execute procedure swh_update_counters_from_buckets();
diff --git a/sql/swh-schema.sql b/sql/swh-schema.sql
index 9145976..b3873ba 100644
--- a/sql/swh-schema.sql
+++ b/sql/swh-schema.sql
@@ -1,473 +1,473 @@
 --- SQL implementation of the Software Heritage data model
 -- schema versions
 create table dbversion
   version     int primary key,
   release     timestamptz,
   description text
 -- latest schema version
 insert into dbversion(version, release, description)
-      values(121, now(), 'Work In Progress');
+      values(122, now(), 'Work In Progress');
 -- a SHA1 checksum
 create domain sha1 as bytea check (length(value) = 20);
 -- a Git object ID, i.e., a Git-style salted SHA1 checksum
 create domain sha1_git as bytea check (length(value) = 20);
 -- a SHA256 checksum
 create domain sha256 as bytea check (length(value) = 32);
 -- a blake2 checksum
 create domain blake2s256 as bytea check (length(value) = 32);
 -- UNIX path (absolute, relative, individual path component, etc.)
 create domain unix_path as bytea;
 -- a set of UNIX-like access permissions, as manipulated by, e.g., chmod
 create domain file_perms as int;
 -- Checksums about actual file content. Note that the content itself is not
 -- stored in the DB, but on external (key-value) storage. A single checksum is
 -- used as key there, but the other can be used to verify that we do not inject
 -- content collisions not knowingly.
 create table content
   sha1       sha1 not null,
   sha1_git   sha1_git not null,
   sha256     sha256 not null,
   blake2s256 blake2s256,
   length     bigint not null,
   ctime      timestamptz not null default now(),
              -- creation time, i.e. time of (first) injection into the storage
   status     content_status not null default 'visible',
   object_id  bigserial
 -- Entities constitute a typed hierarchy of organization, hosting
 -- facilities, groups, people and software projects.
 -- Examples of entities: Software Heritage, Debian, GNU, GitHub,
 -- Apache, The Linux Foundation, the Debian Python Modules Team, the
 -- torvalds GitHub user, the torvalds/linux GitHub project.
 -- The data model is hierarchical (via the parent attribute) and might
 -- store sub-branches of existing entities. The key feature of an
 -- entity is might be *listed* (if it is available in listable_entity)
 -- to retrieve information about its content, i.e: sub-entities,
 -- projects, origins.
 -- The history of entities. Allows us to keep historical metadata
 -- about entities.  The temporal invariant is the uuid. Root
 -- organization uuids are manually generated (and available in
 -- swh-data.sql).
 -- For generated entities (generated = true), we can provide
 -- generation_metadata to allow listers to retrieve the uuids of previous
 -- iterations of the entity.
 -- Inactive entities that have been active in the past (active =
 -- false) should register the timestamp at which we saw them
 -- deactivate, in a new entry of entity_history.
 create table entity_history
   id               bigserial not null,
   uuid             uuid,
   parent           uuid,             -- should reference entity_history(uuid)
   name             text not null,
   type             entity_type not null,
   description      text,
   homepage         text,
   active           boolean not null, -- whether the entity was seen on the last listing
   generated        boolean not null, -- whether this entity has been generated by a lister
   lister_metadata  jsonb,            -- lister-specific metadata, used for queries
   metadata         jsonb,
   validity         timestamptz[]     -- timestamps at which we have seen this entity
 -- The entity table provides a view of the latest information on a
 -- given entity. It is updated via a trigger on entity_history.
 create table entity
   uuid             uuid not null,
   parent           uuid,
   name             text not null,
   type             entity_type not null,
   description      text,
   homepage         text,
   active           boolean not null, -- whether the entity was seen on the last listing
   generated        boolean not null, -- whether this entity has been generated by a lister
   lister_metadata  jsonb,            -- lister-specific metadata, used for queries
   metadata         jsonb,
   last_seen        timestamptz,      -- last listing time or disappearance time for active=false
   last_id          bigint            -- last listing id
 -- Register the equivalence between two entities. Allows sideways
 -- navigation in the entity table
 create table entity_equivalence
   entity1 uuid,
   entity2 uuid
 -- Register a lister for a specific entity.
 create table listable_entity
   uuid         uuid,
   enabled      boolean not null default true, -- do we list this entity automatically?
   list_engine  text,  -- crawler to be used to list entity's content
   list_url     text,  -- root URL to start the listing
   list_params  jsonb,  -- org-specific listing parameter
   latest_list  timestamptz  -- last time the entity's content has been listed
 -- Log of all entity listings (i.e., entity crawling) that have been
 -- done in the past, or are still ongoing.
 create table list_history
   id        bigserial not null,
   date      timestamptz not null,
   status    boolean,   -- true if and only if the listing has been successful
   result    jsonb,     -- more detailed return value, depending on status
   stdout    text,
   stderr    text,
   duration  interval,  -- fetch duration of NULL if still ongoing
   entity    uuid
 -- An origin is a place, identified by an URL, where software source code
 -- artifacts can be found. We support different kinds of origins, e.g., git and
 -- other VCS repositories, web pages that list tarballs URLs (e.g.,
 -- http://www.kernel.org), indirect tarball URLs (e.g.,
 -- http://www.example.org/latest.tar.gz), etc. The key feature of an origin is
 -- that it can be *fetched* from (wget, git clone, svn checkout, etc.) to
 -- retrieve all the contained software.
 create table origin
   id       bigserial not null,
   type     text, -- TODO use an enum here (?)
   url      text not null,
   lister   uuid,
   project  uuid
 -- Content blobs observed somewhere, but not ingested into the archive for
 -- whatever reason. This table is separate from the content table as we might
 -- not have the sha1 checksum of skipped contents (for instance when we inject
 -- git repositories, objects that are too big will be skipped here, and we will
 -- only know their sha1_git). 'reason' contains the reason the content was
 -- skipped. origin is a nullable column allowing to find out which origin
 -- contains that skipped content.
 create table skipped_content
   sha1       sha1,
   sha1_git   sha1_git,
   sha256     sha256,
   blake2s256 blake2s256,
   length     bigint not null,
   ctime      timestamptz not null default now(),
   status     content_status not null default 'absent',
   reason     text not null,
   origin     bigint,
   object_id  bigserial
 -- Log of all origin fetches (i.e., origin crawling) that have been done in the
 -- past, or are still ongoing. Similar to list_history, but for origins.
 create table fetch_history
   id        bigserial,
   origin    bigint,
   date      timestamptz not null,
   status    boolean,  -- true if and only if the fetch has been successful
   result    jsonb,     -- more detailed returned values, times, etc...
   stdout    text,
   stderr    text,     -- null when status is true, filled otherwise
   duration  interval  -- fetch duration of NULL if still ongoing
 -- A file-system directory.  A directory is a list of directory entries (see
 -- tables: directory_entry_{dir,file}).
 -- To list the contents of a directory:
 -- 1. list the contained directory_entry_dir using array dir_entries
 -- 2. list the contained directory_entry_file using array file_entries
 -- 3. list the contained directory_entry_rev using array rev_entries
 -- 4. UNION
 -- Synonyms/mappings:
 -- * git: tree
 create table directory
   id            sha1_git,
   dir_entries   bigint[],  -- sub-directories, reference directory_entry_dir
   file_entries  bigint[],  -- contained files, reference directory_entry_file
   rev_entries   bigint[],  -- mounted revisions, reference directory_entry_rev
   object_id     bigserial  -- short object identifier
 -- A directory entry pointing to a (sub-)directory.
 create table directory_entry_dir
   id      bigserial,
   target  sha1_git,   -- id of target directory
   name    unix_path,  -- path name, relative to containing dir
   perms   file_perms  -- unix-like permissions
 -- A directory entry pointing to a file content.
 create table directory_entry_file
   id      bigserial,
   target  sha1_git,   -- id of target file
   name    unix_path,  -- path name, relative to containing dir
   perms   file_perms  -- unix-like permissions
 -- A directory entry pointing to a revision.
 create table directory_entry_rev
   id      bigserial,
   target  sha1_git,   -- id of target revision
   name    unix_path,  -- path name, relative to containing dir
   perms   file_perms  -- unix-like permissions
 -- A person referenced by some source code artifacts, e.g., a VCS revision or
 -- release metadata.
 create table person
   id        bigserial,
   name      bytea,          -- advisory: not null if we managed to parse a name
   email     bytea,          -- advisory: not null if we managed to parse an email
   fullname  bytea not null  -- freeform specification; what is actually used in the checksums
                             --     will usually be of the form 'name <email>'
 -- The state of a source code tree at a specific point in time.
 -- Synonyms/mappings:
 -- * git / subversion / etc: commit
 -- * tarball: a specific tarball
 -- Revisions are organized as DAGs. Each revision points to 0, 1, or more (in
 -- case of merges) parent revisions. Each revision points to a directory, i.e.,
 -- a file-system tree containing files and directories.
 create table revision
   id                    sha1_git,
   date                  timestamptz,
   date_offset           smallint,
   committer_date        timestamptz,
   committer_date_offset smallint,
   type                  revision_type not null,
   directory             sha1_git,  -- source code "root" directory
   message               bytea,
   author                bigint,
   committer             bigint,
   synthetic             boolean not null default false,  -- true iff revision has been created by Software Heritage
   metadata              jsonb,  -- extra metadata (tarball checksums, extra commit information, etc...)
   object_id             bigserial,
   date_neg_utc_offset   boolean,
   committer_date_neg_utc_offset boolean
 -- either this table or the sha1_git[] column on the revision table
 create table revision_history
   id           sha1_git,
   parent_id    sha1_git,
   parent_rank  int not null default 0
     -- parent position in merge commits, 0-based
 -- Crawling history of software origins visited by Software Heritage. Each
 -- visit is a 3-way mapping between a software origin, a timestamp, and a
 -- snapshot object capturing the full-state of the origin at visit time.
 create table origin_visit
   origin       bigint not null,
   visit        bigint not null,
   date         timestamptz not null,
   status       origin_visit_status not null,
   metadata     jsonb,
   snapshot_id  bigint
 comment on column origin_visit.origin is 'Visited origin';
 comment on column origin_visit.visit is 'Sequential visit number for the origin';
 comment on column origin_visit.date is 'Visit timestamp';
 comment on column origin_visit.status is 'Visit result';
 comment on column origin_visit.metadata is 'Origin metadata at visit time';
 comment on column origin_visit.snapshot_id is 'Origin snapshot at visit time';
 -- BEGIN legacy section (T830)
 -- The content of software origins is indexed starting from top-level pointers
 -- called "branches". Every time we fetch some origin we store in this table
 -- where the branches pointed to at fetch time.
 -- Synonyms/mappings:
 -- * git: ref (in the "git update-ref" sense)
 create table occurrence_history
   origin       bigint not null,
   branch       bytea not null,        -- e.g., b"master" (for VCS), or b"sid" (for Debian)
   target       sha1_git not null,     -- ref target, e.g., commit id
   target_type  object_type not null,  -- ref target type
   visits       bigint[] not null,     -- the visits where that occurrence was valid. References
                                       -- origin_visit(visit), where o_h.origin = origin_visit.origin.
   object_id    bigserial not null,    -- short object identifier
   snapshot_branch_id bigint
 -- Materialized view of occurrence_history, storing the *current* value of each
 -- branch, as last seen by SWH.
 create table occurrence
   origin    bigint,
   branch    bytea not null,
   target    sha1_git not null,
   target_type object_type not null
 -- END legacy section (T830)
 -- A snapshot represents the entire state of a software origin as crawled by
 -- Software Heritage. This table is a simple mapping between (public) intrinsic
 -- snapshot identifiers and (private) numeric sequential identifiers.
 create table snapshot
   object_id  bigserial not null,  -- PK internal object identifier
   id         sha1_git             -- snapshot intrinsic identifier
 -- Each snapshot associate "branch" names to other objects in the Software
 -- Heritage Merkle DAG. This table describes branches as mappings between names
 -- and target typed objects.
 create table snapshot_branch
   object_id    bigserial not null,  -- PK internal object identifier
   name         bytea not null,      -- branch name, e.g., "master" or "feature/drag-n-drop"
   target       bytea,               -- target object identifier, e.g., a revision identifier
   target_type  snapshot_target      -- target object type, e.g., "revision"
 -- Mapping between snapshots and their branches.
 create table snapshot_branches
   snapshot_id  bigint not null,  -- snapshot identifier, ref. snapshot.object_id
   branch_id    bigint not null   -- branch identifier, ref. snapshot_branch.object_id
 -- A "memorable" point in time in the development history of a software
 -- project.
 -- Synonyms/mappings:
 -- * git: tag (of the annotated kind, otherwise they are just references)
 -- * tarball: the release version number
 create table release
   id          sha1_git not null,
   target      sha1_git,
   date        timestamptz,
   date_offset smallint,
   name        bytea,
   comment     bytea,
   author      bigint,
   synthetic   boolean not null default false,  -- true iff release has been created by Software Heritage
   object_id   bigserial,
   target_type object_type not null,
   date_neg_utc_offset  boolean
 -- Tools
 create table tool
   id serial not null,
   name text not null,
   version text not null,
   configuration jsonb
 comment on table tool is 'Tool information';
 comment on column tool.id is 'Tool identifier';
 comment on column tool.version is 'Tool name';
 comment on column tool.version is 'Tool version';
 comment on column tool.configuration is 'Tool configuration: command line, flags, etc...';
 create table metadata_provider
   id            serial not null,
   provider_name text   not null,
   provider_type text   not null,
   provider_url  text,
   metadata      jsonb
 comment on table metadata_provider is 'Metadata provider information';
 comment on column metadata_provider.id is 'Provider''s identifier';
 comment on column metadata_provider.provider_name is 'Provider''s name';
 comment on column metadata_provider.provider_url is 'Provider''s url';
 comment on column metadata_provider.metadata is 'Other metadata about provider';
 -- Discovery of metadata during a listing, loading, deposit or external_catalog of an origin
 -- also provides a translation to a defined json schema using a translation tool (tool_id)
 create table origin_metadata
   id             bigserial     not null,  -- PK internal object identifier
   origin_id      bigint        not null,  -- references origin(id)
   discovery_date timestamptz   not null,  -- when it was extracted
   provider_id    bigint        not null,  -- ex: 'hal', 'lister-github', 'loader-github'
   tool_id        bigint        not null,
   metadata       jsonb         not null
 comment on table origin_metadata is 'keeps all metadata found concerning an origin';
 comment on column origin_metadata.id is 'the origin_metadata object''s id';
 comment on column origin_metadata.origin_id is 'the origin id for which the metadata was found';
 comment on column origin_metadata.discovery_date is 'the date of retrieval';
 comment on column origin_metadata.provider_id is 'the metadata provider: github, openhub, deposit, etc.';
 comment on column origin_metadata.tool_id is 'the tool used for extracting metadata: lister-github, etc.';
 comment on column origin_metadata.metadata is 'metadata in json format but with original terms';
 -- Keep a cache of object counts
 create table object_counts
   object_type text,             -- table for which we're counting objects (PK)
   value bigint,                 -- count of objects in the table
   last_update timestamptz,      -- last update for the object count in this table
   single_update boolean         -- whether we update this table standalone (true) or through bucketed counts (false)
 create table object_counts_bucketed
     line serial not null,       -- PK
     object_type text not null,  -- table for which we're counting objects
     identifier text not null,   -- identifier across which we're bucketing objects
     bucket_start bytea,         -- lower bound (inclusive) for the bucket
     bucket_end bytea,           -- upper bound (exclusive) for the bucket
     value bigint,               -- count of objects in the bucket
     last_update timestamptz     -- last update for the object count in this bucket
diff --git a/sql/upgrades/122.sql b/sql/upgrades/122.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570fd97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/upgrades/122.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-- SWH DB schema upgrade
+-- from_version: 121
+-- to_version: 122
+-- description: Remove some unused functions
+insert into dbversion(version, release, description)
+      values(122, now(), 'Work In Progress');
+DROP FUNCTION swh_occurrence_by_origin_visit(origin_id bigint, visit_id bigint);
+DROP FUNCTION swh_revision_find_occurrence(revision_id public.sha1_git);
diff --git a/swh/storage/db.py b/swh/storage/db.py
index a9d1d77..1dcd2d3 100644
--- a/swh/storage/db.py
+++ b/swh/storage/db.py
@@ -1,1137 +1,1116 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2015-2017  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import binascii
 import datetime
 import enum
 import functools
 import json
 import os
 import select
 import threading
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 import psycopg2
 import psycopg2.extras
 from .db_utils import execute_values_generator
 TMP_CONTENT_TABLE = 'tmp_content'
 def stored_procedure(stored_proc):
     """decorator to execute remote stored procedure, specified as argument
     Generally, the body of the decorated function should be empty. If it is
     not, the stored procedure will be executed first; the function body then.
     def wrap(meth):
         def _meth(self, *args, **kwargs):
             cur = kwargs.get('cur', None)
             self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT %s()' % stored_proc)
             meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
         return _meth
     return wrap
 def jsonize(value):
     """Convert a value to a psycopg2 JSON object if necessary"""
     if isinstance(value, dict):
         return psycopg2.extras.Json(value)
     return value
 def entry_to_bytes(entry):
     """Convert an entry coming from the database to bytes"""
     if isinstance(entry, memoryview):
         return entry.tobytes()
     if isinstance(entry, list):
         return [entry_to_bytes(value) for value in entry]
     return entry
 def line_to_bytes(line):
     """Convert a line coming from the database to bytes"""
     if not line:
         return line
     if isinstance(line, dict):
         return {k: entry_to_bytes(v) for k, v in line.items()}
     return line.__class__(entry_to_bytes(entry) for entry in line)
 def cursor_to_bytes(cursor):
     """Yield all the data from a cursor as bytes"""
     yield from (line_to_bytes(line) for line in cursor)
 def execute_values_to_bytes(*args, **kwargs):
     for line in execute_values_generator(*args, **kwargs):
         yield line_to_bytes(line)
 class BaseDb:
     """Base class for swh.storage.*Db.
     cf. swh.storage.db.Db, swh.archiver.db.ArchiverDb
     def connect(cls, *args, **kwargs):
         """factory method to create a DB proxy
         Accepts all arguments of psycopg2.connect; only some specific
         possibilities are reported below.
             connstring: libpq2 connection string
         conn = psycopg2.connect(*args, **kwargs)
         return cls(conn)
     def from_pool(cls, pool):
         return cls(pool.getconn(), pool=pool)
     def _cursor(self, cur_arg):
         """get a cursor: from cur_arg if given, or a fresh one otherwise
         meant to avoid boilerplate if/then/else in methods that proxy stored
         if cur_arg is not None:
             return cur_arg
         # elif self.cur is not None:
         #     return self.cur
             return self.conn.cursor()
     def __init__(self, conn, pool=None):
         """create a DB proxy
             conn: psycopg2 connection to the SWH DB
             pool: psycopg2 pool of connections
         self.conn = conn
         self.pool = pool
     def __del__(self):
         if self.pool:
     def transaction(self):
         """context manager to execute within a DB transaction
             a psycopg2 cursor
         with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
                 yield cur
             except Exception:
                 if not self.conn.closed:
     def copy_to(self, items, tblname, columns, cur=None, item_cb=None):
         """Copy items' entries to table tblname with columns information.
             items (dict): dictionary of data to copy over tblname
             tblname (str): Destination table's name
             columns ([str]): keys to access data in items and also the
               column names in the destination table.
             item_cb (fn): optional function to apply to items's entry
         def escape(data):
             if data is None:
                 return ''
             if isinstance(data, bytes):
                 return '\\x%s' % binascii.hexlify(data).decode('ascii')
             elif isinstance(data, str):
                 return '"%s"' % data.replace('"', '""')
             elif isinstance(data, datetime.datetime):
                 # We escape twice to make sure the string generated by
                 # isoformat gets escaped
                 return escape(data.isoformat())
             elif isinstance(data, dict):
                 return escape(json.dumps(data))
             elif isinstance(data, list):
                 return escape("{%s}" % ','.join(escape(d) for d in data))
             elif isinstance(data, psycopg2.extras.Range):
                 # We escape twice here too, so that we make sure
                 # everything gets passed to copy properly
                 return escape(
                     '%s%s,%s%s' % (
                         '[' if data.lower_inc else '(',
                         '-infinity' if data.lower_inf else escape(data.lower),
                         'infinity' if data.upper_inf else escape(data.upper),
                         ']' if data.upper_inc else ')',
             elif isinstance(data, enum.IntEnum):
                 return escape(int(data))
                 # We don't escape here to make sure we pass literals properly
                 return str(data)
         read_file, write_file = os.pipe()
         def writer():
             cursor = self._cursor(cur)
             with open(read_file, 'r') as f:
                 cursor.copy_expert('COPY %s (%s) FROM STDIN CSV' % (
                     tblname, ', '.join(columns)), f)
         write_thread = threading.Thread(target=writer)
             with open(write_file, 'w') as f:
                 for d in items:
                     if item_cb is not None:
                     line = [escape(d.get(k)) for k in columns]
             # No problem bubbling up exceptions, but we still need to make sure
             # we finish copying, even though we're probably going to cancel the
             # transaction.
     def mktemp(self, tblname, cur=None):
         self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_mktemp(%s)', (tblname,))
 class Db(BaseDb):
     """Proxy to the SWH DB, with wrappers around stored procedures
     def mktemp_dir_entry(self, entry_type, cur=None):
         self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_mktemp_dir_entry(%s)',
                                   (('directory_entry_%s' % entry_type),))
     def mktemp_revision(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_release(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_occurrence_history(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_snapshot_branch(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_entity_lister(self, cur=None): pass
     def mktemp_entity_history(self, cur=None): pass
     def register_listener(self, notify_queue, cur=None):
         """Register a listener for NOTIFY queue `notify_queue`"""
         self._cursor(cur).execute("LISTEN %s" % notify_queue)
     def listen_notifies(self, timeout):
         """Listen to notifications for `timeout` seconds"""
         if select.select([self.conn], [], [], timeout) == ([], [], []):
             while self.conn.notifies:
                 yield self.conn.notifies.pop(0)
     def content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def directory_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def skipped_content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def revision_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def release_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def occurrence_history_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def entity_history_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass
     def content_update_from_temp(self, keys_to_update, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""select swh_content_update(ARRAY[%s] :: text[])""" %
     content_get_metadata_keys = [
         'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'status']
     skipped_content_keys = [
         'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256',
         'length', 'reason', 'status', 'origin']
     def content_get_metadata_from_sha1s(self, sha1s, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             select t.sha1, %s from (values %%s) as t (sha1)
             left join content using (sha1)
             """ % ', '.join(self.content_get_metadata_keys[1:]),
             ((sha1,) for sha1 in sha1s),
     content_hash_keys = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256']
     def content_missing_from_list(self, contents, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         keys = ', '.join(self.content_hash_keys)
         equality = ' AND '.join(
             ('t.%s = c.%s' % (key, key))
             for key in self.content_hash_keys
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             SELECT %s
             FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(%s)
             WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                 SELECT 1 FROM content c
                 WHERE %s
             """ % (keys, keys, equality),
             (tuple(c[key] for key in self.content_hash_keys) for c in contents)
     def content_missing_per_sha1(self, sha1s, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(cur, """
         SELECT t.sha1 FROM (VALUES %s) AS t(sha1)
             SELECT 1 FROM content c WHERE c.sha1 = t.sha1
         )""", ((sha1,) for sha1 in sha1s))
     def skipped_content_missing_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256
                        FROM swh_skipped_content_missing()""")
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def occurrence_get(self, origin_id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve latest occurrence's information by origin_id.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT origin, branch, target, target_type,
                               (select max(date) from origin_visit
                                where origin=%s) as date
                        FROM occurrence
                        WHERE origin=%s
                     (origin_id, origin_id))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def snapshot_exists(self, snapshot_id, cur=None):
         """Check whether a snapshot with the given id exists"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT 1 FROM snapshot where id=%s""", (snapshot_id,))
         return bool(cur.fetchone())
     def snapshot_add(self, origin, visit, snapshot_id, cur=None):
         """Add a snapshot for origin/visit from the temporary table"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT swh_snapshot_add(%s, %s, %s)""",
                     (origin, visit, snapshot_id))
     snapshot_get_cols = ['snapshot_id', 'name', 'target', 'target_type']
     def snapshot_get_by_id(self, snapshot_id, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """\
            SELECT %s FROM swh_snapshot_get_by_id(%%s)
         """ % ', '.join(self.snapshot_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (snapshot_id,))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """\
            SELECT swh_snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(%s, %s)
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id))
         ret = cur.fetchone()
         if ret:
             return line_to_bytes(ret)[0]
     content_find_cols = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length',
                          'ctime', 'status']
     def content_find(self, sha1=None, sha1_git=None, sha256=None,
                      blake2s256=None, cur=None):
         """Find the content optionally on a combination of the following
         checksums sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256.
             sha1: sha1 content
             git_sha1: the sha1 computed `a la git` sha1 of the content
             sha256: sha256 content
             blake2s256: blake2s256 content
             The tuple (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256) if found or None.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_content_find(%%s, %%s, %%s, %%s)
                        LIMIT 1""" % ','.join(self.content_find_cols),
                     (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256))
         content = line_to_bytes(cur.fetchone())
         if set(content) == {None}:
             return None
             return content
     def directory_missing_from_list(self, directories, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id)
             WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                 SELECT 1 FROM directory d WHERE d.id = t.id
             """, ((id,) for id in directories))
     directory_ls_cols = ['dir_id', 'type', 'target', 'name', 'perms',
                          'status', 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'length']
     def directory_walk_one(self, directory, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols)
         query = 'SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk_one(%%s)' % cols
         cur.execute(query, (directory,))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def directory_walk(self, directory, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols)
         query = 'SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk(%%s)' % cols
         cur.execute(query, (directory,))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, cur=None):
         """Retrieve a directory entry by path.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols)
         query = (
             'SELECT %s FROM swh_find_directory_entry_by_path(%%s, %%s)' % cols)
         cur.execute(query, (directory, paths))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if set(data) == {None}:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(data)
     def revision_missing_from_list(self, revisions, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id)
             WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                 SELECT 1 FROM revision r WHERE r.id = t.id
             """, ((id,) for id in revisions))
     revision_add_cols = [
         'id', 'date', 'date_offset', 'date_neg_utc_offset', 'committer_date',
         'committer_date_offset', 'committer_date_neg_utc_offset', 'type',
         'directory', 'message', 'author_fullname', 'author_name',
         'author_email', 'committer_fullname', 'committer_name',
         'committer_email', 'metadata', 'synthetic',
     revision_get_cols = revision_add_cols + [
         'author_id', 'committer_id', 'parents']
     def origin_visit_add(self, origin, ts, cur=None):
         """Add a new origin_visit for origin origin at timestamp ts with
         status 'ongoing'.
             origin: origin concerned by the visit
             ts: the date of the visit
             The new visit index step for that origin
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_origin_visit_add(%s, %s)',
                                   (origin, ts))
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def origin_visit_update(self, origin, visit_id, status,
                             metadata, cur=None):
         """Update origin_visit's status."""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         update = """UPDATE origin_visit
                     SET status=%s, metadata=%s
                     WHERE origin=%s AND visit=%s"""
         cur.execute(update, (status, jsonize(metadata), origin, visit_id))
     origin_visit_get_cols = ['origin', 'visit', 'date', 'status', 'metadata',
     def origin_visit_get_all(self, origin_id,
                              last_visit=None, limit=None, cur=None):
         """Retrieve all visits for origin with id origin_id.
             origin_id: The occurrence's origin
             The occurrence's history visits
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         if last_visit:
             extra_condition = 'and visit > %s'
             args = (origin_id, last_visit, limit)
             extra_condition = ''
             args = (origin_id, limit)
         query = """\
         SELECT %s,
             (select id from snapshot where object_id = snapshot_id) as snapshot
         FROM origin_visit
         WHERE origin=%%s %s
         order by visit asc
         limit %%s""" % (
             ', '.join(self.origin_visit_get_cols[:-1]), extra_condition
         cur.execute(query, args)
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def origin_visit_get(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve information on visit visit_id of origin origin_id.
             origin_id: the origin concerned
             visit_id: The visit step for that origin
             The origin_visit information
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """\
             SELECT %s,
                 (select id from snapshot where object_id = snapshot_id)
                 as snapshot
             FROM origin_visit
             WHERE origin = %%s AND visit = %%s
             """ % (', '.join(self.origin_visit_get_cols[:-1]))
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id))
         r = cur.fetchall()
         if not r:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(r[0])
     def origin_visit_get_latest_snapshot(self, origin_id,
         """Retrieve the most recent origin_visit which references a snapshot
             origin_id: the origin concerned
             allowed_statuses: the visit statuses allowed for the returned visit
             The origin_visit information, or None if no visit matches.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         extra_clause = ""
         if allowed_statuses:
             extra_clause = cur.mogrify("AND status IN %s",
         query = """\
             SELECT %s,
                 (select id from snapshot where object_id = snapshot_id)
                 as snapshot
             FROM origin_visit
                 origin = %%s AND snapshot_id is not null %s
             ORDER BY date DESC, visit DESC
             LIMIT 1
             """ % (', '.join(self.origin_visit_get_cols[:-1]), extra_clause)
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id,))
         r = cur.fetchone()
         if not r:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(r)
     occurrence_cols = ['origin', 'branch', 'target', 'target_type']
-    def occurrence_by_origin_visit(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None):
-        """Retrieve all occurrences for a particular origin_visit.
-        Args:
-            origin_id: the origin concerned
-            visit_id: The visit step for that origin
-        Yields:
-            The occurrence's history visits
-        """
-        cur = self._cursor(cur)
-        query = """\
-            SELECT %s
-            FROM swh_occurrence_by_origin_visit(%%s, %%s)
-            """ % (', '.join(self.occurrence_cols))
-        cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id))
-        yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def mangle_query_key(key, main_table):
         if key == 'id':
             return 't.id'
         if key == 'parents':
             return '''
             SELECT rh.parent_id::bytea
             FROM revision_history rh
             WHERE rh.id = t.id
             ORDER BY rh.parent_rank
         if '_' not in key:
             return '%s.%s' % (main_table, key)
         head, tail = key.split('_', 1)
         if (head in ('author', 'committer')
                 and tail in ('name', 'email', 'id', 'fullname')):
             return '%s.%s' % (head, tail)
         return '%s.%s' % (main_table, key)
     def revision_get_from_list(self, revisions, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query_keys = ', '.join(
             self.mangle_query_key(k, 'revision')
             for k in self.revision_get_cols
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(id)
             LEFT JOIN revision ON t.id = revision.id
             LEFT JOIN person author ON revision.author = author.id
             LEFT JOIN person committer ON revision.committer = committer.id
             """ % query_keys,
             ((id,) for id in revisions))
     def revision_log(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM swh_revision_log(%%s, %%s)
                 """ % ', '.join(self.revision_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     revision_shortlog_cols = ['id', 'parents']
     def revision_shortlog(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM swh_revision_list(%%s, %%s)
                 """ % ', '.join(self.revision_shortlog_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def release_missing_from_list(self, releases, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id)
             WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                 SELECT 1 FROM release r WHERE r.id = t.id
             """, ((id,) for id in releases))
     object_find_by_sha1_git_cols = ['sha1_git', 'type', 'id', 'object_id']
     def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             WITH t (id) AS (VALUES %s),
             known_objects as ((
                   id as sha1_git,
                   'release'::object_type as type,
                 from release r
                 where exists (select 1 from t where t.id = r.id)
             ) union all (
                   id as sha1_git,
                   'revision'::object_type as type,
                 from revision r
                 where exists (select 1 from t where t.id = r.id)
             ) union all (
                   id as sha1_git,
                   'directory'::object_type as type,
                 from directory d
                 where exists (select 1 from t where t.id = d.id)
             ) union all (
                   sha1_git as sha1_git,
                   'content'::object_type as type,
                   sha1 as id,
                 from content c
                 where exists (select 1 from t where t.id = c.sha1_git)
             select t.id as sha1_git, k.type, k.id, k.object_id
             from t
             left join known_objects k on t.id = k.sha1_git
             ((id,) for id in ids)
     def stat_counters(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('SELECT * FROM swh_stat_counters()')
         yield from cur
     fetch_history_cols = ['origin', 'date', 'status', 'result', 'stdout',
                           'stderr', 'duration']
     def create_fetch_history(self, fetch_history, cur=None):
         """Create a fetch_history entry with the data in fetch_history"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = '''INSERT INTO fetch_history (%s)
                    VALUES (%s) RETURNING id''' % (
             ','.join(['%s'] * len(self.fetch_history_cols))
         cur.execute(query, [fetch_history.get(col) for col in
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def get_fetch_history(self, fetch_history_id, cur=None):
         """Get a fetch_history entry with the given id"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = '''SELECT %s FROM fetch_history WHERE id=%%s''' % (
             ', '.join(self.fetch_history_cols),
         cur.execute(query, (fetch_history_id,))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if not data:
             return None
         ret = {'id': fetch_history_id}
         for i, col in enumerate(self.fetch_history_cols):
             ret[col] = data[i]
         return ret
     def update_fetch_history(self, fetch_history, cur=None):
         """Update the fetch_history entry from the data in fetch_history"""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = '''UPDATE fetch_history
                    SET %s
                    WHERE id=%%s''' % (
             ','.join('%s=%%s' % col for col in self.fetch_history_cols)
         cur.execute(query, [jsonize(fetch_history.get(col)) for col in
                             self.fetch_history_cols + ['id']])
     base_entity_cols = ['uuid', 'parent', 'name', 'type',
                         'description', 'homepage', 'active',
                         'generated', 'lister_metadata',
     entity_cols = base_entity_cols + ['last_seen', 'last_id']
     entity_history_cols = base_entity_cols + ['id', 'validity']
     def origin_add(self, type, url, cur=None):
         """Insert a new origin and return the new identifier."""
         insert = """INSERT INTO origin (type, url) values (%s, %s)
                     RETURNING id"""
         cur.execute(insert, (type, url))
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     origin_cols = ['id', 'type', 'url', 'lister', 'project']
     def origin_get_with(self, type, url, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the origin id from its type and url if found."""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM origin
                    WHERE type=%%s AND url=%%s
                 """ % ','.join(self.origin_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (type, url))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if data:
             return line_to_bytes(data)
         return None
     def origin_get(self, id, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the origin per its identifier.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM origin WHERE id=%%s
                 """ % ','.join(self.origin_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (id,))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if data:
             return line_to_bytes(data)
         return None
     def origin_search(self, url_pattern, offset=0, limit=50,
                       regexp=False, with_visit=False, cur=None):
         """Search for origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern
         or match a provided regular expression.
         The search is performed in a case insensitive way.
             url_pattern (str): the string pattern to search for in origin urls
             offset (int): number of found origins to skip before returning
             limit (int): the maximum number of found origins to return
             regexp (bool): if True, consider the provided pattern as a regular
                 expression and returns origins whose urls match it
             with_visit (bool): if True, filter out origins with no visit
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         origin_cols = ','.join(self.origin_cols)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM origin
                    WHERE """
         if with_visit:
             query += """
                    EXISTS (SELECT 1 from origin_visit WHERE origin=origin.id)
                    AND """
         query += """
                    url %s %%s
                    ORDER BY id
                    OFFSET %%s LIMIT %%s"""
         if not regexp:
             query = query % (origin_cols, 'ILIKE')
             query_params = ('%'+url_pattern+'%', offset, limit)
             query = query % (origin_cols, '~*')
             query_params = (url_pattern, offset, limit)
         cur.execute(query, query_params)
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     person_cols = ['fullname', 'name', 'email']
     person_get_cols = person_cols + ['id']
     def person_add(self, person, cur=None):
         """Add a person identified by its name and email.
             The new person's id
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query_new_person = '''\
         INSERT INTO person(%s)
         VALUES (%s)
         RETURNING id''' % (
             ', '.join(self.person_cols),
             ', '.join('%s' for i in range(len(self.person_cols)))
                     [person[col] for col in self.person_cols])
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def person_get(self, ids, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the persons identified by the list of ids.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query = """SELECT %s
                    FROM person
                    WHERE id IN %%s""" % ', '.join(self.person_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (tuple(ids),))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     release_add_cols = [
         'id', 'target', 'target_type', 'date', 'date_offset',
         'date_neg_utc_offset', 'name', 'comment', 'synthetic',
         'author_fullname', 'author_name', 'author_email',
     release_get_cols = release_add_cols + ['author_id']
     def release_get_from_list(self, releases, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         query_keys = ', '.join(
             self.mangle_query_key(k, 'release')
             for k in self.release_get_cols
         yield from execute_values_to_bytes(
             cur, """
             SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(id)
             LEFT JOIN release ON t.id = release.id
             LEFT JOIN person author ON release.author = author.id
             """ % query_keys,
             ((id,) for id in releases))
     def revision_get_by(self,
         """Retrieve a revision by occurrence criterion.
             - origin_id: The origin to look for
             - branch_name: the branch name to look for
             - datetime: the lower bound of timerange to look for.
             - limit: limit number of results to return
             The upper bound being now.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         if branch_name and isinstance(branch_name, str):
             branch_name = branch_name.encode('utf-8')
         query = '''
         SELECT %s
             FROM swh_revision_get_by(%%s, %%s, %%s)
             LIMIT %%s
         ''' % ', '.join(self.revision_get_cols)
         cur.execute(query, (origin_id, branch_name, datetime, limit))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def entity_get(self, uuid, cur=None):
         """Retrieve the entity and its parent hierarchy chain per uuid.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_entity_get(%%s)""" % (
                            ', '.join(self.entity_cols)),
                     (uuid, ))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def entity_get_one(self, uuid, cur=None):
         """Retrieve a single entity given its uuid.
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("""SELECT %s
                        FROM entity
                        WHERE uuid = %%s""" % (
                            ', '.join(self.entity_cols)),
                     (uuid, ))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if not data:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(data)
     def origin_metadata_add(self, origin, ts, provider, tool,
                             metadata, cur=None):
         """ Add an origin_metadata for the origin at ts with provider, tool and
             origin (int): the origin's id for which the metadata is added
             ts (datetime): time when the metadata was found
             provider (int): the metadata provider identifier
             tool (int): the tool's identifier used to extract metadata
             metadata (jsonb): the metadata retrieved at the time and location
             id (int): the origin_metadata unique id
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         insert = """INSERT INTO origin_metadata (origin_id, discovery_date,
                     provider_id, tool_id, metadata) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                     RETURNING id"""
         cur.execute(insert, (origin, ts, provider, tool, jsonize(metadata)))
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     origin_metadata_get_cols = ['id', 'origin_id', 'discovery_date',
                                 'tool_id', 'metadata', 'provider_id',
                                 'provider_name', 'provider_type',
     def origin_metadata_get_by(self, origin_id, provider_type=None, cur=None):
         """Retrieve all origin_metadata entries for one origin_id
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         if not provider_type:
             query = '''SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_origin_metadata_get_by_origin(
                             %%s)''' % (','.join(
             cur.execute(query, (origin_id, ))
             query = '''SELECT %s
                        FROM swh_origin_metadata_get_by_provider_type(
                             %%s, %%s)''' % (','.join(
             cur.execute(query, (origin_id, provider_type))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     tool_cols = ['id', 'name', 'version', 'configuration']
     def mktemp_tool(self, cur=None):
     def tool_add_from_temp(self, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute("SELECT %s from swh_tool_add()" % (
             ','.join(self.tool_cols), ))
         yield from cursor_to_bytes(cur)
     def tool_get(self, name, version, configuration, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('''select %s
                        from tool
                        where name=%%s and
                              version=%%s and
                              configuration=%%s''' % (
                     (name, version, configuration))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if not data:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(data)
     metadata_provider_cols = ['id', 'provider_name', 'provider_type',
                               'provider_url', 'metadata']
     def metadata_provider_add(self, provider_name, provider_type,
                               provider_url, metadata, cur=None):
         """Insert a new provider and return the new identifier."""
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         insert = """INSERT INTO metadata_provider (provider_name, provider_type,
                     provider_url, metadata) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)
                     RETURNING id"""
         cur.execute(insert, (provider_name, provider_type, provider_url,
         return cur.fetchone()[0]
     def metadata_provider_get(self, provider_id, cur=None):
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('''select %s
                        from metadata_provider
                        where provider_id=%%s ''' % (
                     (provider_id, ))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if not data:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(data)
     def metadata_provider_get_by(self, provider_name, provider_url,
         cur = self._cursor(cur)
         cur.execute('''select %s
                        from metadata_provider
                        where provider_name=%%s and
                              provider_url=%%s''' % (
                     (provider_name, provider_url))
         data = cur.fetchone()
         if not data:
             return None
         return line_to_bytes(data)