diff --git a/swh/storage/retry.py b/swh/storage/retry.py index 4533096..01ccc51 100644 --- a/swh/storage/retry.py +++ b/swh/storage/retry.py @@ -1,109 +1,113 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import logging import psycopg2 import traceback from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union from retrying import retry from swh.storage import get_storage, HashCollision logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) RETRY_EXCEPTIONS = [ # raised when two parallel insertions insert the same data psycopg2.IntegrityError, HashCollision, ] def should_retry_adding(error: Exception) -> bool: """Retry policy when some kind of failures occur (database integrity error, hash collision, etc...) """ retry = any(isinstance(error, exc) for exc in RETRY_EXCEPTIONS) if retry: error_name = error.__module__ + '.' + error.__class__.__name__ logger.warning('Retry adding a batch', exc_info=False, extra={ 'swh_type': 'storage_retry', 'swh_exception_type': error_name, 'swh_exception': traceback.format_exception( error.__class__, error, error.__traceback__, ), }) return retry class RetryingProxyStorage: """Storage implementation which retries adding objects when it specifically fails (hash collision, integrity error). """ def __init__(self, storage): self.storage = get_storage(**storage) def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self.storage, key) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def content_add(self, content: List[Dict]) -> Dict: return self.storage.content_add(content) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def origin_add_one(self, origin: Dict) -> str: return self.storage.origin_add_one(origin) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def origin_visit_add(self, origin: Dict, date: Union[datetime, str], type: str) -> Dict: return self.storage.origin_visit_add(origin, date, type) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def origin_visit_update( self, origin: str, visit_id: int, status: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, snapshot: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: return self.storage.origin_visit_update( origin, visit_id, status=status, metadata=metadata, snapshot=snapshot) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def tool_add(self, tools: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]: return self.storage.tool_add(tools) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def metadata_provider_add( self, provider_name: str, provider_type: str, provider_url: str, metadata: Dict) -> Union[str, int]: return self.storage.metadata_provider_add( provider_name, provider_type, provider_url, metadata) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def origin_metadata_add( self, origin_url: str, ts: Union[str, datetime], provider_id: int, tool_id: int, metadata: Dict) -> None: return self.storage.origin_metadata_add( origin_url, ts, provider_id, tool_id, metadata) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def directory_add(self, directories: List[Dict]) -> Dict: return self.storage.directory_add(directories) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def revision_add(self, revisions: List[Dict]) -> Dict: return self.storage.revision_add(revisions) @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) def release_add(self, releases: List[Dict]) -> Dict: return self.storage.release_add(releases) + + @retry(retry_on_exception=should_retry_adding, stop_max_attempt_number=3) + def snapshot_add(self, snapshot: List[Dict]) -> Dict: + return self.storage.snapshot_add(snapshot) diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/conftest.py b/swh/storage/tests/conftest.py index f21331a..8bb4cc5 100644 --- a/swh/storage/tests/conftest.py +++ b/swh/storage/tests/conftest.py @@ -1,228 +1,229 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import glob import pytest from typing import Union from pytest_postgresql import factories from pytest_postgresql.janitor import DatabaseJanitor, psycopg2, Version from os import path, environ from hypothesis import settings from typing import Dict import swh.storage from swh.core.utils import numfile_sortkey as sortkey from swh.model.tests.generate_testdata import gen_contents, gen_origins SQL_DIR = path.join(path.dirname(swh.storage.__file__), 'sql') environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C.UTF-8' DUMP_FILES = path.join(SQL_DIR, '*.sql') # define tests profile. Full documentation is at: # https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/settings.html#settings-profiles settings.register_profile("fast", max_examples=5, deadline=5000) settings.register_profile("slow", max_examples=20, deadline=5000) @pytest.fixture def swh_storage(postgresql_proc, swh_storage_postgresql): storage_config = { 'cls': 'local', 'db': 'postgresql://{user}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}'.format( host=postgresql_proc.host, port=postgresql_proc.port, user='postgres', dbname='tests'), 'objstorage': { 'cls': 'memory', 'args': {} }, 'journal_writer': { 'cls': 'memory', }, } storage = swh.storage.get_storage(**storage_config) return storage @pytest.fixture def swh_contents(swh_storage): contents = gen_contents(n=20) swh_storage.content_add(contents) return contents @pytest.fixture def swh_origins(swh_storage): origins = gen_origins(n=100) swh_storage.origin_add(origins) return origins # the postgres_fact factory fixture below is mostly a copy of the code # from pytest-postgresql. We need a custom version here to be able to # specify our version of the DBJanitor we use. def postgresql_fact(process_fixture_name, db_name=None, dump_files=DUMP_FILES): @pytest.fixture def postgresql_factory(request): """ Fixture factory for PostgreSQL. :param FixtureRequest request: fixture request object :rtype: psycopg2.connection :returns: postgresql client """ config = factories.get_config(request) if not psycopg2: raise ImportError( 'No module named psycopg2. Please install it.' ) proc_fixture = request.getfixturevalue(process_fixture_name) # _, config = try_import('psycopg2', request) pg_host = proc_fixture.host pg_port = proc_fixture.port pg_user = proc_fixture.user pg_options = proc_fixture.options pg_db = db_name or config['dbname'] with SwhDatabaseJanitor( pg_user, pg_host, pg_port, pg_db, proc_fixture.version, dump_files=dump_files ): connection = psycopg2.connect( dbname=pg_db, user=pg_user, host=pg_host, port=pg_port, options=pg_options ) yield connection connection.close() return postgresql_factory swh_storage_postgresql = postgresql_fact('postgresql_proc') # This version of the DatabaseJanitor implement a different setup/teardown # behavior than than the stock one: instead of dropping, creating and # initializing the database for each test, it create and initialize the db only # once, then it truncate the tables. This is needed to have acceptable test # performances. class SwhDatabaseJanitor(DatabaseJanitor): def __init__( self, user: str, host: str, port: str, db_name: str, version: Union[str, float, Version], dump_files: str = DUMP_FILES ) -> None: super().__init__(user, host, port, db_name, version) self.dump_files = sorted( glob.glob(dump_files), key=sortkey) def db_setup(self): with psycopg2.connect( dbname=self.db_name, user=self.user, host=self.host, port=self.port, ) as cnx: with cnx.cursor() as cur: for fname in self.dump_files: with open(fname) as fobj: sql = fobj.read().replace('concurrently', '').strip() if sql: cur.execute(sql) cnx.commit() def db_reset(self): with psycopg2.connect( dbname=self.db_name, user=self.user, host=self.host, port=self.port, ) as cnx: with cnx.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables " "WHERE table_schema = %s", ('public',)) tables = set(table for (table,) in cur.fetchall()) for table in tables: cur.execute('truncate table %s cascade' % table) cur.execute( "SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences " "WHERE sequence_schema = %s", ('public',)) seqs = set(seq for (seq,) in cur.fetchall()) for seq in seqs: cur.execute('ALTER SEQUENCE %s RESTART;' % seq) cnx.commit() def init(self): with self.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_database WHERE datname=%s;", (self.db_name,)) db_exists = cur.fetchone()[0] == 1 if db_exists: cur.execute( 'UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn=true ' 'WHERE datname = %s;', (self.db_name,)) if db_exists: self.db_reset() else: with self.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('CREATE DATABASE "{}";'.format(self.db_name)) self.db_setup() def drop(self): pid_column = 'pid' with self.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( 'UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn=false ' 'WHERE datname = %s;', (self.db_name,)) cur.execute( 'SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.{})' 'FROM pg_stat_activity ' 'WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = %s;'.format(pid_column), (self.db_name,)) @pytest.fixture def sample_data() -> Dict: """Pre-defined sample storage object data to manipulate Returns: Dict of data (keys: content, directory, revision, release, person, origin) """ from .storage_data import data return { 'content': [data.cont, data.cont2], 'person': [data.person], 'directory': [data.dir2, data.dir], 'revision': [data.revision], 'release': [data.release, data.release2, data.release3], + 'snapshot': [data.snapshot], 'origin': [data.origin, data.origin2], 'tool': [data.metadata_tool], 'provider': [data.provider], 'origin_metadata': [data.origin_metadata, data.origin_metadata2], } diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/test_retry.py b/swh/storage/tests/test_retry.py index 935b63d..6970403 100644 --- a/swh/storage/tests/test_retry.py +++ b/swh/storage/tests/test_retry.py @@ -1,739 +1,812 @@ # Copyright (C) 2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import psycopg2 import pytest from typing import Dict from unittest.mock import call from swh.storage import HashCollision from swh.storage.retry import ( RetryingProxyStorage, should_retry_adding, RETRY_EXCEPTIONS ) def test_should_retry_adding(): """Specific exceptions should be elected for retrial """ for exc in RETRY_EXCEPTIONS: assert should_retry_adding(exc('error')) is True def test_should_retry_adding_no_retry(): """Unspecific exceptions should raise as usual """ for exc in [ValueError, Exception]: assert should_retry_adding(exc('fail!')) is False @pytest.fixture def swh_storage(): return RetryingProxyStorage(storage={'cls': 'memory'}) def test_retrying_proxy_storage_content_add(swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard content_add works as before """ sample_content = sample_data['content'][0] content = next(swh_storage.content_get([sample_content['sha1']])) assert not content s = swh_storage.content_add([sample_content]) assert s == { 'content:add': 1, 'content:add:bytes': sample_content['length'], 'skipped_content:add': 0 } def test_retrying_proxy_storage_content_add_with_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.content_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('content hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('content already inserted'), # ok then! {'content:add': 1} ] sample_content = sample_data['content'][0] content = next(swh_storage.content_get([sample_content['sha1']])) assert not content s = swh_storage.content_add([sample_content]) assert s == { 'content:add': 1, } def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_content_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.content_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add content always!') sample_content = sample_data['content'][0] content = next(swh_storage.content_get([sample_content['sha1']])) assert not content with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.content_add([sample_content]) content = next(swh_storage.content_get([sample_content['sha1']])) assert not content def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_add_one(swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard origin_add_one works as before """ sample_origin = sample_data['origin'][0] origin = swh_storage.origin_get(sample_origin) assert not origin r = swh_storage.origin_add_one(sample_origin) assert r == sample_origin['url'] origin = swh_storage.origin_get(sample_origin) assert origin['url'] == sample_origin['url'] def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_add_one_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ sample_origin = sample_data['origin'][1] mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_add_one') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('origin hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('origin already inserted'), # ok then! sample_origin['url'] ] origin = swh_storage.origin_get(sample_origin) assert not origin r = swh_storage.origin_add_one(sample_origin) assert r == sample_origin['url'] def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_add_one_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_add_one') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add origin always!') sample_origin = sample_data['origin'][0] origin = swh_storage.origin_get(sample_origin) assert not origin with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.origin_add_one([sample_origin]) origin = swh_storage.origin_get(sample_origin) assert not origin def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_visit_add(swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard origin_visit_add works as before """ sample_origin = sample_data['origin'][0] swh_storage.origin_add_one(sample_origin) origin_url = sample_origin['url'] origin = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert not origin origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, '2020-01-01', 'hg') assert origin_visit['origin'] == origin_url assert isinstance(origin_visit['visit'], int) origin_visit = next(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert origin_visit['origin'] == origin_url assert isinstance(origin_visit['visit'], int) def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_visit_add_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ sample_origin = sample_data['origin'][1] swh_storage.origin_add_one(sample_origin) origin_url = sample_origin['url'] mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_visit_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('origin hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('origin already inserted'), # ok then! {'origin': origin_url, 'visit': 1} ] origin = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert not origin r = swh_storage.origin_visit_add(sample_origin, '2020-01-01', 'git') assert r == {'origin': origin_url, 'visit': 1} def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_visit_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_visit_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add origin always!') origin_url = sample_data['origin'][0]['url'] origin = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert not origin with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.origin_visit_add(origin_url, '2020-01-01', 'svn') def test_retrying_proxy_storage_tool_add(swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard tool_add works as before """ sample_tool = sample_data['tool'][0] tool = swh_storage.tool_get(sample_tool) assert not tool tools = swh_storage.tool_add([sample_tool]) assert tools tool = tools[0] tool.pop('id') assert tool == sample_tool tool = swh_storage.tool_get(sample_tool) tool.pop('id') assert tool == sample_tool def test_retrying_proxy_storage_tool_add_with_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ sample_tool = sample_data['tool'][0] mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.tool_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('tool hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('tool already inserted'), # ok then! [sample_tool] ] tool = swh_storage.tool_get(sample_tool) assert not tool tools = swh_storage.tool_add([sample_tool]) assert tools == [sample_tool] def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_tool_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.tool_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add tool always!') sample_tool = sample_data['tool'][0] tool = swh_storage.tool_get(sample_tool) assert not tool with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.tool_add([sample_tool]) tool = swh_storage.tool_get(sample_tool) assert not tool def to_provider(provider: Dict) -> Dict: return { 'provider_name': provider['name'], 'provider_url': provider['url'], 'provider_type': provider['type'], 'metadata': provider['metadata'], } def test_retrying_proxy_storage_metadata_provider_add( swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard metadata_provider_add works as before """ provider = sample_data['provider'][0] provider_get = to_provider(provider) provider = swh_storage.metadata_provider_get_by(provider_get) assert not provider provider_id = swh_storage.metadata_provider_add(**provider_get) assert provider_id actual_provider = swh_storage.metadata_provider_get(provider_id) assert actual_provider actual_provider_id = actual_provider.pop('id') assert actual_provider_id == provider_id assert actual_provider == provider_get def test_retrying_proxy_storage_metadata_provider_add_with_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ provider = sample_data['provider'][0] provider_get = to_provider(provider) mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.metadata_provider_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('provider_id hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('provider_id already inserted'), # ok then! 'provider_id', ] provider = swh_storage.metadata_provider_get_by(provider_get) assert not provider provider_id = swh_storage.metadata_provider_add(**provider_get) assert provider_id == 'provider_id' def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_metadata_provider_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.metadata_provider_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add provider_id always!') provider = sample_data['provider'][0] provider_get = to_provider(provider) provider_id = swh_storage.metadata_provider_get_by(provider_get) assert not provider_id with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.metadata_provider_add(**provider_get) def test_retrying_proxy_storage_origin_metadata_add( swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard origin_metadata_add works as before """ ori_meta = sample_data['origin_metadata'][0] origin = ori_meta['origin'] swh_storage.origin_add_one(origin) provider_get = to_provider(ori_meta['provider']) provider_id = swh_storage.metadata_provider_add(**provider_get) origin_metadata = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get_by(origin['url']) assert not origin_metadata swh_storage.origin_metadata_add( origin['url'], ori_meta['discovery_date'], provider_id, ori_meta['tool'], ori_meta['metadata']) origin_metadata = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get_by( origin['url']) assert origin_metadata def test_retrying_proxy_storage_origin_metadata_add_with_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ ori_meta = sample_data['origin_metadata'][0] origin = ori_meta['origin'] swh_storage.origin_add_one(origin) provider_get = to_provider(ori_meta['provider']) provider_id = swh_storage.metadata_provider_add(**provider_get) mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_metadata_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('provider_id hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('provider_id already inserted'), # ok then! None ] url = origin['url'] ts = ori_meta['discovery_date'] tool_id = ori_meta['tool'] metadata = ori_meta['metadata'] # No exception raised as insertion finally came through swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(url, ts, provider_id, tool_id, metadata) mock_memory.assert_has_calls([ # 3 calls, as long as error raised call(url, ts, provider_id, tool_id, metadata), call(url, ts, provider_id, tool_id, metadata), call(url, ts, provider_id, tool_id, metadata) ]) def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_metadata_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_metadata_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add always!') ori_meta = sample_data['origin_metadata'][0] origin = ori_meta['origin'] swh_storage.origin_add_one(origin) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.origin_metadata_add( origin['url'], ori_meta['discovery_date'], 'provider_id', ori_meta['tool'], ori_meta['metadata']) def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_visit_update( swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard origin_visit_update works as before """ sample_origin = sample_data['origin'][0] swh_storage.origin_add_one(sample_origin) origin_url = sample_origin['url'] origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, '2020-01-01', 'hg') ov = next(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert ov['origin'] == origin_url assert ov['visit'] == origin_visit['visit'] assert ov['status'] == 'ongoing' assert ov['snapshot'] is None assert ov['metadata'] is None swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, ov['visit'], status='full') ov = next(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert ov['origin'] == origin_url assert ov['visit'] == origin_visit['visit'] assert ov['status'] == 'full' assert ov['snapshot'] is None assert ov['metadata'] is None def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_visit_update_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ sample_origin = sample_data['origin'][1] origin_url = sample_origin['url'] mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_visit_update') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('origin hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('origin already inserted'), # ok then! {'origin': origin_url, 'visit': 1} ] visit_id = 1 swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, visit_id, status='full') assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call(origin_url, visit_id, status='full'), call(origin_url, visit_id, status='full'), call(origin_url, visit_id, status='full'), ]) def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_origin_visit_update_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch( 'swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.origin_visit_update') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add origin always!') origin_url = sample_data['origin'][0]['url'] visit_id = 9 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, visit_id, 'partial') assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call(origin_url, visit_id, 'partial'), call(origin_url, visit_id, 'partial'), call(origin_url, visit_id, 'partial'), ]) def test_retrying_proxy_storage_directory_add(swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard directory_add works as before """ sample_dir = sample_data['directory'][0] directory = swh_storage.directory_get_random() # no directory assert not directory s = swh_storage.directory_add([sample_dir]) assert s == { 'directory:add': 1, } directory_id = swh_storage.directory_get_random() # only 1 assert directory_id == sample_dir['id'] def test_retrying_proxy_storage_directory_add_with_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.directory_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('directory hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('directory already inserted'), # ok then! {'directory:add': 1} ] sample_dir = sample_data['directory'][1] directory_id = swh_storage.directory_get_random() # no directory assert not directory_id s = swh_storage.directory_add([sample_dir]) assert s == { 'directory:add': 1, } assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call([sample_dir]), call([sample_dir]), call([sample_dir]), ]) def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_directory_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.directory_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add directory always!') sample_dir = sample_data['directory'][0] directory_id = swh_storage.directory_get_random() # no directory assert not directory_id with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.directory_add([sample_dir]) assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call([sample_dir]), call([sample_dir]), call([sample_dir]), ]) def test_retrying_proxy_storage_revision_add(swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard revision_add works as before """ sample_rev = sample_data['revision'][0] revision = next(swh_storage.revision_get([sample_rev['id']])) assert not revision s = swh_storage.revision_add([sample_rev]) assert s == { 'revision:add': 1, } revision = next(swh_storage.revision_get([sample_rev['id']])) assert revision['id'] == sample_rev['id'] def test_retrying_proxy_storage_revision_add_with_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.revision_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('revision hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('revision already inserted'), # ok then! {'revision:add': 1} ] sample_rev = sample_data['revision'][0] revision = next(swh_storage.revision_get([sample_rev['id']])) assert not revision s = swh_storage.revision_add([sample_rev]) assert s == { 'revision:add': 1, } assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call([sample_rev]), call([sample_rev]), call([sample_rev]), ]) def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_revision_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.revision_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add revision always!') sample_rev = sample_data['revision'][0] revision = next(swh_storage.revision_get([sample_rev['id']])) assert not revision with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.revision_add([sample_rev]) assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call([sample_rev]), call([sample_rev]), call([sample_rev]), ]) def test_retrying_proxy_storage_release_add(swh_storage, sample_data): """Standard release_add works as before """ sample_rel = sample_data['release'][0] release = next(swh_storage.release_get([sample_rel['id']])) assert not release s = swh_storage.release_add([sample_rel]) assert s == { 'release:add': 1, } release = next(swh_storage.release_get([sample_rel['id']])) assert release['id'] == sample_rel['id'] def test_retrying_proxy_storage_release_add_with_retry( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.release_add') mock_memory.side_effect = [ # first try goes ko HashCollision('release hash collision'), # second try goes ko psycopg2.IntegrityError('release already inserted'), # ok then! {'release:add': 1} ] sample_rel = sample_data['release'][0] release = next(swh_storage.release_get([sample_rel['id']])) assert not release s = swh_storage.release_add([sample_rel]) assert s == { 'release:add': 1, } assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call([sample_rel]), call([sample_rel]), call([sample_rel]), ]) def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_release_add_failure( swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): """Other errors are raising as usual """ mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.release_add') mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add release always!') sample_rel = sample_data['release'][0] release = next(swh_storage.release_get([sample_rel['id']])) assert not release with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): swh_storage.release_add([sample_rel]) assert mock_memory.has_calls([ call([sample_rel]), call([sample_rel]), call([sample_rel]), ]) + + +def test_retrying_proxy_storage_snapshot_add(swh_storage, sample_data): + """Standard snapshot_add works as before + + """ + sample_snap = sample_data['snapshot'][0] + + snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get(sample_snap['id']) + assert not snapshot + + s = swh_storage.snapshot_add([sample_snap]) + assert s == { + 'snapshot:add': 1, + } + + snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get(sample_snap['id']) + assert snapshot['id'] == sample_snap['id'] + + +def test_retrying_proxy_storage_snapshot_add_with_retry( + swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): + """Multiple retries for hash collision and psycopg2 error but finally ok + + """ + mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.snapshot_add') + mock_memory.side_effect = [ + # first try goes ko + HashCollision('snapshot hash collision'), + # second try goes ko + psycopg2.IntegrityError('snapshot already inserted'), + # ok then! + {'snapshot:add': 1} + ] + + sample_snap = sample_data['snapshot'][0] + + snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get(sample_snap['id']) + assert not snapshot + + s = swh_storage.snapshot_add([sample_snap]) + assert s == { + 'snapshot:add': 1, + } + + assert mock_memory.has_calls([ + call([sample_snap]), + call([sample_snap]), + call([sample_snap]), + ]) + + +def test_retrying_proxy_swh_storage_snapshot_add_failure( + swh_storage, sample_data, mocker): + """Other errors are raising as usual + + """ + mock_memory = mocker.patch('swh.storage.in_memory.Storage.snapshot_add') + mock_memory.side_effect = ValueError('Refuse to add snapshot always!') + + sample_snap = sample_data['snapshot'][0] + + snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get(sample_snap['id']) + assert not snapshot + + with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Refuse to add'): + swh_storage.snapshot_add([sample_snap]) + + assert mock_memory.has_calls([ + call([sample_snap]), + call([sample_snap]), + call([sample_snap]), + ])