diff --git a/swh/storage/cassandra/storage.py b/swh/storage/cassandra/storage.py index 20dd7f05..1cca4d63 100644 --- a/swh/storage/cassandra/storage.py +++ b/swh/storage/cassandra/storage.py @@ -1,1221 +1,1220 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime import itertools import json import random import re from typing import Any, Dict, List, Iterable, Optional, Union import attr import dateutil from swh.core.api.serializers import msgpack_loads, msgpack_dumps from swh.model.model import ( Revision, Release, Directory, DirectoryEntry, Content, SkippedContent, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus, Snapshot, Origin, ) from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS from swh.storage.objstorage import ObjStorage from swh.storage.writer import JournalWriter from swh.storage.validate import convert_validation_exceptions from swh.storage.utils import now from ..exc import StorageArgumentException, HashCollision from .common import TOKEN_BEGIN, TOKEN_END from .converters import ( revision_to_db, revision_from_db, release_to_db, release_from_db, ) from .cql import CqlRunner from .schema import HASH_ALGORITHMS # Max block size of contents to return BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX = 10000 class CassandraStorage: def __init__(self, hosts, keyspace, objstorage, port=9042, journal_writer=None): self._cql_runner = CqlRunner(hosts, keyspace, port) self.journal_writer = JournalWriter(journal_writer) self.objstorage = ObjStorage(objstorage) def check_config(self, *, check_write): self._cql_runner.check_read() return True def _content_get_from_hash(self, algo, hash_) -> Iterable: """From the name of a hash algorithm and a value of that hash, looks up the "hash -> token" secondary table (content_by_{algo}) to get tokens. Then, looks up the main table (content) to get all contents with that token, and filters out contents whose hash doesn't match.""" found_tokens = self._cql_runner.content_get_tokens_from_single_hash(algo, hash_) for token in found_tokens: # Query the main table ('content'). res = self._cql_runner.content_get_from_token(token) for row in res: # re-check the the hash (in case of murmur3 collision) if getattr(row, algo) == hash_: yield row def _content_add(self, contents: List[Content], with_data: bool) -> Dict: # Filter-out content already in the database. contents = [ c for c in contents if not self._cql_runner.content_get_from_pk(c.to_dict()) ] self.journal_writer.content_add(contents) if with_data: # First insert to the objstorage, if the endpoint is # `content_add` (as opposed to `content_add_metadata`). # TODO: this should probably be done in concurrently to inserting # in index tables (but still before the main table; so an entry is # only added to the main table after everything else was # successfully inserted. summary = self.objstorage.content_add( c for c in contents if c.status != "absent" ) content_add_bytes = summary["content:add:bytes"] content_add = 0 for content in contents: content_add += 1 # Check for sha1 or sha1_git collisions. This test is not atomic # with the insertion, so it won't detect a collision if both # contents are inserted at the same time, but it's good enough. # # The proper way to do it would probably be a BATCH, but this # would be inefficient because of the number of partitions we # need to affect (len(HASH_ALGORITHMS)+1, which is currently 5) for algo in {"sha1", "sha1_git"}: collisions = [] # Get tokens of 'content' rows with the same value for # sha1/sha1_git rows = self._content_get_from_hash(algo, content.get_hash(algo)) for row in rows: if getattr(row, algo) != content.get_hash(algo): # collision of token(partition key), ignore this # row continue for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS: if getattr(row, algo) != content.get_hash(algo): # This hash didn't match; discard the row. collisions.append( {algo: getattr(row, algo) for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS} ) if collisions: collisions.append(content.hashes()) raise HashCollision(algo, content.get_hash(algo), collisions) (token, insertion_finalizer) = self._cql_runner.content_add_prepare(content) # Then add to index tables for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS: self._cql_runner.content_index_add_one(algo, content, token) # Then to the main table insertion_finalizer() summary = { "content:add": content_add, } if with_data: summary["content:add:bytes"] = content_add_bytes return summary def content_add(self, content: Iterable[Content]) -> Dict: contents = [attr.evolve(c, ctime=now()) for c in content] return self._content_add(list(contents), with_data=True) def content_update(self, content, keys=[]): raise NotImplementedError( "content_update is not supported by the Cassandra backend" ) def content_add_metadata(self, content: Iterable[Content]) -> Dict: return self._content_add(list(content), with_data=False) def content_get(self, content): if len(content) > BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX: raise StorageArgumentException( "Sending at most %s contents." % BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX ) yield from self.objstorage.content_get(content) def content_get_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, limit: int = 1000, page_token: str = None, ): if limit is None: raise StorageArgumentException("limit should not be None") # Compute start and end of the range of tokens covered by the # requested partition partition_size = (TOKEN_END - TOKEN_BEGIN) // nb_partitions range_start = TOKEN_BEGIN + partition_id * partition_size range_end = TOKEN_BEGIN + (partition_id + 1) * partition_size # offset the range start according to the `page_token`. if page_token is not None: if not (range_start <= int(page_token) <= range_end): raise StorageArgumentException("Invalid page_token.") range_start = int(page_token) # Get the first rows of the range rows = self._cql_runner.content_get_token_range(range_start, range_end, limit) rows = list(rows) if len(rows) == limit: next_page_token: Optional[str] = str(rows[-1].tok + 1) else: next_page_token = None return { "contents": [row._asdict() for row in rows if row.status != "absent"], "next_page_token": next_page_token, } def content_get_metadata(self, contents: List[bytes]) -> Dict[bytes, List[Dict]]: result: Dict[bytes, List[Dict]] = {sha1: [] for sha1 in contents} for sha1 in contents: # Get all (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256) whose sha1 # matches the argument, from the index table ('content_by_sha1') for row in self._content_get_from_hash("sha1", sha1): content_metadata = row._asdict() content_metadata.pop("ctime") result[content_metadata["sha1"]].append(content_metadata) return result def content_find(self, content): # Find an algorithm that is common to all the requested contents. # It will be used to do an initial filtering efficiently. filter_algos = list(set(content).intersection(HASH_ALGORITHMS)) if not filter_algos: raise StorageArgumentException( "content keys must contain at least one of: " "%s" % ", ".join(sorted(HASH_ALGORITHMS)) ) common_algo = filter_algos[0] results = [] rows = self._content_get_from_hash(common_algo, content[common_algo]) for row in rows: # Re-check all the hashes, in case of collisions (either of the # hash of the partition key, or the hashes in it) for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS: if content.get(algo) and getattr(row, algo) != content[algo]: # This hash didn't match; discard the row. break else: # All hashes match, keep this row. results.append( { **row._asdict(), "ctime": row.ctime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), } ) return results def content_missing(self, content, key_hash="sha1"): for cont in content: res = self.content_find(cont) if not res: yield cont[key_hash] if any(c["status"] == "missing" for c in res): yield cont[key_hash] def content_missing_per_sha1(self, contents): return self.content_missing([{"sha1": c for c in contents}]) def content_missing_per_sha1_git(self, contents): return self.content_missing( [{"sha1_git": c for c in contents}], key_hash="sha1_git" ) def content_get_random(self): return self._cql_runner.content_get_random().sha1_git def _skipped_content_get_from_hash(self, algo, hash_) -> Iterable: """From the name of a hash algorithm and a value of that hash, looks up the "hash -> token" secondary table (skipped_content_by_{algo}) to get tokens. Then, looks up the main table (content) to get all contents with that token, and filters out contents whose hash doesn't match.""" found_tokens = self._cql_runner.skipped_content_get_tokens_from_single_hash( algo, hash_ ) for token in found_tokens: # Query the main table ('content'). res = self._cql_runner.skipped_content_get_from_token(token) for row in res: # re-check the the hash (in case of murmur3 collision) if getattr(row, algo) == hash_: yield row def _skipped_content_add(self, contents: Iterable[SkippedContent]) -> Dict: # Filter-out content already in the database. contents = [ c for c in contents if not self._cql_runner.skipped_content_get_from_pk(c.to_dict()) ] self.journal_writer.skipped_content_add(contents) for content in contents: # Compute token of the row in the main table (token, insertion_finalizer) = self._cql_runner.skipped_content_add_prepare( content ) # Then add to index tables for algo in HASH_ALGORITHMS: self._cql_runner.skipped_content_index_add_one(algo, content, token) # Then to the main table insertion_finalizer() return {"skipped_content:add": len(contents)} def skipped_content_add(self, content: Iterable[SkippedContent]) -> Dict: contents = [attr.evolve(c, ctime=now()) for c in content] return self._skipped_content_add(contents) def skipped_content_missing(self, contents): for content in contents: if not self._cql_runner.skipped_content_get_from_pk(content): yield {algo: content[algo] for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS} def directory_add(self, directories: Iterable[Directory]) -> Dict: directories = list(directories) # Filter out directories that are already inserted. missing = self.directory_missing([dir_.id for dir_ in directories]) directories = [dir_ for dir_ in directories if dir_.id in missing] self.journal_writer.directory_add(directories) for directory in directories: # Add directory entries to the 'directory_entry' table for entry in directory.entries: self._cql_runner.directory_entry_add_one( {**entry.to_dict(), "directory_id": directory.id} ) # Add the directory *after* adding all the entries, so someone # calling snapshot_get_branch in the meantime won't end up # with half the entries. self._cql_runner.directory_add_one(directory.id) return {"directory:add": len(missing)} def directory_missing(self, directories): return self._cql_runner.directory_missing(directories) def _join_dentry_to_content(self, dentry): keys = ( "status", "sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "length", ) ret = dict.fromkeys(keys) ret.update(dentry.to_dict()) if ret["type"] == "file": content = self.content_find({"sha1_git": ret["target"]}) if content: content = content[0] for key in keys: ret[key] = content[key] return ret def _directory_ls(self, directory_id, recursive, prefix=b""): if self.directory_missing([directory_id]): return rows = list(self._cql_runner.directory_entry_get([directory_id])) for row in rows: # Build and yield the directory entry dict entry = row._asdict() del entry["directory_id"] entry = DirectoryEntry.from_dict(entry) ret = self._join_dentry_to_content(entry) ret["name"] = prefix + ret["name"] ret["dir_id"] = directory_id yield ret if recursive and ret["type"] == "dir": yield from self._directory_ls( ret["target"], True, prefix + ret["name"] + b"/" ) def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths): return self._directory_entry_get_by_path(directory, paths, b"") def _directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, prefix): if not paths: return contents = list(self.directory_ls(directory)) if not contents: return def _get_entry(entries, name): """Finds the entry with the requested name, prepends the prefix (to get its full path), and returns it. If no entry has that name, returns None.""" for entry in entries: if entry["name"] == name: entry = entry.copy() entry["name"] = prefix + entry["name"] return entry first_item = _get_entry(contents, paths[0]) if len(paths) == 1: return first_item if not first_item or first_item["type"] != "dir": return return self._directory_entry_get_by_path( first_item["target"], paths[1:], prefix + paths[0] + b"/" ) def directory_ls(self, directory, recursive=False): yield from self._directory_ls(directory, recursive) def directory_get_random(self): return self._cql_runner.directory_get_random().id def revision_add(self, revisions: Iterable[Revision]) -> Dict: revisions = list(revisions) # Filter-out revisions already in the database missing = self.revision_missing([rev.id for rev in revisions]) revisions = [rev for rev in revisions if rev.id in missing] self.journal_writer.revision_add(revisions) for revision in revisions: revobject = revision_to_db(revision) if revobject: # Add parents first for (rank, parent) in enumerate(revobject["parents"]): self._cql_runner.revision_parent_add_one( revobject["id"], rank, parent ) # Then write the main revision row. # Writing this after all parents were written ensures that # read endpoints don't return a partial view while writing # the parents self._cql_runner.revision_add_one(revobject) return {"revision:add": len(revisions)} def revision_missing(self, revisions): return self._cql_runner.revision_missing(revisions) def revision_get(self, revisions): rows = self._cql_runner.revision_get(revisions) revs = {} for row in rows: # TODO: use a single query to get all parents? # (it might have lower latency, but requires more code and more # bandwidth, because revision id would be part of each returned # row) parent_rows = self._cql_runner.revision_parent_get(row.id) # parent_rank is the clustering key, so results are already # sorted by rank. parents = tuple(row.parent_id for row in parent_rows) rev = revision_from_db(row, parents=parents) revs[rev.id] = rev.to_dict() for rev_id in revisions: yield revs.get(rev_id) def _get_parent_revs(self, rev_ids, seen, limit, short): if limit and len(seen) >= limit: return rev_ids = [id_ for id_ in rev_ids if id_ not in seen] if not rev_ids: return seen |= set(rev_ids) # We need this query, even if short=True, to return consistent # results (ie. not return only a subset of a revision's parents # if it is being written) if short: rows = self._cql_runner.revision_get_ids(rev_ids) else: rows = self._cql_runner.revision_get(rev_ids) for row in rows: # TODO: use a single query to get all parents? # (it might have less latency, but requires less code and more # bandwidth (because revision id would be part of each returned # row) parent_rows = self._cql_runner.revision_parent_get(row.id) # parent_rank is the clustering key, so results are already # sorted by rank. parents = tuple(row.parent_id for row in parent_rows) if short: yield (row.id, parents) else: rev = revision_from_db(row, parents=parents) yield rev.to_dict() yield from self._get_parent_revs(parents, seen, limit, short) def revision_log(self, revisions, limit=None): seen = set() yield from self._get_parent_revs(revisions, seen, limit, False) def revision_shortlog(self, revisions, limit=None): seen = set() yield from self._get_parent_revs(revisions, seen, limit, True) def revision_get_random(self): return self._cql_runner.revision_get_random().id def release_add(self, releases: Iterable[Release]) -> Dict: missing = self.release_missing([rel.id for rel in releases]) releases = [rel for rel in releases if rel.id in missing] self.journal_writer.release_add(releases) for release in releases: if release: self._cql_runner.release_add_one(release_to_db(release)) return {"release:add": len(missing)} def release_missing(self, releases): return self._cql_runner.release_missing(releases) def release_get(self, releases): rows = self._cql_runner.release_get(releases) rels = {} for row in rows: release = release_from_db(row) rels[row.id] = release.to_dict() for rel_id in releases: yield rels.get(rel_id) def release_get_random(self): return self._cql_runner.release_get_random().id def snapshot_add(self, snapshots: Iterable[Snapshot]) -> Dict: missing = self._cql_runner.snapshot_missing([snp.id for snp in snapshots]) snapshots = [snp for snp in snapshots if snp.id in missing] for snapshot in snapshots: self.journal_writer.snapshot_add([snapshot]) # Add branches for (branch_name, branch) in snapshot.branches.items(): if branch is None: target_type = None target = None else: target_type = branch.target_type.value target = branch.target self._cql_runner.snapshot_branch_add_one( { "snapshot_id": snapshot.id, "name": branch_name, "target_type": target_type, "target": target, } ) # Add the snapshot *after* adding all the branches, so someone # calling snapshot_get_branch in the meantime won't end up # with half the branches. self._cql_runner.snapshot_add_one(snapshot.id) return {"snapshot:add": len(snapshots)} def snapshot_missing(self, snapshots): return self._cql_runner.snapshot_missing(snapshots) def snapshot_get(self, snapshot_id): return self.snapshot_get_branches(snapshot_id) def snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(self, origin, visit): try: visit = self.origin_visit_get_by(origin, visit) except IndexError: return None return self.snapshot_get(visit["snapshot"]) def snapshot_get_latest(self, origin, allowed_statuses=None): visit = self.origin_visit_get_latest( origin, allowed_statuses=allowed_statuses, require_snapshot=True ) if visit: assert visit["snapshot"] if self._cql_runner.snapshot_missing([visit["snapshot"]]): raise StorageArgumentException("Visit references unknown snapshot") return self.snapshot_get_branches(visit["snapshot"]) def snapshot_count_branches(self, snapshot_id): if self._cql_runner.snapshot_missing([snapshot_id]): # Makes sure we don't fetch branches for a snapshot that is # being added. return None rows = list(self._cql_runner.snapshot_count_branches(snapshot_id)) assert len(rows) == 1 (nb_none, counts) = rows[0].counts counts = dict(counts) if nb_none: counts[None] = nb_none return counts def snapshot_get_branches( self, snapshot_id, branches_from=b"", branches_count=1000, target_types=None ): if self._cql_runner.snapshot_missing([snapshot_id]): # Makes sure we don't fetch branches for a snapshot that is # being added. return None branches = [] while len(branches) < branches_count + 1: new_branches = list( self._cql_runner.snapshot_branch_get( snapshot_id, branches_from, branches_count + 1 ) ) if not new_branches: break branches_from = new_branches[-1].name new_branches_filtered = new_branches # Filter by target_type if target_types: new_branches_filtered = [ branch for branch in new_branches_filtered if branch.target is not None and branch.target_type in target_types ] branches.extend(new_branches_filtered) if len(new_branches) < branches_count + 1: break if len(branches) > branches_count: last_branch = branches.pop(-1).name else: last_branch = None branches = { branch.name: {"target": branch.target, "target_type": branch.target_type,} if branch.target else None for branch in branches } return { "id": snapshot_id, "branches": branches, "next_branch": last_branch, } def snapshot_get_random(self): return self._cql_runner.snapshot_get_random().id def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids): results = {id_: [] for id_ in ids} missing_ids = set(ids) # Mind the order, revision is the most likely one for a given ID, # so we check revisions first. queries = [ ("revision", self._cql_runner.revision_missing), ("release", self._cql_runner.release_missing), ("content", self._cql_runner.content_missing_by_sha1_git), ("directory", self._cql_runner.directory_missing), ] for (object_type, query_fn) in queries: found_ids = missing_ids - set(query_fn(missing_ids)) for sha1_git in found_ids: results[sha1_git].append( {"sha1_git": sha1_git, "type": object_type,} ) missing_ids.remove(sha1_git) if not missing_ids: # We found everything, skipping the next queries. break return results def origin_get(self, origins): if isinstance(origins, dict): # Old API return_single = True origins = [origins] else: return_single = False if any("id" in origin for origin in origins): raise StorageArgumentException("Origin ids are not supported.") results = [self.origin_get_one(origin) for origin in origins] if return_single: assert len(results) == 1 return results[0] else: return results def origin_get_one(self, origin: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if "id" in origin: raise StorageArgumentException("Origin ids are not supported.") if "url" not in origin: raise StorageArgumentException("Missing origin url") rows = self._cql_runner.origin_get_by_url(origin["url"]) rows = list(rows) if rows: assert len(rows) == 1 result = rows[0]._asdict() return { "url": result["url"], } else: return None def origin_get_by_sha1(self, sha1s): results = [] for sha1 in sha1s: rows = self._cql_runner.origin_get_by_sha1(sha1) if rows: results.append({"url": rows.one().url}) else: results.append(None) return results def origin_list(self, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 100) -> dict: # Compute what token to begin the listing from start_token = TOKEN_BEGIN if page_token: start_token = int(page_token) if not (TOKEN_BEGIN <= start_token <= TOKEN_END): raise StorageArgumentException("Invalid page_token.") rows = self._cql_runner.origin_list(start_token, limit) rows = list(rows) if len(rows) == limit: next_page_token: Optional[str] = str(rows[-1].tok + 1) else: next_page_token = None return { "origins": [{"url": row.url} for row in rows], "next_page_token": next_page_token, } def origin_search( self, url_pattern, offset=0, limit=50, regexp=False, with_visit=False ): # TODO: remove this endpoint, swh-search should be used instead. origins = self._cql_runner.origin_iter_all() if regexp: pat = re.compile(url_pattern) origins = [orig for orig in origins if pat.search(orig.url)] else: origins = [orig for orig in origins if url_pattern in orig.url] if with_visit: origins = [orig for orig in origins if orig.next_visit_id > 1] return [{"url": orig.url,} for orig in origins[offset : offset + limit]] def origin_add(self, origins: Iterable[Origin]) -> List[Dict]: results = [] for origin in origins: self.origin_add_one(origin) results.append(origin.to_dict()) return results def origin_add_one(self, origin: Origin) -> str: known_origin = self.origin_get_one(origin.to_dict()) if known_origin: origin_url = known_origin["url"] else: self.journal_writer.origin_add([origin]) self._cql_runner.origin_add_one(origin) origin_url = origin.url return origin_url def origin_visit_add( self, origin_url: str, date: Union[str, datetime.datetime], type: str ) -> OriginVisit: if isinstance(date, str): # FIXME: Converge on iso8601 at some point date = dateutil.parser.parse(date) elif not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): raise StorageArgumentException("Date must be a datetime or a string") if not self.origin_get_one({"url": origin_url}): raise StorageArgumentException("Unknown origin %s", origin_url) visit_id = self._cql_runner.origin_generate_unique_visit_id(origin_url) visit_state = "ongoing" with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit = OriginVisit.from_dict( { "origin": origin_url, "date": date, "type": type, "status": visit_state, "snapshot": None, "metadata": None, "visit": visit_id, } ) self.journal_writer.origin_visit_add([visit]) self._cql_runner.origin_visit_add_one(visit) with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_status = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit_id, date=date, status=visit_state, snapshot=None, metadata=None, ) self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status) return visit def _origin_visit_status_add(self, visit_status: OriginVisitStatus) -> None: """Add an origin visit status""" self.journal_writer.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status]) self._cql_runner.origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_status) def origin_visit_status_add( self, visit_statuses: Iterable[OriginVisitStatus] ) -> None: # First round to check existence (fail early if any is ko) for visit_status in visit_statuses: origin_url = self.origin_get({"url": visit_status.origin}) if not origin_url: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown origin {visit_status.origin}") self.journal_writer.origin_visit_status_add(visit_statuses) for visit_status in visit_statuses: self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status) def origin_visit_update( self, origin: str, visit_id: int, status: str, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, snapshot: Optional[bytes] = None, date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, ): origin_url = origin # TODO: rename the argument # Get the existing data of the visit visit_ = self.origin_visit_get_by(origin_url, visit_id) if not visit_: raise StorageArgumentException("This origin visit does not exist.") with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit = OriginVisit.from_dict(visit_) updates: Dict[str, Any] = {"status": status} if metadata and metadata != visit.metadata: updates["metadata"] = metadata if snapshot and snapshot != visit.snapshot: updates["snapshot"] = snapshot with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit = attr.evolve(visit, **updates) self.journal_writer.origin_visit_update([visit]) last_visit_update = self._origin_visit_get_updated(visit.origin, visit.visit) assert last_visit_update is not None with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_status = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit_id, date=date or now(), status=status, snapshot=snapshot or last_visit_update["snapshot"], metadata=metadata or last_visit_update["metadata"], ) - self._cql_runner.origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_status) - # self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status) + self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status) def _origin_visit_merge( self, visit: Dict[str, Any], visit_status: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Merge origin_visit and visit_status together. """ return OriginVisit.from_dict( { # default to the values in visit **visit, # override with the last update **visit_status, # visit['origin'] is the URL (via a join), while # visit_status['origin'] is only an id. "origin": visit["origin"], # but keep the date of the creation of the origin visit "date": visit["date"], } ).to_dict() def _origin_visit_apply_last_status(self, visit: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieve the latest visit status information for the origin visit. Then merge it with the visit and return it. """ visit_status = self._cql_runner.origin_visit_status_get_latest( visit["origin"], visit["visit"] ) assert visit_status is not None return self._origin_visit_merge(visit, visit_status) def _origin_visit_get_updated(self, origin: str, visit_id: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieve origin visit and latest origin visit status and merge them into an origin visit. """ row_visit = self._cql_runner.origin_visit_get_one(origin, visit_id) assert row_visit is not None visit = self._format_origin_visit_row(row_visit) return self._origin_visit_apply_last_status(visit) def origin_visit_upsert(self, visits: Iterable[OriginVisit]) -> None: for visit in visits: if visit.visit is None: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Missing visit id for visit {visit}") self.journal_writer.origin_visit_upsert(visits) for visit in visits: assert visit.visit is not None self._cql_runner.origin_visit_upsert(visit) with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_status = OriginVisitStatus( origin=visit.origin, visit=visit.visit, date=now(), status=visit.status, snapshot=visit.snapshot, metadata=visit.metadata, ) self._cql_runner.origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_status) @staticmethod def _format_origin_visit_row(visit): return { **visit._asdict(), "origin": visit.origin, "date": visit.date.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), "metadata": (json.loads(visit.metadata) if visit.metadata else None), } def origin_visit_get( self, origin: str, last_visit: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None ) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: rows = self._cql_runner.origin_visit_get(origin, last_visit, limit) for row in rows: visit = self._format_origin_visit_row(row) yield self._origin_visit_apply_last_status(visit) def origin_visit_find_by_date( self, origin: str, visit_date: datetime.datetime ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: # Iterator over all the visits of the origin # This should be ok for now, as there aren't too many visits # per origin. rows = list(self._cql_runner.origin_visit_get_all(origin)) def key(visit): dt = visit.date.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) - visit_date return (abs(dt), -visit.visit) if rows: row = min(rows, key=key) visit = self._format_origin_visit_row(row) return self._origin_visit_apply_last_status(visit) return None def origin_visit_get_by(self, origin: str, visit: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: row = self._cql_runner.origin_visit_get_one(origin, visit) if row: visit_ = self._format_origin_visit_row(row) return self._origin_visit_apply_last_status(visit_) return None def origin_visit_get_latest( self, origin: str, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: # TODO: Do not fetch all visits rows = self._cql_runner.origin_visit_get_all(origin) latest_visit = None for row in rows: visit = self._format_origin_visit_row(row) updated_visit = self._origin_visit_apply_last_status(visit) if allowed_statuses and updated_visit["status"] not in allowed_statuses: continue if require_snapshot and updated_visit["snapshot"] is None: continue # updated_visit is a candidate if latest_visit is not None: if updated_visit["date"] < latest_visit["date"]: continue if updated_visit["visit"] < latest_visit["visit"]: continue latest_visit = updated_visit return latest_visit def origin_visit_get_random(self, type: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: back_in_the_day = now() - datetime.timedelta(weeks=12) # 3 months back # Random position to start iteration at start_token = random.randint(TOKEN_BEGIN, TOKEN_END) # Iterator over all visits, ordered by token(origins) then visit_id rows = self._cql_runner.origin_visit_iter(start_token) for row in rows: visit = self._format_origin_visit_row(row) visit_status = self._origin_visit_apply_last_status(visit) if ( visit_status["date"] > back_in_the_day and visit_status["status"] == "full" ): return visit_status else: return None def stat_counters(self): rows = self._cql_runner.stat_counters() keys = ( "content", "directory", "origin", "origin_visit", "release", "revision", "skipped_content", "snapshot", ) stats = {key: 0 for key in keys} stats.update({row.object_type: row.count for row in rows}) return stats def refresh_stat_counters(self): pass def origin_metadata_add( self, origin_url: str, discovery_date: datetime.datetime, authority: Dict[str, Any], fetcher: Dict[str, Any], format: str, metadata: bytes, ) -> None: if not isinstance(origin_url, str): raise StorageArgumentException( "origin_id must be str, not %r" % (origin_url,) ) if not self._cql_runner.metadata_authority_get(**authority): raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown authority {authority}") if not self._cql_runner.metadata_fetcher_get(**fetcher): raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown fetcher {fetcher}") try: self._cql_runner.origin_metadata_add( origin_url, authority["type"], authority["url"], discovery_date, fetcher["name"], fetcher["version"], format, metadata, ) except TypeError as e: raise StorageArgumentException(*e.args) def origin_metadata_get( self, origin_url: str, authority: Dict[str, str], after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, page_token: Optional[bytes] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not isinstance(origin_url, str): raise TypeError("origin_url must be str, not %r" % (origin_url,)) if page_token is not None: (after_date, after_fetcher_name, after_fetcher_url) = msgpack_loads( page_token ) if after and after_date < after: raise StorageArgumentException( "page_token is inconsistent with the value of 'after'." ) entries = self._cql_runner.origin_metadata_get_after_date_and_fetcher( origin_url, authority["type"], authority["url"], after_date, after_fetcher_name, after_fetcher_url, ) elif after is not None: entries = self._cql_runner.origin_metadata_get_after_date( origin_url, authority["type"], authority["url"], after ) else: entries = self._cql_runner.origin_metadata_get( origin_url, authority["type"], authority["url"] ) if limit: entries = itertools.islice(entries, 0, limit + 1) results = [] for entry in entries: discovery_date = entry.discovery_date.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) results.append( { "origin_url": entry.origin, "authority": { "type": entry.authority_type, "url": entry.authority_url, }, "fetcher": { "name": entry.fetcher_name, "version": entry.fetcher_version, }, "discovery_date": discovery_date, "format": entry.format, "metadata": entry.metadata, } ) if len(results) > limit: results.pop() assert len(results) == limit last_result = results[-1] next_page_token: Optional[bytes] = msgpack_dumps( ( last_result["discovery_date"], last_result["fetcher"]["name"], last_result["fetcher"]["version"], ) ) else: next_page_token = None return { "next_page_token": next_page_token, "results": results, } def metadata_fetcher_add( self, name: str, version: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: self._cql_runner.metadata_fetcher_add(name, version, json.dumps(metadata)) def metadata_fetcher_get(self, name: str, version: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: fetcher = self._cql_runner.metadata_fetcher_get(name, version) if fetcher: return { "name": fetcher.name, "version": fetcher.version, "metadata": json.loads(fetcher.metadata), } else: return None def metadata_authority_add( self, type: str, url: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: self._cql_runner.metadata_authority_add(url, type, json.dumps(metadata)) def metadata_authority_get(self, type: str, url: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: authority = self._cql_runner.metadata_authority_get(type, url) if authority: return { "type": authority.type, "url": authority.url, "metadata": json.loads(authority.metadata), } else: return None def clear_buffers(self, object_types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> None: """Do nothing """ return None def flush(self, object_types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Dict: return {} diff --git a/swh/storage/in_memory.py b/swh/storage/in_memory.py index 0e8439e2..4738116a 100644 --- a/swh/storage/in_memory.py +++ b/swh/storage/in_memory.py @@ -1,1293 +1,1289 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import re import bisect import dateutil import collections import copy import datetime import itertools import random from collections import defaultdict from datetime import timedelta from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Hashable, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, ) import attr from swh.core.api.serializers import msgpack_loads, msgpack_dumps from swh.model.model import ( BaseContent, Content, SkippedContent, Directory, Revision, Release, Snapshot, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus, Origin, SHA1_SIZE, ) from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex from swh.storage.objstorage import ObjStorage from swh.storage.validate import convert_validation_exceptions from swh.storage.utils import now from .exc import StorageArgumentException, HashCollision from .converters import origin_url_to_sha1 from .utils import get_partition_bounds_bytes from .writer import JournalWriter # Max block size of contents to return BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX = 10000 SortedListItem = TypeVar("SortedListItem") SortedListKey = TypeVar("SortedListKey") FetcherKey = Tuple[str, str] class SortedList(collections.UserList, Generic[SortedListKey, SortedListItem]): data: List[Tuple[SortedListKey, SortedListItem]] # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/708 # key: Callable[[SortedListItem], SortedListKey] def __init__( self, data: List[SortedListItem] = None, key: Optional[Callable[[SortedListItem], SortedListKey]] = None, ): if key is None: def key(item): return item assert key is not None # for mypy super().__init__(sorted((key(x), x) for x in data or [])) self.key: Callable[[SortedListItem], SortedListKey] = key def add(self, item: SortedListItem): k = self.key(item) bisect.insort(self.data, (k, item)) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[SortedListItem]: for (k, item) in self.data: yield item def iter_from(self, start_key: Any) -> Iterator[SortedListItem]: """Returns an iterator over all the elements whose key is greater or equal to `start_key`. (This is an efficient equivalent to: `(x for x in L if key(x) >= start_key)`) """ from_index = bisect.bisect_left(self.data, (start_key,)) for (k, item) in itertools.islice(self.data, from_index, None): yield item def iter_after(self, start_key: Any) -> Iterator[SortedListItem]: """Same as iter_from, but using a strict inequality.""" it = self.iter_from(start_key) for item in it: if self.key(item) > start_key: # type: ignore yield item break yield from it class InMemoryStorage: def __init__(self, journal_writer=None): self.reset() self.journal_writer = JournalWriter(journal_writer) def reset(self): self._contents = {} self._content_indexes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) self._skipped_contents = {} self._skipped_content_indexes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) self._directories = {} self._revisions = {} self._releases = {} self._snapshots = {} self._origins = {} self._origins_by_id = [] self._origins_by_sha1 = {} self._origin_visits = {} self._origin_visit_statuses: Dict[Tuple[str, int], List[OriginVisitStatus]] = {} self._persons = {} # {origin_url: {authority: [metadata]}} self._origin_metadata: Dict[ str, Dict[ Hashable, SortedList[Tuple[datetime.datetime, FetcherKey], Dict[str, Any]], ], ] = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict( lambda: SortedList(key=lambda x: (x["discovery_date"], x["fetcher"])) ) ) # noqa self._metadata_fetchers: Dict[FetcherKey, Dict[str, Any]] = {} self._metadata_authorities: Dict[Hashable, Dict[str, Any]] = {} self._objects = defaultdict(list) self._sorted_sha1s = SortedList[bytes, bytes]() self.objstorage = ObjStorage({"cls": "memory", "args": {}}) def check_config(self, *, check_write): return True def _content_add(self, contents: Iterable[Content], with_data: bool) -> Dict: self.journal_writer.content_add(contents) content_add = 0 if with_data: summary = self.objstorage.content_add( c for c in contents if c.status != "absent" ) content_add_bytes = summary["content:add:bytes"] for content in contents: key = self._content_key(content) if key in self._contents: continue for algorithm in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: hash_ = content.get_hash(algorithm) if hash_ in self._content_indexes[algorithm] and ( algorithm not in {"blake2s256", "sha256"} ): colliding_content_hashes = [] # Add the already stored contents for content_hashes_set in self._content_indexes[algorithm][hash_]: hashes = dict(content_hashes_set) colliding_content_hashes.append(hashes) # Add the new colliding content colliding_content_hashes.append(content.hashes()) raise HashCollision(algorithm, hash_, colliding_content_hashes) for algorithm in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: hash_ = content.get_hash(algorithm) self._content_indexes[algorithm][hash_].add(key) self._objects[content.sha1_git].append(("content", content.sha1)) self._contents[key] = content self._sorted_sha1s.add(content.sha1) self._contents[key] = attr.evolve(self._contents[key], data=None) content_add += 1 summary = { "content:add": content_add, } if with_data: summary["content:add:bytes"] = content_add_bytes return summary def content_add(self, content: Iterable[Content]) -> Dict: content = [attr.evolve(c, ctime=now()) for c in content] return self._content_add(content, with_data=True) def content_update(self, content, keys=[]): self.journal_writer.content_update(content) for cont_update in content: cont_update = cont_update.copy() sha1 = cont_update.pop("sha1") for old_key in self._content_indexes["sha1"][sha1]: old_cont = self._contents.pop(old_key) for algorithm in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: hash_ = old_cont.get_hash(algorithm) self._content_indexes[algorithm][hash_].remove(old_key) new_cont = attr.evolve(old_cont, **cont_update) new_key = self._content_key(new_cont) self._contents[new_key] = new_cont for algorithm in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: hash_ = new_cont.get_hash(algorithm) self._content_indexes[algorithm][hash_].add(new_key) def content_add_metadata(self, content: Iterable[Content]) -> Dict: return self._content_add(content, with_data=False) def content_get(self, content): # FIXME: Make this method support slicing the `data`. if len(content) > BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX: raise StorageArgumentException( "Sending at most %s contents." % BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX ) yield from self.objstorage.content_get(content) def content_get_range(self, start, end, limit=1000): if limit is None: raise StorageArgumentException("limit should not be None") sha1s = ( (sha1, content_key) for sha1 in self._sorted_sha1s.iter_from(start) for content_key in self._content_indexes["sha1"][sha1] ) matched = [] next_content = None for sha1, key in sha1s: if sha1 > end: break if len(matched) >= limit: next_content = sha1 break matched.append(self._contents[key].to_dict()) return { "contents": matched, "next": next_content, } def content_get_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, limit: int = 1000, page_token: str = None, ): if limit is None: raise StorageArgumentException("limit should not be None") (start, end) = get_partition_bounds_bytes( partition_id, nb_partitions, SHA1_SIZE ) if page_token: start = hash_to_bytes(page_token) if end is None: end = b"\xff" * SHA1_SIZE result = self.content_get_range(start, end, limit) result2 = { "contents": result["contents"], "next_page_token": None, } if result["next"]: result2["next_page_token"] = hash_to_hex(result["next"]) return result2 def content_get_metadata(self, contents: List[bytes]) -> Dict[bytes, List[Dict]]: result: Dict = {sha1: [] for sha1 in contents} for sha1 in contents: if sha1 in self._content_indexes["sha1"]: objs = self._content_indexes["sha1"][sha1] # only 1 element as content_add_metadata would have raised a # hash collision otherwise for key in objs: d = self._contents[key].to_dict() del d["ctime"] if "data" in d: del d["data"] result[sha1].append(d) return result def content_find(self, content): if not set(content).intersection(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS): raise StorageArgumentException( "content keys must contain at least one of: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)) ) found = [] for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: hash = content.get(algo) if hash and hash in self._content_indexes[algo]: found.append(self._content_indexes[algo][hash]) if not found: return [] keys = list(set.intersection(*found)) return [self._contents[key].to_dict() for key in keys] def content_missing(self, content, key_hash="sha1"): for cont in content: for (algo, hash_) in cont.items(): if algo not in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: continue if hash_ not in self._content_indexes.get(algo, []): yield cont[key_hash] break else: for result in self.content_find(cont): if result["status"] == "missing": yield cont[key_hash] def content_missing_per_sha1(self, contents): for content in contents: if content not in self._content_indexes["sha1"]: yield content def content_missing_per_sha1_git(self, contents): for content in contents: if content not in self._content_indexes["sha1_git"]: yield content def content_get_random(self): return random.choice(list(self._content_indexes["sha1_git"])) def _skipped_content_add(self, contents: List[SkippedContent]) -> Dict: self.journal_writer.skipped_content_add(contents) summary = {"skipped_content:add": 0} missing_contents = self.skipped_content_missing([c.hashes() for c in contents]) missing = {self._content_key(c) for c in missing_contents} contents = [c for c in contents if self._content_key(c) in missing] for content in contents: key = self._content_key(content) for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: if content.get_hash(algo): self._skipped_content_indexes[algo][content.get_hash(algo)].add(key) self._skipped_contents[key] = content summary["skipped_content:add"] += 1 return summary def skipped_content_add(self, content: Iterable[SkippedContent]) -> Dict: content = [attr.evolve(c, ctime=now()) for c in content] return self._skipped_content_add(content) def skipped_content_missing(self, contents): for content in contents: matches = list(self._skipped_contents.values()) for (algorithm, key) in self._content_key(content): if algorithm == "blake2s256": continue # Filter out skipped contents with the same hash matches = [ match for match in matches if match.get_hash(algorithm) == key ] # if none of the contents match if not matches: yield {algo: content[algo] for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS} def directory_add(self, directories: Iterable[Directory]) -> Dict: directories = [dir_ for dir_ in directories if dir_.id not in self._directories] self.journal_writer.directory_add(directories) count = 0 for directory in directories: count += 1 self._directories[directory.id] = directory self._objects[directory.id].append(("directory", directory.id)) return {"directory:add": count} def directory_missing(self, directories): for id in directories: if id not in self._directories: yield id def _join_dentry_to_content(self, dentry): keys = ( "status", "sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "length", ) ret = dict.fromkeys(keys) ret.update(dentry) if ret["type"] == "file": # TODO: Make it able to handle more than one content content = self.content_find({"sha1_git": ret["target"]}) if content: content = content[0] for key in keys: ret[key] = content[key] return ret def _directory_ls(self, directory_id, recursive, prefix=b""): if directory_id in self._directories: for entry in self._directories[directory_id].entries: ret = self._join_dentry_to_content(entry.to_dict()) ret["name"] = prefix + ret["name"] ret["dir_id"] = directory_id yield ret if recursive and ret["type"] == "dir": yield from self._directory_ls( ret["target"], True, prefix + ret["name"] + b"/" ) def directory_ls(self, directory, recursive=False): yield from self._directory_ls(directory, recursive) def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths): return self._directory_entry_get_by_path(directory, paths, b"") def directory_get_random(self): if not self._directories: return None return random.choice(list(self._directories)) def _directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, prefix): if not paths: return contents = list(self.directory_ls(directory)) if not contents: return def _get_entry(entries, name): for entry in entries: if entry["name"] == name: entry = entry.copy() entry["name"] = prefix + entry["name"] return entry first_item = _get_entry(contents, paths[0]) if len(paths) == 1: return first_item if not first_item or first_item["type"] != "dir": return return self._directory_entry_get_by_path( first_item["target"], paths[1:], prefix + paths[0] + b"/" ) def revision_add(self, revisions: Iterable[Revision]) -> Dict: revisions = [rev for rev in revisions if rev.id not in self._revisions] self.journal_writer.revision_add(revisions) count = 0 for revision in revisions: revision = attr.evolve( revision, committer=self._person_add(revision.committer), author=self._person_add(revision.author), ) self._revisions[revision.id] = revision self._objects[revision.id].append(("revision", revision.id)) count += 1 return {"revision:add": count} def revision_missing(self, revisions): for id in revisions: if id not in self._revisions: yield id def revision_get(self, revisions): for id in revisions: if id in self._revisions: yield self._revisions.get(id).to_dict() else: yield None def _get_parent_revs(self, rev_id, seen, limit): if limit and len(seen) >= limit: return if rev_id in seen or rev_id not in self._revisions: return seen.add(rev_id) yield self._revisions[rev_id].to_dict() for parent in self._revisions[rev_id].parents: yield from self._get_parent_revs(parent, seen, limit) def revision_log(self, revisions, limit=None): seen = set() for rev_id in revisions: yield from self._get_parent_revs(rev_id, seen, limit) def revision_shortlog(self, revisions, limit=None): yield from ( (rev["id"], rev["parents"]) for rev in self.revision_log(revisions, limit) ) def revision_get_random(self): return random.choice(list(self._revisions)) def release_add(self, releases: Iterable[Release]) -> Dict: releases = [rel for rel in releases if rel.id not in self._releases] self.journal_writer.release_add(releases) count = 0 for rel in releases: if rel.author: self._person_add(rel.author) self._objects[rel.id].append(("release", rel.id)) self._releases[rel.id] = rel count += 1 return {"release:add": count} def release_missing(self, releases): yield from (rel for rel in releases if rel not in self._releases) def release_get(self, releases): for rel_id in releases: if rel_id in self._releases: yield self._releases[rel_id].to_dict() else: yield None def release_get_random(self): return random.choice(list(self._releases)) def snapshot_add(self, snapshots: Iterable[Snapshot]) -> Dict: count = 0 snapshots = (snap for snap in snapshots if snap.id not in self._snapshots) for snapshot in snapshots: self.journal_writer.snapshot_add([snapshot]) self._snapshots[snapshot.id] = snapshot self._objects[snapshot.id].append(("snapshot", snapshot.id)) count += 1 return {"snapshot:add": count} def snapshot_missing(self, snapshots): for id in snapshots: if id not in self._snapshots: yield id def snapshot_get(self, snapshot_id): return self.snapshot_get_branches(snapshot_id) def snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(self, origin, visit): origin_url = self._get_origin_url(origin) if not origin_url: return if origin_url not in self._origins or visit > len( self._origin_visits[origin_url] ): return None visit = self._origin_visit_get_updated(origin_url, visit) snapshot_id = visit.snapshot if snapshot_id: return self.snapshot_get(snapshot_id) else: return None def snapshot_get_latest(self, origin, allowed_statuses=None): origin_url = self._get_origin_url(origin) if not origin_url: return visit = self.origin_visit_get_latest( origin_url, allowed_statuses=allowed_statuses, require_snapshot=True ) if visit and visit["snapshot"]: snapshot = self.snapshot_get(visit["snapshot"]) if not snapshot: raise StorageArgumentException( "last origin visit references an unknown snapshot" ) return snapshot def snapshot_count_branches(self, snapshot_id): snapshot = self._snapshots[snapshot_id] return collections.Counter( branch.target_type.value if branch else None for branch in snapshot.branches.values() ) def snapshot_get_branches( self, snapshot_id, branches_from=b"", branches_count=1000, target_types=None ): snapshot = self._snapshots.get(snapshot_id) if snapshot is None: return None sorted_branch_names = sorted(snapshot.branches) from_index = bisect.bisect_left(sorted_branch_names, branches_from) if target_types: next_branch = None branches = {} for branch_name in sorted_branch_names[from_index:]: branch = snapshot.branches[branch_name] if branch and branch.target_type.value in target_types: if len(branches) < branches_count: branches[branch_name] = branch else: next_branch = branch_name break else: # As there is no 'target_types', we can do that much faster to_index = from_index + branches_count returned_branch_names = sorted_branch_names[from_index:to_index] branches = { branch_name: snapshot.branches[branch_name] for branch_name in returned_branch_names } if to_index >= len(sorted_branch_names): next_branch = None else: next_branch = sorted_branch_names[to_index] branches = { name: branch.to_dict() if branch else None for (name, branch) in branches.items() } return { "id": snapshot_id, "branches": branches, "next_branch": next_branch, } def snapshot_get_random(self): return random.choice(list(self._snapshots)) def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids): ret = {} for id_ in ids: objs = self._objects.get(id_, []) ret[id_] = [{"sha1_git": id_, "type": obj[0],} for obj in objs] return ret def _convert_origin(self, t): if t is None: return None return t.to_dict() def origin_get(self, origins): if isinstance(origins, dict): # Old API return_single = True origins = [origins] else: return_single = False # Sanity check to be error-compatible with the pgsql backend if any("id" in origin for origin in origins) and not all( "id" in origin for origin in origins ): raise StorageArgumentException( 'Either all origins or none at all should have an "id".' ) if any("url" in origin for origin in origins) and not all( "url" in origin for origin in origins ): raise StorageArgumentException( "Either all origins or none at all should have " 'an "url" key.' ) results = [] for origin in origins: result = None if "url" in origin: if origin["url"] in self._origins: result = self._origins[origin["url"]] else: raise StorageArgumentException("Origin must have an url.") results.append(self._convert_origin(result)) if return_single: assert len(results) == 1 return results[0] else: return results def origin_get_by_sha1(self, sha1s): return [self._convert_origin(self._origins_by_sha1.get(sha1)) for sha1 in sha1s] def origin_get_range(self, origin_from=1, origin_count=100): origin_from = max(origin_from, 1) if origin_from <= len(self._origins_by_id): max_idx = origin_from + origin_count - 1 if max_idx > len(self._origins_by_id): max_idx = len(self._origins_by_id) for idx in range(origin_from - 1, max_idx): origin = self._convert_origin(self._origins[self._origins_by_id[idx]]) yield {"id": idx + 1, **origin} def origin_list(self, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 100) -> dict: origin_urls = sorted(self._origins) if page_token: from_ = bisect.bisect_left(origin_urls, page_token) else: from_ = 0 result = { "origins": [ {"url": origin_url} for origin_url in origin_urls[from_ : from_ + limit] ] } if from_ + limit < len(origin_urls): result["next_page_token"] = origin_urls[from_ + limit] return result def origin_search( self, url_pattern, offset=0, limit=50, regexp=False, with_visit=False ): origins = map(self._convert_origin, self._origins.values()) if regexp: pat = re.compile(url_pattern) origins = [orig for orig in origins if pat.search(orig["url"])] else: origins = [orig for orig in origins if url_pattern in orig["url"]] if with_visit: filtered_origins = [] for orig in origins: visits = ( self._origin_visit_get_updated(ov.origin, ov.visit) for ov in self._origin_visits[orig["url"]] ) for ov in visits: if ov.snapshot and ov.snapshot in self._snapshots: filtered_origins.append(orig) break else: filtered_origins = origins return filtered_origins[offset : offset + limit] def origin_count(self, url_pattern, regexp=False, with_visit=False): return len( self.origin_search( url_pattern, regexp=regexp, with_visit=with_visit, limit=len(self._origins), ) ) def origin_add(self, origins: Iterable[Origin]) -> List[Dict]: origins = copy.deepcopy(list(origins)) for origin in origins: self.origin_add_one(origin) return [origin.to_dict() for origin in origins] def origin_add_one(self, origin: Origin) -> str: if origin.url not in self._origins: self.journal_writer.origin_add([origin]) # generate an origin_id because it is needed by origin_get_range. # TODO: remove this when we remove origin_get_range origin_id = len(self._origins) + 1 self._origins_by_id.append(origin.url) assert len(self._origins_by_id) == origin_id self._origins[origin.url] = origin self._origins_by_sha1[origin_url_to_sha1(origin.url)] = origin self._origin_visits[origin.url] = [] self._objects[origin.url].append(("origin", origin.url)) return origin.url def origin_visit_add( self, origin_url: str, date: Union[str, datetime.datetime], type: str ) -> OriginVisit: if isinstance(date, str): # FIXME: Converge on iso8601 at some point date = dateutil.parser.parse(date) elif not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): raise StorageArgumentException("Date must be a datetime or a string") origin = self.origin_get({"url": origin_url}) if not origin: # Cannot add a visit without an origin raise StorageArgumentException("Unknown origin %s", origin_url) if origin_url in self._origins: origin = self._origins[origin_url] # visit ids are in the range [1, +inf[ visit_id = len(self._origin_visits[origin_url]) + 1 status = "ongoing" with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit = OriginVisit( origin=origin_url, date=date, type=type, # TODO: Remove when we remove those fields from the model status=status, snapshot=None, metadata=None, visit=visit_id, ) self.journal_writer.origin_visit_add([visit]) self._origin_visits[origin_url].append(visit) assert visit.visit is not None visit_key = (origin_url, visit.visit) with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_update = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit_id, date=date, status=status, snapshot=None, metadata=None, ) self._origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_update) self._objects[visit_key].append(("origin_visit", None)) # return last visit return visit def _origin_visit_status_add_one(self, visit_status: OriginVisitStatus) -> None: """Add an origin visit status without checks. """ self.journal_writer.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status]) visit_key = (visit_status.origin, visit_status.visit) self._origin_visit_statuses.setdefault(visit_key, []) self._origin_visit_statuses[visit_key].append(visit_status) def origin_visit_status_add( self, visit_statuses: Iterable[OriginVisitStatus], ) -> None: # First round to check existence (fail early if any is ko) for visit_status in visit_statuses: origin_url = self.origin_get({"url": visit_status.origin}) if not origin_url: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown origin {visit_status.origin}") for visit_status in visit_statuses: self._origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_status) def origin_visit_update( self, origin: str, visit_id: int, status: str, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, snapshot: Optional[bytes] = None, date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, ): origin_url = self._get_origin_url(origin) if origin_url is None: raise StorageArgumentException("Unknown origin.") try: visit = self._origin_visits[origin_url][visit_id - 1] except IndexError: raise StorageArgumentException("Unknown visit_id for this origin") from None updates: Dict[str, Any] = { "status": status, } if metadata and metadata != visit.metadata: updates["metadata"] = metadata if snapshot and snapshot != visit.snapshot: updates["snapshot"] = snapshot if updates: with convert_validation_exceptions(): updated_visit = OriginVisit.from_dict({**visit.to_dict(), **updates}) self.journal_writer.origin_visit_update([updated_visit]) self._origin_visits[origin_url][visit_id - 1] = updated_visit # Retrieve the previous visit status assert visit.visit is not None - visit_key = (origin_url, visit.visit) last_visit_status = self._origin_visit_get_updated(origin, visit_id) assert last_visit_status is not None with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_status = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit_id, date=date or now(), status=status, snapshot=snapshot or last_visit_status.snapshot, metadata=metadata or last_visit_status.metadata, ) - visit_key = (visit_status.origin, visit_status.visit) - self._origin_visit_statuses.setdefault(visit_key, []) - self._origin_visit_statuses[visit_key].append(visit_status) - # self._origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_status) + self._origin_visit_status_add_one(visit_status) def origin_visit_upsert(self, visits: Iterable[OriginVisit]) -> None: for visit in visits: if visit.visit is None: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Missing visit id for visit {visit}") self.journal_writer.origin_visit_upsert(visits) date = now() for visit in visits: assert visit.visit is not None assert visit.visit > 0 origin_url = visit.origin origin = self.origin_get({"url": origin_url}) if not origin: # Cannot add a visit without an origin raise StorageArgumentException("Unknown origin %s", origin_url) if origin_url in self._origins: origin = self._origins[origin_url] # visit ids are in the range [1, +inf[ assert visit.visit is not None visit_key = (origin_url, visit.visit) with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_update = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit.visit, date=date, status=visit.status, snapshot=visit.snapshot, metadata=visit.metadata, ) self._origin_visit_statuses.setdefault(visit_key, []) while len(self._origin_visits[origin_url]) < visit.visit: self._origin_visits[origin_url].append(None) self._origin_visits[origin_url][visit.visit - 1] = visit self._origin_visit_statuses[visit_key].append(visit_update) self._objects[visit_key].append(("origin_visit", None)) def _origin_visit_get_updated(self, origin: str, visit_id: int) -> OriginVisit: """Merge origin visit and latest origin visit status """ assert visit_id >= 1 visit = self._origin_visits[origin][visit_id - 1] assert visit is not None visit_key = (origin, visit_id) visit_update = max(self._origin_visit_statuses[visit_key], key=lambda v: v.date) return OriginVisit.from_dict( { # default to the values in visit **visit.to_dict(), # override with the last update **visit_update.to_dict(), # but keep the date of the creation of the origin visit "date": visit.date, } ) def origin_visit_get( self, origin: str, last_visit: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None ) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: origin_url = self._get_origin_url(origin) if origin_url in self._origin_visits: visits = self._origin_visits[origin_url] if last_visit is not None: visits = visits[last_visit:] if limit is not None: visits = visits[:limit] for visit in visits: if not visit: continue visit_id = visit.visit visit_update = self._origin_visit_get_updated(origin_url, visit_id) assert visit_update is not None yield visit_update.to_dict() def origin_visit_find_by_date( self, origin: str, visit_date: datetime.datetime ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: origin_url = self._get_origin_url(origin) if origin_url in self._origin_visits: visits = self._origin_visits[origin_url] visit = min(visits, key=lambda v: (abs(v.date - visit_date), -v.visit)) visit_update = self._origin_visit_get_updated(origin, visit.visit) assert visit_update is not None return visit_update.to_dict() return None def origin_visit_get_by(self, origin: str, visit: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: origin_url = self._get_origin_url(origin) if origin_url in self._origin_visits and visit <= len( self._origin_visits[origin_url] ): visit_update = self._origin_visit_get_updated(origin_url, visit) assert visit_update is not None return visit_update.to_dict() return None def origin_visit_get_latest( self, origin: str, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: ori = self._origins.get(origin) if not ori: return None visits = self._origin_visits[ori.url] visits = [ self._origin_visit_get_updated(visit.origin, visit.visit) for visit in visits if visit is not None ] if allowed_statuses is not None: visits = [visit for visit in visits if visit.status in allowed_statuses] if require_snapshot: visits = [visit for visit in visits if visit.snapshot] visit = max(visits, key=lambda v: (v.date, v.visit), default=None) if visit is None: return None return visit.to_dict() def _select_random_origin_visit_by_type(self, type: str) -> str: while True: url = random.choice(list(self._origin_visits.keys())) random_origin_visits = self._origin_visits[url] if random_origin_visits[0].type == type: return url def origin_visit_get_random(self, type: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: url = self._select_random_origin_visit_by_type(type) random_origin_visits = copy.deepcopy(self._origin_visits[url]) random_origin_visits.reverse() back_in_the_day = now() - timedelta(weeks=12) # 3 months back # This should be enough for tests for visit in random_origin_visits: updated_visit = self._origin_visit_get_updated(url, visit.visit) assert updated_visit is not None if updated_visit.date > back_in_the_day and updated_visit.status == "full": return updated_visit.to_dict() else: return None def stat_counters(self): keys = ( "content", "directory", "origin", "origin_visit", "person", "release", "revision", "skipped_content", "snapshot", ) stats = {key: 0 for key in keys} stats.update( collections.Counter( obj_type for (obj_type, obj_id) in itertools.chain(*self._objects.values()) ) ) return stats def refresh_stat_counters(self): pass def origin_metadata_add( self, origin_url: str, discovery_date: datetime.datetime, authority: Dict[str, Any], fetcher: Dict[str, Any], format: str, metadata: bytes, ) -> None: if not isinstance(origin_url, str): raise StorageArgumentException( "origin_id must be str, not %r" % (origin_url,) ) if not isinstance(metadata, bytes): raise StorageArgumentException( "metadata must be bytes, not %r" % (metadata,) ) authority_key = self._metadata_authority_key(authority) if authority_key not in self._metadata_authorities: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown authority {authority}") fetcher_key = self._metadata_fetcher_key(fetcher) if fetcher_key not in self._metadata_fetchers: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown fetcher {fetcher}") origin_metadata_list = self._origin_metadata[origin_url][authority_key] origin_metadata = { "origin_url": origin_url, "discovery_date": discovery_date, "authority": authority_key, "fetcher": fetcher_key, "format": format, "metadata": metadata, } for existing_origin_metadata in origin_metadata_list: if ( existing_origin_metadata["fetcher"] == fetcher_key and existing_origin_metadata["discovery_date"] == discovery_date ): # Duplicate of an existing one; replace it. existing_origin_metadata.update(origin_metadata) break else: origin_metadata_list.add(origin_metadata) return None def origin_metadata_get( self, origin_url: str, authority: Dict[str, str], after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, page_token: Optional[bytes] = None, limit: int = 1000, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not isinstance(origin_url, str): raise TypeError("origin_url must be str, not %r" % (origin_url,)) authority_key = self._metadata_authority_key(authority) if page_token is not None: (after_time, after_fetcher) = msgpack_loads(page_token) after_fetcher = tuple(after_fetcher) if after is not None and after > after_time: raise StorageArgumentException( "page_token is inconsistent with the value of 'after'." ) entries = self._origin_metadata[origin_url][authority_key].iter_after( (after_time, after_fetcher) ) elif after is not None: entries = self._origin_metadata[origin_url][authority_key].iter_from( (after,) ) entries = (entry for entry in entries if entry["discovery_date"] > after) else: entries = iter(self._origin_metadata[origin_url][authority_key]) if limit: entries = itertools.islice(entries, 0, limit + 1) results = [] for entry in entries: authority = self._metadata_authorities[entry["authority"]] fetcher = self._metadata_fetchers[entry["fetcher"]] if after: assert entry["discovery_date"] > after results.append( { **entry, "authority": {"type": authority["type"], "url": authority["url"],}, "fetcher": { "name": fetcher["name"], "version": fetcher["version"], }, } ) if len(results) > limit: results.pop() assert len(results) == limit last_result = results[-1] next_page_token: Optional[bytes] = msgpack_dumps( ( last_result["discovery_date"], self._metadata_fetcher_key(last_result["fetcher"]), ) ) else: next_page_token = None return { "next_page_token": next_page_token, "results": results, } def metadata_fetcher_add( self, name: str, version: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: fetcher = { "name": name, "version": version, "metadata": metadata, } key = self._metadata_fetcher_key(fetcher) if key not in self._metadata_fetchers: self._metadata_fetchers[key] = fetcher def metadata_fetcher_get(self, name: str, version: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: return self._metadata_fetchers.get( self._metadata_fetcher_key({"name": name, "version": version}) ) def metadata_authority_add( self, type: str, url: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: authority = { "type": type, "url": url, "metadata": metadata, } key = self._metadata_authority_key(authority) self._metadata_authorities[key] = authority def metadata_authority_get(self, type: str, url: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: return self._metadata_authorities.get( self._metadata_authority_key({"type": type, "url": url}) ) def _get_origin_url(self, origin): if isinstance(origin, str): return origin else: raise TypeError("origin must be a string.") def _person_add(self, person): key = ("person", person.fullname) if key not in self._objects: self._persons[person.fullname] = person self._objects[key].append(key) return self._persons[person.fullname] @staticmethod def _content_key(content): """ A stable key and the algorithm for a content""" if isinstance(content, BaseContent): content = content.to_dict() return tuple((key, content.get(key)) for key in sorted(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)) @staticmethod def _metadata_fetcher_key(fetcher: Dict) -> FetcherKey: return (fetcher["name"], fetcher["version"]) @staticmethod def _metadata_authority_key(authority: Dict) -> Hashable: return (authority["type"], authority["url"]) def diff_directories(self, from_dir, to_dir, track_renaming=False): raise NotImplementedError("InMemoryStorage.diff_directories") def diff_revisions(self, from_rev, to_rev, track_renaming=False): raise NotImplementedError("InMemoryStorage.diff_revisions") def diff_revision(self, revision, track_renaming=False): raise NotImplementedError("InMemoryStorage.diff_revision") def clear_buffers(self, object_types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> None: """Do nothing """ return None def flush(self, object_types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Dict: return {} diff --git a/swh/storage/storage.py b/swh/storage/storage.py index 5a5bb5d1..7b9b9a7f 100644 --- a/swh/storage/storage.py +++ b/swh/storage/storage.py @@ -1,1420 +1,1414 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import contextlib import datetime import itertools from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union import attr import dateutil.parser import psycopg2 import psycopg2.pool import psycopg2.errors from swh.core.api.serializers import msgpack_loads, msgpack_dumps from swh.model.model import ( Content, Directory, Origin, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus, Revision, Release, SkippedContent, Snapshot, SHA1_SIZE, ) from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, hash_to_bytes, hash_to_hex from swh.storage.objstorage import ObjStorage from swh.storage.validate import VALIDATION_EXCEPTIONS from swh.storage.utils import now from . import converters from .common import db_transaction_generator, db_transaction from .db import Db from .exc import StorageArgumentException, StorageDBError, HashCollision from .algos import diff from .metrics import timed, send_metric, process_metrics from .utils import get_partition_bounds_bytes, extract_collision_hash from .writer import JournalWriter # Max block size of contents to return BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX = 10000 EMPTY_SNAPSHOT_ID = hash_to_bytes("1a8893e6a86f444e8be8e7bda6cb34fb1735a00e") """Identifier for the empty snapshot""" VALIDATION_EXCEPTIONS = VALIDATION_EXCEPTIONS + [ psycopg2.errors.CheckViolation, psycopg2.errors.IntegrityError, psycopg2.errors.InvalidTextRepresentation, psycopg2.errors.NotNullViolation, psycopg2.errors.NumericValueOutOfRange, psycopg2.errors.UndefinedFunction, # (raised on wrong argument typs) ] """Exceptions raised by postgresql when validation of the arguments failed.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def convert_validation_exceptions(): """Catches postgresql errors related to invalid arguments, and re-raises a StorageArgumentException.""" try: yield except tuple(VALIDATION_EXCEPTIONS) as e: raise StorageArgumentException(str(e)) class Storage: """SWH storage proxy, encompassing DB and object storage """ def __init__( self, db, objstorage, min_pool_conns=1, max_pool_conns=10, journal_writer=None ): """ Args: db_conn: either a libpq connection string, or a psycopg2 connection obj_root: path to the root of the object storage """ try: if isinstance(db, psycopg2.extensions.connection): self._pool = None self._db = Db(db) else: self._pool = psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool( min_pool_conns, max_pool_conns, db ) self._db = None except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: raise StorageDBError(e) self.journal_writer = JournalWriter(journal_writer) self.objstorage = ObjStorage(objstorage) def get_db(self): if self._db: return self._db else: return Db.from_pool(self._pool) def put_db(self, db): if db is not self._db: db.put_conn() @contextmanager def db(self): db = None try: db = self.get_db() yield db finally: if db: self.put_db(db) @timed @db_transaction() def check_config(self, *, check_write, db=None, cur=None): if not self.objstorage.check_config(check_write=check_write): return False # Check permissions on one of the tables if check_write: check = "INSERT" else: check = "SELECT" cur.execute("select has_table_privilege(current_user, 'content', %s)", (check,)) return cur.fetchone()[0] def _content_unique_key(self, hash, db): """Given a hash (tuple or dict), return a unique key from the aggregation of keys. """ keys = db.content_hash_keys if isinstance(hash, tuple): return hash return tuple([hash[k] for k in keys]) def _content_add_metadata(self, db, cur, content): """Add content to the postgresql database but not the object storage. """ # create temporary table for metadata injection db.mktemp("content", cur) db.copy_to( (c.to_dict() for c in content), "tmp_content", db.content_add_keys, cur ) # move metadata in place try: db.content_add_from_temp(cur) except psycopg2.IntegrityError as e: if e.diag.sqlstate == "23505" and e.diag.table_name == "content": message_detail = e.diag.message_detail if message_detail: hash_name, hash_id = extract_collision_hash(message_detail) collision_contents_hashes = [ c.hashes() for c in content if c.get_hash(hash_name) == hash_id ] else: constraint_to_hash_name = { "content_pkey": "sha1", "content_sha1_git_idx": "sha1_git", "content_sha256_idx": "sha256", } hash_name = constraint_to_hash_name.get(e.diag.constraint_name) hash_id = None collision_contents_hashes = None raise HashCollision( hash_name, hash_id, collision_contents_hashes ) from None else: raise @timed @process_metrics def content_add(self, content: Iterable[Content]) -> Dict: ctime = now() contents = [attr.evolve(c, ctime=ctime) for c in content] objstorage_summary = self.objstorage.content_add(contents) with self.db() as db: with db.transaction() as cur: missing = list( self.content_missing( map(Content.to_dict, contents), key_hash="sha1_git", db=db, cur=cur, ) ) contents = [c for c in contents if c.sha1_git in missing] self.journal_writer.content_add(contents) self._content_add_metadata(db, cur, contents) return { "content:add": len(contents), "content:add:bytes": objstorage_summary["content:add:bytes"], } @timed @db_transaction() def content_update(self, content, keys=[], db=None, cur=None): # TODO: Add a check on input keys. How to properly implement # this? We don't know yet the new columns. self.journal_writer.content_update(content) db.mktemp("content", cur) select_keys = list(set(db.content_get_metadata_keys).union(set(keys))) with convert_validation_exceptions(): db.copy_to(content, "tmp_content", select_keys, cur) db.content_update_from_temp(keys_to_update=keys, cur=cur) @timed @process_metrics @db_transaction() def content_add_metadata( self, content: Iterable[Content], db=None, cur=None ) -> Dict: contents = list(content) missing = self.content_missing( (c.to_dict() for c in contents), key_hash="sha1_git", db=db, cur=cur, ) contents = [c for c in contents if c.sha1_git in missing] self.journal_writer.content_add_metadata(contents) self._content_add_metadata(db, cur, contents) return { "content:add": len(contents), } @timed def content_get(self, content): # FIXME: Make this method support slicing the `data`. if len(content) > BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX: raise StorageArgumentException( "Send at maximum %s contents." % BULK_BLOCK_CONTENT_LEN_MAX ) yield from self.objstorage.content_get(content) @timed @db_transaction() def content_get_range(self, start, end, limit=1000, db=None, cur=None): if limit is None: raise StorageArgumentException("limit should not be None") contents = [] next_content = None for counter, content_row in enumerate( db.content_get_range(start, end, limit + 1, cur) ): content = dict(zip(db.content_get_metadata_keys, content_row)) if counter >= limit: # take the last commit for the next page starting from this next_content = content["sha1"] break contents.append(content) return { "contents": contents, "next": next_content, } @timed def content_get_partition( self, partition_id: int, nb_partitions: int, limit: int = 1000, page_token: str = None, ): if limit is None: raise StorageArgumentException("limit should not be None") (start, end) = get_partition_bounds_bytes( partition_id, nb_partitions, SHA1_SIZE ) if page_token: start = hash_to_bytes(page_token) if end is None: end = b"\xff" * SHA1_SIZE result = self.content_get_range(start, end, limit) result2 = { "contents": result["contents"], "next_page_token": None, } if result["next"]: result2["next_page_token"] = hash_to_hex(result["next"]) return result2 @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=500) def content_get_metadata( self, contents: List[bytes], db=None, cur=None ) -> Dict[bytes, List[Dict]]: result: Dict[bytes, List[Dict]] = {sha1: [] for sha1 in contents} for row in db.content_get_metadata_from_sha1s(contents, cur): content_meta = dict(zip(db.content_get_metadata_keys, row)) result[content_meta["sha1"]].append(content_meta) return result @timed @db_transaction_generator() def content_missing(self, content, key_hash="sha1", db=None, cur=None): keys = db.content_hash_keys if key_hash not in keys: raise StorageArgumentException("key_hash should be one of %s" % keys) key_hash_idx = keys.index(key_hash) if not content: return for obj in db.content_missing_from_list(content, cur): yield obj[key_hash_idx] @timed @db_transaction_generator() def content_missing_per_sha1(self, contents, db=None, cur=None): for obj in db.content_missing_per_sha1(contents, cur): yield obj[0] @timed @db_transaction_generator() def content_missing_per_sha1_git(self, contents, db=None, cur=None): for obj in db.content_missing_per_sha1_git(contents, cur): yield obj[0] @timed @db_transaction() def content_find(self, content, db=None, cur=None): if not set(content).intersection(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS): raise StorageArgumentException( "content keys must contain at least one of: " "sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256" ) contents = db.content_find( sha1=content.get("sha1"), sha1_git=content.get("sha1_git"), sha256=content.get("sha256"), blake2s256=content.get("blake2s256"), cur=cur, ) return [dict(zip(db.content_find_cols, content)) for content in contents] @timed @db_transaction() def content_get_random(self, db=None, cur=None): return db.content_get_random(cur) @staticmethod def _skipped_content_normalize(d): d = d.copy() if d.get("status") is None: d["status"] = "absent" if d.get("length") is None: d["length"] = -1 return d @staticmethod def _skipped_content_validate(d): """Sanity checks on status / reason / length, that postgresql doesn't enforce.""" if d["status"] != "absent": raise StorageArgumentException( "Invalid content status: {}".format(d["status"]) ) if d.get("reason") is None: raise StorageArgumentException( "Must provide a reason if content is absent." ) if d["length"] < -1: raise StorageArgumentException("Content length must be positive or -1.") def _skipped_content_add_metadata(self, db, cur, content: Iterable[SkippedContent]): origin_ids = db.origin_id_get_by_url([cont.origin for cont in content], cur=cur) content = [ attr.evolve(c, origin=origin_id) for (c, origin_id) in zip(content, origin_ids) ] db.mktemp("skipped_content", cur) db.copy_to( [c.to_dict() for c in content], "tmp_skipped_content", db.skipped_content_keys, cur, ) # move metadata in place db.skipped_content_add_from_temp(cur) @timed @process_metrics @db_transaction() def skipped_content_add( self, content: Iterable[SkippedContent], db=None, cur=None ) -> Dict: ctime = now() content = [attr.evolve(c, ctime=ctime) for c in content] missing_contents = self.skipped_content_missing( (c.to_dict() for c in content), db=db, cur=cur, ) content = [ c for c in content if any( all( c.get_hash(algo) == missing_content.get(algo) for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS ) for missing_content in missing_contents ) ] self.journal_writer.skipped_content_add(content) self._skipped_content_add_metadata(db, cur, content) return { "skipped_content:add": len(content), } @timed @db_transaction_generator() def skipped_content_missing(self, contents, db=None, cur=None): contents = list(contents) for content in db.skipped_content_missing(contents, cur): yield dict(zip(db.content_hash_keys, content)) @timed @process_metrics @db_transaction() def directory_add( self, directories: Iterable[Directory], db=None, cur=None ) -> Dict: directories = list(directories) summary = {"directory:add": 0} dirs = set() dir_entries: Dict[str, defaultdict] = { "file": defaultdict(list), "dir": defaultdict(list), "rev": defaultdict(list), } for cur_dir in directories: dir_id = cur_dir.id dirs.add(dir_id) for src_entry in cur_dir.entries: entry = src_entry.to_dict() entry["dir_id"] = dir_id dir_entries[entry["type"]][dir_id].append(entry) dirs_missing = set(self.directory_missing(dirs, db=db, cur=cur)) if not dirs_missing: return summary self.journal_writer.directory_add( dir_ for dir_ in directories if dir_.id in dirs_missing ) # Copy directory ids dirs_missing_dict = ({"id": dir} for dir in dirs_missing) db.mktemp("directory", cur) db.copy_to(dirs_missing_dict, "tmp_directory", ["id"], cur) # Copy entries for entry_type, entry_list in dir_entries.items(): entries = itertools.chain.from_iterable( entries_for_dir for dir_id, entries_for_dir in entry_list.items() if dir_id in dirs_missing ) db.mktemp_dir_entry(entry_type) db.copy_to( entries, "tmp_directory_entry_%s" % entry_type, ["target", "name", "perms", "dir_id"], cur, ) # Do the final copy db.directory_add_from_temp(cur) summary["directory:add"] = len(dirs_missing) return summary @timed @db_transaction_generator() def directory_missing(self, directories, db=None, cur=None): for obj in db.directory_missing_from_list(directories, cur): yield obj[0] @timed @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=20000) def directory_ls(self, directory, recursive=False, db=None, cur=None): if recursive: res_gen = db.directory_walk(directory, cur=cur) else: res_gen = db.directory_walk_one(directory, cur=cur) for line in res_gen: yield dict(zip(db.directory_ls_cols, line)) @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=2000) def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, db=None, cur=None): res = db.directory_entry_get_by_path(directory, paths, cur) if res: return dict(zip(db.directory_ls_cols, res)) @timed @db_transaction() def directory_get_random(self, db=None, cur=None): return db.directory_get_random(cur) @timed @process_metrics @db_transaction() def revision_add(self, revisions: Iterable[Revision], db=None, cur=None) -> Dict: revisions = list(revisions) summary = {"revision:add": 0} revisions_missing = set( self.revision_missing( set(revision.id for revision in revisions), db=db, cur=cur ) ) if not revisions_missing: return summary db.mktemp_revision(cur) revisions_filtered = [ revision for revision in revisions if revision.id in revisions_missing ] self.journal_writer.revision_add(revisions_filtered) revisions_filtered = list(map(converters.revision_to_db, revisions_filtered)) parents_filtered: List[bytes] = [] with convert_validation_exceptions(): db.copy_to( revisions_filtered, "tmp_revision", db.revision_add_cols, cur, lambda rev: parents_filtered.extend(rev["parents"]), ) db.revision_add_from_temp(cur) db.copy_to( parents_filtered, "revision_history", ["id", "parent_id", "parent_rank"], cur, ) return {"revision:add": len(revisions_missing)} @timed @db_transaction_generator() def revision_missing(self, revisions, db=None, cur=None): if not revisions: return for obj in db.revision_missing_from_list(revisions, cur): yield obj[0] @timed @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=1000) def revision_get(self, revisions, db=None, cur=None): for line in db.revision_get_from_list(revisions, cur): data = converters.db_to_revision(dict(zip(db.revision_get_cols, line))) if not data["type"]: yield None continue yield data @timed @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=2000) def revision_log(self, revisions, limit=None, db=None, cur=None): for line in db.revision_log(revisions, limit, cur): data = converters.db_to_revision(dict(zip(db.revision_get_cols, line))) if not data["type"]: yield None continue yield data @timed @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=2000) def revision_shortlog(self, revisions, limit=None, db=None, cur=None): yield from db.revision_shortlog(revisions, limit, cur) @timed @db_transaction() def revision_get_random(self, db=None, cur=None): return db.revision_get_random(cur) @timed @process_metrics @db_transaction() def release_add(self, releases: Iterable[Release], db=None, cur=None) -> Dict: releases = list(releases) summary = {"release:add": 0} release_ids = set(release.id for release in releases) releases_missing = set(self.release_missing(release_ids, db=db, cur=cur)) if not releases_missing: return summary db.mktemp_release(cur) releases_filtered = [ release for release in releases if release.id in releases_missing ] self.journal_writer.release_add(releases_filtered) releases_filtered = list(map(converters.release_to_db, releases_filtered)) with convert_validation_exceptions(): db.copy_to(releases_filtered, "tmp_release", db.release_add_cols, cur) db.release_add_from_temp(cur) return {"release:add": len(releases_missing)} @timed @db_transaction_generator() def release_missing(self, releases, db=None, cur=None): if not releases: return for obj in db.release_missing_from_list(releases, cur): yield obj[0] @timed @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=500) def release_get(self, releases, db=None, cur=None): for release in db.release_get_from_list(releases, cur): data = converters.db_to_release(dict(zip(db.release_get_cols, release))) yield data if data["target_type"] else None @timed @db_transaction() def release_get_random(self, db=None, cur=None): return db.release_get_random(cur) @timed @process_metrics @db_transaction() def snapshot_add(self, snapshots: Iterable[Snapshot], db=None, cur=None) -> Dict: created_temp_table = False count = 0 for snapshot in snapshots: if not db.snapshot_exists(snapshot.id, cur): if not created_temp_table: db.mktemp_snapshot_branch(cur) created_temp_table = True with convert_validation_exceptions(): db.copy_to( ( { "name": name, "target": info.target if info else None, "target_type": ( info.target_type.value if info else None ), } for name, info in snapshot.branches.items() ), "tmp_snapshot_branch", ["name", "target", "target_type"], cur, ) self.journal_writer.snapshot_add([snapshot]) db.snapshot_add(snapshot.id, cur) count += 1 return {"snapshot:add": count} @timed @db_transaction_generator() def snapshot_missing(self, snapshots, db=None, cur=None): for obj in db.snapshot_missing_from_list(snapshots, cur): yield obj[0] @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=2000) def snapshot_get(self, snapshot_id, db=None, cur=None): return self.snapshot_get_branches(snapshot_id, db=db, cur=cur) @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=2000) def snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(self, origin, visit, db=None, cur=None): snapshot_id = db.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin, visit, cur) if snapshot_id: return self.snapshot_get(snapshot_id, db=db, cur=cur) return None @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=4000) def snapshot_get_latest(self, origin, allowed_statuses=None, db=None, cur=None): if isinstance(origin, int): origin = self.origin_get({"id": origin}, db=db, cur=cur) if not origin: return origin = origin["url"] origin_visit = self.origin_visit_get_latest( origin, allowed_statuses=allowed_statuses, require_snapshot=True, db=db, cur=cur, ) if origin_visit and origin_visit["snapshot"]: snapshot = self.snapshot_get(origin_visit["snapshot"], db=db, cur=cur) if not snapshot: raise StorageArgumentException( "last origin visit references an unknown snapshot" ) return snapshot @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=2000) def snapshot_count_branches(self, snapshot_id, db=None, cur=None): return dict([bc for bc in db.snapshot_count_branches(snapshot_id, cur)]) @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=2000) def snapshot_get_branches( self, snapshot_id, branches_from=b"", branches_count=1000, target_types=None, db=None, cur=None, ): if snapshot_id == EMPTY_SNAPSHOT_ID: return { "id": snapshot_id, "branches": {}, "next_branch": None, } branches = {} next_branch = None fetched_branches = list( db.snapshot_get_by_id( snapshot_id, branches_from=branches_from, branches_count=branches_count + 1, target_types=target_types, cur=cur, ) ) for branch in fetched_branches[:branches_count]: branch = dict(zip(db.snapshot_get_cols, branch)) del branch["snapshot_id"] name = branch.pop("name") if branch == {"target": None, "target_type": None}: branch = None branches[name] = branch if len(fetched_branches) > branches_count: branch = dict(zip(db.snapshot_get_cols, fetched_branches[-1])) next_branch = branch["name"] if branches: return { "id": snapshot_id, "branches": branches, "next_branch": next_branch, } return None @timed @db_transaction() def snapshot_get_random(self, db=None, cur=None): return db.snapshot_get_random(cur) @timed @db_transaction() def origin_visit_add( self, origin_url: str, date: Union[str, datetime.datetime], type: str, db=None, cur=None, ) -> OriginVisit: if isinstance(date, str): # FIXME: Converge on iso8601 at some point date = dateutil.parser.parse(date) elif not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): raise StorageArgumentException("Date must be a datetime or a string") origin = self.origin_get({"url": origin_url}, db=db, cur=cur) if not origin: # Cannot add a visit without an origin raise StorageArgumentException("Unknown origin %s", origin_url) with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_id = db.origin_visit_add(origin_url, date, type, cur=cur) status = "ongoing" # We can write to the journal only after inserting to the # DB, because we want the id of the visit visit = OriginVisit.from_dict( { "origin": origin_url, "date": date, "type": type, "visit": visit_id, # TODO: Remove when we remove those fields from the model "status": status, "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ) self.journal_writer.origin_visit_add([visit]) with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_status = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit_id, date=date, status=status, snapshot=None, metadata=None, ) self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status, db=db, cur=cur) send_metric("origin_visit:add", count=1, method_name="origin_visit") return visit def _origin_visit_status_add( self, visit_status: OriginVisitStatus, db, cur ) -> None: """Add an origin visit status""" self.journal_writer.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status]) db.origin_visit_status_add(visit_status, cur=cur) send_metric( "origin_visit_status:add", count=1, method_name="origin_visit_status" ) @timed @db_transaction() def origin_visit_status_add( self, visit_statuses: Iterable[OriginVisitStatus], db=None, cur=None, ) -> None: # First round to check existence (fail early if any is ko) for visit_status in visit_statuses: origin_url = self.origin_get({"url": visit_status.origin}, db=db, cur=cur) if not origin_url: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown origin {visit_status.origin}") for visit_status in visit_statuses: self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status, db, cur) @timed @db_transaction() def origin_visit_update( self, origin: str, visit_id: int, status: str, metadata: Optional[Dict] = None, snapshot: Optional[bytes] = None, date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, db=None, cur=None, ): if not isinstance(origin, str): raise StorageArgumentException( "origin must be a string, not %r" % (origin,) ) origin_url = origin visit = db.origin_visit_get(origin_url, visit_id, cur=cur) if not visit: raise StorageArgumentException("Invalid visit_id for this origin.") visit = dict(zip(db.origin_visit_get_cols, visit)) updates: Dict[str, Any] = { "status": status, } if metadata and metadata != visit["metadata"]: updates["metadata"] = metadata if snapshot and snapshot != visit["snapshot"]: updates["snapshot"] = snapshot if updates: with convert_validation_exceptions(): updated_visit = OriginVisit.from_dict({**visit, **updates}) self.journal_writer.origin_visit_update([updated_visit]) # Write updates to origin visit (backward compatibility) db.origin_visit_update(origin, visit_id, updates) # Add new origin visit status last_visit_status = self._origin_visit_get_updated( origin, visit_id, db=db, cur=cur ) assert last_visit_status is not None with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_status = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit_id, date=date or now(), status=status, snapshot=snapshot or last_visit_status["snapshot"], metadata=metadata or last_visit_status["metadata"], ) - db.origin_visit_status_add(visit_status, cur=cur) - send_metric( - "origin_visit_status:add", - count=1, - method_name="origin_visit_status", - ) - # self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status, db=db, cur=cur) + self._origin_visit_status_add(visit_status, db=db, cur=cur) def _origin_visit_get_updated( self, origin: str, visit_id: int, db, cur ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Retrieve origin visit and latest origin visit status and merge them into an origin visit. """ row_visit = db.origin_visit_get(origin, visit_id) if row_visit is None: return None visit = dict(zip(db.origin_visit_get_cols, row_visit)) return self._origin_visit_apply_update(visit, db=db, cur=cur) def _origin_visit_apply_update( self, visit: Dict[str, Any], db, cur=None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieve the latest visit status information for the origin visit. Then merge it with the visit and return it. """ visit_status = db.origin_visit_status_get_latest( visit["origin"], visit["visit"] ) return self._origin_visit_merge(visit, visit_status) def _origin_visit_merge( self, visit: Dict[str, Any], visit_status: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Merge origin_visit and origin_visit_status together. """ return OriginVisit.from_dict( { # default to the values in visit **visit, # override with the last update **visit_status, # visit['origin'] is the URL (via a join), while # visit_status['origin'] is only an id. "origin": visit["origin"], # but keep the date of the creation of the origin visit "date": visit["date"], } ).to_dict() @timed @db_transaction() def origin_visit_upsert( self, visits: Iterable[OriginVisit], db=None, cur=None ) -> None: for visit in visits: if visit.visit is None: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Missing visit id for visit {visit}") self.journal_writer.origin_visit_upsert(visits) for visit in visits: # TODO: upsert them all in a single query assert visit.visit is not None db.origin_visit_upsert(visit, cur=cur) with convert_validation_exceptions(): visit_status = OriginVisitStatus( origin=visit.origin, visit=visit.visit, date=now(), status=visit.status, snapshot=visit.snapshot, metadata=visit.metadata, ) db.origin_visit_status_add(visit_status, cur=cur) @timed @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=500) def origin_visit_get( self, origin: str, last_visit: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: lines = db.origin_visit_get_all( origin, last_visit=last_visit, limit=limit, cur=cur ) for line in lines: visit = dict(zip(db.origin_visit_get_cols, line)) yield self._origin_visit_apply_update(visit, db) @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=500) def origin_visit_find_by_date( self, origin: str, visit_date: datetime.datetime, db=None, cur=None ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: visit = db.origin_visit_find_by_date(origin, visit_date, cur=cur) if visit: return self._origin_visit_apply_update(visit, db) return None @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=500) def origin_visit_get_by( self, origin: str, visit: int, db=None, cur=None ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: row = db.origin_visit_get(origin, visit, cur) if row: visit_dict = dict(zip(db.origin_visit_get_cols, row)) return self._origin_visit_apply_update(visit_dict, db) return None @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=4000) def origin_visit_get_latest( self, origin: str, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, db=None, cur=None, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: row = db.origin_visit_get_latest( origin, allowed_statuses=allowed_statuses, require_snapshot=require_snapshot, cur=cur, ) if row: visit = dict(zip(db.origin_visit_get_cols, row)) return self._origin_visit_apply_update(visit, db) return None @timed @db_transaction() def origin_visit_get_random( self, type: str, db=None, cur=None ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: row = db.origin_visit_get_random(type, cur) if row: visit = dict(zip(db.origin_visit_get_cols, row)) return self._origin_visit_apply_update(visit, db) return None @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=2000) def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids, db=None, cur=None): ret = {id: [] for id in ids} for retval in db.object_find_by_sha1_git(ids, cur=cur): if retval[1]: ret[retval[0]].append( dict(zip(db.object_find_by_sha1_git_cols, retval)) ) return ret @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=500) def origin_get(self, origins, db=None, cur=None): if isinstance(origins, dict): # Old API return_single = True origins = [origins] elif len(origins) == 0: return [] else: return_single = False origin_urls = [origin["url"] for origin in origins] results = db.origin_get_by_url(origin_urls, cur) results = [dict(zip(db.origin_cols, result)) for result in results] if return_single: assert len(results) == 1 if results[0]["url"] is not None: return results[0] else: return None else: return [None if res["url"] is None else res for res in results] @timed @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=500) def origin_get_by_sha1(self, sha1s, db=None, cur=None): for line in db.origin_get_by_sha1(sha1s, cur): if line[0] is not None: yield dict(zip(db.origin_cols, line)) else: yield None @timed @db_transaction_generator() def origin_get_range(self, origin_from=1, origin_count=100, db=None, cur=None): for origin in db.origin_get_range(origin_from, origin_count, cur): yield dict(zip(db.origin_get_range_cols, origin)) @timed @db_transaction() def origin_list( self, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 100, *, db=None, cur=None ) -> dict: page_token = page_token or "0" if not isinstance(page_token, str): raise StorageArgumentException("page_token must be a string.") origin_from = int(page_token) result: Dict[str, Any] = { "origins": [ dict(zip(db.origin_get_range_cols, origin)) for origin in db.origin_get_range(origin_from, limit, cur) ], } assert len(result["origins"]) <= limit if len(result["origins"]) == limit: result["next_page_token"] = str(result["origins"][limit - 1]["id"] + 1) for origin in result["origins"]: del origin["id"] return result @timed @db_transaction_generator() def origin_search( self, url_pattern, offset=0, limit=50, regexp=False, with_visit=False, db=None, cur=None, ): for origin in db.origin_search( url_pattern, offset, limit, regexp, with_visit, cur ): yield dict(zip(db.origin_cols, origin)) @timed @db_transaction() def origin_count( self, url_pattern, regexp=False, with_visit=False, db=None, cur=None ): return db.origin_count(url_pattern, regexp, with_visit, cur) @timed @db_transaction() def origin_add(self, origins: Iterable[Origin], db=None, cur=None) -> List[Dict]: origins = list(origins) for origin in origins: self.origin_add_one(origin, db=db, cur=cur) return [o.to_dict() for o in origins] @timed @db_transaction() def origin_add_one(self, origin: Origin, db=None, cur=None) -> str: origin_row = list(db.origin_get_by_url([origin.url], cur))[0] origin_url = dict(zip(db.origin_cols, origin_row))["url"] if origin_url: return origin_url self.journal_writer.origin_add([origin]) url = db.origin_add(origin.url, cur) send_metric("origin:add", count=1, method_name="origin_add_one") return url @db_transaction(statement_timeout=500) def stat_counters(self, db=None, cur=None): return {k: v for (k, v) in db.stat_counters()} @db_transaction() def refresh_stat_counters(self, db=None, cur=None): keys = [ "content", "directory", "directory_entry_dir", "directory_entry_file", "directory_entry_rev", "origin", "origin_visit", "person", "release", "revision", "revision_history", "skipped_content", "snapshot", ] for key in keys: cur.execute("select * from swh_update_counter(%s)", (key,)) @timed @db_transaction() def origin_metadata_add( self, origin_url: str, discovery_date: datetime.datetime, authority: Dict[str, Any], fetcher: Dict[str, Any], format: str, metadata: bytes, db=None, cur=None, ) -> None: authority_id = db.metadata_authority_get_id( authority["type"], authority["url"], cur ) if not authority_id: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown authority {authority}") fetcher_id = db.metadata_fetcher_get_id( fetcher["name"], fetcher["version"], cur ) if not fetcher_id: raise StorageArgumentException(f"Unknown fetcher {fetcher}") try: db.origin_metadata_add( origin_url, discovery_date, authority_id, fetcher_id, format, metadata, cur, ) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e: raise StorageArgumentException(*e.args) send_metric("origin_metadata:add", count=1, method_name="origin_metadata_add") @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=500) def origin_metadata_get( self, origin_url: str, authority: Dict[str, str], after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, page_token: Optional[bytes] = None, limit: int = 1000, db=None, cur=None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if page_token: (after_time, after_fetcher) = msgpack_loads(page_token) if after and after_time < after: raise StorageArgumentException( "page_token is inconsistent with the value of 'after'." ) else: after_time = after after_fetcher = None authority_id = db.metadata_authority_get_id( authority["type"], authority["url"], cur ) if not authority_id: return { "next_page_token": None, "results": [], } rows = db.origin_metadata_get( origin_url, authority_id, after_time, after_fetcher, limit + 1, cur ) rows = [dict(zip(db.origin_metadata_get_cols, row)) for row in rows] results = [] for row in rows: row = row.copy() row.pop("metadata_fetcher.id") results.append( { "origin_url": row.pop("origin.url"), "authority": { "type": row.pop("metadata_authority.type"), "url": row.pop("metadata_authority.url"), }, "fetcher": { "name": row.pop("metadata_fetcher.name"), "version": row.pop("metadata_fetcher.version"), }, **row, } ) if len(results) > limit: results.pop() assert len(results) == limit last_returned_row = rows[-2] # rows[-1] corresponds to the popped result next_page_token: Optional[bytes] = msgpack_dumps( ( last_returned_row["discovery_date"], last_returned_row["metadata_fetcher.id"], ) ) else: next_page_token = None return { "next_page_token": next_page_token, "results": results, } @timed @db_transaction() def metadata_fetcher_add( self, name: str, version: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any], db=None, cur=None ) -> None: db.metadata_fetcher_add(name, version, metadata) send_metric("metadata_fetcher:add", count=1, method_name="metadata_fetcher") @timed @db_transaction(statement_timeout=500) def metadata_fetcher_get( self, name: str, version: str, db=None, cur=None ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: row = db.metadata_fetcher_get(name, version, cur=cur) if not row: return None return dict(zip(db.metadata_fetcher_cols, row)) @timed @db_transaction() def metadata_authority_add( self, type: str, url: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any], db=None, cur=None ) -> None: db.metadata_authority_add(type, url, metadata, cur) send_metric("metadata_authority:add", count=1, method_name="metadata_authority") @timed @db_transaction() def metadata_authority_get( self, type: str, url: str, db=None, cur=None ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: row = db.metadata_authority_get(type, url, cur=cur) if not row: return None return dict(zip(db.metadata_authority_cols, row)) @timed def diff_directories(self, from_dir, to_dir, track_renaming=False): return diff.diff_directories(self, from_dir, to_dir, track_renaming) @timed def diff_revisions(self, from_rev, to_rev, track_renaming=False): return diff.diff_revisions(self, from_rev, to_rev, track_renaming) @timed def diff_revision(self, revision, track_renaming=False): return diff.diff_revision(self, revision, track_renaming) def clear_buffers(self, object_types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> None: """Do nothing """ return None def flush(self, object_types: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Dict: return {} diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/test_kafka_writer.py b/swh/storage/tests/test_kafka_writer.py index 3e8dce07..ca531c0a 100644 --- a/swh/storage/tests/test_kafka_writer.py +++ b/swh/storage/tests/test_kafka_writer.py @@ -1,157 +1,157 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from confluent_kafka import Consumer from swh.storage import get_storage from swh.model.model import Origin, OriginVisit from swh.model.hypothesis_strategies import objects from swh.journal.pytest_plugin import consume_messages, assert_all_objects_consumed from swh.journal.tests.journal_data import TEST_OBJECTS from swh.model.model import Person from attr import asdict, has from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.strategies import lists def test_storage_direct_writer(kafka_prefix: str, kafka_server, consumer: Consumer): writer_config = { "cls": "kafka", "brokers": [kafka_server], "client_id": "kafka_writer", "prefix": kafka_prefix, "anonymize": False, } storage_config = { "cls": "pipeline", "steps": [{"cls": "memory", "journal_writer": writer_config},], } storage = get_storage(**storage_config) expected_messages = 0 for obj_type, objs in TEST_OBJECTS.items(): method = getattr(storage, obj_type + "_add") if obj_type in ( "content", "skipped_content", "directory", "revision", "release", "snapshot", "origin", "origin_visit_status", ): method(objs) expected_messages += len(objs) elif obj_type in ("origin_visit",): for obj in objs: assert isinstance(obj, OriginVisit) storage.origin_add_one(Origin(url=obj.origin)) visit = method(obj.origin, date=obj.date, type=obj.type) expected_messages += 1 + 1 # 1 visit + 1 visit status obj_d = obj.to_dict() for k in ("visit", "origin", "date", "type"): del obj_d[k] storage.origin_visit_update(obj.origin, visit.visit, **obj_d) - expected_messages += 1 + expected_messages += 1 + 1 # 1 visit update + 1 visit status else: assert False, obj_type existing_topics = set( topic for topic in consumer.list_topics(timeout=10).topics.keys() if topic.startswith(f"{kafka_prefix}.") # final . to exclude privileged topics ) assert existing_topics == { f"{kafka_prefix}.{obj_type}" for obj_type in ( "content", "directory", "origin", "origin_visit", "origin_visit_status", "release", "revision", "snapshot", "skipped_content", ) } consumed_messages = consume_messages(consumer, kafka_prefix, expected_messages) assert_all_objects_consumed(consumed_messages) def test_storage_direct_writer_anonymized( kafka_prefix: str, kafka_server, consumer: Consumer ): writer_config = { "cls": "kafka", "brokers": [kafka_server], "client_id": "kafka_writer", "prefix": kafka_prefix, "anonymize": True, } storage_config = { "cls": "pipeline", "steps": [{"cls": "memory", "journal_writer": writer_config},], } storage = get_storage(**storage_config) expected_messages = 0 for obj_type, objs in TEST_OBJECTS.items(): if obj_type == "origin_visit": # these have non-consistent API and are unrelated with what we # want to test here continue method = getattr(storage, obj_type + "_add") method(objs) expected_messages += len(objs) existing_topics = set( topic for topic in consumer.list_topics(timeout=10).topics.keys() if topic.startswith(kafka_prefix) ) assert existing_topics == { f"{kafka_prefix}.{obj_type}" for obj_type in ( "content", "directory", "origin", "origin_visit", "origin_visit_status", "release", "revision", "snapshot", "skipped_content", ) } | { f"{kafka_prefix}_privileged.{obj_type}" for obj_type in ("release", "revision",) } def check_anonymized_obj(obj): if has(obj): if isinstance(obj, Person): assert obj.name is None assert obj.email is None assert len(obj.fullname) == 32 else: for key, value in asdict(obj, recurse=False).items(): check_anonymized_obj(value) @given(lists(objects(split_content=True))) def test_anonymizer(obj_type_and_objs): for obj_type, obj in obj_type_and_objs: check_anonymized_obj(obj.anonymize()) diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py b/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py index e5ae40d2..11378133 100644 --- a/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py +++ b/swh/storage/tests/test_storage.py @@ -1,4001 +1,4017 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import copy from contextlib import contextmanager import datetime import inspect import itertools import math import queue import random import threading from collections import defaultdict from datetime import timedelta from unittest.mock import Mock import psycopg2 import pytest from hypothesis import given, strategies, settings, HealthCheck from typing import ClassVar, Optional from swh.model import from_disk, identifiers from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_bytes from swh.model.model import ( Content, Directory, Origin, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus, Release, Revision, Snapshot, ) from swh.model.hypothesis_strategies import objects from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex from swh.storage import get_storage from swh.storage.converters import origin_url_to_sha1 as sha1 from swh.storage.exc import HashCollision, StorageArgumentException from swh.storage.interface import StorageInterface -from swh.storage.utils import content_hex_hashes +from swh.storage.utils import content_hex_hashes, now from .storage_data import data @contextmanager def db_transaction(storage): with storage.db() as db: with db.transaction() as cur: yield db, cur def normalize_entity(entity): entity = copy.deepcopy(entity) for key in ("date", "committer_date"): if key in entity: entity[key] = identifiers.normalize_timestamp(entity[key]) return entity def transform_entries(dir_, *, prefix=b""): for ent in dir_["entries"]: yield { "dir_id": dir_["id"], "type": ent["type"], "target": ent["target"], "name": prefix + ent["name"], "perms": ent["perms"], "status": None, "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "length": None, } def cmpdir(directory): return (directory["type"], directory["dir_id"]) def short_revision(revision): return [revision["id"], revision["parents"]] def assert_contents_ok( expected_contents, actual_contents, keys_to_check={"sha1", "data"} ): """Assert that a given list of contents matches on a given set of keys. """ for k in keys_to_check: expected_list = set([c.get(k) for c in expected_contents]) actual_list = set([c.get(k) for c in actual_contents]) assert actual_list == expected_list, k class LazyContent(Content): def with_data(self): return Content.from_dict({**self.to_dict(), "data": data.cont["data"]}) -def now(): - return datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) - - class TestStorage: """Main class for Storage testing. This class is used as-is to test local storage (see TestLocalStorage below) and remote storage (see TestRemoteStorage in test_remote_storage.py. We need to have the two classes inherit from this base class separately to avoid nosetests running the tests from the base class twice. """ maxDiff = None # type: ClassVar[Optional[int]] def test_types(self, swh_storage_backend_config): """Checks all methods of StorageInterface are implemented by this backend, and that they have the same signature.""" # Create an instance of the protocol (which cannot be instantiated # directly, so this creates a subclass, then instantiates it) interface = type("_", (StorageInterface,), {})() storage = get_storage(**swh_storage_backend_config) assert "content_add" in dir(interface) missing_methods = [] for meth_name in dir(interface): if meth_name.startswith("_"): continue interface_meth = getattr(interface, meth_name) try: concrete_meth = getattr(storage, meth_name) except AttributeError: if not getattr(interface_meth, "deprecated_endpoint", False): # The backend is missing a (non-deprecated) endpoint missing_methods.append(meth_name) continue expected_signature = inspect.signature(interface_meth) actual_signature = inspect.signature(concrete_meth) assert expected_signature == actual_signature, meth_name assert missing_methods == [] def test_check_config(self, swh_storage): assert swh_storage.check_config(check_write=True) assert swh_storage.check_config(check_write=False) def test_content_add(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont insertion_start_time = now() actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([cont]) insertion_end_time = now() assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": cont["length"], } assert list(swh_storage.content_get([cont["sha1"]])) == [ {"sha1": cont["sha1"], "data": cont["data"]} ] expected_cont = data.cont del expected_cont["data"] contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: assert insertion_start_time <= obj.ctime assert obj.ctime <= insertion_end_time obj_d = obj.to_dict() del obj_d["ctime"] assert obj_d == expected_cont swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["content"] == 1 def test_content_add_from_generator(self, swh_storage): def _cnt_gen(): yield data.cont actual_result = swh_storage.content_add(_cnt_gen()) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": data.cont["length"], } swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["content"] == 1 def test_content_add_from_lazy_content(self, swh_storage): lazy_content = LazyContent.from_dict({**data.cont, "data": b"nope",}) insertion_start_time = now() # bypass the validation proxy for now, to directly put a dict actual_result = swh_storage.storage.content_add([lazy_content]) insertion_end_time = now() assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": data.cont["length"], } # the fact that we retrieve the content object from the storage with # the correct 'data' field ensures it has been 'called' assert list(swh_storage.content_get([data.cont["sha1"]])) == [ {"sha1": data.cont["sha1"], "data": data.cont["data"]} ] expected_cont = data.cont del expected_cont["data"] contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: assert insertion_start_time <= obj.ctime assert obj.ctime <= insertion_end_time obj_d = obj.to_dict() del obj_d["ctime"] assert obj_d == expected_cont swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["content"] == 1 def test_content_add_validation(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="status"): swh_storage.content_add([{**cont, "status": "absent"}]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="status"): swh_storage.content_add([{**cont, "status": "foobar"}]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="(?i)length"): swh_storage.content_add([{**cont, "length": -2}]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="reason"): swh_storage.content_add([{**cont, "reason": "foobar"}]) def test_skipped_content_add_validation(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont.copy() del cont["data"] with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="status"): swh_storage.skipped_content_add([{**cont, "status": "visible"}]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="reason") as cm: swh_storage.skipped_content_add([{**cont, "status": "absent"}]) if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.IntegrityError: assert cm.exception.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.NOT_NULL_VIOLATION def test_content_get_missing(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont swh_storage.content_add([cont]) # Query a single missing content results = list(swh_storage.content_get([data.cont2["sha1"]])) assert results == [None] # Check content_get does not abort after finding a missing content results = list(swh_storage.content_get([data.cont["sha1"], data.cont2["sha1"]])) assert results == [{"sha1": cont["sha1"], "data": cont["data"]}, None] # Check content_get does not discard found countent when it finds # a missing content. results = list(swh_storage.content_get([data.cont2["sha1"], data.cont["sha1"]])) assert results == [None, {"sha1": cont["sha1"], "data": cont["data"]}] def test_content_add_different_input(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont cont2 = data.cont2 actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 2, "content:add:bytes": cont["length"] + cont2["length"], } def test_content_add_twice(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([data.cont]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": data.cont["length"], } assert len(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == 1 actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([data.cont, data.cont2]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": data.cont2["length"], } assert 2 <= len(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) <= 3 assert len(swh_storage.content_find(data.cont)) == 1 assert len(swh_storage.content_find(data.cont2)) == 1 def test_content_add_collision(self, swh_storage): cont1 = data.cont # create (corrupted) content with same sha1{,_git} but != sha256 cont1b = cont1.copy() sha256_array = bytearray(cont1b["sha256"]) sha256_array[0] += 1 cont1b["sha256"] = bytes(sha256_array) with pytest.raises(HashCollision) as cm: swh_storage.content_add([cont1, cont1b]) exc = cm.value actual_algo = exc.algo assert actual_algo in ["sha1", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"] actual_id = exc.hash_id assert actual_id == hash_to_hex(cont1[actual_algo]) collisions = exc.args[2] assert len(collisions) == 2 assert collisions == [ content_hex_hashes(Content.from_dict(cont1).hashes()), content_hex_hashes(Content.from_dict(cont1b).hashes()), ] assert exc.colliding_content_hashes() == [ Content.from_dict(cont1).hashes(), Content.from_dict(cont1b).hashes(), ] def test_content_add_duplicate(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.content_add([data.cont, data.cont]) assert list(swh_storage.content_get([data.cont["sha1"]])) == [ {"sha1": data.cont["sha1"], "data": data.cont["data"]} ] def test_content_update(self, swh_storage): if hasattr(swh_storage, "storage"): swh_storage.journal_writer.journal = None # TODO, not supported cont = copy.deepcopy(data.cont) swh_storage.content_add([cont]) # alter the sha1_git for example cont["sha1_git"] = hash_to_bytes("3a60a5275d0333bf13468e8b3dcab90f4046e654") swh_storage.content_update([cont], keys=["sha1_git"]) results = swh_storage.content_get_metadata([cont["sha1"]]) del cont["data"] assert tuple(results[cont["sha1"]]) == (cont,) def test_content_add_metadata(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont del cont["data"] cont["ctime"] = now() actual_result = swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, } expected_cont = cont.copy() del expected_cont["ctime"] assert tuple( swh_storage.content_get_metadata([cont["sha1"]])[cont["sha1"]] ) == (expected_cont,) contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: obj_d = obj.to_dict() del obj_d["ctime"] assert obj_d == expected_cont def test_content_add_metadata_different_input(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont del cont["data"] cont["ctime"] = now() cont2 = data.cont2 del cont2["data"] cont2["ctime"] = now() actual_result = swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont, cont2]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 2, } def test_content_add_metadata_collision(self, swh_storage): cont1 = data.cont del cont1["data"] cont1["ctime"] = now() # create (corrupted) content with same sha1{,_git} but != sha256 cont1b = cont1.copy() sha1_git_array = bytearray(cont1b["sha256"]) sha1_git_array[0] += 1 cont1b["sha256"] = bytes(sha1_git_array) with pytest.raises(HashCollision) as cm: swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont1, cont1b]) exc = cm.value actual_algo = exc.algo assert actual_algo in ["sha1", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"] actual_id = exc.hash_id assert actual_id == hash_to_hex(cont1[actual_algo]) collisions = exc.args[2] assert len(collisions) == 2 assert collisions == [ content_hex_hashes(Content.from_dict(cont1).hashes()), content_hex_hashes(Content.from_dict(cont1b).hashes()), ] assert exc.colliding_content_hashes() == [ Content.from_dict(cont1).hashes(), Content.from_dict(cont1b).hashes(), ] def test_skipped_content_add(self, swh_storage): cont = data.skipped_cont cont2 = data.skipped_cont2 cont2["blake2s256"] = None missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) assert missing == [ { "sha1": cont["sha1"], "sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont["blake2s256"], "sha256": cont["sha256"], }, { "sha1": cont2["sha1"], "sha1_git": cont2["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont2["blake2s256"], "sha256": cont2["sha256"], }, ] actual_result = swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont, cont, cont2]) assert 2 <= actual_result.pop("skipped_content:add") <= 3 assert actual_result == {} missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) assert missing == [] def test_skipped_content_add_missing_hashes(self, swh_storage): cont = data.skipped_cont cont2 = data.skipped_cont2 cont["sha1_git"] = cont2["sha1_git"] = None missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) assert len(missing) == 2 actual_result = swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont, cont, cont2]) assert 2 <= actual_result.pop("skipped_content:add") <= 3 assert actual_result == {} missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) assert missing == [] def test_skipped_content_missing_partial_hash(self, swh_storage): cont = data.skipped_cont cont2 = cont.copy() cont2["sha1_git"] = None missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) assert len(missing) == 2 actual_result = swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont]) assert actual_result.pop("skipped_content:add") == 1 assert actual_result == {} missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing([cont, cont2])) assert missing == [ { "sha1": cont2["sha1"], "sha1_git": cont2["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont2["blake2s256"], "sha256": cont2["sha256"], } ] @pytest.mark.property_based @settings(deadline=None) # this test is very slow @given( strategies.sets( elements=strategies.sampled_from(["sha256", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"]), min_size=0, ) ) def test_content_missing(self, swh_storage, algos): algos |= {"sha1"} cont2 = data.cont2 missing_cont = data.missing_cont swh_storage.content_add([cont2]) test_contents = [cont2] missing_per_hash = defaultdict(list) for i in range(256): test_content = missing_cont.copy() for hash in algos: test_content[hash] = bytes([i]) + test_content[hash][1:] missing_per_hash[hash].append(test_content[hash]) test_contents.append(test_content) assert set(swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents)) == set( missing_per_hash["sha1"] ) for hash in algos: assert set( swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents, key_hash=hash) ) == set(missing_per_hash[hash]) @pytest.mark.property_based @given( strategies.sets( elements=strategies.sampled_from(["sha256", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"]), min_size=0, ) ) def test_content_missing_unknown_algo(self, swh_storage, algos): algos |= {"sha1"} cont2 = data.cont2 missing_cont = data.missing_cont swh_storage.content_add([cont2]) test_contents = [cont2] missing_per_hash = defaultdict(list) for i in range(16): test_content = missing_cont.copy() for hash in algos: test_content[hash] = bytes([i]) + test_content[hash][1:] missing_per_hash[hash].append(test_content[hash]) test_content["nonexisting_algo"] = b"\x00" test_contents.append(test_content) assert set(swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents)) == set( missing_per_hash["sha1"] ) for hash in algos: assert set( swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents, key_hash=hash) ) == set(missing_per_hash[hash]) def test_content_missing_per_sha1(self, swh_storage): # given cont2 = data.cont2 missing_cont = data.missing_cont swh_storage.content_add([cont2]) # when gen = swh_storage.content_missing_per_sha1( [cont2["sha1"], missing_cont["sha1"]] ) # then assert list(gen) == [missing_cont["sha1"]] def test_content_missing_per_sha1_git(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont cont2 = data.cont2 missing_cont = data.missing_cont swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) contents = [cont["sha1_git"], cont2["sha1_git"], missing_cont["sha1_git"]] missing_contents = swh_storage.content_missing_per_sha1_git(contents) assert list(missing_contents) == [missing_cont["sha1_git"]] def test_content_get_partition(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition paginates results if limit exceeded""" expected_contents = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] actual_contents = [] for i in range(16): actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition(i, 16) assert actual_result["next_page_token"] is None actual_contents.extend(actual_result["contents"]) assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, ["sha1"]) def test_content_get_partition_full(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition for a single partition returns all available contents""" expected_contents = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition(0, 1) assert actual_result["next_page_token"] is None actual_contents = actual_result["contents"] assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, ["sha1"]) def test_content_get_partition_empty(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition when at least one of the partitions is empty""" expected_contents = { cont["sha1"] for cont in swh_contents if cont["status"] != "absent" } # nb_partitions = smallest power of 2 such that at least one of # the partitions is empty nb_partitions = 1 << math.floor(math.log2(len(swh_contents)) + 1) seen_sha1s = [] for i in range(nb_partitions): actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition( i, nb_partitions, limit=len(swh_contents) + 1 ) for cont in actual_result["contents"]: seen_sha1s.append(cont["sha1"]) # Limit is higher than the max number of results assert actual_result["next_page_token"] is None assert set(seen_sha1s) == expected_contents def test_content_get_partition_limit_none(self, swh_storage): """content_get_partition call with wrong limit input should fail""" with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException) as e: swh_storage.content_get_partition(1, 16, limit=None) assert e.value.args == ("limit should not be None",) def test_generate_content_get_partition_pagination(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition returns contents within range provided""" expected_contents = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] # retrieve contents actual_contents = [] for i in range(4): page_token = None while True: actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition( i, 4, limit=3, page_token=page_token ) actual_contents.extend(actual_result["contents"]) page_token = actual_result["next_page_token"] if page_token is None: break assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, ["sha1"]) def test_content_get_metadata(self, swh_storage): cont1 = data.cont cont2 = data.cont2 swh_storage.content_add([cont1, cont2]) actual_md = swh_storage.content_get_metadata([cont1["sha1"], cont2["sha1"]]) # we only retrieve the metadata cont1.pop("data") cont2.pop("data") assert tuple(actual_md[cont1["sha1"]]) == (cont1,) assert tuple(actual_md[cont2["sha1"]]) == (cont2,) assert len(actual_md.keys()) == 2 def test_content_get_metadata_missing_sha1(self, swh_storage): cont1 = data.cont cont2 = data.cont2 missing_cont = data.missing_cont swh_storage.content_add([cont1, cont2]) actual_contents = swh_storage.content_get_metadata([missing_cont["sha1"]]) assert len(actual_contents) == 1 assert tuple(actual_contents[missing_cont["sha1"]]) == () def test_content_get_random(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.content_add([data.cont, data.cont2, data.cont3]) assert swh_storage.content_get_random() in { data.cont["sha1_git"], data.cont2["sha1_git"], data.cont3["sha1_git"], } def test_directory_add(self, swh_storage): init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing([data.dir["id"]])) assert [data.dir["id"]] == init_missing actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir)) ] actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(data.dir["id"])) expected_data = list(transform_entries(data.dir)) assert sorted(expected_data, key=cmpdir) == sorted(actual_data, key=cmpdir) after_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing([data.dir["id"]])) assert after_missing == [] swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["directory"] == 1 def test_directory_add_from_generator(self, swh_storage): def _dir_gen(): yield data.dir actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add(directories=_dir_gen()) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir)) ] swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["directory"] == 1 def test_directory_add_validation(self, swh_storage): dir_ = copy.deepcopy(data.dir) dir_["entries"][0]["type"] = "foobar" with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="type.*foobar"): swh_storage.directory_add([dir_]) dir_ = copy.deepcopy(data.dir) del dir_["entries"][0]["target"] with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="target") as cm: swh_storage.directory_add([dir_]) if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.IntegrityError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.NOT_NULL_VIOLATION def test_directory_add_twice(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir)) ] actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 0} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir)) ] def test_directory_get_recursive(self, swh_storage): init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing([data.dir["id"]])) assert init_missing == [data.dir["id"]] actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir, data.dir2, data.dir3]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 3} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir)), ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir2)), ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir3)), ] # List directory containing a file and an unknown subdirectory actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(data.dir["id"], recursive=True)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(data.dir)) assert sorted(expected_data, key=cmpdir) == sorted(actual_data, key=cmpdir) # List directory containing a file and an unknown subdirectory actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(data.dir2["id"], recursive=True)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(data.dir2)) assert sorted(expected_data, key=cmpdir) == sorted(actual_data, key=cmpdir) # List directory containing a known subdirectory, entries should # be both those of the directory and of the subdir actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(data.dir3["id"], recursive=True)) expected_data = list( itertools.chain( transform_entries(data.dir3), transform_entries(data.dir, prefix=b"subdir/"), ) ) assert sorted(expected_data, key=cmpdir) == sorted(actual_data, key=cmpdir) def test_directory_get_non_recursive(self, swh_storage): init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing([data.dir["id"]])) assert init_missing == [data.dir["id"]] actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir, data.dir2, data.dir3]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 3} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir)), ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir2)), ("directory", Directory.from_dict(data.dir3)), ] # List directory containing a file and an unknown subdirectory actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(data.dir["id"])) expected_data = list(transform_entries(data.dir)) assert sorted(expected_data, key=cmpdir) == sorted(actual_data, key=cmpdir) # List directory contaiining a single file actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(data.dir2["id"])) expected_data = list(transform_entries(data.dir2)) assert sorted(expected_data, key=cmpdir) == sorted(actual_data, key=cmpdir) # List directory containing a known subdirectory, entries should # only be those of the parent directory, not of the subdir actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(data.dir3["id"])) expected_data = list(transform_entries(data.dir3)) assert sorted(expected_data, key=cmpdir) == sorted(actual_data, key=cmpdir) def test_directory_entry_get_by_path(self, swh_storage): # given init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing([data.dir3["id"]])) assert [data.dir3["id"]] == init_missing actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir3, data.dir4]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 2} expected_entries = [ { "dir_id": data.dir3["id"], "name": b"foo", "type": "file", "target": data.cont["sha1_git"], "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "status": None, "perms": from_disk.DentryPerms.content, "length": None, }, { "dir_id": data.dir3["id"], "name": b"subdir", "type": "dir", "target": data.dir["id"], "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "status": None, "perms": from_disk.DentryPerms.directory, "length": None, }, { "dir_id": data.dir3["id"], "name": b"hello", "type": "file", "target": b"12345678901234567890", "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "status": None, "perms": from_disk.DentryPerms.content, "length": None, }, ] # when (all must be found here) for entry, expected_entry in zip(data.dir3["entries"], expected_entries): actual_entry = swh_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( data.dir3["id"], [entry["name"]] ) assert actual_entry == expected_entry # same, but deeper for entry, expected_entry in zip(data.dir3["entries"], expected_entries): actual_entry = swh_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( data.dir4["id"], [b"subdir1", entry["name"]] ) expected_entry = expected_entry.copy() expected_entry["name"] = b"subdir1/" + expected_entry["name"] assert actual_entry == expected_entry # when (nothing should be found here since data.dir is not persisted.) for entry in data.dir["entries"]: actual_entry = swh_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( data.dir["id"], [entry["name"]] ) assert actual_entry is None def test_directory_get_random(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir, data.dir2, data.dir3]) assert swh_storage.directory_get_random() in { data.dir["id"], data.dir2["id"], data.dir3["id"], } def test_revision_add(self, swh_storage): init_missing = swh_storage.revision_missing([data.revision["id"]]) assert list(init_missing) == [data.revision["id"]] actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} end_missing = swh_storage.revision_missing([data.revision["id"]]) assert list(end_missing) == [] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("revision", Revision.from_dict(data.revision)) ] # already there so nothing added actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 0} swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["revision"] == 1 def test_revision_add_from_generator(self, swh_storage): def _rev_gen(): yield data.revision actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add(_rev_gen()) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["revision"] == 1 def test_revision_add_validation(self, swh_storage): rev = copy.deepcopy(data.revision) rev["date"]["offset"] = 2 ** 16 with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="offset") as cm: swh_storage.revision_add([rev]) if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.DataError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE rev = copy.deepcopy(data.revision) rev["committer_date"]["offset"] = 2 ** 16 with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="offset") as cm: swh_storage.revision_add([rev]) if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.DataError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE rev = copy.deepcopy(data.revision) rev["type"] = "foobar" with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="(?i)type") as cm: swh_storage.revision_add([rev]) if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.DataError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.INVALID_TEXT_REPRESENTATION def test_revision_add_twice(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("revision", Revision.from_dict(data.revision)) ] actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision, data.revision2]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("revision", Revision.from_dict(data.revision)), ("revision", Revision.from_dict(data.revision2)), ] def test_revision_add_name_clash(self, swh_storage): revision1 = data.revision revision2 = data.revision2 revision1["author"] = { "fullname": b"John Doe ", "name": b"John Doe", "email": b"john.doe@example.com", } revision2["author"] = { "fullname": b"John Doe ", "name": b"John Doe ", "email": b"john.doe@example.com ", } actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision1, revision2]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 2} def test_revision_get_order(self, swh_storage): add_result = swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision, data.revision2]) assert add_result == {"revision:add": 2} # order 1 res1 = swh_storage.revision_get([data.revision["id"], data.revision2["id"]]) assert list(res1) == [data.revision, data.revision2] # order 2 res2 = swh_storage.revision_get([data.revision2["id"], data.revision["id"]]) assert list(res2) == [data.revision2, data.revision] def test_revision_log(self, swh_storage): # given # data.revision4 -is-child-of-> data.revision3 swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision3, data.revision4]) # when actual_results = list(swh_storage.revision_log([data.revision4["id"]])) # hack: ids generated for actual_result in actual_results: if "id" in actual_result["author"]: del actual_result["author"]["id"] if "id" in actual_result["committer"]: del actual_result["committer"]["id"] assert len(actual_results) == 2 # rev4 -child-> rev3 assert actual_results[0] == normalize_entity(data.revision4) assert actual_results[1] == normalize_entity(data.revision3) assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("revision", Revision.from_dict(data.revision3)), ("revision", Revision.from_dict(data.revision4)), ] def test_revision_log_with_limit(self, swh_storage): # given # data.revision4 -is-child-of-> data.revision3 swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision3, data.revision4]) actual_results = list(swh_storage.revision_log([data.revision4["id"]], 1)) # hack: ids generated for actual_result in actual_results: if "id" in actual_result["author"]: del actual_result["author"]["id"] if "id" in actual_result["committer"]: del actual_result["committer"]["id"] assert len(actual_results) == 1 assert actual_results[0] == data.revision4 def test_revision_log_unknown_revision(self, swh_storage): rev_log = list(swh_storage.revision_log([data.revision["id"]])) assert rev_log == [] def test_revision_shortlog(self, swh_storage): # given # data.revision4 -is-child-of-> data.revision3 swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision3, data.revision4]) # when actual_results = list(swh_storage.revision_shortlog([data.revision4["id"]])) assert len(actual_results) == 2 # rev4 -child-> rev3 assert list(actual_results[0]) == short_revision(data.revision4) assert list(actual_results[1]) == short_revision(data.revision3) def test_revision_shortlog_with_limit(self, swh_storage): # given # data.revision4 -is-child-of-> data.revision3 swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision3, data.revision4]) actual_results = list(swh_storage.revision_shortlog([data.revision4["id"]], 1)) assert len(actual_results) == 1 assert list(actual_results[0]) == short_revision(data.revision4) def test_revision_get(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision]) actual_revisions = list( swh_storage.revision_get([data.revision["id"], data.revision2["id"]]) ) # when if "id" in actual_revisions[0]["author"]: del actual_revisions[0]["author"]["id"] # hack: ids are generated if "id" in actual_revisions[0]["committer"]: del actual_revisions[0]["committer"]["id"] assert len(actual_revisions) == 2 assert actual_revisions[0] == normalize_entity(data.revision) assert actual_revisions[1] is None def test_revision_get_no_parents(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision3]) get = list(swh_storage.revision_get([data.revision3["id"]])) assert len(get) == 1 assert get[0]["parents"] == () # no parents on this one def test_revision_get_random(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision, data.revision2, data.revision3]) assert swh_storage.revision_get_random() in { data.revision["id"], data.revision2["id"], data.revision3["id"], } def test_release_add(self, swh_storage): init_missing = swh_storage.release_missing( [data.release["id"], data.release2["id"]] ) assert [data.release["id"], data.release2["id"]] == list(init_missing) actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([data.release, data.release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 2} end_missing = swh_storage.release_missing( [data.release["id"], data.release2["id"]] ) assert list(end_missing) == [] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", Release.from_dict(data.release)), ("release", Release.from_dict(data.release2)), ] # already present so nothing added actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([data.release, data.release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 0} swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["release"] == 2 def test_release_add_from_generator(self, swh_storage): def _rel_gen(): yield data.release yield data.release2 actual_result = swh_storage.release_add(_rel_gen()) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 2} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", Release.from_dict(data.release)), ("release", Release.from_dict(data.release2)), ] swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["release"] == 2 def test_release_add_no_author_date(self, swh_storage): release = data.release release["author"] = None release["date"] = None actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 1} end_missing = swh_storage.release_missing([data.release["id"]]) assert list(end_missing) == [] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", Release.from_dict(release)) ] def test_release_add_validation(self, swh_storage): rel = copy.deepcopy(data.release) rel["date"]["offset"] = 2 ** 16 with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="offset") as cm: swh_storage.release_add([rel]) if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.DataError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE rel = copy.deepcopy(data.release) rel["author"] = None with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="date") as cm: swh_storage.release_add([rel]) if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.IntegrityError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.CHECK_VIOLATION def test_release_add_validation_type(self, swh_storage): rel = copy.deepcopy(data.release) rel["date"]["offset"] = "toto" with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.release_add([rel]) def test_release_add_twice(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([data.release]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", Release.from_dict(data.release)) ] actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([data.release, data.release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", Release.from_dict(data.release)), ("release", Release.from_dict(data.release2)), ] def test_release_add_name_clash(self, swh_storage): release1 = data.release.copy() release2 = data.release2.copy() release1["author"] = { "fullname": b"John Doe ", "name": b"John Doe", "email": b"john.doe@example.com", } release2["author"] = { "fullname": b"John Doe ", "name": b"John Doe ", "email": b"john.doe@example.com ", } actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release1, release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 2} def test_release_get(self, swh_storage): # given swh_storage.release_add([data.release, data.release2]) # when actual_releases = list( swh_storage.release_get([data.release["id"], data.release2["id"]]) ) # then for actual_release in actual_releases: if "id" in actual_release["author"]: del actual_release["author"]["id"] # hack: ids are generated assert [normalize_entity(data.release), normalize_entity(data.release2)] == [ actual_releases[0], actual_releases[1], ] unknown_releases = list(swh_storage.release_get([data.release3["id"]])) assert unknown_releases[0] is None def test_release_get_order(self, swh_storage): add_result = swh_storage.release_add([data.release, data.release2]) assert add_result == {"release:add": 2} # order 1 res1 = swh_storage.release_get([data.release["id"], data.release2["id"]]) assert list(res1) == [data.release, data.release2] # order 2 res2 = swh_storage.release_get([data.release2["id"], data.release["id"]]) assert list(res2) == [data.release2, data.release] def test_release_get_random(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.release_add([data.release, data.release2, data.release3]) assert swh_storage.release_get_random() in { data.release["id"], data.release2["id"], data.release3["id"], } def test_origin_add_one(self, swh_storage): origin0 = swh_storage.origin_get(data.origin) assert origin0 is None id = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) actual_origin = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin["url"]}) assert actual_origin["url"] == data.origin["url"] id2 = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) assert id == id2 def test_origin_add(self, swh_storage): origin0 = swh_storage.origin_get([data.origin])[0] assert origin0 is None origin1, origin2 = swh_storage.origin_add([data.origin, data.origin2]) actual_origin = swh_storage.origin_get([{"url": data.origin["url"],}])[0] assert actual_origin["url"] == origin1["url"] actual_origin2 = swh_storage.origin_get([{"url": data.origin2["url"],}])[0] assert actual_origin2["url"] == origin2["url"] if "id" in actual_origin: del actual_origin["id"] del actual_origin2["id"] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(actual_origin)), ("origin", Origin.from_dict(actual_origin2)), ] swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["origin"] == 2 def test_origin_add_from_generator(self, swh_storage): def _ori_gen(): yield data.origin yield data.origin2 origin1, origin2 = swh_storage.origin_add(_ori_gen()) actual_origin = swh_storage.origin_get([{"url": data.origin["url"],}])[0] assert actual_origin["url"] == origin1["url"] actual_origin2 = swh_storage.origin_get([{"url": data.origin2["url"],}])[0] assert actual_origin2["url"] == origin2["url"] if "id" in actual_origin: del actual_origin["id"] del actual_origin2["id"] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(actual_origin)), ("origin", Origin.from_dict(actual_origin2)), ] swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["origin"] == 2 def test_origin_add_twice(self, swh_storage): add1 = swh_storage.origin_add([data.origin, data.origin2]) assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin)), ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)), ] add2 = swh_storage.origin_add([data.origin, data.origin2]) assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin)), ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)), ] assert add1 == add2 def test_origin_add_validation(self, swh_storage): """Incorrect formatted origin should fail the validation """ with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="url"): swh_storage.origin_add([{}]) with pytest.raises( StorageArgumentException, match="unexpected keyword argument" ): swh_storage.origin_add([{"ul": "mistyped url key"}]) def test_origin_get_legacy(self, swh_storage): assert swh_storage.origin_get(data.origin) is None swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) actual_origin0 = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin["url"]}) assert actual_origin0["url"] == data.origin["url"] def test_origin_get(self, swh_storage): assert swh_storage.origin_get(data.origin) is None swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) actual_origin0 = swh_storage.origin_get([{"url": data.origin["url"]}]) assert len(actual_origin0) == 1 assert actual_origin0[0]["url"] == data.origin["url"] def _generate_random_visits(self, nb_visits=100, start=0, end=7): """Generate random visits within the last 2 months (to avoid computations) """ visits = [] today = now() for weeks in range(nb_visits, 0, -1): hours = random.randint(0, 24) minutes = random.randint(0, 60) seconds = random.randint(0, 60) days = random.randint(0, 28) weeks = random.randint(start, end) date_visit = today - timedelta( weeks=weeks, hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds, days=days ) visits.append(date_visit) return visits def test_origin_visit_get_random(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add(data.origins) # Add some random visits within the selection range visits = self._generate_random_visits() visit_type = "git" # Add visits to those origins for origin in data.origins: origin_url = origin["url"] for date_visit in visits: visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=date_visit, type=visit_type ) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, visit_id=visit.visit, status="full" ) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() stats = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert stats["origin"] == len(data.origins) assert stats["origin_visit"] == len(data.origins) * len(visits) random_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_random(visit_type) assert random_origin_visit assert random_origin_visit["origin"] is not None original_urls = [o["url"] for o in data.origins] assert random_origin_visit["origin"] in original_urls def test_origin_visit_get_random_nothing_found(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add(data.origins) visit_type = "hg" # Add some visits outside of the random generation selection so nothing # will be found by the random selection visits = self._generate_random_visits(nb_visits=3, start=13, end=24) for origin in data.origins: origin_url = origin["url"] for date_visit in visits: visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=date_visit, type=visit_type ) swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, visit.visit, status="full") random_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_random(visit_type) assert random_origin_visit is None def test_origin_get_by_sha1(self, swh_storage): assert swh_storage.origin_get(data.origin) is None swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origins = list(swh_storage.origin_get_by_sha1([sha1(data.origin["url"])])) assert len(origins) == 1 assert origins[0]["url"] == data.origin["url"] def test_origin_get_by_sha1_not_found(self, swh_storage): assert swh_storage.origin_get(data.origin) is None origins = list(swh_storage.origin_get_by_sha1([sha1(data.origin["url"])])) assert len(origins) == 1 assert origins[0] is None def test_origin_search_single_result(self, swh_storage): found_origins = list(swh_storage.origin_search(data.origin["url"])) assert len(found_origins) == 0 found_origins = list(swh_storage.origin_search(data.origin["url"], regexp=True)) assert len(found_origins) == 0 swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_data = {"url": data.origin["url"]} found_origins = list(swh_storage.origin_search(data.origin["url"])) assert len(found_origins) == 1 if "id" in found_origins[0]: del found_origins[0]["id"] assert found_origins[0] == origin_data found_origins = list( swh_storage.origin_search("." + data.origin["url"][1:-1] + ".", regexp=True) ) assert len(found_origins) == 1 if "id" in found_origins[0]: del found_origins[0]["id"] assert found_origins[0] == origin_data swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) origin2_data = {"url": data.origin2["url"]} found_origins = list(swh_storage.origin_search(data.origin2["url"])) assert len(found_origins) == 1 if "id" in found_origins[0]: del found_origins[0]["id"] assert found_origins[0] == origin2_data found_origins = list( swh_storage.origin_search( "." + data.origin2["url"][1:-1] + ".", regexp=True ) ) assert len(found_origins) == 1 if "id" in found_origins[0]: del found_origins[0]["id"] assert found_origins[0] == origin2_data def test_origin_search_no_regexp(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) origin = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin["url"]}) origin2 = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin2["url"]}) # no pagination found_origins = list(swh_storage.origin_search("/")) assert len(found_origins) == 2 # offset=0 found_origins0 = list(swh_storage.origin_search("/", offset=0, limit=1)) # noqa assert len(found_origins0) == 1 assert found_origins0[0] in [origin, origin2] # offset=1 found_origins1 = list(swh_storage.origin_search("/", offset=1, limit=1)) # noqa assert len(found_origins1) == 1 assert found_origins1[0] in [origin, origin2] # check both origins were returned assert found_origins0 != found_origins1 def test_origin_search_regexp_substring(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) origin = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin["url"]}) origin2 = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin2["url"]}) # no pagination found_origins = list(swh_storage.origin_search("/", regexp=True)) assert len(found_origins) == 2 # offset=0 found_origins0 = list( swh_storage.origin_search("/", offset=0, limit=1, regexp=True) ) # noqa assert len(found_origins0) == 1 assert found_origins0[0] in [origin, origin2] # offset=1 found_origins1 = list( swh_storage.origin_search("/", offset=1, limit=1, regexp=True) ) # noqa assert len(found_origins1) == 1 assert found_origins1[0] in [origin, origin2] # check both origins were returned assert found_origins0 != found_origins1 def test_origin_search_regexp_fullstring(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) origin = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin["url"]}) origin2 = swh_storage.origin_get({"url": data.origin2["url"]}) # no pagination found_origins = list(swh_storage.origin_search(".*/.*", regexp=True)) assert len(found_origins) == 2 # offset=0 found_origins0 = list( swh_storage.origin_search(".*/.*", offset=0, limit=1, regexp=True) ) # noqa assert len(found_origins0) == 1 assert found_origins0[0] in [origin, origin2] # offset=1 found_origins1 = list( swh_storage.origin_search(".*/.*", offset=1, limit=1, regexp=True) ) # noqa assert len(found_origins1) == 1 assert found_origins1[0] in [origin, origin2] # check both origins were returned assert found_origins0 != found_origins1 def test_origin_visit_add(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) date_visit = now() # Round to milliseconds before insertion, so equality doesn't fail # after a round-trip through a DB (eg. Cassandra) date_visit = date_visit.replace(microsecond=round(date_visit.microsecond, -3)) # when origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, type=data.type_visit1, date=date_visit ) expected_origin_visit = { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit, "visit": origin_visit.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } assert origin_visit == OriginVisit.from_dict(expected_origin_visit) actual_origin_visits = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert expected_origin_visit in actual_origin_visits objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) assert ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)) in objects assert ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(expected_origin_visit)) in objects def test_origin_visit_get__unknown_origin(self, swh_storage): assert [] == list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get("foo")) def test_origin_visit_add_default_type(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) # when date_visit = now() date_visit2 = date_visit + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) # Round to milliseconds before insertion, so equality doesn't fail # after a round-trip through a DB (eg. Cassandra) date_visit = date_visit.replace(microsecond=round(date_visit.microsecond, -3)) date_visit2 = date_visit2.replace( microsecond=round(date_visit2.microsecond, -3) ) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=date_visit, type=data.type_visit1 ) origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) # then assert origin_visit1.origin == origin_url assert origin_visit1.visit is not None actual_origin_visits = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) expected_visits = [ { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, }, { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit2.visit, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, }, ] assert len(expected_visits) == len(actual_origin_visits) for visit in expected_visits: assert visit in actual_origin_visits objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) assert ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)) in objects for visit in expected_visits: assert ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(visit)) in objects def test_origin_visit_add_validation(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException) as cm: swh_storage.origin_visit_add(origin_url, date=[b"foo"], type="git") if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.ProgrammingError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.UNDEFINED_FUNCTION def test_origin_visit_status_add_validation(self, swh_storage): """Wrong origin_visit_status input should raise storage argument error""" date_visit = now() visit_status1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin="unknown-origin-url", visit=10, date=date_visit, status="full", snapshot=None, ) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="Unknown origin"): swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status1]) def test_origin_visit_status_add(self, swh_storage): """Correct origin visit statuses should add a new visit status """ origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) snapshot_id = data.snapshot["id"] date_visit_now = now() visit_status1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_visit1.origin, visit=origin_visit1.visit, date=date_visit_now, status="full", snapshot=snapshot_id, ) origin_url2 = swh_storage.origin_add_one({"url": "new-origin"}) origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url2, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) date_visit_now = now() visit_status2 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_visit2.origin, visit=origin_visit2.visit, date=date_visit_now, status="ongoing", snapshot=None, metadata={"intrinsic": "something"}, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status1, visit_status2]) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin_url, require_snapshot=True ) assert origin_visit1 assert origin_visit1["status"] == "full" assert origin_visit1["snapshot"] == snapshot_id origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin_url2, require_snapshot=False ) assert origin_url2 != origin_url assert origin_visit2 assert origin_visit2["status"] == "ongoing" assert origin_visit2["snapshot"] is None assert origin_visit2["metadata"] == {"intrinsic": "something"} def test_origin_visit_update(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_url2 = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) # date_visit < date_visit2 date_visit = data.date_visit1 date_visit2 = data.date_visit2 # Round to milliseconds before insertion, so equality doesn't fail # after a round-trip through a DB (eg. Cassandra) date_visit = date_visit.replace(microsecond=round(date_visit.microsecond, -3)) date_visit2 = date_visit2.replace( microsecond=round(date_visit2.microsecond, -3) ) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=date_visit, type=data.type_visit1 ) origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) origin_visit3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url2, date=date_visit2, type=data.type_visit3 ) # when visit1_metadata = { "contents": 42, "directories": 22, } swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="full", metadata=visit1_metadata ) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url2, origin_visit3.visit, status="partial" ) # then actual_origin_visits = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) expected_visits = [ { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "full", "metadata": visit1_metadata, "snapshot": None, }, { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit2.visit, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, }, ] for visit in expected_visits: assert visit in actual_origin_visits actual_origin_visits_bis = list( swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url, limit=1) ) assert actual_origin_visits_bis == [ { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "full", "metadata": visit1_metadata, "snapshot": None, } ] actual_origin_visits_ter = list( swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url, last_visit=origin_visit1.visit) ) assert actual_origin_visits_ter == [ { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit2.visit, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ] actual_origin_visits2 = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url2)) assert actual_origin_visits2 == [ { "origin": origin_url2, "date": date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit3.visit, "type": data.type_visit3, "status": "partial", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ] data1 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data2 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit2.visit, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data3 = { "origin": origin_url2, "date": date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit3.visit, "type": data.type_visit3, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data4 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": date_visit, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "metadata": visit1_metadata, "status": "full", "snapshot": None, } data5 = { "origin": origin_url2, "date": date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit3.visit, "type": data.type_visit3, "status": "partial", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) assert ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin)) in objects assert ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)) in objects assert ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data1)) in objects assert ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data2)) in objects assert ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data3)) in objects assert ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data4)) in objects assert ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data5)) in objects def test_origin_visit_update_validation(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) with pytest.raises( (StorageArgumentException, ValueError), match="status" ) as cm: swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, visit.visit, status="foobar") if type(cm.value) == psycopg2.DataError: assert cm.value.pgcode == psycopg2.errorcodes.INVALID_TEXT_REPRESENTATION def test_origin_visit_find_by_date(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit1 ) origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit3, type=data.type_visit2 ) origin_visit3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit3 ) # Simple case visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_find_by_date(origin_url, data.date_visit3) assert visit["visit"] == origin_visit2.visit # There are two visits at the same date, the latest must be returned visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_find_by_date(origin_url, data.date_visit2) assert visit["visit"] == origin_visit3.visit def test_origin_visit_find_by_date__unknown_origin(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_visit_find_by_date("foo", data.date_visit2) def test_origin_visit_update_missing_snapshot(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) # when swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"], ) # snapshot does not exist yet # then actual_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by( origin_url, origin_visit.visit ) assert actual_origin_visit["snapshot"] == data.snapshot["id"] # when swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) assert actual_origin_visit["snapshot"] == data.snapshot["id"] def test_origin_visit_get_by(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_url2 = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"], ) # Add some other {origin, visit} entries swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit3, type=data.type_visit3 ) swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url2, date=data.date_visit3, type=data.type_visit3 ) # when visit1_metadata = { "contents": 42, "directories": 22, } swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="full", metadata=visit1_metadata ) expected_origin_visit = origin_visit1.to_dict() expected_origin_visit.update( { "origin": origin_url, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "date": data.date_visit2, "type": data.type_visit2, "metadata": visit1_metadata, "status": "full", "snapshot": data.snapshot["id"], } ) # when actual_origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit ) # then assert actual_origin_visit1 == expected_origin_visit def test_origin_visit_get_by__unknown_origin(self, swh_storage): assert swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by("foo", 10) is None def test_origin_visit_upsert_new(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) # when swh_storage.origin_visit_upsert( [ OriginVisit.from_dict( { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": 123, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ), OriginVisit.from_dict( { "origin": origin_url, "date": "2018-01-01 23:00:00+00", "visit": 1234, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ), ] ) # then actual_origin_visits = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert actual_origin_visits == [ { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": 123, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, }, { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit3, "visit": 1234, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, }, ] data1 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": 123, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data2 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit3, "visit": 1234, "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)), ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data1)), ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data2)), ] def test_origin_visit_upsert_existing(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) # when origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit1 ) swh_storage.origin_visit_upsert( [ OriginVisit.from_dict( { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ) ] ) # then assert origin_visit1.origin == origin_url assert origin_visit1.visit is not None actual_origin_visits = list(swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin_url)) assert actual_origin_visits == [ { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ] data1 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data2 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } actual_written_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) assert actual_written_objects == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)), ( "origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict({**data1, "type": data.type_visit1,}), ), ("origin_visit_status", OriginVisitStatus.from_dict(data1)), ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data2)), ] def test_origin_visit_upsert_missing_visit_id(self, swh_storage): # given origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) # then with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="Missing visit id"): swh_storage.origin_visit_upsert( [ OriginVisit.from_dict( { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": None, # <- make the test raise "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } ) ] ) assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin2)) ] def test_origin_visit_get_by_no_result(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add([data.origin]) actual_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(data.origin["url"], 999) assert actual_origin_visit is None def test_origin_visit_get_latest(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) ov1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) ov2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) # Add a visit with the same date as the previous one ov3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_url, ov1.visit) origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_url, ov2.visit) origin_visit3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_url, ov3.visit) # Two visits, both with no snapshot assert origin_visit3 == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url) assert ( swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, require_snapshot=True) is None ) # Add snapshot to visit1; require_snapshot=True makes it return # visit1 and require_snapshot=False still returns visit2 swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, ov1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.complete_snapshot["id"], ) assert { **origin_visit1, "snapshot": data.complete_snapshot["id"], } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, require_snapshot=True) assert origin_visit3 == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url) # Status filter: all three visits are status=ongoing, so no visit # returned assert ( swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) is None ) # Mark the first visit as completed and check status filter again swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, ov1.visit, status="full") assert { **origin_visit1, "snapshot": data.complete_snapshot["id"], "status": "full", } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) assert origin_visit3 == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url) # Add snapshot to visit2 and check that the new snapshot is returned swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.empty_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, ov2.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.empty_snapshot["id"] ) assert { **origin_visit2, "snapshot": data.empty_snapshot["id"], } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, require_snapshot=True) assert origin_visit3 == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url) # Check that the status filter is still working assert { **origin_visit1, "snapshot": data.complete_snapshot["id"], "status": "full", } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) # Add snapshot to visit3 (same date as visit2) swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, ov3.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.complete_snapshot["id"], ) assert { **origin_visit1, "snapshot": data.complete_snapshot["id"], "status": "full", } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) assert { **origin_visit1, "snapshot": data.complete_snapshot["id"], "status": "full", } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"], require_snapshot=True ) assert { **origin_visit3, "snapshot": data.complete_snapshot["id"], } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url) assert { **origin_visit3, "snapshot": data.complete_snapshot["id"], } == swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin_url, require_snapshot=True) def test_person_fullname_unicity(self, swh_storage): # given (person injection through revisions for example) revision = data.revision # create a revision with same committer fullname but wo name and email revision2 = copy.deepcopy(data.revision2) revision2["committer"] = dict(revision["committer"]) revision2["committer"]["email"] = None revision2["committer"]["name"] = None swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) swh_storage.revision_add([revision2]) # when getting added revisions revisions = list(swh_storage.revision_get([revision["id"], revision2["id"]])) # then # check committers are the same assert revisions[0]["committer"] == revisions[1]["committer"] def test_snapshot_add_get_empty(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) visit_id = origin_visit1.visit actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.empty_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} + date_now = now() + swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.empty_snapshot["id"], - # date=data.date_visit2 + date=date_now, ) by_id = swh_storage.snapshot_get(data.empty_snapshot["id"]) assert by_id == {**data.empty_snapshot, "next_branch": None} by_ov = swh_storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_url, visit_id) assert by_ov == {**data.empty_snapshot, "next_branch": None} data1 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit1, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data2 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit1, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": data.empty_snapshot["id"], } actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) assert actual_objects == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin)), ( "origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict({**data1, "type": data.type_visit1},), ), ("origin_visit_status", OriginVisitStatus.from_dict(data1)), ("snapshot", Snapshot.from_dict(data.empty_snapshot)), ( "origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict({**data2, "type": data.type_visit1,}), ), - # ("origin_visit_status", OriginVisitStatus.from_dict(data2)), + ( + "origin_visit_status", + OriginVisitStatus.from_dict({**data2, "date": date_now}), + ), ] def test_snapshot_add_get_complete(self, swh_storage): origin_url = data.origin["url"] origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) visit_id = origin_visit1.visit actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.complete_snapshot["id"], ) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} by_id = swh_storage.snapshot_get(data.complete_snapshot["id"]) assert by_id == {**data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None} by_ov = swh_storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_url, visit_id) assert by_ov == {**data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None} def test_snapshot_add_many(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add( [data.snapshot, data.complete_snapshot] ) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 2} assert { **data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get(data.complete_snapshot["id"]) assert {**data.snapshot, "next_branch": None} == swh_storage.snapshot_get( data.snapshot["id"] ) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["snapshot"] == 2 def test_snapshot_add_many_from_generator(self, swh_storage): def _snp_gen(): yield data.snapshot yield data.complete_snapshot actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add(_snp_gen()) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 2} swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["snapshot"] == 2 def test_snapshot_add_many_incremental(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} actual_result2 = swh_storage.snapshot_add( [data.snapshot, data.complete_snapshot] ) assert actual_result2 == {"snapshot:add": 1} assert { **data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get(data.complete_snapshot["id"]) assert {**data.snapshot, "next_branch": None} == swh_storage.snapshot_get( data.snapshot["id"] ) def test_snapshot_add_twice(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.empty_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("snapshot", Snapshot.from_dict(data.empty_snapshot)) ] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("snapshot", Snapshot.from_dict(data.empty_snapshot)), ("snapshot", Snapshot.from_dict(data.snapshot)), ] def test_snapshot_add_validation(self, swh_storage): snap = copy.deepcopy(data.snapshot) snap["branches"][b"foo"] = {"target_type": "revision"} with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="target"): swh_storage.snapshot_add([snap]) snap = copy.deepcopy(data.snapshot) snap["branches"][b"foo"] = {"target": b"\x42" * 20} with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="target_type"): swh_storage.snapshot_add([snap]) def test_snapshot_add_count_branches(self, swh_storage): actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} snp_id = data.complete_snapshot["id"] snp_size = swh_storage.snapshot_count_branches(snp_id) expected_snp_size = { "alias": 1, "content": 1, "directory": 2, "release": 1, "revision": 1, "snapshot": 1, None: 1, } assert snp_size == expected_snp_size def test_snapshot_add_get_paginated(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) snp_id = data.complete_snapshot["id"] branches = data.complete_snapshot["branches"] branch_names = list(sorted(branches)) # Test branch_from snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, branches_from=b"release") rel_idx = branch_names.index(b"release") expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {name: branches[name] for name in branch_names[rel_idx:]}, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # Test branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, branches_count=1) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {branch_names[0]: branches[branch_names[0]],}, "next_branch": b"content", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # test branch_from + branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, branches_from=b"directory", branches_count=3 ) dir_idx = branch_names.index(b"directory") expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: branches[name] for name in branch_names[dir_idx : dir_idx + 3] }, "next_branch": branch_names[dir_idx + 3], } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot def test_snapshot_add_get_filtered(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.complete_snapshot["id"], ) snp_id = data.complete_snapshot["id"] branches = data.complete_snapshot["branches"] snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["release", "revision"] ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: tgt for name, tgt in branches.items() if tgt and tgt["target_type"] in ["release", "revision"] }, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, target_types=["alias"]) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: tgt for name, tgt in branches.items() if tgt and tgt["target_type"] == "alias" }, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot def test_snapshot_add_get_filtered_and_paginated(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) snp_id = data.complete_snapshot["id"] branches = data.complete_snapshot["branches"] branch_names = list(sorted(branches)) # Test branch_from snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_from=b"directory2" ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {name: branches[name] for name in (b"directory2", b"release")}, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # Test branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_count=1 ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {b"directory": branches[b"directory"]}, "next_branch": b"directory2", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # Test branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_count=2 ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: branches[name] for name in (b"directory", b"directory2") }, "next_branch": b"release", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # test branch_from + branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_from=b"directory2", branches_count=1, ) dir_idx = branch_names.index(b"directory2") expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {branch_names[dir_idx]: branches[branch_names[dir_idx]],}, "next_branch": b"release", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot def test_snapshot_add_get(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) visit_id = origin_visit1.visit swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"], ) by_id = swh_storage.snapshot_get(data.snapshot["id"]) assert by_id == {**data.snapshot, "next_branch": None} by_ov = swh_storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_url, visit_id) assert by_ov == {**data.snapshot, "next_branch": None} origin_visit_info = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_url, visit_id) assert origin_visit_info["snapshot"] == data.snapshot["id"] def test_snapshot_add_nonexistent_visit(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) # unknown visit visit_id = 54164461156 swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects[:] = [] swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, visit_id, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"] ) assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("snapshot", Snapshot.from_dict(data.snapshot)) ] def test_snapshot_add_twice__by_origin_visit(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) visit1_id = origin_visit1.visit swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) + date_now2 = now() swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"], + date=date_now2, ) by_ov1 = swh_storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_url, visit1_id) assert by_ov1 == {**data.snapshot, "next_branch": None} origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) visit2_id = origin_visit2.visit swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) + date_now4 = now() swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit2.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"], + date=date_now4, ) by_ov2 = swh_storage.snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(origin_url, visit2_id) assert by_ov2 == {**data.snapshot, "next_branch": None} data1 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit1, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, - # "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data2 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit1, "visit": origin_visit1.visit, - "type": data.type_visit1, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": data.snapshot["id"], } data3 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit2.visit, - # "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": None, } data4 = { "origin": origin_url, "date": data.date_visit2, "visit": origin_visit2.visit, - "type": data.type_visit2, "status": "ongoing", "metadata": None, "snapshot": data.snapshot["id"], } - assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ + actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) + assert actual_objects == [ ("origin", Origin.from_dict(data.origin)), ( "origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict({**data1, "type": data.type_visit1}), ), ("origin_visit_status", OriginVisitStatus.from_dict(data1)), ("snapshot", Snapshot.from_dict(data.snapshot)), - ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data2)), + ( + "origin_visit", + OriginVisit.from_dict({**data2, "type": data.type_visit1}), + ), + ( + "origin_visit_status", + OriginVisitStatus.from_dict({**data2, "date": date_now2}), + ), ( "origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict({**data3, "type": data.type_visit2}), ), ("origin_visit_status", OriginVisitStatus.from_dict(data3)), - ("origin_visit", OriginVisit.from_dict(data4)), + ( + "origin_visit", + OriginVisit.from_dict({**data4, "type": data.type_visit2}), + ), + ( + "origin_visit_status", + OriginVisitStatus.from_dict({**data4, "date": date_now4}), + ), ] def test_snapshot_get_latest(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) # Add a visit with the same date as the previous one origin_visit3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit3 ) # Two visits, both with no snapshot: latest snapshot is None assert swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) is None # Add snapshot to visit1, latest snapshot = visit 1 snapshot swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.complete_snapshot["id"], ) assert { **data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) # Status filter: all three visits are status=ongoing, so no snapshot # returned assert ( swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) is None ) # Mark the first visit as completed and check status filter again swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="full") assert { **data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) # Add snapshot to visit2 and check that the new snapshot is returned swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.empty_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit2.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.empty_snapshot["id"], ) assert { **data.empty_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) # Check that the status filter is still working assert { **data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) # Add snapshot to visit3 (same date as visit2) and check that # the new snapshot is returned swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit3.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.complete_snapshot["id"], ) assert { **data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) def test_snapshot_get_latest__missing_snapshot(self, swh_storage): origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin) assert swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) is None origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit1, type=data.type_visit1 ) origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) # Two visits, both with no snapshot: latest snapshot is None assert swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) is None # Add unknown snapshot to visit1, check that the inconsistency is # detected swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.complete_snapshot["id"], ) with pytest.raises(Exception): # XXX: should the exception be more specific than this? swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) # Status filter: both visits are status=ongoing, so no snapshot # returned assert ( swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]) is None ) # Mark the first visit as completed and check status filter again swh_storage.origin_visit_update(origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="full") with pytest.raises(Exception): # XXX: should the exception be more specific than this? swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url, allowed_statuses=["full"]), # Actually add the snapshot and check status filter again swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.complete_snapshot]) assert { **data.complete_snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) # Add unknown snapshot to visit2 and check that the inconsistency # is detected swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit2.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"], ) with pytest.raises(Exception): # XXX: should the exception be more specific than this? swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) # Actually add that snapshot and check that the new one is returned swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) assert { **data.snapshot, "next_branch": None, } == swh_storage.snapshot_get_latest(origin_url) def test_snapshot_get_random(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.snapshot_add( [data.snapshot, data.empty_snapshot, data.complete_snapshot] ) assert swh_storage.snapshot_get_random() in { data.snapshot["id"], data.empty_snapshot["id"], data.complete_snapshot["id"], } def test_snapshot_missing(self, swh_storage): snap = data.snapshot missing_snap = data.empty_snapshot snapshots = [snap["id"], missing_snap["id"]] swh_storage.snapshot_add([snap]) missing_snapshots = swh_storage.snapshot_missing(snapshots) assert list(missing_snapshots) == [missing_snap["id"]] def test_stat_counters(self, swh_storage): expected_keys = ["content", "directory", "origin", "revision"] # Initially, all counters are 0 swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert set(expected_keys) <= set(counters) for key in expected_keys: assert counters[key] == 0 # Add a content. Only the content counter should increase. swh_storage.content_add([data.cont]) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert set(expected_keys) <= set(counters) for key in expected_keys: if key != "content": assert counters[key] == 0 assert counters["content"] == 1 # Add other objects. Check their counter increased as well. origin_url = swh_storage.origin_add_one(data.origin2) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( origin_url, date=data.date_visit2, type=data.type_visit2 ) swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, origin_visit1.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"], ) swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir]) swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision]) swh_storage.release_add([data.release]) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert counters["content"] == 1 assert counters["directory"] == 1 assert counters["snapshot"] == 1 assert counters["origin"] == 1 assert counters["origin_visit"] == 1 assert counters["revision"] == 1 assert counters["release"] == 1 assert counters["snapshot"] == 1 if "person" in counters: assert counters["person"] == 3 def test_content_find_ctime(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont.copy() del cont["data"] ctime = now() cont["ctime"] = ctime swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont]) actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1": cont["sha1"]}) # check ctime up to one second dt = actually_present[0]["ctime"] - ctime assert abs(dt.total_seconds()) <= 1 del actually_present[0]["ctime"] assert actually_present[0] == { "sha1": cont["sha1"], "sha256": cont["sha256"], "sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont["blake2s256"], "length": cont["length"], "status": "visible", } def test_content_find_with_present_content(self, swh_storage): # 1. with something to find cont = data.cont swh_storage.content_add([cont, data.cont2]) actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1": cont["sha1"]}) assert 1 == len(actually_present) actually_present[0].pop("ctime") assert actually_present[0] == { "sha1": cont["sha1"], "sha256": cont["sha256"], "sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont["blake2s256"], "length": cont["length"], "status": "visible", } # 2. with something to find actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"]}) assert 1 == len(actually_present) actually_present[0].pop("ctime") assert actually_present[0] == { "sha1": cont["sha1"], "sha256": cont["sha256"], "sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont["blake2s256"], "length": cont["length"], "status": "visible", } # 3. with something to find actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha256": cont["sha256"]}) assert 1 == len(actually_present) actually_present[0].pop("ctime") assert actually_present[0] == { "sha1": cont["sha1"], "sha256": cont["sha256"], "sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont["blake2s256"], "length": cont["length"], "status": "visible", } # 4. with something to find actually_present = swh_storage.content_find( { "sha1": cont["sha1"], "sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"], "sha256": cont["sha256"], "blake2s256": cont["blake2s256"], } ) assert 1 == len(actually_present) actually_present[0].pop("ctime") assert actually_present[0] == { "sha1": cont["sha1"], "sha256": cont["sha256"], "sha1_git": cont["sha1_git"], "blake2s256": cont["blake2s256"], "length": cont["length"], "status": "visible", } def test_content_find_with_non_present_content(self, swh_storage): # 1. with something that does not exist missing_cont = data.missing_cont actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1": missing_cont["sha1"]}) assert actually_present == [] # 2. with something that does not exist actually_present = swh_storage.content_find( {"sha1_git": missing_cont["sha1_git"]} ) assert actually_present == [] # 3. with something that does not exist actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha256": missing_cont["sha256"]}) assert actually_present == [] def test_content_find_with_duplicate_input(self, swh_storage): cont1 = data.cont duplicate_cont = cont1.copy() # Create fake data with colliding sha256 and blake2s256 sha1_array = bytearray(duplicate_cont["sha1"]) sha1_array[0] += 1 duplicate_cont["sha1"] = bytes(sha1_array) sha1git_array = bytearray(duplicate_cont["sha1_git"]) sha1git_array[0] += 1 duplicate_cont["sha1_git"] = bytes(sha1git_array) # Inject the data swh_storage.content_add([cont1, duplicate_cont]) finder = { "blake2s256": duplicate_cont["blake2s256"], "sha256": duplicate_cont["sha256"], } actual_result = list(swh_storage.content_find(finder)) cont1.pop("data") duplicate_cont.pop("data") actual_result[0].pop("ctime") actual_result[1].pop("ctime") expected_result = [cont1, duplicate_cont] for result in expected_result: assert result in actual_result def test_content_find_with_duplicate_sha256(self, swh_storage): cont1 = data.cont duplicate_cont = cont1.copy() # Create fake data with colliding sha256 for hashalgo in ("sha1", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"): value = bytearray(duplicate_cont[hashalgo]) value[0] += 1 duplicate_cont[hashalgo] = bytes(value) swh_storage.content_add([cont1, duplicate_cont]) finder = {"sha256": duplicate_cont["sha256"]} actual_result = list(swh_storage.content_find(finder)) assert len(actual_result) == 2 cont1.pop("data") duplicate_cont.pop("data") actual_result[0].pop("ctime") actual_result[1].pop("ctime") expected_result = [cont1, duplicate_cont] assert expected_result == sorted(actual_result, key=lambda x: x["sha1"]) # Find with both sha256 and blake2s256 finder = { "sha256": duplicate_cont["sha256"], "blake2s256": duplicate_cont["blake2s256"], } actual_result = list(swh_storage.content_find(finder)) assert len(actual_result) == 1 actual_result[0].pop("ctime") expected_result = [duplicate_cont] assert actual_result[0] == duplicate_cont def test_content_find_with_duplicate_blake2s256(self, swh_storage): cont1 = data.cont duplicate_cont = cont1.copy() # Create fake data with colliding sha256 and blake2s256 sha1_array = bytearray(duplicate_cont["sha1"]) sha1_array[0] += 1 duplicate_cont["sha1"] = bytes(sha1_array) sha1git_array = bytearray(duplicate_cont["sha1_git"]) sha1git_array[0] += 1 duplicate_cont["sha1_git"] = bytes(sha1git_array) sha256_array = bytearray(duplicate_cont["sha256"]) sha256_array[0] += 1 duplicate_cont["sha256"] = bytes(sha256_array) swh_storage.content_add([cont1, duplicate_cont]) finder = {"blake2s256": duplicate_cont["blake2s256"]} actual_result = list(swh_storage.content_find(finder)) cont1.pop("data") duplicate_cont.pop("data") actual_result[0].pop("ctime") actual_result[1].pop("ctime") expected_result = [cont1, duplicate_cont] for result in expected_result: assert result in actual_result # Find with both sha256 and blake2s256 finder = { "sha256": duplicate_cont["sha256"], "blake2s256": duplicate_cont["blake2s256"], } actual_result = list(swh_storage.content_find(finder)) actual_result[0].pop("ctime") expected_result = [duplicate_cont] assert expected_result == actual_result def test_content_find_bad_input(self, swh_storage): # 1. with bad input with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.content_find({}) # empty is bad # 2. with bad input with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.content_find({"unknown-sha1": "something"}) # not the right key def test_object_find_by_sha1_git(self, swh_storage): sha1_gits = [b"00000000000000000000"] expected = { b"00000000000000000000": [], } swh_storage.content_add([data.cont]) sha1_gits.append(data.cont["sha1_git"]) expected[data.cont["sha1_git"]] = [ {"sha1_git": data.cont["sha1_git"], "type": "content",} ] swh_storage.directory_add([data.dir]) sha1_gits.append(data.dir["id"]) expected[data.dir["id"]] = [{"sha1_git": data.dir["id"], "type": "directory",}] swh_storage.revision_add([data.revision]) sha1_gits.append(data.revision["id"]) expected[data.revision["id"]] = [ {"sha1_git": data.revision["id"], "type": "revision",} ] swh_storage.release_add([data.release]) sha1_gits.append(data.release["id"]) expected[data.release["id"]] = [ {"sha1_git": data.release["id"], "type": "release",} ] ret = swh_storage.object_find_by_sha1_git(sha1_gits) assert expected == ret def test_metadata_fetcher_add_get(self, swh_storage): actual_fetcher = swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_get( data.metadata_fetcher["name"], data.metadata_fetcher["version"] ) assert actual_fetcher is None # does not exist swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**data.metadata_fetcher) res = swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_get( data.metadata_fetcher["name"], data.metadata_fetcher["version"] ) assert res is not data.metadata_fetcher assert res == data.metadata_fetcher def test_metadata_authority_add_get(self, swh_storage): actual_authority = swh_storage.metadata_authority_get( data.metadata_authority["type"], data.metadata_authority["url"] ) assert actual_authority is None # does not exist swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**data.metadata_authority) res = swh_storage.metadata_authority_get( data.metadata_authority["type"], data.metadata_authority["url"] ) assert res is not data.metadata_authority assert res == data.metadata_authority def test_origin_metadata_add(self, swh_storage): origin = data.origin fetcher = data.metadata_fetcher authority = data.metadata_authority swh_storage.origin_add([origin])[0] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata2) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin["url"], authority) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [data.origin_metadata, data.origin_metadata2] == list( sorted(result["results"], key=lambda x: x["discovery_date"],) ) def test_origin_metadata_add_duplicate(self, swh_storage): """Duplicates should be silently updated.""" origin = data.origin fetcher = data.metadata_fetcher authority = data.metadata_authority swh_storage.origin_add([origin])[0] new_origin_metadata2 = { **data.origin_metadata2, "format": "new-format", "metadata": b"new-metadata", } swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata2) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**new_origin_metadata2) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin["url"], authority) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [data.origin_metadata, new_origin_metadata2] == list( sorted(result["results"], key=lambda x: x["discovery_date"],) ) def test_origin_metadata_add_dict(self, swh_storage): origin = data.origin fetcher = data.metadata_fetcher authority = data.metadata_authority swh_storage.origin_add([origin])[0] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority) kwargs = data.origin_metadata.copy() kwargs["metadata"] = {"foo": "bar"} with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**kwargs) def test_origin_metadata_get(self, swh_storage): authority = data.metadata_authority fetcher = data.metadata_fetcher authority2 = data.metadata_authority2 fetcher2 = data.metadata_fetcher2 origin_url1 = data.origin["url"] origin_url2 = data.origin2["url"] swh_storage.origin_add([data.origin]) swh_storage.origin_add([data.origin2]) origin1_metadata1 = data.origin_metadata origin1_metadata2 = data.origin_metadata2 origin1_metadata3 = data.origin_metadata3 origin2_metadata = {**data.origin_metadata2, "origin_url": origin_url2} swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority2) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher2) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**origin1_metadata1) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**origin1_metadata2) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**origin1_metadata3) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**origin2_metadata) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin_url1, authority) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [origin1_metadata1, origin1_metadata2] == list( sorted(result["results"], key=lambda x: x["discovery_date"],) ) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin_url1, authority2) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [origin1_metadata3] == list( sorted(result["results"], key=lambda x: x["discovery_date"],) ) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin_url2, authority) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [origin2_metadata] == list(result["results"],) def test_origin_metadata_get_after(self, swh_storage): origin = data.origin fetcher = data.metadata_fetcher authority = data.metadata_authority swh_storage.origin_add([origin])[0] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata2) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get( origin["url"], authority, after=data.origin_metadata["discovery_date"] - timedelta(seconds=1), ) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [data.origin_metadata, data.origin_metadata2] == list( sorted(result["results"], key=lambda x: x["discovery_date"],) ) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get( origin["url"], authority, after=data.origin_metadata["discovery_date"] ) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [data.origin_metadata2] == result["results"] result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get( origin["url"], authority, after=data.origin_metadata2["discovery_date"] ) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [] == result["results"] def test_origin_metadata_get_paginate(self, swh_storage): origin = data.origin fetcher = data.metadata_fetcher authority = data.metadata_authority swh_storage.origin_add([origin])[0] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata2) swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin["url"], authority) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin["url"], authority, limit=1) assert result["next_page_token"] is not None assert [data.origin_metadata] == result["results"] result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get( origin["url"], authority, limit=1, page_token=result["next_page_token"] ) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [data.origin_metadata2] == result["results"] def test_origin_metadata_get_paginate_same_date(self, swh_storage): origin = data.origin fetcher1 = data.metadata_fetcher fetcher2 = data.metadata_fetcher2 authority = data.metadata_authority swh_storage.origin_add([origin])[0] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher1) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add(**fetcher2) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add(**authority) origin_metadata2 = { **data.origin_metadata2, "discovery_date": data.origin_metadata2["discovery_date"], "fetcher": {"name": fetcher2["name"], "version": fetcher2["version"],}, } swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**data.origin_metadata) swh_storage.origin_metadata_add(**origin_metadata2) result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get(origin["url"], authority, limit=1) assert result["next_page_token"] is not None assert [data.origin_metadata] == result["results"] result = swh_storage.origin_metadata_get( origin["url"], authority, limit=1, page_token=result["next_page_token"] ) assert result["next_page_token"] is None assert [origin_metadata2] == result["results"] class TestStorageGeneratedData: def test_generate_content_get(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): contents_with_data = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] # input the list of sha1s we want from storage get_sha1s = [c["sha1"] for c in contents_with_data] # retrieve contents actual_contents = list(swh_storage.content_get(get_sha1s)) assert None not in actual_contents assert_contents_ok(contents_with_data, actual_contents) def test_generate_content_get_metadata(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): # input the list of sha1s we want from storage expected_contents = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] get_sha1s = [c["sha1"] for c in expected_contents] # retrieve contents meta_contents = swh_storage.content_get_metadata(get_sha1s) assert len(list(meta_contents)) == len(get_sha1s) actual_contents = [] for contents in meta_contents.values(): actual_contents.extend(contents) keys_to_check = {"length", "status", "sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "blake2s256"} assert_contents_ok( expected_contents, actual_contents, keys_to_check=keys_to_check ) def test_generate_content_get_range(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_range returns complete range""" present_contents = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] get_sha1s = sorted([c["sha1"] for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"]) start = get_sha1s[2] end = get_sha1s[-2] actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_range(start, end) assert actual_result["next"] is None actual_contents = actual_result["contents"] expected_contents = [c for c in present_contents if start <= c["sha1"] <= end] if expected_contents: assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, ["sha1"]) else: assert actual_contents == [] def test_generate_content_get_range_full(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_range for a full range returns all available contents""" present_contents = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] start = b"0" * 40 end = b"f" * 40 actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_range(start, end) assert actual_result["next"] is None actual_contents = actual_result["contents"] expected_contents = [c for c in present_contents if start <= c["sha1"] <= end] if expected_contents: assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, ["sha1"]) else: assert actual_contents == [] def test_generate_content_get_range_empty(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_range for an empty range returns nothing""" start = b"0" * 40 end = b"f" * 40 actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_range(end, start) assert actual_result["next"] is None assert len(actual_result["contents"]) == 0 def test_generate_content_get_range_limit_none(self, swh_storage): """content_get_range call with wrong limit input should fail""" with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException) as e: swh_storage.content_get_range(start=None, end=None, limit=None) assert e.value.args == ("limit should not be None",) def test_generate_content_get_range_no_limit(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_range returns contents within range provided""" # input the list of sha1s we want from storage get_sha1s = sorted([c["sha1"] for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"]) start = get_sha1s[0] end = get_sha1s[-1] # retrieve contents actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_range(start, end) actual_contents = actual_result["contents"] assert actual_result["next"] is None assert len(actual_contents) == len(get_sha1s) expected_contents = [c for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"] assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, ["sha1"]) def test_generate_content_get_range_limit(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_range paginates results if limit exceeded""" contents_map = {c["sha1"]: c for c in swh_contents} # input the list of sha1s we want from storage get_sha1s = sorted([c["sha1"] for c in swh_contents if c["status"] != "absent"]) start = get_sha1s[0] end = get_sha1s[-1] # retrieve contents limited to n-1 results limited_results = len(get_sha1s) - 1 actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_range(start, end, limit=limited_results) actual_contents = actual_result["contents"] assert actual_result["next"] == get_sha1s[-1] assert len(actual_contents) == limited_results expected_contents = [contents_map[sha1] for sha1 in get_sha1s[:-1]] assert_contents_ok(expected_contents, actual_contents, ["sha1"]) # retrieve next part actual_results2 = swh_storage.content_get_range(start=end, end=end) assert actual_results2["next"] is None actual_contents2 = actual_results2["contents"] assert len(actual_contents2) == 1 assert_contents_ok([contents_map[get_sha1s[-1]]], actual_contents2, ["sha1"]) def test_origin_get_range_from_zero(self, swh_storage, swh_origins): actual_origins = list( swh_storage.origin_get_range(origin_from=0, origin_count=0) ) assert len(actual_origins) == 0 actual_origins = list( swh_storage.origin_get_range(origin_from=0, origin_count=1) ) assert len(actual_origins) == 1 assert actual_origins[0]["id"] == 1 assert actual_origins[0]["url"] == swh_origins[0]["url"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "origin_from,origin_count", [(1, 1), (1, 10), (1, 20), (1, 101), (11, 0), (11, 10), (91, 11)], ) def test_origin_get_range( self, swh_storage, swh_origins, origin_from, origin_count ): actual_origins = list( swh_storage.origin_get_range( origin_from=origin_from, origin_count=origin_count ) ) origins_with_id = list(enumerate(swh_origins, start=1)) expected_origins = [ {"url": origin["url"], "id": origin_id,} for (origin_id, origin) in origins_with_id[ origin_from - 1 : origin_from + origin_count - 1 ] ] assert actual_origins == expected_origins @pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [1, 7, 10, 100, 1000]) def test_origin_list(self, swh_storage, swh_origins, limit): returned_origins = [] page_token = None i = 0 while True: result = swh_storage.origin_list(page_token=page_token, limit=limit) assert len(result["origins"]) <= limit returned_origins.extend(origin["url"] for origin in result["origins"]) i += 1 page_token = result.get("next_page_token") if page_token is None: assert i * limit >= len(swh_origins) break else: assert len(result["origins"]) == limit expected_origins = [origin["url"] for origin in swh_origins] assert sorted(returned_origins) == sorted(expected_origins) ORIGINS = [ "https://github.com/user1/repo1", "https://github.com/user2/repo1", "https://github.com/user3/repo1", "https://gitlab.com/user1/repo1", "https://gitlab.com/user2/repo1", "https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/repo1", ] def test_origin_count(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add([{"url": url} for url in self.ORIGINS]) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github") == 3 assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab") == 2 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=True) == 5 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=False) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=True) == 2 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=False) == 0 def test_origin_count_with_visit_no_visits(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add([{"url": url} for url in self.ORIGINS]) # none of them have visits, so with_visit=True => 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab", with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=False, with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=False, with_visit=True) == 0 def test_origin_count_with_visit_with_visits_no_snapshot(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add([{"url": url} for url in self.ORIGINS]) origin_url = "https://github.com/user1/repo1" swh_storage.origin_visit_add(origin_url, date=now(), type="git") assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=False) == 3 # it has a visit, but no snapshot, so with_visit=True => 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab", with_visit=False) == 2 # these gitlab origins have no visit assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab", with_visit=True) == 0 assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=False) == 1 ) assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 ) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 def test_origin_count_with_visit_with_visits_and_snapshot(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.origin_add([{"url": url} for url in self.ORIGINS]) swh_storage.snapshot_add([data.snapshot]) origin_url = "https://github.com/user1/repo1" visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add(origin_url, date=now(), type="git") swh_storage.origin_visit_update( origin_url, visit.visit, status="ongoing", snapshot=data.snapshot["id"] ) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=False) == 3 # github/user1 has a visit and a snapshot, so with_visit=True => 1 assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=True) == 1 assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=False) == 1 ) assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 1 ) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 1 @settings(suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow]) @given(strategies.lists(objects(), max_size=2)) def test_add_arbitrary(self, swh_storage, objects): for (obj_type, obj) in objects: obj = obj.to_dict() if obj_type == "origin_visit": origin_url = obj.pop("origin") swh_storage.origin_add_one({"url": origin_url}) if "visit" in obj: del obj["visit"] swh_storage.origin_visit_add(origin_url, obj["date"], obj["type"]) elif obj_type == "origin_visit_update": # internal object for now, they don't have a storage # endpoint yet continue else: if obj_type == "content" and obj["status"] == "absent": obj_type = "skipped_content" method = getattr(swh_storage, obj_type + "_add") try: method([obj]) except HashCollision: pass @pytest.mark.db class TestLocalStorage: """Test the local storage""" # This test is only relevant on the local storage, with an actual # objstorage raising an exception def test_content_add_objstorage_exception(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.objstorage.content_add = Mock( side_effect=Exception("mocked broken objstorage") ) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e: swh_storage.content_add([data.cont]) assert e.value.args == ("mocked broken objstorage",) missing = list(swh_storage.content_missing([data.cont])) assert missing == [data.cont["sha1"]] @pytest.mark.db class TestStorageRaceConditions: @pytest.mark.xfail def test_content_add_race(self, swh_storage): results = queue.Queue() def thread(): try: with db_transaction(swh_storage) as (db, cur): ret = swh_storage.content_add([data.cont], db=db, cur=cur) results.put((threading.get_ident(), "data", ret)) except Exception as e: results.put((threading.get_ident(), "exc", e)) t1 = threading.Thread(target=thread) t2 = threading.Thread(target=thread) t1.start() # this avoids the race condition # import time # time.sleep(1) t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() r1 = results.get(block=False) r2 = results.get(block=False) with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): results.get(block=False) assert r1[0] != r2[0] assert r1[1] == "data", "Got exception %r in Thread%s" % (r1[2], r1[0]) assert r2[1] == "data", "Got exception %r in Thread%s" % (r2[2], r2[0]) @pytest.mark.db class TestPgStorage: """This class is dedicated for the rare case where the schema needs to be altered dynamically. Otherwise, the tests could be blocking when ran altogether. """ def test_content_update_with_new_cols(self, swh_storage): swh_storage.journal_writer.journal = None # TODO, not supported with db_transaction(swh_storage) as (_, cur): cur.execute( """alter table content add column test text default null, add column test2 text default null""" ) cont = copy.deepcopy(data.cont2) swh_storage.content_add([cont]) cont["test"] = "value-1" cont["test2"] = "value-2" swh_storage.content_update([cont], keys=["test", "test2"]) with db_transaction(swh_storage) as (_, cur): cur.execute( """SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status, test, test2 FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s""", (cont["sha1"],), ) datum = cur.fetchone() assert datum == ( cont["sha1"], cont["sha1_git"], cont["sha256"], cont["length"], "visible", cont["test"], cont["test2"], ) with db_transaction(swh_storage) as (_, cur): cur.execute( """alter table content drop column test, drop column test2""" ) def test_content_add_db(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([cont]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": cont["length"], } if hasattr(swh_storage, "objstorage"): assert cont["sha1"] in swh_storage.objstorage.objstorage with db_transaction(swh_storage) as (_, cur): cur.execute( "SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status" " FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s", (cont["sha1"],), ) datum = cur.fetchone() assert datum == ( cont["sha1"], cont["sha1_git"], cont["sha256"], cont["length"], "visible", ) expected_cont = cont.copy() del expected_cont["data"] contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: obj_d = obj.to_dict() del obj_d["ctime"] assert obj_d == expected_cont def test_content_add_metadata_db(self, swh_storage): cont = data.cont del cont["data"] cont["ctime"] = now() actual_result = swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, } if hasattr(swh_storage, "objstorage"): assert cont["sha1"] not in swh_storage.objstorage.objstorage with db_transaction(swh_storage) as (_, cur): cur.execute( "SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status" " FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s", (cont["sha1"],), ) datum = cur.fetchone() assert datum == ( cont["sha1"], cont["sha1_git"], cont["sha256"], cont["length"], "visible", ) contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: obj_d = obj.to_dict() assert obj_d == cont def test_skipped_content_add_db(self, swh_storage): cont = data.skipped_cont cont2 = data.skipped_cont2 cont2["blake2s256"] = None actual_result = swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont, cont, cont2]) assert 2 <= actual_result.pop("skipped_content:add") <= 3 assert actual_result == {} with db_transaction(swh_storage) as (_, cur): cur.execute( "SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256, " "length, status, reason " "FROM skipped_content ORDER BY sha1_git" ) dbdata = cur.fetchall() assert len(dbdata) == 2 assert dbdata[0] == ( cont["sha1"], cont["sha1_git"], cont["sha256"], cont["blake2s256"], cont["length"], "absent", "Content too long", ) assert dbdata[1] == ( cont2["sha1"], cont2["sha1_git"], cont2["sha256"], cont2["blake2s256"], cont2["length"], "absent", "Content too long", ) def test_clear_buffers(self, swh_storage): """Calling clear buffers on real storage does nothing """ assert swh_storage.clear_buffers() is None def test_flush(self, swh_storage): """Calling clear buffers on real storage does nothing """ assert swh_storage.flush() == {}