diff --git a/swh/storage/postgresql/db.py b/swh/storage/postgresql/db.py index f0821da0..2bc99166 100644 --- a/swh/storage/postgresql/db.py +++ b/swh/storage/postgresql/db.py @@ -1,1473 +1,1473 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime import logging import random import select from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple from swh.core.db import BaseDb from swh.core.db.db_utils import execute_values_generator from swh.core.db.db_utils import jsonize as _jsonize from swh.core.db.db_utils import stored_procedure from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS from swh.model.identifiers import ObjectType from swh.model.model import SHA1_SIZE, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus, Sha1Git from swh.storage.interface import ListOrder logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def jsonize(d): return _jsonize(dict(d) if d is not None else None) class Db(BaseDb): """Proxy to the SWH DB, with wrappers around stored procedures """ current_version = 177 def mktemp_dir_entry(self, entry_type, cur=None): self._cursor(cur).execute( "SELECT swh_mktemp_dir_entry(%s)", (("directory_entry_%s" % entry_type),) ) @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_revision") def mktemp_revision(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_release") def mktemp_release(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure("swh_mktemp_snapshot_branch") def mktemp_snapshot_branch(self, cur=None): pass def register_listener(self, notify_queue, cur=None): """Register a listener for NOTIFY queue `notify_queue`""" self._cursor(cur).execute("LISTEN %s" % notify_queue) def listen_notifies(self, timeout): """Listen to notifications for `timeout` seconds""" if select.select([self.conn], [], [], timeout) == ([], [], []): return else: self.conn.poll() while self.conn.notifies: yield self.conn.notifies.pop(0) @stored_procedure("swh_content_add") def content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure("swh_directory_add") def directory_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure("swh_skipped_content_add") def skipped_content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure("swh_revision_add") def revision_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure("swh_extid_add") def extid_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure("swh_release_add") def release_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass def content_update_from_temp(self, keys_to_update, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( """select swh_content_update(ARRAY[%s] :: text[])""" % keys_to_update ) content_get_metadata_keys = [ "sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "blake2s256", "length", "status", ] content_add_keys = content_get_metadata_keys + ["ctime"] skipped_content_keys = [ "sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "blake2s256", "length", "reason", "status", "origin", ] def content_get_metadata_from_hashes( self, hashes: List[bytes], algo: str, cur=None ): cur = self._cursor(cur) assert algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS query = f""" select {", ".join(self.content_get_metadata_keys)} from (values %s) as t (hash) inner join content on (content.{algo}=hash) """ yield from execute_values_generator( cur, query, ((hash_,) for hash_ in hashes), ) def content_get_range(self, start, end, limit=None, cur=None): """Retrieve contents within range [start, end]. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """select %s from content where %%s <= sha1 and sha1 <= %%s order by sha1 limit %%s""" % ", ".join( self.content_get_metadata_keys ) cur.execute(query, (start, end, limit)) yield from cur content_hash_keys = ["sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "blake2s256"] def content_missing_from_list(self, contents, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) keys = ", ".join(self.content_hash_keys) equality = " AND ".join( ("t.%s = c.%s" % (key, key)) for key in self.content_hash_keys ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(%s) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM content c WHERE %s ) """ % (keys, keys, equality), (tuple(c[key] for key in self.content_hash_keys) for c in contents), ) def content_missing_per_sha1(self, sha1s, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT t.sha1 FROM (VALUES %s) AS t(sha1) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM content c WHERE c.sha1 = t.sha1 )""", ((sha1,) for sha1 in sha1s), ) def content_missing_per_sha1_git(self, contents, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT t.sha1_git FROM (VALUES %s) AS t(sha1_git) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM content c WHERE c.sha1_git = t.sha1_git )""", ((sha1,) for sha1 in contents), ) def skipped_content_missing(self, contents, cur=None): if not contents: return [] cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT * FROM (VALUES %s) AS t (%s) WHERE not exists (SELECT 1 FROM skipped_content s WHERE s.sha1 is not distinct from t.sha1::sha1 and s.sha1_git is not distinct from t.sha1_git::sha1 and s.sha256 is not distinct from t.sha256::bytea);""" % ( (", ".join("%s" for _ in contents)), ", ".join(self.content_hash_keys), ) cur.execute( query, [tuple(cont[key] for key in self.content_hash_keys) for cont in contents], ) yield from cur def snapshot_exists(self, snapshot_id, cur=None): """Check whether a snapshot with the given id exists""" cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("""SELECT 1 FROM snapshot where id=%s""", (snapshot_id,)) return bool(cur.fetchone()) def snapshot_missing_from_list(self, snapshots, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM snapshot d WHERE d.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in snapshots), ) def snapshot_add(self, snapshot_id, cur=None): """Add a snapshot from the temporary table""" cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("""SELECT swh_snapshot_add(%s)""", (snapshot_id,)) snapshot_count_cols = ["target_type", "count"] def snapshot_count_branches( self, snapshot_id, branch_name_exclude_prefix=None, cur=None, ): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """\ SELECT %s FROM swh_snapshot_count_branches(%%s, %%s) """ % ", ".join( self.snapshot_count_cols ) cur.execute(query, (snapshot_id, branch_name_exclude_prefix)) yield from cur snapshot_get_cols = ["snapshot_id", "name", "target", "target_type"] def snapshot_get_by_id( self, snapshot_id, branches_from=b"", branches_count=None, target_types=None, branch_name_include_substring=None, branch_name_exclude_prefix=None, cur=None, ): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """\ SELECT %s FROM swh_snapshot_get_by_id(%%s, %%s, %%s, %%s :: snapshot_target[], %%s, %%s) """ % ", ".join( self.snapshot_get_cols ) cur.execute( query, ( snapshot_id, branches_from, branches_count, target_types, branch_name_include_substring, branch_name_exclude_prefix, ), ) yield from cur def snapshot_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table("snapshot", ["id"], "id", cur) content_find_cols = [ "sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "blake2s256", "length", "ctime", "status", ] def content_find( self, sha1: Optional[bytes] = None, sha1_git: Optional[bytes] = None, sha256: Optional[bytes] = None, blake2s256: Optional[bytes] = None, cur=None, ): """Find the content optionally on a combination of the following checksums sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256. Args: sha1: sha1 content git_sha1: the sha1 computed `a la git` sha1 of the content sha256: sha256 content blake2s256: blake2s256 content Returns: The tuple (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256) if found or None. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) checksum_dict = { "sha1": sha1, "sha1_git": sha1_git, "sha256": sha256, "blake2s256": blake2s256, } query_parts = [f"SELECT {','.join(self.content_find_cols)} FROM content WHERE "] query_params = [] where_parts = [] # Adds only those keys which have values exist for algorithm in checksum_dict: if checksum_dict[algorithm] is not None: where_parts.append(f"{algorithm} = %s") query_params.append(checksum_dict[algorithm]) query_parts.append(" AND ".join(where_parts)) query = "\n".join(query_parts) cur.execute(query, query_params) content = cur.fetchall() return content def content_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table("content", ["sha1_git"], "sha1_git", cur) def directory_missing_from_list(self, directories, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM directory d WHERE d.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in directories), ) directory_ls_cols = [ "dir_id", "type", "target", "name", "perms", "status", "sha1", "sha1_git", "sha256", "length", ] def directory_walk_one(self, directory, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cols = ", ".join(self.directory_ls_cols) query = "SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk_one(%%s)" % cols cur.execute(query, (directory,)) yield from cur def directory_walk(self, directory, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cols = ", ".join(self.directory_ls_cols) query = "SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk(%%s)" % cols cur.execute(query, (directory,)) yield from cur def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, cur=None): """Retrieve a directory entry by path. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) cols = ", ".join(self.directory_ls_cols) query = "SELECT %s FROM swh_find_directory_entry_by_path(%%s, %%s)" % cols cur.execute(query, (directory, paths)) data = cur.fetchone() if set(data) == {None}: return None return data directory_get_entries_cols = ["type", "target", "name", "perms"] def directory_get_entries(self, directory: Sha1Git, cur=None) -> List[Tuple]: cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM swh_directory_get_entries(%s::sha1_git)", (directory,) ) return list(cur) def directory_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table("directory", ["id"], "id", cur) def revision_missing_from_list(self, revisions, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM revision r WHERE r.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in revisions), ) revision_add_cols = [ "id", "date", "date_offset", "date_neg_utc_offset", "committer_date", "committer_date_offset", "committer_date_neg_utc_offset", "type", "directory", "message", "author_fullname", "author_name", "author_email", "committer_fullname", "committer_name", "committer_email", "metadata", "synthetic", "extra_headers", ] revision_get_cols = revision_add_cols + ["parents"] def origin_visit_add(self, origin, ts, type, cur=None): """Add a new origin_visit for origin origin at timestamp ts. Args: origin: origin concerned by the visit ts: the date of the visit type: type of loader for the visit Returns: The new visit index step for that origin """ cur = self._cursor(cur) self._cursor(cur).execute( "SELECT swh_origin_visit_add(%s, %s, %s)", (origin, ts, type) ) return cur.fetchone()[0] origin_visit_status_cols = [ "origin", "visit", "date", "type", "status", "snapshot", "metadata", ] def origin_visit_status_add( self, visit_status: OriginVisitStatus, cur=None ) -> None: """Add new origin visit status """ assert self.origin_visit_status_cols[0] == "origin" assert self.origin_visit_status_cols[-1] == "metadata" cols = self.origin_visit_status_cols[1:-1] cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( f"WITH origin_id as (select id from origin where url=%s) " f"INSERT INTO origin_visit_status " f"(origin, {', '.join(cols)}, metadata) " f"VALUES ((select id from origin_id), " f"{', '.join(['%s']*len(cols))}, %s) " f"ON CONFLICT (origin, visit, date) do nothing", [visit_status.origin] + [getattr(visit_status, key) for key in cols] + [jsonize(visit_status.metadata)], ) origin_visit_cols = ["origin", "visit", "date", "type"] def origin_visit_add_with_id(self, origin_visit: OriginVisit, cur=None) -> None: """Insert origin visit when id are already set """ ov = origin_visit assert ov.visit is not None cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """INSERT INTO origin_visit ({cols}) VALUES ((select id from origin where url=%s), {values}) ON CONFLICT (origin, visit) DO NOTHING""".format( cols=", ".join(self.origin_visit_cols), values=", ".join("%s" for col in self.origin_visit_cols[1:]), ) cur.execute(query, (ov.origin, ov.visit, ov.date, ov.type)) origin_visit_get_cols = [ "origin", "visit", "date", "type", "status", "metadata", "snapshot", ] origin_visit_select_cols = [ "o.url AS origin", "ov.visit", "ov.date", "ov.type AS type", "ovs.status", - "ovs.metadata", "ovs.snapshot", + "ovs.metadata", ] origin_visit_status_select_cols = [ "o.url AS origin", "ovs.visit", "ovs.date", "ovs.type AS type", "ovs.status", "ovs.snapshot", "ovs.metadata", ] def _make_origin_visit_status( self, row: Optional[Tuple[Any]] ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Make an origin_visit_status dict out of a row """ if not row: return None return dict(zip(self.origin_visit_status_cols, row)) def origin_visit_status_get_latest( self, origin_url: str, visit: int, allowed_statuses: Optional[List[str]] = None, require_snapshot: bool = False, cur=None, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Given an origin visit id, return its latest origin_visit_status """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query_parts = [ "SELECT %s" % ", ".join(self.origin_visit_status_select_cols), "FROM origin_visit_status ovs ", "INNER JOIN origin o ON o.id = ovs.origin", ] query_parts.append("WHERE o.url = %s") query_params: List[Any] = [origin_url] query_parts.append("AND ovs.visit = %s") query_params.append(visit) if require_snapshot: query_parts.append("AND ovs.snapshot is not null") if allowed_statuses: query_parts.append("AND ovs.status IN %s") query_params.append(tuple(allowed_statuses)) query_parts.append("ORDER BY ovs.date DESC LIMIT 1") query = "\n".join(query_parts) cur.execute(query, tuple(query_params)) row = cur.fetchone() return self._make_origin_visit_status(row) def origin_visit_status_get_range( self, origin: str, visit: int, date_from: Optional[datetime.datetime], order: ListOrder, limit: int, cur=None, ): """Retrieve visit_status rows for visit (origin, visit) in a paginated way. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query_parts = [ f"SELECT {', '.join(self.origin_visit_status_select_cols)} " "FROM origin_visit_status ovs ", "INNER JOIN origin o ON o.id = ovs.origin ", ] query_parts.append("WHERE o.url = %s AND ovs.visit = %s ") query_params: List[Any] = [origin, visit] if date_from is not None: op_comparison = ">=" if order == ListOrder.ASC else "<=" query_parts.append(f"and ovs.date {op_comparison} %s ") query_params.append(date_from) if order == ListOrder.ASC: query_parts.append("ORDER BY ovs.date ASC ") elif order == ListOrder.DESC: query_parts.append("ORDER BY ovs.date DESC ") else: assert False query_parts.append("LIMIT %s") query_params.append(limit) query = "\n".join(query_parts) cur.execute(query, tuple(query_params)) yield from cur def origin_visit_get_range( self, origin: str, visit_from: int, order: ListOrder, limit: int, cur=None, ): cur = self._cursor(cur) origin_visit_cols = ["o.url as origin", "ov.visit", "ov.date", "ov.type"] query_parts = [ f"SELECT {', '.join(origin_visit_cols)} FROM origin_visit ov ", "INNER JOIN origin o ON o.id = ov.origin ", ] query_parts.append("WHERE o.url = %s") query_params: List[Any] = [origin] if visit_from > 0: op_comparison = ">" if order == ListOrder.ASC else "<" query_parts.append(f"and ov.visit {op_comparison} %s") query_params.append(visit_from) if order == ListOrder.ASC: query_parts.append("ORDER BY ov.visit ASC") elif order == ListOrder.DESC: query_parts.append("ORDER BY ov.visit DESC") query_parts.append("LIMIT %s") query_params.append(limit) query = "\n".join(query_parts) cur.execute(query, tuple(query_params)) yield from cur def origin_visit_get(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None): """Retrieve information on visit visit_id of origin origin_id. Args: origin_id: the origin concerned visit_id: The visit step for that origin Returns: The origin_visit information """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """\ SELECT %s FROM origin_visit ov INNER JOIN origin o ON o.id = ov.origin INNER JOIN origin_visit_status ovs USING (origin, visit) WHERE o.url = %%s AND ov.visit = %%s ORDER BY ovs.date DESC LIMIT 1 """ % ( ", ".join(self.origin_visit_select_cols) ) cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id)) r = cur.fetchall() if not r: return None return r[0] def origin_visit_find_by_date(self, origin, visit_date, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM swh_visit_find_by_date(%s, %s)", (origin, visit_date) ) rows = cur.fetchall() if rows: visit = dict(zip(self.origin_visit_get_cols, rows[0])) visit["origin"] = origin return visit def origin_visit_exists(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None): """Check whether an origin visit with the given ids exists""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = "SELECT 1 FROM origin_visit where origin = %s AND visit = %s" cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id)) return bool(cur.fetchone()) def origin_visit_get_latest( self, origin_id: str, type: Optional[str], allowed_statuses: Optional[Iterable[str]], require_snapshot: bool, cur=None, ): """Retrieve the most recent origin_visit of the given origin, with optional filters. Args: origin_id: the origin concerned type: Optional visit type to filter on allowed_statuses: the visit statuses allowed for the returned visit require_snapshot (bool): If True, only a visit with a known snapshot will be returned. Returns: The origin_visit information, or None if no visit matches. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query_parts = [ "SELECT %s" % ", ".join(self.origin_visit_select_cols), "FROM origin_visit ov ", "INNER JOIN origin o ON o.id = ov.origin", "INNER JOIN origin_visit_status ovs USING (origin, visit)", ] query_parts.append("WHERE o.url = %s") query_params: List[Any] = [origin_id] if type is not None: query_parts.append("AND ov.type = %s") query_params.append(type) if require_snapshot: query_parts.append("AND ovs.snapshot is not null") if allowed_statuses: query_parts.append("AND ovs.status IN %s") query_params.append(tuple(allowed_statuses)) query_parts.append( "ORDER BY ov.date DESC, ov.visit DESC, ovs.date DESC LIMIT 1" ) query = "\n".join(query_parts) cur.execute(query, tuple(query_params)) r = cur.fetchone() if not r: return None return r def origin_visit_get_random(self, type, cur=None): """Randomly select one origin visit that was full and in the last 3 months """ cur = self._cursor(cur) columns = ",".join(self.origin_visit_select_cols) query = f"""select {columns} from origin_visit ov inner join origin o on ov.origin=o.id inner join origin_visit_status ovs using (origin, visit) where ovs.status='full' and ov.type=%s and ov.date > now() - '3 months'::interval and random() < 0.1 limit 1 """ cur.execute(query, (type,)) return cur.fetchone() @staticmethod def mangle_query_key(key, main_table): if key == "id": return "t.id" if key == "parents": return """ ARRAY( SELECT rh.parent_id::bytea FROM revision_history rh WHERE rh.id = t.id ORDER BY rh.parent_rank )""" if "_" not in key: return "%s.%s" % (main_table, key) head, tail = key.split("_", 1) if head in ("author", "committer") and tail in ( "name", "email", "id", "fullname", ): return "%s.%s" % (head, tail) return "%s.%s" % (main_table, key) def revision_get_from_list(self, revisions, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query_keys = ", ".join( self.mangle_query_key(k, "revision") for k in self.revision_get_cols ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sortkey, id) LEFT JOIN revision ON t.id = revision.id LEFT JOIN person author ON revision.author = author.id LEFT JOIN person committer ON revision.committer = committer.id ORDER BY sortkey """ % query_keys, ((sortkey, id) for sortkey, id in enumerate(revisions)), ) extid_cols = ["extid", "extid_version", "extid_type", "target", "target_type"] def extid_get_from_extid_list(self, extid_type, ids, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query_keys = ", ".join( self.mangle_query_key(k, "extid") for k in self.extid_cols ) sql = """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sortkey, extid, extid_type) LEFT JOIN extid USING (extid, extid_type) ORDER BY sortkey """ % ( query_keys, ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, sql, (((sortkey, extid, extid_type) for sortkey, extid in enumerate(ids))), ) def extid_get_from_swhid_list(self, target_type, ids, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) target_type = ObjectType( target_type ).name.lower() # aka "rev" -> "revision", ... query_keys = ", ".join( self.mangle_query_key(k, "extid") for k in self.extid_cols ) sql = """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sortkey, target, target_type) LEFT JOIN extid USING (target, target_type) ORDER BY sortkey """ % ( query_keys, ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, sql, (((sortkey, target, target_type) for sortkey, target in enumerate(ids))), template=b"(%s,%s,%s::object_type)", ) def revision_log(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM swh_revision_log(%%s, %%s) """ % ", ".join( self.revision_get_cols ) cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit)) yield from cur revision_shortlog_cols = ["id", "parents"] def revision_shortlog(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM swh_revision_list(%%s, %%s) """ % ", ".join( self.revision_shortlog_cols ) cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit)) yield from cur def revision_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table("revision", ["id"], "id", cur) def release_missing_from_list(self, releases, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM release r WHERE r.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in releases), ) object_find_by_sha1_git_cols = ["sha1_git", "type"] def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ WITH t (sha1_git) AS (VALUES %s), known_objects as (( select id as sha1_git, 'release'::object_type as type, object_id from release r where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = r.id) ) union all ( select id as sha1_git, 'revision'::object_type as type, object_id from revision r where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = r.id) ) union all ( select id as sha1_git, 'directory'::object_type as type, object_id from directory d where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = d.id) ) union all ( select sha1_git as sha1_git, 'content'::object_type as type, object_id from content c where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = c.sha1_git) )) select t.sha1_git as sha1_git, k.type from t left join known_objects k on t.sha1_git = k.sha1_git """, ((id,) for id in ids), ) def stat_counters(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM swh_stat_counters()") yield from cur def origin_add(self, url, cur=None): """Insert a new origin and return the new identifier.""" insert = """INSERT INTO origin (url) values (%s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING """ cur.execute(insert, (url,)) return cur.rowcount origin_cols = ["url"] def origin_get_by_url(self, origins, cur=None): """Retrieve origin `(type, url)` from urls if found.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(url) LEFT JOIN origin ON t.url = origin.url """ % ",".join( "origin." + col for col in self.origin_cols ) yield from execute_values_generator(cur, query, ((url,) for url in origins)) def origin_get_by_sha1(self, sha1s, cur=None): """Retrieve origin urls from sha1s if found.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sha1) LEFT JOIN origin ON t.sha1 = digest(origin.url, 'sha1') """ % ",".join( "origin." + col for col in self.origin_cols ) yield from execute_values_generator(cur, query, ((sha1,) for sha1 in sha1s)) def origin_id_get_by_url(self, origins, cur=None): """Retrieve origin `(type, url)` from urls if found.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(url) LEFT JOIN origin ON t.url = origin.url """ for row in execute_values_generator(cur, query, ((url,) for url in origins)): yield row[0] origin_get_range_cols = ["id", "url"] def origin_get_range(self, origin_from: int = 1, origin_count: int = 100, cur=None): """Retrieve ``origin_count`` origins whose ids are greater or equal than ``origin_from``. Origins are sorted by id before retrieving them. Args: origin_from: the minimum id of origins to retrieve origin_count: the maximum number of origins to retrieve """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM origin WHERE id >= %%s ORDER BY id LIMIT %%s """ % ",".join( self.origin_get_range_cols ) cur.execute(query, (origin_from, origin_count)) yield from cur def _origin_query( self, url_pattern, count=False, offset=0, limit=50, regexp=False, with_visit=False, visit_types=None, cur=None, ): """ Method factorizing query creation for searching and counting origins. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) if count: origin_cols = "COUNT(*)" order_clause = "" else: origin_cols = ",".join(self.origin_cols) order_clause = "ORDER BY id" if not regexp: operator = "ILIKE" query_params = [f"%{url_pattern}%"] else: operator = "~*" query_params = [url_pattern] query = f""" WITH filtered_origins AS ( SELECT * FROM origin WHERE url {operator} %s {order_clause} ) SELECT {origin_cols} FROM filtered_origins AS o """ if with_visit or visit_types: visit_predicat = ( """ INNER JOIN origin_visit_status ovs USING (origin, visit) INNER JOIN snapshot ON ovs.snapshot=snapshot.id """ if with_visit else "" ) type_predicat = ( f"AND ov.type=any(ARRAY{visit_types})" if visit_types else "" ) query += f""" WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM origin_visit ov {visit_predicat} WHERE ov.origin=o.id {type_predicat} ) """ if not count: query += "OFFSET %s LIMIT %s" query_params.extend([offset, limit]) cur.execute(query, query_params) def origin_search( self, url_pattern: str, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 50, regexp: bool = False, with_visit: bool = False, visit_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, cur=None, ): """Search for origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern or match a provided regular expression. The search is performed in a case insensitive way. Args: url_pattern: the string pattern to search for in origin urls offset: number of found origins to skip before returning results limit: the maximum number of found origins to return regexp: if True, consider the provided pattern as a regular expression and returns origins whose urls match it with_visit: if True, filter out origins with no visit """ self._origin_query( url_pattern, offset=offset, limit=limit, regexp=regexp, with_visit=with_visit, visit_types=visit_types, cur=cur, ) yield from cur def origin_count(self, url_pattern, regexp=False, with_visit=False, cur=None): """Count origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern or match a provided regular expression. The pattern search in origin urls is performed in a case insensitive way. Args: url_pattern (str): the string pattern to search for in origin urls regexp (bool): if True, consider the provided pattern as a regular expression and returns origins whose urls match it with_visit (bool): if True, filter out origins with no visit """ self._origin_query( url_pattern, count=True, regexp=regexp, with_visit=with_visit, cur=cur ) return cur.fetchone()[0] release_add_cols = [ "id", "target", "target_type", "date", "date_offset", "date_neg_utc_offset", "name", "comment", "synthetic", "author_fullname", "author_name", "author_email", ] release_get_cols = release_add_cols def release_get_from_list(self, releases, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query_keys = ", ".join( self.mangle_query_key(k, "release") for k in self.release_get_cols ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sortkey, id) LEFT JOIN release ON t.id = release.id LEFT JOIN person author ON release.author = author.id ORDER BY sortkey """ % query_keys, ((sortkey, id) for sortkey, id in enumerate(releases)), ) def release_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table("release", ["id"], "id", cur) _raw_extrinsic_metadata_context_cols = [ "origin", "visit", "snapshot", "release", "revision", "path", "directory", ] """The list of context columns for all artifact types.""" _raw_extrinsic_metadata_insert_cols = [ "id", "type", "target", "authority_id", "fetcher_id", "discovery_date", "format", "metadata", *_raw_extrinsic_metadata_context_cols, ] """List of columns of the raw_extrinsic_metadata table, used when writing metadata.""" _raw_extrinsic_metadata_insert_query = f""" INSERT INTO raw_extrinsic_metadata ({', '.join(_raw_extrinsic_metadata_insert_cols)}) VALUES ({', '.join('%s' for _ in _raw_extrinsic_metadata_insert_cols)}) ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING """ raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_cols = [ "raw_extrinsic_metadata.target", "raw_extrinsic_metadata.type", "discovery_date", "metadata_authority.type", "metadata_authority.url", "metadata_fetcher.id", "metadata_fetcher.name", "metadata_fetcher.version", *_raw_extrinsic_metadata_context_cols, "format", "raw_extrinsic_metadata.metadata", ] """List of columns of the raw_extrinsic_metadata, metadata_authority, and metadata_fetcher tables, used when reading object metadata.""" _raw_extrinsic_metadata_select_query = f""" SELECT {', '.join(raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_cols)} FROM raw_extrinsic_metadata INNER JOIN metadata_authority ON (metadata_authority.id=authority_id) INNER JOIN metadata_fetcher ON (metadata_fetcher.id=fetcher_id) """ def raw_extrinsic_metadata_add( self, id: bytes, type: str, target: str, discovery_date: datetime.datetime, authority_id: int, fetcher_id: int, format: str, metadata: bytes, origin: Optional[str], visit: Optional[int], snapshot: Optional[str], release: Optional[str], revision: Optional[str], path: Optional[bytes], directory: Optional[str], cur, ): query = self._raw_extrinsic_metadata_insert_query args: Dict[str, Any] = dict( id=id, type=type, target=target, authority_id=authority_id, fetcher_id=fetcher_id, discovery_date=discovery_date, format=format, metadata=metadata, origin=origin, visit=visit, snapshot=snapshot, release=release, revision=revision, path=path, directory=directory, ) params = [args[col] for col in self._raw_extrinsic_metadata_insert_cols] cur.execute(query, params) def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( self, target: str, authority_id: int, after_time: Optional[datetime.datetime], after_fetcher: Optional[int], limit: int, cur, ): query_parts = [self._raw_extrinsic_metadata_select_query] query_parts.append("WHERE raw_extrinsic_metadata.target=%s AND authority_id=%s") args = [target, authority_id] if after_fetcher is not None: assert after_time query_parts.append("AND (discovery_date, fetcher_id) > (%s, %s)") args.extend([after_time, after_fetcher]) elif after_time is not None: query_parts.append("AND discovery_date > %s") args.append(after_time) query_parts.append("ORDER BY discovery_date, fetcher_id") if limit: query_parts.append("LIMIT %s") args.append(limit) cur.execute(" ".join(query_parts), args) yield from cur def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_by_ids(self, ids: List[Sha1Git], cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, self._raw_extrinsic_metadata_select_query + "INNER JOIN (VALUES %s) AS t(id) ON t.id = raw_extrinsic_metadata.id", [(id_,) for id_ in ids], ) def raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_authorities(self, id: str, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( """ SELECT DISTINCT metadata_authority.type, metadata_authority.url FROM raw_extrinsic_metadata INNER JOIN metadata_authority ON (metadata_authority.id=authority_id) WHERE raw_extrinsic_metadata.target = %s """, (id,), ) yield from cur metadata_fetcher_cols = ["name", "version"] def metadata_fetcher_add(self, name: str, version: str, cur=None) -> None: cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO metadata_fetcher (name, version) " "VALUES (%s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", (name, version), ) def metadata_fetcher_get(self, name: str, version: str, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( f"SELECT {', '.join(self.metadata_fetcher_cols)} " f"FROM metadata_fetcher " f"WHERE name=%s AND version=%s", (name, version), ) return cur.fetchone() def metadata_fetcher_get_id( self, name: str, version: str, cur=None ) -> Optional[int]: cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( "SELECT id FROM metadata_fetcher WHERE name=%s AND version=%s", (name, version), ) row = cur.fetchone() if row: return row[0] else: return None metadata_authority_cols = ["type", "url"] def metadata_authority_add(self, type: str, url: str, cur=None) -> None: cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO metadata_authority (type, url) " "VALUES (%s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", (type, url), ) def metadata_authority_get(self, type: str, url: str, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( f"SELECT {', '.join(self.metadata_authority_cols)} " f"FROM metadata_authority " f"WHERE type=%s AND url=%s", (type, url), ) return cur.fetchone() def metadata_authority_get_id(self, type: str, url: str, cur=None) -> Optional[int]: cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( "SELECT id FROM metadata_authority WHERE type=%s AND url=%s", (type, url) ) row = cur.fetchone() if row: return row[0] else: return None def _get_random_row_from_table(self, table_name, cols, id_col, cur=None): random_sha1 = bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(SHA1_SIZE)) cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """ (SELECT {cols} FROM {table} WHERE {id_col} >= %s ORDER BY {id_col} LIMIT 1) UNION (SELECT {cols} FROM {table} WHERE {id_col} < %s ORDER BY {id_col} DESC LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1 """.format( cols=", ".join(cols), table=table_name, id_col=id_col ) cur.execute(query, (random_sha1, random_sha1)) row = cur.fetchone() if row: return row[0] dbversion_cols = ["version", "release", "description"] def dbversion(self): with self.transaction() as cur: cur.execute( f""" SELECT {', '.join(self.dbversion_cols)} FROM dbversion ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1 """ ) return dict(zip(self.dbversion_cols, cur.fetchone())) def check_dbversion(self): dbversion = self.dbversion()["version"] if dbversion != self.current_version: logger.warning( "database dbversion (%s) != %s current_version (%s)", dbversion, __name__, self.current_version, ) return dbversion == self.current_version diff --git a/swh/storage/tests/storage_tests.py b/swh/storage/tests/storage_tests.py index cd270aed..5cfb592a 100644 --- a/swh/storage/tests/storage_tests.py +++ b/swh/storage/tests/storage_tests.py @@ -1,4617 +1,4619 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from collections import defaultdict import datetime from datetime import timedelta import inspect import itertools import math import random from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Iterator, Optional from unittest.mock import MagicMock import attr from hypothesis import HealthCheck, given, settings, strategies import pytest from swh.core.api.classes import stream_results from swh.model import from_disk from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, hash_to_bytes from swh.model.hypothesis_strategies import objects from swh.model.identifiers import CoreSWHID, ObjectType from swh.model.model import ( Content, Directory, ExtID, Origin, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus, Person, RawExtrinsicMetadata, Revision, SkippedContent, Snapshot, SnapshotBranch, TargetType, ) from swh.storage import get_storage from swh.storage.common import origin_url_to_sha1 as sha1 from swh.storage.exc import HashCollision, StorageArgumentException from swh.storage.interface import ListOrder, PagedResult, StorageInterface from swh.storage.tests.conftest import function_scoped_fixture_check from swh.storage.utils import ( content_hex_hashes, now, remove_keys, round_to_milliseconds, ) def transform_entries( storage: StorageInterface, dir_: Directory, *, prefix: bytes = b"" ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Iterate through a directory's entries, and yields the items 'directory_ls' is expected to return; including content metadata for file entries.""" for ent in dir_.entries: if ent.type == "dir": yield { "dir_id": dir_.id, "type": ent.type, "target": ent.target, "name": prefix + ent.name, "perms": ent.perms, "status": None, "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "length": None, } elif ent.type == "file": contents = storage.content_find({"sha1_git": ent.target}) assert contents ent_dict = contents[0].to_dict() for key in ["ctime", "blake2s256"]: ent_dict.pop(key, None) ent_dict.update( { "dir_id": dir_.id, "type": ent.type, "target": ent.target, "name": prefix + ent.name, "perms": ent.perms, } ) yield ent_dict def assert_contents_ok( expected_contents, actual_contents, keys_to_check={"sha1", "data"} ): """Assert that a given list of contents matches on a given set of keys. """ for k in keys_to_check: expected_list = set([c.get(k) for c in expected_contents]) actual_list = set([c.get(k) for c in actual_contents]) assert actual_list == expected_list, k class LazyContent(Content): def with_data(self): return Content.from_dict({**self.to_dict(), "data": b"42\n"}) class TestStorage: """Main class for Storage testing. This class is used as-is to test local storage (see TestLocalStorage below) and remote storage (see TestRemoteStorage in test_remote_storage.py. We need to have the two classes inherit from this base class separately to avoid nosetests running the tests from the base class twice. """ maxDiff = None # type: ClassVar[Optional[int]] def test_types(self, swh_storage_backend_config): """Checks all methods of StorageInterface are implemented by this backend, and that they have the same signature.""" # Create an instance of the protocol (which cannot be instantiated # directly, so this creates a subclass, then instantiates it) interface = type("_", (StorageInterface,), {})() storage = get_storage(**swh_storage_backend_config) assert "content_add" in dir(interface) missing_methods = [] for meth_name in dir(interface): if meth_name.startswith("_"): continue interface_meth = getattr(interface, meth_name) try: concrete_meth = getattr(storage, meth_name) except AttributeError: if not getattr(interface_meth, "deprecated_endpoint", False): # The backend is missing a (non-deprecated) endpoint missing_methods.append(meth_name) continue expected_signature = inspect.signature(interface_meth) actual_signature = inspect.signature(concrete_meth) assert expected_signature == actual_signature, meth_name assert missing_methods == [] # If all the assertions above succeed, then this one should too. # But there's no harm in double-checking. # And we could replace the assertions above by this one, but unlike # the assertions above, it doesn't explain what is missing. assert isinstance(storage, StorageInterface) def test_check_config(self, swh_storage): assert swh_storage.check_config(check_write=True) assert swh_storage.check_config(check_write=False) def test_content_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont = sample_data.content insertion_start_time = now() actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([cont]) insertion_end_time = now() assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": cont.length, } assert swh_storage.content_get_data(cont.sha1) == cont.data expected_cont = attr.evolve(cont, data=None) contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: assert insertion_start_time <= obj.ctime assert obj.ctime <= insertion_end_time assert obj == expected_cont swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["content"] == 1 def test_content_add_from_lazy_content(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont = sample_data.content lazy_content = LazyContent.from_dict(cont.to_dict()) insertion_start_time = now() actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([lazy_content]) insertion_end_time = now() assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": cont.length, } # the fact that we retrieve the content object from the storage with # the correct 'data' field ensures it has been 'called' assert swh_storage.content_get_data(cont.sha1) == cont.data expected_cont = attr.evolve(lazy_content, data=None, ctime=None) contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: assert insertion_start_time <= obj.ctime assert obj.ctime <= insertion_end_time assert attr.evolve(obj, ctime=None).to_dict() == expected_cont.to_dict() swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["content"] == 1 def test_content_get_data_missing(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont, cont2 = sample_data.contents[:2] swh_storage.content_add([cont]) # Query a single missing content actual_content_data = swh_storage.content_get_data(cont2.sha1) assert actual_content_data is None # Check content_get does not abort after finding a missing content actual_content_data = swh_storage.content_get_data(cont.sha1) assert actual_content_data == cont.data actual_content_data = swh_storage.content_get_data(cont2.sha1) assert actual_content_data is None def test_content_add_different_input(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont, cont2 = sample_data.contents[:2] actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 2, "content:add:bytes": cont.length + cont2.length, } def test_content_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont, cont2 = sample_data.contents[:2] actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([cont]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": cont.length, } assert len(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == 1 actual_result = swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, "content:add:bytes": cont2.length, } assert 2 <= len(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) <= 3 assert len(swh_storage.content_find(cont.to_dict())) == 1 assert len(swh_storage.content_find(cont2.to_dict())) == 1 def test_content_add_collision(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont1 = sample_data.content # create (corrupted) content with same sha1{,_git} but != sha256 sha256_array = bytearray(cont1.sha256) sha256_array[0] += 1 cont1b = attr.evolve(cont1, sha256=bytes(sha256_array)) with pytest.raises(HashCollision) as cm: swh_storage.content_add([cont1, cont1b]) exc = cm.value actual_algo = exc.algo assert actual_algo in ["sha1", "sha1_git"] actual_id = exc.hash_id assert actual_id == getattr(cont1, actual_algo).hex() collisions = exc.args[2] assert len(collisions) == 2 assert collisions == [ content_hex_hashes(cont1.hashes()), content_hex_hashes(cont1b.hashes()), ] assert exc.colliding_content_hashes() == [ cont1.hashes(), cont1b.hashes(), ] def test_content_add_duplicate(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont = sample_data.content swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont]) assert swh_storage.content_get_data(cont.sha1) == cont.data def test_content_update(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont1 = sample_data.content if hasattr(swh_storage, "journal_writer"): swh_storage.journal_writer.journal = None # TODO, not supported swh_storage.content_add([cont1]) # alter the sha1_git for example cont1b = attr.evolve( cont1, sha1_git=hash_to_bytes("3a60a5275d0333bf13468e8b3dcab90f4046e654") ) swh_storage.content_update([cont1b.to_dict()], keys=["sha1_git"]) actual_contents = swh_storage.content_get([cont1.sha1]) expected_content = attr.evolve(cont1b, data=None) assert actual_contents == [expected_content] def test_content_add_metadata(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont = attr.evolve(sample_data.content, data=None, ctime=now()) actual_result = swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 1, } expected_cont = cont assert swh_storage.content_get([cont.sha1]) == [expected_cont] contents = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "content" ] assert len(contents) == 1 for obj in contents: obj = attr.evolve(obj, ctime=None) assert obj == cont def test_content_add_metadata_different_input(self, swh_storage, sample_data): contents = sample_data.contents[:2] cont = attr.evolve(contents[0], data=None, ctime=now()) cont2 = attr.evolve(contents[1], data=None, ctime=now()) actual_result = swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont, cont2]) assert actual_result == { "content:add": 2, } def test_content_add_metadata_collision(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont1 = attr.evolve(sample_data.content, data=None, ctime=now()) # create (corrupted) content with same sha1{,_git} but != sha256 sha1_git_array = bytearray(cont1.sha256) sha1_git_array[0] += 1 cont1b = attr.evolve(cont1, sha256=bytes(sha1_git_array)) with pytest.raises(HashCollision) as cm: swh_storage.content_add_metadata([cont1, cont1b]) exc = cm.value actual_algo = exc.algo assert actual_algo in ["sha1", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"] actual_id = exc.hash_id assert actual_id == getattr(cont1, actual_algo).hex() collisions = exc.args[2] assert len(collisions) == 2 assert collisions == [ content_hex_hashes(cont1.hashes()), content_hex_hashes(cont1b.hashes()), ] assert exc.colliding_content_hashes() == [ cont1.hashes(), cont1b.hashes(), ] def test_content_add_objstorage_first(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Tests the objstorage is written to before the DB and journal""" cont = sample_data.content swh_storage.objstorage.content_add = MagicMock(side_effect=Exception("Oops")) # Try to add, but the objstorage crashes try: swh_storage.content_add([cont]) except Exception: pass # The DB must be written to after the objstorage, so the DB should be # unchanged if the objstorage crashed assert swh_storage.content_get_data(cont.sha1) is None # The journal too assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [] def test_skipped_content_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): contents = sample_data.skipped_contents[:2] cont = contents[0] cont2 = attr.evolve(contents[1], blake2s256=None) contents_dict = [c.to_dict() for c in [cont, cont2]] missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing(contents_dict)) assert missing == [cont.hashes(), cont2.hashes()] actual_result = swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont, cont, cont2]) assert 2 <= actual_result.pop("skipped_content:add") <= 3 assert actual_result == {} missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing(contents_dict)) assert missing == [] def test_skipped_content_add_missing_hashes(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont, cont2 = [ attr.evolve(c, sha1_git=None) for c in sample_data.skipped_contents[:2] ] contents_dict = [c.to_dict() for c in [cont, cont2]] missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing(contents_dict)) assert len(missing) == 2 actual_result = swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont, cont, cont2]) assert 2 <= actual_result.pop("skipped_content:add") <= 3 assert actual_result == {} missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing(contents_dict)) assert missing == [] def test_skipped_content_missing_partial_hash(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont = sample_data.skipped_content cont2 = attr.evolve(cont, sha1_git=None) contents_dict = [c.to_dict() for c in [cont, cont2]] missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing(contents_dict)) assert len(missing) == 2 actual_result = swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont]) assert actual_result.pop("skipped_content:add") == 1 assert actual_result == {} missing = list(swh_storage.skipped_content_missing(contents_dict)) assert missing == [cont2.hashes()] @pytest.mark.property_based @settings( deadline=None, # this test is very slow suppress_health_check=function_scoped_fixture_check, ) @given( strategies.sets( elements=strategies.sampled_from(["sha256", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"]), min_size=0, ) ) def test_content_missing(self, swh_storage, sample_data, algos): algos |= {"sha1"} content, missing_content = [sample_data.content2, sample_data.skipped_content] swh_storage.content_add([content]) test_contents = [content.to_dict()] missing_per_hash = defaultdict(list) for i in range(256): test_content = missing_content.to_dict() for hash in algos: test_content[hash] = bytes([i]) + test_content[hash][1:] missing_per_hash[hash].append(test_content[hash]) test_contents.append(test_content) assert set(swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents)) == set( missing_per_hash["sha1"] ) for hash in algos: assert set( swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents, key_hash=hash) ) == set(missing_per_hash[hash]) @pytest.mark.property_based @settings(suppress_health_check=function_scoped_fixture_check,) @given( strategies.sets( elements=strategies.sampled_from(["sha256", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"]), min_size=0, ) ) def test_content_missing_unknown_algo(self, swh_storage, sample_data, algos): algos |= {"sha1"} content, missing_content = [sample_data.content2, sample_data.skipped_content] swh_storage.content_add([content]) test_contents = [content.to_dict()] missing_per_hash = defaultdict(list) for i in range(16): test_content = missing_content.to_dict() for hash in algos: test_content[hash] = bytes([i]) + test_content[hash][1:] missing_per_hash[hash].append(test_content[hash]) test_content["nonexisting_algo"] = b"\x00" test_contents.append(test_content) assert set(swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents)) == set( missing_per_hash["sha1"] ) for hash in algos: assert set( swh_storage.content_missing(test_contents, key_hash=hash) ) == set(missing_per_hash[hash]) def test_content_missing_per_sha1(self, swh_storage, sample_data): # given cont = sample_data.content cont2 = sample_data.content2 missing_cont = sample_data.skipped_content missing_cont2 = sample_data.skipped_content2 swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) # when gen = swh_storage.content_missing_per_sha1( [cont.sha1, missing_cont.sha1, cont2.sha1, missing_cont2.sha1] ) # then assert list(gen) == [missing_cont.sha1, missing_cont2.sha1] def test_content_missing_per_sha1_git(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont, cont2 = sample_data.contents[:2] missing_cont = sample_data.skipped_content missing_cont2 = sample_data.skipped_content2 swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) contents = [ cont.sha1_git, cont2.sha1_git, missing_cont.sha1_git, missing_cont2.sha1_git, ] missing_contents = swh_storage.content_missing_per_sha1_git(contents) assert list(missing_contents) == [missing_cont.sha1_git, missing_cont2.sha1_git] missing_contents = swh_storage.content_missing_per_sha1_git([]) assert list(missing_contents) == [] def test_content_get_partition(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition paginates results if limit exceeded""" expected_contents = [ attr.evolve(c, data=None) for c in swh_contents if c.status != "absent" ] actual_contents = [] for i in range(16): actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition(i, 16) assert actual_result.next_page_token is None actual_contents.extend(actual_result.results) assert len(actual_contents) == len(expected_contents) for content in actual_contents: assert content in expected_contents assert content.ctime is None def test_content_get_partition_full(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition for a single partition returns all available contents """ expected_contents = [ attr.evolve(c, data=None) for c in swh_contents if c.status != "absent" ] actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition(0, 1) assert actual_result.next_page_token is None actual_contents = actual_result.results assert len(actual_contents) == len(expected_contents) for content in actual_contents: assert content in expected_contents def test_content_get_partition_empty(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition when at least one of the partitions is empty""" expected_contents = { cont.sha1 for cont in swh_contents if cont.status != "absent" } # nb_partitions = smallest power of 2 such that at least one of # the partitions is empty nb_partitions = 1 << math.floor(math.log2(len(swh_contents)) + 1) seen_sha1s = [] for i in range(nb_partitions): actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition( i, nb_partitions, limit=len(swh_contents) + 1 ) for content in actual_result.results: seen_sha1s.append(content.sha1) # Limit is higher than the max number of results assert actual_result.next_page_token is None assert set(seen_sha1s) == expected_contents def test_content_get_partition_limit_none(self, swh_storage): """content_get_partition call with wrong limit input should fail""" with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="limit should not be None"): swh_storage.content_get_partition(1, 16, limit=None) def test_content_get_partition_pagination_generate(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): """content_get_partition returns contents within range provided""" expected_contents = [ attr.evolve(c, data=None) for c in swh_contents if c.status != "absent" ] # retrieve contents actual_contents = [] for i in range(4): page_token = None while True: actual_result = swh_storage.content_get_partition( i, 4, limit=3, page_token=page_token ) actual_contents.extend(actual_result.results) page_token = actual_result.next_page_token if page_token is None: break assert len(actual_contents) == len(expected_contents) for content in actual_contents: assert content in expected_contents @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", sorted(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)) def test_content_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data, algo): cont1, cont2 = sample_data.contents[:2] swh_storage.content_add([cont1, cont2]) actual_contents = swh_storage.content_get( [getattr(cont1, algo), getattr(cont2, algo)], algo ) # we only retrieve the metadata so no data nor ctime within expected_contents = [attr.evolve(c, data=None) for c in [cont1, cont2]] assert actual_contents == expected_contents for content in actual_contents: assert content.ctime is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", sorted(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)) def test_content_get_missing(self, swh_storage, sample_data, algo): cont1, cont2 = sample_data.contents[:2] assert cont1.sha1 != cont2.sha1 missing_cont = sample_data.skipped_content swh_storage.content_add([cont1, cont2]) actual_contents = swh_storage.content_get( [getattr(cont1, algo), getattr(cont2, algo), getattr(missing_cont, algo)], algo, ) expected_contents = [ attr.evolve(c, data=None) if c else None for c in [cont1, cont2, None] ] assert actual_contents == expected_contents def test_content_get_random(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont, cont2, cont3 = sample_data.contents[:3] swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2, cont3]) assert swh_storage.content_get_random() in { cont.sha1_git, cont2.sha1_git, cont3.sha1_git, } def test_directory_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content directory = sample_data.directories[1] assert directory.entries[0].target == content.sha1_git swh_storage.content_add([content]) init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing([directory.id])) assert [directory.id] == init_missing actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([directory]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 1} assert ("directory", directory) in list( swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects ) actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(directory.id)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(swh_storage, directory)) for data in actual_data: assert data in expected_data after_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing([directory.id])) assert after_missing == [] swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["directory"] == 1 def test_directory_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): directory = sample_data.directories[1] actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([directory]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", directory) ] actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([directory]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 0} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("directory", directory) ] def test_directory_ls_recursive(self, swh_storage, sample_data): # create consistent dataset regarding the directories we want to list content, content2 = sample_data.contents[:2] swh_storage.content_add([content, content2]) dir1, dir2, dir3 = sample_data.directories[:3] dir_ids = [d.id for d in [dir1, dir2, dir3]] init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing(dir_ids)) assert init_missing == dir_ids actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([dir1, dir2, dir3]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 3} # List directory containing one file actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(dir1.id, recursive=True)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(swh_storage, dir1)) for data in actual_data: assert data in expected_data # List directory containing a file and an unknown subdirectory actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(dir2.id, recursive=True)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(swh_storage, dir2)) for data in actual_data: assert data in expected_data # List directory containing both a known and unknown subdirectory, entries # should be both those of the directory and of the known subdir (up to contents) actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(dir3.id, recursive=True)) expected_data = list( itertools.chain( transform_entries(swh_storage, dir3), transform_entries(swh_storage, dir2, prefix=b"subdir/"), ) ) for data in actual_data: assert data in expected_data def test_directory_ls_non_recursive(self, swh_storage, sample_data): # create consistent dataset regarding the directories we want to list content, content2 = sample_data.contents[:2] swh_storage.content_add([content, content2]) dir1, dir2, dir3, _, dir5 = sample_data.directories[:5] dir_ids = [d.id for d in [dir1, dir2, dir3, dir5]] init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing(dir_ids)) assert init_missing == dir_ids actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([dir1, dir2, dir3, dir5]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 4} # List directory containing a file and an unknown subdirectory actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(dir1.id)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(swh_storage, dir1)) for data in actual_data: assert data in expected_data # List directory containing a single file actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(dir2.id)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(swh_storage, dir2)) for data in actual_data: assert data in expected_data # List directory containing a known subdirectory, entries should # only be those of the parent directory, not of the subdir actual_data = list(swh_storage.directory_ls(dir3.id)) expected_data = list(transform_entries(swh_storage, dir3)) for data in actual_data: assert data in expected_data def test_directory_ls_missing_content(self, swh_storage, sample_data): swh_storage.directory_add([sample_data.directory2]) assert list(swh_storage.directory_ls(sample_data.directory2.id)) == [ { "dir_id": sample_data.directory2.id, "length": None, "name": b"oof", "perms": 33188, "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "status": None, "target": sample_data.directory2.entries[0].target, "type": "file", }, ] def test_directory_ls_skipped_content(self, swh_storage, sample_data): swh_storage.directory_add([sample_data.directory2]) cont = SkippedContent( sha1_git=sample_data.directory2.entries[0].target, sha1=b"c" * 20, sha256=None, blake2s256=None, length=42, status="absent", reason="You need a premium subscription to access this content", ) swh_storage.skipped_content_add([cont]) assert list(swh_storage.directory_ls(sample_data.directory2.id)) == [ { "dir_id": sample_data.directory2.id, "length": 42, "name": b"oof", "perms": 33188, "sha1": b"c" * 20, "sha1_git": sample_data.directory2.entries[0].target, "sha256": None, "status": "absent", "target": sample_data.directory2.entries[0].target, "type": "file", }, ] def test_directory_entry_get_by_path(self, swh_storage, sample_data): cont, content2 = sample_data.contents[:2] dir1, dir2, dir3, dir4, dir5 = sample_data.directories[:5] # given dir_ids = [d.id for d in [dir1, dir2, dir3, dir4, dir5]] init_missing = list(swh_storage.directory_missing(dir_ids)) assert init_missing == dir_ids actual_result = swh_storage.directory_add([dir3, dir4]) assert actual_result == {"directory:add": 2} expected_entries = [ { "dir_id": dir3.id, "name": b"foo", "type": "file", "target": cont.sha1_git, "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "status": None, "perms": from_disk.DentryPerms.content, "length": None, }, { "dir_id": dir3.id, "name": b"subdir", "type": "dir", "target": dir2.id, "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "status": None, "perms": from_disk.DentryPerms.directory, "length": None, }, { "dir_id": dir3.id, "name": b"hello", "type": "file", "target": content2.sha1_git, "sha1": None, "sha1_git": None, "sha256": None, "status": None, "perms": from_disk.DentryPerms.content, "length": None, }, ] # when (all must be found here) for entry, expected_entry in zip(dir3.entries, expected_entries): actual_entry = swh_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( dir3.id, [entry.name] ) assert actual_entry == expected_entry # same, but deeper for entry, expected_entry in zip(dir3.entries, expected_entries): actual_entry = swh_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( dir4.id, [b"subdir1", entry.name] ) expected_entry = expected_entry.copy() expected_entry["name"] = b"subdir1/" + expected_entry["name"] assert actual_entry == expected_entry # when (nothing should be found here since `dir` is not persisted.) for entry in dir2.entries: actual_entry = swh_storage.directory_entry_get_by_path( dir2.id, [entry.name] ) assert actual_entry is None def test_directory_get_entries_pagination(self, swh_storage, sample_data): # Note: this test assumes entries are returned in lexicographic order, # which is not actually guaranteed by the interface. dir_ = sample_data.directory3 entries = sorted(dir_.entries, key=lambda entry: entry.name) swh_storage.directory_add(sample_data.directories) # No pagination needed actual_data = swh_storage.directory_get_entries(dir_.id) assert actual_data == PagedResult(results=entries, next_page_token=None) # A little pagination actual_data = swh_storage.directory_get_entries(dir_.id, limit=2) assert actual_data.results == entries[0:2] assert actual_data.next_page_token is not None actual_data = swh_storage.directory_get_entries( dir_.id, page_token=actual_data.next_page_token ) assert actual_data == PagedResult(results=entries[2:], next_page_token=None) @pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) def test_directory_get_entries(self, swh_storage, sample_data, limit): dir_ = sample_data.directory3 swh_storage.directory_add(sample_data.directories) actual_data = list( stream_results(swh_storage.directory_get_entries, dir_.id, limit=limit,) ) assert sorted(actual_data) == sorted(dir_.entries) def test_directory_get_random(self, swh_storage, sample_data): dir1, dir2, dir3 = sample_data.directories[:3] swh_storage.directory_add([dir1, dir2, dir3]) assert swh_storage.directory_get_random() in { dir1.id, dir2.id, dir3.id, } def test_revision_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision = sample_data.revision init_missing = swh_storage.revision_missing([revision.id]) assert list(init_missing) == [revision.id] actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} end_missing = swh_storage.revision_missing([revision.id]) assert list(end_missing) == [] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("revision", revision) ] # already there so nothing added actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 0} swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["revision"] == 1 def test_revision_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision, revision2 = sample_data.revisions[:2] actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("revision", revision) ] actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision, revision2]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("revision", revision), ("revision", revision2), ] def test_revision_add_name_clash(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision, revision2 = sample_data.revisions[:2] revision1 = attr.evolve( revision, author=Person( fullname=b"John Doe ", name=b"John Doe", email=b"john.doe@example.com", ), ) revision2 = attr.evolve( revision2, author=Person( fullname=b"John Doe ", name=b"John Doe ", email=b"john.doe@example.com ", ), ) actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision1, revision2]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 2} def test_revision_get_order(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision, revision2 = sample_data.revisions[:2] add_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision, revision2]) assert add_result == {"revision:add": 2} # order 1 actual_revisions = swh_storage.revision_get([revision.id, revision2.id]) assert actual_revisions == [revision, revision2] # order 2 actual_revisions2 = swh_storage.revision_get([revision2.id, revision.id]) assert actual_revisions2 == [revision2, revision] def test_revision_log(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4 = sample_data.revisions[:4] # rev4 -is-child-of-> rev3 -> rev1, (rev2 -> rev1) swh_storage.revision_add([revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4]) # when results = list(swh_storage.revision_log([revision4.id])) # for comparison purposes actual_results = [Revision.from_dict(r) for r in results] assert len(actual_results) == 4 # rev4 -child-> rev3 -> rev1, (rev2 -> rev1) assert actual_results == [revision4, revision3, revision1, revision2] def test_revision_log_with_limit(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4 = sample_data.revisions[:4] # revision4 -is-child-of-> revision3 swh_storage.revision_add([revision3, revision4]) results = list(swh_storage.revision_log([revision4.id], 1)) actual_results = [Revision.from_dict(r) for r in results] assert len(actual_results) == 1 assert actual_results[0] == revision4 def test_revision_log_unknown_revision(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision = sample_data.revision rev_log = list(swh_storage.revision_log([revision.id])) assert rev_log == [] def test_revision_shortlog(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4 = sample_data.revisions[:4] # rev4 -is-child-of-> rev3 -> (rev1, rev2); rev2 -> rev1 swh_storage.revision_add([revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4]) results = list(swh_storage.revision_shortlog([revision4.id])) actual_results = [[id, tuple(parents)] for (id, parents) in results] assert len(actual_results) == 4 assert actual_results == [ [revision4.id, revision4.parents], [revision3.id, revision3.parents], [revision1.id, revision1.parents], [revision2.id, revision2.parents], ] def test_revision_shortlog_with_limit(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4 = sample_data.revisions[:4] # revision4 -is-child-of-> revision3 swh_storage.revision_add([revision1, revision2, revision3, revision4]) results = list(swh_storage.revision_shortlog([revision4.id], 1)) actual_results = [[id, tuple(parents)] for (id, parents) in results] assert len(actual_results) == 1 assert list(actual_results[0]) == [revision4.id, revision4.parents] def test_revision_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision, revision2 = sample_data.revisions[:2] swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) actual_revisions = swh_storage.revision_get([revision.id, revision2.id]) assert len(actual_revisions) == 2 assert actual_revisions == [revision, None] def test_revision_get_no_parents(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision = sample_data.revision swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) actual_revision = swh_storage.revision_get([revision.id])[0] assert revision.parents == () assert actual_revision.parents == () # no parents on this one def test_revision_get_random(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision1, revision2, revision3 = sample_data.revisions[:3] swh_storage.revision_add([revision1, revision2, revision3]) assert swh_storage.revision_get_random() in { revision1.id, revision2.id, revision3.id, } def test_revision_missing_many(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Large number of revision ids to check can cause ScyllaDB to reject queries.""" revision = sample_data.revision ids = [bytes([b1, b2]) * 10 for b1 in range(256) for b2 in range(10)] ids.append(revision.id) ids.sort() init_missing = swh_storage.revision_missing(ids) assert set(init_missing) == set(ids) actual_result = swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) assert actual_result == {"revision:add": 1} end_missing = swh_storage.revision_missing(ids) assert set(end_missing) == set(ids) - {revision.id} def test_extid_add_git(self, swh_storage, sample_data): gitids = [ revision.id for revision in sample_data.revisions if revision.type.value == "git" ] extids = [ ExtID( extid=gitid, extid_type="git", target=CoreSWHID(object_id=gitid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for gitid in gitids ] assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("git", gitids) == [] assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, gitids) == [] summary = swh_storage.extid_add(extids) assert summary == {"extid:add": len(gitids)} assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("git", gitids) == extids assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, gitids) == extids assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("hg", gitids) == [] assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.RELEASE, gitids) == [] # check ExtIDs have been added to the journal extids_in_journal = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "extid" ] assert extids == extids_in_journal def test_extid_add_hg(self, swh_storage, sample_data): def get_node(revision): node = None if revision.extra_headers: node = dict(revision.extra_headers).get(b"node") if node is None and revision.metadata: node = hash_to_bytes(revision.metadata.get("node")) return node swhids = [ revision.id for revision in sample_data.revisions if revision.type.value == "hg" ] extids = [ get_node(revision) for revision in sample_data.revisions if revision.type.value == "hg" ] assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("hg", extids) == [] assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, swhids) == [] extid_objs = [ ExtID( extid=hgid, extid_type="hg", extid_version=1, target=CoreSWHID(object_id=swhid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for hgid, swhid in zip(extids, swhids) ] summary = swh_storage.extid_add(extid_objs) assert summary == {"extid:add": len(swhids)} assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("hg", extids) == extid_objs assert ( swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, swhids) == extid_objs ) assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("git", extids) == [] assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.RELEASE, swhids) == [] # check ExtIDs have been added to the journal extids_in_journal = [ obj for (obj_type, obj) in swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects if obj_type == "extid" ] assert extid_objs == extids_in_journal def test_extid_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): gitids = [ revision.id for revision in sample_data.revisions if revision.type.value == "git" ] extids = [ ExtID( extid=gitid, extid_type="git", target=CoreSWHID(object_id=gitid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for gitid in gitids ] summary = swh_storage.extid_add(extids) assert summary == {"extid:add": len(gitids)} # add them again, should be noop summary = swh_storage.extid_add(extids) # assert summary == {"extid:add": 0} assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("git", gitids) == extids assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, gitids) == extids def test_extid_add_extid_multicity(self, swh_storage, sample_data): ids = [ revision.id for revision in sample_data.revisions if revision.type.value == "git" ] extids = [ ExtID( extid=extid, extid_type="git", extid_version=2, target=CoreSWHID(object_id=extid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for extid in ids ] swh_storage.extid_add(extids) # try to add "modified-extid" versions, should be added extids2 = [ ExtID( extid=extid, extid_type="hg", extid_version=2, target=CoreSWHID(object_id=extid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for extid in ids ] swh_storage.extid_add(extids2) assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("git", ids) == extids assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("hg", ids) == extids2 assert set(swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, ids)) == { *extids, *extids2, } def test_extid_add_target_multicity(self, swh_storage, sample_data): ids = [ revision.id for revision in sample_data.revisions if revision.type.value == "git" ] extids = [ ExtID( extid=extid, extid_type="git", target=CoreSWHID(object_id=extid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for extid in ids ] swh_storage.extid_add(extids) # try to add "modified" versions, should be added extids2 = [ ExtID( extid=extid, extid_type="git", target=CoreSWHID(object_id=extid, object_type=ObjectType.RELEASE,), ) for extid in ids ] swh_storage.extid_add(extids2) assert set(swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("git", ids)) == {*extids, *extids2} assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, ids) == extids assert swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.RELEASE, ids) == extids2 def test_extid_version_behavior(self, swh_storage, sample_data): ids = [ revision.id for revision in sample_data.revisions if revision.type.value == "git" ] # Insert extids with several different versions extids = [ ExtID( extid=extid, extid_type="git", target=CoreSWHID(object_id=extid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for extid in ids ] + [ ExtID( extid=extid, extid_type="git", extid_version=1, target=CoreSWHID(object_id=extid, object_type=ObjectType.REVISION,), ) for extid in ids ] swh_storage.extid_add(extids) # Check that both versions get returned for git_id in ids: objs = swh_storage.extid_get_from_extid("git", [git_id]) assert len(objs) == 2 assert set(obj.extid_version for obj in objs) == {0, 1} for swhid in ids: objs = swh_storage.extid_get_from_target(ObjectType.REVISION, [swhid]) assert len(objs) == 2 assert set(obj.extid_version for obj in objs) == {0, 1} def test_release_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): release, release2 = sample_data.releases[:2] init_missing = swh_storage.release_missing([release.id, release2.id]) assert list(init_missing) == [release.id, release2.id] actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release, release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 2} end_missing = swh_storage.release_missing([release.id, release2.id]) assert list(end_missing) == [] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", release), ("release", release2), ] # already present so nothing added actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release, release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 0} swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["release"] == 2 def test_release_add_no_author_date(self, swh_storage, sample_data): full_release = sample_data.release release = attr.evolve(full_release, author=None, date=None) actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 1} end_missing = swh_storage.release_missing([release.id]) assert list(end_missing) == [] assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", release) ] def test_release_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): release, release2 = sample_data.releases[:2] actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("release", release) ] actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release, release2, release, release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 1} assert set(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == set( [("release", release), ("release", release2),] ) def test_release_add_name_clash(self, swh_storage, sample_data): release, release2 = [ attr.evolve( c, author=Person( fullname=b"John Doe ", name=b"John Doe", email=b"john.doe@example.com", ), ) for c in sample_data.releases[:2] ] actual_result = swh_storage.release_add([release, release2]) assert actual_result == {"release:add": 2} def test_release_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): release, release2, release3 = sample_data.releases[:3] # given swh_storage.release_add([release, release2]) # when actual_releases = swh_storage.release_get([release.id, release2.id]) # then assert actual_releases == [release, release2] unknown_releases = swh_storage.release_get([release3.id]) assert unknown_releases[0] is None def test_release_get_order(self, swh_storage, sample_data): release, release2 = sample_data.releases[:2] add_result = swh_storage.release_add([release, release2]) assert add_result == {"release:add": 2} # order 1 actual_releases = swh_storage.release_get([release.id, release2.id]) assert actual_releases == [release, release2] # order 2 actual_releases2 = swh_storage.release_get([release2.id, release.id]) assert actual_releases2 == [release2, release] def test_release_get_random(self, swh_storage, sample_data): release, release2, release3 = sample_data.releases[:3] swh_storage.release_add([release, release2, release3]) assert swh_storage.release_get_random() in { release.id, release2.id, release3.id, } def test_origin_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origins = list(sample_data.origins) origin_urls = [o.url for o in origins] assert swh_storage.origin_get(origin_urls) == [None] * len(origins) stats = swh_storage.origin_add(origins) assert stats == {"origin:add": len(origin_urls)} actual_origins = swh_storage.origin_get(origin_urls) assert actual_origins == origins assert set(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == set( [("origin", origin) for origin in origins] ) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["origin"] == len(origins) def test_origin_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] add1 = swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2]) assert set(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == set( [("origin", origin), ("origin", origin2),] ) assert add1 == {"origin:add": 2} add2 = swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2]) assert set(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == set( [("origin", origin), ("origin", origin2),] ) assert add2 == {"origin:add": 0} def test_origin_add_twice_at_once(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] add1 = swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2, origin, origin2]) assert set(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == set( [("origin", origin), ("origin", origin2),] ) assert add1 == {"origin:add": 2} add2 = swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2, origin, origin2]) assert set(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == set( [("origin", origin), ("origin", origin2),] ) assert add2 == {"origin:add": 0} def test_origin_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_get([origin.url]) == [None] swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) actual_origins = swh_storage.origin_get([origin.url]) assert actual_origins == [origin] actual_origins = swh_storage.origin_get([origin.url, "not://exists"]) assert actual_origins == [origin, None] def _generate_random_visits(self, nb_visits=100, start=0, end=7): """Generate random visits within the last 2 months (to avoid computations) """ visits = [] today = now() for weeks in range(nb_visits, 0, -1): hours = random.randint(0, 24) minutes = random.randint(0, 60) seconds = random.randint(0, 60) days = random.randint(0, 28) weeks = random.randint(start, end) date_visit = today - timedelta( weeks=weeks, hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds, days=days ) visits.append(date_visit) return visits def test_origin_visit_get__unknown_origin(self, swh_storage): actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get("foo") assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [] assert actual_page == PagedResult() def test_origin_visit_get__validation_failure(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) with pytest.raises( StorageArgumentException, match="page_token must be a string" ): swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin.url, page_token=10) # not bytes with pytest.raises( StorageArgumentException, match="order must be a ListOrder value" ): swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin.url, order="foobar") # wrong order def test_origin_visit_get_all(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) ov1, ov2, ov3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ), OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ), OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ), ] ) # order asc, no token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin.url) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov1, ov2, ov3] # order asc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin.url, limit=2) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ov1, ov2] # order asc, token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov3] # order asc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin.url, limit=1) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ov1] # order asc, token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov2, ov3] # order asc, token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token, limit=2 ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov2, ov3] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token, limit=1 ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ov2] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token, limit=1 ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov3] # order desc, no token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin.url, order=ListOrder.DESC) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov3, ov2, ov1] # order desc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, limit=2, order=ListOrder.DESC ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ov3, ov2] # order desc, token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov1] # order desc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, limit=1, order=ListOrder.DESC ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ov3] # order desc, token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov2, ov1] # order desc, token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC, limit=1 ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ov2] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_get( origin.url, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ov1] def test_origin_visit_status_get__unknown_cases(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get("foobar", 1) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get(origin.url, 1) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [] origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) ov1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ), ] )[0] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get(origin.url, ov1.visit + 10) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [] def test_origin_visit_status_add_unknown_type(self, swh_storage, sample_data): ov = OriginVisit( origin=sample_data.origin.url, date=now(), type=sample_data.type_visit1, visit=42, ) ovs = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov.origin, visit=ov.visit, date=now(), status="created", snapshot=None, ) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([ovs]) swh_storage.origin_add([sample_data.origin]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([ovs]) swh_storage.origin_visit_add([ov]) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([ovs]) def test_origin_visit_status_get_all(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) date_visit3 = round_to_milliseconds(now()) date_visit1 = date_visit3 - datetime.timedelta(hours=2) date_visit2 = date_visit3 - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) assert date_visit1 < date_visit2 < date_visit3 ov1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ), ] )[0] ovs1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_visit1, type=ov1.type, status="created", snapshot=None, ) ovs2 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_visit2, type=ov1.type, status="partial", snapshot=None, ) ovs3 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_visit3, type=ov1.type, status="full", snapshot=sample_data.snapshot.id, metadata={}, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([ovs2, ovs3]) # order asc, no token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get(origin.url, ov1.visit) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs1, ovs2, ovs3] # order asc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, limit=2 ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ovs1, ovs2] # order asc, token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs3] # order asc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, limit=1 ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ovs1] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs2, ovs3] # order asc, token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token, limit=2 ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs2, ovs3] # order asc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, limit=2 ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ovs1, ovs2] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token, limit=1 ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs3] # order desc, no token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, order=ListOrder.DESC ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs3, ovs2, ovs1] # order desc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, limit=2, order=ListOrder.DESC ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ovs3, ovs2] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs1] # order desc, no token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, order=ListOrder.DESC, limit=1 ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ovs3] # order desc, token, no limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs2, ovs1] # order desc, token, limit actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC, limit=1, ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [ovs2] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get( origin.url, ov1.visit, page_token=next_page_token, order=ListOrder.DESC ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [ovs1] def test_origin_visit_status_get_random(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origins = sample_data.origins[:2] swh_storage.origin_add(origins) # Add some random visits within the selection range visits = self._generate_random_visits() visit_type = "git" # Add visits to those origins for origin in origins: for date_visit in visits: visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=date_visit, type=visit_type,)] )[0] swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=visit.visit, date=now(), status="full", - snapshot=None, + snapshot=hash_to_bytes( + "9b922e6d8d5b803c1582aabe5525b7b91150788e" + ), ) ] ) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() stats = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert stats["origin"] == len(origins) assert stats["origin_visit"] == len(origins) * len(visits) random_ovs = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_random(visit_type) assert random_ovs assert random_ovs.origin is not None assert random_ovs.origin in [o.url for o in origins] assert random_ovs.type is not None def test_origin_visit_status_get_random_nothing_found( self, swh_storage, sample_data ): origins = sample_data.origins swh_storage.origin_add(origins) visit_type = "hg" # Add some visits outside of the random generation selection so nothing # will be found by the random selection visits = self._generate_random_visits(nb_visits=3, start=13, end=24) for origin in origins: for date_visit in visits: visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=date_visit, type=visit_type,)] )[0] swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=visit.visit, date=now(), status="full", snapshot=None, ) ] ) random_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_random(visit_type) assert random_origin_visit is None def test_origin_get_by_sha1(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin assert swh_storage.origin_get([origin.url])[0] is None swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) origins = list(swh_storage.origin_get_by_sha1([sha1(origin.url)])) assert len(origins) == 1 assert origins[0]["url"] == origin.url def test_origin_get_by_sha1_not_found(self, swh_storage, sample_data): unknown_origin = sample_data.origin assert swh_storage.origin_get([unknown_origin.url])[0] is None origins = list(swh_storage.origin_get_by_sha1([sha1(unknown_origin.url)])) assert len(origins) == 1 assert origins[0] is None def test_origin_search_single_result(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin.url) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin.url, regexp=True) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [] swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin.url) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(f".{origin.url[1:-1]}.", regexp=True) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin] swh_storage.origin_add([origin2]) actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin2.url) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin2] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(f".{origin2.url[1:-1]}.", regexp=True) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin2] def test_origin_search_no_regexp(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2]) # no pagination actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search("/") assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin, origin2] # offset=0 actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search("/", page_token=None, limit=1) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [origin] # offset=1 actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search( "/", page_token=next_page_token, limit=1 ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin2] def test_origin_search_regexp_substring(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2]) # no pagination actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search("/", regexp=True) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin, origin2] # offset=0 actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search( "/", page_token=None, limit=1, regexp=True ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [origin] # offset=1 actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search( "/", page_token=next_page_token, limit=1, regexp=True ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin2] def test_origin_search_regexp_fullstring(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2]) # no pagination actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(".*/.*", regexp=True) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin, origin2] # offset=0 actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search( ".*/.*", page_token=None, limit=1, regexp=True ) next_page_token = actual_page.next_page_token assert next_page_token is not None assert actual_page.results == [origin] # offset=1 actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search( ".*/.*", page_token=next_page_token, limit=1, regexp=True ) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin2] def test_origin_search_no_visit_types(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origins[0] swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin.url, visit_types=["git"]) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [] def test_origin_search_with_visit_types(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2]) swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=now(), type="git"), OriginVisit(origin=origin2.url, date=now(), type="svn"), ] ) actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin.url, visit_types=["git"]) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin] actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin2.url, visit_types=["svn"]) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin2] def test_origin_search_multiple_visit_types(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origins[0] swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) def _add_visit_type(visit_type): swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=now(), type=visit_type)] ) def _check_visit_types(visit_types): actual_page = swh_storage.origin_search(origin.url, visit_types=visit_types) assert actual_page.next_page_token is None assert actual_page.results == [origin] _add_visit_type("git") _check_visit_types(["git"]) _check_visit_types(["git", "hg"]) _add_visit_type("hg") _check_visit_types(["hg"]) _check_visit_types(["git", "hg"]) def test_origin_visit_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin1 = sample_data.origins[1] swh_storage.origin_add([origin1]) date_visit = now() date_visit2 = date_visit + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) date_visit = round_to_milliseconds(date_visit) date_visit2 = round_to_milliseconds(date_visit2) visit1 = OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=date_visit, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ) visit2 = OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ) # add once ov1, ov2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1, visit2]) # then again (will be ignored as they already exist) origin_visit1, origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([ov1, ov2]) assert ov1 == origin_visit1 assert ov2 == origin_visit2 assert ov1.visit == 1 assert ov2.visit == 2 ovs1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_visit, type=ov1.type, status="created", snapshot=None, ) ovs2 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov2.origin, visit=ov2.visit, date=date_visit2, type=ov2.type, status="created", snapshot=None, ) actual_visits = swh_storage.origin_visit_get(origin1.url).results expected_visits = [ov1, ov2] assert len(expected_visits) == len(actual_visits) for visit in expected_visits: assert visit in actual_visits actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_objects = list( [("origin", origin1)] + [("origin_visit", visit) for visit in expected_visits] * 2 + [("origin_visit_status", ovs) for ovs in [ovs1, ovs2]] ) for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_origin_visit_add_replayed(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Tests adding a visit with an id makes sure the next id is higher""" origin1 = sample_data.origins[1] swh_storage.origin_add([origin1]) date_visit = now() date_visit2 = date_visit + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) date_visit = round_to_milliseconds(date_visit) date_visit2 = round_to_milliseconds(date_visit2) visit1 = OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=date_visit, type=sample_data.type_visit1, visit=42 ) visit2 = OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ) # add once ov1, ov2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1, visit2]) # then again (will be ignored as they already exist) origin_visit1, origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([ov1, ov2]) assert ov1 == origin_visit1 assert ov2 == origin_visit2 assert ov1.visit == 42 assert ov2.visit == 43 visit3 = OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=date_visit, type=sample_data.type_visit1, visit=12 ) visit4 = OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ) # add once ov3, ov4 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit3, visit4]) # then again (will be ignored as they already exist) origin_visit3, origin_visit4 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([ov3, ov4]) assert ov3 == origin_visit3 assert ov4 == origin_visit4 assert ov3.visit == 12 assert ov4.visit == 44 def test_origin_visit_add_validation(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Unknown origin when adding visits should raise""" visit = attr.evolve(sample_data.origin_visit, origin="something-unknonw") with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="Unknown origin"): swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit]) objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) assert not objects def test_origin_visit_status_add_validation(self, swh_storage): """Wrong origin_visit_status input should raise storage argument error""" date_visit = now() visit_status1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin="unknown-origin-url", visit=10, date=date_visit, status="full", snapshot=None, ) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="Unknown origin"): swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status1]) objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) assert not objects def test_origin_visit_status_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Correct origin visit statuses should add a new visit status """ snapshot = sample_data.snapshot origin1 = sample_data.origins[1] origin2 = Origin(url="new-origin") swh_storage.origin_add([origin1, origin2]) ov1, ov2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ), OriginVisit( origin=origin2.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ), ] ) ovs1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=ov1.type, status="created", snapshot=None, ) ovs2 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov2.origin, visit=ov2.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=ov2.type, status="created", snapshot=None, ) date_visit_now = round_to_milliseconds(now()) visit_status1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_visit_now, type=ov1.type, status="full", snapshot=snapshot.id, ) date_visit_now = round_to_milliseconds(now()) visit_status2 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov2.origin, visit=ov2.visit, date=date_visit_now, type=ov2.type, status="ongoing", snapshot=None, metadata={"intrinsic": "something"}, ) stats = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status1, visit_status2]) assert stats == {"origin_visit_status:add": 2} visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin1.url, require_snapshot=True) visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin1.url, visit.visit, require_snapshot=True ) assert visit_status == visit_status1 visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin2.url, require_snapshot=False) visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin2.url, visit.visit, require_snapshot=False ) assert origin2.url != origin1.url assert visit_status == visit_status2 actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_origins = [origin1, origin2] expected_visits = [ov1, ov2] expected_visit_statuses = [ovs1, ovs2, visit_status1, visit_status2] expected_objects = ( [("origin", o) for o in expected_origins] + [("origin_visit", v) for v in expected_visits] + [("origin_visit_status", ovs) for ovs in expected_visit_statuses] ) for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_origin_visit_status_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Correct origin visit statuses should add a new visit status """ snapshot = sample_data.snapshot origin1 = sample_data.origins[1] swh_storage.origin_add([origin1]) ov1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ), ] )[0] ovs1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=ov1.type, status="created", snapshot=None, ) date_visit_now = round_to_milliseconds(now()) visit_status1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_visit_now, type=ov1.type, status="full", snapshot=snapshot.id, ) stats = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status1]) assert stats == {"origin_visit_status:add": 1} # second call will ignore existing entries (will send to storage though) stats = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status1]) # ...so the storage still returns it as an addition assert stats == {"origin_visit_status:add": 1} visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest(ov1.origin, ov1.visit) assert visit_status == visit_status1 actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_origins = [origin1] expected_visits = [ov1] expected_visit_statuses = [ovs1, visit_status1, visit_status1] # write twice in the journal expected_objects = ( [("origin", o) for o in expected_origins] + [("origin_visit", v) for v in expected_visits] + [("origin_visit_status", ovs) for ovs in expected_visit_statuses] ) for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_origin_visit_find_by_date(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit1 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ) visit2 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit3, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ) visit3 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit3, ) ov1, ov2, ov3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1, visit2, visit3]) ovs1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=ov1.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit2, status="ongoing", snapshot=None, ) ovs2 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=ov2.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit3, status="ongoing", snapshot=None, ) ovs3 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=ov3.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit2, status="ongoing", snapshot=None, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([ovs1, ovs2, ovs3]) # Simple case actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_find_by_date( origin.url, sample_data.date_visit3 ) assert actual_visit == ov2 # There are two visits at the same date, the latest must be returned actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_find_by_date( origin.url, sample_data.date_visit2 ) assert actual_visit == ov3 def test_origin_visit_find_by_date__unknown_origin(self, swh_storage, sample_data): actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_find_by_date( "foo", sample_data.date_visit2 ) assert actual_visit is None def test_origin_visit_get_by(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot = sample_data.snapshot origins = sample_data.origins[:2] swh_storage.origin_add(origins) origin_url, origin_url2 = [o.url for o in origins] visit = OriginVisit( origin=origin_url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit])[0] swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=origin_visit1.visit, date=now(), status="ongoing", snapshot=snapshot.id, ) ] ) # Add some other {origin, visit} entries visit2 = OriginVisit( origin=origin_url, date=sample_data.date_visit3, type=sample_data.type_visit3, ) visit3 = OriginVisit( origin=origin_url2, date=sample_data.date_visit3, type=sample_data.type_visit3, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit2, visit3]) # when visit1_metadata = { "contents": 42, "directories": 22, } swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=origin_visit1.visit, date=now(), status="full", snapshot=snapshot.id, metadata=visit1_metadata, ) ] ) actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin_url, origin_visit1.visit) assert actual_visit == origin_visit1 def test_origin_visit_get_by__no_result(self, swh_storage, sample_data): actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by("unknown", 10) # unknown origin assert actual_visit is None origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin.url, 999) # unknown visit assert actual_visit is None def test_origin_visit_get_latest_edge_cases(self, swh_storage, sample_data): # unknown origin so no result assert swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest("unknown-origin") is None # unknown type so no result origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) assert swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url, type="unknown") is None # unknown allowed statuses should raise with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="Unknown allowed statuses"): swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["unknown"] ) def test_origin_visit_get_latest_filter_type(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Filtering origin visit get latest with filter type should be ok """ origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit1 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type="git", ) visit2 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type="hg", ) date_now = round_to_milliseconds(now()) visit3 = OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=date_now, type="hg",) assert sample_data.date_visit1 < sample_data.date_visit2 assert sample_data.date_visit2 < date_now ov1, ov2, ov3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1, visit2, visit3]) # Check type filter is ok actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url, type="git") assert actual_visit == ov1 actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url, type="hg") assert actual_visit == ov3 actual_visit_unknown_type = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, type="npm", # no visit matching that type ) assert actual_visit_unknown_type is None def test_origin_visit_get_latest(self, swh_storage, sample_data): empty_snapshot, complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[1:3] origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit1 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type="git", ) visit2 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type="hg", ) date_now = round_to_milliseconds(now()) visit3 = OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=date_now, type="hg",) assert visit1.date < visit2.date assert visit2.date < visit3.date ov1, ov2, ov3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1, visit2, visit3]) # no filters, latest visit is the last one (whose date is most recent) actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) assert actual_visit == ov3 # 3 visits, none has snapshot so nothing is returned actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, require_snapshot=True ) assert actual_visit is None # visit are created with "created" status, so nothing will get returned actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["partial"] ) assert actual_visit is None # visit are created with "created" status, so most recent again actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["created"] ) assert actual_visit == ov3 # Add snapshot to visit1; require_snapshot=True makes it return first visit swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) visit_status_with_snapshot = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=round_to_milliseconds(now()), type=ov1.type, status="ongoing", snapshot=complete_snapshot.id, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status_with_snapshot]) # only the first visit has a snapshot now actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, require_snapshot=True ) assert actual_visit == ov1 # only the first visit has a status ongoing now actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["ongoing"] ) assert actual_visit == ov1 actual_visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin.url, ov1.visit, require_snapshot=True ) assert actual_visit_status == visit_status_with_snapshot # ... and require_snapshot=False (defaults) still returns latest visit (3rd) actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, require_snapshot=False ) assert actual_visit == ov3 # no specific filter, this returns as before the latest visit actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) assert actual_visit == ov3 # Status filter: all three visits are status=ongoing, so no visit # returned actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["full"] ) assert actual_visit is None visit_status1_full = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=round_to_milliseconds(now()), type=ov1.type, status="full", snapshot=complete_snapshot.id, ) # Mark the first visit as completed and check status filter again swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status1_full]) # only the first visit has the full status actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["full"] ) assert actual_visit == ov1 actual_visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin.url, ov1.visit, allowed_statuses=["full"] ) assert actual_visit_status == visit_status1_full # no specific filter, this returns as before the latest visit actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) assert actual_visit == ov3 # Add snapshot to visit2 and check that the new snapshot is returned swh_storage.snapshot_add([empty_snapshot]) visit_status2_full = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov2.origin, visit=ov2.visit, date=round_to_milliseconds(now()), type=ov2.type, status="ongoing", snapshot=empty_snapshot.id, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status2_full]) actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, require_snapshot=True ) # 2nd visit is most recent with a snapshot assert actual_visit == ov2 actual_visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin.url, ov2.visit, require_snapshot=True ) assert actual_visit_status == visit_status2_full # no specific filter, this returns as before the latest visit, 3rd one actual_origin = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) assert actual_origin == ov3 # full status is still the first visit actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["full"] ) assert actual_visit == ov1 # Add snapshot to visit3 (same date as visit2) visit_status3_with_snapshot = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov3.origin, visit=ov3.visit, date=round_to_milliseconds(now()), type=ov3.type, status="ongoing", snapshot=complete_snapshot.id, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([visit_status3_with_snapshot]) # full status is still the first visit actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["full"], require_snapshot=True, ) assert actual_visit == ov1 actual_visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin.url, visit=actual_visit.visit, allowed_statuses=["full"], require_snapshot=True, ) assert actual_visit_status == visit_status1_full # most recent is still the 3rd visit actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) assert actual_visit == ov3 # 3rd visit has a snapshot now, so it's elected actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, require_snapshot=True ) assert actual_visit == ov3 actual_visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin.url, ov3.visit, require_snapshot=True ) assert actual_visit_status == visit_status3_with_snapshot def test_origin_visit_get_latest__same_date(self, swh_storage, sample_data): empty_snapshot, complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[1:3] origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit1 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type="git", ) visit2 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type="hg", ) ov1, ov2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1, visit2]) # ties should be broken by using the visit id actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) assert actual_visit == ov2 def test_origin_visit_get_latest_order(self, swh_storage, sample_data): empty_snapshot, complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[1:3] origin = sample_data.origin id1 = 2 id2 = 1 id3 = 3 date1 = datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) date2 = datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) date3 = datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit1 = OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, visit=id1, date=date1, type="git",) visit2 = OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, visit=id2, date=date2, type="hg",) visit3 = OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, visit=id3, date=date3, type="tar",) ov1, ov2, ov3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1, visit2, visit3]) # no filters, latest visit is the last one (whose date is most recent) actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) assert actual_visit == ov2 def test_origin_visit_get_latest__not_last(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit1, visit2 = sample_data.origin_visits[:2] assert visit1.origin == origin.url swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit1]) ov1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url) # Add snapshot to visit1, latest snapshot = visit 1 snapshot complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=ov1.visit, date=visit2.date, status="partial", snapshot=None, ) ] ) assert visit1.date < visit2.date # no snapshot associated to the visit, so None visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest( origin.url, allowed_statuses=["partial"], require_snapshot=True, ) assert visit is None date_now = now() assert visit2.date < date_now swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_now, status="full", snapshot=complete_snapshot.id, ) ] ) swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [OriginVisit(origin=origin.url, date=now(), type=visit1.type,)] ) visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_latest(origin.url, require_snapshot=True) assert visit is not None def test_origin_visit_status_get_latest__validation(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit1 = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type="git", ) # unknown allowed statuses should raise with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="Unknown allowed statuses"): swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin.url, visit1.visit, allowed_statuses=["unknown"] ) def test_origin_visit_status_get_latest(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] origin1 = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin1]) # to have some reference visits ov1, ov2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ), OriginVisit( origin=origin1.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ), ] ) swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) date_now = round_to_milliseconds(now()) assert sample_data.date_visit1 < sample_data.date_visit2 assert sample_data.date_visit2 < date_now ovs1 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=ov1.type, status="partial", snapshot=None, ) ovs2 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=ov1.type, status="ongoing", snapshot=None, ) ovs3 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov2.origin, visit=ov2.visit, date=sample_data.date_visit2 + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), # to not be ignored type=ov2.type, status="ongoing", snapshot=None, ) ovs4 = OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov2.origin, visit=ov2.visit, date=date_now, type=ov2.type, status="full", snapshot=snapshot.id, metadata={"something": "wicked"}, ) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add([ovs1, ovs2, ovs3, ovs4]) # unknown origin so no result actual_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( "unknown-origin", ov1.visit ) assert actual_origin_visit is None # unknown visit so no result actual_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( ov1.origin, ov1.visit + 10 ) assert actual_origin_visit is None # Two visits, both with no snapshot, take the most recent actual_origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin1.url, ov1.visit ) assert isinstance(actual_origin_visit2, OriginVisitStatus) assert actual_origin_visit2 == ovs2 assert ovs2.origin == origin1.url assert ovs2.visit == ov1.visit actual_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin1.url, ov1.visit, require_snapshot=True ) # there is no visit with snapshot yet for that visit assert actual_origin_visit is None actual_origin_visit2 = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin1.url, ov1.visit, allowed_statuses=["partial", "ongoing"] ) # visit status with partial status visit elected assert actual_origin_visit2 == ovs2 assert actual_origin_visit2.status == "ongoing" actual_origin_visit4 = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin1.url, ov2.visit, require_snapshot=True ) assert actual_origin_visit4 == ovs4 assert actual_origin_visit4.snapshot == snapshot.id actual_origin_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin1.url, ov2.visit, require_snapshot=True, allowed_statuses=["ongoing"] ) # nothing matches so nothing assert actual_origin_visit is None # there is no visit with status full actual_origin_visit3 = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin1.url, ov2.visit, allowed_statuses=["ongoing"] ) assert actual_origin_visit3 == ovs3 def test_person_fullname_unicity(self, swh_storage, sample_data): revision, rev2 = sample_data.revisions[0:2] # create a revision with same committer fullname but wo name and email revision2 = attr.evolve( rev2, committer=Person( fullname=revision.committer.fullname, name=None, email=None ), ) swh_storage.revision_add([revision, revision2]) # when getting added revisions revisions = swh_storage.revision_get([revision.id, revision2.id]) # then check committers are the same assert revisions[0].committer == revisions[1].committer def test_snapshot_add_get_empty(self, swh_storage, sample_data): empty_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[1] empty_snapshot_dict = empty_snapshot.to_dict() origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) ov1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add( [ OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ) ] )[0] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([empty_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} date_now = now() swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=ov1.origin, visit=ov1.visit, date=date_now, type=ov1.type, status="full", snapshot=empty_snapshot.id, ) ] ) by_id = swh_storage.snapshot_get(empty_snapshot.id) assert by_id == {**empty_snapshot_dict, "next_branch": None} ovs1 = OriginVisitStatus.from_dict( { "origin": ov1.origin, "date": sample_data.date_visit1, "type": ov1.type, "visit": ov1.visit, "status": "created", "snapshot": None, "metadata": None, } ) ovs2 = OriginVisitStatus.from_dict( { "origin": ov1.origin, "date": date_now, "type": ov1.type, "visit": ov1.visit, "status": "full", "metadata": None, "snapshot": empty_snapshot.id, } ) actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_objects = [ ("origin", origin), ("origin_visit", ov1), ("origin_visit_status", ovs1,), ("snapshot", empty_snapshot), ("origin_visit_status", ovs2,), ] for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_snapshot_add_get_complete(self, swh_storage, sample_data): complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] complete_snapshot_dict = complete_snapshot.to_dict() origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit])[0] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=origin_visit1.visit, date=now(), status="ongoing", snapshot=complete_snapshot.id, ) ] ) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} by_id = swh_storage.snapshot_get(complete_snapshot.id) assert by_id == {**complete_snapshot_dict, "next_branch": None} def test_snapshot_add_many(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot, _, complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[:3] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot, complete_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 2} assert swh_storage.snapshot_get(complete_snapshot.id) == { **complete_snapshot.to_dict(), "next_branch": None, } assert swh_storage.snapshot_get(snapshot.id) == { **snapshot.to_dict(), "next_branch": None, } swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() assert swh_storage.stat_counters()["snapshot"] == 2 def test_snapshot_add_many_incremental(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot, _, complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[:3] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} actual_result2 = swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot, complete_snapshot]) assert actual_result2 == {"snapshot:add": 1} assert swh_storage.snapshot_get(complete_snapshot.id) == { **complete_snapshot.to_dict(), "next_branch": None, } assert swh_storage.snapshot_get(snapshot.id) == { **snapshot.to_dict(), "next_branch": None, } def test_snapshot_add_twice(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot, empty_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[:2] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([empty_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("snapshot", empty_snapshot) ] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} assert list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) == [ ("snapshot", empty_snapshot), ("snapshot", snapshot), ] def test_snapshot_add_count_branches(self, swh_storage, sample_data): complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} snp_size = swh_storage.snapshot_count_branches(complete_snapshot.id) expected_snp_size = { "alias": 1, "content": 1, "directory": 2, "release": 1, "revision": 1, "snapshot": 1, None: 1, } assert snp_size == expected_snp_size def test_snapshot_add_count_branches_with_filtering(self, swh_storage, sample_data): complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] actual_result = swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) assert actual_result == {"snapshot:add": 1} snp_size = swh_storage.snapshot_count_branches( complete_snapshot.id, branch_name_exclude_prefix=b"release" ) expected_snp_size = { "alias": 1, "content": 1, "directory": 2, "revision": 1, "snapshot": 1, None: 1, } assert snp_size == expected_snp_size def test_snapshot_add_count_branches_with_filtering_edge_cases( self, swh_storage, sample_data ): snapshot = Snapshot( branches={ b"\xaa\xff": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"\xaa\xff\x00": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"\xff\xff": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.release.id, target_type=TargetType.RELEASE, ), b"\xff\xff\x00": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.release.id, target_type=TargetType.RELEASE, ), b"dangling": None, }, ) swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) assert swh_storage.snapshot_count_branches( snapshot.id, branch_name_exclude_prefix=b"\xaa\xff" ) == {None: 1, "release": 2} assert swh_storage.snapshot_count_branches( snapshot.id, branch_name_exclude_prefix=b"\xff\xff" ) == {None: 1, "revision": 2} def test_snapshot_add_get_paginated(self, swh_storage, sample_data): complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) snp_id = complete_snapshot.id branches = complete_snapshot.branches branch_names = list(sorted(branches)) # Test branch_from snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, branches_from=b"release") rel_idx = branch_names.index(b"release") expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {name: branches[name] for name in branch_names[rel_idx:]}, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # Test branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, branches_count=1) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {branch_names[0]: branches[branch_names[0]],}, "next_branch": b"content", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # test branch_from + branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, branches_from=b"directory", branches_count=3 ) dir_idx = branch_names.index(b"directory") expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: branches[name] for name in branch_names[dir_idx : dir_idx + 3] }, "next_branch": branch_names[dir_idx + 3], } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot def test_snapshot_add_get_filtered(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit])[0] swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=origin_visit1.visit, date=now(), status="ongoing", snapshot=complete_snapshot.id, ) ] ) snp_id = complete_snapshot.id branches = complete_snapshot.branches snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["release", "revision"] ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: tgt for name, tgt in branches.items() if tgt and tgt.target_type in [TargetType.RELEASE, TargetType.REVISION] }, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches(snp_id, target_types=["alias"]) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: tgt for name, tgt in branches.items() if tgt and tgt.target_type == TargetType.ALIAS }, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot def test_snapshot_add_get_filtered_and_paginated(self, swh_storage, sample_data): complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] swh_storage.snapshot_add([complete_snapshot]) snp_id = complete_snapshot.id branches = complete_snapshot.branches branch_names = list(sorted(branches)) # Test branch_from snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_from=b"directory2" ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {name: branches[name] for name in (b"directory2", b"release")}, "next_branch": None, } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # Test branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_count=1 ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {b"directory": branches[b"directory"]}, "next_branch": b"directory2", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # Test branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_count=2 ) expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": { name: branches[name] for name in (b"directory", b"directory2") }, "next_branch": b"release", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot # test branch_from + branches_count snapshot = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snp_id, target_types=["directory", "release"], branches_from=b"directory2", branches_count=1, ) dir_idx = branch_names.index(b"directory2") expected_snapshot = { "id": snp_id, "branches": {branch_names[dir_idx]: branches[branch_names[dir_idx]],}, "next_branch": b"release", } assert snapshot == expected_snapshot def test_snapshot_add_get_branch_by_type(self, swh_storage, sample_data): complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[2] snapshot = complete_snapshot.to_dict() alias1 = b"alias1" alias2 = b"alias2" target1 = random.choice(list(snapshot["branches"].keys())) target2 = random.choice(list(snapshot["branches"].keys())) snapshot["branches"][alias2] = { "target": target2, "target_type": "alias", } snapshot["branches"][alias1] = { "target": target1, "target_type": "alias", } new_snapshot = Snapshot.from_dict(snapshot) swh_storage.snapshot_add([new_snapshot]) branches = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( new_snapshot.id, target_types=["alias"], branches_from=alias1, branches_count=1, )["branches"] assert len(branches) == 1 assert alias1 in branches def test_snapshot_add_get_by_branches_name_pattern(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot = Snapshot( branches={ b"refs/heads/master": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"refs/heads/incoming": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"refs/pull/1": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"refs/pull/2": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"dangling": None, b"\xaa\xff": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"\xaa\xff\x00": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"\xff\xff": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), b"\xff\xff\x00": SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ), }, ) swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) for include_pattern, exclude_prefix, nb_results in ( (b"pull", None, 2), (b"incoming", None, 1), (b"dangling", None, 1), (None, b"refs/heads/", 7), (b"refs", b"refs/heads/master", 3), (b"refs", b"refs/heads/master", 3), (None, b"\xaa\xff", 7), (None, b"\xff\xff", 7), ): branches = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snapshot.id, branch_name_include_substring=include_pattern, branch_name_exclude_prefix=exclude_prefix, )["branches"] expected_branches = [ branch_name for branch_name in snapshot.branches if (include_pattern is None or include_pattern in branch_name) and ( exclude_prefix is None or not branch_name.startswith(exclude_prefix) ) ] assert sorted(branches) == sorted(expected_branches) assert len(branches) == nb_results def test_snapshot_add_get_by_branches_name_pattern_filtered_paginated( self, swh_storage, sample_data ): pattern = b"foo" nb_branches_by_target_type = 10 branches = {} for i in range(nb_branches_by_target_type): branches[f"branch/directory/bar{i}".encode()] = SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.directory.id, target_type=TargetType.DIRECTORY, ) branches[f"branch/revision/bar{i}".encode()] = SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ) branches[f"branch/directory/{pattern}{i}".encode()] = SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.directory.id, target_type=TargetType.DIRECTORY, ) branches[f"branch/revision/{pattern}{i}".encode()] = SnapshotBranch( target=sample_data.revision.id, target_type=TargetType.REVISION, ) snapshot = Snapshot(branches=branches) swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) branches_count = nb_branches_by_target_type // 2 for target_type in ( TargetType.DIRECTORY, TargetType.REVISION, ): target_type_str = target_type.value partial_branches = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snapshot.id, branch_name_include_substring=pattern, target_types=[target_type_str], branches_count=branches_count, ) branches = partial_branches["branches"] expected_branches = [ branch_name for branch_name, branch_data in snapshot.branches.items() if pattern in branch_name and branch_data.target_type == target_type ][:branches_count] assert sorted(branches) == sorted(expected_branches) assert ( partial_branches["next_branch"] == f"branch/{target_type_str}/{pattern}{branches_count}".encode() ) partial_branches = swh_storage.snapshot_get_branches( snapshot.id, branch_name_include_substring=pattern, target_types=[target_type_str], branches_from=partial_branches["next_branch"], ) branches = partial_branches["branches"] expected_branches = [ branch_name for branch_name, branch_data in snapshot.branches.items() if pattern in branch_name and branch_data.target_type == target_type ][branches_count:] assert sorted(branches) == sorted(expected_branches) assert partial_branches["next_branch"] is None def test_snapshot_add_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot = sample_data.snapshot origin = sample_data.origin swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit1, type=sample_data.type_visit1, ) ov1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit])[0] swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=ov1.visit, date=now(), status="ongoing", snapshot=snapshot.id, ) ] ) expected_snapshot = {**snapshot.to_dict(), "next_branch": None} by_id = swh_storage.snapshot_get(snapshot.id) assert by_id == expected_snapshot actual_visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_get_by(origin.url, ov1.visit) assert actual_visit == ov1 visit_status = swh_storage.origin_visit_status_get_latest( origin.url, ov1.visit, require_snapshot=True ) assert visit_status.snapshot == snapshot.id def test_snapshot_get_random(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot, empty_snapshot, complete_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[:3] swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot, empty_snapshot, complete_snapshot]) assert swh_storage.snapshot_get_random() in { snapshot.id, empty_snapshot.id, complete_snapshot.id, } def test_snapshot_missing(self, swh_storage, sample_data): snapshot, missing_snapshot = sample_data.snapshots[:2] snapshots = [snapshot.id, missing_snapshot.id] swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) missing_snapshots = swh_storage.snapshot_missing(snapshots) assert list(missing_snapshots) == [missing_snapshot.id] def test_stat_counters(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin snapshot = sample_data.snapshot revision = sample_data.revision release = sample_data.release directory = sample_data.directory content = sample_data.content expected_keys = ["content", "directory", "origin", "revision"] # Initially, all counters are 0 swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert set(expected_keys) <= set(counters) for key in expected_keys: assert counters[key] == 0 # Add a content. Only the content counter should increase. swh_storage.content_add([content]) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert set(expected_keys) <= set(counters) for key in expected_keys: if key != "content": assert counters[key] == 0 assert counters["content"] == 1 # Add other objects. Check their counter increased as well. swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) visit = OriginVisit( origin=origin.url, date=sample_data.date_visit2, type=sample_data.type_visit2, ) origin_visit1 = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit])[0] swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin.url, visit=origin_visit1.visit, date=now(), status="ongoing", snapshot=snapshot.id, ) ] ) swh_storage.directory_add([directory]) swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) swh_storage.release_add([release]) swh_storage.refresh_stat_counters() counters = swh_storage.stat_counters() assert counters["content"] == 1 assert counters["directory"] == 1 assert counters["snapshot"] == 1 assert counters["origin"] == 1 assert counters["origin_visit"] == 1 assert counters["revision"] == 1 assert counters["release"] == 1 assert counters["snapshot"] == 1 if "person" in counters: assert counters["person"] == 3 def test_content_find_ctime(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin_content = sample_data.content ctime = round_to_milliseconds(now()) content = attr.evolve(origin_content, data=None, ctime=ctime) swh_storage.content_add_metadata([content]) actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1": content.sha1}) assert actually_present[0] == content assert actually_present[0].ctime is not None assert actually_present[0].ctime.tzinfo is not None def test_content_find_with_present_content(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content expected_content = attr.evolve(content, data=None) # 1. with something to find swh_storage.content_add([content]) actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1": content.sha1}) assert 1 == len(actually_present) assert actually_present[0] == expected_content # 2. with something to find actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1_git": content.sha1_git}) assert 1 == len(actually_present) assert actually_present[0] == expected_content # 3. with something to find actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha256": content.sha256}) assert 1 == len(actually_present) assert actually_present[0] == expected_content # 4. with something to find actually_present = swh_storage.content_find(content.hashes()) assert 1 == len(actually_present) assert actually_present[0] == expected_content def test_content_find_with_non_present_content(self, swh_storage, sample_data): missing_content = sample_data.skipped_content # 1. with something that does not exist actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha1": missing_content.sha1}) assert actually_present == [] # 2. with something that does not exist actually_present = swh_storage.content_find( {"sha1_git": missing_content.sha1_git} ) assert actually_present == [] # 3. with something that does not exist actually_present = swh_storage.content_find({"sha256": missing_content.sha256}) assert actually_present == [] def test_content_find_with_duplicate_input(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content # Create fake data with colliding sha256 and blake2s256 sha1_array = bytearray(content.sha1) sha1_array[0] += 1 sha1git_array = bytearray(content.sha1_git) sha1git_array[0] += 1 duplicated_content = attr.evolve( content, sha1=bytes(sha1_array), sha1_git=bytes(sha1git_array) ) # Inject the data swh_storage.content_add([content, duplicated_content]) actual_result = swh_storage.content_find( { "blake2s256": duplicated_content.blake2s256, "sha256": duplicated_content.sha256, } ) expected_content = attr.evolve(content, data=None) expected_duplicated_content = attr.evolve(duplicated_content, data=None) for result in actual_result: assert result in [expected_content, expected_duplicated_content] def test_content_find_with_duplicate_sha256(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content hashes = {} # Create fake data with colliding sha256 for hashalgo in ("sha1", "sha1_git", "blake2s256"): value = bytearray(getattr(content, hashalgo)) value[0] += 1 hashes[hashalgo] = bytes(value) duplicated_content = attr.evolve( content, sha1=hashes["sha1"], sha1_git=hashes["sha1_git"], blake2s256=hashes["blake2s256"], ) swh_storage.content_add([content, duplicated_content]) actual_result = swh_storage.content_find({"sha256": duplicated_content.sha256}) assert len(actual_result) == 2 expected_content = attr.evolve(content, data=None) expected_duplicated_content = attr.evolve(duplicated_content, data=None) for result in actual_result: assert result in [expected_content, expected_duplicated_content] # Find with both sha256 and blake2s256 actual_result = swh_storage.content_find( { "sha256": duplicated_content.sha256, "blake2s256": duplicated_content.blake2s256, } ) assert len(actual_result) == 1 assert actual_result == [expected_duplicated_content] def test_content_find_with_duplicate_blake2s256(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content # Create fake data with colliding sha256 and blake2s256 sha1_array = bytearray(content.sha1) sha1_array[0] += 1 sha1git_array = bytearray(content.sha1_git) sha1git_array[0] += 1 sha256_array = bytearray(content.sha256) sha256_array[0] += 1 duplicated_content = attr.evolve( content, sha1=bytes(sha1_array), sha1_git=bytes(sha1git_array), sha256=bytes(sha256_array), ) swh_storage.content_add([content, duplicated_content]) actual_result = swh_storage.content_find( {"blake2s256": duplicated_content.blake2s256} ) expected_content = attr.evolve(content, data=None) expected_duplicated_content = attr.evolve(duplicated_content, data=None) for result in actual_result: assert result in [expected_content, expected_duplicated_content] # Find with both sha256 and blake2s256 actual_result = swh_storage.content_find( { "sha256": duplicated_content.sha256, "blake2s256": duplicated_content.blake2s256, } ) assert actual_result == [expected_duplicated_content] def test_content_find_bad_input(self, swh_storage): # 1. with no hash to lookup with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.content_find({}) # need at least one hash # 2. with bad hash with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException): swh_storage.content_find({"unknown-sha1": "something"}) # not the right key def test_object_find_by_sha1_git(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content directory = sample_data.directory revision = sample_data.revision release = sample_data.release sha1_gits = [b"00000000000000000000"] expected = { b"00000000000000000000": [], } swh_storage.content_add([content]) sha1_gits.append(content.sha1_git) expected[content.sha1_git] = [ {"sha1_git": content.sha1_git, "type": "content",} ] swh_storage.directory_add([directory]) sha1_gits.append(directory.id) expected[directory.id] = [{"sha1_git": directory.id, "type": "directory",}] swh_storage.revision_add([revision]) sha1_gits.append(revision.id) expected[revision.id] = [{"sha1_git": revision.id, "type": "revision",}] swh_storage.release_add([release]) sha1_gits.append(release.id) expected[release.id] = [{"sha1_git": release.id, "type": "release",}] ret = swh_storage.object_find_by_sha1_git(sha1_gits) assert expected == ret def test_metadata_fetcher_add_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher actual_fetcher = swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_get(fetcher.name, fetcher.version) assert actual_fetcher is None # does not exist swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) res = swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_get(fetcher.name, fetcher.version) assert res == fetcher actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_objects = [ ("metadata_fetcher", fetcher), ] for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_metadata_fetcher_add_zero(self, swh_storage, sample_data): fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher actual_fetcher = swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_get(fetcher.name, fetcher.version) assert actual_fetcher is None # does not exist swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([]) def test_metadata_authority_add_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): authority = sample_data.metadata_authority actual_authority = swh_storage.metadata_authority_get( authority.type, authority.url ) assert actual_authority is None # does not exist swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) res = swh_storage.metadata_authority_get(authority.type, authority.url) assert res == authority actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_objects = [ ("metadata_authority", authority), ] for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_metadata_authority_add_zero(self, swh_storage, sample_data): authority = sample_data.metadata_authority actual_authority = swh_storage.metadata_authority_get( authority.type, authority.url ) assert actual_authority is None # does not exist swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([]) def test_content_metadata_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority content_metadata = sample_data.content_metadata[:2] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add(content_metadata) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert list(sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,)) == list( content_metadata ) actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_objects = [ ("metadata_authority", authority), ("metadata_fetcher", fetcher), ] + [("raw_extrinsic_metadata", item) for item in content_metadata] for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_content_metadata_add_duplicate(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Duplicates should be silently ignored.""" content = sample_data.content fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority content_metadata, content_metadata2 = sample_data.content_metadata[:2] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([content_metadata, content_metadata2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([content_metadata2, content_metadata]) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None expected_results = (content_metadata, content_metadata2) assert ( tuple(sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,)) == expected_results ) def test_content_metadata_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content, content2 = sample_data.contents[:2] fetcher, fetcher2 = sample_data.fetchers[:2] authority, authority2 = sample_data.authorities[:2] ( content1_metadata1, content1_metadata2, content1_metadata3, ) = sample_data.content_metadata[:3] content2_metadata = RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict( { **remove_keys(content1_metadata2.to_dict(), ("id",)), # recompute id "target": str(content2.swhid()), } ) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority, authority2]) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher, fetcher2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add( [ content1_metadata1, content1_metadata2, content1_metadata3, content2_metadata, ] ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert [content1_metadata1, content1_metadata2] == list( sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,) ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority2 ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert [content1_metadata3] == list( sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,) ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content2.swhid().to_extended(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert [content2_metadata] == list(result.results,) def test_content_metadata_get_after(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority content_metadata, content_metadata2 = sample_data.content_metadata[:2] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([content_metadata, content_metadata2]) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority, after=content_metadata.discovery_date - timedelta(seconds=1), ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert [content_metadata, content_metadata2] == list( sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,) ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority, after=content_metadata.discovery_date, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results == [content_metadata2] result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority, after=content_metadata2.discovery_date, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results == [] def test_content_metadata_get_paginate(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority content_metadata, content_metadata2 = sample_data.content_metadata[:2] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([content_metadata, content_metadata2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get(content.swhid().to_extended(), authority) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority, limit=1 ) assert result.next_page_token is not None assert result.results == [content_metadata] result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority, limit=1, page_token=result.next_page_token, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results == [content_metadata2] def test_content_metadata_get_paginate_same_date(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content = sample_data.content fetcher1, fetcher2 = sample_data.fetchers[:2] authority = sample_data.metadata_authority content_metadata, content_metadata2 = sample_data.content_metadata[:2] swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher1, fetcher2]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) new_content_metadata2 = RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict( { **remove_keys(content_metadata2.to_dict(), ("id",)), # recompute id "discovery_date": content_metadata2.discovery_date, "fetcher": attr.evolve(fetcher2, metadata=None).to_dict(), } ) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add( [content_metadata, new_content_metadata2] ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority, limit=1 ) assert result.next_page_token is not None assert result.results == [content_metadata] result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( content.swhid().to_extended(), authority, limit=1, page_token=result.next_page_token, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results[0].to_dict() == new_content_metadata2.to_dict() assert result.results == [new_content_metadata2] def test_content_metadata_get_by_ids(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content, content2 = sample_data.contents[:2] fetcher, fetcher2 = sample_data.fetchers[:2] authority, authority2 = sample_data.authorities[:2] ( content1_metadata1, content1_metadata2, content1_metadata3, ) = sample_data.content_metadata[:3] content2_metadata = RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict( { **remove_keys(content1_metadata2.to_dict(), ("id",)), # recompute id "target": str(content2.swhid()), } ) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority, authority2]) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher, fetcher2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add( [ content1_metadata1, content1_metadata2, content1_metadata3, content2_metadata, ] ) assert set( swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_by_ids( [content1_metadata1.id, b"\x00" * 20, content2_metadata.id] ) ) == {content1_metadata1, content2_metadata} def test_content_metadata_get_authorities(self, swh_storage, sample_data): content1, content2, content3 = sample_data.contents[:3] fetcher, fetcher2 = sample_data.fetchers[:2] authority, authority2 = sample_data.authorities[:2] ( content1_metadata1, content1_metadata2, content1_metadata3, ) = sample_data.content_metadata[:3] content2_metadata = RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict( { **remove_keys(content1_metadata2.to_dict(), ("id",)), # recompute id "target": str(content2.swhid()), } ) content1_metadata2 = RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict( { **remove_keys(content1_metadata2.to_dict(), ("id",)), # recompute id "authority": authority2.to_dict(), } ) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority, authority2]) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher, fetcher2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add( [ content1_metadata1, content1_metadata2, content1_metadata3, content2_metadata, ] ) assert swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_authorities(content1.swhid()) in ( [authority, authority2], [authority2, authority], ) assert swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_authorities(content2.swhid()) == [ authority ] assert ( swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get_authorities(content3.swhid()) == [] ) def test_origin_metadata_add(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority origin_metadata, origin_metadata2 = sample_data.origin_metadata[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) == {"origin:add": 1} swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata, origin_metadata2]) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert list(sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date)) == [ origin_metadata, origin_metadata2, ] actual_objects = list(swh_storage.journal_writer.journal.objects) expected_objects = [ ("metadata_authority", authority), ("metadata_fetcher", fetcher), ("raw_extrinsic_metadata", origin_metadata), ("raw_extrinsic_metadata", origin_metadata2), ] for obj in expected_objects: assert obj in actual_objects def test_origin_metadata_add_duplicate(self, swh_storage, sample_data): """Duplicates should be silently updated.""" origin = sample_data.origin fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority origin_metadata, origin_metadata2 = sample_data.origin_metadata[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) == {"origin:add": 1} swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata, origin_metadata2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata2, origin_metadata]) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None # which of the two behavior happens is backend-specific. expected_results = (origin_metadata, origin_metadata2) assert ( tuple(sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,)) == expected_results ) def test_origin_metadata_get(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin, origin2 = sample_data.origins[:2] fetcher, fetcher2 = sample_data.fetchers[:2] authority, authority2 = sample_data.authorities[:2] ( origin1_metadata1, origin1_metadata2, origin1_metadata3, ) = sample_data.origin_metadata[:3] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin, origin2]) == {"origin:add": 2} origin2_metadata = RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict( { **remove_keys(origin1_metadata2.to_dict(), ("id",)), # recompute id "target": str(Origin(origin2.url).swhid()), } ) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority, authority2]) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher, fetcher2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add( [origin1_metadata1, origin1_metadata2, origin1_metadata3, origin2_metadata] ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert [origin1_metadata1, origin1_metadata2] == list( sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,) ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority2 ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert [origin1_metadata3] == list( sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,) ) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin2.url).swhid(), authority ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert [origin2_metadata] == list(result.results,) def test_origin_metadata_get_after(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority origin_metadata, origin_metadata2 = sample_data.origin_metadata[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) == {"origin:add": 1} swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata, origin_metadata2]) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority, after=origin_metadata.discovery_date - timedelta(seconds=1), ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert list(sorted(result.results, key=lambda x: x.discovery_date,)) == [ origin_metadata, origin_metadata2, ] result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority, after=origin_metadata.discovery_date, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results == [origin_metadata2] result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority, after=origin_metadata2.discovery_date, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results == [] def test_origin_metadata_get_paginate(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher authority = sample_data.metadata_authority origin_metadata, origin_metadata2 = sample_data.origin_metadata[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) == {"origin:add": 1} swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata, origin_metadata2]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get(Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority, limit=1 ) assert result.next_page_token is not None assert result.results == [origin_metadata] result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority, limit=1, page_token=result.next_page_token, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results == [origin_metadata2] def test_origin_metadata_get_paginate_same_date(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin fetcher1, fetcher2 = sample_data.fetchers[:2] authority = sample_data.metadata_authority origin_metadata, origin_metadata2 = sample_data.origin_metadata[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) == {"origin:add": 1} swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher1, fetcher2]) swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) new_origin_metadata2 = RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict( { **remove_keys(origin_metadata2.to_dict(), ("id",)), # recompute id "discovery_date": origin_metadata2.discovery_date, "fetcher": attr.evolve(fetcher2, metadata=None).to_dict(), } ) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata, new_origin_metadata2]) result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority, limit=1 ) assert result.next_page_token is not None assert result.results == [origin_metadata] result = swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_get( Origin(origin.url).swhid(), authority, limit=1, page_token=result.next_page_token, ) assert result.next_page_token is None assert result.results == [new_origin_metadata2] def test_origin_metadata_add_missing_authority(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin fetcher = sample_data.metadata_fetcher origin_metadata, origin_metadata2 = sample_data.origin_metadata[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) == {"origin:add": 1} swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([fetcher]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="authority"): swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata, origin_metadata2]) def test_origin_metadata_add_missing_fetcher(self, swh_storage, sample_data): origin = sample_data.origin authority = sample_data.metadata_authority origin_metadata, origin_metadata2 = sample_data.origin_metadata[:2] assert swh_storage.origin_add([origin]) == {"origin:add": 1} swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([authority]) with pytest.raises(StorageArgumentException, match="fetcher"): swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([origin_metadata, origin_metadata2]) class TestStorageGeneratedData: def test_generate_content_get_data(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): contents_with_data = [c for c in swh_contents if c.status != "absent"] # retrieve contents for content in contents_with_data: actual_content_data = swh_storage.content_get_data(content.sha1) assert actual_content_data is not None assert actual_content_data == content.data def test_generate_content_get(self, swh_storage, swh_contents): expected_contents = [ attr.evolve(c, data=None) for c in swh_contents if c.status != "absent" ] actual_contents = swh_storage.content_get([c.sha1 for c in expected_contents]) assert len(actual_contents) == len(expected_contents) assert actual_contents == expected_contents @pytest.mark.parametrize("limit", [1, 7, 10, 100, 1000]) def test_origin_list(self, swh_storage, swh_origins, limit): returned_origins = [] page_token = None i = 0 while True: actual_page = swh_storage.origin_list(page_token=page_token, limit=limit) assert len(actual_page.results) <= limit returned_origins.extend(actual_page.results) i += 1 page_token = actual_page.next_page_token if page_token is None: assert i * limit >= len(swh_origins) break else: assert len(actual_page.results) == limit assert sorted(returned_origins) == sorted(swh_origins) def test_origin_count(self, swh_storage, sample_data): swh_storage.origin_add(sample_data.origins) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github") == 3 assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab") == 2 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=True) == 5 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=False) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=True) == 2 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=False) == 0 def test_origin_count_with_visit_no_visits(self, swh_storage, sample_data): swh_storage.origin_add(sample_data.origins) # none of them have visits, so with_visit=True => 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab", with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user.*", regexp=False, with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count(".*user1.*", regexp=False, with_visit=True) == 0 def test_origin_count_with_visit_with_visits_no_snapshot( self, swh_storage, sample_data ): swh_storage.origin_add(sample_data.origins) origin_url = "https://github.com/user1/repo1" visit = OriginVisit(origin=origin_url, date=now(), type="git",) swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit]) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=False) == 3 # it has a visit, but no snapshot, so with_visit=True => 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=True) == 0 assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab", with_visit=False) == 2 # these gitlab origins have no visit assert swh_storage.origin_count("gitlab", with_visit=True) == 0 assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=False) == 1 ) assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 ) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 0 def test_origin_count_with_visit_with_visits_and_snapshot( self, swh_storage, sample_data ): snapshot = sample_data.snapshot swh_storage.origin_add(sample_data.origins) swh_storage.snapshot_add([snapshot]) origin_url = "https://github.com/user1/repo1" visit = OriginVisit(origin=origin_url, date=now(), type="git",) visit = swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit])[0] swh_storage.origin_visit_status_add( [ OriginVisitStatus( origin=origin_url, visit=visit.visit, date=now(), status="ongoing", snapshot=snapshot.id, ) ] ) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=False) == 3 # github/user1 has a visit and a snapshot, so with_visit=True => 1 assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", with_visit=True) == 1 assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=False) == 1 ) assert ( swh_storage.origin_count("github.*user1", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 1 ) assert swh_storage.origin_count("github", regexp=True, with_visit=True) == 1 @settings( suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow] + function_scoped_fixture_check, ) @given(strategies.lists(objects(split_content=True), max_size=2)) def test_add_arbitrary(self, swh_storage, objects): for (obj_type, obj) in objects: if obj.object_type == "origin_visit": swh_storage.origin_add([Origin(url=obj.origin)]) visit = OriginVisit(origin=obj.origin, date=obj.date, type=obj.type,) swh_storage.origin_visit_add([visit]) elif obj.object_type == "raw_extrinsic_metadata": swh_storage.metadata_authority_add([obj.authority]) swh_storage.metadata_fetcher_add([obj.fetcher]) swh_storage.raw_extrinsic_metadata_add([obj]) else: method = getattr(swh_storage, obj_type + "_add") try: method([obj]) except HashCollision: pass