diff --git a/swh/search/elasticsearch.py b/swh/search/elasticsearch.py index 35431c5..331c147 100644 --- a/swh/search/elasticsearch.py +++ b/swh/search/elasticsearch.py @@ -1,582 +1,582 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import base64 from collections import Counter import logging import pprint from textwrap import dedent -from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional +from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, cast from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers import msgpack from swh.indexer import codemeta from swh.model import model from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex from swh.search.interface import ( SORT_BY_OPTIONS, MinimalOriginDict, OriginDict, PagedResult, ) from swh.search.metrics import send_metric, timed from swh.search.translator import Translator from swh.search.utils import escape, get_expansion, parse_and_format_date logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) INDEX_NAME_PARAM = "index" READ_ALIAS_PARAM = "read_alias" WRITE_ALIAS_PARAM = "write_alias" ORIGIN_DEFAULT_CONFIG = { INDEX_NAME_PARAM: "origin", READ_ALIAS_PARAM: "origin-read", WRITE_ALIAS_PARAM: "origin-write", } ORIGIN_MAPPING = { "dynamic_templates": [ { "booleans_as_string": { # All fields stored as string in the metadata # even the booleans "match_mapping_type": "boolean", "path_match": "intrinsic_metadata.*", "mapping": {"type": "keyword"}, } } ], "date_detection": False, "properties": { # sha1 of the URL; used as the document id "sha1": { "type": "keyword", "doc_values": True, }, # Used both to search URLs, and as the result to return # as a response to queries "url": { "type": "text", # To split URLs into token on any character # that is not alphanumerical "analyzer": "simple", # 2-gram and partial-3-gram search (ie. with the end of the # third word potentially missing) "fields": { "as_you_type": { "type": "search_as_you_type", "analyzer": "simple", } }, }, "visit_types": {"type": "keyword"}, # used to filter out origins that were never visited "has_visits": { "type": "boolean", }, "nb_visits": {"type": "integer"}, "snapshot_id": {"type": "keyword"}, "last_visit_date": {"type": "date"}, "last_eventful_visit_date": {"type": "date"}, "last_release_date": {"type": "date"}, "last_revision_date": {"type": "date"}, "intrinsic_metadata": { "type": "nested", "properties": { "@context": { # don't bother indexing tokens in these URIs, as the # are used as namespaces "type": "keyword", }, "http://schema": { "properties": { "org/dateCreated": { "properties": { "@value": { "type": "date", } } }, "org/dateModified": { "properties": { "@value": { "type": "date", } } }, "org/datePublished": { "properties": { "@value": { "type": "date", } } }, } }, }, }, # Has this origin been taken down? "blocklisted": { "type": "boolean", }, }, } # painless script that will be executed when updating an origin document ORIGIN_UPDATE_SCRIPT = dedent( """ // utility function to get and parse date ZonedDateTime getDate(def ctx, String date_field) { String default_date = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"; String date = ctx._source.getOrDefault(date_field, default_date); return ZonedDateTime.parse(date); } // backup current visit_types field value List visit_types = ctx._source.getOrDefault("visit_types", []); int nb_visits = ctx._source.getOrDefault("nb_visits", 0); ZonedDateTime last_visit_date = getDate(ctx, "last_visit_date"); String snapshot_id = ctx._source.getOrDefault("snapshot_id", ""); ZonedDateTime last_eventful_visit_date = getDate(ctx, "last_eventful_visit_date"); ZonedDateTime last_revision_date = getDate(ctx, "last_revision_date"); ZonedDateTime last_release_date = getDate(ctx, "last_release_date"); // update origin document with new field values ctx._source.putAll(params); // restore previous visit types after visit_types field overriding if (ctx._source.containsKey("visit_types")) { for (int i = 0; i < visit_types.length; ++i) { if (!ctx._source.visit_types.contains(visit_types[i])) { ctx._source.visit_types.add(visit_types[i]); } } } // Undo overwrite if incoming nb_visits is smaller if (ctx._source.containsKey("nb_visits")) { int incoming_nb_visits = ctx._source.getOrDefault("nb_visits", 0); if(incoming_nb_visits < nb_visits){ ctx._source.nb_visits = nb_visits; } } // Undo overwrite if incoming last_visit_date is older if (ctx._source.containsKey("last_visit_date")) { ZonedDateTime incoming_last_visit_date = getDate(ctx, "last_visit_date"); int difference = // returns -1, 0 or 1 incoming_last_visit_date.compareTo(last_visit_date); if(difference < 0){ ctx._source.last_visit_date = last_visit_date; } } // Undo update of last_eventful_date and snapshot_id if // snapshot_id hasn't changed OR incoming_last_eventful_visit_date is older if (ctx._source.containsKey("snapshot_id")) { String incoming_snapshot_id = ctx._source.getOrDefault("snapshot_id", ""); ZonedDateTime incoming_last_eventful_visit_date = getDate(ctx, "last_eventful_visit_date"); int difference = // returns -1, 0 or 1 incoming_last_eventful_visit_date.compareTo(last_eventful_visit_date); if(snapshot_id == incoming_snapshot_id || difference < 0){ ctx._source.snapshot_id = snapshot_id; ctx._source.last_eventful_visit_date = last_eventful_visit_date; } } // Undo overwrite if incoming last_revision_date is older if (ctx._source.containsKey("last_revision_date")) { ZonedDateTime incoming_last_revision_date = getDate(ctx, "last_revision_date"); int difference = // returns -1, 0 or 1 incoming_last_revision_date.compareTo(last_revision_date); if(difference < 0){ ctx._source.last_revision_date = last_revision_date; } } // Undo overwrite if incoming last_release_date is older if (ctx._source.containsKey("last_release_date")) { ZonedDateTime incoming_last_release_date = getDate(ctx, "last_release_date"); // returns -1, 0 or 1 int difference = incoming_last_release_date.compareTo(last_release_date); if(difference < 0){ ctx._source.last_release_date = last_release_date; } } """ ) def _sanitize_origin(origin): origin = origin.copy() # Whitelist fields to be saved in Elasticsearch res = {"url": origin.pop("url")} for field_name in ( "blocklisted", "has_visits", "intrinsic_metadata", "visit_types", "nb_visits", "snapshot_id", "last_visit_date", "last_eventful_visit_date", "last_revision_date", "last_release_date", ): if field_name in origin: res[field_name] = origin.pop(field_name) # Run the JSON-LD expansion algorithm # # to normalize the Codemeta metadata. # This is required as Elasticsearch will needs each field to have a consistent # type across documents to be searchable; and non-expanded JSON-LD documents # can have various types in the same field. For example, all these are # equivalent in JSON-LD: # * {"author": "Jane Doe"} # * {"author": ["Jane Doe"]} # * {"author": {"@value": "Jane Doe"}} # * {"author": [{"@value": "Jane Doe"}]} # and JSON-LD expansion will convert them all to the last one. if "intrinsic_metadata" in res: intrinsic_metadata = res["intrinsic_metadata"] for date_field in ["dateCreated", "dateModified", "datePublished"]: if date_field in intrinsic_metadata: date = intrinsic_metadata[date_field] # If date{Created,Modified,Published} value isn't parsable # It gets rejected and isn't stored (unlike other fields) formatted_date = parse_and_format_date(date) if formatted_date is None: intrinsic_metadata.pop(date_field) else: intrinsic_metadata[date_field] = formatted_date res["intrinsic_metadata"] = codemeta.expand(intrinsic_metadata) return res def token_encode(index_to_tokenize: Dict[bytes, Any]) -> str: """Tokenize as string an index page result from a search""" page_token = base64.b64encode(msgpack.dumps(index_to_tokenize)) return page_token.decode() def token_decode(page_token: str) -> Dict[bytes, Any]: """Read the page_token""" return msgpack.loads(base64.b64decode(page_token.encode()), raw=True) class ElasticSearch: def __init__(self, hosts: List[str], indexes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}): self._backend = Elasticsearch(hosts=hosts) self._translator = Translator() # Merge current configuration with default values origin_config = indexes.get("origin", {}) self.origin_config = {**ORIGIN_DEFAULT_CONFIG, **origin_config} def _get_origin_index(self) -> str: return self.origin_config[INDEX_NAME_PARAM] def _get_origin_read_alias(self) -> str: return self.origin_config[READ_ALIAS_PARAM] def _get_origin_write_alias(self) -> str: return self.origin_config[WRITE_ALIAS_PARAM] @timed def check(self): return self._backend.ping() def deinitialize(self) -> None: """Removes all indices from the Elasticsearch backend""" self._backend.indices.delete(index="*") def initialize(self) -> None: """Declare Elasticsearch indices, aliases and mappings""" if not self._backend.indices.exists(index=self._get_origin_index()): self._backend.indices.create(index=self._get_origin_index()) if not self._backend.indices.exists_alias(name=self._get_origin_read_alias()): self._backend.indices.put_alias( index=self._get_origin_index(), name=self._get_origin_read_alias() ) if not self._backend.indices.exists_alias(name=self._get_origin_write_alias()): self._backend.indices.put_alias( index=self._get_origin_index(), name=self._get_origin_write_alias() ) self._backend.indices.put_mapping( index=self._get_origin_index(), body=ORIGIN_MAPPING ) @timed def flush(self) -> None: self._backend.indices.refresh(index=self._get_origin_write_alias()) @timed def origin_update(self, documents: Iterable[OriginDict]) -> None: write_index = self._get_origin_write_alias() documents = map(_sanitize_origin, documents) documents_with_sha1 = ( (hash_to_hex(model.Origin(url=document["url"]).id), document) for document in documents ) actions = [ { "_op_type": "update", "_id": sha1, "_index": write_index, "scripted_upsert": True, "upsert": { - **document, + **cast(dict, document), "sha1": sha1, }, "retry_on_conflict": 10, "script": { "source": ORIGIN_UPDATE_SCRIPT, "lang": "painless", "params": document, }, } for (sha1, document) in documents_with_sha1 ] indexed_count, errors = helpers.bulk(self._backend, actions, index=write_index) assert isinstance(errors, List) # Make mypy happy send_metric("document:index", count=indexed_count, method_name="origin_update") send_metric( "document:index_error", count=len(errors), method_name="origin_update" ) @timed def origin_search( self, *, query: str = "", url_pattern: Optional[str] = None, metadata_pattern: Optional[str] = None, with_visit: bool = False, visit_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, min_nb_visits: int = 0, min_last_visit_date: str = "", min_last_eventful_visit_date: str = "", min_last_revision_date: str = "", min_last_release_date: str = "", min_date_created: str = "", min_date_modified: str = "", min_date_published: str = "", programming_languages: Optional[List[str]] = None, licenses: Optional[List[str]] = None, keywords: Optional[List[str]] = None, sort_by: Optional[List[str]] = None, page_token: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 50, ) -> PagedResult[MinimalOriginDict]: query_clauses: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] query_filters = [] if url_pattern: query_filters.append(f"origin : {escape(url_pattern)}") if metadata_pattern: query_filters.append(f"metadata : {escape(metadata_pattern)}") # if not query_clauses: # raise ValueError( # "At least one of url_pattern and metadata_pattern must be provided." # ) if with_visit: query_filters.append(f"visited = {'true' if with_visit else 'false'}") if min_nb_visits: query_filters.append(f"visits >= {min_nb_visits}") if min_last_visit_date: query_filters.append( f"last_visit >= {min_last_visit_date.replace('Z', '+00:00')}" ) if min_last_eventful_visit_date: query_filters.append( "last_eventful_visit >= " f"{min_last_eventful_visit_date.replace('Z', '+00:00')}" ) if min_last_revision_date: query_filters.append( f"last_revision >= {min_last_revision_date.replace('Z', '+00:00')}" ) if min_last_release_date: query_filters.append( f"last_release >= {min_last_release_date.replace('Z', '+00:00')}" ) if keywords: query_filters.append(f"keyword in {escape(keywords)}") if licenses: query_filters.append(f"license in {escape(licenses)}") if programming_languages: query_filters.append(f"language in {escape(programming_languages)}") if min_date_created: query_filters.append( f"created >= {min_date_created.replace('Z', '+00:00')}" ) if min_date_modified: query_filters.append( f"modified >= {min_date_modified.replace('Z', '+00:00')}" ) if min_date_published: query_filters.append( f"published >= {min_date_published.replace('Z', '+00:00')}" ) if visit_types is not None: query_filters.append(f"visit_type = {escape(visit_types)}") combined_filters = " and ".join(query_filters) if combined_filters and query: query = f"{combined_filters} and {query}" else: query = combined_filters or query parsed_query = self._translator.parse_query(query) query_clauses.append(parsed_query["filters"]) field_map = { "visits": "nb_visits", "last_visit": "last_visit_date", "last_eventful_visit": "last_eventful_visit_date", "last_revision": "last_revision_date", "last_release": "last_release_date", "created": "date_created", "modified": "date_modified", "published": "date_published", } if "sortBy" in parsed_query: if sort_by is None: sort_by = [] for sort_by_option in parsed_query["sortBy"]: if sort_by_option[0] == "-": sort_by.append("-" + field_map[sort_by_option[1:]]) else: sort_by.append(field_map[sort_by_option]) if parsed_query.get("limit", 0): limit = parsed_query["limit"] sorting_params: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] if sort_by: for field in sort_by: order = "asc" if field and field[0] == "-": field = field[1:] order = "desc" if field in ["date_created", "date_modified", "date_published"]: sorting_params.append( { get_expansion(field, "."): { "nested_path": "intrinsic_metadata", "order": order, } } ) elif field in SORT_BY_OPTIONS: sorting_params.append({field: order}) sorting_params.extend( [ {"_score": "desc"}, {"sha1": "asc"}, ] ) body = { "query": { "bool": { "must": query_clauses, "must_not": [{"term": {"blocklisted": True}}], } }, "sort": sorting_params, } if page_token: # TODO: use ElasticSearch's scroll API? page_token_content = token_decode(page_token) body["search_after"] = [ page_token_content[b"score"], page_token_content[b"sha1"].decode("ascii"), ] if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): formatted_body = pprint.pformat(body) logger.debug("Search query body: %s", formatted_body) res = self._backend.search( index=self._get_origin_read_alias(), body=body, size=limit ) hits = res["hits"]["hits"] next_page_token: Optional[str] = None if len(hits) == limit: # There are more results after this page; return a pagination token # to get them in a future query last_hit = hits[-1] next_page_token_content = { b"score": last_hit["_score"], b"sha1": last_hit["_source"]["sha1"], } next_page_token = token_encode(next_page_token_content) assert len(hits) <= limit return PagedResult( results=[{"url": hit["_source"]["url"]} for hit in hits], next_page_token=next_page_token, ) def visit_types_count(self) -> Counter: body = { "aggs": { "not_blocklisted": { "filter": {"bool": {"must_not": [{"term": {"blocklisted": True}}]}}, "aggs": { "visit_types": {"terms": {"field": "visit_types", "size": 1000}} }, } } } res = self._backend.search( index=self._get_origin_read_alias(), body=body, size=0 ) buckets = ( res.get("aggregations", {}) .get("not_blocklisted", {}) .get("visit_types", {}) .get("buckets", []) ) return Counter({bucket["key"]: bucket["doc_count"] for bucket in buckets})