diff --git a/sql/updates/23.sql b/sql/updates/23.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..392f818 --- /dev/null +++ b/sql/updates/23.sql @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +insert into dbversion (version, release, description) + values (23, now(), 'Work In Progress'); + +create or replace function swh_scheduler_update_task_on_task_end () + returns trigger + language plpgsql +as $$ +declare + cur_task task%rowtype; + cur_task_type task_type%rowtype; + adjustment_factor float; + new_interval interval; +begin + select * from task where id = new.task into cur_task; + select * from task_type where type = cur_task.type into cur_task_type; + + case + when new.status = 'permfailed' then + update task + set status = 'disabled' + where id = cur_task.id; + when new.status in ('eventful', 'uneventful') then + case + when cur_task.policy = 'oneshot' then + update task + set status = 'completed' + where id = cur_task.id; + when cur_task.policy = 'recurring' then + if new.status = 'uneventful' then + adjustment_factor := 1/cur_task_type.backoff_factor; + else + adjustment_factor := 1/cur_task_type.backoff_factor; + end if; + new_interval := greatest( + cur_task_type.min_interval, + least( + cur_task_type.max_interval, + adjustment_factor * cur_task.current_interval)); + update task + set status = 'next_run_not_scheduled', + next_run = new.ended + new_interval, + current_interval = new_interval, + retries_left = coalesce(cur_task_type.num_retries, 0) + where id = cur_task.id; + end case; + else -- new.status in 'failed', 'lost' + if cur_task.retries_left > 0 then + update task + set status = 'next_run_not_scheduled', + next_run = new.ended + coalesce(cur_task_type.retry_delay, interval '1 hour'), + retries_left = cur_task.retries_left - 1 + where id = cur_task.id; + else -- no retries left + case + when cur_task.policy = 'oneshot' then + update task + set status = 'disabled' + where id = cur_task.id; + when cur_task.policy = 'recurring' then + update task + set status = 'next_run_not_scheduled', + next_run = new.ended + cur_task.current_interval, + retries_left = coalesce(cur_task_type.num_retries, 0) + where id = cur_task.id; + end case; + end if; -- retries + end case; + return null; +end; +$$; + diff --git a/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql index 466e270..b9e84d2 100644 --- a/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql +++ b/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql @@ -1,186 +1,186 @@ create table dbversion ( version int primary key, release timestamptz not null, description text not null ); comment on table dbversion is 'Schema update tracking'; comment on column dbversion.version is 'SQL schema version'; comment on column dbversion.release is 'Version deployment timestamp'; comment on column dbversion.description is 'Version description'; insert into dbversion (version, release, description) - values (22, now(), 'Work In Progress'); + values (23, now(), 'Work In Progress'); create table task_type ( type text primary key, description text not null, backend_name text not null, default_interval interval, min_interval interval, max_interval interval, backoff_factor float, max_queue_length bigint, num_retries bigint, retry_delay interval ); comment on table task_type is 'Types of schedulable tasks'; comment on column task_type.type is 'Short identifier for the task type'; comment on column task_type.description is 'Human-readable task description'; comment on column task_type.backend_name is 'Name of the task in the job-running backend'; comment on column task_type.default_interval is 'Default interval for newly scheduled tasks'; comment on column task_type.min_interval is 'Minimum interval between two runs of a task'; comment on column task_type.max_interval is 'Maximum interval between two runs of a task'; comment on column task_type.backoff_factor is 'Adjustment factor for the backoff between two task runs'; comment on column task_type.max_queue_length is 'Maximum length of the queue for this type of tasks'; comment on column task_type.num_retries is 'Default number of retries on transient failures'; comment on column task_type.retry_delay is 'Retry delay for the task'; create type task_status as enum ('next_run_not_scheduled', 'next_run_scheduled', 'completed', 'disabled'); comment on type task_status is 'Status of a given task'; create type task_policy as enum ('recurring', 'oneshot'); comment on type task_policy is 'Recurrence policy of the given task'; create type task_priority as enum('high', 'normal', 'low'); comment on type task_priority is 'Priority of the given task'; create table priority_ratio( id task_priority primary key, ratio float not null ); comment on table priority_ratio is 'Oneshot task''s reading ratio per priority'; comment on column priority_ratio.id is 'Task priority id'; comment on column priority_ratio.ratio is 'Percentage of tasks to read per priority'; insert into priority_ratio (id, ratio) values ('high', 0.5); insert into priority_ratio (id, ratio) values ('normal', 0.3); insert into priority_ratio (id, ratio) values ('low', 0.2); create table task ( id bigserial primary key, type text not null references task_type(type), arguments jsonb not null, next_run timestamptz not null, current_interval interval, status task_status not null, policy task_policy not null default 'recurring', retries_left bigint not null default 0, priority task_priority references priority_ratio(id), check (policy <> 'recurring' or current_interval is not null) ); comment on table task is 'Schedule of recurring tasks'; comment on column task.arguments is 'Arguments passed to the underlying job scheduler. ' 'Contains two keys, ''args'' (list) and ''kwargs'' (object).'; comment on column task.next_run is 'The next run of this task should be run on or after that time'; comment on column task.current_interval is 'The interval between two runs of this task, ' 'taking into account the backoff factor'; comment on column task.policy is 'Whether the task is one-shot or recurring'; comment on column task.retries_left is 'The number of "short delay" retries of the task in case of ' 'transient failure'; comment on column task.priority is 'Policy of the given task'; comment on column task.id is 'Task Identifier'; comment on column task.type is 'References task_type table'; comment on column task.status is 'Task status (''next_run_not_scheduled'', ''next_run_scheduled'', ''completed'', ''disabled'')'; create type task_run_status as enum ('scheduled', 'started', 'eventful', 'uneventful', 'failed', 'permfailed', 'lost'); comment on type task_run_status is 'Status of a given task run'; create table task_run ( id bigserial primary key, task bigint not null references task(id), backend_id text, scheduled timestamptz, started timestamptz, ended timestamptz, metadata jsonb, status task_run_status not null default 'scheduled' ); comment on table task_run is 'History of task runs sent to the job-running backend'; comment on column task_run.backend_id is 'id of the task run in the job-running backend'; comment on column task_run.metadata is 'Useful metadata for the given task run. ' 'For instance, the worker that took on the job, ' 'or the logs for the run.'; comment on column task_run.id is 'Task run identifier'; comment on column task_run.task is 'References task table'; comment on column task_run.scheduled is 'Scheduled run time for task'; comment on column task_run.started is 'Task starting time'; comment on column task_run.ended is 'Task ending time'; create table if not exists listers ( id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(), name text not null, instance_name text not null, created timestamptz not null default now(), -- auto_now_add in the model current_state jsonb not null, updated timestamptz not null ); comment on table listers is 'Lister instances known to the origin visit scheduler'; comment on column listers.name is 'Name of the lister (e.g. github, gitlab, debian, ...)'; comment on column listers.instance_name is 'Name of the current instance of this lister (e.g. framagit, bitbucket, ...)'; comment on column listers.created is 'Timestamp at which the lister was originally created'; comment on column listers.current_state is 'Known current state of this lister'; comment on column listers.updated is 'Timestamp at which the lister state was last updated'; create table if not exists listed_origins ( -- Basic information lister_id uuid not null references listers(id), url text not null, visit_type text not null, extra_loader_arguments jsonb not null, -- Whether this origin still exists or not enabled boolean not null, -- time-based information first_seen timestamptz not null default now(), last_seen timestamptz not null, -- potentially provided by the lister last_update timestamptz, -- visit scheduling information last_scheduled timestamptz, primary key (lister_id, url, visit_type) ); comment on table listed_origins is 'Origins known to the origin visit scheduler'; comment on column listed_origins.lister_id is 'Lister instance which owns this origin'; comment on column listed_origins.url is 'URL of the origin listed'; comment on column listed_origins.visit_type is 'Type of the visit which should be scheduled for the given url'; comment on column listed_origins.extra_loader_arguments is 'Extra arguments that should be passed to the loader for this origin'; comment on column listed_origins.enabled is 'Whether this origin has been seen during the last listing, and visits should be scheduled.'; comment on column listed_origins.first_seen is 'Time at which the origin was first seen by a lister'; comment on column listed_origins.last_seen is 'Time at which the origin was last seen by the lister'; comment on column listed_origins.last_update is 'Time of the last update to the origin recorded by the remote'; comment on column listed_origins.last_scheduled is 'Time when this origin was scheduled to be visited last'; create table origin_visit_stats ( url text not null, visit_type text not null, last_eventful timestamptz, last_uneventful timestamptz, last_failed timestamptz, last_notfound timestamptz, last_snapshot bytea, primary key (url, visit_type) ); comment on column origin_visit_stats.url is 'Origin URL'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.visit_type is 'Type of the visit for the given url'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_eventful is 'Date of the last eventful event'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_uneventful is 'Date of the last uneventful event'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_failed is 'Date of the last failed event'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_notfound is 'Date of the last notfound event'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_snapshot is 'sha1_git of the last visit snapshot'; diff --git a/swh/scheduler/sql/40-func.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/40-func.sql index 684aebc..11ef2cb 100644 --- a/swh/scheduler/sql/40-func.sql +++ b/swh/scheduler/sql/40-func.sql @@ -1,408 +1,408 @@ create or replace function swh_scheduler_mktemp_task () returns void language sql as $$ create temporary table tmp_task ( like task excluding indexes ) on commit drop; alter table tmp_task alter column retries_left drop not null, drop column id; $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_mktemp_task () is 'Create a temporary table for bulk task creation'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_create_tasks_from_temp () returns setof task language plpgsql as $$ begin -- update the default values in one go -- this is separated from the insert/select to avoid too much -- juggling update tmp_task t set current_interval = tt.default_interval, retries_left = coalesce(retries_left, tt.num_retries, 0) from task_type tt where tt.type=t.type; insert into task (type, arguments, next_run, status, current_interval, policy, retries_left, priority) select type, arguments, next_run, status, current_interval, policy, retries_left, priority from tmp_task t where not exists(select 1 from task where type = t.type and md5(arguments::text) = md5(t.arguments::text) and arguments = t.arguments and policy = t.policy and priority is not distinct from t.priority and status = t.status); return query select distinct t.* from tmp_task tt inner join task t on ( tt.type = t.type and md5(tt.arguments::text) = md5(t.arguments::text) and tt.arguments = t.arguments and tt.policy = t.policy and tt.priority is not distinct from t.priority and tt.status = t.status ); end; $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_create_tasks_from_temp () is 'Create tasks in bulk from the temporary table'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_peek_no_priority_tasks (task_type text, ts timestamptz default now(), num_tasks bigint default NULL) returns setof task language sql stable as $$ select * from task where next_run <= ts and type = task_type and status = 'next_run_not_scheduled' and priority is null order by next_run limit num_tasks for update skip locked; $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_peek_no_priority_tasks (text, timestamptz, bigint) is 'Retrieve tasks without priority'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_nb_priority_tasks(num_tasks_priority bigint, task_priority task_priority) returns numeric language sql stable as $$ select ceil(num_tasks_priority * (select ratio from priority_ratio where id = task_priority)) :: numeric $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_nb_priority_tasks (bigint, task_priority) is 'Given a priority task and a total number, compute the number of tasks to read'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_peek_tasks_with_priority (task_type text, ts timestamptz default now(), num_tasks_priority bigint default NULL, task_priority task_priority default 'normal') returns setof task language sql stable as $$ select * from task t where t.next_run <= ts and t.type = task_type and t.status = 'next_run_not_scheduled' and t.priority = task_priority order by t.next_run limit num_tasks_priority for update skip locked; $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_peek_tasks_with_priority(text, timestamptz, bigint, task_priority) is 'Retrieve tasks with a given priority'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_peek_priority_tasks (task_type text, ts timestamptz default now(), num_tasks_priority bigint default NULL) returns setof task language plpgsql as $$ declare r record; count_row bigint; nb_diff bigint; nb_high bigint; nb_normal bigint; nb_low bigint; begin -- expected values to fetch select swh_scheduler_nb_priority_tasks(num_tasks_priority, 'high') into nb_high; select swh_scheduler_nb_priority_tasks(num_tasks_priority, 'normal') into nb_normal; select swh_scheduler_nb_priority_tasks(num_tasks_priority, 'low') into nb_low; nb_diff := 0; count_row := 0; for r in select * from swh_scheduler_peek_tasks_with_priority(task_type, ts, nb_high, 'high') loop count_row := count_row + 1; return next r; end loop; if count_row < nb_high then nb_normal := nb_normal + nb_high - count_row; end if; count_row := 0; for r in select * from swh_scheduler_peek_tasks_with_priority(task_type, ts, nb_normal, 'normal') loop count_row := count_row + 1; return next r; end loop; if count_row < nb_normal then nb_low := nb_low + nb_normal - count_row; end if; return query select * from swh_scheduler_peek_tasks_with_priority(task_type, ts, nb_low, 'low'); end $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_peek_priority_tasks(text, timestamptz, bigint) is 'Retrieve priority tasks'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_peek_ready_tasks (task_type text, ts timestamptz default now(), num_tasks bigint default NULL, num_tasks_priority bigint default NULL) returns setof task language plpgsql as $$ declare r record; count_row bigint; nb_diff bigint; nb_tasks bigint; begin count_row := 0; for r in select * from swh_scheduler_peek_priority_tasks(task_type, ts, num_tasks_priority) order by priority, next_run loop count_row := count_row + 1; return next r; end loop; if count_row < num_tasks_priority then nb_tasks := num_tasks + num_tasks_priority - count_row; else nb_tasks := num_tasks; end if; for r in select * from swh_scheduler_peek_no_priority_tasks(task_type, ts, nb_tasks) order by priority, next_run loop return next r; end loop; return; end $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_peek_ready_tasks(text, timestamptz, bigint, bigint) is 'Retrieve tasks with/without priority in order'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_grab_ready_tasks (task_type text, ts timestamptz default now(), num_tasks bigint default NULL, num_tasks_priority bigint default NULL) returns setof task language sql as $$ update task set status='next_run_scheduled' from ( select id from swh_scheduler_peek_ready_tasks(task_type, ts, num_tasks, num_tasks_priority) ) next_tasks where task.id = next_tasks.id returning task.*; $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_grab_ready_tasks (text, timestamptz, bigint, bigint) is 'Grab tasks ready for scheduling and change their status'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_schedule_task_run (task_id bigint, backend_id text, metadata jsonb default '{}'::jsonb, ts timestamptz default now()) returns task_run language sql as $$ insert into task_run (task, backend_id, metadata, scheduled, status) values (task_id, backend_id, metadata, ts, 'scheduled') returning *; $$; create or replace function swh_scheduler_mktemp_task_run () returns void language sql as $$ create temporary table tmp_task_run ( like task_run excluding indexes ) on commit drop; alter table tmp_task_run drop column id, drop column status; $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_mktemp_task_run () is 'Create a temporary table for bulk task run scheduling'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_schedule_task_run_from_temp () returns void language plpgsql as $$ begin insert into task_run (task, backend_id, metadata, scheduled, status) select task, backend_id, metadata, scheduled, 'scheduled' from tmp_task_run; return; end; $$; create or replace function swh_scheduler_start_task_run (backend_id text, metadata jsonb default '{}'::jsonb, ts timestamptz default now()) returns task_run language sql as $$ update task_run set started = ts, status = 'started', metadata = coalesce(task_run.metadata, '{}'::jsonb) || swh_scheduler_start_task_run.metadata where task_run.backend_id = swh_scheduler_start_task_run.backend_id returning *; $$; create or replace function swh_scheduler_end_task_run (backend_id text, status task_run_status, metadata jsonb default '{}'::jsonb, ts timestamptz default now()) returns task_run language sql as $$ update task_run set ended = ts, status = swh_scheduler_end_task_run.status, metadata = coalesce(task_run.metadata, '{}'::jsonb) || swh_scheduler_end_task_run.metadata where task_run.backend_id = swh_scheduler_end_task_run.backend_id returning *; $$; create type task_record as ( task_id bigint, task_policy task_policy, task_status task_status, task_run_id bigint, arguments jsonb, type text, backend_id text, metadata jsonb, scheduled timestamptz, started timestamptz, ended timestamptz, task_run_status task_run_status ); create or replace function swh_scheduler_task_to_archive( ts_after timestamptz, ts_before timestamptz, last_id bigint default -1, lim bigint default 10) returns setof task_record language sql stable as $$ select t.id as task_id, t.policy as task_policy, t.status as task_status, tr.id as task_run_id, t.arguments, t.type, tr.backend_id, tr.metadata, tr.scheduled, tr.started, tr.ended, tr.status as task_run_status from task_run tr inner join task t on tr.task=t.id where ((t.policy = 'oneshot' and t.status in ('completed', 'disabled')) or (t.policy = 'recurring' and t.status = 'disabled')) and ((ts_after <= tr.started and tr.started < ts_before) or (tr.started is null and (ts_after <= tr.scheduled and tr.scheduled < ts_before))) and t.id >= last_id order by tr.task, tr.started limit lim; $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_task_to_archive (timestamptz, timestamptz, bigint, bigint) is 'Read archivable tasks function'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_delete_archived_tasks( task_ids bigint[], task_run_ids bigint[]) returns void language sql as $$ -- clean up task_run_ids delete from task_run where id in (select * from unnest(task_run_ids)); -- clean up only tasks whose associated task_run are all cleaned up. -- Remaining tasks will stay there and will be cleaned up when -- remaining data have been indexed delete from task where id in (select t.id from task t left outer join task_run tr on t.id=tr.task where t.id in (select * from unnest(task_ids)) and tr.task is null); $$; comment on function swh_scheduler_delete_archived_tasks(bigint[], bigint[]) is 'Clean up archived tasks function'; create or replace function swh_scheduler_update_task_on_task_end () returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ declare cur_task task%rowtype; cur_task_type task_type%rowtype; adjustment_factor float; new_interval interval; begin select * from task where id = new.task into cur_task; select * from task_type where type = cur_task.type into cur_task_type; case when new.status = 'permfailed' then update task set status = 'disabled' where id = cur_task.id; when new.status in ('eventful', 'uneventful') then case when cur_task.policy = 'oneshot' then update task set status = 'completed' where id = cur_task.id; when cur_task.policy = 'recurring' then if new.status = 'uneventful' then adjustment_factor := 1/cur_task_type.backoff_factor; else adjustment_factor := 1/cur_task_type.backoff_factor; end if; new_interval := greatest( cur_task_type.min_interval, least( cur_task_type.max_interval, adjustment_factor * cur_task.current_interval)); update task set status = 'next_run_not_scheduled', - next_run = now() + new_interval, + next_run = new.ended + new_interval, current_interval = new_interval, retries_left = coalesce(cur_task_type.num_retries, 0) where id = cur_task.id; end case; else -- new.status in 'failed', 'lost' if cur_task.retries_left > 0 then update task set status = 'next_run_not_scheduled', - next_run = now() + coalesce(cur_task_type.retry_delay, interval '1 hour'), + next_run = new.ended + coalesce(cur_task_type.retry_delay, interval '1 hour'), retries_left = cur_task.retries_left - 1 where id = cur_task.id; else -- no retries left case when cur_task.policy = 'oneshot' then update task set status = 'disabled' where id = cur_task.id; when cur_task.policy = 'recurring' then update task set status = 'next_run_not_scheduled', - next_run = now() + cur_task.current_interval, + next_run = new.ended + cur_task.current_interval, retries_left = coalesce(cur_task_type.num_retries, 0) where id = cur_task.id; end case; end if; -- retries end case; return null; end; $$; create trigger update_task_on_task_end after update of status on task_run for each row when (new.status NOT IN ('scheduled', 'started')) execute procedure swh_scheduler_update_task_on_task_end ();