diff --git a/swh/scheduler/cli.py b/swh/scheduler/cli.py index f806071..b9a641e 100644 --- a/swh/scheduler/cli.py +++ b/swh/scheduler/cli.py @@ -1,363 +1,366 @@ # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import arrow import click import csv import itertools import json import locale import logging from swh.core import utils from . import compute_nb_tasks_from from .backend_es import SWHElasticSearchClient locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') ARROW_LOCALE = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME)[0] class DateTimeType(click.ParamType): name = 'time and date' def convert(self, value, param, ctx): if not isinstance(value, arrow.Arrow): value = arrow.get(value) return value DATETIME = DateTimeType() CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) def pretty_print_list(list, indent): """Pretty-print a list""" return ''.join('%s%s\n' % (' ' * indent, item) for item in list) def pretty_print_dict(dict, indent): """Pretty-print a list""" return ''.join('%s%s: %s\n' % (' ' * indent, click.style(key, bold=True), value) for key, value in dict.items()) def pretty_print_task(task): """Pretty-print a task""" next_run = arrow.get(task['next_run']) lines = [ '%s %s\n' % (click.style('Task', bold=True), task['id']), click.style(' Next run: ', bold=True), "%s (%s)" % (next_run.humanize(locale=ARROW_LOCALE), next_run.format()), '\n', click.style(' Interval: ', bold=True), str(task['current_interval']), '\n', click.style(' Type: ', bold=True), task['type'], '\n', click.style(' Policy: ', bold=True), task['policy'], '\n', click.style(' Args:\n', bold=True), pretty_print_list(task['arguments']['args'], indent=4), click.style(' Keyword args:\n', bold=True), pretty_print_dict(task['arguments']['kwargs'], indent=4), ] return ''.join(lines) def list_task_types(ctx, param, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return click.echo("Known task types:") - for tasktype in ctx.obj.get_task_types(): + for tasktype in ctx.obj['scheduler'].get_task_types(): click.echo('{type}:\n {description}'.format(**tasktype)) ctx.exit() @click.group(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option('--cls', '-c', default='local', help="Scheduler's class, default to 'local'") @click.option('--database', '-d', help='Scheduling database DSN') @click.option('--url', '-u', help="(Optional) Scheduler's url access") @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, cls, database, url): """Software Heritage Scheduler CLI interface Default to use the the local scheduler instance (plugged to the main scheduler db). """ + ctx.ensure_object(dict) + scheduler = None override_config = {} from . import get_scheduler if cls == 'local': if database: override_config = {'scheduling_db': database} scheduler = get_scheduler(cls, args=override_config) elif cls == 'remote': if url: override_config = {'url': url} scheduler = get_scheduler(cls, args=override_config) if not scheduler: raise ValueError('Scheduler class (local/remote) must be instantiated') - ctx.obj = scheduler + ctx.obj['scheduler'] = scheduler @cli.group('task') @click.option('--list-types', '-l', is_flag=True, default=False, is_eager=True, expose_value=False, callback=list_task_types) @click.pass_context def task(ctx): """Manipulate tasks.""" pass @task.command('schedule') @click.option('--columns', '-c', multiple=True, default=['type', 'args', 'kwargs', 'next_run'], type=click.Choice([ 'type', 'args', 'kwargs', 'policy', 'next_run']), help='columns present in the CSV file') @click.option('--delimiter', '-d', default=',') @click.argument('file', type=click.File(encoding='utf-8')) @click.pass_context def schedule_tasks(ctx, columns, delimiter, file): """Schedule tasks from a CSV input file. The following columns are expected, and can be set through the -c option: - type: the type of the task to be scheduled (mandatory) - args: the arguments passed to the task (JSON list, defaults to an empty list) - kwargs: the keyword arguments passed to the task (JSON object, defaults to an empty dict) - next_run: the date at which the task should run (datetime, defaults to now) The CSV can be read either from a named file, or from stdin (use - as filename). Use sample: cat scheduling-task.txt | \ python3 -m swh.scheduler.cli \ --database 'service=swh-scheduler-dev' \ task schedule \ --columns type --columns kwargs --columns policy \ --delimiter ';' - """ tasks = [] now = arrow.utcnow() reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=delimiter) for line in reader: task = dict(zip(columns, line)) args = json.loads(task.pop('args', '[]')) kwargs = json.loads(task.pop('kwargs', '{}')) task['arguments'] = { 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, } task['next_run'] = DATETIME.convert(task.get('next_run', now), None, None) tasks.append(task) - created = ctx.obj.create_tasks(tasks) + created = ctx.obj['scheduler'].create_tasks(tasks) output = [ 'Created %d tasks\n' % len(created), ] for task in created: output.append(pretty_print_task(task)) click.echo_via_pager('\n'.join(output)) @task.command('add') @click.argument('type', nargs=1, required=True) @click.argument('options', nargs=-1) @click.option('--policy', '-p', default='recurring', type=click.Choice(['recurring', 'oneshot'])) @click.option('--next-run', '-n', default=None) @click.pass_context def schedule_task(ctx, type, options, policy, next_run): """Schedule one task from arguments. Use sample: swh-scheduler --database 'service=swh-scheduler' \ task add swh-lister-pypi swh-scheduler --database 'service=swh-scheduler' \ task add swh-lister-debian --policy=oneshot distribution=stretch """ now = arrow.utcnow() args = [x for x in options if '=' not in x] kw = dict(x.split('=', 1) for x in options if '=' in x) task = {'type': type, 'policy': policy, 'arguments': { 'args': args, 'kwargs': kw, }, 'next_run': DATETIME.convert(next_run or now, None, None), } - created = ctx.obj.create_tasks([task]) + created = ctx.obj['scheduler'].create_tasks([task]) output = [ 'Created %d tasks\n' % len(created), ] for task in created: output.append(pretty_print_task(task)) click.echo('\n'.join(output)) @task.command('list-pending') @click.argument('task-types', required=True, nargs=-1) @click.option('--limit', '-l', required=False, type=click.INT, help='The maximum number of tasks to fetch') @click.option('--before', '-b', required=False, type=DATETIME, help='List all jobs supposed to run before the given date') @click.pass_context def list_pending_tasks(ctx, task_types, limit, before): """List the tasks that are going to be run. You can override the number of tasks to fetch """ num_tasks, num_tasks_priority = compute_nb_tasks_from(limit) output = [] for task_type in task_types: - pending = ctx.obj.peek_ready_tasks( + pending = ctx.obj['scheduler'].peek_ready_tasks( task_type, timestamp=before, num_tasks=num_tasks, num_tasks_priority=num_tasks_priority) output.append('Found %d %s tasks\n' % ( len(pending), task_type)) for task in pending: output.append(pretty_print_task(task)) click.echo('\n'.join(output)) @task.command('archive') @click.option('--before', '-b', default=None, help='''Task whose ended date is anterior will be archived. Default to current month's first day.''') @click.option('--after', '-a', default=None, help='''Task whose ended date is after the specified date will be archived. Default to prior month's first day.''') @click.option('--batch-index', default=1000, type=click.INT, help='Batch size of tasks to read from db to archive') @click.option('--bulk-index', default=200, type=click.INT, help='Batch size of tasks to bulk index') @click.option('--batch-clean', default=1000, type=click.INT, help='Batch size of task to clean after archival') @click.option('--dry-run/--no-dry-run', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Default to list only what would be archived.') @click.option('--verbose', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Default to list only what would be archived.') @click.option('--cleanup/--no-cleanup', is_flag=True, default=True, help='Clean up archived tasks (default)') @click.option('--start-from', type=click.INT, default=-1, help='(Optional) default task id to start from. Default is -1.') @click.pass_context def archive_tasks(ctx, before, after, batch_index, bulk_index, batch_clean, dry_run, verbose, cleanup, start_from): """Archive task/task_run whose (task_type is 'oneshot' and task_status is 'completed') or (task_type is 'recurring' and task_status is 'disabled'). With --dry-run flag set (default), only list those. """ es_client = SWHElasticSearchClient() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO) log = logging.getLogger('swh.scheduler.cli.archive') logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.WARN) logging.getLogger('elasticsearch').setLevel(logging.WARN) if dry_run: log.info('**DRY-RUN** (only reading db)') if not cleanup: log.info('**NO CLEANUP**') now = arrow.utcnow() # Default to archive tasks from a rolling month starting the week # prior to the current one if not before: before = now.shift(weeks=-1).format('YYYY-MM-DD') if not after: after = now.shift(weeks=-1).shift(months=-1).format('YYYY-MM-DD') log.debug('index: %s; cleanup: %s; period: [%s ; %s]' % ( not dry_run, not dry_run and cleanup, after, before)) def group_by_index_name(data, es_client=es_client): """Given a data record, determine the index's name through its ending date. This varies greatly depending on the task_run's status. """ date = data.get('started') if not date: date = data['scheduled'] return es_client.compute_index_name(date.year, date.month) - def index_data(before, last_id, batch_index, backend=ctx.obj): + def index_data(before, last_id, batch_index): + backend = ctx.obj['scheduler'] tasks_in = backend.filter_task_to_archive( after, before, last_id=last_id, limit=batch_index) for index_name, tasks_group in itertools.groupby( tasks_in, key=group_by_index_name): log.debug('Index tasks to %s' % index_name) if dry_run: for task in tasks_group: yield task continue yield from es_client.streaming_bulk( index_name, tasks_group, source=['task_id', 'task_run_id'], chunk_size=bulk_index, log=log) gen = index_data(before, last_id=start_from, batch_index=batch_index) if cleanup: for task_ids in utils.grouper(gen, n=batch_clean): task_ids = list(task_ids) log.info('Clean up %s tasks: [%s, ...]' % ( len(task_ids), task_ids[0])) if dry_run: # no clean up continue - ctx.obj.delete_archived_tasks(task_ids) + ctx.obj['scheduler'].delete_archived_tasks(task_ids) else: for task_ids in utils.grouper(gen, n=batch_index): task_ids = list(task_ids) log.info('Indexed %s tasks: [%s, ...]' % ( len(task_ids), task_ids[0])) @cli.group('task-run') @click.pass_context def task_run(ctx): """Manipulate task runs.""" pass if __name__ == '__main__': cli()