diff --git a/requirements-swh.txt b/requirements-swh.txt index d8b75bf..b0de19e 100644 --- a/requirements-swh.txt +++ b/requirements-swh.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -swh.core[db,http] >= 0.14.0 +swh.core[db,http] >= 2 swh.storage >= 0.11.1 diff --git a/swh/scheduler/__init__.py b/swh/scheduler/__init__.py index b93306d..fbb52cd 100644 --- a/swh/scheduler/__init__.py +++ b/swh/scheduler/__init__.py @@ -1,68 +1,73 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from __future__ import annotations from importlib import import_module from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict import warnings DEFAULT_CONFIG = { "scheduler": ( "dict", {"cls": "local", "db": "dbname=softwareheritage-scheduler-dev",}, ) } # current configuration. To be set by the config loading mechanism CONFIG = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if TYPE_CHECKING: from swh.scheduler.interface import SchedulerInterface BACKEND_TYPES: Dict[str, str] = { - "local": ".backend.SchedulerBackend", + "postgresql": ".backend.SchedulerBackend", "remote": ".api.client.RemoteScheduler", + # deprecated + "local": ".backend.SchedulerBackend", } def get_scheduler(cls: str, **kwargs) -> SchedulerInterface: """ Get a scheduler object of class `cls` with arguments `**kwargs`. Args: cls: scheduler's class, either 'local' or 'remote' kwargs: arguments to pass to the class' constructor Returns: an instance of swh.scheduler, either local or remote: local: swh.scheduler.backend.SchedulerBackend remote: swh.scheduler.api.client.RemoteScheduler Raises: ValueError if passed an unknown storage class. """ if "args" in kwargs: warnings.warn( 'Explicit "args" key is deprecated, use keys directly instead.', DeprecationWarning, ) kwargs = kwargs["args"] class_path = BACKEND_TYPES.get(cls) if class_path is None: raise ValueError( f"Unknown Scheduler class `{cls}`. " f"Supported: {', '.join(BACKEND_TYPES)}" ) (module_path, class_name) = class_path.rsplit(".", 1) module = import_module(module_path, package=__package__) BackendClass = getattr(module, class_name) return BackendClass(**kwargs) + + +get_datastore = get_scheduler diff --git a/swh/scheduler/backend.py b/swh/scheduler/backend.py index e3850d4..0b3c3f8 100644 --- a/swh/scheduler/backend.py +++ b/swh/scheduler/backend.py @@ -1,1114 +1,1119 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime import json import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from uuid import UUID import attr from psycopg2.errors import CardinalityViolation from psycopg2.extensions import AsIs import psycopg2.extras import psycopg2.pool from swh.core.db import BaseDb from swh.core.db.common import db_transaction from swh.scheduler.utils import utcnow from .exc import SchedulerException, StaleData, UnknownPolicy from .interface import ListedOriginPageToken, PaginatedListedOriginList from .model import ( LastVisitStatus, ListedOrigin, Lister, OriginVisitStats, SchedulerMetrics, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def adapt_LastVisitStatus(v: LastVisitStatus): return AsIs(f"'{v.value}'::last_visit_status") psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter(dict, psycopg2.extras.Json) psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter(LastVisitStatus, adapt_LastVisitStatus) psycopg2.extras.register_uuid() def format_query(query, keys): """Format a query with the given keys""" query_keys = ", ".join(keys) placeholders = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(keys)) return query.format(keys=query_keys, placeholders=placeholders) class SchedulerBackend: """Backend for the Software Heritage scheduling database. """ + current_version = 33 + def __init__(self, db, min_pool_conns=1, max_pool_conns=10): """ Args: db_conn: either a libpq connection string, or a psycopg2 connection """ if isinstance(db, psycopg2.extensions.connection): self._pool = None self._db = BaseDb(db) else: self._pool = psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool( min_pool_conns, max_pool_conns, db, cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor, ) self._db = None + def get_current_version(self): + return self.current_version + def get_db(self): if self._db: return self._db return BaseDb.from_pool(self._pool) def put_db(self, db): if db is not self._db: db.put_conn() task_type_keys = [ "type", "description", "backend_name", "default_interval", "min_interval", "max_interval", "backoff_factor", "max_queue_length", "num_retries", "retry_delay", ] @db_transaction() def create_task_type(self, task_type, db=None, cur=None): """Create a new task type ready for scheduling. Args: task_type (dict): a dictionary with the following keys: - type (str): an identifier for the task type - description (str): a human-readable description of what the task does - backend_name (str): the name of the task in the job-scheduling backend - default_interval (datetime.timedelta): the default interval between two task runs - min_interval (datetime.timedelta): the minimum interval between two task runs - max_interval (datetime.timedelta): the maximum interval between two task runs - backoff_factor (float): the factor by which the interval changes at each run - max_queue_length (int): the maximum length of the task queue for this task type """ keys = [key for key in self.task_type_keys if key in task_type] query = format_query( """insert into task_type ({keys}) values ({placeholders}) on conflict do nothing""", keys, ) cur.execute(query, [task_type[key] for key in keys]) @db_transaction() def get_task_type(self, task_type_name, db=None, cur=None): """Retrieve the task type with id task_type_name""" query = format_query( "select {keys} from task_type where type=%s", self.task_type_keys, ) cur.execute(query, (task_type_name,)) return cur.fetchone() @db_transaction() def get_task_types(self, db=None, cur=None): """Retrieve all registered task types""" query = format_query("select {keys} from task_type", self.task_type_keys,) cur.execute(query) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def get_listers(self, db=None, cur=None) -> List[Lister]: """Retrieve information about all listers from the database. """ select_cols = ", ".join(Lister.select_columns()) query = f""" select {select_cols} from listers """ cur.execute(query) return [Lister(**ret) for ret in cur.fetchall()] @db_transaction() def get_lister( self, name: str, instance_name: Optional[str] = None, db=None, cur=None ) -> Optional[Lister]: """Retrieve information about the given instance of the lister from the database. """ if instance_name is None: instance_name = "" select_cols = ", ".join(Lister.select_columns()) query = f""" select {select_cols} from listers where (name, instance_name) = (%s, %s) """ cur.execute(query, (name, instance_name)) ret = cur.fetchone() if not ret: return None return Lister(**ret) @db_transaction() def get_or_create_lister( self, name: str, instance_name: Optional[str] = None, db=None, cur=None ) -> Lister: """Retrieve information about the given instance of the lister from the database, or create the entry if it did not exist. """ if instance_name is None: instance_name = "" select_cols = ", ".join(Lister.select_columns()) insert_cols, insert_meta = ( ", ".join(tup) for tup in Lister.insert_columns_and_metavars() ) query = f""" with added as ( insert into listers ({insert_cols}) values ({insert_meta}) on conflict do nothing returning {select_cols} ) select {select_cols} from added union all select {select_cols} from listers where (name, instance_name) = (%(name)s, %(instance_name)s); """ cur.execute(query, attr.asdict(Lister(name=name, instance_name=instance_name))) return Lister(**cur.fetchone()) @db_transaction() def update_lister(self, lister: Lister, db=None, cur=None) -> Lister: """Update the state for the given lister instance in the database. Returns: a new Lister object, with all fields updated from the database Raises: StaleData if the `updated` timestamp for the lister instance in database doesn't match the one passed by the user. """ select_cols = ", ".join(Lister.select_columns()) set_vars = ", ".join( f"{col} = {meta}" for col, meta in zip(*Lister.insert_columns_and_metavars()) ) query = f"""update listers set {set_vars} where id=%(id)s and updated=%(updated)s returning {select_cols}""" cur.execute(query, attr.asdict(lister)) updated = cur.fetchone() if not updated: raise StaleData("Stale data; Lister state not updated") return Lister(**updated) @db_transaction() def record_listed_origins( self, listed_origins: Iterable[ListedOrigin], db=None, cur=None ) -> List[ListedOrigin]: """Record a set of origins that a lister has listed. This performs an "upsert": origins with the same (lister_id, url, visit_type) values are updated with new values for extra_loader_arguments, last_update and last_seen. """ pk_cols = ListedOrigin.primary_key_columns() select_cols = ListedOrigin.select_columns() insert_cols, insert_meta = ListedOrigin.insert_columns_and_metavars() deduplicated_origins = { tuple(getattr(origin, k) for k in pk_cols): origin for origin in listed_origins } upsert_cols = [col for col in insert_cols if col not in pk_cols] upsert_set = ", ".join(f"{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}" for col in upsert_cols) query = f"""INSERT into listed_origins ({", ".join(insert_cols)}) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT ({", ".join(pk_cols)}) DO UPDATE SET {upsert_set} RETURNING {", ".join(select_cols)} """ ret = psycopg2.extras.execute_values( cur=cur, sql=query, argslist=(attr.asdict(origin) for origin in deduplicated_origins.values()), template=f"({', '.join(insert_meta)})", page_size=1000, fetch=True, ) return [ListedOrigin(**d) for d in ret] @db_transaction() def get_listed_origins( self, lister_id: Optional[UUID] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 1000, page_token: Optional[ListedOriginPageToken] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> PaginatedListedOriginList: """Get information on the listed origins matching either the `url` or `lister_id`, or both arguments. """ query_filters: List[str] = [] query_params: List[Union[int, str, UUID, Tuple[UUID, str]]] = [] if lister_id: query_filters.append("lister_id = %s") query_params.append(lister_id) if url is not None: query_filters.append("url = %s") query_params.append(url) if page_token is not None: query_filters.append("(lister_id, url) > %s") # the typeshed annotation for tuple() is too strict. query_params.append(tuple(page_token)) # type: ignore query_params.append(limit) select_cols = ", ".join(ListedOrigin.select_columns()) if query_filters: where_clause = "where %s" % (" and ".join(query_filters)) else: where_clause = "" query = f"""SELECT {select_cols} from listed_origins {where_clause} ORDER BY lister_id, url LIMIT %s""" cur.execute(query, tuple(query_params)) origins = [ListedOrigin(**d) for d in cur] if len(origins) == limit: page_token = (str(origins[-1].lister_id), origins[-1].url) else: page_token = None return PaginatedListedOriginList(origins, page_token) @db_transaction() def grab_next_visits( self, visit_type: str, count: int, policy: str, enabled: bool = True, lister_uuid: Optional[str] = None, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, scheduled_cooldown: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(days=7), failed_cooldown: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(days=14), not_found_cooldown: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = datetime.timedelta(days=31), tablesample: Optional[float] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> List[ListedOrigin]: if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() origin_select_cols = ", ".join(ListedOrigin.select_columns()) query_args: List[Any] = [] where_clauses = [] # list of (name, query) handled as CTEs before the main query common_table_expressions: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] # "NOT enabled" = the lister said the origin no longer exists where_clauses.append("enabled" if enabled else "not enabled") # Only schedule visits of the given type where_clauses.append("visit_type = %s") query_args.append(visit_type) if scheduled_cooldown: # Don't re-schedule visits if they're already scheduled but we haven't # recorded a result yet, unless they've been scheduled more than a week # ago (it probably means we've lost them in flight somewhere). where_clauses.append( """origin_visit_stats.last_scheduled IS NULL OR origin_visit_stats.last_scheduled < GREATEST( %s, origin_visit_stats.last_visit ) """ ) query_args.append(timestamp - scheduled_cooldown) if failed_cooldown: # Don't retry failed origins too often where_clauses.append( "origin_visit_stats.last_visit_status is distinct from 'failed' " "or origin_visit_stats.last_visit < %s" ) query_args.append(timestamp - failed_cooldown) if not_found_cooldown: # Don't retry not found origins too often where_clauses.append( "origin_visit_stats.last_visit_status is distinct from 'not_found' " "or origin_visit_stats.last_visit < %s" ) query_args.append(timestamp - not_found_cooldown) if policy == "oldest_scheduled_first": order_by = "origin_visit_stats.last_scheduled NULLS FIRST" elif policy == "never_visited_oldest_update_first": # never visited origins have a NULL last_snapshot where_clauses.append("origin_visit_stats.last_snapshot IS NULL") # order by increasing last_update (oldest first) where_clauses.append("listed_origins.last_update IS NOT NULL") order_by = "listed_origins.last_update" elif policy == "already_visited_order_by_lag": # TODO: store "visit lag" in a materialized view? # visited origins have a NOT NULL last_snapshot where_clauses.append("origin_visit_stats.last_snapshot IS NOT NULL") # ignore origins we have visited after the known last update where_clauses.append("listed_origins.last_update IS NOT NULL") where_clauses.append( "listed_origins.last_update > origin_visit_stats.last_successful" ) # order by decreasing visit lag order_by = ( "listed_origins.last_update - origin_visit_stats.last_successful DESC" ) elif policy == "origins_without_last_update": where_clauses.append("last_update IS NULL") order_by = ", ".join( [ # By default, sort using the queue position. If the queue # position is null, then the origin has never been visited, # which we want to handle first "origin_visit_stats.next_visit_queue_position nulls first", # Schedule unknown origins in the order we've seen them "listed_origins.first_seen", ] ) # fmt: off # This policy requires updating the global queue position for this # visit type common_table_expressions.append(("update_queue_position", """ INSERT INTO visit_scheduler_queue_position(visit_type, position) SELECT visit_type, COALESCE(MAX(next_visit_queue_position), 0) FROM selected_origins GROUP BY visit_type ON CONFLICT(visit_type) DO UPDATE SET position=GREATEST( visit_scheduler_queue_position.position, EXCLUDED.position ) """)) # fmt: on else: raise UnknownPolicy(f"Unknown scheduling policy {policy}") if tablesample: table = "listed_origins tablesample SYSTEM (%s)" query_args.insert(0, tablesample) else: table = "listed_origins" if lister_uuid: where_clauses.append("lister_id = %s") query_args.append(lister_uuid) # fmt: off common_table_expressions.insert(0, ("selected_origins", f""" SELECT {origin_select_cols}, next_visit_queue_position FROM {table} LEFT JOIN origin_visit_stats USING (url, visit_type) WHERE ({") AND (".join(where_clauses)}) ORDER BY {order_by} LIMIT %s """)) # fmt: on query_args.append(count) # fmt: off common_table_expressions.append(("deduplicated_selected_origins", """ SELECT DISTINCT url, visit_type FROM selected_origins """)) # fmt: on # fmt: off common_table_expressions.append(("update_stats", """ INSERT INTO origin_visit_stats (url, visit_type, last_scheduled) SELECT url, visit_type, %s FROM deduplicated_selected_origins ON CONFLICT (url, visit_type) DO UPDATE SET last_scheduled = GREATEST( origin_visit_stats.last_scheduled, EXCLUDED.last_scheduled ) """)) # fmt: on query_args.append(timestamp) formatted_ctes = ",\n".join( f"{name} AS (\n{cte}\n)" for name, cte in common_table_expressions ) query = f""" WITH {formatted_ctes} SELECT {origin_select_cols} FROM selected_origins """ cur.execute(query, tuple(query_args)) return [ListedOrigin(**d) for d in cur] task_create_keys = [ "type", "arguments", "next_run", "policy", "status", "retries_left", "priority", ] task_keys = task_create_keys + ["id", "current_interval"] @db_transaction() def create_tasks(self, tasks, policy="recurring", db=None, cur=None): """Create new tasks. Args: tasks (list): each task is a dictionary with the following keys: - type (str): the task type - arguments (dict): the arguments for the task runner, keys: - args (list of str): arguments - kwargs (dict str -> str): keyword arguments - next_run (datetime.datetime): the next scheduled run for the task Returns: a list of created tasks. """ cur.execute("select swh_scheduler_mktemp_task()") db.copy_to( tasks, "tmp_task", self.task_create_keys, default_values={"policy": policy, "status": "next_run_not_scheduled"}, cur=cur, ) query = format_query( "select {keys} from swh_scheduler_create_tasks_from_temp()", self.task_keys, ) cur.execute(query) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def set_status_tasks( self, task_ids: List[int], status: str = "disabled", next_run: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, db=None, cur=None, ): """Set the tasks' status whose ids are listed. If given, also set the next_run date. """ if not task_ids: return query = ["UPDATE task SET status = %s"] args: List[Any] = [status] if next_run: query.append(", next_run = %s") args.append(next_run) query.append(" WHERE id IN %s") args.append(tuple(task_ids)) cur.execute("".join(query), args) @db_transaction() def disable_tasks(self, task_ids, db=None, cur=None): """Disable the tasks whose ids are listed.""" return self.set_status_tasks(task_ids, db=db, cur=cur) @db_transaction() def search_tasks( self, task_id=None, task_type=None, status=None, priority=None, policy=None, before=None, after=None, limit=None, db=None, cur=None, ): """Search tasks from selected criterions""" where = [] args = [] if task_id: if isinstance(task_id, (str, int)): where.append("id = %s") else: where.append("id in %s") task_id = tuple(task_id) args.append(task_id) if task_type: if isinstance(task_type, str): where.append("type = %s") else: where.append("type in %s") task_type = tuple(task_type) args.append(task_type) if status: if isinstance(status, str): where.append("status = %s") else: where.append("status in %s") status = tuple(status) args.append(status) if priority: if isinstance(priority, str): where.append("priority = %s") else: priority = tuple(priority) where.append("priority in %s") args.append(priority) if policy: where.append("policy = %s") args.append(policy) if before: where.append("next_run <= %s") args.append(before) if after: where.append("next_run >= %s") args.append(after) query = "select * from task" if where: query += " where " + " and ".join(where) if limit: query += " limit %s :: bigint" args.append(limit) cur.execute(query, args) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def get_tasks(self, task_ids, db=None, cur=None): """Retrieve the info of tasks whose ids are listed.""" query = format_query("select {keys} from task where id in %s", self.task_keys) cur.execute(query, (tuple(task_ids),)) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def peek_ready_tasks( self, task_type: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, num_tasks: Optional[int] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> List[Dict]: if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() cur.execute( """select * from swh_scheduler_peek_no_priority_tasks( %s, %s, %s :: bigint)""", (task_type, timestamp, num_tasks), ) logger.debug("PEEK %s => %s" % (task_type, cur.rowcount)) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def grab_ready_tasks( self, task_type: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, num_tasks: Optional[int] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> List[Dict]: if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() cur.execute( """select * from swh_scheduler_grab_ready_tasks( %s, %s, %s :: bigint)""", (task_type, timestamp, num_tasks), ) logger.debug("GRAB %s => %s" % (task_type, cur.rowcount)) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def peek_ready_priority_tasks( self, task_type: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, num_tasks: Optional[int] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> List[Dict]: if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() cur.execute( """select * from swh_scheduler_peek_any_ready_priority_tasks( %s, %s, %s :: bigint)""", (task_type, timestamp, num_tasks), ) logger.debug("PEEK %s => %s", task_type, cur.rowcount) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def grab_ready_priority_tasks( self, task_type: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, num_tasks: Optional[int] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> List[Dict]: if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() cur.execute( """select * from swh_scheduler_grab_any_ready_priority_tasks( %s, %s, %s :: bigint)""", (task_type, timestamp, num_tasks), ) logger.debug("GRAB %s => %s", task_type, cur.rowcount) return cur.fetchall() task_run_create_keys = ["task", "backend_id", "scheduled", "metadata"] @db_transaction() def schedule_task_run( self, task_id, backend_id, metadata=None, timestamp=None, db=None, cur=None ): """Mark a given task as scheduled, adding a task_run entry in the database. Args: task_id (int): the identifier for the task being scheduled backend_id (str): the identifier of the job in the backend metadata (dict): metadata to add to the task_run entry timestamp (datetime.datetime): the instant the event occurred Returns: a fresh task_run entry """ if metadata is None: metadata = {} if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() cur.execute( "select * from swh_scheduler_schedule_task_run(%s, %s, %s, %s)", (task_id, backend_id, metadata, timestamp), ) return cur.fetchone() @db_transaction() def mass_schedule_task_runs(self, task_runs, db=None, cur=None): """Schedule a bunch of task runs. Args: task_runs (list): a list of dicts with keys: - task (int): the identifier for the task being scheduled - backend_id (str): the identifier of the job in the backend - metadata (dict): metadata to add to the task_run entry - scheduled (datetime.datetime): the instant the event occurred Returns: None """ cur.execute("select swh_scheduler_mktemp_task_run()") db.copy_to(task_runs, "tmp_task_run", self.task_run_create_keys, cur=cur) cur.execute("select swh_scheduler_schedule_task_run_from_temp()") @db_transaction() def start_task_run( self, backend_id, metadata=None, timestamp=None, db=None, cur=None ): """Mark a given task as started, updating the corresponding task_run entry in the database. Args: backend_id (str): the identifier of the job in the backend metadata (dict): metadata to add to the task_run entry timestamp (datetime.datetime): the instant the event occurred Returns: the updated task_run entry """ if metadata is None: metadata = {} if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() cur.execute( "select * from swh_scheduler_start_task_run(%s, %s, %s)", (backend_id, metadata, timestamp), ) return cur.fetchone() @db_transaction() def end_task_run( self, backend_id, status, metadata=None, timestamp=None, result=None, db=None, cur=None, ): """Mark a given task as ended, updating the corresponding task_run entry in the database. Args: backend_id (str): the identifier of the job in the backend status (str): how the task ended; one of: 'eventful', 'uneventful', 'failed' metadata (dict): metadata to add to the task_run entry timestamp (datetime.datetime): the instant the event occurred Returns: the updated task_run entry """ if metadata is None: metadata = {} if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow() cur.execute( "select * from swh_scheduler_end_task_run(%s, %s, %s, %s)", (backend_id, status, metadata, timestamp), ) return cur.fetchone() @db_transaction() def filter_task_to_archive( self, after_ts: str, before_ts: str, limit: int = 10, page_token: Optional[str] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Compute the tasks to archive within the datetime interval [after_ts, before_ts[. The method returns a paginated result. Returns: dict with the following keys: - **next_page_token**: opaque token to be used as `page_token` to retrieve the next page of result. If absent, there is no more pages to gather. - **tasks**: list of task dictionaries with the following keys: **id** (str): origin task id **started** (Optional[datetime]): started date **scheduled** (datetime): scheduled date **arguments** (json dict): task's arguments ... """ assert not page_token or isinstance(page_token, str) last_id = -1 if page_token is None else int(page_token) tasks = [] cur.execute( "select * from swh_scheduler_task_to_archive(%s, %s, %s, %s)", (after_ts, before_ts, last_id, limit + 1), ) for row in cur: task = dict(row) # nested type index does not accept bare values # transform it as a dict to comply with this task["arguments"]["args"] = { i: v for i, v in enumerate(task["arguments"]["args"]) } kwargs = task["arguments"]["kwargs"] task["arguments"]["kwargs"] = json.dumps(kwargs) tasks.append(task) if len(tasks) >= limit + 1: # remains data, add pagination information result = { "tasks": tasks[:limit], "next_page_token": str(tasks[-1]["task_id"]), } else: result = {"tasks": tasks} return result @db_transaction() def delete_archived_tasks(self, task_ids, db=None, cur=None): """Delete archived tasks as much as possible. Only the task_ids whose complete associated task_run have been cleaned up will be. """ _task_ids = _task_run_ids = [] for task_id in task_ids: _task_ids.append(task_id["task_id"]) _task_run_ids.append(task_id["task_run_id"]) cur.execute( "select * from swh_scheduler_delete_archived_tasks(%s, %s)", (_task_ids, _task_run_ids), ) task_run_keys = [ "id", "task", "backend_id", "scheduled", "started", "ended", "metadata", "status", ] @db_transaction() def get_task_runs(self, task_ids, limit=None, db=None, cur=None): """Search task run for a task id""" where = [] args = [] if task_ids: if isinstance(task_ids, (str, int)): where.append("task = %s") else: where.append("task in %s") task_ids = tuple(task_ids) args.append(task_ids) else: return () query = "select * from task_run where " + " and ".join(where) if limit: query += " limit %s :: bigint" args.append(limit) cur.execute(query, args) return cur.fetchall() @db_transaction() def origin_visit_stats_upsert( self, origin_visit_stats: Iterable[OriginVisitStats], db=None, cur=None ) -> None: pk_cols = OriginVisitStats.primary_key_columns() insert_cols, insert_meta = OriginVisitStats.insert_columns_and_metavars() upsert_cols = [col for col in insert_cols if col not in pk_cols] upsert_set = ", ".join( f"{col} = coalesce(EXCLUDED.{col}, ovi.{col})" for col in upsert_cols ) query = f""" INSERT into origin_visit_stats AS ovi ({", ".join(insert_cols)}) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT ({", ".join(pk_cols)}) DO UPDATE SET {upsert_set} """ try: psycopg2.extras.execute_values( cur=cur, sql=query, argslist=( attr.asdict(visit_stats) for visit_stats in origin_visit_stats ), template=f"({', '.join(insert_meta)})", page_size=1000, fetch=False, ) except CardinalityViolation as e: raise SchedulerException(repr(e)) @db_transaction() def origin_visit_stats_get( self, ids: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], db=None, cur=None ) -> List[OriginVisitStats]: if not ids: return [] primary_keys = tuple((origin, visit_type) for (origin, visit_type) in ids) query = format_query( """ SELECT {keys} FROM (VALUES %s) as stats(url, visit_type) INNER JOIN origin_visit_stats USING (url, visit_type) """, OriginVisitStats.select_columns(), ) rows = psycopg2.extras.execute_values( cur=cur, sql=query, argslist=primary_keys, fetch=True ) return [OriginVisitStats(**row) for row in rows] @db_transaction() def visit_scheduler_queue_position_get(self, db=None, cur=None) -> Dict[str, int]: cur.execute("SELECT visit_type, position FROM visit_scheduler_queue_position") return {row["visit_type"]: row["position"] for row in cur} @db_transaction() def visit_scheduler_queue_position_set( self, visit_type: str, position: int, db=None, cur=None, ) -> None: query = """ INSERT INTO visit_scheduler_queue_position(visit_type, position) VALUES(%s, %s) ON CONFLICT(visit_type) DO UPDATE SET position=EXCLUDED.position """ cur.execute(query, (visit_type, position)) @db_transaction() def update_metrics( self, lister_id: Optional[UUID] = None, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> List[SchedulerMetrics]: """Update the performance metrics of this scheduler instance. Returns the updated metrics. Args: lister_id: if passed, update the metrics only for this lister instance timestamp: if passed, the date at which we're updating the metrics, defaults to the database NOW() """ query = format_query( "SELECT {keys} FROM update_metrics(%s, %s)", SchedulerMetrics.select_columns(), ) cur.execute(query, (lister_id, timestamp)) return [SchedulerMetrics(**row) for row in cur.fetchall()] @db_transaction() def get_metrics( self, lister_id: Optional[UUID] = None, visit_type: Optional[str] = None, db=None, cur=None, ) -> List[SchedulerMetrics]: """Retrieve the performance metrics of this scheduler instance. Args: lister_id: filter the metrics for this lister instance only visit_type: filter the metrics for this visit type only """ where_filters = [] where_args = [] if lister_id: where_filters.append("lister_id = %s") where_args.append(str(lister_id)) if visit_type: where_filters.append("visit_type = %s") where_args.append(visit_type) where_clause = "" if where_filters: where_clause = f"where {' and '.join(where_filters)}" query = format_query( "SELECT {keys} FROM scheduler_metrics %s" % where_clause, SchedulerMetrics.select_columns(), ) cur.execute(query, tuple(where_args)) return [SchedulerMetrics(**row) for row in cur.fetchall()] diff --git a/swh/scheduler/pytest_plugin.py b/swh/scheduler/pytest_plugin.py index 297d4b4..870d9e2 100644 --- a/swh/scheduler/pytest_plugin.py +++ b/swh/scheduler/pytest_plugin.py @@ -1,105 +1,111 @@ # Copyright (C) 2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from datetime import timedelta -import os +from functools import partial from celery.contrib.testing import worker from celery.contrib.testing.app import TestApp, setup_default_app import pkg_resources import pytest +from pytest_postgresql import factories -from swh.core.db.pytest_plugin import postgresql_fact -import swh.scheduler +from swh.core.db.pytest_plugin import initialize_database_for_module, postgresql_fact from swh.scheduler import get_scheduler - -SQL_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(swh.scheduler.__file__), "sql") +from swh.scheduler.backend import SchedulerBackend # celery tasks for testing purpose; tasks themselves should be # in swh/scheduler/tests/tasks.py TASK_NAMES = ["ping", "multiping", "add", "error", "echo"] -postgresql_scheduler = postgresql_fact( - "postgresql_proc", +scheduler_postgresql_proc = factories.postgresql_proc( dbname="scheduler", - dump_files=os.path.join(SQL_DIR, "*.sql"), - no_truncate_tables={"dbversion", "priority_ratio"}, + load=[ + partial( + initialize_database_for_module, + modname="scheduler", + version=SchedulerBackend.current_version, + ) + ], ) +postgresql_scheduler = postgresql_fact("scheduler_postgresql_proc") + + @pytest.fixture def swh_scheduler_config(request, postgresql_scheduler): return { "db": postgresql_scheduler.dsn, } @pytest.fixture def swh_scheduler(swh_scheduler_config): scheduler = get_scheduler("local", **swh_scheduler_config) for taskname in TASK_NAMES: scheduler.create_task_type( { "type": "swh-test-{}".format(taskname), "description": "The {} testing task".format(taskname), "backend_name": "swh.scheduler.tests.tasks.{}".format(taskname), "default_interval": timedelta(days=1), "min_interval": timedelta(hours=6), "max_interval": timedelta(days=12), } ) return scheduler # this alias is used to be able to easily instantiate a db-backed Scheduler # eg. for the RPC client/server test suite. swh_db_scheduler = swh_scheduler @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def swh_scheduler_celery_app(): """Set up a Celery app as swh.scheduler and swh worker tests would expect it""" test_app = TestApp( set_as_current=True, enable_logging=True, task_cls="swh.scheduler.task:SWHTask", config={ "accept_content": ["application/x-msgpack", "application/json"], "broker_url": "memory://guest@localhost//", "task_serializer": "msgpack", "result_serializer": "json", }, ) with setup_default_app(test_app, use_trap=False): from swh.scheduler.celery_backend import config config.app = test_app test_app.set_default() test_app.set_current() yield test_app @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def swh_scheduler_celery_includes(): """List of task modules that should be loaded by the swh_scheduler_celery_worker on startup.""" task_modules = ["swh.scheduler.tests.tasks"] for entrypoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("swh.workers"): task_modules.extend(entrypoint.load()().get("task_modules", [])) return task_modules @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def swh_scheduler_celery_worker( swh_scheduler_celery_app, swh_scheduler_celery_includes, ): """Spawn a worker""" for module in swh_scheduler_celery_includes: swh_scheduler_celery_app.loader.import_task_module(module) with worker.start_worker(swh_scheduler_celery_app, pool="solo") as w: yield w diff --git a/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql index a79b700..bec9727 100644 --- a/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql +++ b/swh/scheduler/sql/30-schema.sql @@ -1,229 +1,214 @@ -create table dbversion -( - version int primary key, - release timestamptz not null, - description text not null -); - -comment on table dbversion is 'Schema update tracking'; -comment on column dbversion.version is 'SQL schema version'; -comment on column dbversion.release is 'Version deployment timestamp'; -comment on column dbversion.description is 'Version description'; - -insert into dbversion (version, release, description) - values (33, now(), 'Work In Progress'); - create table task_type ( type text primary key, description text not null, backend_name text not null, default_interval interval, min_interval interval, max_interval interval, backoff_factor float, max_queue_length bigint, num_retries bigint, retry_delay interval ); comment on table task_type is 'Types of schedulable tasks'; comment on column task_type.type is 'Short identifier for the task type'; comment on column task_type.description is 'Human-readable task description'; comment on column task_type.backend_name is 'Name of the task in the job-running backend'; comment on column task_type.default_interval is 'Default interval for newly scheduled tasks'; comment on column task_type.min_interval is 'Minimum interval between two runs of a task'; comment on column task_type.max_interval is 'Maximum interval between two runs of a task'; comment on column task_type.backoff_factor is 'Adjustment factor for the backoff between two task runs'; comment on column task_type.max_queue_length is 'Maximum length of the queue for this type of tasks'; comment on column task_type.num_retries is 'Default number of retries on transient failures'; comment on column task_type.retry_delay is 'Retry delay for the task'; create type task_status as enum ('next_run_not_scheduled', 'next_run_scheduled', 'completed', 'disabled'); comment on type task_status is 'Status of a given task'; create type task_policy as enum ('recurring', 'oneshot'); comment on type task_policy is 'Recurrence policy of the given task'; create type task_priority as enum('high', 'normal', 'low'); comment on type task_priority is 'Priority of the given task'; create table priority_ratio( id task_priority primary key, ratio float not null ); comment on table priority_ratio is 'Oneshot task''s reading ratio per priority'; comment on column priority_ratio.id is 'Task priority id'; comment on column priority_ratio.ratio is 'Percentage of tasks to read per priority'; insert into priority_ratio (id, ratio) values ('high', 0.5); insert into priority_ratio (id, ratio) values ('normal', 0.3); insert into priority_ratio (id, ratio) values ('low', 0.2); create table task ( id bigserial primary key, type text not null references task_type(type), arguments jsonb not null, next_run timestamptz not null, current_interval interval, status task_status not null, policy task_policy not null default 'recurring', retries_left bigint not null default 0, priority task_priority references priority_ratio(id), check (policy <> 'recurring' or current_interval is not null) ); comment on table task is 'Schedule of recurring tasks'; comment on column task.arguments is 'Arguments passed to the underlying job scheduler. ' 'Contains two keys, ''args'' (list) and ''kwargs'' (object).'; comment on column task.next_run is 'The next run of this task should be run on or after that time'; comment on column task.current_interval is 'The interval between two runs of this task, ' 'taking into account the backoff factor'; comment on column task.policy is 'Whether the task is one-shot or recurring'; comment on column task.retries_left is 'The number of "short delay" retries of the task in case of ' 'transient failure'; comment on column task.priority is 'Policy of the given task'; comment on column task.id is 'Task Identifier'; comment on column task.type is 'References task_type table'; comment on column task.status is 'Task status (''next_run_not_scheduled'', ''next_run_scheduled'', ''completed'', ''disabled'')'; create type task_run_status as enum ('scheduled', 'started', 'eventful', 'uneventful', 'failed', 'permfailed', 'lost'); comment on type task_run_status is 'Status of a given task run'; create table task_run ( id bigserial primary key, task bigint not null references task(id), backend_id text, scheduled timestamptz, started timestamptz, ended timestamptz, metadata jsonb, status task_run_status not null default 'scheduled' ); comment on table task_run is 'History of task runs sent to the job-running backend'; comment on column task_run.backend_id is 'id of the task run in the job-running backend'; comment on column task_run.metadata is 'Useful metadata for the given task run. ' 'For instance, the worker that took on the job, ' 'or the logs for the run.'; comment on column task_run.id is 'Task run identifier'; comment on column task_run.task is 'References task table'; comment on column task_run.scheduled is 'Scheduled run time for task'; comment on column task_run.started is 'Task starting time'; comment on column task_run.ended is 'Task ending time'; create table if not exists listers ( id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(), name text not null, instance_name text not null, created timestamptz not null default now(), -- auto_now_add in the model current_state jsonb not null, updated timestamptz not null ); comment on table listers is 'Lister instances known to the origin visit scheduler'; comment on column listers.name is 'Name of the lister (e.g. github, gitlab, debian, ...)'; comment on column listers.instance_name is 'Name of the current instance of this lister (e.g. framagit, bitbucket, ...)'; comment on column listers.created is 'Timestamp at which the lister was originally created'; comment on column listers.current_state is 'Known current state of this lister'; comment on column listers.updated is 'Timestamp at which the lister state was last updated'; create table if not exists listed_origins ( -- Basic information lister_id uuid not null references listers(id), url text not null, visit_type text not null, extra_loader_arguments jsonb not null, -- Whether this origin still exists or not enabled boolean not null, -- time-based information first_seen timestamptz not null default now(), last_seen timestamptz not null, -- potentially provided by the lister last_update timestamptz, primary key (lister_id, url, visit_type) ); comment on table listed_origins is 'Origins known to the origin visit scheduler'; comment on column listed_origins.lister_id is 'Lister instance which owns this origin'; comment on column listed_origins.url is 'URL of the origin listed'; comment on column listed_origins.visit_type is 'Type of the visit which should be scheduled for the given url'; comment on column listed_origins.extra_loader_arguments is 'Extra arguments that should be passed to the loader for this origin'; comment on column listed_origins.enabled is 'Whether this origin has been seen during the last listing, and visits should be scheduled.'; comment on column listed_origins.first_seen is 'Time at which the origin was first seen by a lister'; comment on column listed_origins.last_seen is 'Time at which the origin was last seen by the lister'; comment on column listed_origins.last_update is 'Time of the last update to the origin recorded by the remote'; create type last_visit_status as enum ('successful', 'failed', 'not_found'); comment on type last_visit_status is 'Record of the status of the last visit of an origin'; create table origin_visit_stats ( url text not null, visit_type text not null, last_successful timestamptz, last_visit timestamptz, last_visit_status last_visit_status, -- visit scheduling information last_scheduled timestamptz, -- last snapshot resulting from an eventful visit last_snapshot bytea, -- position in the global queue, at which time we expect the origin to have new -- objects next_visit_queue_position bigint, -- duration that we expect to wait between visits of this origin next_position_offset int not null default 4, successive_visits int not null default 1, primary key (url, visit_type) ); comment on table origin_visit_stats is 'Aggregated information on visits for each origin in the archive'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.url is 'Origin URL'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.visit_type is 'Type of the visit for the given url'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_successful is 'Date of the last successful visit, at which we recorded the `last_snapshot`'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_visit is 'Date of the last visit overall'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_visit_status is 'Status of the last visit'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_scheduled is 'Time when this origin was scheduled to be visited last'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.last_snapshot is 'sha1_git of the last visit snapshot'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.next_visit_queue_position is 'Position in the global per origin-type queue at which some new objects are expected to be found'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.next_position_offset is 'Duration that we expect to wait between visits of this origin'; comment on column origin_visit_stats.successive_visits is 'number of successive visits with the same status'; create table visit_scheduler_queue_position ( visit_type text not null, position bigint not null, primary key (visit_type) ); comment on table visit_scheduler_queue_position is 'Current queue position for the recurrent visit scheduler'; comment on column visit_scheduler_queue_position.visit_type is 'Visit type'; comment on column visit_scheduler_queue_position.position is 'Current position for the runner of this visit type'; create table scheduler_metrics ( lister_id uuid not null references listers(id), visit_type text not null, last_update timestamptz not null, origins_known int not null default 0, origins_enabled int not null default 0, origins_never_visited int not null default 0, origins_with_pending_changes int not null default 0, primary key (lister_id, visit_type) ); comment on table scheduler_metrics is 'Cache of per-lister metrics for the scheduler, collated between the listed_origins and origin_visit_stats tables.'; comment on column scheduler_metrics.lister_id is 'Lister instance on which metrics have been aggregated'; comment on column scheduler_metrics.visit_type is 'Visit type on which metrics have been aggregated'; comment on column scheduler_metrics.last_update is 'Last update of these metrics'; comment on column scheduler_metrics.origins_known is 'Number of known (enabled or disabled) origins'; comment on column scheduler_metrics.origins_enabled is 'Number of origins that were present in the latest listing'; comment on column scheduler_metrics.origins_never_visited is 'Number of origins that have never been successfully visited'; comment on column scheduler_metrics.origins_with_pending_changes is 'Number of enabled origins with known activity since our last visit'; diff --git a/sql/updates/02.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/02.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/02.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/02.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/03.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/03.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/03.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/03.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/04.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/04.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/04.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/04.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/05.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/05.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/05.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/05.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/06.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/06.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/06.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/06.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/07.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/07.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/07.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/07.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/08.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/08.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/08.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/08.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/09.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/09.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/09.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/09.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/10.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/10.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/10.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/10.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/11.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/11.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/11.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/11.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/12.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/12.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/12.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/12.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/13.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/13.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/13.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/13.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/14.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/14.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/14.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/14.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/15.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/15.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/15.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/15.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/16.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/16.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/16.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/16.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/17.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/17.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/17.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/17.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/18.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/18.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/18.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/18.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/19.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/19.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/19.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/19.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/20.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/20.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/20.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/20.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/23.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/23.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/23.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/23.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/24.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/24.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/24.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/24.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/25.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/25.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/25.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/25.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/26.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/26.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/26.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/26.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/27.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/27.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/27.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/27.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/28.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/28.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/28.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/28.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/29.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/29.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/29.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/29.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/30-bis.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/30-bis.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/30-bis.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/30-bis.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/30.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/30.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/30.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/30.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/31.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/31.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/31.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/31.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/32.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/32.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/32.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/32.sql diff --git a/sql/updates/33.sql b/swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/33.sql similarity index 100% rename from sql/updates/33.sql rename to swh/scheduler/sql/upgrades/33.sql