diff --git a/swh/provenance/postgresql/archive.py b/swh/provenance/postgresql/archive.py
index 9074d6c..44eff62 100644
--- a/swh/provenance/postgresql/archive.py
+++ b/swh/provenance/postgresql/archive.py
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
 from typing import Any, Dict, List
 from methodtools import lru_cache
 import psycopg2
 class ArchivePostgreSQL:
     def __init__(self, conn: psycopg2.extensions.connection):
         self.conn = conn
     def directory_ls(self, id: bytes) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
         # TODO: only call directory_ls_internal if the id is not being queried by
         # someone else. Otherwise wait until results get properly cached.
         entries = self.directory_ls_internal(id)
         return entries
     def directory_ls_internal(self, id: bytes) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
         # TODO: add file size filtering
-        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
-        cursor.execute(
-            """WITH
-            dir  AS (SELECT id AS dir_id, dir_entries, file_entries, rev_entries
-                        FROM directory WHERE id=%s),
-            ls_d AS (SELECT dir_id, UNNEST(dir_entries)  AS entry_id FROM dir),
-            ls_f AS (SELECT dir_id, UNNEST(file_entries) AS entry_id FROM dir),
-            ls_r AS (SELECT dir_id, UNNEST(rev_entries)  AS entry_id FROM dir)
-            (SELECT 'dir'::directory_entry_type AS type, e.target, e.name,
-                    NULL::sha1_git
-                FROM ls_d
-                LEFT JOIN directory_entry_dir e ON ls_d.entry_id=e.id)
-            UNION
-            (WITH known_contents AS
-                (SELECT 'file'::directory_entry_type AS type, e.target, e.name,
-                        c.sha1_git
-                    FROM ls_f
-                    LEFT JOIN directory_entry_file e ON ls_f.entry_id=e.id
-                    INNER JOIN content c ON e.target=c.sha1_git)
-                SELECT * FROM known_contents
+        with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
+            cursor.execute(
+                """WITH
+                dir  AS (SELECT id AS dir_id, dir_entries, file_entries, rev_entries
+                            FROM directory WHERE id=%s),
+                ls_d AS (SELECT dir_id, UNNEST(dir_entries)  AS entry_id FROM dir),
+                ls_f AS (SELECT dir_id, UNNEST(file_entries) AS entry_id FROM dir),
+                ls_r AS (SELECT dir_id, UNNEST(rev_entries)  AS entry_id FROM dir)
+                (SELECT 'dir'::directory_entry_type AS type, e.target, e.name,
+                        NULL::sha1_git
+                    FROM ls_d
+                    LEFT JOIN directory_entry_dir e ON ls_d.entry_id=e.id)
-                (SELECT 'file'::directory_entry_type AS type, e.target, e.name,
-                        c.sha1_git
-                    FROM ls_f
-                    LEFT JOIN directory_entry_file e ON ls_f.entry_id=e.id
-                    LEFT JOIN skipped_content c ON e.target=c.sha1_git
-                    WHERE NOT EXISTS (
-                        SELECT 1 FROM known_contents
-                            WHERE known_contents.sha1_git=e.target
+                (WITH known_contents AS
+                    (SELECT 'file'::directory_entry_type AS type, e.target, e.name,
+                            c.sha1_git
+                        FROM ls_f
+                        LEFT JOIN directory_entry_file e ON ls_f.entry_id=e.id
+                        INNER JOIN content c ON e.target=c.sha1_git)
+                    SELECT * FROM known_contents
+                    UNION
+                    (SELECT 'file'::directory_entry_type AS type, e.target, e.name,
+                            c.sha1_git
+                        FROM ls_f
+                        LEFT JOIN directory_entry_file e ON ls_f.entry_id=e.id
+                        LEFT JOIN skipped_content c ON e.target=c.sha1_git
+                        WHERE NOT EXISTS (
+                            SELECT 1 FROM known_contents
+                                WHERE known_contents.sha1_git=e.target
+                        )
+                ORDER BY name
+                """,
+                (id,),
-            ORDER BY name
-            """,
-            (id,),
-        )
-        return [
-            {"type": row[0], "target": row[1], "name": row[2]}
-            for row in cursor.fetchall()
-        ]
+            return [
+                {"type": row[0], "target": row[1], "name": row[2]}
+                for row in cursor.fetchall()
+            ]
     def iter_origins(self):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def iter_origin_visits(self, origin: str):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def iter_origin_visit_statuses(self, origin: str, visit: int):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def release_get(self, ids: List[bytes]):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def revision_get(self, ids: List[bytes]):
         raise NotImplementedError
     def snapshot_get_all_branches(self, snapshot: bytes):
         raise NotImplementedError