diff --git a/swh/provenance/storage/rabbitmq/server.py b/swh/provenance/storage/rabbitmq/server.py index 0701c5b..4cfd49c 100644 --- a/swh/provenance/storage/rabbitmq/server.py +++ b/swh/provenance/storage/rabbitmq/server.py @@ -1,740 +1,728 @@ # Copyright (C) 2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum import functools import logging import multiprocessing import os import queue import threading from typing import Any, Callable from typing import Counter as TCounter from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, cast import pika import pika.channel import pika.connection import pika.exceptions from pika.exchange_type import ExchangeType import pika.frame import pika.spec from swh.core import config from swh.core.api.serializers import encode_data_client as encode_data from swh.core.api.serializers import msgpack_loads as decode_data from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex from swh.model.model import Sha1Git from swh.provenance.storage.interface import ( DirectoryData, EntityType, RelationData, RelationType, RevisionData, ) from swh.provenance.util import path_id from .serializers import DECODERS, ENCODERS LOG_FORMAT = ( "%(levelname) -10s %(asctime)s %(name) -30s %(funcName) " "-35s %(lineno) -5d: %(message)s" ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) TERMINATE = object() class ServerCommand(Enum): TERMINATE = "terminate" CONSUMING = "consuming" class TerminateSignal(BaseException): pass def resolve_dates(dates: Iterable[Tuple[Sha1Git, datetime]]) -> Dict[Sha1Git, datetime]: result: Dict[Sha1Git, datetime] = {} for sha1, date in dates: known = result.setdefault(sha1, date) if date < known: result[sha1] = date return result def resolve_directory( data: Iterable[Tuple[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]] ) -> Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData]: result: Dict[Sha1Git, DirectoryData] = {} for sha1, dir in data: known = result.setdefault(sha1, dir) value = known assert dir.date is not None assert known.date is not None if dir.date < known.date: value = DirectoryData(date=dir.date, flat=value.flat) if dir.flat: value = DirectoryData(date=value.date, flat=dir.flat) if value != known: result[sha1] = value return result def resolve_revision( data: Iterable[Union[Tuple[Sha1Git, RevisionData], Tuple[Sha1Git]]] ) -> Dict[Sha1Git, RevisionData]: result: Dict[Sha1Git, RevisionData] = {} for row in data: sha1 = row[0] rev = ( cast(Tuple[Sha1Git, RevisionData], row)[1] if len(row) > 1 else RevisionData(date=None, origin=None) ) known = result.setdefault(sha1, RevisionData(date=None, origin=None)) value = known if rev.date is not None and (known.date is None or rev.date < known.date): value = RevisionData(date=rev.date, origin=value.origin) if rev.origin is not None: value = RevisionData(date=value.date, origin=rev.origin) if value != known: result[sha1] = value return result def resolve_relation( data: Iterable[Tuple[Sha1Git, Sha1Git, bytes]] ) -> Dict[Sha1Git, Set[RelationData]]: result: Dict[Sha1Git, Set[RelationData]] = {} for src, dst, path in data: result.setdefault(src, set()).add(RelationData(dst=dst, path=path)) return result class ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQWorker(multiprocessing.Process): EXCHANGE_TYPE = ExchangeType.direct extra_type_decoders = DECODERS extra_type_encoders = ENCODERS def __init__( self, url: str, exchange: str, range: int, storage_config: Dict[str, Any], batch_size: int = 100, prefetch_count: int = 100, ) -> None: """Setup the worker object, passing in the URL we will use to connect to RabbitMQ, the exchange to use, the range id on which to operate, and the connection information for the underlying local storage object. :param str url: The URL for connecting to RabbitMQ :param str exchange: The name of the RabbitMq exchange to use :param str range: The ID range to operate on :param dict storage_config: Configuration parameters for the underlying ``ProvenanceStorage`` object expected by ``swh.provenance.get_provenance_storage`` :param int batch_size: Max amount of elements call to the underlying storage :param int prefetch_count: Prefetch value for the RabbitMQ connection when receiving messaged """ super().__init__(name=f"{exchange}_{range:x}") self._connection = None self._channel = None self._closing = False self._consumer_tag: Dict[str, str] = {} self._consuming: Dict[str, bool] = {} self._prefetch_count = prefetch_count self._url = url self._exchange = exchange self._binding_keys = list( ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.get_binding_keys(self._exchange, range) ) self._queues: Dict[str, str] = {} self._storage_config = storage_config self._batch_size = batch_size self.command: multiprocessing.Queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.signal: multiprocessing.Queue = multiprocessing.Queue() def connect(self) -> pika.SelectConnection: LOGGER.info("Connecting to %s", self._url) return pika.SelectConnection( parameters=pika.URLParameters(self._url), on_open_callback=self.on_connection_open, on_open_error_callback=self.on_connection_open_error, on_close_callback=self.on_connection_closed, ) def close_connection(self) -> None: assert self._connection is not None self._consuming = {binding_key: False for binding_key in self._binding_keys} if self._connection.is_closing or self._connection.is_closed: LOGGER.info("Connection is closing or already closed") else: LOGGER.info("Closing connection") self._connection.close() def on_connection_open(self, _unused_connection: pika.SelectConnection) -> None: LOGGER.info("Connection opened") self.open_channel() def on_connection_open_error( self, _unused_connection: pika.SelectConnection, err: Exception ) -> None: LOGGER.error("Connection open failed, reopening in 5 seconds: %s", err) assert self._connection is not None self._connection.ioloop.call_later(5, self._connection.ioloop.stop) def on_connection_closed(self, _unused_connection: pika.SelectConnection, reason): assert self._connection is not None self._channel = None if self._closing: self._connection.ioloop.stop() else: LOGGER.warning("Connection closed, reopening in 5 seconds: %s", reason) self._connection.ioloop.call_later(5, self._connection.ioloop.stop) def open_channel(self) -> None: LOGGER.info("Creating a new channel") assert self._connection is not None self._connection.channel(on_open_callback=self.on_channel_open) def on_channel_open(self, channel: pika.channel.Channel) -> None: LOGGER.info("Channel opened") self._channel = channel LOGGER.info("Adding channel close callback") assert self._channel is not None self._channel.add_on_close_callback(callback=self.on_channel_closed) self.setup_exchange() def on_channel_closed( self, channel: pika.channel.Channel, reason: Exception ) -> None: LOGGER.warning("Channel %i was closed: %s", channel, reason) self.close_connection() def setup_exchange(self) -> None: LOGGER.info("Declaring exchange %s", self._exchange) assert self._channel is not None self._channel.exchange_declare( exchange=self._exchange, exchange_type=self.EXCHANGE_TYPE, callback=self.on_exchange_declare_ok, ) def on_exchange_declare_ok(self, _unused_frame: pika.frame.Method) -> None: LOGGER.info("Exchange declared: %s", self._exchange) self.setup_queues() def setup_queues(self) -> None: for binding_key in self._binding_keys: LOGGER.info("Declaring queue %s", binding_key) assert self._channel is not None callback = functools.partial( self.on_queue_declare_ok, binding_key=binding_key, ) self._channel.queue_declare(queue=binding_key, callback=callback) def on_queue_declare_ok(self, frame: pika.frame.Method, binding_key: str) -> None: LOGGER.info( "Binding queue %s to exchange %s with routing key %s", frame.method.queue, self._exchange, binding_key, ) assert self._channel is not None callback = functools.partial(self.on_bind_ok, queue_name=frame.method.queue) self._queues[binding_key] = frame.method.queue self._channel.queue_bind( queue=frame.method.queue, exchange=self._exchange, routing_key=binding_key, callback=callback, ) def on_bind_ok(self, _unused_frame: pika.frame.Method, queue_name: str) -> None: LOGGER.info("Queue bound: %s", queue_name) assert self._channel is not None self._channel.basic_qos( prefetch_count=self._prefetch_count, callback=self.on_basic_qos_ok ) def on_basic_qos_ok(self, _unused_frame: pika.frame.Method) -> None: LOGGER.info("QOS set to: %d", self._prefetch_count) self.start_consuming() def start_consuming(self) -> None: LOGGER.info("Issuing consumer related RPC commands") LOGGER.info("Adding consumer cancellation callback") assert self._channel is not None self._channel.add_on_cancel_callback(callback=self.on_consumer_cancelled) for binding_key in self._binding_keys: self._consumer_tag[binding_key] = self._channel.basic_consume( queue=self._queues[binding_key], on_message_callback=self.on_request ) self._consuming[binding_key] = True self.signal.put(ServerCommand.CONSUMING) def on_consumer_cancelled(self, method_frame: pika.frame.Method) -> None: LOGGER.info("Consumer was cancelled remotely, shutting down: %r", method_frame) if self._channel: self._channel.close() def on_request( self, channel: pika.channel.Channel, deliver: pika.spec.Basic.Deliver, properties: pika.spec.BasicProperties, body: bytes, ) -> None: LOGGER.debug( "Received message # %s from %s: %s", deliver.delivery_tag, properties.app_id, body, ) # XXX: for some reason this function is returning lists instead of tuples # (the client send tuples) batch = decode_data(data=body, extra_decoders=self.extra_type_decoders)["data"] for item in batch: self._request_queues[deliver.routing_key].put( (tuple(item), (properties.correlation_id, properties.reply_to)) ) LOGGER.debug("Acknowledging message %s", deliver.delivery_tag) channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag=deliver.delivery_tag) def stop_consuming(self) -> None: if self._channel: LOGGER.info("Sending a Basic.Cancel RPC command to RabbitMQ") for binding_key in self._binding_keys: callback = functools.partial(self.on_cancel_ok, binding_key=binding_key) self._channel.basic_cancel( self._consumer_tag[binding_key], callback=callback ) def on_cancel_ok(self, _unused_frame: pika.frame.Method, binding_key: str) -> None: self._consuming[binding_key] = False LOGGER.info( "RabbitMQ acknowledged the cancellation of the consumer: %s", self._consuming[binding_key], ) LOGGER.info("Closing the channel") assert self._channel is not None self._channel.close() def run(self) -> None: self._command_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_command_thread) self._command_thread.start() self._request_queues: Dict[str, queue.Queue] = {} self._request_threads: Dict[str, threading.Thread] = {} for binding_key in self._binding_keys: meth_name, relation = ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.get_meth_name( binding_key ) self._request_queues[binding_key] = queue.Queue() self._request_threads[binding_key] = threading.Thread( target=self.run_request_thread, args=(binding_key, meth_name, relation), ) self._request_threads[binding_key].start() while not self._closing: try: self._connection = self.connect() assert self._connection is not None self._connection.ioloop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: LOGGER.info("Connection closed by keyboard interruption, reopening") if self._connection is not None: self._connection.ioloop.stop() except TerminateSignal as ex: LOGGER.info("Termination requested: %s", ex) self.stop() if self._connection is not None and not self._connection.is_closed: # Finish closing self._connection.ioloop.start() except BaseException as ex: LOGGER.warning("Unexpected exception, terminating: %s", ex) self.stop() if self._connection is not None and not self._connection.is_closed: # Finish closing self._connection.ioloop.start() for binding_key in self._binding_keys: self._request_queues[binding_key].put(TERMINATE) for binding_key in self._binding_keys: self._request_threads[binding_key].join() self._command_thread.join() LOGGER.info("Stopped") def run_command_thread(self) -> None: while True: try: command = self.command.get() if command == ServerCommand.TERMINATE: self.request_termination() break except queue.Empty: pass except BaseException as ex: self.request_termination(str(ex)) break def request_termination(self, reason: str = "Normal shutdown") -> None: assert self._connection is not None def termination_callback(): raise TerminateSignal(reason) self._connection.ioloop.add_callback_threadsafe(termination_callback) def run_request_thread( self, binding_key: str, meth_name: str, relation: Optional[RelationType] ) -> None: from swh.provenance import get_provenance_storage with get_provenance_storage(**self._storage_config) as storage: request_queue = self._request_queues[binding_key] merge_items = ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQWorker.get_conflicts_func(meth_name) while True: terminate = False elements = [] while True: try: # TODO: consider reducing this timeout or removing it elem = request_queue.get(timeout=0.1) if elem is TERMINATE: terminate = True break elements.append(elem) except queue.Empty: break if len(elements) >= self._batch_size: break if terminate: break if not elements: continue try: items, props = zip(*elements) acks_count: TCounter[Tuple[str, str]] = Counter(props) data = merge_items(items) args = (relation, data) if relation is not None else (data,) if getattr(storage, meth_name)(*args): for (correlation_id, reply_to), count in acks_count.items(): # FIXME: this is running in a different thread! Hence, if # self._connection drops, there is no guarantee that the # response can be sent for the current elements. This # situation should be handled properly. assert self._connection is not None self._connection.ioloop.add_callback_threadsafe( functools.partial( ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQWorker.respond, channel=self._channel, correlation_id=correlation_id, reply_to=reply_to, response=count, ) ) else: LOGGER.warning( "Unable to process elements for queue %s", binding_key ) for elem in elements: request_queue.put(elem) except BaseException as ex: self.request_termination(str(ex)) break def stop(self) -> None: assert self._connection is not None if not self._closing: self._closing = True LOGGER.info("Stopping") if any(self._consuming): self.stop_consuming() self._connection.ioloop.start() else: self._connection.ioloop.stop() LOGGER.info("Stopped") @staticmethod def get_conflicts_func(meth_name: str) -> Callable[[Iterable[Any]], Any]: if meth_name == "content_add": return resolve_dates elif meth_name == "directory_add": return resolve_directory elif meth_name == "location_add": return lambda data: dict(data) elif meth_name == "origin_add": return lambda data: dict(data) # last processed value is good enough elif meth_name == "revision_add": return resolve_revision elif meth_name == "relation_add": return resolve_relation else: LOGGER.warning( "Unexpected conflict resolution function request for method %s", meth_name, ) return lambda x: x @staticmethod def respond( channel: pika.channel.Channel, correlation_id: str, reply_to: str, response: Any, ): channel.basic_publish( exchange="", routing_key=reply_to, properties=pika.BasicProperties( content_type="application/msgpack", correlation_id=correlation_id, ), body=encode_data( response, extra_encoders=ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.extra_type_encoders, ), ) class ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer: extra_type_decoders = DECODERS extra_type_encoders = ENCODERS queue_count = 16 def __init__( self, url: str, storage_config: Dict[str, Any], batch_size: int = 100, prefetch_count: int = 100, ) -> None: """Setup the server object, passing in the URL we will use to connect to RabbitMQ, and the connection information for the underlying local storage object. :param str url: The URL for connecting to RabbitMQ :param dict storage_config: Configuration parameters for the underlying ``ProvenanceStorage`` object expected by ``swh.provenance.get_provenance_storage`` :param int batch_size: Max amount of elements call to the underlying storage :param int prefetch_count: Prefetch value for the RabbitMQ connection when receiving messaged """ self._workers: List[ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQWorker] = [] for exchange in ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.get_exchanges(): for range in ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.get_ranges(exchange): worker = ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQWorker( url=url, exchange=exchange, range=range, storage_config=storage_config, batch_size=batch_size, prefetch_count=prefetch_count, ) self._workers.append(worker) self._running = False def start(self) -> None: if not self._running: self._running = True for worker in self._workers: worker.start() for worker in self._workers: try: signal = worker.signal.get(timeout=60) assert signal == ServerCommand.CONSUMING except queue.Empty: LOGGER.error( "Could not initialize worker %s. Leaving...", worker.name ) self.stop() return LOGGER.info("Start serving") def stop(self) -> None: if self._running: for worker in self._workers: worker.command.put(ServerCommand.TERMINATE) for worker in self._workers: worker.join() LOGGER.info("Stop serving") self._running = False @staticmethod def get_binding_keys(exchange: str, range: int) -> Iterator[str]: for meth_name, relation in ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.get_meth_names( exchange ): if relation is None: assert ( meth_name != "relation_add" ), "'relation_add' requires 'relation' to be provided" yield f"{meth_name}.unknown.{range:x}".lower() else: assert ( meth_name == "relation_add" ), f"'{meth_name}' requires 'relation' to be None" yield f"{meth_name}.{relation.value}.{range:x}".lower() @staticmethod def get_exchange(meth_name: str, relation: Optional[RelationType] = None) -> str: if meth_name == "relation_add": assert ( relation is not None ), "'relation_add' requires 'relation' to be provided" split = relation.value else: assert relation is None, f"'{meth_name}' requires 'relation' to be None" split = meth_name exchange, *_ = split.split("_") return exchange @staticmethod def get_exchanges() -> Iterator[str]: yield from [entity.value for entity in EntityType] + ["location"] @staticmethod def get_meth_name( binding_key: str, ) -> Tuple[str, Optional[RelationType]]: meth_name, relation, *_ = binding_key.split(".") return meth_name, (RelationType(relation) if relation != "unknown" else None) @staticmethod def get_meth_names( exchange: str, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Optional[RelationType]]]: if exchange == EntityType.CONTENT.value: yield from [ ("content_add", None), ("relation_add", RelationType.CNT_EARLY_IN_REV), ("relation_add", RelationType.CNT_IN_DIR), ] elif exchange == EntityType.DIRECTORY.value: yield from [ ("directory_add", None), ("relation_add", RelationType.DIR_IN_REV), ] elif exchange == EntityType.ORIGIN.value: yield from [("origin_add", None)] elif exchange == EntityType.REVISION.value: yield from [ ("revision_add", None), ("relation_add", RelationType.REV_BEFORE_REV), ("relation_add", RelationType.REV_IN_ORG), ] elif exchange == "location": yield "location_add", None @staticmethod def get_ranges(unused_exchange: str) -> Iterator[int]: # XXX: we might want to have a different range per exchange yield from range(ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.queue_count) @staticmethod def get_routing_key( item: bytes, meth_name: str, relation: Optional[RelationType] = None ) -> str: hashid = ( path_id(item).hex() if meth_name.startswith("location") else hash_to_hex(item) ) idx = int(hashid[0], 16) % ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer.queue_count if relation is None: assert ( meth_name != "relation_add" ), "'relation_add' requires 'relation' to be provided" return f"{meth_name}.unknown.{idx:x}".lower() else: assert ( meth_name == "relation_add" ), f"'{meth_name}' requires 'relation' to be None" return f"{meth_name}.{relation.value}.{idx:x}".lower() @staticmethod def is_write_method(meth_name: str) -> bool: return "_add" in meth_name def load_and_check_config( config_path: Optional[str], type: str = "local" ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Check the minimal configuration is set to run the api or raise an error explanation. Args: config_path (str): Path to the configuration file to load type (str): configuration type. For 'local' type, more checks are done. Raises: Error if the setup is not as expected Returns: configuration as a dict """ if config_path is None: raise EnvironmentError("Configuration file must be defined") if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Configuration file {config_path} does not exist") cfg = config.read(config_path) pcfg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = cfg.get("provenance") if pcfg is None: raise KeyError("Missing 'provenance' configuration") rcfg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = pcfg.get("rabbitmq") if rcfg is None: raise KeyError("Missing 'provenance.rabbitmq' configuration") scfg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = rcfg.get("storage_config") if scfg is None: raise KeyError("Missing 'provenance.rabbitmq.storage_config' configuration") - if type == "local": - cls = scfg.get("cls") - if cls != "postgresql": - raise ValueError( - "The provenance backend can only be started with a 'postgresql' " - "configuration" - ) - - db = scfg.get("db") - if not db: - raise KeyError("Invalid configuration; missing 'db' config entry") - return cfg def make_server_from_configfile() -> ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer: config_path = os.environ.get("SWH_CONFIG_FILENAME") server_cfg = load_and_check_config(config_path) return ProvenanceStorageRabbitMQServer(**server_cfg["provenance"]["rabbitmq"])