diff --git a/swh/objstorage/replayer/replay.py b/swh/objstorage/replayer/replay.py index 5e42b2b..786b717 100644 --- a/swh/objstorage/replayer/replay.py +++ b/swh/objstorage/replayer/replay.py @@ -1,348 +1,348 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from concurrent.futures import FIRST_EXCEPTION, ThreadPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures import wait as futures_wait import logging from time import time from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional import msgpack from sentry_sdk import capture_exception, push_scope try: from systemd.daemon import notify except ImportError: notify = None from tenacity import ( retry, retry_if_exception_type, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential, ) from tenacity.retry import retry_base from swh.core.statsd import statsd from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex from swh.model.model import SHA1_SIZE from swh.objstorage.objstorage import ID_HASH_ALGO, ObjNotFoundError, ObjStorage logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) REPORTER = None CONTENT_OPERATIONS_METRIC = "swh_content_replayer_operations_total" CONTENT_RETRY_METRIC = "swh_content_replayer_retries_total" CONTENT_BYTES_METRIC = "swh_content_replayer_bytes" CONTENT_DURATION_METRIC = "swh_content_replayer_duration_seconds" def is_hash_in_bytearray(hash_, array, nb_hashes, hash_size=SHA1_SIZE): """ Checks if the given hash is in the provided `array`. The array must be a *sorted* list of sha1 hashes, and contain `nb_hashes` hashes (so its size must by `nb_hashes*hash_size` bytes). Args: hash_ (bytes): the hash to look for array (bytes): a sorted concatenated array of hashes (may be of any type supporting slice indexing, eg. :class:`mmap.mmap`) nb_hashes (int): number of hashes in the array hash_size (int): size of a hash (defaults to 20, for SHA1) Example: >>> import os >>> hash1 = os.urandom(20) >>> hash2 = os.urandom(20) >>> hash3 = os.urandom(20) >>> array = b''.join(sorted([hash1, hash2])) >>> is_hash_in_bytearray(hash1, array, 2) True >>> is_hash_in_bytearray(hash2, array, 2) True >>> is_hash_in_bytearray(hash3, array, 2) False """ if len(hash_) != hash_size: raise ValueError("hash_ does not match the provided hash_size.") def get_hash(position): return array[position * hash_size : (position + 1) * hash_size] # Regular dichotomy: left = 0 right = nb_hashes while left < right - 1: middle = int((right + left) / 2) pivot = get_hash(middle) if pivot == hash_: return True elif pivot < hash_: left = middle else: right = middle return get_hash(left) == hash_ class ReplayError(Exception): """An error occurred during the replay of an object""" def __init__(self, *, obj_id, exc): self.obj_id = hash_to_hex(obj_id) self.exc = exc def __str__(self): return "ReplayError(%s, %s)" % (self.obj_id, self.exc) def log_replay_retry(retry_state, sleep=None, last_result=None): """Log a retry of the content replayer""" exc = retry_state.outcome.exception() operation = retry_state.fn.__name__ logger.debug( "Retry operation %(operation)s on %(obj_id)s: %(exc)s", {"operation": operation, "obj_id": exc.obj_id, "exc": str(exc.exc)}, ) def log_replay_error(retry_state): """Log a replay error to sentry""" exc = retry_state.outcome.exception() with push_scope() as scope: scope.set_tag("operation", retry_state.fn.__name__) scope.set_extra("obj_id", exc.obj_id) capture_exception(exc.exc) error_context = { "obj_id": exc.obj_id, "operation": retry_state.fn.__name__, "exc": str(exc.exc), "retries": retry_state.attempt_number, } logger.error( "Failed operation %(operation)s on %(obj_id)s after %(retries)s" " retries: %(exc)s", error_context, ) # if we have a global error (redis) reporter if REPORTER is not None: oid = f"blob:{exc.obj_id}" msg = msgpack.dumps(error_context) REPORTER(oid, msg) return None CONTENT_REPLAY_RETRIES = 3 class retry_log_if_success(retry_base): """Log in statsd the number of attempts required to succeed""" def __call__(self, retry_state): if not retry_state.outcome.failed: statsd.increment( CONTENT_RETRY_METRIC, tags={ "operation": retry_state.fn.__name__, "attempt": str(retry_state.attempt_number), }, ) return False content_replay_retry = retry( retry=retry_if_exception_type(ReplayError) | retry_log_if_success(), stop=stop_after_attempt(CONTENT_REPLAY_RETRIES), wait=wait_random_exponential(multiplier=1, max=60), before_sleep=log_replay_retry, retry_error_callback=log_replay_error, ) @content_replay_retry def get_object(objstorage, obj_id): try: with statsd.timed(CONTENT_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"request": "get"}): obj = objstorage.get(obj_id) logger.debug("retrieved %(obj_id)s", {"obj_id": hash_to_hex(obj_id)}) return obj except ObjNotFoundError: logger.error( "Failed to retrieve %(obj_id)s: object not found", {"obj_id": hash_to_hex(obj_id)}, ) raise except Exception as exc: raise ReplayError(obj_id=obj_id, exc=exc) from None @content_replay_retry def put_object(objstorage, obj_id, obj): try: with statsd.timed(CONTENT_DURATION_METRIC, tags={"request": "put"}): - obj = objstorage.add(obj, obj_id, check_presence=False) + objstorage.add(obj, obj_id, check_presence=False) logger.debug("stored %(obj_id)s", {"obj_id": hash_to_hex(obj_id)}) except Exception as exc: raise ReplayError(obj_id=obj_id, exc=exc) from None def copy_object(obj_id, src, dst): obj = get_object(src, obj_id) if obj is not None: put_object(dst, obj_id, obj) statsd.increment(CONTENT_BYTES_METRIC, len(obj)) return len(obj) return 0 @content_replay_retry def obj_in_objstorage(obj_id, dst): """Check if an object is already in an objstorage, tenaciously""" try: return obj_id in dst except Exception as exc: raise ReplayError(obj_id=obj_id, exc=exc) from None def process_replay_objects_content( all_objects: Dict[str, List[dict]], *, src: ObjStorage, dst: ObjStorage, exclude_fn: Optional[Callable[[dict], bool]] = None, check_dst: bool = True, concurrency: int = 16, ): """ Takes a list of records from Kafka (see :py:func:`swh.journal.client.JournalClient.process`) and copies them from the `src` objstorage to the `dst` objstorage, if: * `obj['status']` is `'visible'` * `exclude_fn(obj)` is `False` (if `exclude_fn` is provided) * `obj['sha1'] not in dst` (if `check_dst` is True) Args: all_objects: Objects passed by the Kafka client. Most importantly, `all_objects['content'][*]['sha1']` is the sha1 hash of each content. src: An object storage (see :py:func:`swh.objstorage.get_objstorage`) dst: An object storage (see :py:func:`swh.objstorage.get_objstorage`) exclude_fn: Determines whether an object should be copied. check_dst: Determines whether we should check the destination objstorage before copying. Example: >>> from swh.objstorage.factory import get_objstorage >>> src = get_objstorage('memory') >>> dst = get_objstorage('memory') >>> id1 = src.add(b'foo bar') >>> id2 = src.add(b'baz qux') >>> kafka_partitions = { ... 'content': [ ... { ... 'sha1': id1, ... 'status': 'visible', ... }, ... { ... 'sha1': id2, ... 'status': 'visible', ... }, ... ] ... } >>> process_replay_objects_content( ... kafka_partitions, src=src, dst=dst, ... exclude_fn=lambda obj: obj['sha1'] == id1) >>> id1 in dst False >>> id2 in dst True """ vol = [] nb_skipped = 0 nb_failures = 0 t0 = time() def _copy_object(obj): nonlocal nb_skipped nonlocal nb_failures obj_id = obj[ID_HASH_ALGO] if obj["status"] != "visible": nb_skipped += 1 logger.debug("skipped %s (status=%s)", hash_to_hex(obj_id), obj["status"]) statsd.increment( CONTENT_OPERATIONS_METRIC, tags={"decision": "skipped", "status": obj["status"]}, ) elif exclude_fn and exclude_fn(obj): nb_skipped += 1 logger.debug("skipped %s (manually excluded)", hash_to_hex(obj_id)) statsd.increment(CONTENT_OPERATIONS_METRIC, tags={"decision": "excluded"}) elif check_dst and obj_in_objstorage(obj_id, dst): nb_skipped += 1 logger.debug("skipped %s (in dst)", hash_to_hex(obj_id)) statsd.increment(CONTENT_OPERATIONS_METRIC, tags={"decision": "in_dst"}) else: try: copied = copy_object(obj_id, src, dst) except ObjNotFoundError: nb_skipped += 1 statsd.increment( CONTENT_OPERATIONS_METRIC, tags={"decision": "not_in_src"} ) else: if copied is None: nb_failures += 1 statsd.increment( CONTENT_OPERATIONS_METRIC, tags={"decision": "failed"} ) else: vol.append(copied) statsd.increment( CONTENT_OPERATIONS_METRIC, tags={"decision": "copied"} ) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=concurrency) as pool: futures = [] for (object_type, objects) in all_objects.items(): if object_type != "content": logger.warning( "Received a series of %s, this should not happen", object_type ) continue for obj in objects: futures.append(pool.submit(_copy_object, obj=obj)) futures_wait(futures, return_when=FIRST_EXCEPTION) for f in futures: if f.running(): continue exc = f.exception() if exc: pool.shutdown(wait=False) f.result() raise exc dt = time() - t0 logger.info( "processed %s content objects in %.1fsec " "(%.1f obj/sec, %.1fMB/sec) - %d failed - %d skipped", len(vol), dt, len(vol) / dt, sum(vol) / 1024 / 1024 / dt, nb_failures, nb_skipped, ) if notify: notify("WATCHDOG=1")