diff --git a/test_storage.py b/test_storage.py index 4975870..107a38e 100644 --- a/test_storage.py +++ b/test_storage.py @@ -1,240 +1,236 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime import shutil import tempfile import unittest from nose.tools import istest from nose.plugins.attrib import attr from .db_testing import DbTestFixture from swh.core.hashutil import hex_to_hash from swh.storage import Storage @attr('db') class AbstractTestStorage(DbTestFixture): """Base class for Storage testing. This class is used as-is to test local storage (see TestStorage below) and remote storage (see TestRemoteStorage in test_remote_storage.py. We need to have the two classes inherit from this base class separately to avoid nosetests running the tests from the base class twice. """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.objroot = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.storage = Storage(self.conn, self.objroot) self.cont = { 'data': b'42\n', 'length': 3, 'sha1': hex_to_hash( '34973274ccef6ab4dfaaf86599792fa9c3fe4689'), 'sha1_git': hex_to_hash( 'd81cc0710eb6cf9efd5b920a8453e1e07157b6cd'), 'sha256': hex_to_hash( '673650f936cb3b0a2f93ce09d81be107' '48b1b203c19e8176b4eefc1964a0cf3a'), } self.cont2 = { 'data': b'4242\n', 'length': 5, 'sha1': hex_to_hash( '61c2b3a30496d329e21af70dd2d7e097046d07b7'), 'sha1_git': hex_to_hash( '36fade77193cb6d2bd826161a0979d64c28ab4fa'), 'sha256': hex_to_hash( '859f0b154fdb2d630f45e1ecae4a8629' '15435e663248bb8461d914696fc047cd'), } self.missing_cont = { 'data': b'missing\n', 'length': 8, 'sha1': hex_to_hash( 'f9c24e2abb82063a3ba2c44efd2d3c797f28ac90'), 'sha1_git': hex_to_hash( '33e45d56f88993aae6a0198013efa80716fd8919'), 'sha256': hex_to_hash( '6bbd052ab054ef222c1c87be60cd191a' 'ddedd24cc882d1f5f7f7be61dc61bb3a'), } self.dir = { 'id': b'4\x013\x422\x531\x000\xf51\xe62\xa73\xff7\xc3\xa90', 'entries': [ { 'name': 'foo', 'type': 'file', 'target': self.cont['sha1_git'], 'perms': 0o644, 'atime': None, 'ctime': None, 'mtime': None, }, { 'name': 'bar', 'type': 'dir', 'target': b'12345678901234567890', 'perms': 0o2000, 'atime': None, 'ctime': None, 'mtime': None, }, ], } self.revision = { 'id': b'56789012345678901234', 'message': 'hello', 'author_name': 'Nicolas Dandrimont', 'author_email': 'nicolas@example.com', 'committer_name': 'Stefano Zacchiroli', 'committer_email': 'stefano@example.com', 'parents': [b'01234567890123456789'], 'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 22, 0, 0), 'date_offset': 120, 'committer_date': datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 2, 22, 0, 0), 'committer_date_offset': -120, 'type': 'git', 'directory': self.dir['id'], } self.origin = { 'url': 'file:///dev/null', 'type': 'git', } self.origin2 = { 'url': 'file:///dev/zero', 'type': 'git', } self.occurrence = { 'branch': 'master', 'revision': b'67890123456789012345', 'authority': 1, 'validity': datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 23, 0, 0), } def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.objroot) super().tearDown() @istest def content_add(self): cont = self.cont self.storage.content_add([cont]) if hasattr(self.storage, 'objstorage'): self.assertIn(cont['sha1'], self.storage.objstorage) self.cursor.execute('SELECT sha1, sha1_git, sha256, length, status' ' FROM content WHERE sha1 = %s', (cont['sha1'],)) datum = self.cursor.fetchone() self.assertEqual( (datum[0].tobytes(), datum[1].tobytes(), datum[2].tobytes(), datum[3], datum[4]), (cont['sha1'], cont['sha1_git'], cont['sha256'], cont['length'], 'visible')) @istest def content_missing(self): cont2 = self.cont2 missing_cont = self.missing_cont self.storage.content_add([cont2]) gen = self.storage.content_missing([cont2, missing_cont]) self.assertEqual(list(gen), [missing_cont['sha1']]) @istest def content_present(self): ### with something to find - # given cont = self.cont self.storage.content_add([cont]) - # when actually_present = self.storage.content_present({'sha1': cont['sha1']}) - # then - self.assertEquals(actually_present, {'found': True}, "Should be present") + self.assertEquals(actually_present, True, "Should be present") ### with something that does not exist - # given missing_cont = self.missing_cont - # when actually_present = self.storage.content_present( {'sha256': missing_cont['sha256']}) - # then - self.assertEquals(actually_present, {'found': False}, "Should not be present") + self.assertEquals(actually_present, False, "Should be missing") - ### with bad input - actually_present = self.storage.content_present({}) + ### 1. with bad input + with self.assertRaises(ValueError): + self.storage.content_present({}) - # then - self.assertEquals(actually_present, None, "Problem in input so should be None.") + ### 2. with bad input + with self.assertRaises(ValueError): + self.storage.content_present({'sha-bla': '123'}) # only sha1 and sha256 @istest def directory_add(self): init_missing = list(self.storage.directory_missing([self.dir['id']])) self.assertEqual([self.dir['id']], init_missing) self.storage.directory_add([self.dir]) stored_data = list(self.storage.directory_get(self.dir['id'])) data_to_store = [ (self.dir['id'], ent['type'], ent['target'], ent['name'], ent['perms'], ent['atime'], ent['ctime'], ent['mtime']) for ent in sorted(self.dir['entries'], key=lambda ent: ent['name']) ] self.assertEqual(data_to_store, stored_data) after_missing = list(self.storage.directory_missing([self.dir['id']])) self.assertEqual([], after_missing) @istest def revision_add(self): init_missing = self.storage.revision_missing([self.revision['id']]) self.assertEqual([self.revision['id']], list(init_missing)) self.storage.revision_add([self.revision]) end_missing = self.storage.revision_missing([self.revision['id']]) self.assertEqual([], list(end_missing)) @istest def origin_add(self): self.assertIsNone(self.storage.origin_get(self.origin)) id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin) self.assertEqual(self.storage.origin_get(self.origin), id) @istest def occurrence_add(self): origin_id = self.storage.origin_add_one(self.origin2) revision = self.revision.copy() revision['id'] = self.occurrence['revision'] self.storage.revision_add([revision]) self.occurrence['origin'] = origin_id self.storage.occurrence_add([self.occurrence]) class TestStorage(AbstractTestStorage, unittest.TestCase): """Test the local storage""" pass