diff --git a/swh/model/model.py b/swh/model/model.py index e9dfbea..1df9463 100644 --- a/swh/model/model.py +++ b/swh/model/model.py @@ -1,1069 +1,1099 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import datetime from enum import Enum from hashlib import sha256 from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union +import warnings import attr from attrs_strict import type_validator import dateutil.parser import iso8601 from typing_extensions import Final from .collections import ImmutableDict from .hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, MultiHash, hash_to_bytes from .identifiers import ( SWHID, directory_identifier, normalize_timestamp, parse_swhid, release_identifier, revision_identifier, snapshot_identifier, ) class MissingData(Exception): """Raised by `Content.with_data` when it has no way of fetching the data (but not when fetching the data fails).""" pass KeyType = Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, bytes], bytes] """The type returned by BaseModel.unique_key().""" SHA1_SIZE = 20 # TODO: Limit this to 20 bytes Sha1Git = bytes Sha1 = bytes KT = TypeVar("KT") VT = TypeVar("VT") def freeze_optional_dict( d: Union[None, Dict[KT, VT], ImmutableDict[KT, VT]] # type: ignore ) -> Optional[ImmutableDict[KT, VT]]: if isinstance(d, dict): return ImmutableDict(d) else: return d def dictify(value): "Helper function used by BaseModel.to_dict()" if isinstance(value, BaseModel): return value.to_dict() elif isinstance(value, SWHID): return str(value) elif isinstance(value, Enum): return value.value elif isinstance(value, (dict, ImmutableDict)): return {k: dictify(v) for k, v in value.items()} elif isinstance(value, tuple): return tuple(dictify(v) for v in value) else: return value ModelType = TypeVar("ModelType", bound="BaseModel") class BaseModel: """Base class for SWH model classes. Provides serialization/deserialization to/from Python dictionaries, that are suitable for JSON/msgpack-like formats.""" def to_dict(self): """Wrapper of `attr.asdict` that can be overridden by subclasses that have special handling of some of the fields.""" return dictify(attr.asdict(self, recurse=False)) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Takes a dictionary representing a tree of SWH objects, and recursively builds the corresponding objects.""" return cls(**d) def anonymize(self: ModelType) -> Optional[ModelType]: """Returns an anonymized version of the object, if needed. If the object model does not need/support anonymization, returns None. """ return None def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: """Returns a unique key for this object, that can be used for deduplication.""" raise NotImplementedError(f"unique_key for {self}") class HashableObject(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Mixin to automatically compute object identifier hash when the associated model is instantiated.""" @abstractmethod def compute_hash(self) -> bytes: """Derived model classes must implement this to compute the object hash. This method is called by the object initialization if the `id` attribute is set to an empty value. """ pass def __attrs_post_init__(self): if not self.id: obj_id = self.compute_hash() object.__setattr__(self, "id", obj_id) def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return self.id # type: ignore @attr.s(frozen=True) class Person(BaseModel): """Represents the author/committer of a revision or release.""" object_type: Final = "person" fullname = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) name = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator()) email = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator()) @classmethod def from_fullname(cls, fullname: bytes): """Returns a Person object, by guessing the name and email from the fullname, in the `name ` format. The fullname is left unchanged.""" if fullname is None: raise TypeError("fullname is None.") name: Optional[bytes] email: Optional[bytes] try: open_bracket = fullname.index(b"<") except ValueError: name = fullname email = None else: raw_name = fullname[:open_bracket] raw_email = fullname[open_bracket + 1 :] if not raw_name: name = None else: name = raw_name.strip() try: close_bracket = raw_email.rindex(b">") except ValueError: email = raw_email else: email = raw_email[:close_bracket] return Person(name=name or None, email=email or None, fullname=fullname,) def anonymize(self) -> "Person": """Returns an anonymized version of the Person object. Anonymization is simply a Person which fullname is the hashed, with unset name or email. """ return Person(fullname=sha256(self.fullname).digest(), name=None, email=None,) @attr.s(frozen=True) class Timestamp(BaseModel): """Represents a naive timestamp from a VCS.""" object_type: Final = "timestamp" seconds = attr.ib(type=int, validator=type_validator()) microseconds = attr.ib(type=int, validator=type_validator()) @seconds.validator def check_seconds(self, attribute, value): """Check that seconds fit in a 64-bits signed integer.""" if not (-(2 ** 63) <= value < 2 ** 63): raise ValueError("Seconds must be a signed 64-bits integer.") @microseconds.validator def check_microseconds(self, attribute, value): """Checks that microseconds are positive and < 1000000.""" if not (0 <= value < 10 ** 6): raise ValueError("Microseconds must be in [0, 1000000[.") @attr.s(frozen=True) class TimestampWithTimezone(BaseModel): """Represents a TZ-aware timestamp from a VCS.""" object_type: Final = "timestamp_with_timezone" timestamp = attr.ib(type=Timestamp, validator=type_validator()) offset = attr.ib(type=int, validator=type_validator()) negative_utc = attr.ib(type=bool, validator=type_validator()) @offset.validator def check_offset(self, attribute, value): """Checks the offset is a 16-bits signed integer (in theory, it should always be between -14 and +14 hours).""" if not (-(2 ** 15) <= value < 2 ** 15): # max 14 hours offset in theory, but you never know what # you'll find in the wild... raise ValueError("offset too large: %d minutes" % value) @negative_utc.validator def check_negative_utc(self, attribute, value): if self.offset and value: raise ValueError("negative_utc can only be True is offset=0") @classmethod def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[Dict, datetime.datetime, int]): """Builds a TimestampWithTimezone from any of the formats accepted by :func:`swh.model.normalize_timestamp`.""" # TODO: this accept way more types than just dicts; find a better # name d = normalize_timestamp(obj) return cls( timestamp=Timestamp.from_dict(d["timestamp"]), offset=d["offset"], negative_utc=d["negative_utc"], ) @classmethod def from_datetime(cls, dt: datetime.datetime): return cls.from_dict(dt) @classmethod def from_iso8601(cls, s): """Builds a TimestampWithTimezone from an ISO8601-formatted string. """ dt = iso8601.parse_date(s) tstz = cls.from_datetime(dt) if dt.tzname() == "-00:00": tstz = attr.evolve(tstz, negative_utc=True) return tstz @attr.s(frozen=True) class Origin(BaseModel): """Represents a software source: a VCS and an URL.""" object_type: Final = "origin" url = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return {"url": self.url} @attr.s(frozen=True) class OriginVisit(BaseModel): """Represents an origin visit with a given type at a given point in time, by a SWH loader.""" object_type: Final = "origin_visit" origin = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime, validator=type_validator()) type = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) """Should not be set before calling 'origin_visit_add()'.""" visit = attr.ib(type=Optional[int], validator=type_validator(), default=None) @date.validator def check_date(self, attribute, value): """Checks the date has a timezone.""" if value is not None and value.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError("date must be a timezone-aware datetime.") def to_dict(self): """Serializes the date as a string and omits the visit id if it is `None`.""" ov = super().to_dict() if ov["visit"] is None: del ov["visit"] return ov def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return {"origin": self.origin, "date": str(self.date)} @attr.s(frozen=True) class OriginVisitStatus(BaseModel): """Represents a visit update of an origin at a given point in time. """ object_type: Final = "origin_visit_status" origin = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) visit = attr.ib(type=int, validator=type_validator()) date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime, validator=type_validator()) status = attr.ib( type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(["created", "ongoing", "full", "partial"]), ) snapshot = attr.ib(type=Optional[Sha1Git], validator=type_validator()) metadata = attr.ib( type=Optional[ImmutableDict[str, object]], validator=type_validator(), converter=freeze_optional_dict, default=None, ) @date.validator def check_date(self, attribute, value): """Checks the date has a timezone.""" if value is not None and value.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError("date must be a timezone-aware datetime.") def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return {"origin": self.origin, "visit": str(self.visit), "date": str(self.date)} class TargetType(Enum): """The type of content pointed to by a snapshot branch. Usually a revision or an alias.""" CONTENT = "content" DIRECTORY = "directory" REVISION = "revision" RELEASE = "release" SNAPSHOT = "snapshot" ALIAS = "alias" class ObjectType(Enum): """The type of content pointed to by a release. Usually a revision""" CONTENT = "content" DIRECTORY = "directory" REVISION = "revision" RELEASE = "release" SNAPSHOT = "snapshot" @attr.s(frozen=True) class SnapshotBranch(BaseModel): """Represents one of the branches of a snapshot.""" object_type: Final = "snapshot_branch" target = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) target_type = attr.ib(type=TargetType, validator=type_validator()) @target.validator def check_target(self, attribute, value): """Checks the target type is not an alias, checks the target is a valid sha1_git.""" if self.target_type != TargetType.ALIAS and self.target is not None: if len(value) != 20: raise ValueError("Wrong length for bytes identifier: %d" % len(value)) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): return cls(target=d["target"], target_type=TargetType(d["target_type"])) @attr.s(frozen=True) class Snapshot(HashableObject, BaseModel): """Represents the full state of an origin at a given point in time.""" object_type: Final = "snapshot" branches = attr.ib( type=ImmutableDict[bytes, Optional[SnapshotBranch]], validator=type_validator(), converter=freeze_optional_dict, ) id = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator(), default=b"") def compute_hash(self) -> bytes: return hash_to_bytes(snapshot_identifier(self.to_dict())) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d = d.copy() return cls( branches=ImmutableDict( (name, SnapshotBranch.from_dict(branch) if branch else None) for (name, branch) in d.pop("branches").items() ), **d, ) @attr.s(frozen=True) class Release(HashableObject, BaseModel): object_type: Final = "release" name = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) message = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator()) target = attr.ib(type=Optional[Sha1Git], validator=type_validator()) target_type = attr.ib(type=ObjectType, validator=type_validator()) synthetic = attr.ib(type=bool, validator=type_validator()) author = attr.ib(type=Optional[Person], validator=type_validator(), default=None) date = attr.ib( type=Optional[TimestampWithTimezone], validator=type_validator(), default=None ) metadata = attr.ib( type=Optional[ImmutableDict[str, object]], validator=type_validator(), converter=freeze_optional_dict, default=None, ) id = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator(), default=b"") def compute_hash(self) -> bytes: return hash_to_bytes(release_identifier(self.to_dict())) @author.validator def check_author(self, attribute, value): """If the author is `None`, checks the date is `None` too.""" if self.author is None and self.date is not None: raise ValueError("release date must be None if author is None.") def to_dict(self): rel = super().to_dict() if rel["metadata"] is None: del rel["metadata"] return rel @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d = d.copy() if d.get("author"): d["author"] = Person.from_dict(d["author"]) if d.get("date"): d["date"] = TimestampWithTimezone.from_dict(d["date"]) return cls(target_type=ObjectType(d.pop("target_type")), **d) def anonymize(self) -> "Release": """Returns an anonymized version of the Release object. Anonymization consists in replacing the author with an anonymized Person object. """ author = self.author and self.author.anonymize() return attr.evolve(self, author=author) class RevisionType(Enum): GIT = "git" TAR = "tar" DSC = "dsc" SUBVERSION = "svn" MERCURIAL = "hg" def tuplify_extra_headers(value: Iterable): return tuple((k, v) for k, v in value) @attr.s(frozen=True) class Revision(HashableObject, BaseModel): object_type: Final = "revision" message = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator()) author = attr.ib(type=Person, validator=type_validator()) committer = attr.ib(type=Person, validator=type_validator()) date = attr.ib(type=Optional[TimestampWithTimezone], validator=type_validator()) committer_date = attr.ib( type=Optional[TimestampWithTimezone], validator=type_validator() ) type = attr.ib(type=RevisionType, validator=type_validator()) directory = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator()) synthetic = attr.ib(type=bool, validator=type_validator()) metadata = attr.ib( type=Optional[ImmutableDict[str, object]], validator=type_validator(), converter=freeze_optional_dict, default=None, ) parents = attr.ib(type=Tuple[Sha1Git, ...], validator=type_validator(), default=()) id = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator(), default=b"") extra_headers = attr.ib( type=Tuple[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ...], validator=type_validator(), converter=tuplify_extra_headers, default=(), ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() # ensure metadata is a deep copy of whatever was given, and if needed # extract extra_headers from there if self.metadata: metadata = self.metadata if not self.extra_headers and "extra_headers" in metadata: (extra_headers, metadata) = metadata.copy_pop("extra_headers") object.__setattr__( self, "extra_headers", tuplify_extra_headers(extra_headers), ) attr.validate(self) object.__setattr__(self, "metadata", metadata) def compute_hash(self) -> bytes: return hash_to_bytes(revision_identifier(self.to_dict())) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d = d.copy() date = d.pop("date") if date: date = TimestampWithTimezone.from_dict(date) committer_date = d.pop("committer_date") if committer_date: committer_date = TimestampWithTimezone.from_dict(committer_date) return cls( author=Person.from_dict(d.pop("author")), committer=Person.from_dict(d.pop("committer")), date=date, committer_date=committer_date, type=RevisionType(d.pop("type")), parents=tuple(d.pop("parents")), # for BW compat **d, ) def anonymize(self) -> "Revision": """Returns an anonymized version of the Revision object. Anonymization consists in replacing the author and committer with an anonymized Person object. """ return attr.evolve( self, author=self.author.anonymize(), committer=self.committer.anonymize() ) @attr.s(frozen=True) class DirectoryEntry(BaseModel): object_type: Final = "directory_entry" name = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) type = attr.ib(type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(["file", "dir", "rev"])) target = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator()) perms = attr.ib(type=int, validator=type_validator()) """Usually one of the values of `swh.model.from_disk.DentryPerms`.""" @attr.s(frozen=True) class Directory(HashableObject, BaseModel): object_type: Final = "directory" entries = attr.ib(type=Tuple[DirectoryEntry, ...], validator=type_validator()) id = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator(), default=b"") def compute_hash(self) -> bytes: return hash_to_bytes(directory_identifier(self.to_dict())) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d = d.copy() return cls( entries=tuple( DirectoryEntry.from_dict(entry) for entry in d.pop("entries") ), **d, ) @attr.s(frozen=True) class BaseContent(BaseModel): status = attr.ib( type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(["visible", "hidden", "absent"]) ) @staticmethod def _hash_data(data: bytes): """Hash some data, returning most of the fields of a content object""" d = MultiHash.from_data(data).digest() d["data"] = data d["length"] = len(data) return d @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d, use_subclass=True): if use_subclass: # Chooses a subclass to instantiate instead. if d["status"] == "absent": return SkippedContent.from_dict(d) else: return Content.from_dict(d) else: return super().from_dict(d) def get_hash(self, hash_name): if hash_name not in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid hash name.".format(hash_name)) return getattr(self, hash_name) def hashes(self) -> Dict[str, bytes]: """Returns a dictionary {hash_name: hash_value}""" return {algo: getattr(self, algo) for algo in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS} @attr.s(frozen=True) class Content(BaseContent): object_type: Final = "content" sha1 = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) sha1_git = attr.ib(type=Sha1Git, validator=type_validator()) sha256 = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) blake2s256 = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) length = attr.ib(type=int, validator=type_validator()) status = attr.ib( type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(["visible", "hidden"]), default="visible", ) data = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator(), default=None) ctime = attr.ib( type=Optional[datetime.datetime], validator=type_validator(), default=None, eq=False, ) @length.validator def check_length(self, attribute, value): """Checks the length is positive.""" if value < 0: raise ValueError("Length must be positive.") @ctime.validator def check_ctime(self, attribute, value): """Checks the ctime has a timezone.""" if value is not None and value.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError("ctime must be a timezone-aware datetime.") def to_dict(self): content = super().to_dict() if content["data"] is None: del content["data"] if content["ctime"] is None: del content["ctime"] return content @classmethod def from_data(cls, data, status="visible", ctime=None) -> "Content": """Generate a Content from a given `data` byte string. This populates the Content with the hashes and length for the data passed as argument, as well as the data itself. """ d = cls._hash_data(data) d["status"] = status d["ctime"] = ctime return cls(**d) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): if isinstance(d.get("ctime"), str): d = d.copy() d["ctime"] = dateutil.parser.parse(d["ctime"]) return super().from_dict(d, use_subclass=False) def with_data(self) -> "Content": """Loads the `data` attribute; meaning that it is guaranteed not to be None after this call. This call is almost a no-op, but subclasses may overload this method to lazy-load data (eg. from disk or objstorage).""" if self.data is None: raise MissingData("Content data is None.") return self def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return self.sha1 # TODO: use a dict of hashes @attr.s(frozen=True) class SkippedContent(BaseContent): object_type: Final = "skipped_content" sha1 = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator()) sha1_git = attr.ib(type=Optional[Sha1Git], validator=type_validator()) sha256 = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator()) blake2s256 = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], validator=type_validator()) length = attr.ib(type=Optional[int], validator=type_validator()) status = attr.ib(type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(["absent"])) reason = attr.ib(type=Optional[str], validator=type_validator(), default=None) origin = attr.ib(type=Optional[str], validator=type_validator(), default=None) ctime = attr.ib( type=Optional[datetime.datetime], validator=type_validator(), default=None, eq=False, ) @reason.validator def check_reason(self, attribute, value): """Checks the reason is full if status != absent.""" assert self.reason == value if value is None: raise ValueError("Must provide a reason if content is absent.") @length.validator def check_length(self, attribute, value): """Checks the length is positive or -1.""" if value < -1: raise ValueError("Length must be positive or -1.") @ctime.validator def check_ctime(self, attribute, value): """Checks the ctime has a timezone.""" if value is not None and value.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError("ctime must be a timezone-aware datetime.") def to_dict(self): content = super().to_dict() if content["origin"] is None: del content["origin"] if content["ctime"] is None: del content["ctime"] return content @classmethod def from_data( cls, data: bytes, reason: str, ctime: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None ) -> "SkippedContent": """Generate a SkippedContent from a given `data` byte string. This populates the SkippedContent with the hashes and length for the data passed as argument. You can use `attr.evolve` on such a generated content to nullify some of its attributes, e.g. for tests. """ d = cls._hash_data(data) del d["data"] d["status"] = "absent" d["reason"] = reason d["ctime"] = ctime return cls(**d) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d2 = d.copy() if d2.pop("data", None) is not None: raise ValueError('SkippedContent has no "data" attribute %r' % d) return super().from_dict(d2, use_subclass=False) def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return self.hashes() class MetadataAuthorityType(Enum): DEPOSIT_CLIENT = "deposit_client" FORGE = "forge" REGISTRY = "registry" @attr.s(frozen=True) class MetadataAuthority(BaseModel): """Represents an entity that provides metadata about an origin or software artifact.""" object_type: Final = "metadata_authority" type = attr.ib(type=MetadataAuthorityType, validator=type_validator()) url = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) metadata = attr.ib( type=Optional[ImmutableDict[str, Any]], default=None, validator=type_validator(), converter=freeze_optional_dict, ) def to_dict(self): d = super().to_dict() if d["metadata"] is None: del d["metadata"] return d @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d["type"] = MetadataAuthorityType(d["type"]) return super().from_dict(d) def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return {"type": self.type.value, "url": self.url} @attr.s(frozen=True) class MetadataFetcher(BaseModel): """Represents a software component used to fetch metadata from a metadata authority, and ingest them into the Software Heritage archive.""" object_type: Final = "metadata_fetcher" name = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) version = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) metadata = attr.ib( type=Optional[ImmutableDict[str, Any]], default=None, validator=type_validator(), converter=freeze_optional_dict, ) def to_dict(self): d = super().to_dict() if d["metadata"] is None: del d["metadata"] return d def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return {"name": self.name, "version": self.version} class MetadataTargetType(Enum): """The type of object extrinsic metadata refer to.""" CONTENT = "content" DIRECTORY = "directory" REVISION = "revision" RELEASE = "release" SNAPSHOT = "snapshot" ORIGIN = "origin" @attr.s(frozen=True) -class RawExtrinsicMetadata(BaseModel): - object_type: Final = "raw_extrinsic_metadata" - +class _RawExtrinsicMetadata(BaseModel): # target object type = attr.ib(type=MetadataTargetType, validator=type_validator()) - id = attr.ib(type=Union[str, SWHID], validator=type_validator()) + target = attr.ib(type=Union[str, SWHID], validator=type_validator()) """URL if type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, else core SWHID""" # source discovery_date = attr.ib(type=datetime.datetime, validator=type_validator()) authority = attr.ib(type=MetadataAuthority, validator=type_validator()) fetcher = attr.ib(type=MetadataFetcher, validator=type_validator()) # the metadata itself format = attr.ib(type=str, validator=type_validator()) metadata = attr.ib(type=bytes, validator=type_validator()) # context origin = attr.ib(type=Optional[str], default=None, validator=type_validator()) visit = attr.ib(type=Optional[int], default=None, validator=type_validator()) snapshot = attr.ib(type=Optional[SWHID], default=None, validator=type_validator()) release = attr.ib(type=Optional[SWHID], default=None, validator=type_validator()) revision = attr.ib(type=Optional[SWHID], default=None, validator=type_validator()) path = attr.ib(type=Optional[bytes], default=None, validator=type_validator()) directory = attr.ib(type=Optional[SWHID], default=None, validator=type_validator()) - @id.validator - def check_id(self, attribute, value): + @target.validator + def check_target(self, attribute, value): if self.type == MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN: if isinstance(value, SWHID) or value.startswith("swh:"): raise ValueError( - "Got SWHID as id for origin metadata (expected an URL)." + "Got SWHID as target for origin metadata (expected an URL)." ) else: self._check_swhid(self.type.value, value) @discovery_date.validator def check_discovery_date(self, attribute, value): """Checks the discovery_date has a timezone.""" if value is not None and value.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError("discovery_date must be a timezone-aware datetime.") @origin.validator def check_origin(self, attribute, value): if value is None: return if self.type not in ( MetadataTargetType.SNAPSHOT, MetadataTargetType.RELEASE, MetadataTargetType.REVISION, MetadataTargetType.DIRECTORY, MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, ): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected 'origin' context for {self.type.value} object: {value}" ) if value.startswith("swh:"): # Technically this is valid; but: # 1. SWHIDs are URIs, not URLs # 2. if a SWHID gets here, it's very likely to be a mistake # (and we can remove this check if it turns out there is a # legitimate use for it). raise ValueError(f"SWHID used as context origin URL: {value}") @visit.validator def check_visit(self, attribute, value): if value is None: return if self.type not in ( MetadataTargetType.SNAPSHOT, MetadataTargetType.RELEASE, MetadataTargetType.REVISION, MetadataTargetType.DIRECTORY, MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, ): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected 'visit' context for {self.type.value} object: {value}" ) if self.origin is None: raise ValueError("'origin' context must be set if 'visit' is.") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("Nonpositive visit id") @snapshot.validator def check_snapshot(self, attribute, value): if value is None: return if self.type not in ( MetadataTargetType.RELEASE, MetadataTargetType.REVISION, MetadataTargetType.DIRECTORY, MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, ): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected 'snapshot' context for {self.type.value} object: {value}" ) self._check_swhid("snapshot", value) @release.validator def check_release(self, attribute, value): if value is None: return if self.type not in ( MetadataTargetType.REVISION, MetadataTargetType.DIRECTORY, MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, ): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected 'release' context for {self.type.value} object: {value}" ) self._check_swhid("release", value) @revision.validator def check_revision(self, attribute, value): if value is None: return if self.type not in (MetadataTargetType.DIRECTORY, MetadataTargetType.CONTENT,): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected 'revision' context for {self.type.value} object: {value}" ) self._check_swhid("revision", value) @path.validator def check_path(self, attribute, value): if value is None: return if self.type not in (MetadataTargetType.DIRECTORY, MetadataTargetType.CONTENT,): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected 'path' context for {self.type.value} object: {value}" ) @directory.validator def check_directory(self, attribute, value): if value is None: return if self.type not in (MetadataTargetType.CONTENT,): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected 'directory' context for {self.type.value} object: {value}" ) self._check_swhid("directory", value) def _check_swhid(self, expected_object_type, swhid): if isinstance(swhid, str): raise ValueError(f"Expected SWHID, got a string: {swhid}") if swhid.object_type != expected_object_type: raise ValueError( f"Expected SWHID type '{expected_object_type}', " f"got '{swhid.object_type}' in {swhid}" ) if swhid.metadata: raise ValueError(f"Expected core SWHID, but got: {swhid}") def to_dict(self): d = super().to_dict() + d["id"] = d["target"] context_keys = ( "origin", "visit", "snapshot", "release", "revision", "directory", "path", ) for context_key in context_keys: if d[context_key] is None: del d[context_key] return d @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): d = { **d, "type": MetadataTargetType(d["type"]), "authority": MetadataAuthority.from_dict(d["authority"]), "fetcher": MetadataFetcher.from_dict(d["fetcher"]), } + if "id" in d: + warnings.warn( + "RawExtrinsicMetadata `id` attribute is now called `target`", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + # Backwards-compatibility for id -> target migration + d["target"] = d.pop("id") + if d["type"] != MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN: - d["id"] = parse_swhid(d["id"]) + d["target"] = parse_swhid(d["target"]) swhid_keys = ("snapshot", "release", "revision", "directory") for swhid_key in swhid_keys: if d.get(swhid_key): d[swhid_key] = parse_swhid(d[swhid_key]) return super().from_dict(d) def unique_key(self) -> KeyType: return { "type": self.type.value, - "id": str(self.id), + "target": str(self.target), "authority_type": self.authority.type.value, "authority_url": self.authority.url, "discovery_date": str(self.discovery_date), "fetcher_name": self.fetcher.name, "fetcher_version": self.fetcher.version, } + + +class RawExtrinsicMetadata(_RawExtrinsicMetadata): + object_type: Final = "raw_extrinsic_metadata" + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + if "id" in kwargs: + warnings.warn( + "RawExtrinsicMetadata `id` attribute is now called `target`", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + kwargs["target"] = kwargs.pop("id") + + super().__init__(**kwargs) + + @property + def id(self): + warnings.warn( + "RawExtrinsicMetadata `id` attribute is now called `target`", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + return self.target diff --git a/swh/model/tests/test_model.py b/swh/model/tests/test_model.py index 990a170..07afe21 100644 --- a/swh/model/tests/test_model.py +++ b/swh/model/tests/test_model.py @@ -1,1217 +1,1244 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import copy import datetime import attr from attrs_strict import AttributeTypeError from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.strategies import binary import pytest from swh.model.hashutil import MultiHash, hash_to_bytes import swh.model.hypothesis_strategies as strategies from swh.model.identifiers import ( SWHID, directory_identifier, parse_swhid, release_identifier, revision_identifier, snapshot_identifier, ) from swh.model.model import ( BaseModel, Content, Directory, MetadataAuthority, MetadataAuthorityType, MetadataFetcher, MetadataTargetType, MissingData, Origin, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus, Person, RawExtrinsicMetadata, Release, Revision, SkippedContent, Snapshot, Timestamp, TimestampWithTimezone, ) from swh.model.tests.test_identifiers import ( directory_example, release_example, revision_example, snapshot_example, ) @given(strategies.objects()) def test_todict_inverse_fromdict(objtype_and_obj): (obj_type, obj) = objtype_and_obj if obj_type in ("origin", "origin_visit"): return obj_as_dict = obj.to_dict() obj_as_dict_copy = copy.deepcopy(obj_as_dict) # Check the composition of to_dict and from_dict is the identity assert obj == type(obj).from_dict(obj_as_dict) # Check from_dict() does not change the input dict assert obj_as_dict == obj_as_dict_copy # Check the composition of from_dict and to_dict is the identity assert obj_as_dict == type(obj).from_dict(obj_as_dict).to_dict() def test_unique_key(): url = "http://example.org/" date = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) id_ = b"42" * 10 assert Origin(url=url).unique_key() == {"url": url} assert OriginVisit(origin=url, date=date, type="git").unique_key() == { "origin": url, "date": str(date), } assert OriginVisitStatus( origin=url, visit=42, date=date, status="created", snapshot=None ).unique_key() == {"origin": url, "visit": "42", "date": str(date),} assert Snapshot.from_dict({**snapshot_example, "id": id_}).unique_key() == id_ assert Release.from_dict({**release_example, "id": id_}).unique_key() == id_ assert Revision.from_dict({**revision_example, "id": id_}).unique_key() == id_ assert Directory.from_dict({**directory_example, "id": id_}).unique_key() == id_ cont = Content.from_data(b"foo") assert cont.unique_key().hex() == "0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33" kwargs = { **cont.to_dict(), "reason": "foo", "status": "absent", } del kwargs["data"] assert SkippedContent(**kwargs).unique_key() == cont.hashes() # Anonymization @given(strategies.objects()) def test_anonymization(objtype_and_obj): (obj_type, obj) = objtype_and_obj def check_person(p): if p is not None: assert p.name is None assert p.email is None assert len(p.fullname) == 32 anon_obj = obj.anonymize() if obj_type == "person": assert anon_obj is not None check_person(anon_obj) elif obj_type == "release": assert anon_obj is not None check_person(anon_obj.author) elif obj_type == "revision": assert anon_obj is not None check_person(anon_obj.author) check_person(anon_obj.committer) else: assert anon_obj is None # Origin, OriginVisit, OriginVisitStatus @given(strategies.origins()) def test_todict_origins(origin): obj = origin.to_dict() assert "type" not in obj assert type(origin)(url=origin.url) == type(origin).from_dict(obj) @given(strategies.origin_visits()) def test_todict_origin_visits(origin_visit): obj = origin_visit.to_dict() assert origin_visit == type(origin_visit).from_dict(obj) def test_origin_visit_naive_datetime(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a timezone-aware datetime"): OriginVisit( origin="http://foo/", date=datetime.datetime.now(), type="git", ) @given(strategies.origin_visit_statuses()) def test_todict_origin_visit_statuses(origin_visit_status): obj = origin_visit_status.to_dict() assert origin_visit_status == type(origin_visit_status).from_dict(obj) def test_origin_visit_status_naive_datetime(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a timezone-aware datetime"): OriginVisitStatus( origin="http://foo/", visit=42, date=datetime.datetime.now(), status="ongoing", snapshot=None, ) # Timestamp @given(strategies.timestamps()) def test_timestamps_strategy(timestamp): attr.validate(timestamp) def test_timestamp_seconds(): attr.validate(Timestamp(seconds=0, microseconds=0)) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): Timestamp(seconds="0", microseconds=0) attr.validate(Timestamp(seconds=2 ** 63 - 1, microseconds=0)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(seconds=2 ** 63, microseconds=0) attr.validate(Timestamp(seconds=-(2 ** 63), microseconds=0)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(seconds=-(2 ** 63) - 1, microseconds=0) def test_timestamp_microseconds(): attr.validate(Timestamp(seconds=0, microseconds=0)) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): Timestamp(seconds=0, microseconds="0") attr.validate(Timestamp(seconds=0, microseconds=10 ** 6 - 1)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(seconds=0, microseconds=10 ** 6) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp(seconds=0, microseconds=-1) def test_timestamp_from_dict(): assert Timestamp.from_dict({"seconds": 10, "microseconds": 5}) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): Timestamp.from_dict({"seconds": "10", "microseconds": 5}) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): Timestamp.from_dict({"seconds": 10, "microseconds": "5"}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp.from_dict({"seconds": 0, "microseconds": -1}) Timestamp.from_dict({"seconds": 0, "microseconds": 10 ** 6 - 1}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Timestamp.from_dict({"seconds": 0, "microseconds": 10 ** 6}) # TimestampWithTimezone def test_timestampwithtimezone(): ts = Timestamp(seconds=0, microseconds=0) tstz = TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=0, negative_utc=False) attr.validate(tstz) assert tstz.negative_utc is False attr.validate(TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=10, negative_utc=False)) attr.validate(TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=-10, negative_utc=False)) tstz = TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=0, negative_utc=True) attr.validate(tstz) assert tstz.negative_utc is True with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): TimestampWithTimezone( timestamp=datetime.datetime.now(), offset=0, negative_utc=False ) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset="0", negative_utc=False) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=1.0, negative_utc=False) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=1, negative_utc=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=1, negative_utc=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError): TimestampWithTimezone(timestamp=ts, offset=-1, negative_utc=True) def test_timestampwithtimezone_from_datetime(): tz = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(minutes=+60)) date = datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 27, 14, 39, 19, tzinfo=tz) tstz = TimestampWithTimezone.from_datetime(date) assert tstz == TimestampWithTimezone( timestamp=Timestamp(seconds=1582810759, microseconds=0,), offset=60, negative_utc=False, ) def test_timestampwithtimezone_from_naive_datetime(): date = datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 27, 14, 39, 19) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="datetime without timezone"): TimestampWithTimezone.from_datetime(date) def test_timestampwithtimezone_from_iso8601(): date = "2020-02-27 14:39:19.123456+0100" tstz = TimestampWithTimezone.from_iso8601(date) assert tstz == TimestampWithTimezone( timestamp=Timestamp(seconds=1582810759, microseconds=123456,), offset=60, negative_utc=False, ) def test_timestampwithtimezone_from_iso8601_negative_utc(): date = "2020-02-27 13:39:19-0000" tstz = TimestampWithTimezone.from_iso8601(date) assert tstz == TimestampWithTimezone( timestamp=Timestamp(seconds=1582810759, microseconds=0,), offset=0, negative_utc=True, ) def test_person_from_fullname(): """The author should have name, email and fullname filled. """ actual_person = Person.from_fullname(b"tony ") assert actual_person == Person( fullname=b"tony ", name=b"tony", email=b"ynot@dagobah", ) def test_person_from_fullname_no_email(): """The author and fullname should be the same as the input (author). """ actual_person = Person.from_fullname(b"tony") assert actual_person == Person(fullname=b"tony", name=b"tony", email=None,) def test_person_from_fullname_empty_person(): """Empty person has only its fullname filled with the empty byte-string. """ actual_person = Person.from_fullname(b"") assert actual_person == Person(fullname=b"", name=None, email=None,) def test_git_author_line_to_author(): # edge case out of the way with pytest.raises(TypeError): Person.from_fullname(None) tests = { b"a ": Person(name=b"a", email=b"b@c.com", fullname=b"a ",), b"": Person( name=None, email=b"foo@bar.com", fullname=b"", ), b"malformed ': Person( name=b"malformed", email=b'"', ), b"trailing ": Person( name=b"trailing", email=b"sp@c.e", fullname=b"trailing ", ), b"no": Person(name=b"no", email=b"sp@c.e", fullname=b"no",), b" more ": Person( name=b"more", email=b"sp@c.es", fullname=b" more ", ), b" <>": Person(name=None, email=None, fullname=b" <>",), } for person in sorted(tests): expected_person = tests[person] assert expected_person == Person.from_fullname(person) # Content def test_content_get_hash(): hashes = dict(sha1=b"foo", sha1_git=b"bar", sha256=b"baz", blake2s256=b"qux") c = Content(length=42, status="visible", **hashes) for (hash_name, hash_) in hashes.items(): assert c.get_hash(hash_name) == hash_ def test_content_hashes(): hashes = dict(sha1=b"foo", sha1_git=b"bar", sha256=b"baz", blake2s256=b"qux") c = Content(length=42, status="visible", **hashes) assert c.hashes() == hashes def test_content_data(): c = Content( length=42, status="visible", data=b"foo", sha1=b"foo", sha1_git=b"bar", sha256=b"baz", blake2s256=b"qux", ) assert c.with_data() == c def test_content_data_missing(): c = Content( length=42, status="visible", sha1=b"foo", sha1_git=b"bar", sha256=b"baz", blake2s256=b"qux", ) with pytest.raises(MissingData): c.with_data() @given(strategies.present_contents_d()) def test_content_from_dict(content_d): c = Content.from_data(**content_d) assert c assert c.ctime == content_d["ctime"] content_d2 = c.to_dict() c2 = Content.from_dict(content_d2) assert c2.ctime == c.ctime def test_content_from_dict_str_ctime(): # test with ctime as a string n = datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 6, 12, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) content_d = { "ctime": n.isoformat(), "data": b"", "length": 0, "sha1": b"\x00", "sha256": b"\x00", "sha1_git": b"\x00", "blake2s256": b"\x00", } c = Content.from_dict(content_d) assert c.ctime == n def test_content_from_dict_str_naive_ctime(): # test with ctime as a string n = datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 6, 12, 34) content_d = { "ctime": n.isoformat(), "data": b"", "length": 0, "sha1": b"\x00", "sha256": b"\x00", "sha1_git": b"\x00", "blake2s256": b"\x00", } with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a timezone-aware datetime."): Content.from_dict(content_d) @given(binary(max_size=4096)) def test_content_from_data(data): c = Content.from_data(data) assert c.data == data assert c.length == len(data) assert c.status == "visible" for key, value in MultiHash.from_data(data).digest().items(): assert getattr(c, key) == value @given(binary(max_size=4096)) def test_hidden_content_from_data(data): c = Content.from_data(data, status="hidden") assert c.data == data assert c.length == len(data) assert c.status == "hidden" for key, value in MultiHash.from_data(data).digest().items(): assert getattr(c, key) == value def test_content_naive_datetime(): c = Content.from_data(b"foo") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a timezone-aware datetime"): Content( **c.to_dict(), ctime=datetime.datetime.now(), ) # SkippedContent @given(binary(max_size=4096)) def test_skipped_content_from_data(data): c = SkippedContent.from_data(data, reason="reason") assert c.reason == "reason" assert c.length == len(data) assert c.status == "absent" for key, value in MultiHash.from_data(data).digest().items(): assert getattr(c, key) == value @given(strategies.skipped_contents_d()) def test_skipped_content_origin_is_str(skipped_content_d): assert SkippedContent.from_dict(skipped_content_d) skipped_content_d["origin"] = "http://path/to/origin" assert SkippedContent.from_dict(skipped_content_d) skipped_content_d["origin"] = Origin(url="http://path/to/origin") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="origin"): SkippedContent.from_dict(skipped_content_d) def test_skipped_content_naive_datetime(): c = SkippedContent.from_data(b"foo", reason="reason") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a timezone-aware datetime"): SkippedContent( **c.to_dict(), ctime=datetime.datetime.now(), ) # Revision def test_revision_extra_headers_no_headers(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) rev_dict = attr.asdict(rev, recurse=False) rev_model = Revision(**rev_dict) assert rev_model.metadata is None assert rev_model.extra_headers == () rev_dict["metadata"] = { "something": "somewhere", "some other thing": "stranger", } rev_model = Revision(**rev_dict) assert rev_model.metadata == rev_dict["metadata"] assert rev_model.extra_headers == () def test_revision_extra_headers_with_headers(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) rev_dict = attr.asdict(rev, recurse=False) rev_dict["metadata"] = { "something": "somewhere", "some other thing": "stranger", } extra_headers = ( (b"header1", b"value1"), (b"header2", b"42"), (b"header3", b"should I?\x00"), (b"header1", b"again"), ) rev_dict["extra_headers"] = extra_headers rev_model = Revision(**rev_dict) assert "extra_headers" not in rev_model.metadata assert rev_model.extra_headers == extra_headers def test_revision_extra_headers_in_metadata(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) rev_dict = attr.asdict(rev, recurse=False) rev_dict["metadata"] = { "something": "somewhere", "some other thing": "stranger", } extra_headers = ( (b"header1", b"value1"), (b"header2", b"42"), (b"header3", b"should I?\x00"), (b"header1", b"again"), ) # check the bw-compat init hook does the job # ie. extra_headers are given in the metadata field rev_dict["metadata"]["extra_headers"] = extra_headers rev_model = Revision(**rev_dict) assert "extra_headers" not in rev_model.metadata assert rev_model.extra_headers == extra_headers def test_revision_extra_headers_as_lists(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) rev_dict = attr.asdict(rev, recurse=False) rev_dict["metadata"] = {} extra_headers = ( (b"header1", b"value1"), (b"header2", b"42"), (b"header3", b"should I?\x00"), (b"header1", b"again"), ) # check Revision.extra_headers tuplify does the job rev_dict["extra_headers"] = [list(x) for x in extra_headers] rev_model = Revision(**rev_dict) assert "extra_headers" not in rev_model.metadata assert rev_model.extra_headers == extra_headers def test_revision_extra_headers_type_error(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) orig_rev_dict = attr.asdict(rev, recurse=False) orig_rev_dict["metadata"] = { "something": "somewhere", "some other thing": "stranger", } extra_headers = ( ("header1", b"value1"), (b"header2", 42), ("header1", "again"), ) # check headers one at a time # if given as extra_header for extra_header in extra_headers: rev_dict = copy.deepcopy(orig_rev_dict) rev_dict["extra_headers"] = (extra_header,) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): Revision(**rev_dict) # if given as metadata for extra_header in extra_headers: rev_dict = copy.deepcopy(orig_rev_dict) rev_dict["metadata"]["extra_headers"] = (extra_header,) with pytest.raises(AttributeTypeError): Revision(**rev_dict) def test_revision_extra_headers_from_dict(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) assert rev_model.metadata is None assert rev_model.extra_headers == () rev_dict["metadata"] = { "something": "somewhere", "some other thing": "stranger", } rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) assert rev_model.metadata == rev_dict["metadata"] assert rev_model.extra_headers == () extra_headers = ( (b"header1", b"value1"), (b"header2", b"42"), (b"header3", b"should I?\nmaybe\x00\xff"), (b"header1", b"again"), ) rev_dict["extra_headers"] = extra_headers rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) assert "extra_headers" not in rev_model.metadata assert rev_model.extra_headers == extra_headers def test_revision_extra_headers_in_metadata_from_dict(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev_dict["metadata"] = { "something": "somewhere", "some other thing": "stranger", } extra_headers = ( (b"header1", b"value1"), (b"header2", b"42"), (b"header3", b"should I?\nmaybe\x00\xff"), (b"header1", b"again"), ) # check the bw-compat init hook does the job rev_dict["metadata"]["extra_headers"] = extra_headers rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) assert "extra_headers" not in rev_model.metadata assert rev_model.extra_headers == extra_headers def test_revision_extra_headers_as_lists_from_dict(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict.pop("id") rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) rev_dict["metadata"] = { "something": "somewhere", "some other thing": "stranger", } extra_headers = ( (b"header1", b"value1"), (b"header2", b"42"), (b"header3", b"should I?\nmaybe\x00\xff"), (b"header1", b"again"), ) # check Revision.extra_headers converter does the job rev_dict["extra_headers"] = [list(x) for x in extra_headers] rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) assert "extra_headers" not in rev_model.metadata assert rev_model.extra_headers == extra_headers # ID computation def test_directory_model_id_computation(): dir_dict = directory_example.copy() del dir_dict["id"] dir_id = hash_to_bytes(directory_identifier(dir_dict)) dir_model = Directory.from_dict(dir_dict) assert dir_model.id == dir_id def test_revision_model_id_computation(): rev_dict = revision_example.copy() del rev_dict["id"] rev_id = hash_to_bytes(revision_identifier(rev_dict)) rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) assert rev_model.id == rev_id def test_revision_model_id_computation_with_no_date(): """We can have revision with date to None """ rev_dict = revision_example.copy() rev_dict["date"] = None rev_dict["committer_date"] = None del rev_dict["id"] rev_id = hash_to_bytes(revision_identifier(rev_dict)) rev_model = Revision.from_dict(rev_dict) assert rev_model.date is None assert rev_model.committer_date is None assert rev_model.id == rev_id def test_release_model_id_computation(): rel_dict = release_example.copy() del rel_dict["id"] rel_id = hash_to_bytes(release_identifier(rel_dict)) rel_model = Release.from_dict(rel_dict) assert isinstance(rel_model.date, TimestampWithTimezone) assert rel_model.id == hash_to_bytes(rel_id) def test_snapshot_model_id_computation(): snp_dict = snapshot_example.copy() del snp_dict["id"] snp_id = hash_to_bytes(snapshot_identifier(snp_dict)) snp_model = Snapshot.from_dict(snp_dict) assert snp_model.id == snp_id @given(strategies.objects(split_content=True)) def test_object_type(objtype_and_obj): obj_type, obj = objtype_and_obj assert obj_type == obj.object_type def test_object_type_is_final(): object_types = set() def check_final(cls): if hasattr(cls, "object_type"): assert cls.object_type not in object_types object_types.add(cls.object_type) if cls.__subclasses__(): assert not hasattr(cls, "object_type") for subcls in cls.__subclasses__(): check_final(subcls) check_final(BaseModel) _metadata_authority = MetadataAuthority( type=MetadataAuthorityType.FORGE, url="https://forge.softwareheritage.org", ) _metadata_fetcher = MetadataFetcher(name="test-fetcher", version="0.0.1",) _content_swhid = parse_swhid("swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2") _origin_url = "https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-model.git" _common_metadata_fields = dict( discovery_date=datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc), authority=_metadata_authority, fetcher=_metadata_fetcher, format="json", metadata=b'{"foo": "bar"}', ) def test_metadata_valid(): """Checks valid RawExtrinsicMetadata objects don't raise an error.""" # Simplest case RawExtrinsicMetadata( - type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, id=_origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields + type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, target=_origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields ) # Object with an SWHID RawExtrinsicMetadata( - type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, id=_content_swhid, **_common_metadata_fields + type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, + target=_content_swhid, + **_common_metadata_fields, ) -def test_metadata_to_dict(): +@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore: RawExtrinsicMetadata `id`") +@pytest.mark.parametrize("argument_name", ["id", "target"]) +def test_metadata_to_dict(argument_name): """Checks valid RawExtrinsicMetadata objects don't raise an error.""" common_fields = { - "authority": {"type": "forge", "url": "https://forge.softwareheritage.org",}, + "authority": {"type": "forge", "url": "https://forge.softwareheritage.org"}, "fetcher": {"name": "test-fetcher", "version": "0.0.1",}, "discovery_date": _common_metadata_fields["discovery_date"], "format": "json", "metadata": b'{"foo": "bar"}', } m = RawExtrinsicMetadata( - type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, id=_origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields + type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, + **{argument_name: _origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields}, ) assert m.to_dict() == { "type": "origin", + "target": _origin_url, "id": _origin_url, **common_fields, } assert RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict(m.to_dict()) == m m = RawExtrinsicMetadata( - type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, id=_content_swhid, **_common_metadata_fields + type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, + **{argument_name: _content_swhid, **_common_metadata_fields}, ) assert m.to_dict() == { "type": "content", + "target": "swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", "id": "swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", **common_fields, } assert RawExtrinsicMetadata.from_dict(m.to_dict()) == m -def test_metadata_invalid_id(): - """Checks various invalid values for the 'id' field.""" +def test_metadata_invalid_target(): + """Checks various invalid values for the 'target' field.""" # SWHID for an origin with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="expected an URL"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( - type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, id=_content_swhid, **_common_metadata_fields + type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, + target=_content_swhid, + **_common_metadata_fields, ) # SWHID for an origin (even when passed as string) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="expected an URL"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id="swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", + target="swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", **_common_metadata_fields, ) # URL for a non-origin with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected SWHID, got a string"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( - type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, id=_origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields + type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, + target=_origin_url, + **_common_metadata_fields, ) # SWHID passed as string instead of SWHID with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected SWHID, got a string"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id="swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", + target="swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", **_common_metadata_fields, ) # Object type does not match the SWHID with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Expected SWHID type 'revision', got 'content'" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.REVISION, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, **_common_metadata_fields, ) # Non-core SWHID with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected core SWHID"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=SWHID( + target=SWHID( object_type="content", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", metadata={"foo": "bar"}, ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) def test_metadata_naive_datetime(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must be a timezone-aware datetime"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, **{**_common_metadata_fields, "discovery_date": datetime.datetime.now()}, ) def test_metadata_validate_context_origin(): """Checks validation of RawExtrinsicMetadata.origin.""" # Origins can't have an 'origin' context with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Unexpected 'origin' context for origin object" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, origin=_origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields, ) # but all other types can RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, origin=_origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields, ) # SWHIDs aren't valid origin URLs with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="SWHID used as context origin URL"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, origin="swh:1:cnt:94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", **_common_metadata_fields, ) def test_metadata_validate_context_visit(): """Checks validation of RawExtrinsicMetadata.visit.""" # Origins can't have a 'visit' context with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Unexpected 'visit' context for origin object" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, visit=42, **_common_metadata_fields, ) # but all other types can RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, origin=_origin_url, visit=42, **_common_metadata_fields, ) # Missing 'origin' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'origin' context must be set if 'visit' is"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, visit=42, **_common_metadata_fields, ) # visit id must be positive with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Nonpositive visit id"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, origin=_origin_url, visit=-42, **_common_metadata_fields, ) def test_metadata_validate_context_snapshot(): """Checks validation of RawExtrinsicMetadata.snapshot.""" # Origins can't have a 'snapshot' context with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Unexpected 'snapshot' context for origin object" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, snapshot=SWHID( object_type="snapshot", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # but content can RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, snapshot=SWHID( object_type="snapshot", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2" ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # Non-core SWHID with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected core SWHID"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, snapshot=SWHID( object_type="snapshot", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", metadata={"foo": "bar"}, ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # SWHID type doesn't match the expected type of this context key with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Expected SWHID type 'snapshot', got 'content'" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, snapshot=SWHID( object_type="content", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) def test_metadata_validate_context_release(): """Checks validation of RawExtrinsicMetadata.release.""" # Origins can't have a 'release' context with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Unexpected 'release' context for origin object" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, release=SWHID( object_type="release", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # but content can RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, release=SWHID( object_type="release", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2" ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # Non-core SWHID with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected core SWHID"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, release=SWHID( object_type="release", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", metadata={"foo": "bar"}, ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # SWHID type doesn't match the expected type of this context key with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Expected SWHID type 'release', got 'content'" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, release=SWHID( object_type="content", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) def test_metadata_validate_context_revision(): """Checks validation of RawExtrinsicMetadata.revision.""" # Origins can't have a 'revision' context with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Unexpected 'revision' context for origin object" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, revision=SWHID( object_type="revision", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # but content can RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, revision=SWHID( object_type="revision", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2" ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # Non-core SWHID with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected core SWHID"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, revision=SWHID( object_type="revision", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", metadata={"foo": "bar"}, ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # SWHID type doesn't match the expected type of this context key with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Expected SWHID type 'revision', got 'content'" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, revision=SWHID( object_type="content", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) def test_metadata_validate_context_path(): """Checks validation of RawExtrinsicMetadata.path.""" # Origins can't have a 'path' context with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Unexpected 'path' context for origin object"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, path=b"/foo/bar", **_common_metadata_fields, ) # but content can RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, path=b"/foo/bar", **_common_metadata_fields, ) def test_metadata_validate_context_directory(): """Checks validation of RawExtrinsicMetadata.directory.""" # Origins can't have a 'directory' context with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Unexpected 'directory' context for origin object" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, - id=_origin_url, + target=_origin_url, directory=SWHID( object_type="directory", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # but content can RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, directory=SWHID( object_type="directory", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # Non-core SWHID with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected core SWHID"): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, directory=SWHID( object_type="directory", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", metadata={"foo": "bar"}, ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) # SWHID type doesn't match the expected type of this context key with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Expected SWHID type 'directory', got 'content'" ): RawExtrinsicMetadata( type=MetadataTargetType.CONTENT, - id=_content_swhid, + target=_content_swhid, directory=SWHID( object_type="content", object_id="94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2", ), **_common_metadata_fields, ) + + +def test_metadata_id_attr(): + """Checks the legacy id attribute on RawExtrinsicMetadata objects""" + # Simplest case + meta = RawExtrinsicMetadata( + type=MetadataTargetType.ORIGIN, target=_origin_url, **_common_metadata_fields + ) + + assert meta is not None + + with pytest.deprecated_call() as messages: + assert meta.id == _origin_url + + assert "RawExtrinsicMetadata `id`" in str(messages[0].message)