diff --git a/swh/lister/core/paging_lister.py b/swh/lister/core/paging_lister.py
index 78cc5de..b778fd1 100644
--- a/swh/lister/core/paging_lister.py
+++ b/swh/lister/core/paging_lister.py
@@ -1,153 +1,155 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 the Software Heritage developers
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import abc
 import logging
 from .lister_transports import SWHListerHttpTransport
 from .lister_base import SWHListerBase
 class PageByPageLister(SWHListerBase):
     """Lister* intermediate class for any service that follows the simple
        pagination page pattern.
     - Client sends a request to list repositories starting from a
       given page identifier.
     - Client receives structured (json/xml/etc) response with
       information about a sequential series of repositories (per page)
       starting from a given index. And, if available, some indication
       of the next page index for fetching the remaining repository
     See :class:`swh.lister.core.lister_base.SWHListerBase` for more
     This class cannot be instantiated. To create a new Lister for a
     source code listing service that follows the model described
     above, you must subclass this class. Then provide the required
     overrides in addition to any unmet implementation/override
     requirements of this class's base (see parent class and member
     docstrings for details).
     Required Overrides::
         def get_next_target_from_response
     def get_next_target_from_response(self, response):
         """Find the next server endpoint page given the entire response.
         Implementation of this method depends on the server API spec
         and the shape of the network response object returned by the
         transport_request method.
         For example, some api can use the headers links to provide the
         next page.
             response (transport response): response page from the server
             index of next page, possibly extracted from a next href url
     def get_pages_information(self):
         """Find the total number of pages.
         Implementation of this method depends on the server API spec
         and the shape of the network response object returned by the
         transport_request method.
         For example, some api can use dedicated headers:
         - x-total-pages to provide the total number of pages
         - x-total to provide the total number of repositories
         - x-per-page to provide the number of elements per page
             tuple (total number of repositories, total number of
             pages, per_page)
     # You probably don't need to override anything below this line.
     def check_existence(self, injected_repos):
         """Given a list of injected repos, check if we already have them.
+        Attribute 'instance' variable is assumed to be populated.
         # FIXME: Implement the check
         return False
     def run(self, min_bound=None, max_bound=None, check_existence=False):
         """Main entry function. Sequentially fetches repository data from the
            service according to the basic outline in the class
            docstring. Continually fetching sublists until either there
            is no next page reference given or the given next page is
            greater than the desired max_page.
             min_bound: optional page to start from
             max_bound: optional page to stop at
             check_existence (bool): optional existence check (for
                                     incremental lister whose sort
                                     order is inverted)
         page = min_bound or ''
         loop_count = 0
         self.min_page = min_bound
         self.max_page = max_bound
         already_seen = False
         while self.is_within_bounds(page, self.min_page, self.max_page):
             logging.info('listing repos starting at %s' % page)
             response, injected_repos = self.ingest_data(page)
             next_page = self.get_next_target_from_response(response)
             if check_existence:
                 already_seen = self.check_existence(injected_repos)
             # termination condition
             if (next_page is None) or (next_page == page):
                 logging.info('stopping after page %s, no next link found' %
             elif already_seen:
                 logging.info('Repositories already seen, stopping')
                 page = next_page
             loop_count += 1
             if loop_count == 20:
                 logging.info('flushing updates')
                 loop_count = 0
                 self.db_session = self.mk_session()
         self.db_session = self.mk_session()
 class PageByPageHttpLister(SWHListerHttpTransport, PageByPageLister):
     """Convenience class for ensuring right lookup and init order when
        combining PageByPageLister and SWHListerHttpTransport.
     def __init__(self, api_baseurl=None, override_config=None):
         SWHListerHttpTransport.__init__(self, api_baseurl=api_baseurl)
         PageByPageLister.__init__(self, override_config=override_config)
diff --git a/swh/lister/gitlab/tasks.py b/swh/lister/gitlab/tasks.py
index 084c8e3..e739e06 100644
--- a/swh/lister/gitlab/tasks.py
+++ b/swh/lister/gitlab/tasks.py
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2018 the Software Heritage developers
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import random
 from celery import group
 from ..core.tasks import ListerTaskBase, RangeListerTask
 from .lister import GitLabLister
 class GitLabListerTask(ListerTaskBase):
     def new_lister(self, api_baseurl='https://gitlab.com/api/v4',
         return GitLabLister(api_baseurl=api_baseurl, instance=instance)
 class RangeGitLabLister(GitLabListerTask, RangeListerTask):
     """Range GitLab lister (list available origins on specified range)
     task_queue = 'swh_lister_gitlab_refresh'
 class FullGitLabRelister(GitLabListerTask):
     """Full GitLab lister (list all available origins from the api).
     task_queue = 'swh_lister_gitlab_refresh'
     def run_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
         lister = self.new_lister(*args, **kwargs)
         total, _, per_page = lister.get_pages_information()
         ranges = []
         prev_index = None
         for index in range(0, total, per_page):
             if index is not None and prev_index is not None:
                 ranges.append((prev_index, index))
             prev_index = index
         range_task = RangeGitLabLister()
         group(range_task.s(minv, maxv, *args, **kwargs)
               for minv, maxv in ranges)()
 class IncrementalGitLabLister(ListerTaskBase):
     """Incremental GitLab lister (list only new available origins).
     task_queue = 'swh_lister_gitlab_discover'
     def new_lister(self, api_baseurl='https://gitlab.com/api/v4',
-        # will invert the order of the lister's result
+        # assuming going forward in desc order, page 1 through <x-total-pages>
         return GitLabLister(instance=instance, api_baseurl=api_baseurl,
     def run_task(self, *args, **kwargs):
         lister = self.new_lister(*args, **kwargs)
-        # will check for existing data and exit when found
-        return lister.run(min_bound=None, max_bound=None,
-                          check_existence=True)
+        total, _, _ = lister.get_pages_information()
+        # stopping as soon as existing origins for that instance are detected
+        return lister.run(min_bound=1, max_bound=total, check_existence=True)