diff --git a/swh/loader/svn/ra.py b/swh/loader/svn/ra.py index ad536c6..eebd4e0 100644 --- a/swh/loader/svn/ra.py +++ b/swh/loader/svn/ra.py @@ -1,466 +1,466 @@ # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information """Remote Access client to svn server. """ import click import os import shutil import tempfile from subvertpy import delta, properties from subvertpy.ra import RemoteAccess, Auth, get_username_provider from swh.model import hashutil from swh.model.from_disk import Content, Directory CRLF = b'\r\n' def apply_txdelta_handler(sbuf, target_stream): """Return a function that can be called repeatedly with txdelta windows. When done, closes the target_stream. Adapted from subvertpy.delta.apply_txdelta_handler to close the stream when done. Args: sbuf: Source buffer target_stream: Target stream to write to. Returns: Function to be called to apply txdelta windows """ def apply_window(window, sbuf=sbuf, target_stream=target_stream): if window is None: target_stream.close() return # Last call patch = delta.apply_txdelta_window(sbuf, window) target_stream.write(patch) return apply_window def read_svn_link(data): """Read the svn link's content. Args: data (bytes): svn link's raw content Returns: The tuple of (filetype, destination path) """ split_byte = b' ' filetype, *src = data.split(split_byte) src = split_byte.join(src) return filetype, src def is_file_an_svnlink_p(fullpath): """Determine if a filepath is an svnlink or something else. Args: fullpath (str/bytes): Full path to the potential symlink to check Return: boolean value to determine if it's indeed a symlink (as per svn) or not. """ with open(fullpath, 'rb') as f: filetype, src = read_svn_link(f.read()) return filetype == b'link', src DEFAULT_FLAG = 0 EXEC_FLAG = 1 NOEXEC_FLAG = 2 SVN_PROPERTY_EOL = 'svn:eol-style' # EOL state check mess EOL_CHECK = {} class SWHFileEditor: """File Editor in charge of updating file on disk and memory objects. """ __slots__ = ['directory', 'path', 'fullpath', 'executable', 'link'] def __init__(self, directory, rootpath, path): self.directory = directory self.path = path # default value: 0, 1: set the flag, 2: remove the exec flag self.executable = DEFAULT_FLAG self.link = None self.fullpath = os.path.join(rootpath, path) def change_prop(self, key, value): if key == properties.PROP_EXECUTABLE: if value is None: # bit flip off self.executable = NOEXEC_FLAG else: self.executable = EXEC_FLAG elif key == properties.PROP_SPECIAL: # Possibly a symbolic link. We cannot check further at # that moment though, patch(s) not being applied yet self.link = True elif key == SVN_PROPERTY_EOL: # Detect inconsistent repositories if value in ['LF', 'native']: EOL_CHECK[self.fullpath] = value else: if self.fullpath in EOL_CHECK: del EOL_CHECK[self.fullpath] def __make_symlink(self, src): """Convert the svnlink to a symlink on disk. This function expects self.fullpath to be a svn link. Args: src (bytes): Path to the link's source Return: tuple: The svnlink's data tuple: - type (should be only 'link') - """ os.remove(self.fullpath) os.symlink(src=src, dst=self.fullpath) def __make_svnlink(self): """Convert the symlink to a svnlink on disk. Return: The symlink's svnlink data (``b'type '``) """ # we replace the symlink by a svnlink # to be able to patch the file on future commits src = os.readlink(self.fullpath) os.remove(self.fullpath) sbuf = b'link ' + src with open(self.fullpath, 'wb') as f: f.write(sbuf) return sbuf def apply_textdelta(self, base_checksum): if os.path.lexists(self.fullpath): if os.path.islink(self.fullpath): - # svn does not deal with symlink so we tranform into + # svn does not deal with symlink so we transform into # real svn symlink for potential patching in later # commits sbuf = self.__make_svnlink() self.link = True else: with open(self.fullpath, 'rb') as f: sbuf = f.read() else: sbuf = b'' t = open(self.fullpath, 'wb') return apply_txdelta_handler(sbuf, target_stream=t) def close(self): """When done with the file, this is called. So the file exists and is updated, we can: - adapt accordingly its execution flag if any - compute the objects' checksums - replace the svnlink with a real symlink (for disk computation purposes) """ is_link = None if self.link: # can only check now that the link is a real one # since patch has been applied is_link, src = is_file_an_svnlink_p(self.fullpath) if is_link: self.__make_symlink(src) else: # not a real link... self.link = False if not is_link: # if a link, do nothing regarding flag if self.executable == EXEC_FLAG: os.chmod(self.fullpath, 0o755) elif self.executable == NOEXEC_FLAG: os.chmod(self.fullpath, 0o644) check_eol = EOL_CHECK.get(self.fullpath) if check_eol: raw_content = open(self.fullpath, 'rb').read() if CRLF in raw_content: # CRLF msg = 'Inconsistency. CRLF detected in a converted ' \ 'file %s (%s: %s)' % ( self.fullpath, SVN_PROPERTY_EOL, check_eol) raise ValueError(msg) # And now compute file's checksums self.directory[self.path] = Content.from_file(path=self.fullpath, data=True) class BaseDirSWHEditor: """Base class implementation of dir editor. see :class:`SWHDirEditor` for an implementation that hashes every directory encountered. Instantiate a new class inheriting from this class and define the following functions:: def update_checksum(self): # Compute the checksums at current state def open_directory(self, *args): # Update an existing folder. def add_directory(self, *args): # Add a new one. """ __slots__ = ['directory', 'rootpath'] def __init__(self, directory, rootpath): self.directory = directory self.rootpath = rootpath # build directory on init os.makedirs(rootpath, exist_ok=True) def remove_child(self, path): """Remove a path from the current objects. The path can be resolved as link, file or directory. This function takes also care of removing the link between the child and the parent. Args: path: to remove from the current objects. """ try: entry_removed = self.directory[path] except KeyError: entry_removed = None else: del self.directory[path] fpath = os.path.join(self.rootpath, path) if isinstance(entry_removed, Directory): shutil.rmtree(fpath) else: os.remove(fpath) if path in EOL_CHECK: del EOL_CHECK[path] def update_checksum(self): raise NotImplementedError('This should be implemented.') def open_directory(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError('This should be implemented.') def add_directory(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError('This should be implemented.') def open_file(self, *args): """Updating existing file. """ path = os.fsencode(args[0]) self.directory[path] = Content() return SWHFileEditor(self.directory, rootpath=self.rootpath, path=path) def add_file(self, path, copyfrom_path=None, copyfrom_rev=-1): """Creating a new file. """ path = os.fsencode(path) self.directory[path] = Content() return SWHFileEditor(self.directory, self.rootpath, path) def change_prop(self, key, value): """Change property callback on directory. """ if key == properties.PROP_EXTERNALS: raise ValueError( "Property '%s' detected. Not implemented yet." % key) def delete_entry(self, path, revision): """Remove a path. """ self.remove_child(path.encode('utf-8')) def close(self): """Function called when we finish walking a repository. """ self.update_checksum() class SWHDirEditor(BaseDirSWHEditor): """Directory Editor in charge of updating directory hashes computation. This implementation includes empty folder in the hash computation. """ def update_checksum(self): """Update the root path self.path's checksums according to the children's objects. This function is expected to be called when the folder has been completely 'walked'. """ pass def open_directory(self, *args): """Updating existing directory. """ return self def add_directory(self, path, copyfrom_path=None, copyfrom_rev=-1): """Adding a new directory. """ path = os.fsencode(path) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.rootpath, path), exist_ok=True) self.directory[path] = Directory() return self class SWHEditor: """SWH Editor in charge of replaying svn events and computing objects along. This implementation accounts for empty folder during hash computations. """ def __init__(self, rootpath, directory): self.rootpath = rootpath self.directory = directory def set_target_revision(self, revnum): pass def abort(self): pass def close(self): pass def open_root(self, base_revnum): return SWHDirEditor(self.directory, rootpath=self.rootpath) class SWHReplay: """Replay class. """ def __init__(self, conn, rootpath, directory=None): self.conn = conn self.rootpath = rootpath if directory is None: directory = Directory() self.directory = directory self.editor = SWHEditor(rootpath=rootpath, directory=directory) def replay(self, rev): """Replay svn actions between rev and rev+1. This method updates in place the self.editor.directory, as well as the filesystem. Returns: The updated root directory """ self.conn.replay(rev, rev+1, self.editor) return self.editor.directory def compute_hashes(self, rev): """Compute hashes at revisions rev. Expects the state to be at previous revision's objects. Args: rev: The revision to start the replay from. Returns: The updated objects between rev and rev+1. Beware that this mutates the filesystem at rootpath accordingly. """ self.replay(rev) return self.directory.collect() @click.command() @click.option('--local-url', default='/tmp', help="local svn working copy") @click.option('--svn-url', default='file:///home/storage/svn/repos/pkg-fox', help="svn repository's url.") @click.option('--revision-start', default=1, type=click.INT, help="svn repository's starting revision.") @click.option('--revision-end', default=-1, type=click.INT, help="svn repository's ending revision.") @click.option('--debug/--nodebug', default=True, help="Indicates if the server should run in debug mode.") @click.option('--cleanup/--nocleanup', default=True, help="Indicates whether to cleanup disk when done or not.") def main(local_url, svn_url, revision_start, revision_end, debug, cleanup): """Script to present how to use SWHReplay class. """ conn = RemoteAccess(svn_url.encode('utf-8'), auth=Auth([get_username_provider()])) os.makedirs(local_url, exist_ok=True) rootpath = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=local_url, suffix='-'+os.path.basename(svn_url)) rootpath = os.fsencode(rootpath) # Do not go beyond the repository's latest revision revision_end_max = conn.get_latest_revnum() if revision_end == -1: revision_end = revision_end_max revision_end = min(revision_end, revision_end_max) try: replay = SWHReplay(conn, rootpath) for rev in range(revision_start, revision_end+1): objects = replay.compute_hashes(rev) print("r%s %s (%s new contents, %s new directories)" % ( rev, hashutil.hash_to_hex(replay.directory.hash), len(objects.get('content', {})), len(objects.get('directory', {})), )) if debug: print('%s' % rootpath.decode('utf-8')) finally: if cleanup: if os.path.exists(rootpath): shutil.rmtree(rootpath) if __name__ == '__main__': main()