diff --git a/swh/loader/pypi/client.py b/swh/loader/pypi/client.py
index f08f963..dbc6d6f 100644
--- a/swh/loader/pypi/client.py
+++ b/swh/loader/pypi/client.py
@@ -1,443 +1,443 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2018  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import arrow
 import logging
 import os
 import requests
 import shutil
 from .converters import info, author
 from pkginfo import UnpackedSDist
 from swh.core import tarball
 from swh.model import hashutil
     from swh.loader.pypi._version import __version__
 except ImportError:
     __version__ = 'devel'
 def _to_dict(pkginfo):
     """Given a pkginfo parsed structure, convert it to a dict.
         pkginfo (UnpackedSDist): The sdist parsed structure
         parsed structure as a dict
     m = {}
     for k in pkginfo:
         m[k] = getattr(pkginfo, k)
     return m
 def _project_pkginfo(dir_path):
     """Given an uncompressed path holding the pkginfo file, returns a
        pkginfo parsed structure as a dict.
        The release artifact contains at their root one folder. For example:
        $ tar tvf zprint-0.0.6.tar.gz
        drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2018-08-22 11:01 zprint-0.0.6/
         dir_path (str): Path to the uncompressed directory
                         representing a release artifact from pypi.
         the pkginfo parsed structure as a dict if any or None if
         none was present.
     # Retrieve the root folder of the archive
     project_dirname = os.listdir(dir_path)[0]
     pkginfo_path = os.path.join(dir_path, project_dirname, 'PKG-INFO')
     if not os.path.exists(pkginfo_path):
         return None
     pkginfo = UnpackedSDist(pkginfo_path)
     return _to_dict(pkginfo)
 class PyPIClient:
     """PyPI client in charge of discussing with the pypi server.
         base_url (str): PyPI instance's base url
         temp_directory (str): Path to the temporary disk location used
                               for uncompressing the release artifacts
         cache (bool): Use an internal cache to keep the archives on
                       disk. Default is not to use it.
         cache_dir (str): cache's disk location (relevant only with
                         `cache` to True)
         Those last 2 parameters are not for production use.
     def __init__(self, base_url='https://pypi.org/pypi',
                  temp_directory=None, cache=False, cache_dir=None):
         self.version = __version__
         self.base_url = base_url
         self.temp_directory = temp_directory
         self.do_cache = cache
         if self.do_cache:
             self.cache_dir = cache_dir
             self.cache_raw_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'archives')
             os.makedirs(self.cache_raw_dir, exist_ok=True)
         self.session = requests.session()
         self.params = {
             'headers': {
                 'User-Agent': 'Software Heritage PyPI Loader (%s)' % (
     def _save_response(self, response, project=None):
         """Log the response from a server request to a cache dir.
             response (Response): full server response
             cache_dir (str): system path for cache dir
         import gzip
         from json import dumps
         datepath = arrow.utcnow().isoformat()
         name = '%s.gz' % datepath if project is None else '%s-%s.gz' % (
             project, datepath)
         fname = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, name)
         with gzip.open(fname, 'w') as f:
     def _save_raw(self, filepath):
         """In cache mode, backup the filepath to self.cache_raw_dir
             filepath (str): Path of the file to save
         _filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
         _archive = os.path.join(self.cache_raw_dir, _filename)
         shutil.copyfile(filepath, _archive)
     def _get_raw(self, filepath):
         """In cache mode, we try to retrieve the cached file.
         _filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
         _archive = os.path.join(self.cache_raw_dir, _filename)
         if not os.path.exists(_archive):
             return None
         shutil.copyfile(_archive, filepath)
         return filepath
     def _get(self, url, project=None):
         """Get query to the url.
             url (str): Url
             ValueError in case of failing to query
             Response as dict if ok
         response = self.session.get(url, **self.params)
         if response.status_code != 200:
             raise ValueError("Fail to query '%s'. Reason: %s" % (
                 url, response.status_code))
         if self.do_cache:
             self._save_response(response, project=project)
         return response.json()
     def info(self, project_url, project=None):
         """Given a metadata project url, retrieve the raw json response
             project_url (str): Project's pypi to retrieve information
             Main project information as dict.
         return self._get(project_url, project=project)
     def release(self, project, release):
         """Given a project and a release name, retrieve the raw information
            for said project's release.
             project (str): Project's name
             release (dict): Release information
             Release information as dict
         release_url = '%s/%s/%s/json' % (self.base_url, project, release)
         return self._get(release_url, project=project)
     def prepare_release_artifacts(self, project, version, release_artifacts):
         """For a given project's release version, fetch and prepare the
            associated release artifacts.
             project (str): PyPI Project
             version (str): Release version
             release_artifacts ([dict]): List of source distribution
                                         release artifacts
             tuple (artifact, filepath, uncompressed_path, pkginfo) where:
             - artifact (dict): release artifact's associated info
             - release (dict): release information
             - filepath (str): Local artifact's path
             - uncompressed_archive_path (str): uncompressed archive path
             - pkginfo (dict): package information or None if none found
         for artifact in release_artifacts:
             release = {
                 'name': version,
                 'message': artifact.get('comment_text', ''),
             artifact = {
                 'sha256': artifact['digests']['sha256'],
                 'size': artifact['size'],
                 'filename': artifact['filename'],
                 'url': artifact['url'],
                 'date': artifact['upload_time'],
             yield self.prepare_release_artifact(project, release, artifact)
     def prepare_release_artifact(self, project, release, artifact):
         """For a given release project, fetch and prepare the associated
         - fetches the artifact
         - checks the size, hashes match
         - uncompress the artifact locally
         - computes the swh hashes
         - returns the associated information for the artifact
             project (str): Project's name
             release (dict): Release information
             artifact (dict): Release artifact information
             tuple (artifact, filepath, uncompressed_path, pkginfo) where:
             - release (dict): Release information (name, message)
             - artifact (dict): release artifact's information
             - filepath (str): Local artifact's path
             - uncompressed_archive_path (str): uncompressed archive path
             - pkginfo (dict): package information or None if none found
         version = release['name']
         logging.debug('Release version: %s' % version)
         path = os.path.join(self.temp_directory, project, version)
         os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
         filepath = os.path.join(path, artifact['filename'])
         logging.debug('Artifact local path: %s' % filepath)
         cache_hit = None
         if self.do_cache:
             cache_hit = self._get_raw(filepath)
         if cache_hit:
-            hashes = hashutil.hash_path(
-                filepath, track_length=False, hash_format='hex')
+            hashes = hashutil.MultiHash.from_path(
+                filepath, track_length=False).hexdigest()
         else:  # no cache hit, we fetch from pypi
             url = artifact['url']
             r = self.session.get(url, **self.params, stream=True)
             status = r.status_code
             if status != 200:
                 if status == 404:
                     raise ValueError("Project '%s' not found" % url)
                     msg = "Fail to query '%s'\nCode: %s\nDetails: %s" % (
                         url, r.status_code, r.content)
                     raise ValueError(msg)
             length = int(r.headers['content-length'])
             if length != artifact['size']:
                 raise ValueError('Error when checking size: %s != %s' % (
                     artifact['size'], length))
             h = hashutil.MultiHash(length)
             with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
                 for chunk in r.iter_content():
             hashes = h.hexdigest()
         actual_digest = hashes['sha256']
         if actual_digest != artifact['sha256']:
             raise ValueError(
                 '%s %s: Checksum mismatched: %s != %s' % (
                     project, version, artifact['sha256'], actual_digest))
         if not cache_hit and self.do_cache:
         uncompress_path = os.path.join(path, 'uncompress')
         os.makedirs(uncompress_path, exist_ok=True)
         nature = tarball.uncompress(filepath, uncompress_path)
         artifact['archive_type'] = nature
         pkginfo = _project_pkginfo(uncompress_path)
         return release, artifact, filepath, uncompress_path, pkginfo
 class PyPIProject:
     """PyPI project representation
     This allows to extract information for a given project:
     - either its latest information (from the latest release)
     - either for a given release version
     - uncompress associated fetched release artifacts
     This also fetches and uncompresses the associated release
     def __init__(self, client, project, project_metadata_url, data=None):
         self.client = client
         self.project = project
         self.project_metadata_url = project_metadata_url
         if data:
             self.data = data
             self.data = client.info(project_metadata_url, project)
         self.last_version = self.data['info']['version']
         self.cache = {
             self.last_version: self.data
     def _data(self, release_name=None):
         """Fetch data per release and cache it.  Returns the cache retrieved
            data if already fetched.
         if release_name:
             data = self.cache.get(release_name)
             if not data:
                 data = self.client.release(self.project, release_name)
                 self.cache[release_name] = data
             data = self.data
         return data
     def info(self, release_name=None):
         """Compute release information for provided release (or latest one).
         return info(self._data(release_name))
     def _filter_release_artifacts(self, version, releases, known_artifacts):
         """Filter not already known sdist (source distribution) release.
         There can be multiple 'package_type' (sdist, bdist_egg,
         bdist_wheel, bdist_rpm, bdist_msi, bdist_wininst, ...), we are
         only interested in source distribution (sdist), others bdist*
         are binary
             version (str): Release name or version
             releases (dict/[dict]): Full release object (or a list of)
             known_artifacts ([tuple]): List of known releases (tuple filename,
             an unknown release artifact
         if not releases:
             return []
         if not isinstance(releases, list):
             releases = [releases]
         for artifact in releases:
             name = artifact['filename']
             sha256 = artifact['digests']['sha256']
             if (name, sha256) in known_artifacts:
                 logging.debug('artifact (%s, %s) already seen for release %s, skipping' % (  # noqa
                     name, sha256, version))
             if artifact['packagetype'] != 'sdist':
             yield artifact
     def _cleanup_release_artifacts(self, archive_path, directory_path):
         """Clean intermediary files which no longer needs to be present.
         if directory_path and os.path.exists(directory_path):
             logging.debug('Clean up uncompressed archive path %s' % (
                 directory_path, ))
         if archive_path and os.path.exists(archive_path):
             logging.debug('Clean up archive %s' % archive_path)
     def releases(self, known_artifacts):
         """Fetch metadata/data per release (if new release artifact detected)
         For new release artifact, this:
         - downloads and uncompresses the release artifacts.
         - yields the (release info, author info, release, dir_path)
         - Clean up the intermediary fetched artifact files
             known_artifacts (tuple): artifact name, artifact sha256 hash
             tuple (version, release_info, release, uncompressed_path) where:
             - project_info (dict): release's associated version info
             - author (dict): Author information for the release
             - artifact (dict): Release artifact information
             - release (dict): release metadata
             - uncompressed_path (str): Path to uncompressed artifact
         releases_dict = self.data['releases']
         for version, releases in releases_dict.items():
             releases = self._filter_release_artifacts(
                 version, releases, known_artifacts)
             releases = self.client.prepare_release_artifacts(
                 self.project, version, releases)
             for release, artifact, archive, dir_path, pkginfo in releases:
                 if pkginfo is None:  # fallback to pypi api metadata
                     msg = '%s %s: No PKG-INFO detected, skipping' % (  # noqa
                             self.project, version)
                 yield pkginfo, author(pkginfo), release, artifact, dir_path
                 self._cleanup_release_artifacts(archive, dir_path)