diff --git a/swh/loader/cvs/cvs2gitdump/cvs2gitdump.py b/swh/loader/cvs/cvs2gitdump/cvs2gitdump.py index ed9fd6d..3d60add 100644 --- a/swh/loader/cvs/cvs2gitdump/cvs2gitdump.py +++ b/swh/loader/cvs/cvs2gitdump/cvs2gitdump.py @@ -1,725 +1,726 @@ #!/usr/local/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2012 YASUOKA Masahiko # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # Usage # # First import: # % git init --bare /git/openbsd.git # % python cvs2gitdump.py -k OpenBSD -e openbsd.org /cvs/openbsd/src \ # > openbsd.dump # % git --git-dir /git/openbsd.git fast-import < openbsd.dump # # Periodic import: # % sudo cvsync # % python cvs2gitdump.py -k OpenBSD -e openbsd.org /cvs/openbsd/src \ # /git/openbsd.git > openbsd2.dump # % git --git-dir /git/openbsd.git fast-import < openbsd2.dump # import copy import getopt import os import re import subprocess import sys import time from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar import swh.loader.cvs.rcsparse as rcsparse CHANGESET_FUZZ_SEC = 300 def usage(): print('usage: cvs2gitdump [-ah] [-z fuzz] [-e email_domain] ' '[-E log_encodings]\n' '\t[-k rcs_keywords] [-b branch] [-m module] [-l last_revision]\n' '\tcvsroot [git_dir]', file=sys.stderr) def main() -> None: email_domain = None do_incremental = False git_tip = None git_branch = 'master' dump_all = False log_encoding = 'utf-8,iso-8859-1' rcs = RcsKeywords() modules = [] last_revision = None fuzzsec = CHANGESET_FUZZ_SEC try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ab:hm:z:e:E:k:t:l:') for opt, v in opts: if opt == '-z': fuzzsec = int(v) elif opt == '-e': email_domain = v elif opt == '-a': dump_all = True elif opt == '-b': git_branch = v elif opt == '-E': log_encoding = v elif opt == '-k': rcs.add_id_keyword(v) elif opt == '-m': if v == '.git': print('Cannot handle the path named \'.git\'', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) modules.append(v) elif opt == '-l': last_revision = v elif opt == '-h': usage() sys.exit(1) except getopt.GetoptError as msg: print(msg, file=sys.stderr) usage() sys.exit(1) if len(args) == 0 or len(args) > 2: usage() sys.exit(1) log_encodings = log_encoding.split(',') cvsroot = args[0] while cvsroot[-1] == '/': cvsroot = cvsroot[:-1] if len(args) == 2: do_incremental = True git = subprocess.Popen( ['git', '--git-dir=' + args[1], '-c', 'i18n.logOutputEncoding=UTF-8', 'log', '--max-count', '1', '--date=raw', '--format=%ae%n%ad%n%H', git_branch], encoding='utf-8', stdout=subprocess.PIPE) assert git.stdout is not None outs = git.stdout.readlines() git.wait() if git.returncode != 0: print("Couldn't exec git", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(git.returncode) git_tip = outs[2].strip() if last_revision is not None: git = subprocess.Popen( ['git', '--git-dir=' + args[1], '-c', 'i18n.logOutputEncoding=UTF-8', 'log', '--max-count', '1', '--date=raw', '--format=%ae%n%ad%n%H', last_revision], encoding='utf-8', stdout=subprocess.PIPE) assert git.stdout is not None outs = git.stdout.readlines() git.wait() if git.returncode != 0: print("Coundn't exec git", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(git.returncode) last_author = outs[0].strip() last_ctime = float(outs[1].split()[0]) # strip off the domain part from the last author since cvs doesn't have # the domain part. if do_incremental and email_domain is not None and \ last_author.lower().endswith(('@' + email_domain).lower()): last_author = last_author[:-1 * (1 + len(email_domain))] cvs = CvsConv(cvsroot, rcs, not do_incremental, fuzzsec) print('** walk cvs tree', file=sys.stderr) if len(modules) == 0: cvs.walk() else: for module in modules: cvs.walk(module) changesets = sorted(cvs.changesets) nchangesets = len(changesets) print('** cvs has %d changeset' % (nchangesets), file=sys.stderr) if nchangesets <= 0: sys.exit(0) if not dump_all: # don't use last 10 minutes for safety max_time_max = changesets[-1].max_time - 600 else: max_time_max = changesets[-1].max_time found_last_revision = False markseq = cvs.markseq extags = set() for k in changesets: if do_incremental and not found_last_revision: if k.min_time == last_ctime and k.author == last_author: found_last_revision = True for tag in k.tags: extags.add(tag) continue if k.max_time > max_time_max: break marks = {} for f in k.revs: if not do_incremental: marks[f.markseq] = f else: markseq = markseq + 1 git_dump_file(f.path, f.rev, rcs, markseq) marks[markseq] = f log = rcsparse.rcsfile(k.revs[0].path).getlog(k.revs[0].rev) for i, e in enumerate(log_encodings): try: how = 'ignore' if i == len(log_encodings) - 1 else 'strict' log_str = log.decode(e, how) break except UnicodeError: pass log = log_str.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') output('commit refs/heads/' + git_branch) markseq = markseq + 1 output('mark :%d' % (markseq)) email = k.author if email_domain is None \ else k.author + '@' + email_domain output('author %s <%s> %d +0000' % (k.author, email, k.min_time)) output('committer %s <%s> %d +0000' % (k.author, email, k.min_time)) output('data', len(log)) output(log, end='') if do_incremental and git_tip is not None: output('from', git_tip) git_tip = None for m in marks: f = marks[m] mode = 0o100755 if os.access(f.path, os.X_OK) else 0o100644 fn = file_path(cvs.cvsroot, f.path) if f.state == 'dead': output('D', fn) else: output('M %o :%d %s' % (mode, m, fn)) output('') for tag in k.tags: if tag in extags: continue output('reset refs/tags/%s' % (tag)) output('from :%d' % (markseq)) output('') if do_incremental and not found_last_revision: raise Exception('could not find the last revision') print('** dumped', file=sys.stderr) # # Encode by UTF-8 always for string objects since encoding for git-fast-import # is UTF-8. Also write without conversion for a bytes object (file bodies # might be various encodings) # def output(*args, end='\n') -> None: if len(args) == 0: pass elif len(args) > 1 or isinstance(args[0], str): lines = ' '.join( [arg if isinstance(arg, str) else str(arg) for arg in args]) sys.stdout.buffer.write(lines.encode('utf-8')) else: sys.stdout.buffer.write(args[0]) if len(end) > 0: sys.stdout.buffer.write(end.encode('utf-8')) class FileRevision: def __init__(self, path: str, rev: str, state: str, markseq: int) -> None: self.path = path self.rev = rev self.state = state self.markseq = markseq class ChangeSetKey: def __init__( self, branch: str, author, timestamp: int, log: bytes, commitid: Optional[str], fuzzsec: int ) -> None: self.branch = branch self.author = author self.min_time = timestamp self.max_time = timestamp self.commitid = commitid self.fuzzsec = fuzzsec self.revs: List[FileRevision] = [] self.tags: List[str] = [] self.log_hash = 0 h = 0 for c in log: h = 31 * h + c self.log_hash = h def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) < 0 def __gt__(self, other) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) > 0 def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) == 0 def __le__(self, other) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) <= 0 def __ge__(self, other) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) >= 0 def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) != 0 def _cmp(self, anon) -> int: if not isinstance(anon, ChangeSetKey): raise TypeError() # compare by the commitid cid = _cmp2(self.commitid, anon.commitid) if cid == 0 and self.commitid is not None: # both have commitid and they are same return 0 # compare by the time ma = anon.min_time - self.max_time mi = self.min_time - anon.max_time ct = self.min_time - anon.min_time if ma > self.fuzzsec or mi > self.fuzzsec: return ct if cid != 0: # only one has the commitid, this means different commit return cid if ct == 0 else ct # compare by log, branch and author c = _cmp2(self.log_hash, anon.log_hash) if c == 0: c = _cmp2(self.branch, anon.branch) if c == 0: c = _cmp2(self.author, anon.author) if c == 0: return 0 return ct if ct != 0 else c def merge(self, anot: "ChangeSetKey") -> None: self.max_time = max(self.max_time, anot.max_time) self.min_time = min(self.min_time, anot.min_time) self.revs.extend(anot.revs) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.branch + '/' + self.author) * 31 + self.log_hash def put_file(self, path: str, rev: str, state: str, markseq: int): self.revs.append(FileRevision(path, rev, state, markseq)) TCmp = TypeVar("TCmp", int, str) def _cmp2(a: Optional[TCmp], b: Optional[TCmp]) -> int: _a = a is not None _b = b is not None return (a > b) - (a < b) if _a and _b else (_a > _b) - (_a < _b) # type: ignore class CvsConv: def __init__(self, cvsroot: str, rcs: "RcsKeywords", dumpfile: bool, fuzzsec: int) -> None: self.cvsroot = cvsroot self.rcs = rcs self.changesets: Dict[ChangeSetKey, ChangeSetKey] = dict() self.dumpfile = dumpfile self.markseq = 0 self.tags: Dict[str, ChangeSetKey] = dict() self.fuzzsec = fuzzsec def walk(self, module: Optional[str] =None) -> None: p = [self.cvsroot] if module is not None: p.append(module) path = os.path.join(*p) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if '.git' in dirs: print('Ignore %s: cannot handle the path named \'.git\'' % ( root + os.sep + '.git'), file=sys.stderr) dirs.remove('.git') if '.git' in files: print('Ignore %s: cannot handle the path named \'.git\'' % ( root + os.sep + '.git'), file=sys.stderr) files.remove('.git') for f in files: if not f[-2:] == ',v': continue self.parse_file(root + os.sep + f) for t, c in list(self.tags.items()): c.tags.append(t) def parse_file(self, path: str) -> None: rtags: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict() rcsfile = rcsparse.rcsfile(path) branches = {'1': 'HEAD', '1.1.1': 'VENDOR'} for k, v_ in list(rcsfile.symbols.items()): r = v_.split('.') if len(r) == 3: branches[v_] = 'VENDOR' elif len(r) >= 3 and r[-2] == '0': branches['.'.join(r[:-2] + r[-1:])] = k if len(r) == 2 and branches[r[0]] == 'HEAD': if v_ not in rtags: rtags[v_] = list() rtags[v_].append(k) revs: List[Tuple[str, Tuple[str, int, str, str, List[str], str, str]]] = list(rcsfile.revs.items()) # sort by revision descending to priorize than 1.1 revs.sort(key=lambda a: a[1][0], reverse=True) # sort by time revs.sort(key=lambda a: a[1][1]) novendor = False have_initial_revision = False last_vendor_status = None for k, v in revs: r = k.split('.') if len(r) == 4 and r[0] == '1' and r[1] == '1' and r[2] == '1' \ and r[3] == '1': if have_initial_revision: continue if v[3] == 'dead': continue last_vendor_status = v[3] have_initial_revision = True elif len(r) == 4 and r[0] == '1' and r[1] == '1' and r[2] == '1': if novendor: continue last_vendor_status = v[3] elif len(r) == 2: if r[0] == '1' and r[1] == '1': if have_initial_revision: continue if v[3] == 'dead': continue have_initial_revision = True elif r[0] == '1' and r[1] != '1': novendor = True if last_vendor_status == 'dead' and v[3] == 'dead': last_vendor_status = None continue last_vendor_status = None else: # trunk only continue if self.dumpfile: self.markseq = self.markseq + 1 git_dump_file(path, k, self.rcs, self.markseq) b = '.'.join(r[:-1]) try: a = ChangeSetKey( branches[b], v[2], v[1], rcsfile.getlog(v[0]), v[6], self.fuzzsec) except Exception as e: print('Aborted at %s %s' % (path, v[0]), file=sys.stderr) raise e a.put_file(path, k, v[3], self.markseq) while a in self.changesets: c = self.changesets[a] del self.changesets[a] c.merge(a) a = c self.changesets[a] = a if k in rtags: for t in rtags[k]: if t not in self.tags or \ self.tags[t].max_time < a.max_time: self.tags[t] = a def file_path(r: str, p: str) -> str: if r.endswith('/'): r = r[:-1] if p[-2:] == ',v': path = p[:-2] # drop ",v" else: path = p p_ = path.split('/') if len(p_) > 0 and p_[-2] == 'Attic': path = '/'.join(p_[:-2] + [p_[-1]]) if path.startswith(r): path = path[len(r) + 1:] return path def git_dump_file(path: str, k, rcs, markseq) -> None: try: cont = rcs.expand_keyword(path, rcsparse.rcsfile(path), k, []) except RuntimeError as msg: print('Unexpected runtime error on parsing', path, k, ':', msg, file=sys.stderr) print('unlimit the resource limit may fix this problem.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) output('blob') output('mark :%d' % markseq) output('data', len(cont)) output(cont) class RcsKeywords: RCS_KW_AUTHOR = (1 << 0) RCS_KW_DATE = (1 << 1) RCS_KW_LOG = (1 << 2) RCS_KW_NAME = (1 << 3) RCS_KW_RCSFILE = (1 << 4) RCS_KW_REVISION = (1 << 5) RCS_KW_SOURCE = (1 << 6) RCS_KW_STATE = (1 << 7) RCS_KW_FULLPATH = (1 << 8) RCS_KW_MDOCDATE = (1 << 9) RCS_KW_LOCKER = (1 << 10) RCS_KW_ID = (RCS_KW_RCSFILE | RCS_KW_REVISION | RCS_KW_DATE | RCS_KW_AUTHOR | RCS_KW_STATE) RCS_KW_HEADER = (RCS_KW_ID | RCS_KW_FULLPATH) rcs_expkw = { b"Author": RCS_KW_AUTHOR, b"Date": RCS_KW_DATE, b"Header": RCS_KW_HEADER, b"Id": RCS_KW_ID, b"Log": RCS_KW_LOG, b"Name": RCS_KW_NAME, b"RCSfile": RCS_KW_RCSFILE, b"Revision": RCS_KW_REVISION, b"Source": RCS_KW_SOURCE, b"State": RCS_KW_STATE, b"Mdocdate": RCS_KW_MDOCDATE, b"Locker": RCS_KW_LOCKER } RCS_KWEXP_NONE = (1 << 0) RCS_KWEXP_NAME = (1 << 1) # include keyword name RCS_KWEXP_VAL = (1 << 2) # include keyword value RCS_KWEXP_LKR = (1 << 3) # include name of locker RCS_KWEXP_OLD = (1 << 4) # generate old keyword string RCS_KWEXP_ERR = (1 << 5) # mode has an error RCS_KWEXP_DEFAULT = (RCS_KWEXP_NAME | RCS_KWEXP_VAL) RCS_KWEXP_KVL = (RCS_KWEXP_NAME | RCS_KWEXP_VAL | RCS_KWEXP_LKR) def __init__(self) -> None: self.rerecomple() def rerecomple(self) -> None: pat = b'|'.join(list(self.rcs_expkw.keys())) self.re_kw = re.compile(b".*?\\$(" + pat + b")[\\$:]") def add_id_keyword(self, keyword) -> None: self.rcs_expkw[keyword.encode('ascii')] = self.RCS_KW_ID self.rerecomple() def kflag_get(self, flags: Optional[str]) -> int: if flags is None: return self.RCS_KWEXP_DEFAULT fl = 0 for fc in flags: if fc == 'k': fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_NAME elif fc == 'v': fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_VAL elif fc == 'l': fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_LKR elif fc == 'o': if len(flags) != 1: fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_ERR fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_OLD elif fc == 'b': if len(flags) != 1: fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_ERR fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_NONE else: fl |= self.RCS_KWEXP_ERR return fl def expand_keyword(self, filename: str, rcs: rcsparse.rcsfile, r: str, excluded_keywords: List[str]) -> bytes: """ Check out a file with keywords expanded. Expansion rules are specific to each keyword, and some cases specific to undocumented behaviour of CVS. Our implementation does not expand some keywords (see comments in the code). For a list of keywords and their expansion rules, see: https://www.gnu.org/software/trans-coord/manual/cvs/cvs.html#Keyword-list (also available in 'info cvs' if cvs is installed) """ rev = rcs.revs[r] mode = self.kflag_get(rcs.expand) if (mode & (self.RCS_KWEXP_NONE | self.RCS_KWEXP_OLD)) != 0: return rcs.checkout(rev[0]) ret = [] for line in rcs.checkout(rev[0]).splitlines(keepends=True): logbuf = None m = self.re_kw.match(line) if m is None: # No RCS Keywords, use it as it is ret.append(line) continue + expkw = 0 line0 = b'' while m is not None: logbuf = None try: dsign = m.end(1) + line[m.end(1):].index(b'$') except ValueError: # No RCS Keywords, use it as it is ret.append(line) break prefix = line[:m.start(1) - 1] next_match_segment = copy.deepcopy(line[dsign:]) expbuf = '' try: kwname = m.group(1).decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: # Not a valid RCS keyword, use it as it is ret.append(line) break if kwname in excluded_keywords: line0 += prefix + m.group(1) m = self.re_kw.match(next_match_segment) if m: line = next_match_segment continue else: ret.append(line0 + line[dsign + 1:]) break line = line[dsign + 1:] if (mode & self.RCS_KWEXP_NAME) != 0: expbuf += '$%s' % kwname if (mode & self.RCS_KWEXP_VAL) != 0: expbuf += ': ' if (mode & self.RCS_KWEXP_VAL) != 0: expkw = self.rcs_expkw[m.group(1)] if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_RCSFILE) != 0: expbuf += filename \ if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_FULLPATH) != 0 \ else os.path.basename(filename) expbuf += " " if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_REVISION) != 0: expbuf += rev[0] expbuf += " " if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_DATE) != 0: expbuf += time.strftime( "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ", time.gmtime(rev[1])) if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_MDOCDATE) != 0: d = time.gmtime(rev[1]) expbuf += time.strftime( "%B%e %Y " if (d.tm_mday < 10) else "%B %e %Y ", d) if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_AUTHOR) != 0: expbuf += rev[2] expbuf += " " if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_STATE) != 0: expbuf += rev[3] expbuf += " " if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_LOG) != 0: # Unlike other keywords, the Log keyword expands over multiple lines. # The terminating '$' of the Log keyword appears on the line which # contains the log keyword itself. Then follow all log message lines, # and those lines are followed by content which follows the Log keyword. # For example, the line: # # foo $Log$content which follows # # will be expanded like this by CVS: # # foo $Log: delta,v $ # foo Revision 1.2 2021/11/29 14:24:18 stsp # foo log message line 1 # foo log message line 2 # foocontent which follows # # (Side note: Trailing whitespace is stripped from "foo " when # the content which follows gets written to the output file.) # # If we did not trim the Log keyword's trailing "$" here then # the last line would read instead: # # foo$content which follows assert(next_match_segment[0] == ord('$')) next_match_segment = next_match_segment[1:] expbuf += filename \ if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_FULLPATH) != 0 \ else os.path.basename(filename) expbuf += " " logbuf = prefix + ( 'Revision %s %s %s\n' % ( rev[0], time.strftime( "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(rev[1])), rev[2])).encode('ascii') for lline in rcs.getlog(rev[0]).splitlines(keepends=True): logbuf += prefix + lline if (expkw & self.RCS_KW_SOURCE) != 0: expbuf += filename expbuf += " " if (expkw & (self.RCS_KW_NAME | self.RCS_KW_LOCKER)) != 0: # We do not expand Name and Locker keywords. # The Name keyword is only expanded when a file is checked # out with an explicit tag name .perhaps this will be needed # if the loader learns about CVS tags some day. # The Locker keyword only expands if the file is currently # locked via 'cvs admin -l', which is not part of the # information we want to preserve about source code. expbuf += " " if (mode & self.RCS_KWEXP_NAME) != 0: expbuf += '$' if logbuf is not None: ret.append(prefix + expbuf.encode('ascii') + b'\n' + logbuf) else: line0 += prefix + expbuf[:255].encode('ascii') m = self.re_kw.match(next_match_segment) if m: line = next_match_segment - if (mode & self.RCS_KWEXP_NAME) != 0 and (expkw & self.RCS_KW_LOG) == 0 and line0[-1] == ord('$'): + if (mode & self.RCS_KWEXP_NAME) != 0 and expkw and (expkw & self.RCS_KW_LOG) == 0 and line0[-1] == ord('$'): # There is another keyword on this line that needs expansion. # Avoid a double "$$" in the expanded string. This $ terminates # the previous keyword and marks the beginning of the next one. line0 = line0[:-1] elif logbuf is not None: # Trim whitespace from tail of prefix if appending a suffix which # followed the Log keyword on the same line. # Testing suggests that this matches CVS's behaviour. ret.append(line0 + prefix.rstrip() + line) else: ret.append(line0 + line) return b''.join(ret) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # entry point # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': main()