diff --git a/swh/loader/cvs/cvsclient.py b/swh/loader/cvs/cvsclient.py index 0cc08b4..4017509 100644 --- a/swh/loader/cvs/cvsclient.py +++ b/swh/loader/cvs/cvsclient.py @@ -1,349 +1,349 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information """Minimal CVS client implementation """ import socket import subprocess import os.path import tempfile import re from swh.loader.exception import NotFound CVS_PSERVER_PORT = 2401 CVS_PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 EXAMPLE_PSERVER_URL = "pserver://user:password@cvs.example.com/cvsroot/repository" EXAMPLE_SSH_URL = "ssh://user@cvs.example.com/cvsroot/repository" VALID_RESPONSES = ["ok", "error", "Valid-requests", "Checked-in", "New-entry", "Checksum", "Copy-file", "Updated", "Created", "Update-existing", "Merged", "Patched", "Rcs-diff", "Mode", "Removed", "Remove-entry", "Template", "Notified", "Module-expansion", "Wrapper-rcsOption", "M", "Mbinary", "E", "F", "MT"] # Trivially encode strings to protect them from innocent eyes (i.e., # inadvertent password compromises, like a network administrator # who's watching packets for legitimate reasons and accidentally sees # the password protocol go by). # # This is NOT secure encryption. def scramble_password(password): s = ['A'] # scramble scheme version number scramble_shifts = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, # noqa: E241 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 114,120, 53, 79, 96,109, 72,108, 70, 64, 76, 67,116, 74, 68, 87, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 111, 52, 75,119, 49, 34, 82, 81, 95, 65,112, 86,118,110,122,105, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 41, 57, 83, 43, 46,102, 40, 89, 38,103, 45, 50, 42,123, 91, 35, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 125, 55, 54, 66,124,126, 59, 47, 92, 71,115, 78, 88,107,106, 56, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 36,121,117,104,101,100, 69, 73, 99, 63, 94, 93, 39, 37, 61, 48, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 58,113, 32, 90, 44, 98, 60, 51, 33, 97, 62, 77, 84, 80, 85,223, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 225,216,187,166,229,189,222,188,141,249,148,200,184,136,248,190, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 199,170,181,204,138,232,218,183,255,234,220,247,213,203,226,193, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 174,172,228,252,217,201,131,230,197,211,145,238,161,179,160,212, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 207,221,254,173,202,146,224,151,140,196,205,130,135,133,143,246, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 192,159,244,239,185,168,215,144,139,165,180,157,147,186,214,176, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 227,231,219,169,175,156,206,198,129,164,150,210,154,177,134,127, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 182,128,158,208,162,132,167,209,149,241,153,251,237,236,171,195, # noqa: E241,E131,E501 243,233,253,240,194,250,191,155,142,137,245,235,163,242,178,152] # noqa: E241,E131,E501 for c in password: s.append('%c' % scramble_shifts[ord(c)]) return "".join(s) class CVSProtocolError(Exception): pass _re_kb_opt = re.compile(b'\/-kb\/') class CVSClient: def connect_pserver(self, hostname, port, auth): if port is None: port = CVS_PSERVER_PORT if auth is None: raise NotFound("Username and password are required for " "a pserver connection: %s" % EXAMPLE_PSERVER_URL) try: user = auth.split(':')[0] password = auth.split(':')[1] except IndexError: raise NotFound("Username and password are required for " "a pserver connection: %s" % EXAMPLE_PSERVER_URL) try: self.socket = socket.create_connection((hostname, port)) except ConnectionRefusedError: raise NotFound("Could not connect to %s:%s", hostname, port) scrambled_password = scramble_password(password) request = "BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n%s/%s\n%s\n%s\nEND AUTH REQUEST\n" \ % (self.cvsroot_path, self.cvs_module_name, user, scrambled_password) self.socket.sendall(request.encode('UTF-8')) response = self.socket.recv(11) if response != b"I LOVE YOU\n": raise NotFound("pserver authentication failed for %s:%s" % (hostname, port)) def connect_ssh(self, hostname, port, auth): command = ['ssh'] if auth is not None: # Assume 'auth' contains only a user name. # We do not support password authentication with SSH since the # anoncvs user is usually granted access without a password. command += ['-l' , '%s' % auth] if port is not None: command += ['-p' , '%d' % port] # accept new SSH hosts keys upon first use; changed host keys # will require intervention command += ['-o', "StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new"] # disable interactive prompting command += ['-o', "BatchMode=yes"] # disable further option processing by adding '--' command += ['--'] command += ['%s' % hostname, 'cvs', 'server'] # use non-buffered I/O to match behaviour of self.socket self.ssh = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def connect_fake(self, hostname, port, auth): command = ['cvs', 'server'] # use non-buffered I/O to match behaviour of self.socket self.ssh = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def conn_read_line(self, require_newline=True): if len(self.linebuffer) != 0: return self.linebuffer.pop(0) buf = b'' idx = -1 while idx == -1: if len(buf) >= CVS_PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE: if require_newline: raise CVSProtocolError("Overlong response from " "CVS server: %s" % buf) else: break if self.socket: buf += self.socket.recv(CVS_PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE) elif self.ssh: buf += self.ssh.stdout.read(CVS_PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE) else: raise Exception("No valid connection") if not buf: return None idx = buf.rfind(b'\n') if idx != -1: self.linebuffer = buf[:idx + 1].splitlines(keepends=True) else: if require_newline: raise CVSProtocolError("Invalid response from CVS server: %s" % buf) else: self.linebuffer.append(buf) if len(self.incomplete_line) > 0: self.linebuffer[0] = self.incomplete_line + self.linebuffer[0] if idx != -1: self.incomplete_line = buf[idx + 1:] else: self.incomplete_line = b'' return self.linebuffer.pop(0) def conn_write(self, data): if self.socket: return self.socket.sendall(data) if self.ssh: self.ssh.stdin.write(data) return self.ssh.stdin.flush() raise Exception("No valid connection") def conn_write_str(self, s): return self.conn_write(s.encode('UTF-8')) def conn_close(self): if self.socket: self.socket.close() if self.ssh: self.ssh.kill() try: self.ssh.wait(timeout=10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired("Could not terminate " "ssh program: %s" % e) def __init__(self, url): """ Connect to a CVS server at the specified URL and perform the initial CVS protocol handshake. """ self.hostname = url.host self.cvsroot_path = os.path.dirname(url.path) self.cvs_module_name = os.path.basename(url.path) self.socket = None self.ssh = None self.linebuffer = list() self.incomplete_line = b'' if url.scheme == 'pserver': self.connect_pserver(url.host, url.port, url.auth) elif url.scheme == 'ssh': self.connect_ssh(url.host, url.port, url.auth) elif url.scheme == 'fake': self.connect_fake(url.host, url.port, url.auth) else: raise NotFound("Invalid CVS origin URL '%s'" % url) # we should have a connection now assert self.socket or self.ssh self.conn_write_str("Root %s\nValid-responses %s\nvalid-requests\n" "UseUnchanged\n" % (self.cvsroot_path, ' '.join(VALID_RESPONSES))) response = self.conn_read_line() if not response: raise CVSProtocolError("No response from CVS server") try: if response[0:15] != b"Valid-requests ": raise CVSProtocolError("Invalid response from " "CVS server: %s" % response) except IndexError: raise CVSProtocolError("Invalid response from CVS server: %s" % response) response = self.conn_read_line() if response != b"ok\n": raise CVSProtocolError("Invalid response from CVS server: %s" % response) def __del__(self): self.conn_close() def _parse_rlog_response(self, fp): rlog_output = tempfile.TemporaryFile() expect_error = False for line in fp.readlines(): if expect_error: raise CVSProtocolError('CVS server error: %s' % line) if line == b'ok\n': break elif line == b'M \n': continue elif line[0:2] == b'M ': rlog_output.write(line[2:]) elif line[0:8] == b'MT text ': rlog_output.write(line[8:-1]) elif line[0:8] == b'MT date ': rlog_output.write(line[8:-1]) elif line[0:10] == b'MT newline': rlog_output.write(line[10:]) elif line[0:7] == b'error ': - epxect_error = True + expect_error = True continue else: raise CVSProtocolError('Bad CVS protocol response: %s' % line) rlog_output.seek(0) return rlog_output def fetch_rlog(self): fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile() self.conn_write_str("Global_option -q\nArgument --\nArgument %s\nrlog\n" % self.cvs_module_name) while True: response = self.conn_read_line() if response is None: raise CVSProtocolError("No response from CVS server") if response[0:2] == b"E ": raise CVSProtocolError("Error response from CVS server: %s" % response) fp.write(response) if response == b"ok\n": break fp.seek(0) return self._parse_rlog_response(fp) def checkout(self, path, rev, dest_dir): skip_line = False expect_modeline = False expect_bytecount = False have_bytecount = False bytecount = 0 dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if dirname: self.conn_write_str("Directory %s\n%s\n" % (dirname, dirname)) filename = os.path.basename(path) co_output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=dest_dir, delete=True, prefix='cvsclient-checkout-%s-r%s-' % (filename, rev)) # TODO: cvs <= 1.10 servers expect to be given every Directory along the path. self.conn_write_str("Directory %s\n%s\n" "Global_option -q\n" "Argument -r%s\n" "Argument -kb\n" "Argument --\nArgument %s\nco \n" % (self.cvs_module_name, self.cvs_module_name, rev, path)) while True: if have_bytecount and bytecount > 0: response = self.conn_read_line(require_newline=False) if response is None: raise CVSProtocolError("Incomplete response from CVS server") co_output.write(response) bytecount -= len(response) if bytecount < 0: raise CVSProtocolError("Overlong response from " "CVS server: %s" % response) continue else: response = self.conn_read_line() if response[0:2] == b'E ': raise CVSProtocolError('Error from CVS server: %s' % response) if have_bytecount and bytecount == 0 and response == b'ok\n': break if skip_line: skip_line = False continue elif expect_bytecount: try: bytecount = int(response[0:-1]) # strip trailing \n except ValueError: raise CVSProtocolError('Bad CVS protocol response: %s' % response) have_bytecount = True continue elif response == b'M \n': continue elif response == b'MT +updated\n': continue elif response == b'MT -updated\n': continue elif response[0:9] == b'MT fname ': continue elif response[0:8] == b'Created ': skip_line = True continue elif response[0:1] == b'/' and _re_kb_opt.search(response): expect_modeline = True continue elif expect_modeline and response[0:2] == b'u=': expect_modeline = False expect_bytecount = True continue elif response[0:2] == b'M ': continue elif response[0:8] == b'MT text ': continue elif response[0:10] == b'MT newline': continue else: raise CVSProtocolError('Bad CVS protocol response: %s' % response) co_output.seek(0) return co_output