diff --git a/swh/loader/package/debian.py b/swh/loader/package/debian.py
index 94d4776..3b61529 100644
--- a/swh/loader/package/debian.py
+++ b/swh/loader/package/debian.py
@@ -1,367 +1,322 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2017-2019  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-import os
 import copy
 import datetime
 import email.utils
 import logging
 import re
 import subprocess
 from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
 from debian.changelog import Changelog
 from debian.deb822 import Dsc
 from os import path
 from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
-from swh.model import hashutil
 from swh.loader.package.loader import PackageLoader
 from swh.loader.package.utils import download
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 UPLOADERS_SPLIT = re.compile(r'(?<=\>)\s*,\s*')
 def uid_to_person(uid, encode=True):
     """Convert an uid to a person suitable for insertion.
         uid: an uid of the form "Name <email@ddress>"
         encode: whether to convert the output to bytes or not
         dict: a dictionary with the following keys:
         - name: the name associated to the uid
         - email: the mail associated to the uid
     ret = {
         'name': '',
         'email': '',
         'fullname': uid,
     name, mail = email.utils.parseaddr(uid)
     if name and email:
         ret['name'] = name
         ret['email'] = mail
         ret['name'] = uid
     if encode:
         for key in list(ret):
             ret[key] = ret[key].encode('utf-8')
     return ret
 def download_package(package: Dict, tmpdir: Any) -> Mapping[str, Dict]:
     """Fetch a source package in a temporary directory and check the checksums
     for all files.
         package: Dict defining the set of files representing a debian package
         tmpdir: Where to download and extract the files to ingest
         Dict of swh hashes per filename key
     all_hashes = {}
     for filename, fileinfo in package['files'].items():
         uri = fileinfo['uri']
         logger.debug('fileinfo: %s', fileinfo)
         extrinsic_hashes = {'sha256': fileinfo['sha256']}
         logger.debug('extrinsic_hashes(%s): %s', filename, extrinsic_hashes)
         filepath, hashes = download(uri, dest=tmpdir, filename=filename,
         all_hashes[filename] = hashes
     logger.debug('all_hashes: %s', all_hashes)
     return all_hashes
 def dsc_information(package: Dict) -> Tuple[str, str]:
     """Retrieve dsc information from a package.
         package: Package metadata information
         Tuple of dsc file's uri, dsc's full disk path
     dsc_name = None
     dsc_url = None
     for filename, fileinfo in package['files'].items():
         if filename.endswith('.dsc'):
             if dsc_name:
                 raise ValueError(
                     'Package %s_%s references several dsc files' %
                     (package['name'], package['version'])
             dsc_url = fileinfo['uri']
             dsc_name = filename
     return dsc_url, dsc_name
 def extract_package(package: Dict, tmpdir: str) -> str:
     """Extract a Debian source package to a given directory.
     Note that after extraction the target directory will be the root of the
     extracted package, rather than containing it.
         package (dict): package information dictionary
         tmpdir (str): directory where the package files are stored
         Package extraction directory
     _, dsc_name = dsc_information(package)
-    dsc_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, dsc_name)
-    destdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'extracted')
-    logfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'extract.log')
+    dsc_path = path.join(tmpdir, dsc_name)
+    destdir = path.join(tmpdir, 'extracted')
+    logfile = path.join(tmpdir, 'extract.log')
     logger.debug('extract Debian source package %s in %s' %
                  (dsc_path, destdir), extra={
                      'swh_type': 'deb_extract',
                      'swh_dsc': dsc_path,
                      'swh_destdir': destdir,
     cmd = ['dpkg-source',
            '--no-copy', '--no-check',
            '-x', dsc_path,
         with open(logfile, 'w') as stdout:
             subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
     except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
         logdata = open(logfile, 'r').read()
         raise ValueError('dpkg-source exited with code %s: %s' %
                          (e.returncode, logdata)) from None
     return destdir
-def get_file_info(filepath):
-    """Retrieve the original file information from the file at filepath.
-    Args:
-        filepath: the path to the original file
-    Returns:
-        dict: information about the original file, in a dictionary with the
-        following keys
-        - name: the file name
-        - sha1, sha1_git, sha256: original file hashes
-        - length: original file length
-    """
-    name = os.path.basename(filepath)
-    if isinstance(name, bytes):
-        name = name.decode('utf-8')
-    hashes = hashutil.MultiHash.from_path(filepath).hexdigest()
-    hashes['name'] = name
-    hashes['length'] = os.path.getsize(filepath)
-    return hashes
 def get_package_metadata(package, dsc_path, extracted_path):
     """Get the package metadata from the source package at dsc_path,
     extracted in extracted_path.
         package: the package dict (with a dsc_path key)
         dsc_path: path to the package's dsc file
         extracted_path: the path where the package got extracted
         dict: a dictionary with the following keys:
         - history: list of (package_name, package_version) tuples parsed from
           the package changelog
-        - source_files: information about all the files in the source package
-    ret = {}
     with open(dsc_path, 'rb') as dsc:
         parsed_dsc = Dsc(dsc)
-    source_files = [get_file_info(dsc_path)]
-    dsc_dir = os.path.dirname(dsc_path)
-    for filename in package['files']:
-        file_path = os.path.join(dsc_dir, filename)
-        file_info = get_file_info(file_path)
-        source_files.append(file_info)
-    ret['original_artifact'] = source_files
     # Parse the changelog to retrieve the rest of the package information
-    changelog_path = os.path.join(extracted_path, 'debian/changelog')
+    changelog_path = path.join(extracted_path, 'debian/changelog')
     with open(changelog_path, 'rb') as changelog:
             parsed_changelog = Changelog(changelog)
         except UnicodeDecodeError:
             logger.warning('Unknown encoding for changelog %s,'
                            ' falling back to iso' %
                            changelog_path.decode('utf-8'), extra={
                                'swh_type': 'deb_changelog_encoding',
                                'swh_name': package['name'],
                                'swh_version': str(package['version']),
                                'swh_changelog': changelog_path.decode('utf-8'),
             # need to reset as Changelog scrolls to the end of the file
             parsed_changelog = Changelog(changelog, encoding='iso-8859-15')
     package_info = {
         'name': package['name'],
         'version': str(package['version']),
         'changelog': {
             'person': uid_to_person(parsed_changelog.author),
             'date': parse_date(parsed_changelog.date),
             'history': [(block.package, str(block.version))
                         for block in parsed_changelog][1:],
     maintainers = [
         uid_to_person(parsed_dsc['Maintainer'], encode=False),
         uid_to_person(person, encode=False)
         for person in UPLOADERS_SPLIT.split(parsed_dsc.get('Uploaders', ''))
     package_info['maintainers'] = maintainers
-    ret['package_info'] = package_info
-    return ret
+    return package_info
 class DebianLoader(PackageLoader):
     """Load debian origins into swh archive.
     visit_type = 'debian'
     def __init__(self, url: str, date: str, packages: Mapping[str, Dict]):
         self._info = None
         self.packages = packages
     def get_versions(self) -> Sequence[str]:
         """Returns the keys of the packages input (e.g.
            stretch/contrib/0.7.2-3, etc...)
         return self.packages.keys()
     def get_default_release(self) -> str:
         """Take the first version as default release
         return list(self.packages.keys())[0]
     def get_artifacts(self, version: str) -> Generator[
             Tuple[Mapping[str, Any], Dict], None, None]:
         a_metadata = self.packages[version]
         artifacts_package_info = a_metadata.copy()
         artifacts_package_info['filename'] = version
         yield artifacts_package_info, a_metadata
     def resolve_revision_from(
             self, known_artifacts: Dict, artifact_metadata: Dict) \
             -> Optional[bytes]:
         pass  # for now
     def download_package(self, a_p_info: str, tmpdir: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict]:
         """Contrary to other package loaders (1 package, 1 artifact),
         `a_metadata` represents the package's datafiles set to fetch:
         - <package-version>.orig.tar.gz
         - <package-version>.dsc
         - <package-version>.diff.gz
         This is delegated to the `download_package` function.
         logger.debug('debian: artifactS_package_info: %s', a_p_info)
         a_c_metadata = download_package(a_p_info, tmpdir)
         return tmpdir, a_c_metadata
     def uncompress(self, a_path: str, tmpdir: str, a_metadata: Dict) -> str:
         a_uncompressed_path = extract_package(a_metadata, tmpdir)
         return a_uncompressed_path
     def read_intrinsic_metadata(self, a_metadata: Dict,
                                 a_uncompressed_path: str) -> Dict:
         _, dsc_name = dsc_information(a_metadata)
         dsc_path = path.join(path.dirname(a_uncompressed_path), dsc_name)
         i_metadata = get_package_metadata(
             a_metadata, dsc_path, a_uncompressed_path)
         return i_metadata
     def build_revision(
             self, a_metadata: Dict, i_metadata: Dict) -> Dict:
         dsc_url, _ = dsc_information(a_metadata)
         logger.debug('i_metadata: %s', i_metadata)
         logger.debug('a_metadata: %s', a_metadata)
         def prepare(obj):
             if isinstance(obj, list):
                 return [prepare(item) for item in obj]
             elif isinstance(obj, dict):
                 return {k: prepare(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
             elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
                 return obj.isoformat()
             elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
                 return obj.decode('utf-8')
                 return copy.deepcopy(obj)
-        package_info = i_metadata['package_info']
         msg = 'Synthetic revision for Debian source package %s version %s' % (
             a_metadata['name'], a_metadata['version'])
-        date = package_info['changelog']['date']
-        author = package_info['changelog']['person']
+        date = i_metadata['changelog']['date']
+        author = i_metadata['changelog']['person']
         # inspired from swh.loader.debian.converters.package_metadata_to_revision  # noqa
         return {
             'type': 'dsc',
             'message': msg.encode('utf-8'),
             'author': author,
             'date': date,
             'committer': author,
             'committer_date': date,
             'parents': [],
             'metadata': {
                 'intrinsic': {
                     'tool': 'dsc',
-                    'raw': prepare(package_info),
+                    'raw': prepare(i_metadata),
                 'extrinsic': {
                     'provider': dsc_url,
                     'when': self.visit_date.isoformat(),
                     'raw': a_metadata,
diff --git a/swh/loader/package/tests/test_debian.py b/swh/loader/package/tests/test_debian.py
index 7894bae..6c08e67 100644
--- a/swh/loader/package/tests/test_debian.py
+++ b/swh/loader/package/tests/test_debian.py
@@ -1,173 +1,156 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2019  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 import copy
 import pytest
-from os import path
 from swh.loader.package.debian import (
-    DebianLoader, get_file_info, download_package, dsc_information
+    DebianLoader, download_package, dsc_information
 from swh.loader.package.tests.common import check_snapshot
     'files': {
         'cicero_0.7.2-3.diff.gz': {
             'md5sum': 'a93661b6a48db48d59ba7d26796fc9ce',
             'name': 'cicero_0.7.2-3.diff.gz',
             'sha256': 'f039c9642fe15c75bed5254315e2a29f9f2700da0e29d9b0729b3ffc46c8971c',  # noqa
             'size': 3964,
             'uri': 'http://deb.debian.org/debian//pool/contrib/c/cicero/cicero_0.7.2-3.diff.gz'  # noqa
         'cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc': {
             'md5sum': 'd5dac83eb9cfc9bb52a15eb618b4670a',
             'name': 'cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc',
             'sha256': '35b7f1048010c67adfd8d70e4961aefd8800eb9a83a4d1cc68088da0009d9a03',  # noqa
             'size': 1864,
             'uri': 'http://deb.debian.org/debian//pool/contrib/c/cicero/cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc'},  # noqa
         'cicero_0.7.2.orig.tar.gz': {
             'md5sum': '4353dede07c5728319ba7f5595a7230a',
             'name': 'cicero_0.7.2.orig.tar.gz',
             'sha256': '63f40f2436ea9f67b44e2d4bd669dbabe90e2635a204526c20e0b3c8ee957786',  # noqa
             'size': 96527,
             'uri': 'http://deb.debian.org/debian//pool/contrib/c/cicero/cicero_0.7.2.orig.tar.gz'  # noqa
     'id': 23,
     'name': 'cicero',
     'revision_id': None,
     'version': '0.7.2-3'
     'stretch/contrib/0.7.2-3': PACKAGE_FILES
-def test_get_file_info(datadir):
-    filepath = path.join(datadir, 'deb.debian.org', 'onefile.txt')
-    actual_info = get_file_info(filepath)
-    expected_info = {
-        'name': 'onefile.txt',
-        'length': 62,
-        'sha1': '135572f4ac013f49e624612301f9076af1eacef2',
-        'sha1_git': '1d62cd247ef251d52d98bbd931d44ad1f967ea99',
-        'sha256': '40f1a3cbe9355879319759bae1a6ba09cbf34056e79e951cd2dc0adbff169b9f',  # noqa
-        'blake2s256': '4072cf9a0017ad7705a9995bbfbbc098276e6a3afea8d84ab54bff6381c897ab',  # noqa
-    }
-    assert actual_info == expected_info
 def test_download_package(datadir, tmpdir, requests_mock_http_datadir):
     tmpdir = str(tmpdir)  # py3.5 work around (LocalPath issue)
     all_hashes = download_package(PACKAGE_FILES, tmpdir)
     assert all_hashes == {
         'cicero_0.7.2-3.diff.gz': {
             'checksums': {
                 'blake2s256': '08b1c438e70d2474bab843d826515147fa4a817f8c4baaf3ddfbeb5132183f21',  # noqa
                 'sha1': '0815282053f21601b0ec4adf7a8fe47eace3c0bc',
                 'sha1_git': '834ac91da3a9da8f23f47004bb456dd5bd16fe49',
                 'sha256': 'f039c9642fe15c75bed5254315e2a29f9f2700da0e29d9b0729b3ffc46c8971c'  # noqa
             'filename': 'cicero_0.7.2-3.diff.gz',
             'length': 3964},
         'cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc': {
             'checksums': {
                 'blake2s256': '8c002bead3e35818eaa9d00826f3d141345707c58fb073beaa8abecf4bde45d2',  # noqa
                 'sha1': 'abbec4e8efbbc80278236e1dd136831eac08accd',
                 'sha1_git': '1f94b2086fa1142c2df6b94092f5c5fa11093a8e',
                 'sha256': '35b7f1048010c67adfd8d70e4961aefd8800eb9a83a4d1cc68088da0009d9a03'  # noqa
             'filename': 'cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc',
             'length': 1864},
         'cicero_0.7.2.orig.tar.gz': {
             'checksums': {
                 'blake2s256': '9809aa8d2e2dad7f34cef72883db42b0456ab7c8f1418a636eebd30ab71a15a6',  # noqa
                 'sha1': 'a286efd63fe2c9c9f7bb30255c3d6fcdcf390b43',
                 'sha1_git': 'aa0a38978dce86d531b5b0299b4a616b95c64c74',
                 'sha256': '63f40f2436ea9f67b44e2d4bd669dbabe90e2635a204526c20e0b3c8ee957786'  # noqa
             'filename': 'cicero_0.7.2.orig.tar.gz',
             'length': 96527}}
 def test_dsc_information_ok():
     fname = 'cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc'
     dsc_url, dsc_name = dsc_information(PACKAGE_FILES)
     assert dsc_url == PACKAGE_FILES['files'][fname]['uri']
     assert dsc_name == PACKAGE_FILES['files'][fname]['name']
 def test_dsc_information_not_found():
     fname = 'cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc'
     package_files = copy.deepcopy(PACKAGE_FILES)
     dsc_url, dsc_name = dsc_information(package_files)
     assert dsc_url is None
     assert dsc_name is None
 def test_dsc_information_too_many_dsc_entries():
     # craft an extra dsc file
     fname = 'cicero_0.7.2-3.dsc'
     package_files = copy.deepcopy(PACKAGE_FILES)
     data = package_files['files'][fname]
     fname2 = fname.replace('cicero', 'ciceroo')
     package_files['files'][fname2] = data
     with pytest.raises(
             ValueError, match='Package %s_%s references several dsc' % (
                 package_files['name'], package_files['version'])):
 def test_debian_first_visit(
         swh_config, requests_mock_http_datadir):
     """With no prior visit, load a gnu project ends up with 1 snapshot
     loader = DebianLoader(
     actual_load_status = loader.load()
     assert actual_load_status['status'] == 'eventful'
     stats = loader.storage.stat_counters()
     assert {
         'content': 42,
         'directory': 2,
         'origin': 1,
         'origin_visit': 1,
         'person': 1,
         'release': 0,
         'revision': 1,  # all artifacts under 1 revision
         'skipped_content': 0,
         'snapshot': 1
     } == stats
     expected_snapshot = {
         'id': 'a59ec49a01ff329dcbbc63fd36a5654143aef240',
         'branches': {
             'HEAD': {
                 'target_type': 'alias',
                 'target': 'releases/stretch/contrib/0.7.2-3'
             'releases/stretch/contrib/0.7.2-3': {
                 'target_type': 'revision',
                 'target': '2807f5b3f84368b4889a9ae827fe85854ffecf07',
     }  # different than the previous loader as no release is done
     check_snapshot(expected_snapshot, loader.storage)