diff --git a/swh/journal/checker.py b/swh/journal/checker.py
index cf7c9d8..ab2cff2 100644
--- a/swh/journal/checker.py
+++ b/swh/journal/checker.py
@@ -1,137 +1,137 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2017  The Software Heritage developers
 # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
 # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
 # See top-level LICENSE file for more information
 """Module defining journal checker classes.
 Those checker goal is to send back all, or missing objects from the
 journal queues.
 At the moment, a first naive implementation is the
 SWHSimpleCheckerProducer.  It simply reads the objects from the
 storage and sends every object identifier back to the journal.
 import psycopg2
 from kafka import KafkaProducer
 from swh.core.config import SWHConfig
 from .serializers import key_to_kafka
     'origin': ['id'],
-    'content': ['sha1'],
+    'content': ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256'],
     'directory': ['id'],
     'revision': ['id'],
     'release': ['id'],
     'origin_visit': ['origin', 'visit'],
     'skipped_content': ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256'],
 def entry_to_bytes(entry):
     """Convert an entry coming from the database to bytes"""
     if isinstance(entry, memoryview):
         return entry.tobytes()
     if isinstance(entry, tuple):
         return [entry_to_bytes(value) for value in entry]
     return entry
 def fetch(db_conn, obj_type):
     """Fetch all obj_type's identifiers from db.
     This opens one connection, stream objects and when done, close
     the connection.
         ValueError if obj_type is not supported
         Identifiers for the specific object_type
     primary_key = TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY.get(obj_type)
     if not primary_key:
         raise ValueError('The object type %s is not supported. '
                          'Only possible values are %s' % (
                              obj_type, TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY.keys()))
     primary_key_str = ','.join(primary_key)
     query = 'select %s from %s order by %s' % (
         primary_key_str, obj_type, primary_key_str)
     server_side_cursor_name = 'swh.journal.%s' % obj_type
     with psycopg2.connect(db_conn) as db:
         cursor = db.cursor(name=server_side_cursor_name)
         for o in cursor:
             yield dict(zip(primary_key, entry_to_bytes(o)))
 class SWHJournalSimpleCheckerProducer(SWHConfig):
     """Class in charge of reading the storage's objects and sends those
        back to the publisher queue.
        This is designed to be run periodically.
         'brokers': ('list[str]', ['getty.internal.softwareheritage.org']),
         'temporary_prefix': ('str', 'swh.tmp_journal.new'),
         'publisher_id': ('str', 'swh.journal.publisher.test'),
         'object_types': ('list[str]', ['content', 'revision', 'release']),
         'storage_dbconn': ('str', 'service=swh-dev'),
     CONFIG_BASE_FILENAME = 'journal/checker'
     def __init__(self, extra_configuration=None):
         self.config = config = self.parse_config_file()
         if extra_configuration:
         self.object_types = self.config['object_types']
         for obj_type in self.object_types:
             if obj_type not in TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY:
                 raise ValueError('The object type %s is not supported. '
                                  'Possible values are %s' % (
                                      ', '.join(TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY)))
         self.storage_dbconn = self.config['storage_dbconn']
         self.producer = KafkaProducer(
     def _read_storage(self):
         """Read storage's objects and generates tuple as object_type, dict of
                tuple of object_type, object as dict
         for obj_type in self.object_types:
             for obj in fetch(self.storage_dbconn, obj_type):
                 yield obj_type, obj
     def run(self):
         """Reads storage's subscribed object types and send them to the
            publisher's reading queue.
         for obj_type, obj in self._read_storage():
             topic = '%s.%s' % (self.config['temporary_prefix'], obj_type)
             self.producer.send(topic, value=obj)
 if __name__ == '__main__':