diff --git a/requirements-swh.txt b/requirements-swh.txt index e172a16..ba52a6d 100644 --- a/requirements-swh.txt +++ b/requirements-swh.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ swh.core[db,http] >= 0.0.60 -swh.model >= 0.0.60 +swh.model >= 0.0.61 swh.storage >= 0.0.181 diff --git a/swh/journal/tests/test_replay.py b/swh/journal/tests/test_replay.py index 6157617..8c0bd2b 100644 --- a/swh/journal/tests/test_replay.py +++ b/swh/journal/tests/test_replay.py @@ -1,417 +1,416 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime import functools import logging import random from subprocess import Popen from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import dateutil import pytest from confluent_kafka import Producer from hypothesis import strategies, given, settings from swh.storage import get_storage from swh.journal.client import JournalClient from swh.journal.serializers import key_to_kafka, value_to_kafka from swh.journal.replay import process_replay_objects, is_hash_in_bytearray from swh.model.hashutil import hash_to_hex from swh.model.model import Content from .conftest import OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS, DUPLICATE_CONTENTS from .utils import MockedJournalClient, MockedKafkaWriter storage_config = { 'cls': 'pipeline', 'steps': [ {'cls': 'memory'}, ] } def make_topic(kafka_prefix: str, object_type: str) -> str: return kafka_prefix + '.' + object_type def test_storage_play( kafka_prefix: str, kafka_consumer_group: str, kafka_server: Tuple[Popen, int], caplog): """Optimal replayer scenario. This: - writes objects to the topic - replayer consumes objects from the topic and replay them """ (_, port) = kafka_server kafka_prefix += '.swh.journal.objects' storage = get_storage(**storage_config) producer = Producer({ 'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:{}'.format(port), 'client.id': 'test producer', 'acks': 'all', }) now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) # Fill Kafka nb_sent = 0 nb_visits = 0 for (object_type, (_, objects)) in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS.items(): topic = make_topic(kafka_prefix, object_type) for object_ in objects: key = bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(40)) object_ = object_.copy() if object_type == 'content': object_['ctime'] = now elif object_type == 'origin_visit': nb_visits += 1 object_['visit'] = nb_visits producer.produce( topic=topic, key=key_to_kafka(key), value=value_to_kafka(object_), ) nb_sent += 1 producer.flush() caplog.set_level(logging.ERROR, 'swh.journal.replay') # Fill the storage from Kafka replayer = JournalClient( brokers='localhost:%d' % kafka_server[1], group_id=kafka_consumer_group, prefix=kafka_prefix, stop_after_objects=nb_sent, ) worker_fn = functools.partial(process_replay_objects, storage=storage) nb_inserted = 0 while nb_inserted < nb_sent: nb_inserted += replayer.process(worker_fn) assert nb_sent == nb_inserted # Check the objects were actually inserted in the storage assert OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['revision'][1] == \ list(storage.revision_get( [rev['id'] for rev in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['revision'][1]])) assert OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['release'][1] == \ list(storage.release_get( [rel['id'] for rel in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['release'][1]])) origins = list(storage.origin_get( [orig for orig in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['origin'][1]])) assert OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['origin'][1] == \ [{'url': orig['url']} for orig in origins] for origin in origins: origin_url = origin['url'] expected_visits = [ { **visit, 'origin': origin_url, 'date': dateutil.parser.parse(visit['date']), } for visit in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['origin_visit'][1] if visit['origin'] == origin['url'] ] actual_visits = list(storage.origin_visit_get( origin_url)) for visit in actual_visits: del visit['visit'] # opaque identifier assert expected_visits == actual_visits input_contents = OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['content'][1] contents = storage.content_get_metadata( [cont['sha1'] for cont in input_contents]) assert len(contents) == len(input_contents) assert contents == {cont['sha1']: [cont] for cont in input_contents} collision = 0 for record in caplog.records: logtext = record.getMessage() if 'Colliding contents:' in logtext: collision += 1 assert collision == 0, "No collision should be detected" def test_storage_play_with_collision( kafka_prefix: str, kafka_consumer_group: str, kafka_server: Tuple[Popen, int], caplog): """Another replayer scenario with collisions. This: - writes objects to the topic, including colliding contents - replayer consumes objects from the topic and replay them - This drops the colliding contents from the replay when detected """ (_, port) = kafka_server kafka_prefix += '.swh.journal.objects' storage = get_storage(**storage_config) producer = Producer({ 'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:{}'.format(port), 'client.id': 'test producer', 'enable.idempotence': 'true', }) now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) # Fill Kafka nb_sent = 0 nb_visits = 0 for (object_type, (_, objects)) in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS.items(): topic = make_topic(kafka_prefix, object_type) for object_ in objects: key = bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(40)) object_ = object_.copy() if object_type == 'content': object_['ctime'] = now elif object_type == 'origin_visit': nb_visits += 1 object_['visit'] = nb_visits producer.produce( topic=topic, key=key_to_kafka(key), value=value_to_kafka(object_), ) nb_sent += 1 # Create collision in input data # They are not written in the destination for content in DUPLICATE_CONTENTS: topic = make_topic(kafka_prefix, 'content') producer.produce( topic=topic, key=key_to_kafka(key), value=value_to_kafka(content), ) nb_sent += 1 producer.flush() caplog.set_level(logging.ERROR, 'swh.journal.replay') # Fill the storage from Kafka replayer = JournalClient( brokers='localhost:%d' % kafka_server[1], group_id=kafka_consumer_group, prefix=kafka_prefix, stop_after_objects=nb_sent, ) worker_fn = functools.partial(process_replay_objects, storage=storage) nb_inserted = 0 while nb_inserted < nb_sent: nb_inserted += replayer.process(worker_fn) assert nb_sent == nb_inserted # Check the objects were actually inserted in the storage assert OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['revision'][1] == \ list(storage.revision_get( [rev['id'] for rev in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['revision'][1]])) assert OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['release'][1] == \ list(storage.release_get( [rel['id'] for rel in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['release'][1]])) origins = list(storage.origin_get( [orig for orig in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['origin'][1]])) assert OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['origin'][1] == \ [{'url': orig['url']} for orig in origins] for origin in origins: origin_url = origin['url'] expected_visits = [ { **visit, 'origin': origin_url, 'date': dateutil.parser.parse(visit['date']), } for visit in OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['origin_visit'][1] if visit['origin'] == origin['url'] ] actual_visits = list(storage.origin_visit_get( origin_url)) for visit in actual_visits: del visit['visit'] # opaque identifier assert expected_visits == actual_visits input_contents = OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS['content'][1] contents = storage.content_get_metadata( [cont['sha1'] for cont in input_contents]) assert len(contents) == len(input_contents) assert contents == {cont['sha1']: [cont] for cont in input_contents} nb_collisions = 0 actual_collision: Dict for record in caplog.records: logtext = record.getMessage() if 'Collision detected:' in logtext: nb_collisions += 1 actual_collision = record.args['collision'] assert nb_collisions == 1, "1 collision should be detected" algo = 'sha1' assert actual_collision['algo'] == algo expected_colliding_hash = hash_to_hex(DUPLICATE_CONTENTS[0][algo]) assert actual_collision['hash'] == expected_colliding_hash actual_colliding_hashes = actual_collision['objects'] assert len(actual_colliding_hashes) == len(DUPLICATE_CONTENTS) for content in DUPLICATE_CONTENTS: expected_content_hashes = { k: hash_to_hex(v) for k, v in Content.from_dict(content).hashes().items() } assert expected_content_hashes in actual_colliding_hashes def _test_write_replay_origin_visit(visits: List[Dict]): """Helper function to write tests for origin_visit. Each visit (a dict) given in the 'visits' argument will be sent to a (mocked) kafka queue, which a in-memory-storage backed replayer is listening to. Check that corresponding origin visits entities are present in the storage and have correct values if they are not skipped. """ queue: List = [] replayer = MockedJournalClient(queue) writer = MockedKafkaWriter(queue) # Note that flipping the order of these two insertions will crash # the test, because the legacy origin_format does not allow to create # the origin when needed (type is missing) writer.send('origin', 'foo', { 'url': 'http://example.com/', - 'type': 'git', }) for visit in visits: writer.send('origin_visit', 'foo', visit) queue_size = len(queue) assert replayer.stop_after_objects is None replayer.stop_after_objects = queue_size storage = get_storage(**storage_config) worker_fn = functools.partial(process_replay_objects, storage=storage) replayer.process(worker_fn) actual_visits = list(storage.origin_visit_get('http://example.com/')) assert len(actual_visits) == len(visits), actual_visits for vin, vout in zip(visits, actual_visits): vin = vin.copy() vout = vout.copy() assert vout.pop('origin') == 'http://example.com/' vin.pop('origin') vin.setdefault('type', 'git') vin.setdefault('metadata', None) assert vin == vout def test_write_replay_origin_visit(): """Test origin_visit when the 'origin' is just a string.""" now = datetime.datetime.now() visits = [{ 'visit': 1, 'origin': 'http://example.com/', 'date': now, 'type': 'git', 'status': 'partial', 'snapshot': None, }] _test_write_replay_origin_visit(visits) def test_write_replay_legacy_origin_visit1(): """Origin_visit with no types should make the replayer crash We expect the journal's origin_visit topic to no longer reference such visits. If it does, the replayer must crash so we can fix the journal's topic. """ now = datetime.datetime.now() visit = { 'visit': 1, 'origin': 'http://example.com/', 'date': now, 'status': 'partial', 'snapshot': None, } now2 = datetime.datetime.now() visit2 = { 'visit': 2, 'origin': {'url': 'http://example.com/'}, 'date': now2, 'status': 'partial', 'snapshot': None, } for origin_visit in [visit, visit2]: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Old origin visit format'): _test_write_replay_origin_visit([origin_visit]) def test_write_replay_legacy_origin_visit2(): """Test origin_visit when 'type' is missing from the visit, but not from the origin.""" now = datetime.datetime.now() visits = [{ 'visit': 1, 'origin': { 'url': 'http://example.com/', 'type': 'git', }, 'date': now, 'type': 'git', 'status': 'partial', 'snapshot': None, }] _test_write_replay_origin_visit(visits) def test_write_replay_legacy_origin_visit3(): """Test origin_visit when the origin is a dict""" now = datetime.datetime.now() visits = [{ 'visit': 1, 'origin': { 'url': 'http://example.com/', }, 'date': now, 'type': 'git', 'status': 'partial', 'snapshot': None, }] _test_write_replay_origin_visit(visits) hash_strategy = strategies.binary(min_size=20, max_size=20) @settings(max_examples=500) @given(strategies.sets(hash_strategy, min_size=0, max_size=500), strategies.sets(hash_strategy, min_size=10)) def test_is_hash_in_bytearray(haystack, needles): array = b''.join(sorted(haystack)) needles |= haystack # Exhaustively test for all objects in the array for needle in needles: assert is_hash_in_bytearray(needle, array, len(haystack)) == \ (needle in haystack)