diff --git a/swh/icinga_plugins/deposit.py b/swh/icinga_plugins/deposit.py index feb1bd8..17c5a57 100644 --- a/swh/icinga_plugins/deposit.py +++ b/swh/icinga_plugins/deposit.py @@ -1,240 +1,255 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime import sys import time from typing import Any, Dict, Optional import requests from swh.deposit.client import PublicApiDepositClient from .base_check import BaseCheck class DepositCheck(BaseCheck): TYPE = "DEPOSIT" DEFAULT_WARNING_THRESHOLD = 120 DEFAULT_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD = 3600 def __init__(self, obj): super().__init__(obj) self.api_url = obj["swh_web_url"].rstrip("/") self._poll_interval = obj["poll_interval"] self._archive_path = obj["archive"] self._metadata_path = obj["metadata"] self._collection = obj["collection"] self._slug: Optional[str] = None self._provider_url = obj["provider_url"] self._client = PublicApiDepositClient( { "url": obj["server"], "auth": {"username": obj["username"], "password": obj["password"]}, } ) def upload_deposit(self): slug = ( "check-deposit-%s" % datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).isoformat() ) result = self._client.deposit_create( archive=self._archive_path, metadata=self._metadata_path, collection=self._collection, in_progress=False, slug=slug, ) self._slug = slug self._deposit_id = result["deposit_id"] return result def update_deposit_with_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Trigger a metadata update on the deposit once it's completed. """ deposit = self.get_deposit_status() swhid = deposit["deposit_swh_id"] assert deposit["deposit_id"] == self._deposit_id # We can reuse the initial metadata file we already sent return self._client.deposit_update( self._collection, self._deposit_id, self._slug, metadata=self._metadata_path, swhid=swhid, ) def get_deposit_status(self): return self._client.deposit_status( collection=self._collection, deposit_id=self._deposit_id ) def wait_while_status(self, statuses, start_time, metrics, result): while result["deposit_status"] in statuses: metrics["total_time"] = time.time() - start_time if metrics["total_time"] > self.critical_threshold: self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f"Timed out while in status " f'{result["deposit_status"]} ' f'({metrics["total_time"]}s seconds since deposit ' f"started)", **metrics, ) sys.exit(2) time.sleep(self._poll_interval) result = self.get_deposit_status() return result def main(self): start_time = time.time() start_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( start_time, tz=datetime.timezone.utc ) metrics = {} # Upload the archive and metadata result = self.upload_deposit() metrics["upload_time"] = time.time() - start_time # Wait for validation result = self.wait_while_status(["deposited"], start_time, metrics, result) metrics["total_time"] = time.time() - start_time metrics["validation_time"] = metrics["total_time"] - metrics["upload_time"] # Check validation succeeded if result["deposit_status"] == "rejected": self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f'Deposit was rejected: {result["deposit_status_detail"]}', **metrics, ) return 2 # Wait for loading result = self.wait_while_status( ["verified", "loading"], start_time, metrics, result ) metrics["total_time"] = time.time() - start_time metrics["load_time"] = ( metrics["total_time"] - metrics["upload_time"] - metrics["validation_time"] ) # Check loading succeeded if result["deposit_status"] == "failed": self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f'Deposit loading failed: {result["deposit_status_detail"]}', **metrics, ) return 2 # Check for unexpected status if result["deposit_status"] != "done": self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f'Deposit got unexpected status: {result["deposit_status"]} ' f'({result["deposit_status_detail"]})', **metrics, ) return 2 # Get the SWHID if "deposit_swh_id" not in result: # if the deposit succeeded immediately (which is rare), it does not # contain the SWHID, so we need to re-fetch its status. result = self.get_deposit_status() if result.get("deposit_swh_id") is None: self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f"'deposit_swh_id' missing from result: {result!r}", **metrics, ) return 2 swhid = result["deposit_swh_id"] # Check for unexpected status if result["deposit_status"] != "done": self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f'Deposit status went from "done" to: {result["deposit_status"]} ' f'({result["deposit_status_detail"]})', **metrics, ) return 2 # Get metadata list from swh-web metadata_objects = requests.get( f"{self.api_url}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" f"?authority=deposit_client%20{self._provider_url}" ).json() expected_origin = f"{self._provider_url}/{self._slug}" # Filter out objects that were clearly not created by this deposit (ie. created # before the deposit started, or that are from unrelated origins) relevant_metadata_objects = [ d for d in metadata_objects if d.get("origin") == expected_origin and datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(d["discovery_date"]) >= start_datetime ] if not relevant_metadata_objects: self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f"No recent metadata on {swhid} with origin {expected_origin} in: " f"{metadata_objects!r}", **metrics, ) return 2 + # Check the metadata was loaded as-is + metadata_url = relevant_metadata_objects[0]["metadata_url"] + metadata_file = requests.get(metadata_url).content + with open(self._metadata_path, "rb") as fd: + expected_metadata_file = fd.read() + if metadata_file != expected_metadata_file: + self.print_result( + "CRITICAL", + f"Metadata on {swhid} with origin {expected_origin} " + f"(at {metadata_url}) differs from uploaded Atom document " + f"(at {self._metadata_path})", + **metrics, + ) + return 2 + # Everything went fine, check total time wasn't too large and # print result (status_code, status) = self.get_status(metrics["total_time"]) self.print_result( status, f'Deposit took {metrics["total_time"]:.2f}s and succeeded.', **metrics, ) if status_code != 0: # Stop if any problem in the initial scenario return status_code # Initial deposit is now completed, now we can update the deposit with metadata result = self.update_deposit_with_metadata() total_time = time.time() - start_time metrics_update = { "total_time": total_time, "update_time": ( total_time - metrics["upload_time"] - metrics["validation_time"] - metrics["load_time"] ), } if "error" in result: self.print_result( "CRITICAL", f'Deposit Metadata update failed: {result["error"]} ', **metrics_update, ) return 2 (status_code, status) = self.get_status(metrics_update["total_time"]) self.print_result( status, f'Deposit Metadata update took {metrics_update["update_time"]:.2f}s ' "and succeeded.", **metrics_update, ) return status_code diff --git a/swh/icinga_plugins/tests/test_deposit.py b/swh/icinga_plugins/tests/test_deposit.py index c526310..f25c0d2 100644 --- a/swh/icinga_plugins/tests/test_deposit.py +++ b/swh/icinga_plugins/tests/test_deposit.py @@ -1,790 +1,870 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime import io import os import tarfile import time from typing import Optional import pytest from swh.icinga_plugins.tests.utils import invoke from .web_scenario import WebScenario POLL_INTERVAL = 10 BASE_URL = "http://swh-deposit.example.org/1" BASE_WEB_URL = "mock://swh-web.example.org" PROVIDER_URL = "http://icinga-checker.example.org" COMMON_OPTIONS = [ "--server", BASE_URL, "--username", "test", "--password", "test", "--collection", "testcol", "--swh-web-url", BASE_WEB_URL, "--provider-url", PROVIDER_URL, ] SAMPLE_METADATA = """ Test Software swh test-software No One """ ENTRY_TEMPLATE = """ 42 2019-12-19 18:11:00 foo.tar.gz {status} http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip """ STATUS_TEMPLATE = """ 42 {status} {status_detail}%s """ def compute_origin(): # This is the same origin the checker would compute, because we mock time.time # to be constant until time.sleep is called return ( PROVIDER_URL + "/check-deposit-%s" % datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).isoformat() ) def status_template( status: str, status_detail: str = "", swhid: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """Generate a proper status template out of status, status_detail and optional swhid """ if swhid is not None: template = ( STATUS_TEMPLATE % f"\n {swhid}" ) return template.format(status=status, status_detail=status_detail, swhid=swhid) template = STATUS_TEMPLATE % "" return template.format(status=status, status_detail=status_detail) def test_status_template(): actual_status = status_template(status="deposited") assert ( actual_status == """ 42 deposited """ ) actual_status = status_template(status="verified", status_detail="detail") assert ( actual_status == """ 42 verified detail """ ) actual_status = status_template( status="done", swhid="swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" ) assert ( actual_status == """ 42 done swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74 """ ) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def tmp_path(tmp_path_factory): return tmp_path_factory.mktemp(__name__) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def sample_metadata(tmp_path): """Returns a sample metadata file's path """ path = os.path.join(tmp_path, "metadata.xml") with open(path, "w") as fd: fd.write(SAMPLE_METADATA) return path @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def sample_archive(tmp_path): """Returns a sample archive's path """ path = os.path.join(tmp_path, "archive.tar.gz") with tarfile.open(path, "w:gz") as tf: tf.addfile(tarfile.TarInfo("hello.py"), io.BytesIO(b'print("Hello world")')) return path def test_deposit_immediate_success( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): """Both deposit creation and deposit metadata update passed without delays """ origin = compute_origin() scenario = WebScenario() status_xml = status_template( status="done", status_detail="", swhid="swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74", ) # Initial deposit scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="done"), ) # Checker gets the SWHID swhid = "swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" status_xml = status_template(status="done", status_detail="", swhid=swhid,) scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml) # Then the checker checks the metadata appeared on the website scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" f"?authority=deposit_client%20http://icinga-checker.example.org", [ { "swhid": swhid, "origin": origin, "discovery_date": "2999-03-03T10:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", } ], ) + scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", SAMPLE_METADATA) # Then metadata update scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml) # internal deposit client does call status, then update metadata then status api scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml, ) scenario.add_step( "put", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/atom/", status_xml, ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml, ) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ] ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT OK - Deposit took 0.00s and succeeded.\n" "| 'load_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 0.00s\n" "DEPOSIT OK - Deposit Metadata update took 0.00s and succeeded.\n" "| 'total_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'update_time' = 0.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_delays( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): """Deposit creation passed with some delays, deposit metadata update passed without delay """ origin = compute_origin() scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="loading"), ) # Deposit done, checker gets the SWHID swhid = "swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" status_xml = status_template(status="done", status_detail="", swhid=swhid,) scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml) # Then the checker checks the metadata appeared on the website scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" f"?authority=deposit_client%20http://icinga-checker.example.org", [ { "swhid": swhid, "origin": origin, "discovery_date": "2999-03-03T10:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", } ], ) + scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", SAMPLE_METADATA) # Then metadata update scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml) # internal deposit client does call status, then update metadata then status api scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml, ) scenario.add_step( "put", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/atom/", status_xml, ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml, ) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ] ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT OK - Deposit took 30.00s and succeeded.\n" "| 'load_time' = 20.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 30.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" "DEPOSIT OK - Deposit Metadata update took 0.00s and succeeded.\n" "| 'total_time' = 30.00s\n" "| 'update_time' = 0.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_then_metadata_update_failed( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): """Deposit creation passed, deposit metadata update failed """ origin = compute_origin() scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="loading"), ) # Deposit done, checker gets the SWHID swhid = "swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" status_xml = status_template(status="done", status_detail="", swhid=swhid,) scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml) # Then the checker checks the metadata appeared on the website scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" f"?authority=deposit_client%20http://icinga-checker.example.org", [ { "swhid": swhid, "origin": origin, "discovery_date": "2999-03-03T10:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", } ], ) + scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", SAMPLE_METADATA) # Then metadata update calls failed_status_xml = status_template( status="failed", # lying here status_detail="Failure to ingest", swhid="swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74", ) scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", failed_status_xml) scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", failed_status_xml) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT OK - Deposit took 30.00s and succeeded.\n" "| 'load_time' = 20.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 30.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" "DEPOSIT CRITICAL - Deposit Metadata update failed: You can only update " "metadata on deposit with status 'done' \n" "| 'total_time' = 30.00s\n" "| 'update_time' = 0.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_delay_warning( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): """Deposit creation exceeded delays, no deposit update occurred. """ origin = compute_origin() scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), ) # Deposit done, checker gets the SWHID swhid = "swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" status_xml = status_template(status="done", status_detail="", swhid=swhid,) scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml) # Then the checker checks the metadata appeared on the website scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" f"?authority=deposit_client%20http://icinga-checker.example.org", [ { "swhid": swhid, "origin": origin, "discovery_date": "2999-03-03T10:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", } ], ) + scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", SAMPLE_METADATA) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "--warning", "15", "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT WARNING - Deposit took 20.00s and succeeded.\n" "| 'load_time' = 10.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 20.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 1, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_delay_critical( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): origin = compute_origin() scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), ) # Deposit done, checker gets the SWHID swhid = "swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" status_xml = status_template(status="done", status_detail="", swhid=swhid,) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml, callback=lambda: time.sleep(60), ) # Then the checker checks the metadata appeared on the website scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" f"?authority=deposit_client%20http://icinga-checker.example.org", [ { "swhid": swhid, "origin": origin, "discovery_date": "2999-03-03T10:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", } ], ) + scenario.add_step("get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", SAMPLE_METADATA) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "--critical", "50", "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT CRITICAL - Deposit took 80.00s and succeeded.\n" "| 'load_time' = 70.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 80.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_timeout( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited"), callback=lambda: time.sleep(1500), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), callback=lambda: time.sleep(1500), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="loading"), callback=lambda: time.sleep(1500), ) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT CRITICAL - Timed out while in status loading " "(4520.0s seconds since deposit started)\n" "| 'total_time' = 4520.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 1500.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 1510.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_metadata_missing( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): origin = compute_origin() scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), ) # Deposit done, checker gets the SWHID swhid = "swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" status_xml = status_template(status="done", status_detail="", swhid=swhid,) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml, ) # Then the checker checks the metadata appeared on the website metadata_list = [ { # Filtered out, because wrong origin "swhid": swhid, "origin": "http://wrong-origin.example.org", "discovery_date": "2999-03-03T10:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", }, { # Filtered out, because too old "swhid": swhid, "origin": origin, "discovery_date": "2022-03-03T09:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", }, ] scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" f"?authority=deposit_client%20http://icinga-checker.example.org", metadata_list, ) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( f"DEPOSIT CRITICAL - No recent metadata on {swhid} with origin {origin} in: " f"{metadata_list!r}\n" "| 'load_time' = 10.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 20.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" +def test_deposit_metadata_corrupt( + requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time +): + origin = compute_origin() + scenario = WebScenario() + + scenario.add_step( + "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") + ) + scenario.add_step( + "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), + ) + + # Deposit done, checker gets the SWHID + swhid = "swh:1:dir:02ed6084fb0e8384ac58980e07548a547431cf74" + status_xml = status_template(status="done", status_detail="", swhid=swhid,) + scenario.add_step( + "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_xml, + ) + + # Then the checker checks the metadata appeared on the website + metadata_list = [ + { + "swhid": swhid, + "origin": origin, + "discovery_date": "2999-03-03T09:48:47+00:00", + "metadata_url": f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", + }, + ] + scenario.add_step( + "get", + f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/api/1/raw-extrinsic-metadata/swhid/{swhid}/" + f"?authority=deposit_client%20http://icinga-checker.example.org", + metadata_list, + ) + scenario.add_step( + "get", + f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url", + SAMPLE_METADATA[0:-1], # corrupting the metadata by dropping the last byte + ) + + scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) + + result = invoke( + [ + "check-deposit", + *COMMON_OPTIONS, + "single", + "--archive", + sample_archive, + "--metadata", + sample_metadata, + ], + catch_exceptions=True, + ) + + assert result.output == ( + f"DEPOSIT CRITICAL - Metadata on {swhid} with origin {origin} (at " + f"{BASE_WEB_URL}/the-metadata-url) differs from uploaded Atom document (at " + f"{sample_metadata})\n" + "| 'load_time' = 10.00s\n" + "| 'total_time' = 20.00s\n" + "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" + "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" + ) + assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" + + def test_deposit_rejected( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="rejected", status_detail="booo"), ) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT CRITICAL - Deposit was rejected: booo\n" "| 'total_time' = 10.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_failed( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="loading"), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="failed", status_detail="booo"), ) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT CRITICAL - Deposit loading failed: booo\n" "| 'load_time' = 20.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 30.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" def test_deposit_unexpected_status( requests_mock, mocker, sample_archive, sample_metadata, mocked_time ): scenario = WebScenario() scenario.add_step( "post", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/", ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(status="deposited") ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="verified"), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="loading"), ) scenario.add_step( "get", f"{BASE_URL}/testcol/42/status/", status_template(status="what", status_detail="booo"), ) scenario.install_mock(requests_mock) result = invoke( [ "check-deposit", *COMMON_OPTIONS, "single", "--archive", sample_archive, "--metadata", sample_metadata, ], catch_exceptions=True, ) assert result.output == ( "DEPOSIT CRITICAL - Deposit got unexpected status: what (booo)\n" "| 'load_time' = 20.00s\n" "| 'total_time' = 30.00s\n" "| 'upload_time' = 0.00s\n" "| 'validation_time' = 10.00s\n" ) assert result.exit_code == 2, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}"