diff --git a/swh/graph/luigi.py b/swh/graph/luigi.py index cf65a1e..20e6468 100644 --- a/swh/graph/luigi.py +++ b/swh/graph/luigi.py @@ -1,172 +1,177 @@ # Copyright (C) 2022 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information """ Luigi tasks =========== This module contains `Luigi `_ tasks, as an alternative to the CLI that can be composed with other tasks, such as swh-dataset's. Unlike the CLI, this requires the graph to be named `graph`. File layout ----------- In addition to files documented in :ref:`graph-compression` (eg. :file:`graph.graph`, :file:`graph.mph`, ...), tasks in this module produce this directory structure:: swh_[_]/ graph.graph graph.mph ... meta/ export.json compression.json ``graph.meta/export.json`` is copied from the ORC dataset exported by :mod:`swh.dataset.luigi`. ``graph.meta/compression.json`` contains information about the compression itself, for provenance tracking. For example: .. code-block:: json [ { "steps": None, "export_start": "2022-11-08T11:00:54.998799+00:00", "export_end": "2022-11-08T11:05:53.105519+00:00", "object_type": [ "origin", "origin_visit" ], "hostname": "desktop5", "conf": {}, "tool": { "name": "swh.graph", - "version": "2.2.0", + "version": "2.2.0" } } ] When the compression pipeline is run in separate steps, each of the steps is recorded as an object in the root list. """ # WARNING: do not import unnecessary things here to keep cli startup time under # control from typing import List import luigi from swh.dataset.luigi import Format, LocalExport, ObjectType class CompressGraph(luigi.Task): local_export_path = luigi.PathParameter() local_graph_path = luigi.PathParameter() batch_size = luigi.IntParameter( default=0, significant=False, description=""" Size of work batches to use while compressing. Larger is faster, but consumes more resources. """, ) object_types = list(ObjectType) # To make this configurable, we could use this: # object_types = luigi.EnumListParameter( # enum=ObjectType, default=list(ObjectType), batch_method=merge_lists # ) # then use swh.dataset.luigi._export_metadata_has_object_types to check in # .meta/export.json that all objects are present before skipping the task def requires(self) -> List[luigi.Task]: + """Returns a :class:`LocalExport` task.""" return [ LocalExport( local_export_path=self.local_export_path, formats=[Format.orc], # type: ignore[attr-defined] object_types=self.object_types, ) ] def output(self) -> List[luigi.LocalTarget]: + """Returns the ``meta/*.json`` targets""" return [self._export_meta(), self._compression_meta()] def _export_meta(self) -> luigi.Target: """Returns the metadata on the dataset export""" return luigi.LocalTarget(self.local_graph_path / "meta/export.json") def _compression_meta(self) -> luigi.Target: """Returns the metadata on the compression pipeline""" return luigi.LocalTarget(self.local_graph_path / "meta/compression.json") def run(self): + """Runs the full compression pipeline, then writes :file:`meta/compression.json` + + This does not support running individual steps yet.""" import datetime import json import socket import pkg_resources from swh.graph import webgraph conf = {} # TODO: make this configurable steps = None # TODO: make this configurable if self.batch_size: conf["batch_size"] = self.batch_size # Delete stamps. Otherwise interrupting this compression pipeline may leave # stamps from a previous successful compression if self._export_meta().exists(): self._export_meta().remove() if self._compression_meta().exists(): self._compression_meta().remove() output_directory = self.local_graph_path graph_name = "graph" start_date = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) webgraph.compress( graph_name, self.local_export_path / "orc", output_directory, steps, conf, ) end_date = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) # Copy dataset export metadata with self._export_meta().open("w") as write_fd: with (self.local_export_path / "meta" / "export.json").open() as read_fd: write_fd.write(read_fd.read()) # Append metadata about this compression pipeline if self._compression_meta().exists(): with self._compression_meta().open("w") as fd: meta = json.load(fd) else: meta = [] meta.append( { "steps": steps, "compression_start": start_date.isoformat(), "compression_end": end_date.isoformat(), "object_type": [object_type.name for object_type in self.object_types], "hostname": socket.getfqdn(), "conf": conf, "tool": { "name": "swh.graph", "version": pkg_resources.get_distribution("swh.graph").version, }, } ) with self._compression_meta().open("w") as fd: json.dump(meta, fd, indent=4)