diff --git a/sysadm/puppet/howto-deploy-puppet-change.rst b/sysadm/puppet/howto-deploy-puppet-change.rst
index 2c45918..560b943 100644
--- a/sysadm/puppet/howto-deploy-puppet-change.rst
+++ b/sysadm/puppet/howto-deploy-puppet-change.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,54 @@
 .. _puppet_deploy_change:
 How to deploy a Puppet change
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress. Please refer to the `existing documentation
-   <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/puppet-environment/>`_ and `the
-   wiki page <https://wiki.softwareheritage.org/wiki/Puppet_setup>`_.
+.. admonition:: Intended audience
+   :class: important
+   staff members with enough permissions to deploy
+Once done with the development changes and those are landed
+.. _puppet_deploy_automated:
+Once your change is landed in the *swh-site* repository, you need to deploy the manifest
+on the puppet master.
+Then puppet agent will refresh themselves and apply the changes themselves every 30min.
+.. code::
+   you@pergamon$ sudo swh-puppet-master-deploy
+.. _puppet_semi_automated:
+.. code::
+   you@localhost$ cd puppet-environment
+   you@localhost$ bin/deploy-on machine1 machine2...
+Note: `puppet-environment <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/SENV/>`_
+Remember to pass ``--apt`` to ``bin/deploy-on`` if freshly uploaded Software Heritage
+packages are to be deployed. Also, ``bin/deploy-on --help`` is your friend.
+.. _puppet_manual_deployment:
+.. code::
+   # if a new or updated version debian package needs deploying
+   you@machine$ sudo apt-get update
+   # to test/review changes
+   you@machine$ sudo swh-puppet-test
+   # to apply
+   you@machine$ sudo swh-puppet-apply
diff --git a/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst b/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst
index 94ca6d1..3b90917 100644
--- a/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst
+++ b/sysadm/puppet/howto-manage-third-party-modules.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,91 @@
-.. _puppet_third_party:
+.. _puppet_integration_of_third_party_puppet_modules:
 How to manage Third-Party modules
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress. Please refer to the `existing documentation
-   <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/puppet-environment/>`_ and `the
-   wiki page <https://wiki.softwareheritage.org/wiki/Puppet_setup>`_.
+Integration of third party puppet modules
+We mirror external repositories to our own forge, to avoid having external dependencies
+in our deployment.
+In the *swh-site* ``Puppetfile``, we pin the installation of those modules to the
+highest version (that works with our current puppet/facter version), by using the *:ref*
+.. _adding_a_new_external_puppet_module:
+Adding a new external puppet module
+In the *puppet-environment* repository, the ``bin/import-puppet-module`` takes care of
+the following tasks:
+- Getting metadata from the `Puppet forge <https://forge.puppetlabs.com/>`_ for the
+  module (description, upstream git URL)
+- Cloning the repository
+- Creating a mirror repository on the Software Heritage forge, with the proper
+  permissions and metadata (notably the *Sync to GitHub* flag)
+- Pushing the clone to the forge
+- Updating the .mrconfig and .gitignore files
+To be able to use the script, you need:
+- Be a member of the `System Administrators
+  <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/project/members/7/>`_ Phabricator group
+- Have the :ref:`Arcanist <swh-devel:arcanist-configuration>` API key setup
+- A pair of python dependencies: ``python3-phabricator`` and ``python3-requests`` (pull
+  them from testing if needed).
+Example usage to pull the `elastic/elasticsearch
+<https://forge.puppetlabs.com/elastic/elasticsearch>`_ module
+   bin/import-module elastic-elasticsearch
+   git diff # review changes
+   git add .mrconfig .gitignore
+   git commit -m "Add the elastic/elasticsearch module"
+   git push
+Once the module is added, you need to register it in the *swh-site* `Puppetfile
+You should also check in the module metadata whether any dependencies need importing as
+well, which you should do using the same procedure.
+.. _updating_external_puppet_modules:
+Updating external puppet modules
+There's two sides of this coin:
+.. _updating_our_git_clone_of_external_puppet_modules:
+Updating our git clone of external puppet modules
+The *puppet-environment* ``.mrconfig`` file has a ``pullup`` command which does the
+right thing.
+To update all clones:
+   mr -j4 pullup
+.. _upgrading_external_puppet_modules:
+Upgrading external puppet modules
+Upgrading external puppet modules happens manually.
+In the *puppet-environment* repository, the ``bin/check-module-updates`` script compares
+the Puppetfile and the local clones and lists the available updates. (depends on ``ruby
+On a staging branch of the *swh-site* repository, update the ``:ref`` value for the
+module in the ``Puppetfile`` to the latest tag. You can then run ``octocatalog-diff`` on
+a few relevant servers and look for changes.
diff --git a/sysadm/puppet/howto-test-changes-in-vagrant.rst b/sysadm/puppet/howto-test-changes-in-vagrant.rst
index 075d77f..cc0e258 100644
--- a/sysadm/puppet/howto-test-changes-in-vagrant.rst
+++ b/sysadm/puppet/howto-test-changes-in-vagrant.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-.. _puppet_vagrant:
+.. _puppet_how_to_test_puppet_changes_in_vagrant:
 How to test Puppet changes in Vagrant
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress. Please refer to the `existing documentation
-   <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/puppet-environment/>`_.
+.. todo:: This page is a work in progress. Please refer to the `existing documentation
+   <https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/puppet-environment/browse/master/README.md$187>`_.
diff --git a/sysadm/puppet/index.rst b/sysadm/puppet/index.rst
index a8c6980..1e97b05 100644
--- a/sysadm/puppet/index.rst
+++ b/sysadm/puppet/index.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 .. toctree::
+   reference-setup
diff --git a/sysadm/puppet/reference-setup.rst b/sysadm/puppet/reference-setup.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b095ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysadm/puppet/reference-setup.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+.. _puppet-setup:
+Puppet setup
+.. admonition:: Intended audience
+   :class: important
+   sysadm members
+.. _mutiple_repository_setup:
+Multiple repository setup
+Our puppet environment is split into multiple repos (one repo per module), plus one
+"root" repository for multi-repository management.
+First, clone the base repository, containing the configuration file for myrepos and a
+README file.
+   $ git clone ssh://git@forge.softwareheritage.org/diffusion/SENV/puppet-environment.git
+Then, use that configuration to clone all the repositories:
+   $ cd puppet-environment
+   $ readlink -f .mrconfig >> ~/.mrtrust
+   $ mr up
+(the *mr* command is in the `myrepos Debian package
+All the swh-specific repositories are in *swh-*-prefixed repositories. The other
+repositories come from other sources and have an *upstream* remote allowing updates (the
+*origin* remote is always on the swh git server).
+Our puppet workflow is documented in `the README.md file in the puppet-environment
+.. _configure_octocatalog_diff:
+Configure octocatalog-diff to ease testing
+*puppet-environment* contains the whole scaffolding to be able to use `octocatalog-diff
+<https://github.com/github/octocatalog-diff>`_ on our manifests. This allows for
+quick(er) local iterations while developing complex puppet manifests.
+You need the following packages installed on your machine:
+- r10k octocatalog-diff
+- puppet
+The ``bin/octocatalog-diff`` script allows diffing the manifests between two
+environments (that is, between two branches of the *swh-site* repository. By default it
+diffs between ``production`` and ``staging``.
+Default usage:
+.. code::
+   cd puppet-environment
+   # Diff between branches "staging" and "production" for node "pergamon"
+   bin/octocatalog-diff pergamon
+   # Diff between branches "staging_feature" and "production" for node "worker01"
+   bin/octocatalog-diff --to staging_feature worker01
+Our setup for octocatalog-diff doesn't support exported resources, so you won't see your
+fancy icinga checks there. For more evolved checks as those, use our `vagrant vms
diff --git a/sysadm/puppet/tutorial-my-first-change-in-puppet.rst b/sysadm/puppet/tutorial-my-first-change-in-puppet.rst
index cbe8d3e..c5cd73c 100644
--- a/sysadm/puppet/tutorial-my-first-change-in-puppet.rst
+++ b/sysadm/puppet/tutorial-my-first-change-in-puppet.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,83 @@
 .. _puppet_tutorial:
 Tutorial: Making my first change in Puppet
-.. todo::
-   This page is a work in progress.
+.. admonition:: Intended audience
+   :class: important
+   staff members
+.. _puppet_development:
+The development happens in the swh-site repository.
+So checkout the swh-site repository, and starts the development in the staging branches.
+It's to diff against the production branch:
+.. code::
+   you@localhost$ cd swh-site && git pull
+   you@localhost$ git checkout production && git merge origin/production
+   # both staging and production should be in sync
+   you@localhost$ git checkout staging && git merge origin/staging
+   # you can now start hacking
+   you@localhost$ # *hack on puppet Git repo*
+   you@localhost$ rake validate
+   you@localhost$ git commit
+Test changes with octocatalog-diff
+As you developed your changes in the staging branch, you can now *diff* against the
+production branch:
+.. code::
+   cd puppet-environment
+   # Diff between branches "staging" and "production" for node "pergamon"
+   bin/octocatalog-diff pergamon
+   # Diff between branches "staging_feature" and "production" for node "worker01"
+   bin/octocatalog-diff --to staging_feature worker01
+This requires your :ref:`octocatalog setup to be ready <configure_octocatalog_diff>`.
+Test changes in Vagrant
+For more involved checks, we can test the changes using :ref:`vagrant
+Ask for review
+As for standard development, ask for a review so someone can validate your changes.
+Please, during the diff phase, update the *test plan* paragraph with your
+octocatalog-diff output. There can be more than one machines, so please give those
+especially the one either impacted or not impacted by changes.
+.. code::
+   # (optional) ask for review
+   you@localhost$ arc diff...
+Once you are satisfied with your changes and they passed review, simply push the
+changes. Merge both the production and staging branches together.
+.. code::
+   you@localhost$ cd swh-site
+   # you should develop on the staging branches first
+   you@localhost$ git checkout staging && git rebase production
+   # keep in sync the staging and production branches
+   you@localhost$ git checkout production && git merge staging
+   # land the changes
+   you@localhost$ git push origin staging production