diff --git a/docs/contributing/sphinx.rst b/docs/contributing/sphinx.rst index e013f59..15f4fba 100644 --- a/docs/contributing/sphinx.rst +++ b/docs/contributing/sphinx.rst @@ -1,237 +1,238 @@ .. _sphinx-gotchas: Sphinx gotchas ============== Here is a list of common gotchas when formatting Python docstrings for [http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ Sphinx] and the [http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/napoleon.html Napoleon] style. Sphinx ------ Lists +++++ All sorts of `lists `_ require an empty line before the first bullet and after the last one, to be properly interpreted as list. No indentation is required for list elements w.r.t. surrounding text, and line continuations should be indented like the first character after the bullet Bad:: this is a bad example that will not be interpreted as a list preceding text - foo - bar - baz following text Good:: this is some text preceding the list - foo - bar - baz - this is a rather long-ish paragraph inserted in the list with line continuation - qux this is some text following the list Bad:: - foo - nested lists also requires empty lines, but they are missing here - inner list 1 - inner list 2 - outer list continues here Good:: surrounding text - foo - nested lists also requires empty lines - inner list 1 - inner list 2 - outer list continues here surrounding text Verbatim source code ++++++++++++++++++++ Verbatim `code blocks `_, e.g., for code examples, requires double colon at the end of a line, then an empty line, and then the code block itself, indented: Bad:: This does not work as there is a single column and no empty line before code: def foo(bar, baz): qux = bar + baz return qux Good:: -
    a nice example of python code follows::
        def foo(bar, baz):
            qux = bar + baz
            return qux
    here we can restart text flow
 *Inline code samples* use double backquotes, and not single ones.
    you have to instantiate the method `def foo(bar): pass`
    in order to use this abstract class
    you have to instantiate the method ``def foo(bar): pass``
    in order to use this abstract class
-=== ``**kwargs``, ``**args`` ===
+``**kwargs``, ``**args``
 `Asterisks needs to be escaped `_
 to avoid capture by emphasis markup.
 In case of multiple adjacent asterisks, escaping the first one is enough.
    additional **kwargs are copied in the returned dictionary
    additional \**kwargs are copied in the returned dictionary
 Code cross-references
 Backquotes are not enough to cross-reference a Python entity
 (class, function, module, etc.); you need to use
 `Sphinx domains `_ for that,
 and in particular the `Python domain `_
    see the `do_something` function and the `swh.useless` module
    for more information
    see the :func:`do_something` function and the :mod:`swh.useless` module
    for more information
    you can avoid a long, fully-qualified anchor setting an
    :func:`explicit label ` for a link
 See also: the `list of Python roles `_
 that you can use to cross-reference Python objects.
 Note that you can (and should) omit the :py: prefix,
 as Python is the default domain.
 Note also that when building Sphinx documentation
 for individual Software Heritage modules in isolation,
 cross-references to other modules will *not* be resolvable.
 But they will be resolvable when building the unified documentation
 from ``swh-docs``
 Docstring sections
 See the `list of docstring sections `_
 supported by Napoleon.
 Everything else will *not* be typeset with a dedicated heading,
 you will have to do so explicitly using reStructuredText markup.
 Entries in Args section do *not* start with bullets, but just with argument names (as any other Napoleon section).
 Continuation lines should be indented.
        - foo (int): first argument
        - bar: second argument
        - baz (bool): third argument
        foo (int): first argument
        bar: second argument, which happen to have a fairly
            long description of what it does
        baz (bool): third argument
 In Returns section you need to use ":" carefully as, if present, it will be interpreted as a separator between return type and description. Also, the description of return value should not start on the same line of "Returns:", but on the subsequent one, indented.
        this does not work (colon will be interpreted as type/desc separator), a dict with keys:
        - foo
        - bar
        this works (there is no colon) a dict with keys
        - foo
        - bar
        dict: this works again (*first* colon identifies the type) a dict with keys:
        - foo
        - bar
    Returns: this is not good either, you need to start a paragraph
 You need a ":" separator between exception names and their description.
        ValueError if you botched it
        RuntimeError if we botched it
        ValueError: if you botched it
        RuntimeError: if we botched it
 See also
 * :ref:`python-style-guide`