diff --git a/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst b/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst index 85e86d76..6a3f06ce 100644 --- a/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst +++ b/docs/specs/spec-loading.rst @@ -1,473 +1,473 @@ .. _swh-loading-specs: Loading specification ===================== An important part of the deposit specifications is the loading procedure where a deposit is ingested into the Software Heritage Archive (SWH) using the deposit loader and the complete process of software artifacts creation in the archive. Deposit Loading --------------- The ``swh.loader.package.deposit`` module is able to inject zipfile/tarball's content in SWH with its metadata. The loading of the deposit will use the deposit's associated data: * the metadata * the archive file(s) Artifacts creation ------------------ Deposit to artifacts mapping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a global view of the deposit ingestion +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | swh artifact | representation in deposit | +====================================+=========================================+ | origin | https://hal.inria.fr/hal-id | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | raw_extrinsic_metadata | aggregated metadata | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | snapshot | reception of all occurrences (branches) | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | branches | master & tags for releases | | | (not yet implemented) | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | release | (optional) synthetic release created | | | from metadata (not yet implemented) | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | revision | synthetic revision pointing to | | | the directory (see below) | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | directory | root directory of the expanded submitted| | | tarball | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ Origin artifact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the ```` is missing, we create an origin URL by concatenating the client's `provider_url` and the value of the Slug header of the initial POST request of the deposit (or a randomly generated slug if it is missing). For examples: .. code-block:: bash $ http -pb https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/origin/https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320/get/ would result in: .. code-block:: json { "origin_visits_url": "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/origin/https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320/visits/", "url": "https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320" } Visits ~~~~~~ We identify with a visit each deposit push of the same `external_id`. Here in the example below, two snapshots are identified by two different visits. For examples: .. code-block:: bash $ http -pb https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/origin/https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320/visits/ would result in: .. code-block:: json [ { "date": "2020-05-14T11:59:55.942964+00:00", "metadata": {}, "origin": "https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320", "origin_visit_url": "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/origin/https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320/visit/2/", "snapshot": "e5e82d064a9c3df7464223042e0c55d72ccff7f0", "snapshot_url": "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/snapshot/e5e82d064a9c3df7464223042e0c55d72ccff7f0/", "status": "full", "type": "deposit", "visit": 2 }, { "date": "2020-05-14T11:59:41.094260+00:00", "metadata": {}, "origin": "https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320", "origin_visit_url": "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/origin/https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02560320/visit/1/", "snapshot": "3e95ef6e04c381a34cc2f314576bc5644f2c797f", "snapshot_url": "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/snapshot/3e95ef6e04c381a34cc2f314576bc5644f2c797f/", "status": "full", "type": "deposit", "visit": 1 } ] Snapshot artifact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The snapshot represents one deposit push. The ``HEAD`` branch points to a synthetic revision. For example: .. code-block:: bash $ http -pb https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/snapshot/3e95ef6e04c381a34cc2f314576bc5644f2c797f/ would result in: .. code-block:: json { "branches": { "HEAD": { "target": "2122424b547a8eca9282ba3131ec61ff1d8df7d4", "target_type": "revision", "target_url": "https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/1/revision/2122424b547a8eca9282ba3131ec61ff1d8df7d4/" } }, "id": "3e95ef6e04c381a34cc2f314576bc5644f2c797f", "next_branch": null } Note that previous versions of the deposit-loader named the branch ``master`` instead, and created release branches under certain conditions. Release artifact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: - This part of the specification is not implemented yet, only releases are + This part of the specification is not implemented yet, only revisions are currently being created. The content is deposited with a set of descriptive metadata in the CodeMeta vocabulary. The following CodeMeta terms implies that the artifact is a release: - `releaseNotes` - `softwareVersion` If present, a release artifact will be created with the mapping below: +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+ | SWH release field | Description | CodeMeta term | Fallback value | +===================+===================================+=================+================+ | target | revision containing all metadata | X |X | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+ | target_type | revision | X |X | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+ | name | release or tag name (mandatory) | softwareVersion | X | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+ | message | message associated with release | releaseNotes | X | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+ | date | release date = publication date | datePublished | deposit_date | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+ | author | deposit client | author | X | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+----------------+ .. code-block:: json { "release": { "author": { "email": "hal@ccsd.cnrs.fr", "fullname": "HAL ", "name": "HAL" }, "author_url": "/api/1/person/x/", "date": "2019-05-27T16:28:33+02:00", "id": "a9f3396f372ed4a51d75e15ca16c1c2df1fc5c97", "message": "AffectationRO Version 1.1 - added new feature\n", "name": "1.1", "synthetic": true, "target": "396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52", "target_type": "revision", "target_url": "/api/1/revision/396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52/" } } Revision artifact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The metadata sent with the deposit is stored outside the revision, and does not affect the hash computation. It contains the same fields as any revision object; in particular: +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | SWH revision field| Description | +===================+=========================================+ | message | synthetic message, containing the name | | | of the deposit client and an internal | | | identifier of the deposit. For example: | | | ``hal: Deposit 817 in collection hal`` | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | author | synthetic author (SWH itself, for now) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | committer | same as the author (for now) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | date | see below | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | committer_date | see below | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+ The date mapping ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A deposit may contain 4 different dates concerning the software artifacts. The deposit's revision will reflect the most accurate point in time available. Here are all dates that can be available in a deposit: +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | dates | location | Description | +================+=================================+================================================+ | reception_date | On SWORD reception (automatic) | the deposit was received at this ts | +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | complete_date | On SWH ingestion (automatic) | the ingestion was completed by SWH at this ts | +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | dateCreated | metadata in codeMeta (optional) | the software artifact was created at this ts | +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | datePublished | metadata in codeMeta (optional) | the software was published (contributed in HAL)| +----------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ A visit targeting a snapshot contains one date: +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------------+ | SWH visit field | Description | value | +===================+==============================================+================+ | date | the origin pushed the deposit at this date | reception_date | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------------+ A revision contains two dates: +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | SWH revision field| Description | CodeMeta term | Fallback value | +===================+=========================================+================+================+ | date | date of software artifact modification | dateCreated | reception_date | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ | committer_date | date of the commit in VCS | datePublished | reception_date | +-------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------+----------------+ A release contains one date: +-------------------+----------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+ | SWH release field |Description | CodeMeta term | Fallback value | +===================+==================================+================+=================+ | date |release date = publication date | datePublished | reception_date | +-------------------+----------------------------------+----------------+-----------------+ .. code-block:: json { "revision": { "author": { "email": "robot@softwareheritage.org", "fullname": "Software Heritage", "id": 18233048, "name": "Software Heritage" }, "author_url": "/api/1/person/18233048/", "committer": { "email": "robot@softwareheritage.org", "fullname": "Software Heritage", "id": 18233048, "name": "Software Heritage" }, "committer_date": "2019-05-27T16:28:33+02:00", "committer_url": "/api/1/person/18233048/", "date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", "directory": "fb13b51abbcfd13de85d9ba8d070a23679576cd7", "directory_url": "/api/1/directory/fb13b51abbcfd13de85d9ba8d070a23679576cd7/", "history_url": "/api/1/revision/396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52/log/", "id": "396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52", "merge": false, "message": "hal: Deposit 282 in collection hal", "metadata": { "@xmlns": "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "@xmlns:codemeta": "https://doi.org/10.5063/SCHEMA/CODEMETA-2.0", "author": { "email": "hal@ccsd.cnrs.fr", "name": "HAL" }, "codemeta:applicationCategory": "info", "codemeta:author": { "codemeta:name": "Morane Gruenpeter" }, "codemeta:codeRepository": "www.code-repository.com", "codemeta:contributor": "Morane Gruenpeter", "codemeta:dateCreated": "2012", "codemeta:datePublished": "2019-05-27T16:28:33+02:00", "codemeta:description": "description\\_en test v2", "codemeta:developmentStatus": "Inactif", "codemeta:keywords": "mot_cle_en,mot_cle_2_en,mot_cle_fr", "codemeta:license": [ { "codemeta:name": "MIT License" }, { "codemeta:name": "CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v1.1" } ], "codemeta:name": "Test\\_20190527\\_01", "codemeta:operatingSystem": "OS", "codemeta:programmingLanguage": "Java", "codemeta:referencePublication": null, "codemeta:relatedLink": null, "codemeta:releaseNotes": "releaseNote", "codemeta:runtimePlatform": "outil", "codemeta:softwareVersion": "1.0.1", "codemeta:url": "https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02140606", "codemeta:version": "2", "external_identifier": "hal-02140606", "id": "hal-02140606", "original_artifact": [ { "archive_type": "zip", "blake2s256": "96be3ddedfcee9669ad9c42b0bb3a706daf23824d04311c63505a4d8db02df00", "length": 193072, "name": "archive.zip", "sha1": "5b6ecc9d5bb113ff69fc275dcc9b0d993a8194f1", "sha1_git": "bd10e4d3ede17162692d7e211e08e87e67994488", "sha256": "3e2ce93384251ce6d6da7b8f2a061a8ebdaf8a28b8d8513223ca79ded8a10948" } ] }, "parents": [ { "id": "a9fdc3937d2b704b915852a64de2ab1b4b481003", "url": "/api/1/revision/a9fdc3937d2b704b915852a64de2ab1b4b481003/" } ], "synthetic": true, "type": "tar", "url": "/api/1/revision/396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52/" } } Directory artifact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The directory artifact is the archive(s)' raw content deposited. .. code-block:: json { "directory": [ { "dir_id": "fb13b51abbcfd13de85d9ba8d070a23679576cd7", "length": null, "name": "AffectationRO", "perms": 16384, "target": "fbc418f9ac2c39e8566b04da5dc24b14e65b23b1", "target_url": "/api/1/directory/fbc418f9ac2c39e8566b04da5dc24b14e65b23b1/", "type": "dir" } ] } Questions raised concerning loading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - A deposit has one origin, yet an origin can have multiple deposits? No, an origin can have multiple requests for the same deposit. Which should end up in one single deposit (when the client pushes its final request saying deposit 'done' through the header In-Progress). Only update of existing 'partial' deposit is permitted. Other than that, the deposit 'update' operation. To create a new version of a software (already deposited), the client must prior to this create a new deposit. Illustration First deposit loading: HAL's deposit 01535619 = SWH's deposit **01535619-1** :: + 1 origin with url:https://hal.inria.fr/medihal-01535619 + 1 synthetic revision + 1 directory HAL's update on deposit 01535619 = SWH's deposit **01535619-2** (\*with HAL updates can only be on the metadata and a new version is required if the content changes) :: + 1 origin with url:https://hal.inria.fr/medihal-01535619 + new synthetic revision (with new metadata) + same directory HAL's deposit 01535619-v2 = SWH's deposit **01535619-v2-1** :: + same origin + new revision + new directory Scheduling loading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All ``archive`` and ``metadata`` deposit requests should be aggregated before loading. The loading should be scheduled via the scheduler's api. Only ``deposited`` deposit are concerned by the loading. When the loading is done and successful, the deposit entry is updated: - ``status`` is updated to ``done`` - ``swh-id`` is populated with the resulting :ref:`SWHID ` - ``complete_date`` is updated to the loading's finished time When the loading has failed, the deposit entry is updated: - ``status`` is updated to ``failed`` - ``swh-id`` and ``complete_data`` remains as is *Note:* As a further improvement, we may prefer having a retry policy with graceful delays for further scheduling. Metadata loading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - the metadata received with the deposit are kept in a dedicated table ``raw_extrinsic_metadata``, distinct from the ``revision`` and ``origin`` tables. - ``authority`` is computed from the deposit client information, and ``fetcher`` is the deposit loader.