diff --git a/swh/core/db/tests/test_db.py b/swh/core/db/tests/test_db.py index a06794b..13b12cd 100644 --- a/swh/core/db/tests/test_db.py +++ b/swh/core/db/tests/test_db.py @@ -1,466 +1,466 @@ # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information from dataclasses import dataclass import datetime from enum import IntEnum import inspect from string import printable from typing import Any from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock import uuid from hypothesis import given, settings, strategies from hypothesis.extra.pytz import timezones import psycopg2 import pytest from typing_extensions import Protocol from swh.core.db import BaseDb from swh.core.db.common import db_transaction, db_transaction_generator from swh.core.db.pytest_plugin import postgresql_fact from swh.core.db.tests.conftest import function_scoped_fixture_check # workaround mypy bug https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5485 class Converter(Protocol): def __call__(self, x: Any) -> Any: ... @dataclass class Field: name: str """Column name""" pg_type: str """Type of the PostgreSQL column""" example: Any """Example value for the static tests""" strategy: strategies.SearchStrategy """Hypothesis strategy to generate these values""" in_wrapper: Converter = lambda x: x """Wrapper to convert this data type for the static tests""" out_converter: Converter = lambda x: x """Converter from the raw PostgreSQL column value to this data type""" # Limit PostgreSQL integer values pg_int = strategies.integers(-2147483648, +2147483647) pg_text = strategies.text( alphabet=strategies.characters( blacklist_categories=["Cs"], # surrogates blacklist_characters=[ "\x00", # pgsql does not support the null codepoint "\r", # pgsql normalizes those ], ), ) pg_bytea = strategies.binary() def pg_bytea_a(min_size: int, max_size: int) -> strategies.SearchStrategy: """Generate a PostgreSQL bytea[]""" return strategies.lists(pg_bytea, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size) def pg_bytea_a_a(min_size: int, max_size: int) -> strategies.SearchStrategy: """Generate a PostgreSQL bytea[][]. The inner lists must all have the same size.""" return strategies.integers(min_value=max(1, min_size), max_value=max_size).flatmap( lambda n: strategies.lists( pg_bytea_a(min_size=n, max_size=n), min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size ) ) def pg_tstz() -> strategies.SearchStrategy: """Generate values that fit in a PostgreSQL timestamptz. Notes: We're forbidding old datetimes, because until 1956, many timezones had seconds in their "UTC offsets" (see ), which is not representable by PostgreSQL. """ min_value = datetime.datetime(1960, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) return strategies.datetimes(min_value=min_value, timezones=timezones()) def pg_jsonb(min_size: int, max_size: int) -> strategies.SearchStrategy: """Generate values representable as a PostgreSQL jsonb object (dict).""" return strategies.dictionaries( strategies.text(printable), strategies.recursive( # should use floats() instead of integers(), but PostgreSQL # coerces large integers into floats, making the tests fail. We # only store ints in our generated data anyway. strategies.none() | strategies.booleans() | strategies.integers(-2147483648, +2147483647) | strategies.text(printable), lambda children: strategies.lists(children, max_size=max_size) | strategies.dictionaries( strategies.text(printable), children, max_size=max_size ), ), min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size, ) def tuple_2d_to_list_2d(v): """Convert a 2D tuple to a 2D list""" return [list(inner) for inner in v] def list_2d_to_tuple_2d(v): """Convert a 2D list to a 2D tuple""" return tuple(tuple(inner) for inner in v) class TestIntEnum(IntEnum): foo = 1 bar = 2 def now(): return datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) FIELDS = ( Field("i", "int", 1, pg_int), Field("txt", "text", "foo", pg_text), Field("bytes", "bytea", b"bar", strategies.binary()), Field( "bytes_array", "bytea[]", [b"baz1", b"baz2"], pg_bytea_a(min_size=0, max_size=5), ), Field( "bytes_tuple", "bytea[]", (b"baz1", b"baz2"), pg_bytea_a(min_size=0, max_size=5).map(tuple), in_wrapper=list, out_converter=tuple, ), Field( "bytes_2d", "bytea[][]", [[b"quux1"], [b"quux2"]], pg_bytea_a_a(min_size=0, max_size=5), ), Field( "bytes_2d_tuple", "bytea[][]", ((b"quux1",), (b"quux2",)), pg_bytea_a_a(min_size=0, max_size=5).map(list_2d_to_tuple_2d), in_wrapper=tuple_2d_to_list_2d, out_converter=list_2d_to_tuple_2d, ), Field( "ts", "timestamptz", now(), pg_tstz(), ), Field( "dict", "jsonb", {"str": "bar", "int": 1, "list": ["a", "b"], "nested": {"a": "b"}}, pg_jsonb(min_size=0, max_size=5), in_wrapper=psycopg2.extras.Json, ), Field( "intenum", "int", TestIntEnum.foo, strategies.sampled_from(TestIntEnum), in_wrapper=int, - out_converter=TestIntEnum, + out_converter=lambda x: TestIntEnum(x), # lambda needed by mypy ), Field("uuid", "uuid", uuid.uuid4(), strategies.uuids()), Field( "text_list", "text[]", # All the funky corner cases ["null", "NULL", None, "\\", "\t", "\n", "\r", " ", "'", ",", '"', "{", "}"], strategies.lists(pg_text, min_size=0, max_size=5), ), Field( "tstz_list", "timestamptz[]", [now(), now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)], strategies.lists(pg_tstz(), min_size=0, max_size=5), ), Field( "tstz_range", "tstzrange", psycopg2.extras.DateTimeTZRange( lower=now(), upper=now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1), bounds="[)", ), strategies.tuples( # generate two sorted timestamptzs for use as bounds strategies.tuples(pg_tstz(), pg_tstz()).map(sorted), # and a set of bounds strategies.sampled_from(["[]", "()", "[)", "(]"]), ).map( # and build the actual DateTimeTZRange object from these args lambda args: psycopg2.extras.DateTimeTZRange( lower=args[0][0], upper=args[0][1], bounds=args[1], ) ), ), ) INIT_SQL = "create table test_table (%s)" % ", ".join( f"{field.name} {field.pg_type}" for field in FIELDS ) COLUMNS = tuple(field.name for field in FIELDS) INSERT_SQL = "insert into test_table (%s) values (%s)" % ( ", ".join(COLUMNS), ", ".join("%s" for i in range(len(COLUMNS))), ) STATIC_ROW_IN = tuple(field.in_wrapper(field.example) for field in FIELDS) EXPECTED_ROW_OUT = tuple(field.example for field in FIELDS) db_rows = strategies.lists(strategies.tuples(*(field.strategy for field in FIELDS))) def convert_lines(cur): return [ tuple(field.out_converter(x) for x, field in zip(line, FIELDS)) for line in cur ] test_db = postgresql_fact("postgresql_proc", dbname="test-db2") @pytest.fixture def db_with_data(test_db, request): """Fixture to initialize a db with some data out of the "INIT_SQL above""" db = BaseDb.connect(test_db.dsn) with db.cursor() as cur: psycopg2.extras.register_default_jsonb(cur) cur.execute(INIT_SQL) yield db db.conn.rollback() db.conn.close() @pytest.mark.db def test_db_connect(db_with_data): with db_with_data.cursor() as cur: psycopg2.extras.register_default_jsonb(cur) cur.execute(INSERT_SQL, STATIC_ROW_IN) cur.execute("select * from test_table;") output = convert_lines(cur) assert len(output) == 1 assert EXPECTED_ROW_OUT == output[0] def test_db_initialized(db_with_data): with db_with_data.cursor() as cur: psycopg2.extras.register_default_jsonb(cur) cur.execute(INSERT_SQL, STATIC_ROW_IN) cur.execute("select * from test_table;") output = convert_lines(cur) assert len(output) == 1 assert EXPECTED_ROW_OUT == output[0] def test_db_copy_to_static(db_with_data): items = [{field.name: field.example for field in FIELDS}] db_with_data.copy_to(items, "test_table", COLUMNS) with db_with_data.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("select * from test_table;") output = convert_lines(cur) assert len(output) == 1 assert EXPECTED_ROW_OUT == output[0] @settings(suppress_health_check=function_scoped_fixture_check) @given(db_rows) def test_db_copy_to(db_with_data, data): items = [dict(zip(COLUMNS, item)) for item in data] with db_with_data.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE test_table CASCADE") db_with_data.copy_to(items, "test_table", COLUMNS) with db_with_data.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("select * from test_table;") converted_lines = convert_lines(cur) assert converted_lines == data def test_db_copy_to_thread_exception(db_with_data): data = [(2**65, "foo", b"bar")] items = [dict(zip(COLUMNS, item)) for item in data] with pytest.raises(psycopg2.errors.NumericValueOutOfRange): db_with_data.copy_to(items, "test_table", COLUMNS) def test_db_transaction(mocker): expected_cur = object() called = False class Storage: @db_transaction() def endpoint(self, cur=None, db=None): nonlocal called called = True assert cur is expected_cur storage = Storage() # 'with storage.get_db().transaction() as cur:' should cause # 'cur' to be 'expected_cur' db_mock = Mock() db_mock.transaction.return_value = MagicMock() db_mock.transaction.return_value.__enter__.return_value = expected_cur mocker.patch.object(storage, "get_db", return_value=db_mock, create=True) put_db_mock = mocker.patch.object(storage, "put_db", create=True) storage.endpoint() assert called put_db_mock.assert_called_once_with(db_mock) def test_db_transaction__with_generator(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="generator"): class Storage: @db_transaction() def endpoint(self, cur=None, db=None): yield None def test_db_transaction_signature(): """Checks db_transaction removes the 'cur' and 'db' arguments.""" def f(self, foo, *, bar=None): pass expected_sig = inspect.signature(f) @db_transaction() def g(self, foo, *, bar=None, db=None, cur=None): pass actual_sig = inspect.signature(g) assert actual_sig == expected_sig def test_db_transaction_generator(mocker): expected_cur = object() called = False class Storage: @db_transaction_generator() def endpoint(self, cur=None, db=None): nonlocal called called = True assert cur is expected_cur yield None storage = Storage() # 'with storage.get_db().transaction() as cur:' should cause # 'cur' to be 'expected_cur' db_mock = Mock() db_mock.transaction.return_value = MagicMock() db_mock.transaction.return_value.__enter__.return_value = expected_cur mocker.patch.object(storage, "get_db", return_value=db_mock, create=True) put_db_mock = mocker.patch.object(storage, "put_db", create=True) list(storage.endpoint()) assert called put_db_mock.assert_called_once_with(db_mock) def test_db_transaction_generator__with_nongenerator(): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="generator"): class Storage: @db_transaction_generator() def endpoint(self, cur=None, db=None): pass def test_db_transaction_generator_signature(): """Checks db_transaction removes the 'cur' and 'db' arguments.""" def f(self, foo, *, bar=None): pass expected_sig = inspect.signature(f) @db_transaction_generator() def g(self, foo, *, bar=None, db=None, cur=None): yield None actual_sig = inspect.signature(g) assert actual_sig == expected_sig @pytest.mark.parametrize( "query_options", (None, {"something": 42, "statement_timeout": 200}) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_generator", (True, False)) def test_db_transaction_query_options(mocker, use_generator, query_options): class Storage: @db_transaction(statement_timeout=100) def endpoint(self, cur=None, db=None): return [None] @db_transaction_generator(statement_timeout=100) def gen_endpoint(self, cur=None, db=None): yield None storage = Storage() # mockers mocked_apply = mocker.patch("swh.core.db.common.apply_options") # 'with storage.get_db().transaction() as cur:' should cause # 'cur' to be 'expected_cur' expected_cur = object() db_mock = MagicMock() db_mock.transaction.return_value.__enter__.return_value = expected_cur mocker.patch.object(storage, "get_db", return_value=db_mock, create=True) mocker.patch.object(storage, "put_db", create=True) if query_options: storage.query_options = { "endpoint": query_options, "gen_endpoint": query_options, } if use_generator: list(storage.gen_endpoint()) else: list(storage.endpoint()) mocked_apply.assert_called_once_with( expected_cur, query_options if query_options is not None else {"statement_timeout": 100}, ) diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini index bd87c7a..017fb1f 100644 --- a/tox.ini +++ b/tox.ini @@ -1,95 +1,95 @@ [tox] envlist=black,flake8,mypy,py3-{core,db,server} [testenv] passenv = PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG extras = testing-core core: logging db: db server: http deps = cover: pytest-cov commands = pytest --doctest-modules \ slow: --hypothesis-profile=slow \ cover: --cov={envsitepackagesdir}/swh/core --cov-branch \ core: {envsitepackagesdir}/swh/core/tests \ db: {envsitepackagesdir}/swh/core/db/tests \ server: {envsitepackagesdir}/swh/core/api/tests \ {posargs} [testenv:py3] skip_install = true deps = tox commands = tox -e py3-core-db-server-slow-cover -- {posargs} [testenv:black] skip_install = true deps = black==22.3.0 commands = {envpython} -m black --check swh [testenv:flake8] skip_install = true deps = flake8==4.0.1 flake8-bugbear==22.3.23 commands = {envpython} -m flake8 [testenv:mypy] extras = testing-core logging db http deps = - mypy==0.920 + mypy==0.942 commands = mypy swh # build documentation outside swh-environment using the current # git HEAD of swh-docs, is executed on CI for each diff to prevent # breaking doc build [testenv:sphinx] whitelist_externals = make usedevelop = true extras = testing-core logging db http deps = # fetch and install swh-docs in develop mode -e git+https://forge.softwareheritage.org/source/swh-docs#egg=swh.docs setenv = SWH_PACKAGE_DOC_TOX_BUILD = 1 # turn warnings into errors SPHINXOPTS = -W commands = make -I ../.tox/sphinx/src/swh-docs/swh/ -C docs # build documentation only inside swh-environment using local state # of swh-docs package [testenv:sphinx-dev] whitelist_externals = make usedevelop = true extras = testing-core logging db http deps = # install swh-docs in develop mode -e ../swh-docs setenv = SWH_PACKAGE_DOC_TOX_BUILD = 1 # turn warnings into errors SPHINXOPTS = -W commands = make -I ../.tox/sphinx-dev/src/swh-docs/swh/ -C docs