diff --git a/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py b/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py index e9f6825..640b504 100644 --- a/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py +++ b/swh/indexer/storage/in_memory.py @@ -1,759 +1,759 @@ # Copyright (C) 2018 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import bisect from collections import defaultdict, Counter import itertools import json import operator import math import re from . import MAPPING_NAMES SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE = 160 def _transform_tool(tool): return { 'id': tool['id'], 'name': tool['tool_name'], 'version': tool['tool_version'], 'configuration': tool['tool_configuration'], } class SubStorage: """Implements common missing/get/add logic for each indexer type.""" def __init__(self, tools): self._tools = tools self._sorted_ids = [] self._data = {} # map (id_, tool_id) -> metadata_dict self._tools_per_id = defaultdict(set) # map id_ -> Set[tool_id] def missing(self, ids): """List data missing from storage. Args: data (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **indexer_configuration_id** (int): tool used to compute the results Yields: missing sha1s """ for id_ in ids: tool_id = id_['indexer_configuration_id'] id_ = id_['id'] if tool_id not in self._tools_per_id.get(id_, set()): yield id_ def get(self, ids): """Retrieve data per id. Args: ids (iterable): sha1 checksums Yields: dict: dictionaries with the following keys: - **id** (bytes) - **tool** (dict): tool used to compute metadata - arbitrary data (as provided to `add`) """ for id_ in ids: for tool_id in self._tools_per_id.get(id_, set()): key = (id_, tool_id) yield { 'id': id_, 'tool': _transform_tool(self._tools[tool_id]), **self._data[key], } def get_all(self): yield from self.get(list(self._tools_per_id)) def get_range(self, start, end, indexer_configuration_id, limit): """Retrieve data within range [start, end] bound by limit. Args: **start** (bytes): Starting identifier range (expected smaller than end) **end** (bytes): Ending identifier range (expected larger than start) **indexer_configuration_id** (int): The tool used to index data **limit** (int): Limit result Raises: ValueError for limit to None Returns: a dict with keys: - **ids** [bytes]: iterable of content ids within the range. - **next** (Optional[bytes]): The next range of sha1 starts at this sha1 if any """ if limit is None: raise ValueError('Development error: limit should not be None') from_index = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_ids, start) to_index = bisect.bisect_right(self._sorted_ids, end, lo=from_index) if to_index - from_index >= limit: return { 'ids': self._sorted_ids[from_index:from_index+limit], 'next': self._sorted_ids[from_index+limit], } else: return { 'ids': self._sorted_ids[from_index:to_index], 'next': None, } def add(self, data, conflict_update): """Add data not present in storage. Args: data (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id**: sha1 - **indexer_configuration_id**: tool used to compute the results - arbitrary data conflict_update (bool): Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true) or skip duplicates (false) """ data = list(data) if len({x['id'] for x in data}) < len(data): # For "exception-compatibility" with the pgsql backend raise ValueError('The same id is present more than once.') for item in data: item = item.copy() tool_id = item.pop('indexer_configuration_id') id_ = item.pop('id') data = item if not conflict_update and \ tool_id in self._tools_per_id.get(id_, set()): # Duplicate, should not be updated continue key = (id_, tool_id) self._data[key] = data self._tools_per_id[id_].add(tool_id) if id_ not in self._sorted_ids: bisect.insort(self._sorted_ids, id_) def add_merge(self, new_data, conflict_update, merged_key): for new_item in new_data: id_ = new_item['id'] tool_id = new_item['indexer_configuration_id'] if conflict_update: all_subitems = [] else: existing = list(self.get([id_])) all_subitems = [ old_subitem for existing_item in existing if existing_item['tool']['id'] == tool_id for old_subitem in existing_item[merged_key] ] for new_subitem in new_item[merged_key]: if new_subitem not in all_subitems: all_subitems.append(new_subitem) self.add([ { 'id': id_, 'indexer_configuration_id': tool_id, merged_key: all_subitems, } ], conflict_update=True) if id_ not in self._sorted_ids: bisect.insort(self._sorted_ids, id_) class IndexerStorage: """In-memory SWH indexer storage.""" def __init__(self): self._tools = {} self._mimetypes = SubStorage(self._tools) self._languages = SubStorage(self._tools) self._content_ctags = SubStorage(self._tools) self._licenses = SubStorage(self._tools) self._content_metadata = SubStorage(self._tools) self._revision_metadata = SubStorage(self._tools) self._origin_intrinsic_metadata = SubStorage(self._tools) def content_mimetype_missing(self, mimetypes): """Generate mimetypes missing from storage. Args: mimetypes (iterable): iterable of dict with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **indexer_configuration_id** (int): tool used to compute the results Yields: tuple (id, indexer_configuration_id): missing id """ yield from self._mimetypes.missing(mimetypes) def content_mimetype_get_range( self, start, end, indexer_configuration_id, limit=1000): """Retrieve mimetypes within range [start, end] bound by limit. Args: **start** (bytes): Starting identifier range (expected smaller than end) **end** (bytes): Ending identifier range (expected larger than start) **indexer_configuration_id** (int): The tool used to index data **limit** (int): Limit result (default to 1000) Raises: ValueError for limit to None Returns: a dict with keys: - **ids** [bytes]: iterable of content ids within the range. - **next** (Optional[bytes]): The next range of sha1 starts at this sha1 if any """ return self._mimetypes.get_range( start, end, indexer_configuration_id, limit) def content_mimetype_add(self, mimetypes, conflict_update=False): """Add mimetypes not present in storage. Args: mimetypes (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **mimetype** (bytes): raw content's mimetype - **encoding** (bytes): raw content's encoding - **indexer_configuration_id** (int): tool's id used to compute the results - **conflict_update** (bool): Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (``True``) or skip duplicates (``False``, the default) """ if not all(isinstance(x['id'], bytes) for x in mimetypes): raise TypeError('identifiers must be bytes.') self._mimetypes.add(mimetypes, conflict_update) def content_mimetype_get(self, ids, db=None, cur=None): """Retrieve full content mimetype per ids. Args: ids (iterable): sha1 identifier Yields: mimetypes (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **mimetype** (bytes): raw content's mimetype - **encoding** (bytes): raw content's encoding - **tool** (dict): Tool used to compute the language """ yield from self._mimetypes.get(ids) def content_language_missing(self, languages): """List languages missing from storage. Args: languages (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **indexer_configuration_id** (int): tool used to compute the results Yields: an iterable of missing id for the tuple (id, indexer_configuration_id) """ yield from self._languages.missing(languages) def content_language_get(self, ids): """Retrieve full content language per ids. Args: ids (iterable): sha1 identifier Yields: languages (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **lang** (bytes): raw content's language - **tool** (dict): Tool used to compute the language """ yield from self._languages.get(ids) def content_language_add(self, languages, conflict_update=False): """Add languages not present in storage. Args: languages (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 - **lang** (bytes): language detected conflict_update (bool): Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true) or skip duplicates (false, the default) """ if not all(isinstance(x['id'], bytes) for x in languages): raise TypeError('identifiers must be bytes.') self._languages.add(languages, conflict_update) def content_ctags_missing(self, ctags): """List ctags missing from storage. Args: ctags (iterable): dicts with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **indexer_configuration_id** (int): tool used to compute the results Yields: an iterable of missing id for the tuple (id, indexer_configuration_id) """ yield from self._content_ctags.missing(ctags) def content_ctags_get(self, ids): """Retrieve ctags per id. Args: ids (iterable): sha1 checksums Yields: Dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): content's identifier - **name** (str): symbol's name - **kind** (str): symbol's kind - **lang** (str): language for that content - **tool** (dict): tool used to compute the ctags' info """ for item in self._content_ctags.get(ids): for item_ctags_item in item['ctags']: yield { 'id': item['id'], 'tool': item['tool'], **item_ctags_item } def content_ctags_add(self, ctags, conflict_update=False): """Add ctags not present in storage Args: ctags (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 - **ctags** ([list): List of dictionary with keys: name, kind, line, lang - **indexer_configuration_id**: tool used to compute the results """ if not all(isinstance(x['id'], bytes) for x in ctags): raise TypeError('identifiers must be bytes.') self._content_ctags.add_merge(ctags, conflict_update, 'ctags') def content_ctags_search(self, expression, limit=10, last_sha1=None, db=None, cur=None): """Search through content's raw ctags symbols. Args: expression (str): Expression to search for limit (int): Number of rows to return (default to 10). last_sha1 (str): Offset from which retrieving data (default to ''). Yields: rows of ctags including id, name, lang, kind, line, etc... """ nb_matches = 0 for ((id_, tool_id), item) in \ sorted(self._content_ctags._data.items()): if id_ <= (last_sha1 or bytes(0 for _ in range(SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE))): continue for ctags_item in item['ctags']: if ctags_item['name'] != expression: continue nb_matches += 1 yield { 'id': id_, 'tool': _transform_tool(self._tools[tool_id]), **ctags_item } if nb_matches >= limit: return def content_fossology_license_get(self, ids): """Retrieve licenses per id. Args: ids (iterable): sha1 checksums Yields: `{id: facts}` where `facts` is a dict with the following keys: - **licenses** ([str]): associated licenses for that content - **tool** (dict): Tool used to compute the license """ # Rewrites the output of SubStorage.get from the old format to # the new one. SubStorage.get should be updated once all other # *_get methods use the new format. # See: https://forge.softwareheritage.org/T1433 res = {} for d in self._licenses.get(ids): res.setdefault(d.pop('id'), []).append(d) for (id_, facts) in res.items(): yield {id_: facts} def content_fossology_license_add(self, licenses, conflict_update=False): """Add licenses not present in storage. Args: licenses (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id**: sha1 - **licenses** ([bytes]): List of licenses associated to sha1 - **tool** (str): nomossa conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true) or skip duplicates (false, the default) Returns: list: content_license entries which failed due to unknown licenses """ if not all(isinstance(x['id'], bytes) for x in licenses): raise TypeError('identifiers must be bytes.') self._licenses.add_merge(licenses, conflict_update, 'licenses') def content_fossology_license_get_range( self, start, end, indexer_configuration_id, limit=1000): """Retrieve licenses within range [start, end] bound by limit. Args: **start** (bytes): Starting identifier range (expected smaller than end) **end** (bytes): Ending identifier range (expected larger than start) **indexer_configuration_id** (int): The tool used to index data **limit** (int): Limit result (default to 1000) Raises: ValueError for limit to None Returns: a dict with keys: - **ids** [bytes]: iterable of content ids within the range. - **next** (Optional[bytes]): The next range of sha1 starts at this sha1 if any """ return self._licenses.get_range( start, end, indexer_configuration_id, limit) def content_metadata_missing(self, metadata): """List metadata missing from storage. Args: metadata (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1 identifier - **indexer_configuration_id** (int): tool used to compute the results Yields: missing sha1s """ yield from self._content_metadata.missing(metadata) def content_metadata_get(self, ids): """Retrieve metadata per id. Args: ids (iterable): sha1 checksums Yields: dictionaries with the following keys: - **id** (bytes) - **translated_metadata** (str): associated metadata - **tool** (dict): tool used to compute metadata """ yield from self._content_metadata.get(ids) def content_metadata_add(self, metadata, conflict_update=False): """Add metadata not present in storage. Args: metadata (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id**: sha1 - **translated_metadata**: arbitrary dict - **indexer_configuration_id**: tool used to compute the results conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true) or skip duplicates (false, the default) """ if not all(isinstance(x['id'], bytes) for x in metadata): raise TypeError('identifiers must be bytes.') self._content_metadata.add(metadata, conflict_update) def revision_metadata_missing(self, metadata): """List metadata missing from storage. Args: metadata (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id** (bytes): sha1_git revision identifier - **indexer_configuration_id** (int): tool used to compute the results Yields: missing ids """ yield from self._revision_metadata.missing(metadata) def revision_metadata_get(self, ids): """Retrieve revision metadata per id. Args: ids (iterable): sha1 checksums Yields: dictionaries with the following keys: - **id** (bytes) - **translated_metadata** (str): associated metadata - **tool** (dict): tool used to compute metadata - **mappings** (List[str]): list of mappings used to translate these metadata """ yield from self._revision_metadata.get(ids) def revision_metadata_add(self, metadata, conflict_update=False): """Add metadata not present in storage. Args: metadata (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **id**: sha1_git of revision - **translated_metadata**: arbitrary dict - **indexer_configuration_id**: tool used to compute metadata - **mappings** (List[str]): list of mappings used to translate these metadata conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true) or skip duplicates (false, the default) """ if not all(isinstance(x['id'], bytes) for x in metadata): raise TypeError('identifiers must be bytes.') self._revision_metadata.add(metadata, conflict_update) def origin_intrinsic_metadata_get(self, ids): """Retrieve origin metadata per id. Args: ids (iterable): origin identifiers Yields: list: dictionaries with the following keys: - **origin_id** (int) - **translated_metadata** (str): associated metadata - **tool** (dict): tool used to compute metadata - **mappings** (List[str]): list of mappings used to translate these metadata """ for item in self._origin_intrinsic_metadata.get(ids): item['origin_id'] = item.pop('id') yield item def origin_intrinsic_metadata_add(self, metadata, conflict_update=False): """Add origin metadata not present in storage. Args: metadata (iterable): dictionaries with keys: - **origin_id**: origin identifier - **from_revision**: sha1 id of the revision used to generate these metadata. - **metadata**: arbitrary dict - **indexer_configuration_id**: tool used to compute metadata - **mappings** (List[str]): list of mappings used to translate these metadata conflict_update: Flag to determine if we want to overwrite (true) or skip duplicates (false, the default) """ items = [] for item in metadata: item = item.copy() item['id'] = item.pop('origin_id') items.append(item) self._origin_intrinsic_metadata.add(items, conflict_update) def origin_intrinsic_metadata_search_fulltext( self, conjunction, limit=100): """Returns the list of origins whose metadata contain all the terms. Args: conjunction (List[str]): List of terms to be searched for. limit (int): The maximum number of results to return Yields: list: dictionaries with the following keys: - **id** (int) - **metadata** (str): associated metadata - **tool** (dict): tool used to compute metadata - **mappings** (List[str]): list of mappings used to translate these metadata """ # A very crude fulltext search implementation, but that's enough # to work on English metadata tokens_re = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9]+') search_tokens = list(itertools.chain( *map(tokens_re.findall, conjunction))) def rank(data): # Tokenize the metadata text = json.dumps(data['metadata']) text_tokens = tokens_re.findall(text) text_token_occurences = Counter(text_tokens) # Count the number of occurrences of search tokens in the text score = 0 for search_token in search_tokens: if text_token_occurences[search_token] == 0: # Search token is not in the text. return 0 score += text_token_occurences[search_token] # Normalize according to the text's length return score / math.log(len(text_tokens)) results = [(rank(data), data) for data in self._origin_intrinsic_metadata.get_all()] results = [(rank_, data) for (rank_, data) in results if rank_ > 0] results.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), # Don't try to order 'data' reverse=True) for (rank_, result) in results[:limit]: result = result.copy() result['origin_id'] = result.pop('id') yield result def origin_intrinsic_metadata_stats(self): """Returns statistics on stored intrinsic metadata. Returns: dict: dictionary with keys: - total (int): total number of origins that were indexed (possibly yielding an empty metadata dictionary) - non_empty (int): total number of origins that we extracted a non-empty metadata dictionary from - per_mapping (dict): a dictionary with mapping names as keys and number of origins whose indexing used this mapping. Note that indexing a given origin may use 0, 1, or many mappings. """ mapping_count = {m: 0 for m in MAPPING_NAMES} total = non_empty = 0 for data in self._origin_intrinsic_metadata.get_all(): total += 1 if set(data['metadata']) - {'@context'}: non_empty += 1 for mapping in data['mappings']: mapping_count[mapping] += 1 return { 'per_mapping': mapping_count, 'total': total, 'non_empty': non_empty } def indexer_configuration_add(self, tools): """Add new tools to the storage. Args: tools ([dict]): List of dictionary representing tool to insert in the db. Dictionary with the following keys: - **tool_name** (str): tool's name - **tool_version** (str): tool's version - **tool_configuration** (dict): tool's configuration (free form dict) Returns: list: List of dict inserted in the db (holding the id key as well). The order of the list is not guaranteed to match the order of the initial list. """ inserted = [] for tool in tools: tool = tool.copy() id_ = self._tool_key(tool) tool['id'] = id_ self._tools[id_] = tool inserted.append(tool) return inserted def indexer_configuration_get(self, tool): """Retrieve tool information. Args: tool (dict): Dictionary representing a tool with the following keys: - **tool_name** (str): tool's name - **tool_version** (str): tool's version - **tool_configuration** (dict): tool's configuration (free form dict) Returns: The same dictionary with an `id` key, None otherwise. """ return self._tools.get(self._tool_key(tool)) def _tool_key(self, tool): - return (tool['tool_name'], tool['tool_version'], - json.dumps(tool['tool_configuration'], sort_keys=True)) + return hash((tool['tool_name'], tool['tool_version'], + json.dumps(tool['tool_configuration'], sort_keys=True)))