diff --git a/swh/archiver/worker.py b/swh/archiver/worker.py index 257cfdc..9c6ceca 100644 --- a/swh/archiver/worker.py +++ b/swh/archiver/worker.py @@ -1,431 +1,431 @@ # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import abc import datetime import logging import random from collections import defaultdict from celery import group from swh.core import config, utils from swh.objstorage import get_objstorage from swh.objstorage.exc import Error, ObjNotFoundError from swh.model import hashutil from swh.scheduler.utils import get_task from .storage import get_archiver_storage from .copier import ArchiverCopier logger = logging.getLogger('archiver.worker') class BaseArchiveWorker(config.SWHConfig, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base archive worker. Inherit from this class and override: - ADDITIONAL_CONFIG: Some added configuration needed for the director to work - CONFIG_BASE_FILENAME: relative path to lookup for the configuration file - def need_archival(self, content_data): Determine if a content needs archival or not - def choose_backup_servers(self, present, missing): Choose which backup server to send copies to """ DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'archiver_storage': ('dict', { 'cls': 'db', 'args': { 'dbconn': 'dbname=softwareheritage-archiver-dev user=guest', }, }), 'storages': ('list[dict]', [ {'host': 'uffizi', 'cls': 'pathslicing', 'args': {'root': '/tmp/softwareheritage/objects', 'slicing': '0:2/2:4/4:6'}}, {'host': 'banco', 'cls': 'remote', 'args': {'base_url': 'http://banco:5003/'}} ]) } ADDITIONAL_CONFIG = {} CONFIG_BASE_FILENAME = 'archiver/worker' objstorages = {} def __init__(self, batch): super().__init__() self.config = self.parse_config_file( additional_configs=[self.ADDITIONAL_CONFIG]) self.batch = batch self.archiver_db = get_archiver_storage( **self.config['archiver_storage']) self.objstorages = { storage['host']: get_objstorage(storage['cls'], storage['args']) for storage in self.config.get('storages', []) } self.set_objstorages = set(self.objstorages) def run(self): """Do the task expected from the archiver worker. Process the contents in self.batch, ensure that the elements still need an archival (using archiver db), and spawn copiers to copy files in each destination according to the archiver-worker's policy. """ transfers = defaultdict(list) for obj_id in self.batch: # Get dict {'missing': [servers], 'present': [servers]} # for contents ignoring those who don't need archival. copies = self.compute_copies(self.set_objstorages, obj_id) if not copies: # could not happen if using .director module msg = 'Unknown content %s' % hashutil.hash_to_hex(obj_id) logger.warning(msg) continue if not self.need_archival(copies): continue present = copies.get('present', set()) missing = copies.get('missing', set()) if len(present) == 0: msg = 'Lost content %s' % hashutil.hash_to_hex(obj_id) logger.critical(msg) continue # Choose servers to be used as srcs and dests. for src_dest in self.choose_backup_servers(present, missing): transfers[src_dest].append(obj_id) # Then run copiers for each of the required transfers. contents_copied = [] for (src, dest), content_ids in transfers.items(): contents_copied.extend(self.run_copier(src, dest, content_ids)) # copy is done, eventually do something else with them self.copy_finished(contents_copied) def compute_copies(self, set_objstorages, content_id): """From a content_id, return present and missing copies. Args: objstorages (set): objstorage's id name content_id: the content concerned Returns: dict: A dictionary with the following keys: - present: set of archives where the content is present - missing: set of archives where the content is missing - ongoing: dict mapping the archive id with the time the copy supposedly started. """ result = self.archiver_db.content_archive_get(content_id) if not result: return None _, present, ongoing = result set_present = set_objstorages & set(present) set_ongoing = set_objstorages & set(ongoing) set_missing = set_objstorages - set_present - set_ongoing return { 'present': set_present, 'missing': set_missing, 'ongoing': {archive: value for archive, value in ongoing.items() if archive in set_ongoing}, } def run_copier(self, source, destination, content_ids): """Run a copier in order to archive the given contents. Upload the given contents from the source to the destination. If the process fails, the whole content is considered uncopied and remains 'ongoing', waiting to be rescheduled as there is a delay. Args: source (str): source storage's identifier destination (str): destination storage's identifier content_ids ([sha1]): list of content ids to archive. """ # Check if there are any errors among the contents. content_status = self.get_contents_error(content_ids, source) # Iterates over the error detected. for content_id, real_status in content_status.items(): # Remove them from the to-archive list, # as they cannot be retrieved correctly. content_ids.remove(content_id) # Update their status to reflect their real state. self.archiver_db.content_archive_update( content_id, archive_id=source, new_status=real_status) # Now perform the copy on the remaining contents ac = ArchiverCopier( source=self.objstorages[source], destination=self.objstorages[destination], content_ids=content_ids) if ac.run(): # Once the archival complete, update the database. for content_id in content_ids: self.archiver_db.content_archive_update( content_id, archive_id=destination, new_status='present') return content_ids return [] def copy_finished(self, content_ids): """Hook to notify the content_ids archive copy is finished. (This is not an abstract method as this is optional """ pass def get_contents_error(self, content_ids, source_storage): """Indicates what is the error associated to a content when needed Check the given content on the given storage. If an error is detected, it will be reported through the returned dict. Args: content_ids ([sha1]): list of content ids to check source_storage (str): the source storage holding the contents to check. Returns: a dict that map {content_id -> error_status} for each content_id with an error. The `error_status` result may be 'missing' or 'corrupted'. """ content_status = {} storage = self.objstorages[source_storage] for content_id in content_ids: try: storage.check(content_id) except Error: content_status[content_id] = 'corrupted' logger.error('%s corrupted!' % hashutil.hash_to_hex( content_id)) except ObjNotFoundError: content_status[content_id] = 'missing' logger.error('%s missing!' % hashutil.hash_to_hex(content_id)) return content_status @abc.abstractmethod def need_archival(self, content_data): """Indicate if the content needs to be archived. Args: content_data (dict): dict that contains two lists 'present' and 'missing' with copies id corresponding to this status. Returns: True if there is not enough copies, False otherwise. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def choose_backup_servers(self, present, missing): """Choose and yield the required amount of couple source/destination For each required copy, choose a unique destination server among the missing copies and a source server among the presents. Args: present: set of objstorage source name where the content is present missing: set of objstorage destination name where the content is missing Yields: tuple (source (str), destination (src)) for each required copy. """ pass class ArchiverWithRetentionPolicyWorker(BaseArchiveWorker): """ Do the required backups on a given batch of contents. Process the content of a content batch in order to do the needed backups on the slaves servers. """ ADDITIONAL_CONFIG = { 'retention_policy': ('int', 2), 'archival_max_age': ('int', 3600), 'sources': ('list[str]', ['uffizi', 'banco']), } def __init__(self, batch): """ Constructor of the ArchiverWorker class. Args: batch: list of object's sha1 that potentially need archival. """ super().__init__(batch) config = self.config self.retention_policy = config['retention_policy'] self.archival_max_age = config['archival_max_age'] self.sources = config['sources'] if len(self.objstorages) < self.retention_policy: raise ValueError('Retention policy is too high for the number of ' 'provided servers') def need_archival(self, content_data): """ Indicate if the content need to be archived. Args: content_data (dict): dict that contains two lists 'present' and 'missing' with copies id corresponding to this status. Returns: True if there is not enough copies, False otherwise. """ nb_presents = len(content_data.get('present', [])) for copy, mtime in content_data.get('ongoing', {}).items(): if not self._is_archival_delay_elapsed(mtime): nb_presents += 1 return nb_presents < self.retention_policy def _is_archival_delay_elapsed(self, start_time): """ Indicates if the archival delay is elapsed given the start_time Args: start_time (float): time at which the archival started. Returns: True if the archival delay is elasped, False otherwise """ elapsed = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) - start_time return elapsed > datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.archival_max_age) def choose_backup_servers(self, present, missing): """Choose and yield the required amount of couple source/destination For each required copy, choose a unique destination server among the missing copies and a source server among the presents. Each destination server is unique so after archival, the retention policy requirement will be fulfilled. However, the source server may be used multiple times. Args: present: set of objstorage source name where the content is present missing: set of objstorage destination name where the content is missing Yields: tuple (source, destination) for each required copy. """ # Transform from set to list to allow random selections missing = list(missing) present = list(present) all_sources = [source for source in present if source in self.sources] nb_required = self.retention_policy - len(present) destinations = random.sample(missing, nb_required) sources = [random.choice(all_sources) for dest in destinations] yield from zip(sources, destinations) class ArchiverToBackendWorker(BaseArchiveWorker): """Worker that sends copies over from a source to another backend. Process the content of a content batch from source objstorage to destination objstorage. """ CONFIG_BASE_FILENAME = 'archiver/worker-to-backend' ADDITIONAL_CONFIG = { 'next_task': ( 'dict', { - 'queue': 'swh.indexer.tasks.SWHOrchestratorAllContentsTask', + 'name': 'swh.indexer.tasks.SWHOrchestratorAllContentsTask', 'batch_size': 10, } ) } def __init__(self, destination, batch): """Constructor of the ArchiverWorkerToBackend class. Args: destination: where to copy the objects from batch: sha1s to send to destination """ super().__init__(batch) self.destination = destination next_task = self.config['next_task'] if next_task: - destination_queue = next_task['queue'] - self.task_destination = get_task(destination_queue) + destination_task = next_task['name'] + self.task_destination = get_task(destination_task) self.batch_size = int(next_task['batch_size']) else: self.task_destination = self.batch_size = None def need_archival(self, content_data): """Indicate if the content needs to be archived. Args: content_data (dict): dict that contains 3 lists 'present', 'ongoing' and 'missing' with copies id corresponding to this status. Returns: True if we need to archive, False otherwise """ return self.destination in content_data.get('missing', {}) def choose_backup_servers(self, present, missing): """The destination is fixed to the destination mentioned. The only variable here is the source of information that we choose randomly in 'present'. Args: present: set of objstorage source name where the content is present missing: set of objstorage destination name where the content is missing Yields: tuple (source, destination) for each required copy. """ yield (random.choice(list(present)), self.destination) def copy_finished(self, content_ids): """Once the copy is finished, we'll send those batch of contents as done in the destination queue. """ if self.task_destination: groups = [] for ids in utils.grouper(content_ids, self.batch_size): sig_ids = self.task_destination.s(list(ids)) groups.append(sig_ids) group(groups).delay()