(swh) ~/swh-environment$ pip install $(./bin/pip-swh-packages --with-testing) Successfully built PyYAML systemd-python psycopg2 vcversioner python-cephlibs retrying pyld fastimport dulwich SQLAlchemy python-hglib sqlitedict subvertpy htmlmin pypandoc sphinxcontrib-images wrapt yarl billiard snowballstemmer future ERROR: sphinxcontrib-images 0.8.0 has requirement sphinx<2,>=1.1.3, but you'll have sphinx 2.1.2 which is incompatible. ERROR: swh-docs 0.0.0.post156 has requirement sphinx<2,>=1.3, but you'll have sphinx 2.1.2 which is incompatible. Installing collected packages: wrapt, Deprecated, PyYAML, systemd-python, atomicwrites, more-itertools, attrs, pytest, mirakuru, port-for, pytest-postgresql, certifi, idna, chardet, urllib3, requests, requests-mock, hypothesis, psycopg2, async-timeout, multidict, yarl, aiohttp, python-dateutil, arrow, decorator, itsdangerous, Werkzeug, Flask, msgpack, swh.core, vcversioner, swh.model, apache-libcloud, azure-common, azure-nspkg, asn1crypto, cryptography,