arc diff --update D1482 origin/master You have untracked files in this working copy. Working copy: /home/archit/swh-environment/swh-lister/ Untracked changes in working copy: (To ignore these changes, add them to ".git/info/exclude".) swh/lister/cran/.vscode/settings.json swh/lister/gnu/.vscode/settings.json Ignore these untracked files and continue? [y/N] y Linting... No lint engine configured for this project. Running unit tests... No unit test engine is configured for this project. Diff for 'swh/lister/gnu/tests/api_response.json' with context is 6,160,414 bytes in length. Generally, source changes should not be this large. If this file is a huge text file, try using the '--less-context' flag. If the file is not a text file, you can mark it 'binary'. Mark this file as 'binary' and continue? [y/N] y Exception Command failed with error #128! COMMAND git ls-tree 'd6169c7141bcd4c16a1c9d5702e03993a1c818f0' -- '' STDOUT (empty) STDERR fatal: empty string is not a valid pathspec. please use . instead if you meant to match all paths (Run with `--trace` for a full exception trace.)