Using the Software Heritage Graph Dataset ========================================= This README contains instructions on how to use the different formats the *Software Heritage graph dataset* is distributed as. Schema ------ The detailed schema of the database dumps is available in ``. The different fields are documented in the comments of the schema itself. PostgreSQL dumps ---------------- [PostgreSQL]( dumps are available using the `sql_` prefix. They can be imported in a local database using: ``` createdb softwareheritage unzip psql softwareheritage < sql_swh_import.sql ``` Parquet dumps ------------- [Parquet]( dumps are available using the `parquet_` prefix. They can be imported in a Hadoop cluster to be analyzed with any data processing framework that supports Parquet files (Hive, Drill, Spark, ...) The parquet dataset is stored in tarballs that can be unpacked using: ``` tar xvf parquet_* ``` Using Amazon Athena ------------------- The *Software Heritage graph dataset* is available as a public dataset in [Amazon Athena]( ### Setup In order to query the dataset using Athena, you will first need to [create an AWS account and setup billing]( Once your AWS account is ready, you will need to install a few dependencies on your machine: - Python 3 - The [aws cli]( - The [boto3 Python package]( On Debian, the dependencies can be installed with the following commands: ``` sudo apt install python3 python3-boto3 awscli ``` Once the dependencies are installed, run: ``` aws configure ``` and add your AWS Access Key ID and your AWS Secret Access Key, to give Python access to your AWS account. ### Create the tables To import the schema of the dataset into your account, extract ``, then run the following command from the [athena/](athena/) folder: ``` ./ ``` This will create the required tables in your AWS account. You can check that the tables were successfuly created by going to the [Amazon Athena console]( and selecting the "swh" database. ### Run queries From the console, once you have selected the "swh" database, you can directly run queries from the Query Editor. Here is an example query that computes the most frequent file names in the archive: ``` SELECT FROM_UTF8(name, '?') AS name, COUNT(DISTINCT target) AS cnt FROM directory_entry_file GROUP BY name ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 1; ``` More documentation on Amazon Athena is available [here]( Software Heritage Environment ============================= Reproducing the dataset requires a local instance of the Software Heritage stack. In general, it is possible to run this stack locally by following the steps outlined in the [Getting Started guide]( of the Software Heritage documentation. For reproducibility purposes, an archive of the exact version of the software stack that was used during the publication of the dataset is also available as part of the dataset itself, in `swh-environment.tar.gz`. To extract it, you can run: ``` tar xvf swh-environment.tar.gz ```