# storage to read sha1's metadata (path) # storage: # cls: local # args: # db: "service=swh-dev" # objstorage: # cls: pathslicing # args: # root: /home/storage/swh-storage/ # slicing: 0:1/1:5 storage: cls: remote args: url: http://localhost:5002/ indexer_storage: cls: remote args: url: http://localhost:5007/ # storage to read sha1's content # adapt this to your need # locally: this needs to match your storage's setup objstorage: cls: pathslicing args: slicing: 0:1/1:5 root: /home/storage/swh-storage/ destination_queue: swh.indexer.tasks.SWHOrchestratorTextContentsTask rescheduling_task: swh.indexer.tasks.SWHContentMimetypeTask