softwareheritage=> select count(*) from (select url as child, (select count(*) from origin_visit where as child_visits, encode(metadata, 'escape')::json->'parent'->'full_name' as parent, (select count(*) from origin_visit, origin as o where and o.url= concat(''::text, (encode(metadata, 'escape')::json->'parent'->>'full_name')::text)) as parent_visits from raw_extrinsic_metadata, origin where digest(url, 'sha1')=decode(substring(target, 11), 'hex') and target>'swh:1:ori:' and target < 'swh:1:orz' and format='application/vnd.github.v3+json' and encode(metadata, 'escape') not like '%\\3%' and encode(metadata, 'escape') not like '%\\\\%' and encode(metadata, 'escape')::json->'parent'->'full_name' is not null) as t where t.child_visits=1 and t.parent_visits>0; ^[[A^[[A count ------- 10642 (1 row) softwareheritage=> select count(*) from (select url as child, (select count(*) from origin_visit where as child_visits, encode(metadata, 'escape')::json->'parent'->'full_name' as parent, (select count(*) from origin_visit, origin as o where and o.url= concat(''::text, (encode(metadata, 'escape')::json->'parent'->>'full_name')::text)) as parent_visits from raw_extrinsic_metadata, origin where digest(url, 'sha1')=decode(substring(target, 11), 'hex') and target>'swh:1:ori:' and target < 'swh:1:orz' and format='application/vnd.github.v3+json' and encode(metadata, 'escape') not like '%\\3%' and encode(metadata, 'escape') not like '%\\\\%' and encode(metadata, 'escape')::json->'parent'->'full_name' is not null) as t; count ------- 17775 (1 row)