16:28:34 softwareheritage-scheduler@belvedere:5432=> select type, policy, count(*) from task where type like 'load-%' and status !='disabled' and priority is null group by type, policy;
|        type        |  policy   |  count  |
| load-archive-files | oneshot   |     706 |
| load-cran          | oneshot   |   29518 |
| load-deb-package   | oneshot   | 3601119 |
| load-deposit       | oneshot   |    1461 |
| load-git           | recurring |    1025 |
| load-hg            | recurring |      33 |
| load-nixguix       | recurring |       2 |
| load-pypi          | recurring |     137 |
| load-svn           | recurring |      13 |
(9 rows)

Time: 1183549.587 ms (19:43.550)

Or is it old tasks we forgot to disable?