swh_config = '/tmp/pytest-of-jenkins/pytest-0/test_uncompress_failure0/loader.yml'
requests_mock_datadir = <requests_mock.mocker.Mocker object at 0x7fab14420a90>
def test_uncompress_failure(swh_config, requests_mock_datadir):
"""Non tarball files are currently not supported and the uncompress
function fails on such kind of files.
However, even in this case of failure (because of the url
https://example.com/file.txt), a snapshot and a visit has to be
created (with a status partial since all files are not archived).
loader = NixGuixLoader(sources_url)
loader_status = loader.load()
urls = [s["urls"][0] for s in loader.sources]
> assert "https://example.com/file.txt" in urls
E AssertionError: assert 'https://example.com/file.txt' in ['https://github.com/owner-1/repository-1/revision-1.tgz']
.tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/loader/package/nixguix/tests/test_nixguix.py:292: AssertionError
- Run At
- Aug 7 2020, 6:44 PM