swh_config = '/tmp/pytest-of-jenkins/pytest-0/test_loader_one_visit0/loader.yml'
requests_mock_datadir = <requests_mock.mocker.Mocker object at 0x7f621c252860>
raw_sources = b'{\n "sources": [\n {\n "type": "url",\n "urls": [ "https://github.com/owner-1/repository-1/revision-1....Mcx6QctleltspAgXlM="\n }\n ],\n "version": "1",\n "revision": "cc4e04c26672dd74e5fd0fecb78b435fb55368f7"\n}\n'
def test_loader_one_visit(swh_config, requests_mock_datadir, raw_sources):
loader = NixGuixLoader(sources_url)
res = loader.load()
assert res["status"] == "eventful"
stats = get_stats(loader.storage)
assert {
"content": 1,
"directory": 3,
"origin": 1,
"origin_visit": 1,
"person": 1,
"release": 0,
"revision": 1,
"skipped_content": 0,
"snapshot": 1,
} == stats
# The visit is partial because urls pointing to non tarball file
# are not handled yet
> loader.storage, sources_url, status="partial", type="nixguix"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
storage = <swh.storage.retry.RetryingProxyStorage object at 0x7f621cb859b0>
url = 'https://nix-community.github.io/nixpkgs-swh/sources.json'
status = 'partial', type = 'nixguix', snapshot = None
def assert_last_visit_matches(
url: str,
status: str,
type: Optional[str] = None,
snapshot: Optional[bytes] = None,
) -> OriginVisitStatus:
"""This retrieves the last visit and visit_status which are expected to exist.
This also checks that the {visit|visit_status} have their respective properties
correctly set.
This returns the last visit_status for that given origin.
url: Origin url
status: Check that the visit status has the given status
type: Check that the returned visit has the given type
snapshot: Check that the visit status points to the given snapshot
AssertionError in case visit or visit status is not found, or any of the type,
status and snapshot mismatch
the visit status for further check during the remaining part of the test.
visit_and_status = origin_get_latest_visit_status(storage, url)
assert visit_and_status is not None, f"Origin {url} has no visits"
visit, visit_status = visit_and_status
if type:
assert visit.type == type, f"Visit has type {visit.type} instead of {type}"
> assert (
visit_status.status == status
), f"Visit_status has status {visit_status.status} instead of {status}"
E AssertionError: Visit_status has status full instead of partial
E assert 'full' == 'partial'
E - partial
E + full
.tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/loader/tests/__init__.py:53: AssertionError
- Run At
- Aug 7 2020, 5:46 PM