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Run At
Sep 27 2022, 3:40 PM
client = <FlaskClient <Flask 'swh.graphql.tests.conftest'>> def test_query_cost_origin(client): query_str = """ { origins(first: 10) { nodes { url latestVisit { date } visits(first: 5) { nodes { date status { nodes { date } } } } snapshots(first: 5) { nodes { swhid } } } } } """ # Total cost here is 170 # 10 (origin) + 10 (latestVisit) + 10*5 (visits) + 10 * 5 * 3 (status) + # 10 * 5*2 (snapshots) = 320 errors = utils.get_error_response(client, query_str) > assert ( "The query exceeds the maximum cost of 100. Actual cost is 320" in errors[0]["message"] ) E assert 'The query exceeds the maximum cost of 100. Actual cost is 320' in "Cannot query field 'status' on type 'Visit'. Did you mean 'statuses'?" .tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/graphql/tests/functional/ AssertionError