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Jul 22 2022, 10:11 AM
def test_index_content_metadata_npm(): """ testing NPM with package.json - one sha1 uses a file that can't be translated to metadata and should return None in the translated metadata """ sha1s = [ hash_to_bytes("26a9f72a7c87cc9205725cfd879f514ff4f3d8d5"), hash_to_bytes("d4c647f0fc257591cc9ba1722484229780d1c607"), hash_to_bytes("02fb2c89e14f7fab46701478c83779c7beb7b069"), ] # this metadata indexer computes only metadata for package.json # in npm context with a hard mapping config = BASE_TEST_CONFIG.copy() config["tools"] = [TRANSLATOR_TOOL] metadata_indexer = ContentMetadataTestIndexer(config=config) fill_obj_storage(metadata_indexer.objstorage) fill_storage( results = list(metadata_indexer.idx_storage.content_metadata_get(sha1s)) expected_results = [ ContentMetadataRow( id=hash_to_bytes("26a9f72a7c87cc9205725cfd879f514ff4f3d8d5"), tool=TRANSLATOR_TOOL, metadata={ "@context": "", "type": "SoftwareSourceCode", "codeRepository": "git+", "description": "Simple package.json test for indexer", "name": "test_metadata", "version": "0.0.1", }, ), ContentMetadataRow( id=hash_to_bytes("d4c647f0fc257591cc9ba1722484229780d1c607"), tool=TRANSLATOR_TOOL, metadata={ "@context": "", "type": "SoftwareSourceCode", "issueTracker": "", "author": [ { "type": "Person", "name": "Isaac Z. Schlueter", "email": "", "url": "", } ], "codeRepository": "git+", "description": "a package manager for JavaScript", "license": "", "version": "5.0.3", "name": "npm", "keywords": [ "install", "modules", "package manager", "package.json", ], "url": "", }, ), ] for result in results: del result.tool["id"] # The assertion below returns False sometimes because of nested lists > assert expected_results == results E AssertionError: assert ['})] == [] E Left contains 2 more items, first extra item: ContentMetadataRow(indexer_configuration_id=None, tool={'name': 'swh-metadata-translator', 'version': '0.0.2', '', 'description': 'Simple package.json test for indexer', 'name': 'test_metadata', 'version': '0.0.1'}) E Full diff: E [ E - , E + ContentMetadataRow(indexer_configuration_id=None, tool={'name': 'swh-metadata-translator', 'version': '0.0.2', 'configuration': {'type': 'local', 'context': 'NpmMapping'}}, id=b'&\xa9\xf7*|\x87\xcc\x92\x05r\\\xfd\x87\x9fQO\xf4\xf3\xd8\xd5', metadata={'@context': ' E E ...Full output truncated (3 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show .tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/indexer/tests/metadata_dictionary/ AssertionError