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Run At
May 31 2022, 9:21 AM
cli_runner = <click.testing.CliRunner object at 0x7fa6e887dc18> postgresql = <connection object at 0x7fa6eb24c2c8; dsn: 'user=postgres password=xxx dbname=tests host= port=26870 options=''', closed: 0> mock_import_swhmodule = <function mock_import_swhmodule.<locals>.import_swhmodule_mock at 0x7fa6e86e67b8> mocker = <pytest_mock.plugin.MockerFixture object at 0x7fa6e887d438> tmp_path = PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-jenkins/pytest-0/test_cli_swh_db_create_and_ini0') def test_cli_swh_db_create_and_init_db_new_api( cli_runner, postgresql, mock_import_swhmodule, mocker, tmp_path ): """Create a db then initializing it should be ok for a "new style" datastore""" module_name = "test.cli_new" conninfo = craft_conninfo(postgresql) # This initializes the schema and data cfgfile = tmp_path / "config.yml" cfgfile.write_text(yaml.dump({module_name: {"cls": "postgresql", "db": conninfo}})) result = cli_runner.invoke(swhdb, ["init-admin", module_name, "--dbname", conninfo]) > assert result.exit_code == 0, f"Unexpected output: {result.output}" E AssertionError: Unexpected output: E assert 1 == 0 E + where 1 = <Result UndefinedObject('role "guest" does not exist\n')>.exit_code .tox/py3-core-db-server-github-slow-cover/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/core/db/tests/ AssertionError