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Run At
Apr 25 2022, 3:49 PM
swh_scheduler = <swh.scheduler.backend.SchedulerBackend object at 0x7f98ffa3e2b0> caplog = <_pytest.logging.LogCaptureFixture object at 0x7f98ffa3e198> requests_ratelimited = <requests_mock.mocker.Mocker object at 0x7f98ffa3e9e8> monkeypatch_sleep_calls = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...], num_before_ratelimit = 5 ratelimit_reset = 123456 github_credentials = [{'password': 'token-legacy-0', 'username': 'swh-legacy0'}, {'password': 'token-legacy-1', 'username': 'swh-legacy1'},...n': 'token-0', 'username': 'swh0'}, {'token': 'token-1', 'username': 'swh1'}, {'token': 'token-2', 'username': 'swh2'}] lister_credentials = {'github': {'github': [{'password': 'token-legacy-0', 'username': 'swh-legacy0'}, {'password': 'token-legacy-1', 'user...: 'token-0', 'username': 'swh0'}, {'token': 'token-1', 'username': 'swh1'}, {'token': 'token-2', 'username': 'swh2'}]}} @pytest.mark.parametrize( # Do 5 successful requests, return 6 ratelimits (to exhaust the credentials) with a # set value for X-Ratelimit-Reset, then resume listing successfully. "num_before_ratelimit, num_ratelimit, ratelimit_reset", [(5, 6, 123456)], ) def test_ratelimit_reset_sleep( swh_scheduler, caplog, requests_ratelimited, monkeypatch_sleep_calls, num_before_ratelimit, ratelimit_reset, github_credentials, lister_credentials, ): """Check that the lister properly handles rate-limiting when providing it with authentication tokens""" caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, "swh.lister.github.lister") lister = GitHubLister(scheduler=swh_scheduler, credentials=lister_credentials) res = assert res == ListerStats(pages=NUM_PAGES, origins=ORIGIN_COUNT) # We sleep 1 second every time we change credentials, then we sleep until # ratelimit_reset + 1 expected_sleep_calls = len(github_credentials) * [1] + [ratelimit_reset + 1] assert monkeypatch_sleep_calls == expected_sleep_calls found_exhaustion_message = False for record in caplog.records: if record.levelname == "INFO": if "Rate limits exhausted for all tokens" in record.message: found_exhaustion_message = True break > assert found_exhaustion_message E assert False .tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/lister/github/tests/ AssertionError