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Feb 24 2022, 11:16 AM
kafka_prefix = 'begirrfpde', kafka_consumer_group = 'test-consumer-begirrfpde' kafka_server = '' @pytest.fixture() def replayer_storage_and_client( kafka_prefix: str, kafka_consumer_group: str, kafka_server: str ): journal_writer_config = { "cls": "kafka", "brokers": [kafka_server], "client_id": "kafka_writer", "prefix": kafka_prefix, } storage_config: Dict[str, Any] = { "cls": "memory", "journal_writer": journal_writer_config, } storage = get_storage(**storage_config) deserializer = ModelObjectDeserializer() replayer = JournalClient( brokers=kafka_server, group_id=kafka_consumer_group, prefix=kafka_prefix, stop_on_eof=True, > value_deserializer=deserializer.convert, ) .tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/storage/tests/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = <swh.journal.client.JournalClient object at 0x7fb2c4c2b320> brokers = [''], group_id = 'test-consumer-begirrfpde' prefix = 'begirrfpde', object_types = None, privileged = False stop_after_objects = None, batch_size = 200, process_timeout = None auto_offset_reset = 'earliest', stop_on_eof = True value_deserializer = <bound method ModelObjectDeserializer.convert of < object at 0x7fb2c4c2bc18>> kwargs = {}, debug_logging = False, group_instance_id = None consumer_settings = {'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest', 'bootstrap.servers': '', '': False, 'enable.partition.eof': True, ...} existing_topics = [] def __init__( self, brokers: Union[str, List[str]], group_id: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, object_types: Optional[List[str]] = None, privileged: bool = False, stop_after_objects: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: int = 200, process_timeout: Optional[float] = None, auto_offset_reset: str = "earliest", stop_on_eof: bool = False, value_deserializer: Optional[Callable[[str, bytes], Any]] = None, **kwargs, ): if prefix is None: prefix = DEFAULT_PREFIX if auto_offset_reset not in ACCEPTED_OFFSET_RESET: raise ValueError( "Option 'auto_offset_reset' only accept %s, not %s" % (ACCEPTED_OFFSET_RESET, auto_offset_reset) ) if batch_size <= 0: raise ValueError("Option 'batch_size' needs to be positive") if value_deserializer: self.value_deserializer = value_deserializer else: self.value_deserializer = lambda _, value: kafka_to_value(value) if isinstance(brokers, str): brokers = [brokers] debug_logging = rdkafka_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) if debug_logging and "debug" not in kwargs: kwargs["debug"] = "consumer" # Static group instance id management group_instance_id = os.environ.get("KAFKA_GROUP_INSTANCE_ID") if group_instance_id: kwargs[""] = group_instance_id if "" in kwargs: # When doing static consumer group membership, set a higher default # session timeout. The session timeout is the duration after which # the broker considers that a consumer has left the consumer group # for good, and triggers a rebalance. Considering our current # processing pattern, 10 minutes gives the consumer ample time to # restart before that happens. if "" not in kwargs: kwargs[""] = 10 * 60 * 1000 # 10 minutes if "" in kwargs: # When the session timeout is set, rdkafka requires the max poll # interval to be set to a higher value; the max poll interval is # rdkafka's way of figuring out whether the client's message # processing thread has stalled: when the max poll interval lapses # between two calls to consumer.poll(), rdkafka leaves the consumer # group and terminates the connection to the brokers. # # We default to 1.5 times the session timeout if "" not in kwargs: kwargs[""] = kwargs[""] // 2 * 3 consumer_settings = { **kwargs, "bootstrap.servers": ",".join(brokers), "auto.offset.reset": auto_offset_reset, "": group_id, "on_commit": _on_commit, "error_cb": _error_cb, "": False, "logger": rdkafka_logger, } self.stop_on_eof = stop_on_eof if self.stop_on_eof: consumer_settings["enable.partition.eof"] = True logger.debug("Consumer settings: %s", consumer_settings) self.consumer = Consumer(consumer_settings) if privileged: privileged_prefix = f"{prefix}_privileged" else: # do not attempt to subscribe to privileged topics privileged_prefix = f"{prefix}" existing_topics = [ topic for topic in self.consumer.list_topics(timeout=10).topics.keys() if ( topic.startswith(f"{prefix}.") or topic.startswith(f"{privileged_prefix}.") ) ] if not existing_topics: raise ValueError( > f"The prefix {prefix} does not match any existing topic " "on the kafka broker" ) E ValueError: The prefix begirrfpde does not match any existing topic on the kafka broker .tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/journal/ ValueError