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Jan 6 2022, 5:39 PM
self = < object at 0x7fef86699fd0> swh_storage = < object at 0x7fef86699c18> sample_data = < object at 0x7fef868149b0> def test_content_missing_per_sha1(self, swh_storage, sample_data): # given cont = sample_data.content cont2 = sample_data.content2 missing_cont = sample_data.skipped_content missing_cont2 = sample_data.skipped_content2 swh_storage.content_add([cont, cont2]) # when gen = swh_storage.content_missing_per_sha1( [cont.sha1, missing_cont.sha1, cont2.sha1, missing_cont2.sha1] ) # then > assert list(gen) == [missing_cont.sha1, missing_cont2.sha1] .tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/storage/tests/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = < object at 0x7fef86699c18> contents = [{'sha1': b'4\x972t\xcc\xefj\xb4\xdf\xaa\xf8e\x99y/\xa9\xc3\xfeF\x89'}, {'sha1': b'C\xe4]V\xf8\x89\x93\xaa\xe6\xa0\x19...f7\r\xd2\xd7\xe0\x97\x04m\x07\xb7'}, {'sha1': b'T\xe4]V\xf8\x89\x93\xaa\xe6\xa0\x19\x80\x13\xef\xa8\x07\x16\xfd\x89 '}] key_hash = 'sha1' @timed def content_missing( self, contents: List[Dict[str, Any]], key_hash: str = "sha1" ) -> Iterable[bytes]: if key_hash not in DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS: raise StorageArgumentException( "key_hash should be one of {','.join(DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS)}" ) contents_with_all_hashes = [] contents_with_missing_hashes = [] for content in contents: if DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS <= set(content): contents_with_all_hashes.append(content) else: contents_with_missing_hashes.append(content) # These contents can be queried efficiently directly in the main table > for content in self._cql_runner.content_missing_from_all_hashes( contents_with_all_hashes ): E AttributeError: 'InMemoryCqlRunner' object has no attribute 'content_missing_from_all_hashes' .tox/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/swh/storage/cassandra/ AttributeError