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diff --git a/swh/templates/listers/configmap.yaml b/swh/templates/listers/configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/templates/listers/configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+{{ if .Values.listers.enabled -}}
+{{- range $lister_type, $deployment_config := .Values.listers.deployments -}}
+{{- $lister_name := ( print "lister-" $lister_type ) -}}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+ name: {{ $lister_name }}-template
+ namespace: {{ $.Values.namespace }}
+ config.yml.template: |
+ storage:
+ cls: remote
+ url: http://{{ $ }}:{{ $ }}/
+ scheduler:
+ cls: remote
+ url: http://{{ $ }}:{{ $.Values.listers.scheduler.port }}/
+ celery:
+ task_broker: ${host}
+ task_queues:
+ {{- range $queue := get $deployment_config "queues" }}
+ - {{ $queue }}
+ {{- end }}
+ credentials:
+ |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ CONFIG_FILE=/etc/swh/config.yml
+ # substitute environment variables when creating the default config.yml
+ eval echo \""$(</etc/swh/configuration-template/config.yml.template)"\" \
+ CREDS_LISTER_PATH=/etc/credentials/listers/credentials
+ [ -f $CREDS_LISTER_PATH ] && \
+ sed 's/^/ /g' $CREDS_LISTER_PATH >> $CONFIG_FILE
+{{ end }}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/swh/templates/listers/deployment.yaml b/swh/templates/listers/deployment.yaml
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/templates/listers/deployment.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+{{ if .Values.listers.enabled -}}
+{{- $configurationChecksum := include (print $.Template.BasePath "/listers/configmap.yaml") . -}}
+{{- range $lister_type, $deployment_config := .Values.listers.deployments -}}
+{{- $lister_name := ( print "lister-" $lister_type ) -}}
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: {{ $lister_name }}
+ namespace: {{ $.Values.namespace }}
+ labels:
+ app: {{ $lister_name }}
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ app: {{ $lister_name }}
+ strategy:
+ type: RollingUpdate
+ rollingUpdate:
+ maxSurge: 1
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: {{ $lister_name }}
+ annotations:
+ # Force a rollout upgrade if the configuration changes
+ checksum/config: {{ $configurationChecksum | sha256sum }}
+ spec:
+ {{- if $.Values.listers.affinity }}
+ affinity:
+ {{ toYaml $.Values.listers.affinity | nindent 8 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ initContainers:
+ - name: prepare-configuration
+ image: debian:bullseye
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+ envFrom:
+ - secretRef:
+ # define the ${host) values for configuration "celery > task_broker: " key
+ name: amqp-access-credentials
+ command:
+ - /
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: configuration-template
+ mountPath: /
+ subPath: ""
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: configuration
+ mountPath: /etc/swh
+ - name: configuration-template
+ mountPath: /etc/swh/configuration-template
+ - name: lister-credentials-secrets
+ mountPath: /etc/credentials/listers
+ readOnly: true
+ containers:
+ - name: listers
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: {{ get $deployment_config "requestedMemory" | default "512Mi" }}
+ cpu: {{ get $deployment_config "requestedCpu" | default "500m" }}
+ limits:
+ memory: "4000Mi"
+ cpu: "1200m"
+ image: {{ $.Values.swh_listers_image }}:{{ $.Values.swh_listers_image_version }}
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+ command:
+ - /bin/bash
+ args:
+ - -c
+ - /opt/swh/
+ lifecycle:
+ preStop:
+ exec:
+ command: ["kill", "1"]
+ env:
+ - name: STATSD_HOST
+ value: {{ $.Values.statsdExternalHost | default "prometheus-statsd-exporter" }}
+ - name: STATSD_PORT
+ value: {{ $.Values.statsdPort | default "9125" | quote }}
+ value: {{ get $deployment_config "concurrency" | default 1 | quote }}
+ value: {{ get $deployment_config "maxTasksPerChild" | default 1 | quote }}
+ - name: LOGLEVEL
+ value: {{ get $deployment_config "logLevel" | default "INFO" | quote }}
+ value: /etc/swh/config.yml
+ value: {{ $.Values.sentry.environment }}
+ value: {{ $.Values.listers.sentrySwhPackage }}
+ - name: SWH_SENTRY_DSN
+ valueFrom:
+ secretKeyRef:
+ name: lister-sentry-secrets
+ key: sentry-dsn
+ # 'name' secret must exist & include key "host"
+ optional: false
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: configuration
+ mountPath: /etc/swh
+ volumes:
+ - name: configuration
+ emptyDir: {}
+ - name: configuration-template
+ configMap:
+ name: {{ $lister_name }}-template
+ defaultMode: 0777
+ items:
+ - key: "config.yml.template"
+ path: "config.yml.template"
+ - key: ""
+ path: ""
+ - name: lister-credentials-secrets
+ secret:
+ secretName: lister-credentials-secrets
+ optional: true
+{{ end }}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/swh/templates/listers/keda-autoscaling.yaml b/swh/templates/listers/keda-autoscaling.yaml
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/templates/listers/keda-autoscaling.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+{{ if .Values.listers.enabled -}}
+{{- range $lister_type, $deployment_config := .Values.listers.deployments -}}
+{{ if get $deployment_config "autoScaling" }}
+{{- $autoscalingConfig := get $deployment_config "autoScaling" -}}
+{{- $lister_name := ( print "lister-" $lister_type ) -}}
+kind: TriggerAuthentication
+ name: amqp-authentication
+ namespace: {{ $.Values.namespace }}
+ secretTargetRef: # Optional.
+ - parameter: host
+ name: amqp-access-credentials
+ key: host
+kind: ScaledObject
+ name: {{ $lister_name }}-operators
+ namespace: {{ $.Values.namespace }}
+ scaleTargetRef:
+ apiVersion: apps/v1 # Optional. Default: apps/v1
+ kind: Deployment # Optional. Default: Deployment
+ # Mandatory. Must be in same namespace as ScaledObject
+ name: {{ $lister_name }}
+ # envSourceContainerName: {container-name} # Optional. Default:
+ # .spec.template.spec.containers[0]
+ pollingInterval: 30 # Optional. Default: 30 seconds
+ cooldownPeriod: 300 # Optional. Default: 300 seconds
+ idleReplicaCount: 0 # Optional. Must be less than
+ # minReplicaCount
+ minReplicaCount: {{ get $autoscalingConfig "minReplicaCount" | default 0 }}
+ maxReplicaCount: {{ get $autoscalingConfig "maxReplicaCount" | default 5 }}
+ fallback: # Optional. Section to specify fallback
+ # options
+ failureThreshold: 3 # Mandatory if fallback section is
+ # included
+ replicas: 6 # Mandatory if fallback section is
+ # included
+ advanced: # Optional. Section to specify advanced
+ # options
+ restoreToOriginalReplicaCount: false # Optional. Default: false
+ horizontalPodAutoscalerConfig: # Optional. Section to specify HPA
+ # related options
+ behavior: # Optional. Use to modify HPA's scaling
+ # behavior
+ scaleDown:
+ stabilizationWindowSeconds: 60 # default 300
+ policies:
+ - type: Percent
+ value: 2
+ periodSeconds: 15
+ triggers:
+ {{- range $queue := get $deployment_config "queues" }}
+ - type: rabbitmq
+ authenticationRef:
+ name: amqp-authentication
+ metadata:
+ host: host
+ # Optional. If not specified, it must be done
+ # by using TriggerAuthentication.
+ protocol: auto # Optional. Specifies protocol to use,
+ # either amqp or http, or auto to
+ # autodetect based on the `host` value.
+ # Default value is auto.
+ mode: QueueLength # QueueLength or MessageRate
+ # message backlog or publish/sec.
+ # target per instance
+ value: {{ get $autoscalingConfig "queueThreshold" | default 100 | quote }}
+ queueName: {{ $queue }}
+ vhostName: / # Optional. If not specified, use the vhost in the
+ # `host` connection string. Alternatively, you can
+ # use existing environment variables to read
+ # configuration from: See details in "Parameter
+ # list" section hostFromEnv: RABBITMQ_HOST%
+ {{- end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/swh/values/default.yaml b/swh/values/default.yaml
--- a/swh/values/default.yaml
+++ b/swh/values/default.yaml
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@
- "true"
+ affinity:
+ nodeAffinity:
+ requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+ nodeSelectorTerms:
+ - matchExpressions:
+ - key: "swh/lister"
+ operator: In
+ values:
+ - "true"
diff --git a/swh/values/staging.yaml b/swh/values/staging.yaml
--- a/swh/values/staging.yaml
+++ b/swh/values/staging.yaml
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
# - swh.loader.bzr.tasks.LoadBazaar
# autoScaling:
# queueThreshold: 10
- # minReplicacount: 1
# maxReplicaCount: 3
# sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.bzr
# cvs:
@@ -26,7 +25,6 @@
# - swh.loader.cvs.tasks.LoadCvsRepository
# autoScaling:
# queueThreshold: 10
- # minReplicacount: 1
# maxReplicaCount: 3
# sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.cvs
# hg:
@@ -37,7 +35,6 @@
# - swh.loader.mercurial.tasks.LoadMercurial
# autoScaling:
# queueThreshold: 10
- # minReplicacount: 1
# maxReplicaCount: 3
# sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.mercurial
@@ -56,7 +53,6 @@
- save_code_now:swh.loader.package.archive.tasks.LoadArchive
queueThreshold: 10
- minReplicacount: 0
maxReplicaCount: 3
sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.highpriority
@@ -68,8 +64,7 @@
- swh.loader.git.tasks.UncompressAndLoadDiskGitRepository
queueThreshold: 5 # spawn worker per increment of `value` messages
- minReplicacount: 1
- maxReplicaCount: 5
+ maxReplicaCount: 3
sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.git
# maven:
# requestedMemory: 256Mi
@@ -78,7 +73,6 @@
# - swh.loader.package.maven.tasks.LoadMaven
# autoScaling:
# queueThreshold: 10
- # minReplicacount: 1
# maxReplicaCount: 3
# sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.core
# npm:
@@ -88,7 +82,6 @@
# - swh.loader.package.npm.tasks.LoadNpm
# autoScaling:
# queueThreshold: 10
- # minReplicacount: 1
# maxReplicaCount: 3
# sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.core
@@ -98,8 +91,7 @@
- swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI
queueThreshold: 10
- minReplicacount: 1
- maxReplicaCount: 3
+ maxReplicaCount: 1
sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.core
# svn:
# requestedMemory: 256Mi
@@ -110,10 +102,29 @@
# - swh.loader.svn.tasks.DumpMountAndLoadSvnRepository
# autoScaling:
# queueThreshold: 10
- # minReplicacount: 1
# maxReplicaCount: 3
# sentrySwhPackage: swh.loader.svn
+ enabled: true
+ sentrySwhPackage: swh.lister
+ storage:
+ host:
+ port: 5002
+ scheduler:
+ host:
+ port: 5008
+ amqp:
+ host:
+ deployments:
+ gnu-full:
+ queues:
+ - swh.lister.gnu.tasks.GNUListerTask
+ autoScaling:
+ queueThreshold: 10
+ minReplicaCount: 0
+ maxReplicaCount: 1
enabled: true
sentry_enabled: true
diff --git a/values-swh-application-versions.yaml b/values-swh-application-versions.yaml
--- a/values-swh-application-versions.yaml
+++ b/values-swh-application-versions.yaml
@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@
swh_loader_git_image_version: "20220906.1"
swh_graphql_image: softwareheritage/graphql
swh_graphql_image_version: "20220826.1"
+swh_listers_image: softwareheritage/lister
+swh_listers_image_version: "20220907.4"

File Metadata

Mime Type
Dec 20 2024, 12:01 PM (11 w, 4 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline