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diff --git a/swh/journal/ b/swh/journal/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/journal/
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+"""The backfiller's goal is to produce part or all of the swh objects
+from the storage to the journal.
+At the moment, a first implementation is the JournalBackfiller. It
+reads the objects from the storage and sends every inflated object to
+the journal.
+import logging
+from .direct_writer import DirectKafkaWriter
+from swh.core.db import BaseDb
+from import db_to_release, db_to_revision
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ 'content': 'sha1',
+ 'skipped_content': None, # unused
+ 'directory': 'id',
+ 'revision': '',
+ 'release': '',
+ 'snapshot': 'id',
+ 'origin': 'id',
+ 'origin_visit': 'origin_visit.origin',
+ 'content': [
+ 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'status',
+ 'ctime'
+ ],
+ 'skipped_content': [
+ 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'ctime',
+ 'status', 'reason',
+ ],
+ 'directory': ['id', 'dir_entries', 'file_entries', 'rev_entries'],
+ 'revision': [
+ ("", "id"),
+ "date",
+ "date_offset",
+ "committer_date",
+ "committer_date_offset",
+ "type",
+ "directory",
+ "message",
+ "synthetic",
+ "metadata",
+ "date_neg_utc_offset",
+ "committer_date_neg_utc_offset",
+ ("array(select parent_id::bytea from revision_history rh "
+ "where = order by rh.parent_rank asc)",
+ "parents"),
+ ("", "author_id"),
+ ("", "author_name"),
+ ("", "author_email"),
+ ("a.fullname", "author_fullname"),
+ ("", "committer_id"),
+ ("", "committer_name"),
+ ("", "committer_email"),
+ ("c.fullname", "committer_fullname"),
+ ],
+ 'release': [
+ ("", "id"),
+ "date",
+ "date_offset",
+ "comment",
+ ("", "name"),
+ "synthetic",
+ "date_neg_utc_offset",
+ "target",
+ "target_type",
+ ("", "author_id"),
+ ("", "author_name"),
+ ("", "author_email"),
+ ("a.fullname", "author_fullname"),
+ ],
+ 'snapshot': ['id', 'object_id'],
+ 'origin': ['type', 'url'],
+ 'origin_visit': ['type', 'url', 'date', 'snapshot', 'status'],
+JOINS = {
+ 'release': ['person a on'],
+ 'revision': ['person a on',
+ 'person c on'],
+ 'origin_visit': ['origin on'],
+def directory_converter(db, directory):
+ """Convert directory from the flat representation to swh model
+ compatible objects.
+ """
+ columns = ['target', 'name', 'perms']
+ query_template = '''
+ select %(columns)s
+ from directory_entry_%(type)s
+ where id in %%s
+ '''
+ types = ['file', 'dir', 'rev']
+ entries = []
+ with db.cursor() as cur:
+ for type in types:
+ ids = directory.pop('%s_entries' % type)
+ if not ids:
+ continue
+ query = query_template % {
+ 'columns': ','.join(columns),
+ 'type': type,
+ }
+ cur.execute(query, (tuple(ids), ))
+ for row in cur:
+ entry = dict(zip(columns, row))
+ entry['type'] = type
+ entries.append(entry)
+ directory['entries'] = entries
+ return directory
+def revision_converter(db, revision):
+ """Convert revision from the flat representation to swh model
+ compatible objects.
+ """
+ revision = db_to_revision(revision)
+ if 'author' in revision and revision['author']:
+ del revision['author']['id']
+ if 'committer' in revision and revision['committer']:
+ del revision['committer']['id']
+ return revision
+def release_converter(db, release):
+ """Convert release from the flat representation to swh model
+ compatible objects.
+ """
+ release = db_to_release(release)
+ if 'author' in release and release['author']:
+ del release['author']['id']
+ return release
+def snapshot_converter(db, snapshot):
+ """Convert snapshot from the flat representation to swh model
+ compatible objects.
+ """
+ columns = ['name', 'target', 'target_type']
+ query = '''
+ select %s
+ from snapshot_branches sbs
+ inner join snapshot_branch sb on sb.object_id=sbs.branch_id
+ where sbs.snapshot_id=%%s
+ ''' % ', '.join(columns)
+ with db.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute(query, (snapshot.pop('object_id'), ))
+ branches = {}
+ for name, *row in cur:
+ branch = dict(zip(columns[1:], row))
+ if not branch['target'] and not branch['target_type']:
+ branch = None
+ branches[name] = branch
+ snapshot['branches'] = branches
+ return snapshot
+def origin_visit_converter(db, origin_visit):
+ origin = {
+ 'type': origin_visit.pop('type'),
+ 'url': origin_visit.pop('url'),
+ }
+ origin_visit['origin'] = origin
+ return origin_visit
+ 'directory': directory_converter,
+ 'revision': revision_converter,
+ 'release': release_converter,
+ 'snapshot': snapshot_converter,
+ 'origin_visit': origin_visit_converter,
+def _compute_shift_bits(numbits):
+ """Compute length and shift bits from numbits
+ """
+ q, r = divmod(numbits, 8)
+ length = q + (r != 0)
+ shift_bits = 8 - r if r else 0
+ return length, shift_bits
+def object_to_offset(object_id, numbits):
+ """Compute the index of the range containing object id, when dividing
+ space into 2^numbits.
+ Args:
+ object_id (str): The hex representation of object_id
+ numbits (int): Number of bits in which we divide input space
+ Returns:
+ The index of the range containing object id
+ """
+ length, shift_bits = _compute_shift_bits(numbits)
+ truncated_id = object_id[:length * 2]
+ if len(truncated_id) < length * 2:
+ truncated_id += '0' * (length * 2 - len(truncated_id))
+ truncated_id_bytes = bytes.fromhex(truncated_id)
+ return int.from_bytes(truncated_id_bytes, byteorder='big') >> shift_bits
+def byte_ranges(numbits, start_object=None, end_object=None):
+ """Generate start/end pairs of bytes spanning numbits bits and
+ constrained by optional start_object and end_object.
+ Args:
+ numbits (int): Number of bits in which we divide input space
+ start_object (str): Hex object id contained in the first range
+ returned
+ end_object (str): Hex object id contained in the last range
+ returned
+ Yields:
+ 2^numbits pairs of bytes
+ """
+ length, shift_bits = _compute_shift_bits(numbits)
+ def to_bytes(i):
+ return int.to_bytes(i << shift_bits, length=length, byteorder='big')
+ start_offset = 0
+ end_offset = 1 << numbits
+ if start_object is not None:
+ start_offset = object_to_offset(start_object, numbits)
+ if end_object is not None:
+ end_offset = object_to_offset(end_object, numbits) + 1
+ for start in range(start_offset, end_offset):
+ end = start + 1
+ if start == 0:
+ yield None, to_bytes(end)
+ elif end == 1 << numbits:
+ yield to_bytes(start), None
+ else:
+ yield to_bytes(start), to_bytes(end)
+def integer_ranges(start, end, block_size=1000):
+ """Compute range of integers between [start, end].
+ """
+ for start in range(start, end, block_size):
+ if start == 0:
+ yield None, block_size
+ elif start + block_size > end:
+ yield start, end
+ else:
+ yield start, start + block_size
+ 'content': lambda start, end: byte_ranges(24, start, end),
+ 'skipped_content': lambda start, end: [(None, None)],
+ 'directory': lambda start, end: byte_ranges(24, start, end),
+ 'revision': lambda start, end: byte_ranges(24, start, end),
+ 'release': lambda start, end: byte_ranges(16, start, end),
+ 'snapshot': lambda start, end: byte_ranges(16, start, end),
+ 'origin': integer_ranges,
+ 'origin_visit': integer_ranges,
+def compute_query(obj_type, start, end):
+ """Compute the query for object_type between start and end range.
+ """
+ columns = COLUMNS.get(obj_type)
+ join_specs = JOINS.get(obj_type, [])
+ join_clause = '\n'.join('left join %s' % clause for clause in join_specs)
+ where = []
+ where_args = []
+ if start:
+ where.append('%(keys)s >= %%s')
+ where_args.append(start)
+ if end:
+ where.append('%(keys)s < %%s')
+ where_args.append(end)
+ where_clause = ''
+ if where:
+ where_clause = ('where ' + ' and '.join(where)) % {
+ 'keys': '(%s)' % PARTITION_KEY[obj_type]
+ }
+ column_specs = []
+ column_aliases = []
+ for column in columns:
+ if isinstance(column, str):
+ column_specs.append(column)
+ column_aliases.append(column)
+ else:
+ column_specs.append('%s as %s' % column)
+ column_aliases.append(column[1])
+ query = '''
+select %(columns)s
+from %(table)s
+ ''' % {
+ 'columns': ','.join(column_specs),
+ 'table': obj_type,
+ 'join': join_clause,
+ 'where': where_clause,
+ }
+ return query, where_args, column_aliases
+def fetch(db, obj_type, start, end):
+ """Fetch all obj_type's identifiers from db.
+ This opens one connection, stream objects and when done, close
+ the connection.
+ Args:
+ db (BaseDb): Db connection object
+ obj_type (str): Object type
+ start (Union[bytes|Tuple]): Range start identifier
+ end (Union[bytes|Tuple]): Range end identifier
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if obj_type is not supported
+ Yields:
+ Objects in the given range
+ """
+ query, where_args, column_aliases = compute_query(obj_type, start, end)
+ converter = CONVERTERS.get(obj_type)
+ with db.cursor() as cursor:
+ logger.debug('Fetching data for table %s', obj_type)
+ logger.debug('query: %s %s', query, where_args)
+ cursor.execute(query, where_args)
+ for row in cursor:
+ record = dict(zip(column_aliases, row))
+ if converter:
+ record = converter(db, record)
+ logger.debug('record: %s', record)
+ yield record
+MANDATORY_KEYS = ['brokers', 'storage_dbconn', 'final_prefix', 'client_id']
+class JournalBackfiller:
+ """Read the storage's objects and send to the journal's topics.
+ This is designed to be run periodically.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config=None):
+ self.config = config
+ self.check_config(config)
+ def check_config(self, config):
+ missing_keys = []
+ for key in MANDATORY_KEYS:
+ if not config.get(key):
+ missing_keys.append(key)
+ if missing_keys:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Configuration error: The following keys must be'
+ ' provided: %s' % (','.join(missing_keys), ))
+ def parse_arguments(self, object_type, start_object, end_object):
+ """Parse arguments
+ Raises:
+ ValueError for unsupported object type
+ ValueError if object ids are not parseable
+ Returns:
+ Parsed start and end object ids
+ """
+ if object_type not in COLUMNS:
+ raise ValueError('Object type %s is not supported. '
+ 'The only possible values are %s' % (
+ object_type, ', '.join(COLUMNS.keys())))
+ if object_type in ['origin', 'origin_visit']:
+ if start_object:
+ start_object = int(start_object)
+ else:
+ start_object = 0
+ if end_object:
+ end_object = int(end_object)
+ else:
+ end_object = 100 * 1000 * 1000 # hard-coded limit
+ return start_object, end_object
+ def run(self, object_type, start_object, end_object, dry_run=False):
+ """Read storage's subscribed object types and send them to the
+ journal's reading topic.
+ """
+ start_object, end_object = self.parse_arguments(
+ object_type, start_object, end_object)
+ db = BaseDb.connect(self.config['storage_dbconn'])
+ writer = DirectKafkaWriter(
+ brokers=self.config['brokers'],
+ prefix=self.config['final_prefix'],
+ client_id=self.config['client_id']
+ )
+ for range_start, range_end in RANGE_GENERATORS[object_type](
+ start_object, end_object):
+'Processing %s range %s to %s', object_type,
+ range_start, range_end)
+ data_sent = False
+ for obj in fetch(
+ db, object_type, start=range_start, end=range_end,
+ ):
+ if dry_run:
+ continue
+ data_sent = True
+ writer.write_addition(object_type=object_type,
+ object_=obj)
+ if data_sent:
+ writer.producer.flush()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print('Please use the "swh-journal backfiller" command')
diff --git a/swh/journal/ b/swh/journal/
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/swh/journal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2017 The Software Heritage developers
-# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
-# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
-# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
-"""Module defining journal checker classes.
-Those checker goal is to send back all, or missing objects from the
-journal queues.
-At the moment, a first naive implementation is the
-SimpleCheckerProducer. It simply reads the objects from the
-storage and sends every object identifier back to the journal.
-import psycopg2
-from kafka import KafkaProducer
-from swh.core.config import SWHConfig
-from .serializers import key_to_kafka
- 'origin': ['id'],
- 'content': ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256'],
- 'directory': ['id'],
- 'revision': ['id'],
- 'release': ['id'],
- 'origin_visit': ['origin', 'visit'],
- 'skipped_content': ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256'],
-def entry_to_bytes(entry):
- """Convert an entry coming from the database to bytes"""
- if isinstance(entry, memoryview):
- return entry.tobytes()
- if isinstance(entry, tuple):
- return [entry_to_bytes(value) for value in entry]
- return entry
-def fetch(db_conn, obj_type):
- """Fetch all obj_type's identifiers from db.
- This opens one connection, stream objects and when done, close
- the connection.
- Raises:
- ValueError if obj_type is not supported
- Yields:
- Identifiers for the specific object_type
- """
- primary_key = TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY.get(obj_type)
- if not primary_key:
- raise ValueError('The object type %s is not supported. '
- 'Only possible values are %s' % (
- obj_type, TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY.keys()))
- primary_key_str = ','.join(primary_key)
- query = 'select %s from %s order by %s' % (
- primary_key_str, obj_type, primary_key_str)
- server_side_cursor_name = 'swh.journal.%s' % obj_type
- with psycopg2.connect(db_conn) as db:
- cursor = db.cursor(name=server_side_cursor_name)
- cursor.execute(query)
- for o in cursor:
- yield dict(zip(primary_key, entry_to_bytes(o)))
-class SimpleCheckerProducer(SWHConfig):
- """Class in charge of reading the storage's objects and sends those
- back to the publisher queue.
- This is designed to be run periodically.
- """
- 'brokers': ('list[str]', ['']),
- 'temporary_prefix': ('str', ''),
- 'publisher_id': ('str', 'swh.journal.publisher.test'),
- 'object_types': ('list[str]', ['content', 'revision', 'release']),
- 'storage_dbconn': ('str', 'service=swh-dev'),
- }
- CONFIG_BASE_FILENAME = 'journal/checker'
- def __init__(self, extra_configuration=None):
- self.config = config = self.parse_config_file()
- if extra_configuration:
- config.update(extra_configuration)
- self.object_types = self.config['object_types']
- for obj_type in self.object_types:
- if obj_type not in TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY:
- raise ValueError('The object type %s is not supported. '
- 'Possible values are %s' % (
- obj_type,
- ', '.join(TYPE_TO_PRIMARY_KEY)))
- self.storage_dbconn = self.config['storage_dbconn']
- self.producer = KafkaProducer(
- bootstrap_servers=config['brokers'],
- value_serializer=key_to_kafka,
- client_id=config['publisher_id'],
- )
- def _read_storage(self):
- """Read storage's objects and generates tuple as object_type, dict of
- object.
- Yields:
- tuple of object_type, object as dict
- """
- for obj_type in self.object_types:
- for obj in fetch(self.storage_dbconn, obj_type):
- yield obj_type, obj
- def run(self):
- """Reads storage's subscribed object types and send them to the
- publisher's reading queue.
- """
- for obj_type, obj in self._read_storage():
- topic = '%s.%s' % (self.config['temporary_prefix'], obj_type)
- self.producer.send(topic, value=obj)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- SimpleCheckerProducer().run()
diff --git a/swh/journal/ b/swh/journal/
--- a/swh/journal/
+++ b/swh/journal/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
from import get_storage
from swh.journal.replay import StorageReplayer
+from swh.journal.backfill import JournalBackfiller
CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])
@@ -80,6 +81,27 @@
+@click.option('--start-object', default=None)
+@click.option('--end-object', default=None)
+@click.option('--dry-run', is_flag=True, default=False)
+def backfiller(ctx, object_type, start_object, end_object, dry_run):
+ """Manipulate backfiller
+ """
+ conf = ctx.obj['config']
+ backfiller = JournalBackfiller(conf)
+ try:
+ object_type=object_type,
+ start_object=start_object, end_object=end_object,
+ dry_run=dry_run)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ ctx.exit(0)
def main():
return cli(auto_envvar_prefix='SWH_JOURNAL')
diff --git a/swh/journal/ b/swh/journal/
--- a/swh/journal/
+++ b/swh/journal/
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
from kafka import KafkaProducer
+from swh.model.hashutil import DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS
from .serializers import key_to_kafka, value_to_kafka
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -34,6 +36,11 @@
return object_['id']
elif object_type == 'content':
return object_['sha1'] # TODO: use a dict of hashes
+ elif object_type == 'skipped_content':
+ return {
+ hash: object_[hash]
+ }
elif object_type == 'origin':
return {'url': object_['url'], 'type': object_['type']}
elif object_type == 'origin_visit':
@@ -46,7 +53,6 @@
def _sanitize_object(self, object_type, object_):
if object_type == 'origin_visit':
- # Compatibility with the publisher's format
return {
'date': str(object_['date']),
diff --git a/swh/journal/tests/ b/swh/journal/tests/
--- a/swh/journal/tests/
+++ b/swh/journal/tests/
@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@
'temporary_prefix': '',
'final_prefix': 'swh.journal.objects',
- 'consumer_id': 'swh.journal.publisher',
- 'publisher_id': 'swh.journal.publisher',
+ 'consumer_id': 'swh.journal.consumer',
'object_types': OBJECT_TYPE_KEYS.keys(),
'max_messages': 1, # will read 1 message and stops
'storage': {'cls': 'memory', 'args': {}},
@@ -176,7 +175,7 @@
def test_config(kafka_server: Tuple[Popen, int],
kafka_prefix: str):
- """Test configuration needed for publisher/producer/consumer
+ """Test configuration needed for producer/consumer
_, port = kafka_server
diff --git a/swh/journal/tests/ b/swh/journal/tests/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/journal/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+import pytest
+from swh.journal.backfill import (
+ JournalBackfiller, compute_query, PARTITION_KEY
+ 'brokers': ['localhost'],
+ 'final_prefix': '',
+ 'client_id': 'swh.journal.client.test',
+ 'storage_dbconn': 'service=swh-dev',
+def test_config_ko_missing_mandatory_key():
+ """Missing configuration key will make the initialization fail
+ """
+ for key in TEST_CONFIG.keys():
+ config = TEST_CONFIG.copy()
+ config.pop(key)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
+ JournalBackfiller(config)
+ error = ('Configuration error: The following keys must be'
+ ' provided: %s' % (','.join([key]), ))
+ assert e.value.args[0] == error
+def test_config_ko_unknown_object_type():
+ """Parse arguments will fail if the object type is unknown
+ """
+ backfiller = JournalBackfiller(TEST_CONFIG)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
+ backfiller.parse_arguments('unknown-object-type', 1, 2)
+ error = ('Object type unknown-object-type is not supported. '
+ 'The only possible values are %s' % (
+ ', '.join(PARTITION_KEY)))
+ assert e.value.args[0] == error
+def test_compute_query_content():
+ query, where_args, column_aliases = compute_query(
+ 'content', '\x000000', '\x000001')
+ assert where_args == ['\x000000', '\x000001']
+ assert column_aliases == [
+ 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'status',
+ 'ctime'
+ ]
+ assert query == '''
+select sha1,sha1_git,sha256,blake2s256,length,status,ctime
+from content
+where (sha1) >= %s and (sha1) < %s
+ '''
+def test_compute_query_skipped_content():
+ query, where_args, column_aliases = compute_query(
+ 'skipped_content', None, None)
+ assert where_args == []
+ assert column_aliases == [
+ 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'ctime',
+ 'status', 'reason',
+ ]
+ assert query == '''
+select sha1,sha1_git,sha256,blake2s256,length,ctime,status,reason
+from skipped_content
+ '''
+def test_compute_query_origin_visit():
+ query, where_args, column_aliases = compute_query(
+ 'origin_visit', 1, 10)
+ assert where_args == [1, 10]
+ assert column_aliases == [
+ 'type', 'url', 'date', 'snapshot', 'status'
+ ]
+ assert query == '''
+select type,url,date,snapshot,status
+from origin_visit
+left join origin on
+where (origin_visit.origin) >= %s and (origin_visit.origin) < %s
+ '''
+def test_compute_query_release():
+ query, where_args, column_aliases = compute_query(
+ 'release', '\x000002', '\x000003')
+ assert where_args == ['\x000002', '\x000003']
+ assert column_aliases == [
+ 'id', 'date', 'date_offset', 'comment', 'name', 'synthetic',
+ 'date_neg_utc_offset', 'target', 'target_type', 'author_id',
+ 'author_name', 'author_email', 'author_fullname']
+ assert query == '''
+select as id,date,date_offset,comment, as name,synthetic,date_neg_utc_offset,target,target_type, as author_id, as author_name, as author_email,a.fullname as author_fullname
+from release
+left join person a on
+where ( >= %s and ( < %s
+ ''' # noqa

File Metadata

Mime Type
Dec 17 2024, 2:25 AM (13 w, 6 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline