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-# Deploy a Software Heritage stack with docker deploy
-## Prerequisities
+This repository contains manifests to deploy a Software Heritage mirror using
+[docker-swarm mode](
-According you have a properly set up docker swarm cluster with support for the
-`docker stack deploy` command, e.g.:
-~/swh-docker$ docker node ls
-py47518uzdb94y2sb5yjurj22 host2 Ready Active 18.09.7
-n9mfw08gys0dmvg5j2bb4j2m7 * host1 Ready Active Leader 18.09.7
-Note: on some systems (centos for example), making docker swarm works require
-some permission tuning regarding the firewall or selinux.
-In the following how-to, we will assume that the service `STACK` name is `swh`
-(this name is the last argument of the `docker stack deploy` command below).
-Several preparation steps will depend on this name.
-We also use [docker-compose]( to merge
-compose files, so make sure it iavailable on your system.
-## Set up volumes
-Before starting the `swh` service, you may want to specify where the data
-should be stored on your docker hosts.
-By default docker will use docker volumes for storing databases and the content of
-the objstorage (thus put them in `/var/lib/docker/volumes`).
-**Optional:** if you want to specify a different location to put a storage in,
-create the storage before starting the docker service. For example for the
-`objstorage` service you will need a storage named `<STACK>_objstorage`:
-~/swh-docker$ docker volume create -d local \
- --opt type=none \
- --opt o=bind \
- --opt device=/data/docker/swh-objstorage \
- swh_objstorage
-If you want to deploy services like the `swh-objstorage` on several hosts, you
-will need a shared storage area in which blob objects will be stored. Typically
-a NFS storage can be used for this, or any existing docker volume driver like
-[REX_Rey]( This is not covered in this doc.
-Please read the documentation of docker volumes to learn how to use such a
-device/driver as volume provider for docker.
-Note that the provided `base-services.yaml` file have a few placement
-constraints: containers that depends on a volume (db-storage and objstorage)
-are stick to the manager node of the cluster, under the assumption persistent
-volumes have been created on this node. Make sure this fits your needs, or
-amend these placement constraints.
-## Managing secrets
-Shared passwords (between services) are managed via `docker secret`. Before
-being able to start services, you need to define these secrets.
-Namely, you need to create a `secret` for:
-- `postgres-password`
-For example:
-~/swh-docker$ echo 'strong password' | docker secret create postgres-password -
-## Creating the swh base services
-If you haven't done it yet, clone this git repository:
-~$ git clone
-~$ cd swh-docker
-then from within this repository, just type:
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy -c base-services.yml swh
-Creating network swh-mirror_default
-Creating config swh-mirror_storage
-Creating config swh-mirror_objstorage
-Creating config swh-mirror_nginx
-Creating config swh-mirror_web
-Creating service swh-mirror_grafana
-Creating service swh-mirror_prometheus-statsd-exporter
-Creating service swh-mirror_web
-Creating service swh-mirror_objstorage
-Creating service swh-mirror_db-storage
-Creating service swh-mirror_memcache
-Creating service swh-mirror_storage
-Creating service swh-mirror_nginx
-Creating service swh-mirror_prometheus
-~/swh-docker$ docker service ls
-sz98tofpeb3j swh-mirror_db-storage global 1/1 postgres:11
-sp36lbgfd4qi swh-mirror_grafana replicated 1/1 grafana/grafana:latest
-7oja81jngiwo swh-mirror_memcache replicated 1/1 memcached:latest
-y5te0gqs93li swh-mirror_nginx replicated 1/1 nginx:latest *:5081->5081/tcp
-79t3r3mv3qn6 swh-mirror_objstorage replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/base:20200918-133743
-l7q2zocoyvq6 swh-mirror_prometheus global 1/1 prom/prometheus:latest
-p6hnd90qnr79 swh-mirror_prometheus-statsd-exporter replicated 1/1 prom/statsd-exporter:latest
-jjry62tz3k76 swh-mirror_storage replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/base:20200918-133743
-jkkm7qm3awfh swh-mirror_web replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/web:20200918-133743
-This will start a series of containers with:
-- an objstorage service,
-- a storage service using a postgresql database as backend,
-- a web app front end,
-- a memcache for the web app,
-- a prometheus monitoring app,
-- a prometeus-statsd exporter,
-- a grafana server,
-- an nginx server serving as reverse proxy for grafana and swh-web.
-using the latest published version of the docker images by default.
-The nginx frontend will listen on the 5081 port, so you can use:
-- http://localhost:5081/ to navigate your local copy of the archive,
-- http://localhost:5081/grafana/ to explore the monitoring probes
- (log in with admin/admin).
->the 'latest' docker images work, it is highly recommended to
->explicitly specify the version of the image you want to use.
-Docker images for the Software Heritage stack are tagged with their build date:
- docker images -f reference='softwareheritage/*:20*'
- softwareheritage web-20200819-112604 32ab8340e368 About an hour ago 339MB
- softwareheritage base-20200819-112604 19fe3d7326c5 About an hour ago 242MB
- softwareheritage web-20200630-115021 65b1869175ab 7 weeks ago 342MB
- softwareheritage base-20200630-115021 3694e3fcf530 7 weeks ago 245MB
-To specify the tag to be used, simply set the SWH_IMAGE_TAG environment variable, like:
- export SWH_IMAGE_TAG=20200819-112604
- docker deploy -c base-services.yml swh
->make sure to have this variable properly set for any later `docker deploy`
->command you type, otherwise you running containers will be recreated using the
->':latest' image (which might **not** be the latest available version, nor
->consistent amond the docker nodes on you swarm cluster).
-## Updating a configuration
-When you modify a configuration file exposed to docker services via the `docker
-config` system. Unfortunately, docker does not support updating these config
-objects, so you need to either:
-- destroy the old config before being able to recreate them. That also means
- you need to recreate every docker container using this config, or
-- adapt the `name:` field in the compose file.
-For example, if you edit the file `conf/storage.yml`:
-~/swh-docker$ docker service rm swh_storage
-~/swh-docker$ docker config rm swh_storage
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy -c base-services.yml swh
-Creating config swh_storage
-Creating service swh_storage
-Updating service swh_nginx (id: l52hxxl61ijjxnj9wg6ddpaef)
-Updating service swh_memcache (id: 2ujcw3dg8f9dm4r6qmgy0sb1e)
-Updating service swh_db-storage (id: bkn2bmnapx7wgvwxepume71k1)
-Updating service swh_web (id: 7sm6g5ecff1979t0jd3dmsvwz)
-Updating service swh_objstorage (id: 3okk2njpbopxso3n3w44ydyf9)
-Note: since persistent data (databases and objects) are stored in volumes, you
-can safely destoy and recreate any container you want, you will not loose any
-Or you can change the compose file like:
- storage:
- file: conf/storage.yml
- name: storage-updated # change this as desired
-then it's just a matter of redeploying the stack:
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy -c base-services.yml swh
-See for more details on
-how to use the config system in a docker swarm cluster.
-See for
-an example of scripting this second solution.
-## Updating a service
-When a new version of the softwareheritage image is published, running
-services must updated to use it.
-In order to prevent inconsistency caveats due to dependency in deployed
-versions, we recommend that you deploy the new image on all running
-services at once.
-This can be done as follow:
-~/swh-docker$ export SWH_IMAGE_TAG=<new version>
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy -c base-services.yml swh
-Note that this will reset the replicas config to their default values.
-If you want to update only a specific service, you can also use (here for a
-replayer service):
-~/swh-docker$ docker service update --image \
- softwareheritage/replayer:${SWH_IMAGE_TAG} ) \
- swh_graph-replayer
-# Set up a mirror
->[!WARNING] you cannot "upgrade" an existing docker stack built from the
->base-services.yml file to a mirror one; you need to recreate it; more
->precisely, you need to drop the storage database before. This is due to the
->fact the storage database for a mirror is not initialized the same way as
->the default storage database.
-A Software Heritage mirror consists in base Software Heritage services, as
-described above, without any worker related to web scraping nor source code
-repository loading. Instead, filling local storage and objstorage is the
-responsibility of kafka based `replayer` services:
-- the `graph replayer` which is in charge of filling the storage (aka the
- graph), and
-- the `content replayer` which is in charge of filling the object storage.
-Examples of docker deploy files and configuration files are provided in
-the `graph-replayer.yml` deploy file for replayer services
-using configuration from yaml files in `conf/graph-replayer.yml`.
-Copy these example files as plain yaml ones then modify them to replace
-the XXX markers with proper values (also make sure the kafka server list
-is up to date.) Parameters to check/update are:
-- `journal_client/brokers`: list of kafka brokers.
-- `journal_client/group_id`: unique identifier for this mirroring session;
- you can choose whatever you want, but changing this value will make kafka
- start consuming messages from the beginning; kafka messages are dispatched
- among consumers with the same `group_id`, so in order to distribute the
- load among workers, they must share the same `group_id`.
-- `journal_client/sasl.username`: kafka authentication username.
-- `journal_client/sasl.password`: kafka authentication password.
-Then you need to merge the compose files "by hand" (due to this still
-[bugs]( For this we will use
-[docker-compose]( as helper tool to merge the
-compose files.
-To merge 2 (or more) compose files together, typically `base-services.yml` with
-a mirror-related file:
-~/swh-docker$ docker-compose \
- -f base-services.yml \
- -f graph-replayer-override.yml \
- config > mirror.yml
-Then use this generated file as argument of the `docker stack deploy` command, e.g.:
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy -c mirror.yml swh-mirror
-## Graph replayer
-To run the graph replayer compoenent of a mirror:
-~/swh-docker$ cd conf
-~/swh-docker/conf$ cp graph-replayer.yml.example graph-replayer.yml
-~/swh-docker/conf$ # edit graph-replayer.yml files
-~/swh-docker/conf$ cd ..
-Once you have properly edited the `conf/graph-replayer.yml` config file, you can
-start these services with:
-~/swh-docker$ docker-composer \
- -f base-services.yml \
- -f graph-replayer-override.yml \
- config > graph-replayer.yml
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy \
- -c graph-replayer.yml \
- swh-mirror
-You can check everything is running with:
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack ls
-swh-mirror 11 Swarm
-~/swh-docker$ docker service ls
-88djaq3jezjm swh-mirror_db-storage replicated 1/1 postgres:11
-m66q36jb00xm swh-mirror_grafana replicated 1/1 grafana/grafana:latest
-qfsxngh4s2sv swh-mirror_content-replayer replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/replayer:latest
-qcl0n3ngr2uv swh-mirror_graph-replayer replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/replayer:latest
-zn8dzsron3y7 swh-mirror_memcache replicated 1/1 memcached:latest
-wfbvf3yk6t41 swh-mirror_nginx replicated 1/1 nginx:latest *:5081->5081/tcp
-thtev7o0n6th swh-mirror_objstorage replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/base:latest
-ysgdoqshgd2k swh-mirror_prometheus replicated 1/1 prom/prometheus:latest
-u2mjjl91aebz swh-mirror_prometheus-statsd-exporter replicated 1/1 prom/statsd-exporter:latest
-xyf2xgt465ob swh-mirror_storage replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/base:latest
-su8eka2b5cbf swh-mirror_web replicated 1/1 softwareheritage/web:latest
-If everything is OK, you should have your mirror filling. Check docker logs:
-~/swh-docker$ docker service logs swh-mirror_graph-replayer
-~/swh-docker$ docker service logs --tail 100 --follow swh-mirror_graph-replayer
-## Content replayer
-Similarly, to run the content replayer:
-~/swh-docker$ cd conf
-~/swh-docker/conf$ cp content-replayer.yml.example content-replayer.yml
-~/swh-docker/conf$ # edit content-replayer.yml files
-~/swh-docker/conf$ cd ..
-Once you have properly edited the `conf/content-replayer.yml` config file, you can
-start these services with:
-~/swh-docker$ docker-composer \
- -f base-services.yml \
- -f content-replayer-override.yml \
- config > content-replayer.yml
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy \
- -c content-replayer.yml \
- swh-mirror
-## Full mirror
-Putting all together is just a matter of merging the 3 compose files:
-~/swh-docker$ docker-composer \
- -f base-services.yml \
- -f graph-replayer-override.yml \
- -f content-replayer-override.yml \
- config > mirror.yml
-~/swh-docker$ docker stack deploy \
- -c mirror.yml \
- swh-mirror
-## Scaling up services
-In order to scale up a replayer service, you can use the `docker scale` command. For example:
-~/swh-docker$ docker service scale swh_graph-replayer=4
-will start 4 copies of the graph replayer service.
-- One graph replayer service requires a steady 500MB to 1GB of RAM to run, so
- make sure you have properly sized machines for running these replayer
- containers, and to monitor these.
-- The overall bandwidth of the replayer will depend heavily on the
- `swh_storage` service, thus on the `swh_db-storage`. It will require some
- network bandwidth for the ingress kafka payload (this can easily peak to
- several hundreds of Mb/s). So make sure you have a correctly tuned database
- and enough network bw.
-- Biggest topics are the directory, revision and content.
+See the [main documentation about docker-based mirror

File Metadata

Mime Type
Nov 5 2024, 1:31 AM (8 w, 5 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline