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diff --git a/swh/vault/cookers/ b/swh/vault/cookers/
--- a/swh/vault/cookers/
+++ b/swh/vault/cookers/
@@ -15,6 +15,18 @@
It keeps a set of all written (or about-to-be-written) object hashes in memory
to avoid downloading and writing the same objects twice.
+The first step is the most complex. When swh-graph is available, this roughly does
+the following:
+1. Find all the revisions and releases in the induced subgraph, adds them to
+ todo-lists
+2. Grab a batch from (release/revision/directory/content) todo-lists, and load them.
+ Add directory and content objects they reference to the todo-list
+3. If any todo-list is not empty, goto 1
+When swh-graph is not available, steps 1 and 2 are merged, because revisions need
+to be loaded in order to compute the subgraph.
import datetime
@@ -90,6 +102,7 @@
self.obj_type = RootObjectType[]
def check_exists(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns whether the root object is present in the archive."""
if self.obj_type is RootObjectType.REVISION:
return not list([self.obj_id]))
elif self.obj_type is RootObjectType.DIRECTORY:
@@ -100,18 +113,23 @@
assert_never(self.obj_type, f"Unexpected root object type: {self.obj_type}")
def _push(self, stack: List[Sha1Git], obj_ids: Iterable[Sha1Git]) -> None:
+ """Adds all the given ``obj_ids`` to the given ``stack``, unless they are
+ already in ``self._seen``, and adds them to ``self._seen``."""
assert not isinstance(obj_ids, bytes)
revision_ids = [id_ for id_ in obj_ids if id_ not in self._seen]
def _pop(self, stack: List[Sha1Git], n: int) -> List[Sha1Git]:
+ """Removes ``n`` object from the ``stack`` and returns them."""
obj_ids = stack[-n:]
stack[-n:] = []
return obj_ids
def prepare_bundle(self):
- # Objects we will visit soon:
+ """Main entry point. Initializes the state, creates the bundle, and
+ sends it to the backend."""
+ # Objects we will visit soon (aka. "todo-lists"):
self._rel_stack: List[Sha1Git] = []
self._rev_stack: List[Sha1Git] = []
self._dir_stack: List[Sha1Git] = []
@@ -165,6 +183,7 @@
self.backend.set_progress(self.BUNDLE_TYPE, self.swhid, "Uploading bundle")
def init_git(self) -> None:
+ """Creates an empty :file:`.git` directory."""["git", "-C", self.gitdir, "init", "--bare"], check=True)
@@ -173,6 +192,7 @@
def create_object_dirs(self) -> None:
+ """Creates all possible subdirectories of :file:`.git/objects/`"""
# Create all possible dirs ahead of time, so we don't have to check for
# existence every time.
for byte in range(256):
@@ -182,7 +202,7 @@
def repack(self) -> None:
- # Add objects we wrote in a pack
+ """Moves all objects from :file:`.git/objects/` to a packfile."""
try:["git", "-C", self.gitdir, "repack", "-d"], check=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
@@ -192,6 +212,8 @@["git", "-C", self.gitdir, "prune-packed"], check=True)
def git_fsck(self) -> None:
+ """Runs git-fsck and ignores expected errors (eg. because of missing
+ objects)."""
proc =
["git", "-C", self.gitdir, "fsck"],
@@ -215,6 +237,9 @@
def write_refs(self, snapshot=None):
+ """Writes all files in :file:`.git/refs/`.
+ For non-snapshot objects, this is only ``master``."""
refs: Dict[bytes, bytes] # ref name -> target
if self.obj_type == RootObjectType.DIRECTORY:
# We need a synthetic revision pointing to the directory
@@ -268,19 +293,27 @@
def write_archive(self):
+ """Creates the final .tar file."""
with tarfile.TarFile(mode="w", fileobj=self.fileobj) as tf:
tf.add(self.gitdir, arcname=f"{self.swhid}.git", recursive=True)
def _obj_path(self, obj_id: Sha1Git):
+ """Returns the absolute path of file (in :file:`.git/objects/`) that will
+ contain the git object identified by the ``obj_id``."""
return os.path.join(self.gitdir, self._obj_relative_path(obj_id))
def _obj_relative_path(self, obj_id: Sha1Git):
+ """Same as :meth:`_obj_path`, but relative."""
obj_id_hex = hash_to_hex(obj_id)
directory = obj_id_hex[0:2]
filename = obj_id_hex[2:]
return os.path.join("objects", directory, filename)
def object_exists(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> bool:
+ """Returns whether the object identified by the given ``obj_id`` was already
+ written to a file in :file:`.git/object/`.
+ This function ignores objects contained in a git pack."""
return os.path.exists(self._obj_path(obj_id))
def write_object(self, obj_id: Sha1Git, obj: bytes) -> bool:
@@ -296,6 +329,12 @@
return True
def push_subgraph(self, obj_type: RootObjectType, obj_id) -> None:
+ """Adds graph induced by the given ``obj_id`` without recursing through
+ directories, to the todo-lists.
+ If swh-graph is not available, this immediately loads revisions, as they
+ need to be fetched in order to compute the subgraph, and fetching them
+ immediately avoids duplicate fetches."""
if self.obj_type is RootObjectType.REVISION:
elif self.obj_type is RootObjectType.DIRECTORY:
@@ -346,7 +385,11 @@
self.nb_loaded += len(content_ids)
def push_revision_subgraph(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
- """Fetches a revision and all its children, and writes them to disk"""
+ """Fetches the graph of revisions induced by the given ``obj_id`` and adds
+ them to ``self._rev_stack``.
+ If swh-graph is not available, this requires fetching the revisions themselves,
+ so they are directly loaded instead."""
loaded_from_graph = False
if self.graph:
@@ -389,7 +432,11 @@
self._walker_state = walker.export_state()
def push_snapshot_subgraph(self, obj_id: Sha1Git) -> None:
- """Fetches a snapshot and all its children, and writes them to disk"""
+ """Fetches a snapshot and all its children, excluding directories and contents,
+ and pushes them to the todo-lists.
+ Also loads revisions if swh-graph is not available, see
+ :meth:`push_revision_subgraph`."""
loaded_from_graph = False
if self.graph:
@@ -475,7 +522,7 @@
def load_revisions(self, obj_ids: List[Sha1Git]) -> None:
"""Given a list of revision ids, loads these revisions and their directories;
- but not their parent revisions."""
+ but not their parent revisions (ie. this is not recursive)."""
ret: List[Optional[Revision]] =
revisions: List[Revision] = list(filter(None, ret))
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Dec 21 2024, 8:39 PM (11 w, 4 d ago)
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D6675: git_bare: Fix and expand documentation
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