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diff --git a/mypy.ini b/mypy.ini
--- a/mypy.ini
+++ b/mypy.ini
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
ignore_missing_imports = True
+ignore_missing_imports = True
ignore_missing_imports = True
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Runtime dependencies
Django >= 1.11.0, < 2.0
djangorestframework >= 3.4.0
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
# Doc dependencies
diff --git a/swh/web/misc/ b/swh/web/misc/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/web/misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from base64 import b64encode
+from typing import cast, Optional
+from django.conf.urls import url
+from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
+from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpRequest
+from pybadges import badge
+from swh.model.exceptions import ValidationError
+from swh.model.identifiers import (
+ persistent_identifier, parse_persistent_identifier,
+from swh.web.common import service
+from swh.web.common.exc import BadInputExc, NotFoundExc
+from swh.web.common.utils import reverse, resolve_swh_persistent_id
+_orange = '#f36a24'
+_yellow = '#fac11f'
+_red = '#cd5741'
+_swh_logo_data = None
+_badge_config = {
+ 'color': _yellow,
+ 'title': 'Archived source file',
+ },
+ 'color': _yellow,
+ 'title': 'Archived source tree',
+ },
+ 'color': _orange,
+ 'title': 'Archived software repository',
+ },
+ 'color': _yellow,
+ 'title': 'Archived software release',
+ },
+ 'color': _yellow,
+ 'title': 'Archived commit',
+ },
+ 'color': _yellow,
+ 'title': 'Archived software repository snapshot',
+ },
+ 'error': {
+ 'color': _red,
+ 'title': 'An error occurred when generating the badge'
+ }
+def _get_logo_data() -> str:
+ """
+ Get data-URI for Software Heritage SVG logo to embed it in
+ the generated badges.
+ """
+ global _swh_logo_data
+ if _swh_logo_data is None:
+ swh_logo_path = cast(str, finders.find('img/swh-logo-white.svg'))
+ with open(swh_logo_path, 'rb') as swh_logo_file:
+ _swh_logo_data = ('data:image/svg+xml;base64,%s' %
+ b64encode('ascii'))
+ return _swh_logo_data
+def _swh_badge(request: HttpRequest, object_type: str, object_id: str,
+ object_pid: Optional[str] = '') -> HttpResponse:
+ """
+ Generate a Software Heritage badge for a given object type and id.
+ Args:
+ request: input http request
+ object_type: The type of swh object to generate a badge for,
+ either *content*, *directory*, *revision*, *release*, *origin*
+ or *snapshot*
+ object_id: The id of the swh object, either an url for origin
+ type or a *sha1* for other object types
+ object_pid: If provided, the object persistent
+ identifier will not be recomputed
+ Returns:
+ HTTP response with content type *image/svg+xml* containing the SVG
+ badge data. If the provided parameters are invalid, HTTP 400 status
+ code will be returned. If the object can not be found in the archive,
+ HTTP 404 status code will be returned.
+ """
+ left_text = 'error'
+ whole_link = ''
+ status = 200
+ try:
+ if object_type == ORIGIN:
+ service.lookup_origin({'url': object_id})
+ right_text = 'repository'
+ whole_link = reverse('browse-origin',
+ url_args={'origin_url': object_id})
+ else:
+ # when pid is provided, object type and id will be parsed
+ # from it
+ if object_pid:
+ parsed_pid = parse_persistent_identifier(object_pid)
+ object_type = parsed_pid.object_type
+ object_id = parsed_pid.object_id
+ swh_object = service.lookup_object(object_type, object_id)
+ if object_pid:
+ right_text = object_pid
+ else:
+ right_text = persistent_identifier(object_type, object_id)
+ whole_link = resolve_swh_persistent_id(right_text)['browse_url']
+ # remove pid metadata if any for badge text
+ if object_pid:
+ right_text = right_text.split(';')[0]
+ # use release name for badge text
+ if object_type == RELEASE:
+ right_text = 'release %s' % swh_object['name']
+ left_text = 'archived'
+ except (BadInputExc, ValidationError):
+ right_text = f'invalid {object_type if object_type else "object"} id'
+ status = 400
+ object_type = 'error'
+ except NotFoundExc:
+ right_text = f'{object_type if object_type else "object"} not found'
+ status = 404
+ object_type = 'error'
+ badge_data = badge(left_text=left_text,
+ right_text=right_text,
+ right_color=_badge_config[object_type]['color'],
+ whole_link=request.build_absolute_uri(whole_link),
+ whole_title=_badge_config[object_type]['title'],
+ logo=_get_logo_data(),
+ embed_logo=True)
+ return HttpResponse(badge_data, content_type='image/svg+xml',
+ status=status)
+def _swh_badge_pid(request: HttpRequest, object_pid: str) -> HttpResponse:
+ """
+ Generate a Software Heritage badge for a given object persistent
+ identifier.
+ Args:
+ request (django.http.HttpRequest): input http request
+ object_pid (str): A swh object persistent identifier
+ Returns:
+ django.http.HttpResponse: An http response with content type
+ *image/svg+xml* containing the SVG badge data. If any error
+ occurs, a status code of 400 will be returned.
+ """
+ return _swh_badge(request, '', '', object_pid)
+urlpatterns = [
+ url(r'^badge/(?P<object_type>[a-z]+)/(?P<object_id>.+)/$', _swh_badge,
+ name='swh-badge'),
+ url(r'^badge/(?P<object_pid>swh:[0-9]+:[a-z]+:[0-9a-f]+.*)/$',
+ _swh_badge_pid, name='swh-badge-pid'),
diff --git a/swh/web/misc/ b/swh/web/misc/
--- a/swh/web/misc/
+++ b/swh/web/misc/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
url(r'^jslicenses/$', _jslicenses, name='jslicenses'),
url(r'^', include('swh.web.misc.origin_save')),
url(r'^stat_counters', _stat_counters, name='stat-counters'),
+ url(r'^', include('swh.web.misc.badges')),
diff --git a/swh/web/settings/ b/swh/web/settings/
--- a/swh/web/settings/
+++ b/swh/web/settings/
@@ -43,12 +43,14 @@
- 'django_js_reverse'
+ 'django_js_reverse',
+ 'corsheaders'
+ 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware',
@@ -277,3 +279,6 @@
+CORS_URLS_REGEX = r'^/badge/.*$'
diff --git a/swh/web/static/img/swh-logo-white.svg b/swh/web/static/img/swh-logo-white.svg
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/web/static/img/swh-logo-white.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
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+ style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;font-stretch:normal;font-size:16px;font-family:'Alegreya SC';-inkscape-font-specification:'Alegreya SC Bold';fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75px;" /></text>
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new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swh/web/tests/misc/
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+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Software Heritage developers
+# See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution
+# License: GNU Affero General Public License version 3, or any later version
+# See top-level LICENSE file for more information
+from corsheaders.middleware import ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN
+from hypothesis import given
+from swh.model.identifiers import (
+ persistent_identifier,
+from swh.web.common import service
+from swh.web.common.utils import reverse, resolve_swh_persistent_id
+from swh.web.misc.badges import _badge_config, _get_logo_data
+from swh.web.tests.django_asserts import assert_contains
+from swh.web.tests.strategies import (
+ content, directory, origin, release, revision, snapshot,
+ unknown_content, unknown_directory, new_origin, unknown_release,
+ unknown_revision, unknown_snapshot, invalid_sha1
+def test_content_badge(client, content):
+ _test_badge_endpoints(client, CONTENT, content['sha1_git'])
+def test_directory_badge(client, directory):
+ _test_badge_endpoints(client, DIRECTORY, directory)
+def test_origin_badge(client, origin):
+ _test_badge_endpoints(client, ORIGIN, origin['url'])
+def test_release_badge(client, release):
+ _test_badge_endpoints(client, RELEASE, release)
+def test_revision_badge(client, revision):
+ _test_badge_endpoints(client, REVISION, revision)
+def test_snapshot_badge(client, snapshot):
+ _test_badge_endpoints(client, SNAPSHOT, snapshot)
+@given(unknown_content(), unknown_directory(), new_origin(),
+ unknown_release(), unknown_revision(), unknown_snapshot(),
+ invalid_sha1())
+def test_badge_errors(client, unknown_content, unknown_directory, new_origin,
+ unknown_release, unknown_revision, unknown_snapshot,
+ invalid_sha1):
+ for object_type, object_id in (
+ (CONTENT, unknown_content['sha1_git']),
+ (DIRECTORY, unknown_directory),
+ (ORIGIN, new_origin['url']),
+ (RELEASE, unknown_release),
+ (REVISION, unknown_revision),
+ (SNAPSHOT, unknown_snapshot)
+ ):
+ url_args = {
+ 'object_type': object_type,
+ 'object_id': object_id
+ }
+ url = reverse('swh-badge', url_args=url_args)
+ resp = client.get(url)
+ _check_generated_badge(resp, 404, **url_args)
+ if object_type != ORIGIN:
+ object_pid = persistent_identifier(object_type, object_id)
+ url = reverse('swh-badge-pid',
+ url_args={'object_pid': object_pid})
+ resp = client.get(url)
+ _check_generated_badge(resp, 404, **url_args)
+ for object_type, object_id in (
+ (CONTENT, invalid_sha1),
+ (DIRECTORY, invalid_sha1),
+ (RELEASE, invalid_sha1),
+ (REVISION, invalid_sha1),
+ (SNAPSHOT, invalid_sha1)
+ ):
+ url_args = {
+ 'object_type': object_type,
+ 'object_id': object_id
+ }
+ url = reverse('swh-badge', url_args=url_args)
+ resp = client.get(url)
+ _check_generated_badge(resp, 400, **url_args)
+ object_pid = f'swh:1:{object_type[:3]}:{object_id}'
+ url = reverse('swh-badge-pid',
+ url_args={'object_pid': object_pid})
+ resp = client.get(url)
+ _check_generated_badge(resp, 400, '', '')
+@given(origin(), release())
+def test_badge_endpoints_have_cors_header(client, origin, release):
+ url = reverse('swh-badge', url_args={'object_type': ORIGIN,
+ 'object_id': origin['url']})
+ resp = client.get(url, HTTP_ORIGIN='')
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+ release_pid = persistent_identifier(RELEASE, release)
+ url = reverse('swh-badge-pid', url_args={'object_pid': release_pid})
+ resp = client.get(url, HTTP_ORIGIN='')
+ assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content
+def _test_badge_endpoints(client, object_type, object_id):
+ url_args = {'object_type': object_type,
+ 'object_id': object_id}
+ url = reverse('swh-badge', url_args=url_args)
+ resp = client.get(url)
+ _check_generated_badge(resp, 200, **url_args)
+ if object_type != ORIGIN:
+ pid = persistent_identifier(object_type, object_id)
+ url = reverse('swh-badge-pid', url_args={'object_pid': pid})
+ resp = client.get(url)
+ _check_generated_badge(resp, 200, **url_args)
+def _check_generated_badge(response, status_code, object_type, object_id):
+ assert response.status_code == status_code, response.content
+ assert response['Content-Type'] == 'image/svg+xml'
+ if not object_type:
+ object_type = 'object'
+ if object_type == ORIGIN and status_code == 200:
+ link = reverse('browse-origin', url_args={'origin_url': object_id})
+ text = 'repository'
+ elif status_code == 200:
+ text = persistent_identifier(object_type, object_id)
+ link = resolve_swh_persistent_id(text)['browse_url']
+ if object_type == RELEASE:
+ release = service.lookup_release(object_id)
+ text = release['name']
+ elif status_code == 400:
+ text = 'error'
+ link = f'invalid {object_type} id'
+ object_type = 'error'
+ elif status_code == 404:
+ text = 'error'
+ link = f'{object_type} not found'
+ object_type = 'error'
+ assert_contains(response, '<svg ', status_code=status_code)
+ assert_contains(response, '</svg>', status_code=status_code)
+ assert_contains(response, _get_logo_data(), status_code=status_code)
+ assert_contains(response, _badge_config[object_type]['color'],
+ status_code=status_code)
+ assert_contains(response, _badge_config[object_type]['title'],
+ status_code=status_code)
+ assert_contains(response, text, status_code=status_code)
+ assert_contains(response, link, status_code=status_code)

File Metadata

Mime Type
Nov 5 2024, 3:18 PM (12 w, 4 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline